Home Flowers Money topiary - DIY candlestick. Master class with step-by-step photos. Making topiary from coins Tree of happiness from coins

Money topiary - DIY candlestick. Master class with step-by-step photos. Making topiary from coins Tree of happiness from coins

In recent years, crafts in the form of trees (topiary) have become very popular, which look great in any interior. Topiaries made from coffee beans look quite original; they also have a light, unobtrusive aroma that brings an atmosphere of warmth and comfort to any room. Every day more and more new variants of coffee topiary appear on the Internet, for example, one of the latest - with an unfastened clasp and coins. The idea was very interesting, I couldn’t pass it by. 🙂

So, let's begin…

You will need:

  • base: foam ball or ordinary newspapers,
  • dark brown yarn
  • lock with metal zipper,
  • some small coins
  • coffee beans,
  • a can of quick-drying gold-colored enamel,
  • flowerpot, mug or any other suitable pot,
  • building plaster (alabaster),
  • trunk (skewers, wire, corelius sprig, etc. I have: round cable and thin strong wire),
  • brown acrylic paint (can be replaced with satin ribbon),
  • soft brush for applying paint (if necessary),
  • hot glue gun,
  • decor - optional.

Creating a tree trunk...

In this case, I really wanted to create a beautifully curved barrel, but I didn’t have a strong round cable, so I did the following.

She pulled out the cores from the soft round cable and inserted a strong wire in place of one of the cores. We bend beautifully...

We dilute the gypsum with cool water to the consistency of thick sour cream and place it in the prepared pot. We install the trunk of our future tree in the center and hold it until the plaster hardens well.

The trunk can be either decorated with ribbon or painted with brown acrylic paint.

While the paint dries, let’s work on the crown of the topiary...

Any material can be used as a base; an important condition is its lightness. This can be either a ready-made or a self-cut foam ball, or a tightly crumpled lump of ordinary newspapers. This time I used newspapers.

Wrap the ball well with brown yarn.

We glue the coins in a maximum of two layers so that they do not rise too much and the crown of our tree looks beautiful and natural. To control, we sometimes try on a lock.

I did something like this...

We fix the lock with hot glue...

The lock with coins needs to be painted gold; for this it is convenient to use a can of quick-drying enamel. But the yarn must be closed; you can use a regular food bag and tape.

Let's paint...

When the paint has dried, install the crown on the trunk. Fix with hot glue.

I also painted over the part of the lock where I was going to start covering it with coffee beans a little with brown acrylic paint.

When the paint has dried, we’ll start covering the crown with coffee beans. We fix each grain with hot glue, trying to avoid gaps, adjusting the grains to each other.

So, the whole crown...

All that's left to do is decorate a little. To do this, you can use fake banknotes, star anise flowers, cinnamon sticks, etc. Or, like I did, decorate with dried orange peel flowers.

This is the topiary I got...

Large and mini…

Have fun creating!

I was glad to help!

Recently, topiaries have become widespread - homemade talismans for attracting wealth, made from coins or banknotes. One of the options for how to make a money tree with your own hands, photos and videos of the process are presented in the material below. Do such crafts really bring good luck and money to your home? There is no reliable information about this, but spectacular and unusual topiaries are a real interior decoration and an excellent gift option.

What is needed to make a money tree from coins?

First of all, you need to stock up on time and patience, since the manufacturing process is quite lengthy and requires special care. The list of necessary materials and tools includes:

  • Coins of 10 kopecks, and they must be new and shiny. The quantity depends on the size of the craft, but it’s better to prepare more right away.
  • Styrofoam ball. It is the basis for gluing coins, so it is advisable to additionally cover the surface with napkins or thin paper for better adhesion to the adhesive. Alternatively, you can use a regular balloon filled with foam.
  • Glue gun. With its help, coins are attached to the base ball, and other decorative elements are also glued.
  • Small flower pot or a fairly deep ceramic plate.
  • A piece of thick aluminum wire for the trunk of the future tree.
  • Dry plaster. Mixed with water, it is used to fix the tree in a plate or pot.
  • Additional decorative elements. To give the topiary more shine, golden braid and lace, sparkles, beads, rhinestones and gold acrylic paint are used.

Also required scissors, pliers, metal scissors(for cutting aluminum cable).

How to make a money tree: instructions with photos

Having prepared all the necessary tools and materials, you can begin making topiary. All stages of the process are presented in the photo, which will help you make money correctly.


The first step is to make the tree crown.

For this, a foam ball covered with coins.

