Home indoor flowers Twin towers in English. Ten years have passed, but questions remain .... Airplanes don't fly

Twin towers in English. Ten years have passed, but questions remain .... Airplanes don't fly

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September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001 is the most tragic hour in the history of the United States, this terror kamikaze attack was called a second Pearl Harbor.
This day of unspeakable horror for New York and the whole American nation, terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It was the deadliest assault on the U.S. in its history. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended.
The attacks involved four synchronized plane hijackings, two from Boston, one from Newark and one from Dulles International Airport in Washington. The planes crashed within 90 minutes one after another.
The responsibility for the attacks was placed on Osama Bin Laden, the exiled Saudi millionaire indicted in the U.S. on charges of masterminding the bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998. He is believed to be hiding in Afghanistan, with the help from the Taliban, Afghanistan Islamic organization.
The attack began at 8:51 a.m. when one of the hijacked planes slammed into the first World Trade Centre, one of the New York mightiest symbols. As hundreds of sirens wailed through the city towards the burning tower, some of the centre's 50,000 workers could be seen falling from the windows of the sky-scraper. They included a man and a woman holding hands. They were alive, one could see them screaming, falling and flailing in the air.
Then the next plane hit Tower 2, shortly after 9 a.m., and, in an instant, changed the way New York and the nation view its famous sense of invincibility. With thousands of workers still in the second World Trade Centre, the plane pierced the tower like a bullet, leaving a huge, fiery exit wound on the backside. About 10:30 a.m., the top of the second World Trade Center collapsed. Some minutes later, the second tower fell.
The whole, chilling moment was caught on videotape, providing a news clip that has already been repeated thousands of times on TV.
At 9:28 a.m., just as news of the twin attacks rippled across the city"s jammed phone lines, the third hijacked jet crashed into the Pentagon, the heart of America"s military complex, the building that was considered to be one of the most secure in the world. It was burning more than 6 hours after the plane crash.
Finally, the fourth hijacked aircraft crashed southwest of Pittsburg shortly after 10 a.m. with 45 passengers and crew aboard. All were dead. Several government sources suggested that the Pittsburg flight may have been brought down by a pilot winning a struggle with a terrorist.
The plane attacks rocked the nation like an earthquake. The whole country was seized with grief, disbelief, confusion and shock. Altogether, the four planes carried 266 people. The explosions had claimed the lives of more than 200 firefighters, about 100 police officers and emergency workers. The number of victims in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was horrific.

September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001 is considered the most tragic moment in the history of the United States. This attack by kamikaze terrorists has been called the second Pearl Harbor.
On this day of unspeakable horror for New York and the entire American nation, terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This was the deadliest attack on the United States in history. Thousands of lives were suddenly cut short.
The attack included four simultaneous aircraft hijackings, two from Boston, one from Newark, and one from Dallas International Airport in Washington. The planes crashed within 90 minutes one after the other.
Osama bin Laden, an exiled Saudi millionaire who was charged by the United States with the 1998 bombings of two US embassies in Africa, was blamed for the attack. It is believed that with the support of the Taliban - the Islamic organization of Afghanistan, he is hiding in Afghanistan.
The attack began at 8:51 am when one of the hijacked planes crashed into the first tower of the World Trade Center, one of New York's most powerful symbols. As hundreds of sirens swept through the city in the direction of the burning building, some of the mall's 50,000 employees could be seen jumping from the skyscraper's windows. Among them were a man and a woman holding hands. They were alive and could be seen screaming as they tumbled through the air as they fell. It was a terrible sight.
Then, at the beginning of ten in the morning, the next plane crashed through the second tower and, in an instant, the famous idea of ​​the invincibility of New York and the entire nation was destroyed. The tower, with thousands of workers inside the mall building, was pierced through by a plane like a bullet, leaving a huge trail of fire on the back of the building. Around 10.30 the upper part of the second tower collapsed. A few minutes later, the second building of the World Trade Center fell.
This horrific moment was completely filmed on videotape, thus creating a news clip that has already been shown thousands of times on television.
At 9:28 a.m., just as word of the attack on the Twin Towers spread through congested telephone lines, the third hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon, the center of the American military complex, a building that was considered one of the most secure in the world. It burned for more than 6 hours after the air raid.
Then the fourth hijacked airliner crashed southwest of Pittsburgh. There were 45 passengers and crew on board.
Some government sources suggest that the Pittsburgh landing was made by one of the pilots who won the fight against the terrorist.
The airstrikes rocked the nation like an earthquake. The whole country was gripped by grief, despair, confusion and shock. In total, 266 people died in air crashes. Explosions claimed the lives of more than 200 firefighters, about 100 police officers and rescuers. The death toll at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is appalling.


