Home Grape Recipe for pancakes with kefir and boiling water. Thin custard pancakes made from kefir dough in boiling water. Pancakes with milk and kefir, brewed with boiling water

Recipe for pancakes with kefir and boiling water. Thin custard pancakes made from kefir dough in boiling water. Pancakes with milk and kefir, brewed with boiling water

How to cook delicious openwork pancakes with kefir? The whole point is that kefir needs to be diluted with water and we will dilute the finished dough with boiling water. This will allow the dough to become more plastic and pliable. The pancakes are perfectly baked inside, easily turned over and do not tear at all, they look beautiful and appetizing. Pancakes prepared with kefir according to a recipe with boiling water can be made very thin or medium thick.
What you need to make pancakes with kefir...
Ingredients: 2 cups of kefir; 2-2.5 cups flour; 2 eggs; soda - half a teaspoon; boiling water - 1 glass; sugar to taste (half a glass); salt to taste; vanilla to taste.

Break the eggs into a cup and add sugar. The amount of sugar depends on your taste. For sweet pancakes, you can add a little more than half a glass of sugar. You can also add a pinch of salt for taste. If pancakes are made for meat or other salty filling, add 1 teaspoon of salt to the pancakes. In this recipe we are preparing sweet pancakes, to which we added almost a whole glass of sugar. Mix the eggs and sugar well with a whisk until smooth.

Pour in the kefir and stir well. Sift through all the flour and add to the mixture. If you want, you can add a pinch of vanilla to the flour.
Mix with a whisk. You should get a thick dough. At first it will be even thicker than on pancakes. Stir until it becomes plastic and homogeneous, without lumps.

And now the secret of the recipe. Pour boiling water into a glass and add half a teaspoon of baking soda, which will quickly dissolve in the water. Pour boiling water and soda into the dough and stir gently with a whisk. The result is a batter with lots of bubbles. A bit like yeast. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes. This is necessary so that the dough becomes more homogeneous and plastic. Boiling water, as it were, brews the dough, it turns out choux, more pliable. The pancakes will turn over perfectly and can be baked very thin.
The last step is to add vegetable oil to the dough. Mix again.

Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and heat over high heat. The pan should be very hot. Then reduce the heat to a little more than minimum. It is advisable to use a special pancake pan for baking pancakes. Pancakes do not stick to such a frying pan and jump out of it themselves. If you don’t have such a frying pan, choose a frying pan with low sides and a thick bottom.
Pour the dough into a ladle; half a standard ladle is usually enough. Using circular movements, tilting the pan in a circle, distribute the dough over the entire bottom. The temperature must be selected so that the pancake has time to brown on the bottom, and the dough on top is completely baked, the bubbles should all burst. It usually takes about 1 minute for the first side. If the pancakes quickly burn on the bottom, but the dough on top is still liquid, reduce the temperature or pour in less dough to make the pancake thinner. After the bubbles on the surface burst, holes appeared, and it became clear on the edges that they were browned, carefully turn the pancake over to the other side with a wide spatula. The second side takes much less time to bake. We bake all the pancakes in this way and place them in a stack on a wide dish. If the edges turn out crispy, then after the pancakes sit in the stack for a while, they become completely soft.
Each pancake can be additionally greased with butter or ghee. But you can leave it like that, they are very tasty without additives. The pancakes turn out beautiful, rosy and delicate with lots of holes. Fragrant and delicate in taste. Try it, you will definitely like these delicate kefir pancakes, prepared with the addition of boiling water. Sweet pancakes are served with sour cream, honey, jam or jam. If the pancakes are fresh or salty, you can use various sauces and red caviar as an additive. These pancakes are also good with any filling.

They say that if there is at least a little water in the pancake batter, then they will turn out lacy. Shall we check? Today we cook them in boiling water, which means that they will not only be tasty, but also beautiful!

To prepare custard pancakes (that’s what those cooked in boiling water are called), you will need kefir, eggs, sugar, butter (preferably vegetable), flour and boiling water itself.

All ingredients must be mixed until smooth and after that you can fry golden pancakes from the resulting dough.

Thin pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

A simple option for a delicious dinner! All the ingredients are familiar, which means it won’t be difficult to prepare.

How to cook:

Tip: You can use baking powder instead of baking soda.

Openwork pancakes with kefir and boiling water without eggs

If you consider yourself a vegan or are just fasting, this recipe was created for you. Be sure to save it.

What is the calorie content - 151 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour kefir into a bowl where the dough will be kneaded.
  2. Add soda, sugar and salt to it, mix everything.
  3. Add flour in parts, kneading the dough until smooth.
  4. Bring water to a boil and gradually pour it into the dough, constantly stirring.
  5. Finally, add oil and mix everything.
  6. You can start frying pancakes from the finished dough.

Tip: to avoid lumps, it is better to add flour through a sieve.

Chocolate pancakes with kefir and boiling water

We present the recipe to the most ardent chocolate lovers. Imagine what will happen if you also make chocolate filling!

What is the calorie content - 187 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, combine the eggs with sugar and salt.
  2. Beat them into a light foam using a whisk. This will take about five minutes.
  3. Pour kefir into the resulting mass and add flour in parts.
  4. Combine everything again and pour in water, which by this time needs to be brought to a boil.
  5. Whisk the ingredients until smooth.
  6. Add cocoa, add butter and leave the mixture for ten minutes.
  7. After this, you can start frying pancakes.

