Home perennial flowers Distribute your possessions and follow me. Christ and the rich young man. Shmch. Peter of Damascus

Distribute your possessions and follow me. Christ and the rich young man. Shmch. Peter of Damascus

Sell ​​me that pen is the question that is asked of new recruits who are interviewing. This is a standard technique that is very effective. Within a minute or two, a recruiting agent (well, or who conducts interviews there?) will be able to understand whether the candidate is suitable. People's reactions to this question are as follows:

  1. The first category of people are lost and do not understand what to do. They were caught off guard and have no idea what to say or how to sell this fucking pen (sorry for the jargon).
  2. The second category of candidates is using type template expressions: this is a very good pen that will never let you down. The ink is of high quality, the pen itself is of high quality and reliable! Buy it and you won't regret it for sure.
  3. The third category is creative and creative individuals who eventually get a job. Their answers to questions like “sell me a pen” are unconventional and original. They make even the most experienced recruiting agents who have heard a variety of versions admire.

A simple example?

Understand the essence: in order to sell a pen to a person, first of all, he must be motivated to buy, i.e. you should be willing to buy it. Here is a simple example:

- sell me this pen (a recruitment agent will tell you and at the same time he will definitely offer his pen - you will have to sell it);

(here you need to motivate him to buy)

- Good. Will you give me your autograph? (tell you)

- Yes, but I don’t have a pen (the interlocutor will answer. He gave it to you, after all).

- then buy mine (you will answer and offer the subject of trade).

Your interlocutor will have no choice but to buy a pen, because he promised to give you an autograph.

Here is a simple example - a video from the wonderful film "The Wolf of Wall Street" (I recommend watching it):

It is this method that is very effective at the moment, but in reality, sooner or later it will become hackneyed.

Another example of selling a pen at an interview

The big boss was recruiting a young man. As expected, he asked to sell him a pen. This was a very cool pen (most likely a valuable gift), expensive and with a gold lining.

The candidate naturally agreed. He tried to praise her and offer her in various ways to the boss, but he refused, explaining his position by the fact that he already had a pen.

- well, if you don’t want to buy, you don’t need to, - the young man answered;

- you quickly gave up, - the chief answered;

- then it's time for me to leave (gets up and leaves), - the candidate answers;

- wait!, - the chief shouts - you have to give me my pen;

Yeah, I see you've changed your mind. You're in luck, I already agree to sell the pen at half price;

Stop joking, I need my pen! Get her back now. Otherwise, I'll call the guards;

- take it. But keep in mind: I was able to motivate you - the young man answered, gave the pen and left.

The boss thought for a while and realized that this was the best candidate he had ever interviewed. Later, it was he who got the job.

Instead of conclusions

In order to sell a pen at an interview, you need to motivate the interlocutor to buy. The easiest way to do this is to ask for an autograph or do as the young man did. There is no point in praising her corny - this is not what recruiting agents are waiting for. Preference is given to people who were able to show creativity and ingenuity.

Gospel of Luke, chapter 18

118 And one of the leaders asked him: Good teacher! what should I do to inherit eternal life?
19 Jesus said to him, Why do you call me good? none is good but God alone;
20 you know the commandments: do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and your mother.
21 And he said, All this I have kept from my youth.
22 When Jesus heard this, he said to him, There is one more thing you lack: sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow me.
23 And when he heard this, he was saddened, because he was very rich.
24 Jesus, seeing that he was sad, said, How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!
25 For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
26 Those who heard this said, Who then can be saved?
27 But He said, What is impossible with men is possible with God.

Text comprehension questions

Why is it difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God?
What's wrong with greed?
What is good about non-possessiveness?
Why does Christ tell the young man, after the distribution of the estate, to come and follow Him?
Is it possible to follow Christ without giving away property?

Questions to connect with life

Do you want to inherit eternal life?
Have you asked Christ what you need to do for this?
How do you feel as you read Christ's answer to the rich young man?
What do you need to do to inherit eternal life?