1. What happened on September 11, 2001?
2. Who was responsible for the attacks that involved four synchronized plane hijackings and thousands killed of lives?
3. Where is Osama Bin Laden believed to be hiding?
4. What was one of the New York mightiest symbols?
5. How did the terrorists scheme the assault?
6. What was the nation's reaction to the tragic events?


unspeakable - inexpressible
assault - attack, attack
to hijack - hijack a plane
to exile - exile, exile
to indict - accuse of a crime
to mastermind - secretly lead
to wail - yell, howl
sky-scraper 7- skyscraper
to provide - supply, deliver, provide
instant - instant
invincibility - invincibility
to pierce - ram, pierce
bullet - bullet
fiery - fiery, red-hot
jammed phone lines - overloaded telephone lines
military - military
crew - crew (ship, aircraft)
earthquake - earthquake
grief - grief
explosion - explosion
to seize - grab, grab, embrace

The Twin Towers: America's History, Pride and Tragedy

Buildings, like people, have something in common. Some live simple and invisible to most lives and, dying, remain in the memory of only their closest relatives. Others are in plain sight, admired or hated; at least many people know them. Dying, they remain a part of history, living in the minds of millions, even after leaving for eternity, influencing the living.

It was the second option that fate chose for the famous skyscrapers, the twin towers in New York. Blown up as a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, these buildings seem to continue to exist: everyone knows them, they are remembered, they continue to be replicated in thousands of photographs. They, in the end, in an elusive way still influence the life of a huge metropolis, and the United States as a whole.

Construction of the Twin Towers

Easy to build, hard to negotiate. Any building in the world, even a country house, is born not on a construction site, but in the minds of its creators. The World Trade Center in New York was no exception, the architectural and visual dominant of which were two skyscrapers, immediately called towers: North and South.

The idea of ​​building a grandiose complex was born in the USA during World War II. By 1944, it became clear that as a result of it, only one state remained in the Western world, which managed not only to maintain its economic power, but to significantly strengthen it, especially against the background of the destroyed Europe and Japan. America became this state. It did not take much intelligence to understand the simple truth: in the coming decades, the country will become a superpower and develop rapidly. And she will need a large financial and commercial complex.

But it took a long time before the idea began to turn into reality. There were two main reasons.

The first is the arms race that has flared up, the Cold War, which required colossal financial injections.

The second is the clash of economic interests of several influential US groups, as well as two states, New Jersey and New York. In addition, the construction of the Center assumed the emergence of new skyscrapers, exceeding in height the Empire State Building, the pride of the city, the tallest building in the world. The financial groups that controlled this building were not at all eager for the emergence of a formidable competitor.

And only by the beginning of the 60s all commercial, image and financial issues were settled. Not the last role in this was played by the Rockefeller brothers, David and Nelson. Using their influence, connections and money, the brothers began building the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan.

The entire complex, including the twin towers, was designed by several powerful design companies, but Minoru Yamasaki, a Japanese-American, was chosen as the lead architect, the father of the project.

Yamasaki, before starting work on this project, performed several serious works in different cities of the United States, although he was not among the most venerable professionals in the country. An adherent of Gothic modernism, strongly influenced by the architecture of Le Corbusier, the Japanese turned his attention to the small old twin towers in the Italian town of San Gimignano, taking them as a model for his task.

And the task of the master was simple: to make something where there would be 5 times more office space than in the Empire State Building. After going through several possible options, Yamasaki came to the final one: two slender towers with a square section, shaped like parallelepipeds.

The entire construction process can be divided into the following stages:

  • design: 1962 - 1965;
  • clearing and preparation of the area for construction - from March to August 1966;
  • August 1966 - the beginning of earthworks, excavation for the base of the towers;
  • installation of the last bearing element of buildings - December 1970 (North tower), July 1971 (South tower);
  • the grand opening of the complex - April 4, 1974.

At the end of the construction, the towers turned out to be the tallest buildings in the world, each with 110 floors. The upper mark of the South was 415 meters, the North was 2 meters higher, in addition, it was decorated with an antenna with a mark of 526.3 meters.

Among other things, the appearance of towers gave rise to a real skyscraper race that began in the world. Running a little ahead, we can say that on the site of the fallen "candles" the Americans built a new World Trade Center, which is crowned by the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. However, now it is only the fourth in a cohort of giant buildings.

The unusual face of the Twin Towers

Continuing the analogy we started, we can say that, like people, outstanding buildings also have their own records and unique life events. There are also Yamasaki towers. Here is some of them:

  • During the construction of buildings, deep 20-meter pits were dug to get to the “root” rock. The earth from the excavations was used for an artificial embankment, on which several buildings of the World Financial Center were subsequently built.
  • The towers are based on hundreds of large and small steel pipes, creating a special frame that is resistant to wind and seismic vibrations.
  • The facade of buildings is replete with a huge number of narrow windows with a width of only 56 cm. Yamasaki suffered from a fear of heights, and designed the windows so that any person, approaching the windowsill, could easily rest against the slopes of the window opening, which would give him a special sense of reliability.
  • Each of the towers had 103 elevators, 6 of which were freight. Some of the passenger elevators were high-speed, some were ordinary. To move from the first to the second, the platforms on the 44th and 78th floors were used.
  • Immediately after the towers were erected, they received derogatory criticism from the world's leading architects. The residents of the city did not like the buildings very much either. But gradually they got used to them and even began to be proud of them. Approximately the same fate was at the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
  • The first attempt to destroy the buildings was made in 1993. Then, in the garage of the North Tower, underground, they blew up a truck with more than half a ton of explosives.

In the end, the terrorists managed to blow up unusual buildings. But, having destroyed them, did they destroy the very idea, the human desire to conquer, to create something unusual? After all, it is in the very nature of man.