Tip: You can use chocolate pieces instead of cocoa.

Quick recipe

Do you want pancakes in a quarter of an hour? Please!

How much time - 15 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 177 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to pour kefir into a deep bowl.
  2. Add eggs and beat ingredients until smooth.
  3. After this, add soda and stir.
  4. Next, add flour in parts, mixing the ingredients after each time.
  5. Pour in oil and combine ingredients.
  6. Bring the water to a boil and add it at the very end.
  7. Stir the dough and you can fry the pancakes until golden brown in a well-heated frying pan.

Tip: you can add a little flavoring to the dough for originality.

With milk and kefir

Judging by what the pancakes are made of, they will turn out incredibly tender and light.

How much time - 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 161 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour kefir into a saucepan and place it on the stove.
  2. Let it heat up, but only a little, so as not to spoil the product with high temperature.
  3. After this, pour into a fairly deep container.
  4. Break eggs into kefir, add salt, sugar and soda, mix everything.
  5. Add flour in parts, remembering to mix the ingredients.
  6. Heat the milk a little and pour it into the dough along with the butter.
  7. Let the finished dough rest for about ten minutes and then you can start frying the pancakes.

Tip: if you are afraid of overheating the kefir, you can use the microwave.

Thin pancakes with yogurt

You can get an original and no less tasty result by preparing these pancakes. Be sure to check it out to be sure of our words.

How long is it - 20 minutes?

What is the calorie content - 178 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Place the yogurt in a deep bowl, add sugar and salt, and an egg.
  2. Mix everything until smooth and add flour.
  3. It is better to add it in parts so that there are no lumps. After each addition, be sure to stir the ingredients until smooth.
  4. Place the water on the stove and let it boil.
  5. Dilute soda in it and pour everything into the dough.
  6. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous consistency.
  7. Finally, add oil, combine everything and start frying.
  8. Pancakes must be cooked in a hot frying pan.

Tip: Use Greek yogurt if you want a tart pancake.

You can make very unusual, bright pancakes. To do this, you need to add the juice of herbs, carrots, beets, turmeric, paprika, cuttlefish ink, etc. to the dough. It turns out original!

Pancakes cooked in boiling water turn out incredibly tender and very appetizing. All thanks to the unique technology of their preparation. Delicious with tea and jam!

“Anyone who eats pancakes with jam can’t be that terribly dangerous.” (c) Tove Janson, “All about the Moomins”

It's great when they bake pancakes in the house! The pancake smell spreads throughout the apartment, the hostess opens the windows to share it with the entire yard, and it rushes through the rooms, seeps through the keyhole and rushes into the entrance to tease the neighbors. You don’t need a special occasion to make pancakes - round and golden, like the sun, they themselves are a reason for a good mood and a small family holiday that can be arranged anytime.

To eat pancakes, you don’t need to sit on a chair with a straight back, formally cut off small pieces with a knife and put them in your mouth using a special fork. Why? Firstly, the pancakes themselves are so delicious that no one will even look at you until the last buttery circle disappears. And secondly, our pagan ancestors did not allow anyone to cut or pierce pancakes, which always symbolized the sun. Therefore, you can and should take pancakes with your hands!

A talented mother knows that with the help of pancakes you can do the impossible - force a capricious baby to eat everything healthy - just wrap it in a pancake or serve it as a bake. And a good wife can work miracles - tender pancakes inspire strong men to great achievements.

Traditionally this dish is prepared with milk. Today we will look at ways to prepare thin pancakes that are mixed with kefir. Not pancakes, but pancakes – thin and with holes. To do this, of course, you need to know a few tricky secrets.

So, the first secret recipe for “Pancakes with boiling water”

To make pancakes with boiling water a success, you will need:

  • Kefir (200 ml.) - 1 glass
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Water (boiling water) - 0.5 cup
  • Soda - 1.4 teaspoon

Cooking recipe: Mix and lightly whisk kefir, flour, egg, salt and sugar. Be sure to sift the flour on a sieve! This will fill it with oxygen and make the pancakes especially airy. Then pour boiling water over the soda. Add the resulting mixture to the dough and mix well. If the dough is too thick, you can thin it with a little warm water. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes and add the specified amount of vegetable oil. The pancake mixture needs to be stirred again. You need to bake pancakes in a well-heated frying pan.

These “suns” should turn out especially tender and thin! Take a photo for those who didn’t get the treat.

Second secret recipe: Thin openwork pancakes

“Lacy” means “patterned”. Only the right combination of products will help you weave wonderful pancake laces and decorate the plates of your loved ones with them!

The recipe says: to prepare lacy pancakes for 3-4 people, you need to take

  • 3 eggs (preferably large)
  • 0.5 liters of kefir
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (topped)
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 4 tablespoons flour (lightly topped)
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter

All products must be at room temperature!

You will also need 1 stick of butter to grease the pancakes, which must first be melted.

Now prepare the dough: First you need to beat the eggs with a mixer. Then add salt, soda and sugar to the egg foam and beat again. Now add melted butter, then flour and partially kefir. Beat the resulting dough again. Add the rest of the kefir and beat again until the mass becomes homogeneous. It's time to bake lacy pancakes!

It is important that the pancake pan has a perfectly smooth bottom, then your “suns” will not stick. To get thin pancakes, pour small portions of batter onto a hot frying pan. And remember: openwork pancakes bake very quickly, you need to keep an eye on them! Also because hunters appear at the most crucial moment. And if you entrust the greasing of the pancakes to someone close to you, it may happen that you will not get anything!