Read the interpretation

Theophylact of Bulgaria
Hegumen Nektariy Morozov

Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria

And one of the rulers asked Him: Good teacher! what should I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus said to him: why do you call me good? none is good but God alone; you know the commandments: do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness, honor your father and your mother. And he said: I kept all this from my youth. When Jesus heard this, he said to him: There is one more thing you lack: sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me. And when he heard this, he was saddened, because he was very rich. This man, according to some, was some kind of evil cunning and was looking for how to trap Jesus in words. But it is more likely that he was a lover of money, since Christ also rebuked him as such. Yes, and the Evangelist Mark says that someone, running up and falling on his knees, asked Jesus, and looking at him, Jesus loved him (Mk. 10, 17.21). So this man was greedy. He comes to Jesus with a desire to learn about eternal life. Perhaps in this case, too, he was guided by a passion for acquisition. For no one so desires a long life as a man of greed. So he thought that Jesus would show him the way in which he would live forever, own property, and thus enjoy. But when the Lord said that the means to attain eternal life is non-possessiveness, then he, as if reproaching himself for the question and Jesus for the answer, departed. For he needed eternal life, because he had riches for many years. And when he must give up his possessions and live, apparently, in poverty, then what need does he have for eternal life? - He comes to the Lord, as simply to a person and a teacher. Therefore, the Lord, in order to show that one should not come to Him as simply to a person, said: "no one is good, but only God alone." You, - he says, - called Me "good", to what else did you add: "teacher"? You seem to take me for one of many. If so, then I am not good: for no one is actually good among men; only God is good. Therefore, if you want to call Me good, call Me good as God, and do not come to Me as a mere person. If you consider Me one of the ordinary people, then do not call Me good. For God alone is truly good, is the source of goodness and the beginning of self-goodness. And we people, if we are good, then not by ourselves, but by participation in His goodness, we have a mixed kindness and the ability to bow to evil. - "You know the commandments: do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness" and others. The law forbids first that into which we fall more conveniently, then already that into which few and infrequently fall: for example, adultery, since it is fire from the outside and inside, murder, since anger is a great beast; and stealing is less important, and perjury is not often to fall into. Therefore, the first crimes are forbidden first, since we easily fall into them, although in other respects they are more serious. And these, that is, theft and perjury, the Law puts in second place, since they are committed not often and are less important. Following these crimes, the Law placed sin against the parents. For although this sin is grievous, it does not often happen, because not often and not many, but rarely and few are such animal-like people to dare to offend their parents. - When a young man said that he kept all this from his youth, the Lord offers him the top of everything, non-possessiveness. Look, the Laws prescribe a truly Christian way of life. "Everything," he says, "what you have, sell it." For if anything remains, then you are the slave of that one. And "distribute" not to the rich relatives, but to the "poor". In my opinion, the word "distribute" also expresses the idea that it is necessary to squander the estate with reason, and not haphazardly. Since, in case of non-possessiveness, a person must have all other virtues, the Lord said: “and follow Me,” that is, in all other respects, be My disciple, always follow Me, and not in such a way that today you follow, and not tomorrow . - As a covetous boss, the Lord promised a treasure in heaven, however, he did not heed, for he was a slave of his treasures, and therefore he was saddened when he heard that the Lord inspires him with deprivation of property, while for this he wished for eternal life that with great abundance of wealth to him and live forever. The grief of the chief shows that he was a well-intentioned person, and not an evil sly one. For none of the Pharisees ever mourned, but rather they became hardened. It is not unknown to me that the great lamp of the universe, Chrysostom, accepted that this young man desired true eternal life and loved it, but was possessed by a strong passion, love of money, but the thought now proposed that he desired eternal life, like a man of greed, is not out of place.

Jesus, seeing that he was sad, said: How difficult it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Those who heard this said, Who then can be saved? But He said: What is impossible with men is possible with God. Peter said; Behold, we have left everything and followed Thee. He said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left home, or parents, or brothers, or sisters, or wife, or children for the kingdom of God, and has not received much more in this time and in the age to come, eternal life.” . After the rich man, having heard about the renunciation of wealth, became sad, the Lord explains with a miraculous likeness how difficult it is for those who have wealth to enter the Kingdom of God. He did not say that it is impossible for them (the rich) to enter, but it is difficult. For it is not impossible for such people to be saved. By distributing wealth, they can receive heavenly blessings. But to do the first is not easy, because wealth binds more strongly than glue, and it is difficult for him who has prevailed to give it up. Below the Lord explains how this is impossible. It is more convenient, - he says, - for a camel to pass through the ears of coal, than for a rich man to be saved. It is absolutely impossible for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, whether you mean by a camel the animal itself, or some kind of ship's thick rope. But if it is more convenient for a camel to fit in the eye of a needle than for a rich man to be saved, and the former is impossible, then it is all the more impossible for a rich man to be saved. What should be said? First of all, it is really impossible for a rich man to be saved. Do not tell me, perhaps, that such and such, being rich, distributed what he had, and was saved. For he was not saved in riches, but when he became poor; or he was saved as a steward, but not as rich. And another thing is a housekeeper, another rich man. The rich man keeps wealth for himself, but the steward is entrusted with wealth for others. Therefore, if the one you point to, if he was saved, then he was saved not with wealth, but, as we said, either by giving up everything that he had, or by well managing the estate, like a housekeeper. Then notice also that it is impossible for a rich man to be saved, but for one who has wealth it is difficult. The Lord, as it were, says this: whoever is possessed by wealth, whoever is in bondage and allegiance to him, will not be saved; but whoever has wealth and holds it in his power, and is not himself under his power, it is difficult for him to be saved through human weakness. For it is impossible not to abuse what we have. Since, as long as we have wealth, the devil tries to trap us so that we use it contrary to the rules and the law of household management, and it is difficult to escape his nets. Therefore, poverty is a good deed, and it is almost inexplicable. "They who heard this said, Who can be saved? But He said, What is impossible with men is possible with God." Whoever has a human way of thinking, that is, is carried away by the bottom and is addicted to the earthly, then, as it is said, it is impossible to be saved, but for God it is possible; that is, when someone has God as his adviser and takes God's justifications and commandments about poverty as his teacher, and calls on Him for help, it will be possible for him to be saved. For our business is to desire good, but to do it is the work of God. And in another way: if we, having risen above all human cowardice regarding wealth, wish even to acquire friends for ourselves with unrighteous wealth, then we will be saved and will be led by them to eternal abodes. For it is better if we renounce everything, or, if we do not renounce everything, at least make the poor partners, and then the impossible will become possible. Although it is impossible to be saved without renouncing everything, but because of the love of God, it is possible to be saved even if a few parts are devoted to real benefit. - At the same time, Peter asks: "behold, we have left everything" and asks not only for himself, but for the consolation of all the poor. So that not only the rich would have good hopes of receiving much, as those who refused much, and the poor would not have hope, as those who refused little and therefore deserved a small reward, for this Peter asks and hears in response that he will receive rewards in this and the next century whoever despised his possessions for the sake of God, even if they were small. You do not look at the fact that it is small, but that this small thing contained all the means of a person to live, and that, as you hoped for much and great, so he hoped to support his life with this little and small. Not to mention that he who has little has great affection for him. You can see it in fathers. Having one child, they show greater affection for him than when they have more children. So the poor man, having one house and one field, loves them more than you do many. If not, and both have equal attachment, then renunciation is equally worthy. Therefore, in the present age, they receive many times more reward, like these same apostles. For each of them, leaving the hut, now has brilliant temples, fields, parishes, many wives attached to them with ardor and faith, and in general everything else. And in the next age they will not receive many similar fields and bodily rewards, but eternal life.