And, perhaps, the impudent Frenchman Philippe Petit said this very well, who in August 1974 managed to walk 8 times in a row (!) On a rope stretched between two towers, while dancing and even lying down: “Lying on the rope, I saw very close above a seagull. And I was reminded of the myth of Prometheus. Here, at this height, I invaded her space, proving that a person can be compared with a bird ... "

September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001 is the most tragic hour in the history of the United States, this terror kamikaze attack was called a second Pearl Harbor.

This day of unspeakable horror for New York and the whole American nation, terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It was the deadliest assault on the U.S. in its history. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended.

The attacks involved four synchronized plane hijackings, two from Boston, one from Newark and one from Dulles International Airport in Washington. The planes crashed within 90 minutes one after another.

The responsibility for the attacks was placed on Osama Bin Laden, the exiled Saudi millionaire indicted in the U.S. on charges of masterminding the bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998. He is believed to be hiding in Afghanistan, with the help from the Taliban, Afghanistan Islamic organization.

The attack began at 8:51 a.m. when one of the hijacked planes slammed into the first World Trade Centre, one of the New York mightiest symbols. As hundreds of sirens wailed through the city towards the burning tower, some of the centre's 50,000 workers could be seen falling from the windows of the sky-scraper. They included a man and a woman holding hands. They were alive, one could see them screaming, falling and flailing in the air.

Then the next plane hit Tower 2, shortly after 9 a.m., and, in an instant, changed the way New York and the nation view its famous sense of invincibility. With thousands of workers still in the second World Trade Centre, the plane pierced the tower like a bullet, leaving a huge, fiery exit wound on the backside. About 10:30 a.m., the top of the second World Trade Center collapsed. Some minutes later, the second tower fell.

The whole, chilling moment was caught on videotape, providing a news clip that has already been repeated thousands of times on TV.

At 9:28 a.m., just as news of the twin attacks rippled across the city"s jammed phone lines, the third hijacked jet crashed into the Pentagon, the heart of America"s military complex, the building that was considered to be one of the most secure in the world. It was burning more than 6 hours after the plane crash.

Finally, the fourth hijacked aircraft crashed southwest of Pittsburg shortly after 10 a.m. with 45 passengers and crew aboard. All were dead. Several government sources suggested that the Pittsburg flight may have been brought down by a pilot winning a struggle with a terrorist.

The plane attacks rocked the nation like an earthquake. The whole country was seized with grief, disbelief, confusion and shock. Altogether, the four planes carried 266 people. The explosions had claimed the lives of more than 200 firefighters, about 100 police officers and emergency workers. The number of victims in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was horrific.

September 11, 2001 is considered the most tragic moment in the history of the United States. This attack by kamikaze terrorists has been called the second Pearl Harbor.

On this day of unspeakable horror for New York and the entire American nation, terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This was the deadliest attack on the United States in history. Thousands of lives were suddenly cut short.

The attack included four simultaneous aircraft hijackings, two from Boston, one from Newark, and one from Dallas International Airport in Washington. The planes crashed within 90 minutes one after the other.

Osama bin Laden, an exiled Saudi millionaire who was charged by the United States with the 1998 bombings of two US embassies in Africa, was blamed for the attack. It is believed that with the support of the Taliban - the Islamic organization of Afghanistan, he is hiding in Afghanistan.

The attack began at 8:51 am when one of the hijacked planes crashed into the first tower of the World Trade Center, one of New York's most powerful symbols. As hundreds of sirens swept through the city in the direction of the burning building, some of the mall's 50,000 employees could be seen jumping from the skyscraper's windows. Among them were a man and a woman holding hands. They were alive and could be seen screaming as they tumbled through the air as they fell. It was a terrible sight.

Then, at the beginning of ten in the morning, the next plane crashed through the second tower and, in an instant, the famous idea of ​​the invincibility of New York and the entire nation was destroyed. The tower, with thousands of workers inside the mall building, was pierced through by a plane like a bullet, leaving a huge trail of fire on the back of the building. Around 10.30 the upper part of the second tower collapsed. A few minutes later, the second building of the World Trade Center fell.

This horrific moment was completely filmed on videotape, thus creating a news clip that has already been shown thousands of times on television.

At 9:28 a.m., just as word of the attack on the Twin Towers spread through congested telephone lines, the third hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon, the center of the American military complex, a building that was considered one of the most secure in the world. It burned for more than 6 hours after the air raid.

Then the fourth hijacked airliner crashed southwest of Pittsburgh. There were 45 passengers and crew on board.
Some government sources suggest that the Pittsburgh landing was made by one of the pilots who won the fight against the terrorist.

The airstrikes rocked the nation like an earthquake. The whole country was gripped by grief, despair, confusion and shock. In total, 266 people died in air crashes. Explosions claimed the lives of more than 200 firefighters, about 100 police officers and rescuers. The death toll at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is appalling.