Third recipe secret (secret recipe, that is): Thin pancakes with milk and kefir.

The recipe for these pancakes is incredibly simple and delicious. What forces or laws operate when milk and kefir are combined is unknown, but the fact remains that a pancake mixed with milk and kefir is eaten unusually quickly. Delicious, thin and delicate works of culinary art literally melt before your eyes!

  • You need a few eggs - only 2.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar,
  • 1 tbsp. milk,
  • 1 tbsp. kefir,
  • 8 tbsp. spoons (heaped) of flour
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.

Using a whisk or mixer, beat the eggs with sugar and salt. Pour in milk and kefir, mix again. Add flour. The dough should not be too thick or too runny. 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil will help the pancakes not stick to the pan.

Recipe four (no less secret): Thin pancakes with starch

This is a very special recipe, because in addition to traditional wheat flour, you will need potato starch. If you have ever replaced flour with starch when baking, you know that the product turns out much softer, lighter and more tender. What happens if you make pancakes by adding a little starch? Let's go all the way from start to finish.

So take:

  • 1 liter of kefir,
  • 4 chicken eggs,
  • 50 g sugar,
  • 1 tsp. salt,
  • 250 g wheat flour,
  • 100 g starch,
  • 2 g baking soda,
  • 50 ml vegetable oil.

First, prepare a mixture of eggs with sugar, kefir and salt. Then sift flour and starch into a bowl with the resulting mixture. Stir well, break up any lumps and add soda. Lastly, add vegetable oil to the batter so that the pancakes can easily turn over and remove from the pan. If you find the dough too thick, just add a little kefir.

By the time you are ready to fry the pancakes, the pan should be well heated. And, of course, try to distribute the dough evenly over the surface in a thin layer.

When a pile of golden circles grows on a beautiful dish, and experienced large and small tasters begin their feast, you will come to the conclusion that starch produces thin and delicate pancakes. The recipe works!

Secret recipe No. 5. Thin pancakes with holes

Where do the holes come from in pancakes? A hole may appear if lovers of freshly baked pancakes hang around a plate of freshly baked pancakes. Or if you make pancakes using the recipe for pancakes with holes.

These suns are prepared with milk and kefir. Let's understand the secret of holes together.

We use:

  • 1 egg
  • Kefir 150-200g
  • 400 ml milk
  • 1-2 cups flour (the dough should be liquid sour cream)
  • 0.5 tsp. salt.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar
  • 0.25 tsp. soda
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • About 50 ml boiling water
  • For frying we use lard.

All ingredients (except flour and boiling water) are placed in a large saucepan and mixed using a mixer. Then add flour, brew the dough with 50 ml of boiling water and mix thoroughly again. If it seems that there is not enough flour, you can add it to the desired consistency.

All that's left to do is bake! The pan is heated over medium heat. Instead of vegetable oil, lard is used: it needs to be thoroughly lubricated in the frying pan. A small amount of dough is poured onto the hot surface, so that the pancake turns out thin. And the holes come out by themselves! Experienced pancake makers must test the first copy. Based on the test results, you can add sugar or salt to the dough.

Be sure to take a photo of the resulting beauty. A photo of a pancake slide is the best decoration for the kitchen when everything delicious has already been eaten.

Last, sixth secret: Thin pancakes without eggs

If there are no eggs in the house and everyone is talking about pancakes, you can look at the recipe “How to make pancakes without eggs.” The recipe is very simple:

  • Kefir – 1l.
  • Flour – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Soda – 1 tsp.
  • Starch – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter – ½ stick for greasing.
  • No eggs.

Using a whisk, blender or mixer, beat all ingredients. The dough will be covered with bubbles. Let's leave it for 20 minutes. When the time is up, we start baking. The first pancake will be good if you pour a little vegetable oil into the pan. But let only the first pancake receive this honor. The resulting dough is enough for 15 thin golden circles.

Maslenitsa brings the aroma of pancakes into the house. So I’m starting the oil week, I baked pancakes with kefir according to my favorite recipe with boiling water.

There is an opinion that pancakes are cooked only with milk, and only pancakes, gingerbreads and flatbreads are baked with kefir. Today I want to convince you. Pancakes made with kefir are the most delicious, delicate, soft and thin. They just melt in your mouth. Thanks to kefir, the dough will turn out airy and bubbly, which will give the pancakes additional airiness, and boiling water will add stickiness to the flour.

So, the recipe for custard pancakes with kefir:

  • 250 ml. kefir (yogurt, fermented baked milk, low-fat sour cream)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 table. spoons of sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • ¼ tsp. spoons of soda
  • 1 cup flour (volume 250 ml.)
  • 1 cup boiling water (250 ml.)
  • 3 table. spoons of vegetable oil

How to cook thin custard pancakes with kefir?

It is advisable that all products are not very cold; you must first remove the eggs and kefir from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before preparing the dough. When products are at the same temperature, then they combine better.

The process of preparing pancake dough is so quick that it is better to prepare all the necessary ingredients and place them nearby so that they are at hand. Therefore, I immediately turn on the kettle so that the boiling water does not cool down while I prepare the dough.

First, beat the eggs with two tablespoons of granulated sugar,

then I add kefir combined with soda. I mix everything well with a whisk. An electric mixer or blender with a whisk attachment will speed up the blending process.