How important it is to hear the answer

Hegumen Nektary (Morozov)

This young man... Or "one of the rulers," as the Apostle Luke calls him... Why did he approach Christ, for what purpose did he turn to Him? "Good teacher! what should I do to inherit eternal life?” (Luke 18:18). There are different interpretations, versions, explanations on this score.

It is possible that this young man really wanted to know what he needed in order not to remain outside the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, not to be cut off from the face of God. What can make you doubt it? Probably, the subsequent dialogue in which the Lord reminds the young man of the commandments by which every believer is saved, and he, in turn, says that he not only knows and remembers these commandments, but also strictly fulfills them.

One would like to express bewilderment: why then does he ask, if he knows and creates?

Maybe not literally he still fulfills these commandments, not without omissions? Or, what is even more true, does he feel that something is still missing, that his deeds are like a body without a heart? And so he wants to clarify what it is, what is missing? Looks more like the second...

And so he asks his question. He asks not the first person he meets, but Christ. And he calls Him at the same time "Good Teacher." It is unlikely that he really understands who is in front of him, but one thing is certain: he believes that this is the One who should be asked, who has the answer.

And he hears the answer, and ... departs with sadness.

I don't want to judge him - and I feel sorry for him, and it's just not up to it.

He believed in the truth of what was said: “You still lack one more thing: sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me” (Luke 18:22). Because if I didn’t believe it, I would definitely object, begin to argue, prove, insist on the absurdity of this instruction and proposal. Didn't. So, he accepted what he heard, did not doubt it. But he left. And it is very clearly explained why: “Because he was very rich” (Luke 18:23). And who does not know how difficult it is to part with wealth? The larger it is, the stronger the person clings to it, as if the truth is in wealth and life, and his very soul.

And yet it is not about the young man as such. Besides, after all, we don’t know: he left to leave, but who knows - maybe he returned after? And sold, and distributed, and acquired treasure in heaven, and followed Christ? It is quite possible.

It's about us. We also ask a lot of questions. And we read the Gospel, and we know the commandments, and it seems that we are familiar with the patristic heritage firsthand. But still, every now and then we are looking for the answer: “But what to do here? How about here? And if so, how? ... ". And other, other...

And here again I would like to clarify, as in relation to the young man of the gospel: for what purpose do we ask - ourselves, confessor, God? If we ask because we really do not yet know the answer, if we are looking for a direct, true path and do not find it, then this is one thing, such a question is legitimate and righteous. But it may be different.

I remember how it often happened: you come to Father Kirill (Pavlov), confess, and then questions. One, two, three... And he patiently answers them. He answers, and then suddenly instead of answering - to any of them - he asks you:

Well, what do you think about it?

Stop for a moment, think, and then answer. And how? Give the only possible answer and you will hear right there:

That's right, you're right! And I think so!

And although not a word of reproach, not an accusing glance, not a well-deserved mockery, but you can no longer forgive yourself; Well, why was he fooling the priest, why was he asking about something that was already so clear? I hoped that the priest would give you an answer softer and more diplomatic than your conscience? Well, he gave, softer and more diplomatic, but in full agreement with her. Go and do it.