1. What happened on September 11, 2001?
2. Who was responsible for the attacks that involved four synchronized plane hijackings and thousands killed of lives?
3. Where is Osama Bin Laden believed to be hiding?
4. What was one of the New York mightiest symbols?
5. How did the terrorists scheme the assault?
6. What was the nation's reaction to the tragic events?


unspeakable - inexpressible
assault - attack, attack
to hijack - hijack a plane
to exile - exile, exile
to indict - accuse of a crime
to mastermind - secretly lead
to wail - yell, howl
sky-scraper 7- skyscraper
to provide - supply, deliver, provide
instant - instant
invincibility - invincibility
to pierce - ram, pierce
bullet - bullet
fiery - fiery, red-hot
jammed phone lines - overloaded telephone lines
military - military
crew - crew (ship, aircraft)
earthquake - earthquake
grief - grief
explosion - explosion
to seize - grab, grab, embrace

September 11, 2001 is the most tragic hour in the history of the United States, this terror kamikaze attack was called a second Pearl Harbor.

This day of unspeakable horror for New York and the whole American nation, terrorists crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. It was the deadliest assault on the U.S. in its history. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended.

The attacks involved four synchronized plane hijackings, two from Boston, one from Newark and one from Dulles International Airport in Washington. The planes crashed within 90 minutes one after another.

The responsibility for the attacks was placed on Osama Bin Laden, the exiled Saudi millionaire indicted in the U.S. on charges of masterminding the bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa in 1998. He is believed to be hiding in Afghanistan, with the help from the Taliban, Afghanistan Islamic organization.

The attack began at 8:51 a.m. when one of the hijacked planes slammed into the first World Trade Centre, one of the New York mightiest symbols. As hundreds of sirens wailed through the city towards the burning tower, some of the centre's 50,000 workers could be seen falling from the windows of the sky-scraper. They included a man and a woman holding hands. They were alive, one could see them screaming, falling and flailing in the air.

Then the next plane hit Tower 2, shortly after 9 a.m., and, in an instant, changed the way New York and the nation view its famous sense of invincibility. With thousands of workers still in the second World Trade Centre, the plane pierced the tower like a bullet, leaving a huge, fiery exit wound on the backside. About 10:30 a.m., the top of the second World Trade Center collapsed. Some minutes later, the second tower fell.

The whole, chilling moment was caught on videotape, providing a news clip that has already been repeated thousands of times on TV.

At 9:28 a.m., just as news of the twin attacks rippled across the city"s jammed phone lines, the third hijacked jet crashed into the Pentagon, the heart of America"s military complex, the building that was considered to be one of the most secure in the world. It was burning more than 6 hours after the plane crash.

Finally, the fourth hijacked aircraft crashed southwest of Pittsburg shortly after 10 a.m. with 45 passengers and crew aboard. All were dead. Several government sources suggested that the Pittsburg flight may have been brought down by a pilot winning a struggle with a terrorist.

The plane attacks rocked the nation like an earthquake. The whole country was seized with grief, disbelief, confusion and shock. Altogether, the four planes carried 266 people. The explosions had claimed the lives of more than 200 firefighters, about 100 police officers and emergency workers. The number of victims in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was horrific.

Translation of the text: September 11, 2001 - September 11, 2001

September 11, 2001 is considered the most tragic moment in the history of the United States. This attack by kamikaze terrorists has been called the second Pearl Harbor.

On this day of unspeakable horror for New York and the entire American nation, terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This was the deadliest attack on the United States in history. Thousands of lives were suddenly cut short.

The attack included four simultaneous aircraft hijackings, two from Boston, one from Newark, and one from Dallas International Airport in Washington. The planes crashed within 90 minutes one after the other.

Osama bin Laden, an exiled Saudi millionaire who was charged by the United States with the 1998 bombings of two US embassies in Africa, was blamed for the attack. It is believed that with the support of the Taliban - the Islamic organization of Afghanistan, he is hiding in Afghanistan.

The attack began at 8:51 am when one of the hijacked planes crashed into the first tower of the World Trade Center, one of New York's most powerful symbols. As hundreds of sirens swept through the city in the direction of the burning building, some of the mall's 50,000 employees could be seen jumping from the skyscraper's windows. Among them were a man and a woman holding hands. They were alive and could be seen screaming as they tumbled through the air as they fell. It was a terrible sight.

Then, at the beginning of ten in the morning, the next plane crashed through the second tower and, in an instant, the famous idea of ​​the invincibility of New York and the entire nation was destroyed. The tower, with thousands of workers inside the mall building, was pierced through by a plane like a bullet, leaving a huge trail of fire on the back of the building. Around 10.30 the upper part of the second tower collapsed. A few minutes later, the second building of the World Trade Center fell.

This horrific moment was completely filmed on videotape, thus creating a news clip that has already been shown thousands of times on television.

At 9:28 a.m., just as word of the attack on the Twin Towers spread through congested telephone lines, the third hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon, the center of the American military complex, a building that was considered one of the most secure in the world. It burned for more than 6 hours after the air raid.

Then the fourth hijacked airliner crashed southwest of Pittsburgh. There were 45 passengers and crew on board.
Some government sources suggest that the Pittsburgh landing was made by one of the pilots who won the fight against the terrorist.

The airstrikes rocked the nation like an earthquake. The whole country was gripped by grief, despair, confusion and shock. In total, 266 people died in air crashes. Explosions claimed the lives of more than 200 firefighters, about 100 police officers and rescuers. The death toll at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is appalling.