Now it’s the flour’s turn - I add the entire amount of flour, add some salt and stir so that there are no lumps left.

I pour in three tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil so as not to spoil the taste of the pancakes.

The resulting dough is similar in consistency to pancakes.

Now it's the boiling water's turn. Continuing to mix the dough, pour in a glass of boiling water and quickly combine.

Note the proportions of water, kefir and flour - this is an ideal combination, and you do not have to adjust the thickness of the dough. Since I learned this recipe, I now cook this way.

Then the whole process is as usual when preparing pancakes, pour a portion of the dough into a heated frying pan, distribute evenly over the bottom and fry over medium heat.

Before the first pancake, I grease the bottom of the frying pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

These are the ruddy thin pancakes you get. This portion of food yields approximately 20-25 pancakes, depending on the thickness and diameter, so I always prepare a double portion of dough at once, and bake in two pans at the same time to make it faster.

Prepare these custard pancakes with kefir at least once and you won’t notice how they will fly off the plates, and your family will be asking for more!

How to prepare openwork pancakes with kefir and boiling water, recipe with photos step by step - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

≡ Home → Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes → A successful recipe for pancakes on kefir with boiling water with holes

Today we'll bake pancakes again! At this word, the eyes of my family home cooking connoisseurs light up and their spirits lift. After all, they all really love “all kinds and not all kinds” (as my son said in childhood, pancakes. In general, I cook them very often. I know a lot of cooking options, all time-tested. For lovers of openwork lace baking, I’ll show you how to bake pancakes on kefir with boiling water. The recipe with photos will help you step by step to see all the intricacies of preparing this miracle.

Young housewives are often afraid to deal with baking pancakes. Completely in vain! Today you will see that there is nothing complicated in preparing them. Pancake dough is easy and simple to make, no need to knead or beat for a long time. They bake quickly, do not stick and do not tear. Even the first pancake won’t turn out lumpy, this is such a good recipe.

There are little secrets in cooking that help you get perfect thin pancakes with holes. I will tell you about them in detail. This method will give everyone successful pancakes. You will be proud to show off your delicious, rosy baked goods. Please your children with delicious treats, who will definitely appreciate them.

  • A glass of sour kefir (volume 250 ml)
  • Two large chicken eggs
  • Sugar – granulated – 2 tablespoons
  • Salt - a pinch
  • A glass of boiling water (volume 250 ml)
  • A glass of sifted premium flour
  • Half a teaspoon of soda
  • Vegetable oil - three tablespoons
  • Vanilla sugar

Custard pancakes on kefir with boiling water

  1. Step one. Let's start mixing the dough for openwork pancakes on kefir with boiling water. Use products at room temperature. Kefir needs to be heated to a “well warm” state.
  2. Break the eggs into a bowl; first remove them from the refrigerator. Add a pinch of salt, two tablespoons of sugar and a packet of vanilla sugar to them. Whisk the mixture. It will become lighter and you won’t have to put in much effort.
  3. Step two. Pour in the heated kefir and stir. Choose sour kefir, so it will react better with soda.
  4. Boil a glass of water and pour it into our mixture in a thin stream. The technology is as follows: with one hand we continuously beat the egg-kefir mass, with the other hand we tilt the glass with boiling water. If you pour a lot of boiling water at once, the eggs will cook and curdle, and you will have to throw away the dough.
  5. As you add boiling water, the dough will begin to lighten and foam. A whole cap of foam will appear on the top. This secret ingredient will give the baked goods the desired holes and make them openwork.
  6. It's time to add flour. Our mixture is hot due to the added boiling water. Therefore, the flour will dissolve perfectly without forming lumps. Sift it through a sieve and mix with a whisk. My flour dissolved just perfectly, the dough turned out homogeneous.
  7. Mix soda with the last portion of flour, add to the dough and stir. If the proportions are correct, you will get a liquid dough, that’s how it should be. Don't worry, everything will bake perfectly.
  8. Step three - add vegetable oil. This trick will allow you to avoid constantly greasing the pan with oil.
  9. We leave it to “think” for 10 minutes, during which time the ingredients will “endure and fall in love” with each other.
  10. Step four - baking. Take a special pancake pan with a flat bottom. Or an ordinary frying pan, but with a thick bottom. We warm it up well - this is another secret. If you reheat it poorly, you'll ruin half the dough.
  11. The first time, lightly grease the bottom of the pan with oil using a silicone brush. All subsequent times, the oil that we poured into the dough will be enough for us.
  12. Use a large spoon or ladle to scoop up some dough, pour it into the pan and quickly rotate it. Gorgeous openwork holes instantly appear along the bottom. There is one trick here - you need to pour it in a very thin layer, then there will be a lot of holes. If you pour it in a thick layer, there will be much less of them. So learn to pour a thin layer on the pan.
  13. Make the heat on the stove higher than medium. The first side bakes instantly. Lift the edge with a spatula - if it is golden brown and comes away well, then you need to turn it over. How you do it is your choice. Some craftswomen throw and turn over in the air. Some are turned over with your hands, some with a spatula.
  14. Fold the finished delicacy into corners or simply stack it on a plate. There is no need to grease with butter or jam; the filling will leak out through the holes anyway. This is not a recipe to be stuffed or greased on the inside. This is an option for lovers of the recipe for thin kefir custard pancakes with holes.
  15. This amount of food is enough to feed two to three people. For 1 liter of kefir, increase the amount of products four times.
  • The main mistake is not to pour boiling water right away, pour it in a thin stream.
  • Don’t let the batter bother you, it will definitely turn out and much more liquid than for pancakes.
  • Before baking, stir it every time with a ladle, then the flour will not settle to the bottom.
  • A poorly heated frying pan is the main reason why pancakes will rupture. Heat it over high heat, then reduce it by half.
  • A thinly poured layer along the bottom of the pan is the key to the appearance of openwork.
  • Mix sour cream with honey, dip the pancake in it each time. This is delicious!
  • Condensed milk
  • Strawberry jam (jam)
  • Applesauce