They overlapped in a circle and are attached using hot melt adhesive.
Everything needs to be done carefully so that the surface of the base was not visible.
At the very end (on the opposite side from the beginning) you need leave some free space for fastening metal wire.


Having cut a piece of aluminum cable to the required length, you need to bend its lower end so that it stands quite steadily on a saucer or in a pot.

Top end sticks into coin free sphere area-crowns. Then spiral wire tight wrapped with gold braid.

It needs to be positioned evenly without gaps, leaving the lower curved end free.

Connection point ball with wire should additionally disguise a few coins.


Before attaching the money tree to the base, you need paint used for this pot or saucer with gold acrylic paint.

You can also use glue to paint a pot with flowers or leaves, having previously painted the crafts in gold color.

After this, the almost finished tree is placed on a stand and filled with pre-prepared gypsum mortar(not to the brim).

After drying plaster preferably hide under a layer of coins or glitter.

Additional decor

Rhinestones glued to the crown of coins, stem, or base will help add showiness and shine to the topiary.

The pot can be decorated with openwork gold leaves cut from lace. The same leaves, if desired, are glued to the tree trunk in several places. The barrel, by the way, can be left straight or bent a couple of times at different angles, as in the photo.

Also use for decoration beads, sequins or small sparkles.

Read more about step-by-step creation topiary can be done using this video:

Additional ways to make a money tree with your own hands

Using the same set of tools with the addition of thin wire, you can make a more realistic money tree.

Money tree with coin leaves (video)

The stand and barrel for it are made in the same way as in the previous description, but the crown is made differently.

  • Each coin is pre- a hole is drilled right at the edge.
  • After that, each of them strung on a small piece of wire, which then curls up, and from such blanks branches are formed.
  • Several large branches attached to the main trunk and are carefully covered with a special modeling compound to make them smoother.
  • Then a layer of gold acrylic paint is applied to the branches and trunk.

Trees decorated with banknotes (video)

You can make the “money theme” even more pronounced with the help of several decorative banknotes. The best option is banknotes in denominations of 1 or 5 thousand rubles. Of these, using any origami technique little birds fold, which then attached to tree branches using glue.

You can take this as a basis original master class:

You can make a money tree without using coins - this is where decorative paper banknotes come in handy again.

The set of tools remains the same, the stand and barrel are made in the same way, the base of the crown is a foam or polyurethane foam ball.

Having secured it to the trunk in advance, you can begin making the crown:

For this 50 banknotes cut in half, and each half carefully rolls up into a bag.

Glue Together 3 such bags (long sides).

Necessary stick them into the top of the ball.

Then the base evenly in a circle pasted over with the same bags as in the photo.

Several decorative elements and The lush money tree is ready!

Another option how to do it money tree made from banknotes presented on video:

Topiary made from coffee beans (video)

Knowing how to make a money tree from coins or bills with your own hands using a photo and the instructions provided, you can always decorate the interior or give an original gift.

The money tree can be different: flower bills “grow” on one, and coins on the other. Both options are good, it’s a matter of execution. And yet, topiaries made from coins look more convincing, and are somehow more associated with the theme of wealth and financial plans.

The money tree is not just a souvenir. This is topiary, which in any sense of the word has value also because new ten-ruble coins are often taken to make it. Why new? Because you don’t have to polish them to a shine with your own hands or decorate them in any way - they look good themselves.

To create a coin topiary you will need:

  • Foam ball for base;
  • Ten-ruble coins (new or souvenir);
  • Thermal gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • Aluminum cable;
  • Pot or plastic cup;
  • Decorative little things - sparkles, rhinestones, ribbon, braid;
  • Acrylic paints.

The master class begins with the fact that you will have to cover the ball. The ball is either a foam blank or a base for the crown, which you will have to make yourself. This could be a papier-mâché structure, or a slightly inflated balloon filled with polyurethane foam. You can also glue coins onto small children's balls.

In order for coins to stick well, the surface of the ball should not be slippery. Cover it with paper or napkins. You need to glue coins with a heat gun. If you glue them at random, the tree will not have a beautiful crown.

Coins are glued like this:

  • First glue one coin, and above it, on top of it, two more. These two should be fixed so that the first coin is under them, in the middle, and they fit on it like scales.
  • Then you glue the island of these three coins on all sides. And then gradually glue the coins in scales.
  • In one of the places of the ball, leave a small area for the hole into which the barrel will go.

The money tree must have a beautiful crown, which is why the order of gluing the coins is so important.