This picture went around the Internet: a man on the roof of one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York on the morning of September 11, 2001 poses against the backdrop of a Boeing flying up to the tower. Such a "sur" was invented and molded in "photoshop".

Naturally, there can be no question of any real surviving photograph taken at this place on this day! However, it is highly significant that even a genuine tragedy that claimed the lives of hundreds of Americans is an occasion for provocative photomontages. And the reason for this is simple - people do not believe the official version of the events of September 11 and, as best they can, express their attitude towards it.

September 11, 2011 marks exactly ten years since that tragic morning, when at about 9 o'clock two passenger planes crashed into the towers of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York with an interval of several minutes. The first ram was seen only by a few citizens, whose eyes for some reason were directed to the upper floors of one of the towers. The second ram was seen by the whole world, because after the first strike, many television cameras from all over New York were directed at the towers.

According to the official version, the attacks were organized by the al-Qaeda extremist organization led by Osama bin Laden. According to this version, on that day, four groups of terrorists with a total number of 19 people hijacked four scheduled passenger aircraft. Each group had at least one person with flight training. The attackers sent two airliners to the buildings of the World Trade Center in New York: an American Airlines flight to the WTC-1 tower, and a United Airlines flight to the WTC-2 tower. As a result of collisions with airliners, both skyscrapers collapsed. A third plane (an American Airlines flight) crashed into the Pentagon in Washington. The fourth plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

In these notes, bowing our heads to the memory of the dead, we will focus on facts that have not been refuted since then, and which call into question the official version of events. It is in memory of the dead that the people of the Earth must find out the truth, otherwise public opinion will remain the suspicion formed in the first days after the tragedy that everyone was simply cynically killed for the sake of ...

And this is what our story will be about.

Just a few minutes after the attack on the twin towers, American television began to broadcast information that al-Qaeda, led by Bin Laden, was behind the attacks. Recall that this "iron" official version in the very first days was supported by such irrefutable evidence as the discovery of the passport of one of the terrorist hijackers in the ruins of the collapsed buildings of the World Trade Center. That is, everything burned down and turned to dust, except for this passport ...

So, in order not to waste time on walking on false tracks that were left by someone in large numbers, let's turn to professional estimates. For example, in order to know for sure whether Bin Laden organized this terrorist attack or not, it is enough to ask the FBI. Do you think it's unrealistic? But we suggest, for example, to refer to the website of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Those American citizens who bothered to look there, apparently, are very surprised when they look at the photograph of the ex-“terrorist number one”, which has been hanging on the site for ten years, and read the text attached to it.

Now this photo of Bin Laden is accompanied by the inscription "died". But something else is interesting - the attached text of the FBI does not say a word about the guilt of the former "terrorist number one" in the events of September 11, 2001. It says the following: “Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.”

Translated into Russian, this text looks like this: “Osama bin Laden is wanted in connection with the bombings of the US embassies in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Nairobi (Kenya) on August 7, 1998. More than 200 people were killed in these attacks. In addition, bin Laden is suspected of other terrorist attacks around the world."

So what do you think after that? The FBI either does not remember what happened in the USA on September 11, 2001 (which is impossible to imagine), or ... (sic!) Do not consider Bin Laden involved in these events. Indirectly, this version was confirmed by French TV, when it showed a story about Bin Laden after the announcement by the Americans of his liquidation in early May of this year. Then this story was duplicated on the Euronews channel, but neither the French nor Euronews said a word about Bin Laden's involvement in the events of September 11...

Then, if the participation of "terrorist number one" in the events of September 11 is not confirmed, why was it necessary to assure the Americans and the whole world that it was Bin Laden who sent planes to the twin towers? Why shift this heavy blame on him - almost three thousand people died? Apparently, to send everyone on the wrong track.

I already had to write about the fact that if someone shouts: “Everyone look there!”, Then you need to look directly in the opposite direction, where the most interesting thing happens.

But what happened there?

No plane - there is a problem

According to the official version, it was carried out by a terrorist-hijacked Boeing 757-200 of American Airlines Flight 77 at 9:38 am. But ... the capture of this board was never proven, and later there were rumors that a cruise missile crashed into the Pentagon building.

But the clip released by someone raises so many questions that even now, 10 years later, it has not dispelled doubts, and the fact remains that there is no clear explanation from the American authorities regarding this attack on the Pentagon.

Only a few photographs remain, taken in the first minutes after the Pentagon explosion in hot pursuit. They shed light on its consequences. Pictures appeared on the Internet in the early 2000s, but over time, someone purposefully erased them from many sites. Truth is, that's the power of the Web! - it has become simply impossible to hide the awl in the bag. Now you will get acquainted with photographs that give rise to many questions regarding the official version that claims that a passenger Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon.

For example, here is a photograph of the destruction of the facade of the Pentagon, taken a short time after the explosion - it is clear that the flames have not yet been extinguished. Do you see fragments of about 100 tons of metal, including engines, wings and tail, from a Boeing anywhere?

And in this picture you see a huge hole made by the Boeing 757, which allegedly crashed through the wall of the Pentagon and disappeared inside the building without leaving any trace.