Gorgeous openwork custard pancakes are ready! Enjoy their taste and ease of preparation. I’ll tell you soon and show you how to cook them with milk. Don't miss new recipes, visit the site.

Delicious openwork pancakes with kefir: recipe with boiling water, step by step photos

Probably many have tried to cook pancakes with kefir and were disappointed because the pancakes didn’t work out. We offer a recipe for delicious pancakes with kefir, which is sure to work, because it has one little secret. Today's site Vkusss.ru will show how to cook delicious openwork pancakes with kefir. The whole point is that kefir needs to be diluted with water and we will dilute the finished dough with boiling water. This will allow the dough to become more plastic and pliable. The pancakes are perfectly baked inside, easily turned over and do not tear at all, they look beautiful and appetizing. Pancakes prepared with kefir according to a recipe with boiling water can be made very thin or medium thick.

Pancakes with kefir: recipe step by step

Break the eggs into a cup and add sugar. The amount of sugar depends on your taste. For sweet pancakes, you can add a little more than half a glass of sugar. You can also add a pinch of salt for taste. If pancakes are made for meat or other salty filling, add 1 teaspoon of salt to the pancakes. In this recipe we are preparing sweet pancakes, to which we added almost a whole glass of sugar. Mix the eggs and sugar well with a whisk until smooth.

Pour in the kefir and stir well.

Sift all the flour and add to the mixture. If you want, you can add a pinch of vanilla to the flour.

Mix with a whisk. You should get a thick dough. At first it will be even thicker than on pancakes. Stir until it becomes plastic and homogeneous, without lumps.

And now the secret of the recipe. Pour boiling water into a glass and add half a teaspoon of baking soda, which will quickly dissolve in the water. Pour boiling water and soda into the dough and stir gently with a whisk. The result is a batter with lots of bubbles. A bit like yeast. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes. This is necessary so that the dough becomes more homogeneous and plastic. Boiling water, as it were, brews the dough, it turns out choux, more pliable. The pancakes will turn over perfectly and can be baked very thin.

The last step is to add vegetable oil to the dough. Mix again.

Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and heat over high heat. The pan should be very hot. Then reduce the heat to a little more than minimum. It is advisable to use a special pancake pan for baking pancakes. Pancakes do not stick to such a frying pan and jump out of it themselves. If you don’t have such a frying pan, choose a frying pan with low sides and a thick bottom.

Pour the dough into a ladle; half a standard ladle is usually enough. Using circular movements, tilting the pan in a circle, distribute the dough over the entire bottom.

The temperature must be selected so that the pancake has time to brown on the bottom, and the dough on top is completely baked, the bubbles should all burst. It usually takes about 1 minute for the first side. If the pancakes quickly burn on the bottom, but the dough on top is still liquid, reduce the temperature or pour in less dough to make the pancake thinner.

After the bubbles on the surface burst, holes appeared, and it became clear on the edges that they were browned, carefully turn the pancake over to the other side with a wide spatula. The second side takes much less time to bake.

We bake all the pancakes in this way and place them in a stack on a wide dish. If the edges turn out crispy, then after the pancakes sit in the stack for a while, they become completely soft.

Each pancake can be additionally greased with butter or ghee. But you can leave it like that, they are very tasty without additives.

The pancakes turn out beautiful, rosy and delicate with lots of holes. Fragrant and delicate in taste. Try it, you will definitely like these delicate kefir pancakes, prepared with the addition of boiling water.

Sweet pancakes are served with sour cream, honey, jam or jam. If the pancakes are fresh or salty, you can use various sauces and red caviar as an additive. These pancakes are also good with any filling.

These are the holes you get on pancakes.

Have you already prepared openwork pancakes using kefir with the addition of boiling water? Share in the comments!

Openwork kefir pancakes with boiling water recipe with photos

We will make the dough for these pancakes all the time using a mixer.

Break 2 eggs into a large container and beat until foamy, add salt. Now, continuously mixing the mass with a mixer, slowly pour in boiling water. The mass will greatly increase in volume. Add kefir. Now sift the flour through a sieve and add soda to it. Pour into the dough in a thin stream, mixing continuously with a mixer. Add sugar and sunflower oil.

Grease a pan for pancakes with sunflower oil and bake pancakes. They turn out thin, delicate and delicate. Using sleight of hand, fold them twice, sprinkle with powdered sugar or pour over your favorite jam. We eat it quickly and with pleasure. We invite everyone to the table!

Kefir - 1 glass, water (boiling water) - 1 glass, eggs - 2 pieces. flour - 1 cup, soda - a pinch, salt - 0.5 teaspoon, sugar - 1 tablespoon, sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons, powdered sugar, favorite jam.