Topiary made of coins (video)

Do-it-yourself coin topiary: do it step by step

Actually, the crown is the most difficult thing you will have to do with your own hands, if we consider this particular master class. If you are afraid that the coins will not stick as they should, refer to the photo. If you can make the same row as in the photo, move on.

And now about what kind of trunk a money tree should have. This master class suggests constructing it from aluminum cable. You can bend the cable the way you need, and then it is perfectly fixed with glue in the hole of the crown ball. You can decorate the trunk by simply wrapping it with a thin golden ribbon.

Next, look at what the trunk looks like along with the crown. If you want some other decoration, then stick rhinestones on the coins, not all of them, of course. Another option is voluminous stickers. These are the same adhesive-based beads and rhinestones that can often be bought in the children's art department.

Money tree: ideas (video)

Topiary made from coins: decorate the pot with your own hands

The next thing this tutorial says to do is a pot. It is difficult to find a flowerpot that is ideal for a souvenir tree. It is clear that it should be the same in decor, that is, golden.

How to make a beautiful pot with your own hands:

  • This mini master class consists of simple steps. Take a regular plastic cup, preferably a wide one. Degrease it and paint it with beautiful golden acrylic paint.
  • Just painting won't be enough. You can use sparkles, colored salt, small rhinestones and painted buttons. The old-fashioned method, when you make glitter with your own hands by beating Christmas tree decorations, will also work. In general, scroll through the photo gallery, you might want to repeat something, do it your own way.
  • Next you need to fill the pot with plaster, and before the plaster hardens, stick a table into it, making sure that it is firmly fixed. The top layer of plaster must be decorated, otherwise the coin topiary will have a gap in this place. The easiest option is to throw in the same coins or just sprinkle glitter.

Don’t forget to take a photo - if the tree turns out beautiful and graceful, it wouldn’t hurt to show it off. Or you can take a photo master class.

DIY coin topiary (video master class)

Topiary made of coffee and coins

And a tree made of coins can also be a coffee tree. Coffee topiary is good for its aroma and the perfection of coffee beans. How to combine coins and coffee?

Master class – coffee topiary with coins:

  • The most popular topiary of this type that you can create with your own hands is the coffee purse. This tree has its own twist, and it lies in the fact that you cover the crown with coffee beans, leaving a triangle for coins. This triangle is highlighted with a zipper, from where the coins are visible. The only difficulty is that you need to record everything very carefully, both coffee and coins.
  • Often, topiary made from coffee and coins is made in the form of a floating cup. The main thing is to build a strong frame with your own hands in the form of a stream of coins and coffee. It is he who holds the structure together. Coffee beans may also be on the plate where the stream is supposed to be pouring.
  • Sometimes coffee is painted to match the color of coins. Then you will get a beautiful golden design that does not lose its zest, and this, of course, is the coffee aroma.

And sometimes coffee topiary is complemented with a couple of coins in a pot, as if playing on the theme of the money tree.

Specifics of coffee decor (video master class)

Topiaries are exquisite interior trees; by the number of different photos you can judge how popular this creativity is today. Try to create your own topiary from brilliant moments, and let it help fulfill your wishes and be the keeper of finances in your home.

Topiary made of coins (photo)

Coin topiary: DIY money tree

Money tree is a very attractive and especially popular variety of topiary. The money tree can be different: flower bills “grow” on one, and coins on the other. Both options are good, it’s a matter of execution. And yet, topiaries made from coins look more convincing, and are somehow more associated with the theme of wealth and financial plans.

Coin topiary master class

The money tree is not just a souvenir. This is topiary, which in any sense of the word has value also because new ten-ruble coins are often taken to make it. Why new? Because you don’t have to polish them to a shine with your own hands or decorate them in any way - they look good themselves.

A topiary made from coins can embody any creative ideas in its design.

To create a coin topiary you will need:

  • Foam ball for base;
  • Ten-ruble coins (new or souvenir);
  • Thermal gun;
  • PVA glue;
  • Aluminum cable;
  • Pot or plastic cup;
  • Decorative little things - sparkles, rhinestones, ribbon, braid;
  • Acrylic paints.

For the crown, you should purchase a foam ball, since a ball made from crumpled newspapers will not be perfectly even.

The master class begins with the fact that you will have to cover the ball. The ball is either a foam blank or a base for the crown, which you will have to make yourself. This could be a papier-mâché structure, or a slightly inflated balloon filled with polyurethane foam. You can also glue coins onto small children's balls.

In order for coins to stick well, the surface of the ball should not be slippery. Cover it with paper or napkins. You need to glue coins with a heat gun. If you glue them at random, the tree will not have a beautiful crown.