What happened to the wings of the Boeing? Presumably, the wings, along with the engines attached to them, should have come off when they collided with parts of the building (to the left and right of the hole in the wall), and at the same time, a lot of fragments of the wings and tail should have been on the lawn in front of the Pentagon. Do you see any debris in the picture?

And here, the real dimensions of the Boeing are superimposed on a photograph of the explosion site in the Pentagon wall.

And one more question: according to various reports, from 56 to 64 passengers and crew members were on board the Boeing. If this plane crashed into the Pentagon, then what happened to the bodies? With passengers' luggage? No traces found. In any plane crash, there are corpses (even if they are badly burned). And here they are not!

So who blew up the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, 2001? The truthful answer to this question can lead to the real causes of the events of that day. After all, it is difficult to assume that the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, which occurred almost simultaneously, are not connected with each other and are just a coincidence.

Do planes fly by themselves?

“The twin towers in New York were designed to withstand a collision with a Boeing ... If even one of the towers collapsed, it would be amazing, but then both fell at once,” says The World Trade Center Demolition investigation and the So-Called War on Terrorism."

Its authors note that both towers collapsed quickly (in fact, at the speed of free fall), neatly and symmetrically (without hitting the surrounding buildings in the financial district of Manhattan); that they collapsed completely, turning into debris, ash and clouds of dust (even without the remains of massive central vertical steel columns) just as a result of the impact of aircraft and the subsequent fire, is unbelievable!

The authors of the report scrupulously, tediously, step by step, analyze and comment on the official version, which tells how 19 Arab hijackers acted on September 11, 2001 "with military coherence and accuracy":

They crushed the resistance of the stewardesses,

Got into the cabin

Defeated the pilots, none of whom, including former military, could resist the hijackers, armed only with knives for cutting cardboard,

They took control of the planes

We flew to the targets with the brilliance of an excellent navigator, easily navigating in the American sky,

They flew with the skill of a trained military pilot - according to the official version given in the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune (2001-10-17), the American Airlines Boeing 757, which "crashed into the Pentagon", performed a descent over Washington 7,000 feet while simultaneously turning 270 degrees at 500 miles per hour (!),

We met absolutely no obstacles from the US Air Force, responsible for protecting the airspace of the capital and New York,

Hit your targets

And they died.

The admiring public was informed through the media that the complex maneuvers to control the liners were performed by Arab pilots. The chief flight instructor of Bowie's Maryland Freeway Airport spoke well about one of them, where the "Arab terrorist" shortly before the events of September 11 studied the basics of pilot art. So, the instructor called him "incapable of self-piloting" even a single-engine Cessna-172 “due to lack of piloting skills.” “Is there anything suspicious about this?” - the authors of the investigation cited by us are interested.

Not trusting the official version, they stubbornly go their own way. And he leads them to very unusual conclusions. Already in October 2001, articles appeared, where there are suggestions about what really happened. One of the articles was written by (possibly a pseudonym) Carol Valentine (Carol Valentine): "Operation 911: there were no kamikaze pilots." This article pointed to the possibility of remote control of large jet aircraft and was removed from the Web a little later.

But, as Woland argued, "Manuscripts don't burn!" So over time, confirmation has surfaced that ... the technology for remote control of airliners exists (!). It was developed by Northrop Grumman to control the American unmanned military aircraft "Global Hawk" (with a wingspan, by the way, like a Boeing 737). “Since it’s possible to remotely control this drone, couldn’t the planes that crashed into the twin towers also be remotely controlled?” - puts a reasonable question Carol Valentine.

We add on our own that today the use of drones does not surprise anyone. But ten years ago they were looked at with surprise - how can this thing fly without a pilot? ..

Another article discussing the possibility of remote control of Boeings was written at the same time by Joe Vialls (Joe Vialls) in the article: "Targeting: Electronic hijacking to attack the World Trade Center." He tells how, in the mid-1970s, two American corporations collaborated with the Advanced Defense Projects Agency (DARPA) on a system designed to remotely intercept hijacked aircraft.

In those years, planes were hijacked by everyone who was not lazy - both the Palestinians, who went to certain death in order to win their cause, and pure psychos who endangered the lives of passengers and crews. But there were also terrorists among the hijackers who killed crew members for the sake of hijacking an aircraft to other countries, where their crimes would be covered by an "independent court", and they themselves would go unpunished.

I want to remind here that on October 15, 1970, trying to prevent the hijacking of the An-24 aircraft (USSR-46256 board), flying on flight No. 244 Batumi-Sukhumi-Krasnodar, Nadezhda Kurchenko, a flight attendant of the Sukhumi squadron, died trying to prevent the hijacking of the aircraft by terrorists by father and son Brazinskas . When journalist Ruta Grinevičiūtė (LNK TV channel) interviewed Pranas Brazinskas in the United States a few years later, this nonhuman said (literally) about the murder of a flight attendant that he had killed "because she got in his way." I emphasize that not a single “democratic” country through which the killer traveled for permanent residence in the United States brought him to justice!

In the meantime, the authors of the study of the events of September 11 were forced to state: “The new technology of“ interception ”allowed ground specialists to completely take control of the computerized flight control system of the hijacked aircraft at a distance. Starting from the moment of interception, regardless of the wishes of the hijackers or the crew, the hijacked aircraft could be returned and landed automatically at any airfield as simply as a radio-controlled model.