This is what happens when you ask your confessor. Although, of course, someone can argue with the confessor, not accept his words, but what can I say about this: if there is a confessor, then obey him, and if you do not obey, then most likely you no longer have him ..,

But if there really is no confessor, if you only consult with yourself and turn to God in prayer, then the danger of losing heart is even greater. God's answer, even the most obvious, can be "not heard", the suggestion of conscience - "not to make out." And often this happens because a person is cowardly and weak.

Only ... Only it is worth not listening to the Lord in one thing ... No, not like that. Not in one thing, but precisely in what we ourselves currently feel as the most important, the most painful. And that's all - we can no longer follow Him, as we went before, this is braking, a forced stop, a simple one. Stopping and simple in the spiritual life, and just in life as such.

And when we see a Christian who is despondent, joyless, and utterly relaxed in spirit, then, most likely, the reason is precisely in this - in a consciously unheard answer, in an attempt to deceive both the Lord and himself, and in the subsequent extinction. And when we ourselves are in such a state, the reason is again the same.

And what is especially dangerous: to “not notice” this, and here, in relation to one’s weakness, to hide one’s head like an ostrich in the sand. And so, in an ostrich way, and live, gradually turning into only a reminder of the former one.

It’s better when faced with something that seems beyond our strength, asking the question: “What should I do in this situation in order to inherit eternal life?” and, without bearing the weight of the answer, act like the young man of the gospel. Move away with sadness and clearly, honestly say to yourself: “I can’t!”.
But just do not go far, but to the following literally words of the Savior: “What is impossible with men is possible with God” (Luke 18:27). Because the young man did not know this simple and amazing truth: when you cannot do what God expects from you, and this causes sorrow to your soul, then do not be cowardly, do not be discouraged, but open both your weakness and your sorrow before the Lord, and He If you humble yourself, everything will be done by Himself. Maybe not right away, maybe you will have to suffer and endure yourself. But will do it. And most importantly, your following of Him will still be possible.

Questions and interpretations prepared
Tatiana Zaitseva

We all remember the famous gospel passage:

“Jesus said to him: if you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor; and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me"(Matthew 19:21).

This very “give everything away” is the ideal of the Christian life for us. We try it on for ourselves, we understand that we are up to him like the moon and are upset, just like the young man referred to in this passage:

“Hearing this word, the young man departed with sorrow, because he had a large estate”.

But, in my opinion, the motivation for such grief is sometimes quite different from that of the gospel youth. Namely: “give everything away” is perceived as an ideal ethical, that is, relating to the sphere of interpersonal relations. It seems to people that this is precisely the highest justice. Like, it's not good when I have a bicycle, but Vasya does not. I am ashamed before Vasya and before my conscience. It is necessary that I also do not have a bicycle, then my soul will become easy.

Note that there is not a word about Christ in this motivation. Here only about the earthly, only about the social. And there is still a lot of confusion here. That is, the idea of ​​social justice, the ideal of universal equality, and ordinary human mercy are mixed here, which is necessary for a Christian (but still not enough) - remember the message of the Apostle James:

“If a brother or sister is naked and does not have food for the day, and one of you says to them:“go in peace, keep warm and eat”but will not give them what is necessary for the body: what is the use?(James 2:15-16).

But here an obvious contradiction arises: in order to give, one must have. The one who distributed everything, he can no longer give anything to anyone "necessary for the body."

In other words, it is forbidden apply this evangelical ideal to the sphere of interpersonal relations. As far as those near and far are concerned, the Gospel does not call for everything to be given away, but calls for the golden mean. The fact that a person has property is not at all a sin. Sin is when he sticks his soul to his property (which the Lord directly speaks about in the Gospel of Mark, where the same episode is retold: “The disciples were horrified at His words. But Jesus again says to them in answer: children! How difficult it is for those who trust in riches to enter the Kingdom of God!”(Mark 10:24).

The only reason why it is necessary to “give away everything” is so that this “everything” does not interfere with following Christ, so that it does not get in the way. This was, for example, the motivation of Alyosha Karamazov from The Brothers Karamazov: “Alyosha said to himself: ‘I can’t give away two rubles instead of ‘just’, and instead of ‘follow me’ go only to mass.” He was not thinking about how to please all those in need, and even less about how he looks in the eyes of less well-to-do people. Total service to Christ - that's what guided him.

But to drop everything and follow Christ, you need to see Christ. Either directly, like that young man from the Gospel, or in his heart, at some deep mystical level, like many ascetics of both the past and the present. If meeting with Christ already happened - then yes, then you have to drop everything and follow Him. However, very often there is no such meeting, but only a wish this meeting, there are mental constructions. However, not necessarily purely mental - a person can feel the grace of God in his heart, he can suddenly realize and accept the truth of the Gospel (as happens with most of those who decide to be baptized in adulthood). However, this is not yet a meeting with Christ, like the horizon in the east brightening in the morning - the sun has not yet risen.