Step by step photos of the recipe

1.Meet my daughter Alena, she is 8 years old. She will demonstrate the cooking on her own with a little participation from me and parental supervision)) So. We will make the dough for these pancakes all the time using a mixer. Break 2 eggs into a large container and beat until foamy, add salt.

2. Now, continuously mixing the mass with a mixer, slowly pour in boiling water. The mass will greatly increase in volume. Add kefir.

3. Now sift the flour through a sieve and add soda to it. Pour into the dough in a thin stream, mixing continuously with a mixer. Add sugar and sunflower oil.

4. Grease a pan for pancakes with sunflower oil and bake pancakes.

5. They turn out thin, delicate and delicate.

6. Using sleight of hand, fold them twice.

7. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

8. Or pour over your favorite jam.

9. We eat quickly and with pleasure.

10. We invite everyone to the table!

Additional recipe information

Recipe: Thin pancakes with kefir and boiling water, how to cook quickly and tasty at home

In almost any family, pancakes are one of the most favorite dishes. Every housewife must have a favorite recipe for making pancakes. Previously, I couldn’t make pancakes with kefir at all; they were very thick and stuck to the pan. But there was one simple recipe for pancakes with kefir, which became one of my favorites and pancakes are always made with it.

I suggest you prepare thin pancakes with kefir and boiling water, which turn out tasty and with beautiful holes. I hope that everything will work out for you the first time, and the step-by-step photos will help you not to make mistakes and prepare everything correctly. To prepare thin pancakes with kefir and boiling water, you will need the following products: kefir, eggs, flour, boiling water, sunflower oil, soda, sugar and a pinch of salt.

Ingredients for thin pancakes on kefir with boiling water

  • Kefir 2 cups
  • Flour 2 cups
  • Eggs 2 pcs
  • Soda 0.5 tsp.
  • Boiling water 1 cup
  • Sugar 3 tbsp.
  • Sunflower oil 3 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe for thin pancakes made with kefir and boiling water

The first step is to mix eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt.

Add kefir and flour to the egg mixture and mix well. Kefir can be replaced with drinking yogurt with fruit additives, then the pancakes will have an unusual fruity taste. You should get a dough that is similar in consistency to pancake dough.

Pour boiling water and baking soda into the dough and mix quickly. Leave the dough to stand for 5 minutes.
After five minutes, add sunflower oil to the dough and mix.

Heat the pan in which we will bake pancakes well. When baking pancakes, it is very good to heat the pan, then the pancakes will not stick, and you will not need to constantly grease it with oil (I grease the pan only once before the first pancake, although I have a very ordinary frying pan without a non-stick coating). Pour a little dough into a preheated frying pan greased with a little oil and spread it evenly over the surface.

When the top of the pancake is covered with holes and becomes almost matte, the pancake needs to be turned over to the other side using a spatula. Fry it for another half a minute and remove from the pan.
Serve ready-made pancakes with sour cream, jam, condensed milk or jam.

Did you like the recipe? Tell us thank you, just share with your friends. Good luck!

Thin pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Maslenitsa! The pancakes are thin, lacy, fluffy! This is the second day in a row I’ve been baking pancakes with kefir; I really liked the recipe with boiling water. The trick is that thick pancake batter is diluted not with warm water, but with boiling water. The effect is amazing! The dough foams better than yeast dough, the pancakes are thin and lacy. During Maslenitsa week, it’s time to prepare these wonderful pancakes with kefir and boiling water; a step-by-step recipe with photos and a detailed description will help you. In two frying pans, in half an hour you can bake an impressive stack of thin pancakes using kefir and boiling water. And eat it even faster!

To prepare thin custard pancakes with kefir you will need:

How to cook pancakes with kefir and boiling water. Recipe

Mix sugar, salt and egg in a deep, wide saucepan. Beat with a whisk or mixer until a light foamy cap appears.

Pour kefir into this mixture. In this case, it doesn’t matter whether it is cold or warm, boiling water will warm up the dough and fluff it up.

Sift the flour. Why is the recipe for kefir pancakes with boiling water convenient, especially for novice cooks - add the flour all at once, and then dilute the mixture to the desired consistency with boiling water.

Whisk the dough with a whisk or connect the mixer. Here it is important to break up all the lumps; if you leave the lumps, the boiling water will boil them and they will no longer dissolve. At this stage, the thickness will be approximately like that of condensed milk: when you pass it with a whisk, you will notice relief marks.

Advice– kefir pancakes brewed with boiling water must be cooked in a deep bowl, the dough rises a lot.

To make it easier for you to navigate the proportions, take a glass of kefir and a glass of boiling water for your pancakes. If the volume is 200 ml, then we pour water into the same one, if it is 250 ml, then we use it for boiling water. While stirring the dough with a whisk, pour in boiling water.

Add vegetable oil. We extinguish the soda with vinegar. After a few seconds the bubbles will disappear, pour the mixture into the dough.

The dough will immediately fluff up and rise three times – that’s why I advise you to cook it in a deep bowl. There are visible marks on the walls - it foamed up to this mark. Stir and leave for a few minutes. The dough will settle a little, but there will be a lot of bubbles in it, which means your kefir pancakes with boiling water will be lacy, with a hole in them.

The batter for pancakes made with kefir and boiling water will not be very thick; it flows freely from the ladle without separating into drops.