Fiction? Here is a historical fact. On December 1, 1984, a Boeing 720 took off from Edwards Air Force Base (USA). For 16 hours and 22 minutes, he flew by remote control with dummies in the passenger seats. Made more than a dozen takeoffs and landings. The flight ended with a deliberate crash of the liner ... They say that "for the purposes of the experiment."

How nice it would be if this technology of intercepting the control of an airliner saved at least one living soul! But today, remembering Nadya Kurchenko and other victims of air terror, let us be aware that even the best deed can sprout completely unkind fruits. The authors of the cited investigation directly raise the question of whether this system was used to control from the ground the planes that attacked the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001?

sincere confession

No, you will not read here the confession of those who are aware of the details of the organization of the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, as a result of which hundreds of American citizens were killed (and in the USA, an electric chair is intended for the murder of one citizen). This confession is one of a series of studies that have been growing year by year, both by the Americans themselves and by people from other countries who WANT TO KNOW what happened on that tragic morning. In this civil protest against the official version, there is a minimum of conspiracy theories and a maximum of the will of citizens to know the TRUTH. People are NOT INDIFFERENT!

Here are some results of numerous PRIVATE investigations:

What pushes ordinary citizens to search for the truth? Here is the confession of Valentina Buckmaster. She writes from the States in How I Was Programmed:

“The facts are not difficult to find, it is difficult to separate them from the false packaging ... But there are also undeniable facts. They are:

1. On Monday, September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld made a statement about the loss of 2.3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon funds. Traditionally, the government delivers "bad news" on Fridays so that everything is forgotten or lost its edge. Did Rumsfeld accidentally break with tradition? Was it by chance that the very next day that part of the Pentagon was destroyed, where there were computers with materials on which the investigation was carried out? According to the results of the inspection of the Inspector General, the army was unable to account for 25% of the funds spent. After the “terrorist attack”, debts were forgotten forever.

2. In New York, terrorists attacked precisely those high-rise buildings, in the basements of which there were storages of precious metals. Before the attack, the underground vaults of the World Trade Center held $960 million worth of gold and silver bars, according to Times Online. As a result of rescue operations in November 2001, only $230 million worth of precious metals were found there. Found under strange circumstances: the gold was in Brinks armored heavy trucks in a tunnel under a shopping mall. To the questions: “Why was there gold in cars? Who, when and where took out the contents of the vault?” - The government does not answer. Everything was hushed up and attributed to terrorists.

3. An analysis of reports on trading transactions in the securities market indicates that increased speculative activity began on the stock exchange three days before the attack ... Activity increased by 1200%! ”, Valentina Bakmaster reports her findings.

Viktor Fridman sorts out this activity on the stock exchange. He gives interesting facts in his book 9/11: A View to a Kill. This expert writes:

“One of the main clues is very atypical, if not suspicious, activity on the stock market in the run-up to the events of September 11, 2001.

First of all, the shares of companies directly related to these events and their direct consequences reacted: these are United Airlines and American Airlines; Insurance companies; firms located in the World Trade Center; as well as manufacturers of weapons and ammunition, which were used in the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Airlines. The value of United Airlines shares after September 11 fell from $30.82 to $17.50 - more than 43%. Shares of American Airlines fell from $29.70 to $18.00, almost 40%.

The Associated Press reported on September 18, 2001 that 4,744 put options were purchased on September 6 and 7 against United Airlines' 396 call options. This ratio is 12:1.

In the days leading up to September 11, purposeful activity on the stock exchange clearly makes it clear that some people knew very well about the impending "acts of terror," Viktor Fridman writes bluntly.

Here we make a digression from quoting this text and explain what the exchange terms used by Viktor Fridman mean.

An option is a financial contract that gives the right to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price, called a premium, in the future.

A put option is the right to sell or refuse to sell an asset.

"Call option" (call option) - the right to buy an asset or refuse to buy it.

In simple terms, if someone expects a fall in the value of an asset, then he buys a “put option”, and this gives a profit in the event that the asset subsequently falls below a certain level. If someone expects an increase in the value of an asset, he buys a “call option” on it. "Put" - income from falling, "call" - income from growth.

Now back to Victor Friedman's research.

“On September 10, American Airlines bought 4,516 puts against 748 calls, which is 6:1. In addition, 27,294 Boeing put options were purchased on September 7, more than five times the 2001 daily average.

No other airline has seen such activity before.

The Wall Street Journal writes on October 2, 2001 that on the eve of the terrorist attacks, five-year treasury notes were bought in unusually large quantities, which after September 11 greatly appreciated - five-year treasury notes are the best investment in the event of a global crisis, especially if it affects the United States.

It is obvious that someone had insider information about the impending terrorist attacks and got rich on it. According to some estimates, the total amount of profit received from such transactions amounted to 10 to 15 billion dollars! ”- writes Victor Fridman.

Someone will think: “Viktor Friedman is a phantom. There is no such person! Why should he expose himself and lay out everything he said. However, a few days ago, Viktor Fridman himself, and even together with the former head of the Russian bureau of Interpol, Vladimir Ovchinsky, well-known from many television programs, spoke in Komsomolskaya Pravda on the topic of September 11th. And Friedman said the following:

“In two liners that flew into the World Trade Center, I think there were no people at all ... They hit the Pentagon with a rocket, which means that there were also no passengers.