But it happens that people get confused - and decide that it is time to give away all their possessions and follow the One about Whom they have just read in books. How many stories can be told about ardent neophytes who, almost the day after baptism, went to the monastery, dreaming of being tonsured! Most often, these stories ended sadly - people were not ready not only for the monastic feat, but also for the most ordinary life of an Orthodox Christian.

It seems to me that sometimes the cause of such mistakes was a misunderstanding of the gospel call to “distribute the property”. People brought up by Soviet propaganda, having absorbed the idea of ​​the need for universal equality and the external cause of any social evil from kindergarten, projected these stereotypes of their own onto the spiritual life of a Christian. Instead of helping the needy to the best of their ability, they wanted to get rid of shame in front of the needy, and they considered “distributing everything” as a means of getting rid of shame. With their minds, perhaps, they understood that “you can’t heat up the street”, that such distribution of no one’s problems can’t be fundamentally solved, but the heart demanded radicalism. Only now their radicalism did not come from Christ. It was Soviet, too Soviet.

The moral is obvious: in the spiritual life one should not make sudden movements. Don't try to become perfect immediately, don't jump all the steps of the ladder. To begin with, just become a good Christian, and then, further, if the Lord appears to you and calls you to perfection, then distribute and follow. But not before.

Once upon a time there lived a woman whose son was lazy, roguish, and even stupid. His name was Jufa. This woman was very poor, and now, when she had nothing left but homespun linen, she said to Jufa:

Go sell the painting, but if you find a buyer too talkative, don't give it back; sell it to someone who doesn't talk much.

Jufa took the canvas and went to wander around the city, shouting:

To whom are the canvases?.. To whom are the canvases?..

A woman stopped him and said:

She looked, felt and asked:

How much do you want for it?

You talk a lot, - answered Jufa, - mother did not order to sell talkative people. And with those words he went on.

He met a peasant.

How much are you asking? - he asked.

Ten skudos.

No, it's too expensive!

Talk, talk! I won't sell you anyway.

Everyone who wanted to buy the painting talked too much, and Jufa could not find a buyer. He wandered, wandered around the city and finally wandered into some courtyard. A plaster statue stood in the middle of the courtyard. Jufa and says to her:

Would you like to buy a painting? - There was no answer, and therefore Jufa asked again: - So will you buy it or not?

The statue was silent. Then Jufa exclaimed:

Phew! I finally found the right buyer! Now I'm selling this damned painting! - And Jufa wrapped it around the statue.

You owe me ten scudos... do you agree? So be it, I'll come for the money tomorrow. - And with these words, Jufa left.

As soon as he returned home, his mother asked about the painting.

I sold it.

And money?

I'll go after them tomorrow.

Is the buyer reliable?

This is a woman, and, moreover, such as you punished. Just think, she didn't say a word in response!

In the morning, Jufa went for the money. The statue stood still, but the painting was gone. Jufa said:

Pay money!

The statue was silent. Jufa got angry:

Did you take the canvas or not? Don't want to pay money? And ... Well, get it! - And, grabbing a pick, Jufa hit the statue, so much so that it shattered into pieces.

Inside the statue was a pot full of gold coins. Jufa poured them into his bag and hurried home.

Mom, she didn't want to give the money. Then I grabbed her with a pick, and she gave this.

The mother immediately realized what was the matter.

Give the money here and not a word to anyone.

2. Moon, thieves, Jufa and judge

One morning, Jufa went out for hay, but, of course, he did not have time to return home before dark. In a word, when he returned, it was already night, and only the moon illuminated the road, which then disappeared into the clouds, then emerged again.

Jufa sat down on a rock and stared at the moon, saying from time to time:

Come out! Come out!

And when the moon came out:

Hide! Hide!

And then it happened that near the road itself, two crooks shared the stolen carcass of a calf. When they heard a voice that said: “Come out” and “Hide,” they got scared, thinking that they were guards, abandoned their prey and, God forbid, legs.

Jufa, hearing the clatter, went to see what was going on there. I saw a butchered calf carcass, took a knife and began to cut off the best pieces. After filling his bag, he went home.

Mom, open up! Jufa banged on the door.

Why you so late? asked the mother.

While dragging this meat, night fell. Sell ​​it tomorrow, I need money.

All right, - says the mother, - tomorrow, while you are in the field, I will sell the meat.

The next evening, when Jufa returned home, he immediately asked:

Well, how? Sold?

Yes. I believed him in debt to the flies.

When will they pay us?

When they have money.

For a whole week, Jufa patiently waited for the flies to bring money. And when he saw that it was useless to wait, he went to the judge.

Judge, - Jufa turned to him, - judge according to your conscience. I believed the flies in debt meat, and they do not even think about paying.