Coins, as a rule, are glued in two layers or overlapping, so their number should be 1.5 - 2 times the area of ​​the ball

Coins are glued like this:

  • First glue one coin, and above it, on top of it, two more. These two should be fixed so that the first coin is under them, in the middle, and they fit on it like scales.
  • Then you glue the island of these three coins on all sides. And then gradually glue the coins in scales.
  • In one of the places of the ball, leave a small area for the hole into which the barrel will go.

The money tree must have a beautiful crown, which is why the order of gluing the coins is so important.

Topiary made of coins (video)

Do-it-yourself coin topiary: do it step by step

Actually, the crown is the most difficult thing you will have to do with your own hands, if we consider this particular master class. If you are afraid that the coins will not stick as they should, refer to the photo. If you can make the same row as in the photo, move on.

And now about what kind of trunk a money tree should have. This master class suggests constructing it from aluminum cable. You can bend the cable the way you need, and then it is perfectly fixed with glue in the hole of the crown ball. You can decorate the trunk by simply wrapping it with a thin golden ribbon.

If a piece of cable fits into the ball from above, then leave the piece from below undecorated; it will be attached to the pot. Since the trunk is the frame on which the tree rests, be careful when fixing it

Next, look at what the trunk looks like along with the crown. If you want some other decoration, then stick rhinestones on the coins, not all of them, of course. Another option is voluminous stickers. These are the same adhesive-based beads and rhinestones that can often be bought in the children's art department.

Money tree: ideas (video)

Topiary made from coins: decorate the pot with your own hands

The next thing this tutorial says to do is a pot. It is difficult to find a flowerpot that is ideal for a souvenir tree. It is clear that it should be the same in decor, that is, golden.

How to make a beautiful pot with your own hands:

  • This mini master class consists of simple steps. Take a regular plastic cup, preferably a wide one. Degrease it and paint it with beautiful golden acrylic paint.
  • Just painting won't be enough. You can use sparkles, colored salt, small rhinestones and painted buttons. The old-fashioned method, when you make glitter with your own hands by beating Christmas tree decorations, will also work. In general, scroll through the photo gallery, you might want to repeat something, do it your own way.
  • Next you need to fill the pot with plaster, and before the plaster hardens, stick a table into it, making sure that it is firmly fixed. The top layer of plaster must be decorated, otherwise the coin topiary will have a gap in this place. The easiest option is to throw in the same coins or just sprinkle glitter.

You can decorate the pot with gold-painted burlap, decorative lace, artificial pearls or the same coins

Don’t forget to take a photo - if the tree turns out beautiful and graceful, it wouldn’t hurt to show it off. Or you can take a photo master class.

DIY coin topiary (video master class)

Topiary made of coffee and coins

And a tree made of coins can also be a coffee tree. Coffee topiary is good for its aroma and the perfection of coffee beans. How to combine coins and coffee?

The light and unobtrusive aroma of coffee beans brings an atmosphere of comfort and warmth to any home, and in combination with golden ringed coins it looks quite elegant

Master class – coffee topiary with coins:

  • The most popular topiary of this type that you can create with your own hands is the coffee purse. This tree has its own twist, and it lies in the fact that you cover the crown with coffee beans, leaving a triangle for coins. This triangle is highlighted with a zipper, from where the coins are visible. The only difficulty is that you need to record everything very carefully, both coffee and coins.
  • Often, topiary made from coffee and coins is made in the form of a floating cup. The main thing is to build a strong frame with your own hands in the form of a stream of coins and coffee. It is he who holds the structure together. Coffee beans may also be on the plate where the stream is supposed to be pouring.
  • Sometimes coffee is painted to match the color of coins. Then you will get a beautiful golden design that does not lose its zest, and this, of course, is the coffee aroma.

A money tree with coffee beans added to the decor looks more original than a simple coin topiary

And sometimes coffee topiary is complemented with a couple of coins in a pot, as if playing on the theme of the money tree.

Specifics of coffee decor (video master class)

Topiaries are exquisite interior trees; by the number of different photos you can judge how popular this creativity is today. Try to create your own topiary from brilliant moments, and let it help fulfill your wishes and be the keeper of finances in your home.

Similar materials

A selection of master classes on how to make a money tree (topiary) from coins, banknotes and beads with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions and video tutorials.

Tools and materials Time: 6 hours Difficulty: 5/10

  • pistachio shells;
  • coins, souvenir bills;
  • beads;
  • Bath salt;
  • plastic plates;
  • coil of wire;
  • building gypsum;
  • golden paint;
  • small flower pot;
  • drill;
  • FUM tape or thread;
  • glue.