KP: - And what about the official lists of victims on 4 liners?

Friedman: - Firstly, there are inconsistencies with them, I checked it myself. There are 200 people. Perhaps some were front men for government organizations, the FBI, NASA, the CIA. …I think a very limited number of people knew EVERYTHING.”

A number of other researchers of the 9/11 tragedy come to the same conclusions. Here is an extract from the results of their work, which begins with the words: “The following is an attempt to summarize the statements of Dick Eastman, Tom Flocco, V.K. Durham, Karl Schwarz , combined in the article by E.P. Heidner (E.P. Heidner) dated June 28, 2008. So what is this “below” about?

“The original official definition of events as a “terrorist attack” makes it difficult to identify a specific pattern. If, however, we consider the destruction of the World Trade Center, part of the Pentagon, four commercial aircraft and the death of 2993 people not as a “terrorist attack”, but as a crime with specific goals, then in the scheme of destruction not only of buildings, but also of certain offices inside each building, one can see convincing logic.

If an attack on the Office of Naval Intelligence at the Pentagon (exactly the part of the US military building where the explosion occurred - S.F.) was not an accident, it is reasonable to assume that the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center and the bombs that numerous witnesses reported exploded inside the WTC buildings No. 1, 6 and 7, on the basement of the towers and in the storage of the World Trade Center , were also deliberate targets.

What connected these goals? The destruction of the contents of the World Trade Center basement - the disappearance of about a billion worth of gold and more than hundreds of billions of dollars worth of government bonds? Why were specific brokerage houses among the large brokerage houses in the twin towers dealing with government securities destroyed? To create chaos in the government securities market? Or is it to create a situation where you can electronically clear $240 billion of secret bonds without asking questions?”

Do you understand what LEVEL these questions are?

I emphasize: "We do not affirm anything, we raise questions." Remember this refrain from the famous movie "Memories of the Future"? This film about extraterrestrial civilizations that visited our planet, although it went to cinemas forty years ago, made such an indelible impression on most viewers that it is still remembered. At the same time, this approach to the subject of research manifested itself: the authors of the film did not state anything - they posed questions.

This is how we raise questions, involving authoritative experts in this process. One must understand what is happening if people write in plain text: “Humanity is being instilled that on September 11, 2001, the terrorist attack changed the world forever. In fact, the world was changed by an unprecedented financial attack, which, among the blood, pain and fear, the layman did not immediately notice.

For some time now, in the expert community, divided not even into two, but into many camps according to the number of participants in the discussions, arguments that do not fit into the worldview of counterparties are immediately classified as “conspiracy theories”. In this regard, I must remind what there is“conspiracy theory”, at least at the level of an explanatory dictionary: “Conspiracy theory (from the English conspiracy theory, also known as conspiracy theory) is a set of hypotheses showing a vital (socially significant) event (series of events).” Here is one of the most popular interpretations of this term on the Internet. The beauty is that everyone can find in it motives close to the soul. The second part is closer to me - about the "set of hypotheses." About them and talk.

The famous Italian publicist Giulietto Chiesa says this:

“My conclusions are as follows. The September 11 attacks changed the course of history. An endless war has begun. It is used by the US to maintain its dominance on the planet. Those who organized it realized that America had entered a period of crisis in its historical development. Even in some places in the West, her leadership began to be questioned. And a group of Washington "hawks" decided that it was necessary to move on to the forceful defense of their interests. And, at the same time, once again rally the West under the Stars and Stripes flag. It was then that they needed a staging in which America would act as a victim, and the whole world would feel a sense of solidarity towards it.

“Already in the first months after the events of September 11, the financial and economic aspects of the coming redivision of the world began to emerge. It became clear that one of the main goals of the “big redistribution” would be Washington’s taking full control of the “Greater Middle East”, as one of the key energy resource regions in the 21st century, determining the future of the world in the face of an impending shortage of energy resources,” wrote Vladislav Shurygin for four years (!) before the start of the "Arab spring" in 2011. Smart people knew everything in advance ...

There are few conclusions from what has been said - look around

There is an eloquent precedent in history that gives reason to look at the demolition of the twin towers with different eyes. In 1945, a B-25 bomber crashed into the Empire State Building in New York. But the building did not move. In other words, the destruction of the towers as a result of "9/11" is a unique case in the world practice, which, according to many researchers, is suspicious.

Surprisingly, thanks to the Internet, the inhabitants of the Earth have found a source of universal information. Whoever seeks the truth there will go his own way to it; who wants to find entertainment there - and he will be "gifted" with this boon. Truly, "to each his own".

For example, this.

In one of Pakistan's central newspapers, The Nation, in the article "The Demon of Al-Qaeda", Pakistani Police Inspector General Ghulam Asghar Khan, describing in detail the history of the emergence of Al-Qaeda and the role of the CIA in this, writes: Al-Qaeda has become for the US justification for an endless war on terror. It is part of the US global policy of launching 9/11-like sham attacks that give Washington an excuse to intervene to "save and protect" the global community from a rampant terrorism that was actually created by the United States itself."






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