On reflection, the judge replied:

Here is my solution: as soon as you see a fly, you can kill it without hesitation.

It must have happened that at that very moment a fly landed on the judge's nose, and Jufa hit it with his fist so that he almost sent the judge to the next world.

3. Jufa and red beret

Jufa did not like to work. After breakfast, he immediately went to roam the streets. His mother told him many times:

Jufa, think again before it's too late! Find a job! After all, you can’t do it like this: you ate, drank - and went to loiter! Enough from me! Either earn your own pants, or get out on all four sides!

Jufa went to Cassaro, the main street of Palermo, hoping to earn money for his clothes. But there was no suitable job for him. Then he asked one merchant for one thing, another for another, and so on until he was dressed from head to toe. And at the same time he said to everyone: - Let me borrow money, I'll pay off the money one of these days.

By the way, Jufa acquired a magnificent red beret in this way.

Having dressed up, he triumphed: “My mother won’t say that I’m a quitter!” But, remembering that the merchants still have to pay, Jufa decided to pretend to be dead. When he got home, he collapsed onto the bed.

I'm dying! I'm dying! groaned Jufa. - I died! - and at the same time he folded his arms in a cross and stretched out his legs, as befits a real dead man.

Mother tore her hair and lamented:

Son! My dear son! Who did you leave me for?

At the cries of the mother, the neighbors came running and unanimously began to feel sorry for her.

The news of Jufa's death instantly spread throughout the region. Merchants also came running to look at the dead man.

Poor Dzhufa, - said one, - he owed me six taro for a pair of trousers ... I willingly forgive him for them, may God rest his soul.

So, one after another, all the merchants stayed here, and they all forgave Jufa's debts.

But the merchant, from whom Jufa took the red beret, judged differently: "Why should I forgive him a debt." At the sight of the fiery red beret that flaunted on the head of the deceased, a happy thought dawned on the merchant.

When the gravediggers lifted Jufa and carried him to the church, in order to later bury the body in the ground, the merchant followed them, hid in the church and began to wait for the night.

When night fell, thieves entered the church in order to divide the stolen money here, without unnecessary witnesses. Jufa lay motionless on his bed, and the merchant hid behind the door. The thieves poured out money - all silver and gold - and began to stack it in columns so that everyone would get an equal share. Finally, there was only one coin worth twelve tarot, with which they did not know what to do.

In order not to quarrel over such a trifle, let's do this: there lies a dead man, he will be our target: whoever hits him with a coin directly in his mouth takes it for himself.

This is how it's designed! - happily agreed thieves.

The thieves are ready. Then Jufa, who heard all this perfectly, stood up to his full height and cried out:

Let the dead rise from the grave!

The thieves forgot about the money and rushed headlong out of the church. As soon as Jufa saw that there was no one left in the church, he rushed to the money, but at that very moment the merchant, the owner of the beret, also rushed to cross him with outstretched arms. They divided the money in half, but one coin of five grains remained.

Jufa said:

This is my coin.

No, mine!

She belongs to me!

No, me!

Then Jufa grabbed a censer and swung it at the merchant, shouting:

These five grano are mine! I want five grains!

And the thieves at that time crept up to the church, wanting to find out what the dead would do. It's not a joke to throw such a lot of money. They hid at the door and heard a squabble over five grains.

Trouble! - thought the thieves. - How many of these dead are there, if each got only five grains, and at the same time someone else did not have enough! - And the thieves took to their heels, only the heels flashed.

Jufa and the beret merchant returned home, each with a hefty purse of money, and Jufa also won back five grains.

4. Jufa and wineskins

The mother, seeing that nothing good would come of her son, gave him into the service of a certain innkeeper. And then the innkeeper once said to him:

Jufa, go to the sea, wash these bellows thoroughly, and see that they are not stolen.

Jufa took the furs and went to the sea. There he washed and rinsed them all morning. And then he says to himself: “Well, how will I know if I washed them well? Whom to ask? There was no one on the shore, but then he noticed a ship in the sea that had just left the port. Jufa pulled out a handkerchief and began frantically waving and shouting:

Hey, there, on the ship! Swim to the shore! Swim here!

The captain says:

From the shore we are given some signs. We have to swim, who knows what happened there! Perhaps we forgot something on the shore ...

The captain with several sailors boarded the boat and went ashore.

What's the matter? asked Captain Jufu.

The thing is, Your Grace, - answered Jufa, - that I just wanted to ask you, did I wash the furs well?

The captain even jumped on the spot, he became furious as if he had been possessed by a thousand devils. He grabbed a stick and let's look after the unfortunate Jufa. The captain beat him until he was exhausted.

And Jufa roared:

What did you have to shout?

You should have shouted: “Lord, give them a fair wind!” Then we wouldn't have wasted so much time.

Jufa heaved the furs over his shoulders, which were burning from the beatings, and headed towards the village, repeating loudly:

Lord, give them a fair wind… Send them a fair wind… Send them a fair wind…

On the way he came across a hunter who was aiming at two birds with one stone. Jufa and shout:

Lord, give them a fair wind!