Let's grease the frying pan; for this purpose I use a piece of lard strung on a fork. Scoop out the dough and pour it into a heated frying pan. Shaking, vigorously scroll the frying pan, disperse an even thin layer and put it back on the fire a little higher than average. Thin lacy pancakes made with kefir and boiling water are baked quickly, no longer than a minute.

In order not to tear the thin lace made of dozens of holes, I advise you to turn the pancakes not with a spatula, but with your hands. First, we hold it near the walls of the pan with a toothpick. Then we pry it on one side and wrap it up. We grab the folded edge with both hands (index and middle fingers, folded with a pinch) and quickly turn it over.

The second side bakes even faster - 15-20 seconds, the pancake is browned and you can throw it on a plate. We repeat all manipulations until the dough is finished.

I specially took a photo in the light so that you can see what kind of thin pancakes you get with kefir and boiling water; a proven recipe guarantees that yours will turn out the same.

Pancakes are baked very quickly in two frying pans. Before you know it, a decent stack will grow, there will definitely be 25-30 pieces.

Well, are the eaters already at the table, knocking their spoons and demanding hot pancakes? Have you prepared sour cream, honey, jam? And here come the kefir pancakes with boiling water - hot, piping hot, help yourself! I look forward to your feedback and impressions in the comments. Your Plyushkin.

Pancakes on kefir with boiling water - openwork

I have tried many pancake recipes, I like those made with milk, kefir, whey, and boiling water; even chocolate pancakes with cocoa are distinguished by their unique taste. You can even make a pancake cake with berries, fruits and sweet cream from pancakes.

Today I cooked pancakes with boiling water and kefir, they are incredibly tasty and tender, and they are all lacy, with a hole, and thin. As my husband noted, you can strain vermicelli through pancakes.

From the specified amount of ingredients I got 35 pancakes. I baked it in a frying pan with a diameter of 15 cm.

The pancakes turn out not even thin, but rather thin. The most important secret is to pour half a ladle of dough into the pan. And also fry them in a hot frying pan.

This recipe can be watched in a 2-minute video from photographs, which is presented at the end of the article.

Pancakes with boiling water and kefir

  • 500 ml. kefir
  • 2 eggs (large)
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon soda
  • 250 ml. boiling water
  • 2 cups flour (250 grams)
  • Vegetable oil 4-5 tbsp. spoons

Preparing the ingredients does not take much time, all the ingredients are simple and affordable, they can be found in any store.

Today, as always, a step-by-step recipe with photographs that will help you prepare delicious and tender pancakes.

Kefir pancakes with boiling water - openwork, thin, with a hole, recipe with photo

The recipe is simple and ideal; frying pancakes is a pleasure, as they really all come out in a hole.

Kefir is one of the important ingredients in these pancakes. You can use homemade (country) kefir or store-bought.

I use kefir made at home from milk. If you use this kind of kefir for dough, then take a product that is not fresh, since fresh kefir is not sour. But if kefir stands for at least a day at room temperature, it will become more sour.

If you buy kefir in a store, then take at least 2.5% - 3.2% fat content. I hope this has been sorted out.

Prepare the ingredients and a bowl in which you will knead the dough. Beat 2 eggs into a bowl, I use country eggs. Add salt and sugar.

I use the whisk attachment for my blender. But without fanaticism. Next I pour in warm kefir. I heat the kefir a little, but only so that it becomes warm, not hot. I have 0.500 ml. kefir.

I mix everything with a whisk. I sifted the flour first. I have exactly 2 glasses, 250 gram glasses.

Pour out the flour in portions, I pour out one glass and mix everything with a whisk, and then a second glass and mix again. Here you can already do a good job so that there are no lumps.

The result is a homogeneous dough. The dough turns out like pancakes, thick.

Pour boiling water in a thin stream into the pancake batter. At the same time, beat the dough with a whisk.

We continue to beat the dough for pancakes with whisks, the dough will no longer be so thick. Next, I add vegetable oil to the dough, mix everything and leave for half an hour at room temperature. I usually leave it on the kitchen counter. Sometimes they say. “Let the dough rest.”

Fry pancakes in a hot frying pan. For the first pancake, I grease the pan with vegetable oil. Sometimes the first pancake turns out to be lumpy, it is even considered normal when the first pancake is lumpy. But this is most likely due to the frying pan not being hot enough.

I admit honestly that my first pancake was, as expected, “lumpy”; I hurried to pour in the dough. I even thought that I needed to add a little flour. But when the frying pan was hot enough, the pancakes turned out amazing, in a hole. That's why I didn't add any flour.

Pour the dough from the center to the edges; it’s more convenient for me to do this by weight, and as if turning the pan so that the dough spreads and forms a circle.

To make the pancakes thin, pour in half a ladle of batter.

The pancakes turn out lacy, have a hole in them and are thin, so during the baking process I realized that the proportions in this recipe are ideal.

Fry pancakes on both sides. My frying pan has a non-stick coating. To fry or not, decide for yourself.

We don't like burnt pancakes, so I try to make them brown without burning. I turn it over with a special spatula.

During the frying process, if necessary, the frying pan should be greased with vegetable oil or a piece of lard, whichever is convenient.

This is how we fry each pancake. I stack the pancakes. Each pancake can be greased with butter. But I don’t do this because the pancakes turn out greasy. But that's my opinion.

My mother, for example, always greases every pancake with butter, and it doesn’t matter what recipe she uses. This makes the pancakes softer, tastier and with creamier notes.

I already wrote above, but I repeat, my frying pan is small, 15 cm in diameter. I got exactly 35 pancakes from this amount of ingredients. I specially counted it.