A tree that brings happiness. Who would refuse such a gift? We suggest making this magical tree with your own hands.

Money tree (topiary) golden color

We will need:

How to make a money tree

Step 1

We make holes in the pistachio shells. To do this we use our drill

Step 2

In order to make leaves for the tree, we will use wire and shells with holes made.

Cut 15-20 cm of wire and tie it to the shells

Step 3

Twist the wires into a spiral

Step 4

To get a small twig, twist several leaves together

Step 5

For a whole branch you need to connect 2 - 3 small ones. We try to replicate the structure of a real tree

Step 6

We connect several whole branches together - we get a small tree (to make it more natural, we copy the structure from living trees)

Step 7

To make the barrel strong, we wrap it with thread or FUM tape

Step 8

Apply golden paint

Step 9

While the paint dries, take a small pot and fill it with plaster. We stick the tree in and wait for it to harden.

Step 10

Painting the pot

Money tree made of coins

We will need:

  • Coins
  • Drill or drilling machine
  • Gold paint
  • Newspaper
  • Copper wire
  • Aluminum wire
  • Disposable plastic plates (deep and shallow) or pot
  • Glue (PVA and instant)
  • Stone
  • Gouache
  • Bath salt
  • Zelenka (if there is no green gouache)
  • Figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth (optional)

Step 1

We take coins of the same size and make holes in them. To do this, use a drill or machine for drilling holes.

Step 2

In the place where we will paint the coins, we cover it with newspaper so as not to stain everything around. Lay out the coins and apply gold paint. Don't forget that they need to be painted on both sides.

Step 3

We make small branches. To do this, we fasten 3 coins with copper wire

Step 4

We make large branches. We fasten 3 small branches into one big one

Step 5

From aluminum wire, we make an American dollar sign (you can make any other one you like :))

Step 6

Connecting with copper wire

Step 7

Now we attach the large branches to the dollar sign. To do this we use copper wire

Step 8

Making a pot for a money tree. For this we need deep and shallow plastic plates, PVA glue diluted with water 1 to 1, which must be mixed with plaster. Fill a deep plate with the mixture, insert a chalk into it and fill everything again (tree trunk too). We put a stone on top, for beauty and to make the structure heavier.

Step 9

Take gouache and paint the trunk and pot with brown paint

*We also applied gold paint on top, you don’t have to do this

Step 10

For shine, we coat our wood with varnish

Step 11

That's not all, let's move on to decorating the tree. To do this, we use bath salt mixed with brilliant green or gouache. We glue it around the tree using Moment or any other instant glue

This master class is almost finished. For decoration, we added a toad with a coin in its mouth, you don't have to do this.

We will need:

  • Clay pot
  • Paralon cone
  • Wooden chopsticks (you can use sushi chopsticks)
  • Money
  • Pins
  • Toothpick
  • Paper
  • Scissors

How to make a money tree from banknotes

Step 1

Cut off part of the cone and put it in the pot

Step 2

Place a cone on wooden sticks and place it in the pot.

Step 3

Using pins, we attach the bent money to the cone. We do this gradually, in rows, starting from the bottom.

Step 4

After hanging the entire cone, we examine the tree from all sides so that there are no gaps

Step 5

Cut out a star from paper and glue it to a toothpick

Step 6

Place the star on the top of the cone

You can decorate a dollar tree with festive ribbons and bright tags

Beaded money tree (bonsai)

We will need:

  • Green beads
  • Copper wire (thick and thin)
  • Old plate
  • Foil
  • PVA glue
  • Construction gypsum
  • Gouache

How to make a money tree from beads (bonsai) with your own hands.

Step 1

We take a thin wire and string 9 pieces of beads - we get 1 small leaf. We make 5 of these things and connect them. It turns out to be a small twig

Step 2

Press all 5 branches to form a “heap”

Step 3

From such branches we make full-fledged branches. It all depends on your imagination and ability to be creative. You can make an unlimited number of them

Step 4

We take out thick wire and make a frame for the tree (again, note, you don’t have to do it like we did, experiment). We connect thick twigs with thin wire

Step 5

Place it on a plate (pre-wrapped in foil) and see how it looks

Step 6

Lubricate the frame with the mixture (recipe: dilute glue and water 1 to 1 and add building plaster). Don’t forget to coat the bottom of the frame, this will act as a kind of stand

Step 7

Using thin wire, screw the branches to the frame

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