The hares pricked up their ears and rushed in different directions.

Then the hunter yelled at him:

Oh you son of a dog! You were still missing! - I grab him with a butt on the head!

Jufa asks through tears:

What did you have to shout?

You should have shouted: "Lord, don't let me miss."

Here he met two arguing. They went from words to fists. Jufa exclaimed:

Lord, don't let me miss...

Hearing these words, the fighters released each other and attacked Jufa:

Oh damn! You still want to add fuel to the fire! - And together they began to beat him.

Jufa pleaded through his tears:

What should have been said?

What did you have to say? And this is what: “Lord, separate them!”

Lord, separate them... Lord, separate them... - repeated Jufa, continuing on his way.

Here, as luck would have it, he met a couple of newlyweds who were leaving the church. As soon as they heard: “Lord, separate them!” - the husband rushed to Jufa, unfastening his belt on the go.

Oh you damned raven! You want to divorce my wife and me!

Jufa, completely exhausted from the beatings, collapsed to the ground. When they began to lift him up and Jufa finally opened his eyes, he was asked a question:

And what prompted you to say such things to the newlyweds?

What should have been said to them?

You should have wished: "Lord, send them more joy and fun."

The road passed by the house where the dead man lay. Candles burned around the coffin. The inconsolable relatives sobbed. When they heard the words of Jufa, who was passing by: “Lord, send them more joy and fun,” one of the relatives jumped out into the street with a club, and Jufa got what he had not yet managed to get.

Only now Jufa realized that the most useful thing in life is to remain silent. He returned to the tavern late in the evening. The owner, who sent him to wash the furs at dawn, also beat him up, and then drove him out.

5. Eat, eat, my jacket!

Jufa always walked in such a ragged manner and looked so silly that he never received an invitation to someone else's table. So he somehow entered one house in the hope of eating, but before he even crossed the threshold, he was immediately sent to hell. But then his mother got him a nice jacket, a pair of new trousers and a velvet waistcoat. Dressed up, Jufa went to the same house. This time he was given all sorts of honors, seated at the festive table, and even said a lot of pleasant words. Food was served, and Jufa stuffed his mouth with one hand, and with the other he shoved food into his pockets, pockets and anywhere and said: “Eat, eat, my jacket! After all, it is you who are being treated, not me!

6. Don't forget the door, Jufa!

Jufa tagged along with his mother on the field. The mother was the first to leave the house and shouted:

Don't forget the door, Jufa!

Jufa obediently leaned on the door and did it with such zeal that it jumped off the hinges. Then he put her on his shoulders and walked after his mother. Soon Jufa whimpered:

Mom, it's hard for me! Mom, it's hard for me!

That's some more news! mother turned around. But when she saw the door that Jufa was dragging, she simply gasped.

In general, while they hobbled with this door, night descended, it was far from home, and then, fearing robbers, the mother and son decided to spend the night on a tree. Jufa did not part with the door even here.

At midnight, robbers came under their tree to share the proceeds. Jufa and her mother hid, neither alive nor dead.

Suddenly, Jufa felt some discomfort.

Mother! he whispered. - I want pee!

I want pee!

Be patient a little.

I can not!

Well, be smart, Jufa.

I can not anymore!

Okay, come on!

And Jufa urinated. When the robbers felt that something was pouring on them, they were surprised:

Here are those on! Clear skies and sudden rain!

A little more time passed, and Jufa whispered again:

Mother! I need to relieve myself!

Be patient, Jufa.

I can not!

Be patient a little!

I can not!

Okay, come on!

And Jufa was relieved. Yes, he was so relieved that the robbers became agitated again.

What is it - manna from heaven or birds? they bellowed, shaking themselves off.

And Jufa, who was still holding the door on his shoulders, whispers again:

Mom, it's hard for me to hold!

Be patient!

I can not!

Well, be patient, please!

I can't do it anymore... - With these words, Jufa let go of the door, and it crashed right on the robbers.

The robbers jumped up here and asked such a strekach, only the heels flashed.

Mother and son descended from the tree, and underneath it was a hefty sack full of gold. They took this bag and carried it home. The mother said to Jufa:

Look, don't tell anyone about this! After all, if the authorities find out, we will both be put in jail.

Then the mother went to the market, where she bought raisins and dried figs. Returning home, she climbed onto the roof and, as soon as Jufa left the house, she began to throw raisins and dried figs at him. Jufa stopped.

Mom, he shouted, raisins and figs are falling from the sky!

Well, - his mother answered him, - it means that it’s such a rain today. Rejoice!

As soon as Jufa left somewhere, the mother poured all the gold out of the bag and poured rusty nails into it. Week later. Juffa needed money. He climbed into the bag, and there were rusty nails. Then he approached his mother:

Give me my money or I'll complain to the judge!