Ready-made pancakes can be served with honey, jam, jam, sour cream, condensed milk, chocolate, and also stuffed with various fillings.

We recently stuffed pancakes with cottage cheese and baked them in the oven with sour cream. Pancakes with cottage cheese in sour cream are tender and very tasty. If you like it, you can try it. Today I don’t stuff pancakes, but serve them with honey, jam and sour cream.

Decide for yourself what to do with the pancakes. My grandmother, for example, treated all her neighbors to baked goods on Maslenitsa. On Easter, I also treated my neighbors to pies.

The pancakes taste excellent, everything in moderation, there’s enough of everything. But I definitely recommend trying the pancakes when baking and adding sugar, for example, if it’s not enough for you. But if you serve pancakes with jam, then you don’t need sugar, since pancakes made with boiling water and kefir can be sickly sweet.

Today I remembered another recipe that I once cooked for my family. This is a pancake pie. It can also be made for a holiday. A friend once gave me the recipe. But I've been preparing it for a long time. For some reason, children don’t really like liver.
For pancakes we take:
2 eggs, 1.5 tbsp. l. sugar, 0.5 tsp soda, 0.5 tsp salt, 350 ml milk, 200 g flour, 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil.
But it’s also not important. Everyone can prepare pancake dough according to their own proven and favorite recipe.
400 g chicken liver, 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 50 g butter, 1 egg.
For decoration, you can take 150 g of sour cream, 50 g of ketchup. salt and pepper to taste.
Beat eggs with sugar, salt and soda. Pour in 200 ml of milk, add flour, mix everything well. Gradually pour in the rest of the milk. Bake pancakes.
For the filling, fry the liver. Add carrots and onions. fry a little too. Grind everything in a blender, add butter, salt and pepper.
Place 2 pancakes in the pan and set aside 2 more. Distribute the filling over the rest. Roll each pancake into a tube and place in the pan.
Beat the egg and pour on top. Cover with remaining pancakes. Mix sour cream with ketchup, spread on the top layer and place in the oven to bake for 20 minutes.
Or you can simply spread the filling on the pancakes and fold them into a cake shape. Decorate the top with something. You will get such a snack cake.

And I not only liked this recipe, but also interested me. Although you have to tinker with it, I think it's worth it. We just won’t have time to do it this Maslenitsa.

You can do it after fasting and try it. After all, we bake pancakes not only for Maslenitsa.

Olya, I also made a cake like this once, it’s good that I reminded you. It’s just true, we’ve already eaten so much pancakes, let’s put this matter off for the future.
And I also remembered one recipe for pancakes, I’ll write it below.

We used to make liver cake for weddings and other holidays. It can be done in different ways. First: bake pancakes, grease each one with mayonnaise and prepare the liver filling and spread it over the mayonnaise. Also add dill. Stack the spring rolls on top of each other. The cake turns out delicious. I've always liked him.
And another recipe is to bake liver pancakes, and grease with the filling - fried carrots and onions, make a mesh of sour cream or mayonnaise, decorate beautifully with dill on top, you can lay out beautifully cut tomatoes. The cake also turns out very tasty.
I haven’t cooked trits like this for a long time. After fasting, you need to remember and do it.

Just recently we made such a liver cake from chicken liver. It turns out very tasty. I don’t really like liver, but I enjoyed eating it in this cake.

I love this cake too. It turns out both tasty and very filling.

These are exactly the kind of pancakes I like to make with kefir and boiling water; they really turn out thin and tender, very tasty. But I can’t make such holes. It seems like this is the recipe, what’s the trick here?

I want to write my own recipe for pancake pie. It's called "kurnik". True, the main dough in it is puff pastry, but pancakes are also needed.
Now I buy ready-made dough in the store, preferably yeast dough.
Pancakes can be baked according to any recipe you like, they can be either thin or thick, but thin is preferable, the cake will be tastier.
You will need 5 pancakes in total. I don’t really want to specially knead the dough for them, so the next time I bake pancakes, I leave (if possible) 5 pieces and hide them from all family members.
For the filling you need: boiled chicken meat, boiled eggs, boiled rice, mushrooms fried with onions, melted butter.
I don’t specify the exact amount of ingredients, you need to take a little of everything.
As you already understood, the meat and eggs need to be boiled and finely chopped, we also use finely chopped mushrooms, we take any mushrooms.
Roll out one layer of dough into a round shape and place it on a baking sheet or in a large pan.
Grease it a little with melted butter and lay out a layer of chicken.
Then place the pancake on top, grease it with oil, and add the filling of eggs and rice.
Another pancake, butter, a layer of mushrooms and onions.
Another pancake, repeat layers.
Spread the filling in a thin layer.
The final stage is to roll out the second layer of puff pastry.
We pinch the edges, make punctures with a fork on top, brush with raw egg and put in the oven.
This pie turns out to be quite large.
You can make it smaller by laying out the layers of filling once, without repeating.
It turns out very interesting, unusual and tasty.

Olya, should you make puff pastry cakes the size of pancakes? It turns out that the bottom and top layers are puff pastry, and between them are pancakes with different fillings? Is this chicken?)) I just didn’t cook chicken. you need to try to do this. We love puff pastry. Only after the post we will do it. We’ve also already eaten all kinds of pancakes; we need to take a break for our body.
Thanks for the delicious recipe!

Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

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