The mother pretended not to understand.

What money are you talking about, Jufa?

Jufa went to the judge.

Your Grace, I found a bag of gold, and instead of gold, my mother poured rusty nails into it.

Gold? And when did you find it?

The very day it rained raisins and dried figs.

The judge ordered that Jufa be sent to a madhouse.

Matt., 79 credits, 19, 16-26

At that time, a young man approached Jesus, bowing to Him, and said: Good teacher! What good can I do to have eternal life? And he said to him, Why do you call me good? Nobody is good but God alone. If you want to enter into eternal life, keep the commandments. He says to him: what? Jesus said: do not kill; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not bear false witness; honor father and mother; and: love your neighbor as yourself. The young man says to Him: I kept all this from my youth; what else am I missing? Jesus said to him: If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor; and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow me. Hearing this word, the young man departed with sorrow, because he had a large estate. Jesus said to his disciples: Truly, I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven; And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. When His disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, Who then can be saved? And Jesus looked up and said to them: With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

We hear a story about a rich young man, about the sadness of a man who was afraid to rely only on God. This rich man has everything, he lacks one thing - grace. Doesn't he remind many of us who keep everything, keep the statutes of the Church, honestly go through our lives with strictness, sometimes, perhaps, even excessive in relation to ourselves?

The rich man in the gospel, at any rate, evokes sympathy. When Christ enumerates the commandments: “do not kill,” “do not commit adultery,” “do not offend,” “honor your father and mother,” he answers: “I have kept all this from my youth.” Christ, as it is said in the Gospel of Mark, looked at him and loved him. But He made him an unheard-of offer. He offered him a perfect break with his wealth - not only material, but also spiritual. Not that the Lord canceled for him the commandments in which life is contained. On the contrary, He pointed to them as the only way to perfection, that is, to love. But man himself cannot achieve perfection by any effort. To this man, who is accustomed to counting only on his own efforts and on his own wealth, Christ suddenly offers everything for free - all His love, all His perfection: "Leave everything and follow Me."

You and I know that it is impossible to earn eternal life by any labor, by any feats, no one can overcome death and sin, become a "partaker of the Divine nature" and a temple of the Holy Spirit. And yet, how often do we become like one correspondent of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, who wonders why, while preparing so carefully for confession, trying to live strictly and attentively, she named all her sins, including the smallest ones, and left the church empty without joy. “That’s why it happened,” the Saint answered her, “because you thought to settle with God immediately with all your debts, while your debts are unpaid.”

Eternal life is being with God, and it's all about knowing that Christ is God and following Him in the way of His commandments. All the commandments exist so that we learn personal relationships with God and people, that is, love. So that God and people become alive for us. “I kept everything,” says the young man, but his relationship with God and with people is completely selfish. He is a prisoner of his estates, material and spiritual. He's in chains that need to be broken.

Eternal life is the life that Christ God lives. She is love and self-giving, and sacrificial generosity. If we know what eternal life is here on earth, that this peace and this joy come from Christ, we will gladly follow Christ. And it will be clear to us that to follow Christ is to serve the people for whom Christ died.

Let each of us test himself today, what sadness and what joy is in him, and what is the reason for them. A rich man could not decide to sell his wealth, to separate himself from it. This explains the sadness with which he, bowing his head, departed from Christ. The sadness of one who was unable to accept the joy offered to him. Joy is given only to the poor in spirit. Only to those who humbly pray for grace, following Christ. The young man was sad because he could not acquire perfection at his own heavy price, and refused to accept it at the easy price of Christ.

But if such a person perishes - we cannot but exclaim with all the disciples of Christ - then who can be saved? “It is impossible for men,” Christ answers, “but not for God. For all things are possible with God." Should never despair. In these words of the Savior, mercy is hidden in relation to the rich young man who departs from Him. It is not impossible for God to bring him back. But there is only one law - sooner or later everyone is free to leave and accept the grace that is bestowed.

The path to heaven is a narrow path for all, and the gates that lead to life are narrow. It is easier for a camel, says Christ, to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Some believe that we are talking about the gates in Jerusalem, which are called "needle eyes" because of their tightness. The camel cannot pass through them until it is unloaded. So a rich man cannot ascend to heaven until he wishes to pay off the burden of earthly riches and bow before the precepts of humble faith.

Others believe that it is no coincidence that the word "camel" in Greek is the same as the word "rope". A rich man compared to a poor man is a thick rope compared to a thin thread. And it will not pass through the eye of the needle until it is split into individual threads. So a rich man must free himself from his riches so that thread after thread passes through the eye of a needle.

Where can we get the courage and selflessness of those who, having left everything, went into the wilderness or were martyred? How long has our Church been on the cross, when all the faithful of the Lord trusted only in grace and, deprived of everything, had nothing but treasure in heaven? But everyone, without exception, is given death as the loss of everything, or as the Passover of the Lord.

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