Home Flowers Long statuses about love are sad to the point of tears. Statuses about love to tears. Sad statuses for your loved one about life and Love

Long statuses about love are sad to the point of tears. Statuses about love to tears. Sad statuses for your loved one about life and Love

Sad statuses that bring you to tears - When you are betrayed, it’s like your arms were broken... You can forgive, but you will never be able to hug...

It is not autumn that is to blame for our sadness, but only the absence of spring in our souls...

Stabs in the back are most often inflicted by those whom you protect with your chest.

And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply cannot understand me... They often tell me that I am beautiful... I would like to exchange beauty for happiness...

The one who cares is sad.

Losing someone you loved is scary, but it’s even worse to never meet him.

Each of us is dedicated. To someone or someone.

We take a lot from life, but then it can take something in return...

It seems to me that the most terrible habit of humanity is to say goodbye to each other forever.

When you are betrayed for the first time, it's like being shot point blank. Immediate death. When you are betrayed twice, you no longer feel anything. You are already dead.

We live in peculiar times: we are afraid to scratch our iPhone, but we are not afraid to shit in people’s souls.

The worst thing... is when you love each other, but you're both proud

We are probably too proud to say to each other: “I miss you”...

People don't notice what we do for them, but they notice what we don't do.

There are people whose departure leaves a part of you. You're not dying, no. It's just not what it used to be. You react to things differently. You think differently. Even the smile is different...

It happens that a person, with his behavior, with his words, gradually kills in us all the good things that we felt for him.

It’s sad to meet those people who knew everything about you... even the most secret things... and now, when passing by, they don’t even say hello.

The joy of love is great, but the suffering is so great that it is better not to love at all.

You need to cry when the rain is crying... Then it will be unclear which of you is shedding tears

We all say: life has brought us together, life has connected us, we have one path... And a couple of years will pass, we will meet on the street and not even say hello. That's life for you...

I will be the drunkest guest at their wedding and I will shout “Bitter” the loudest, because I will really be bitter, very bitter...

...But you know, they don’t drown because they don’t know how to swim. They drown when they have no strength to stay on the shore. Sergei Lukyanenko

I pretend that everything is fine. Dying from the inside.

Leave your tears, because there is no other way, smile, girl - the proud do not cry. And in spite of the insult, you must laugh, even if your heart breaks from pain!

Looks like now is the time to add plantain to your life.

Tears can mean more than a smile... Because we smile at everyone, but we cry only because of those we love...

The memories are overwhelming. Thoughts are suffocating. Feelings kill...

You let people into your sea, and they kill your fish.

It is not difficult to swallow grievances, but it is difficult to digest them...

At some point you realize that everything has an end. Bret Easton Ellis. Lunar Park

It's so hard to understand that there is nothing left to lose...

You get burned by one person, and then you don’t trust the whole world.

Warm, warming words for your loved ones will be an excellent opportunity to express feelings, emotions and your desires. They allow you to be closer and make plans, dream and bring to life your secret desires and wishes.

Statuses about love is a public way to show the strength of your feelings and express these feelings to others. The power of words in special expressions, in poetry, has an instant impact on the consciousness of dear people.

  1. There is no such thing as ex-love.
  2. The worst desire is to be “loved” by everyone.
  3. Don't knock on a closed heart.
  4. Don't cry, love can't hurt.
  5. True love does not tolerate commitment.
  6. Being too sexy is a relative concept.
  7. Love more than you can show, express your feelings more than you might think.
  8. Loneliness does not exist without a reason.
  9. A woman needs to be able to love, and not have at will.
  10. The world is made up of lovers who want to love and those who want to experience the power of love.
  11. If you lose a loved one, think, is he loved enough to fight for?
  12. The less you want a woman, the more they like you.
  13. It is better to break up sincerely than to have false mercy.
  14. In sincere love the soul sings a song.
  15. If you love a woman, endure thorns.
  16. Love is like a fox: it either cheats or openly attacks.
  17. The more often you envy love, the less it rushes time.
  18. Today you can say “about love,” but remember that yesterday she could have left for someone else.
  19. Hurry up to love - life is fleeting.

Statuses “to tears” with meaning about Love

New beautiful statuses about Love in VK contact

  1. I don't admire you, I'm just fascinated by your love.
  2. The spell of love was able to touch every tip of my body.
  3. For how long she had been knocking on closed doors, but the key turned out to be very close.
  4. I have never loved so much, because before I never thought it was possible to love so much.
  5. I was able to comprehend the power of love. Now I'm afraid that it might turn out to be murderous.
  6. Love and passion stepped alongside and turned into husband and wife. Let's go through life, we don't need any more, because we can't forget her passion.
  7. I wanted to be loved so much that I didn’t notice how I became available.
  8. I was afraid to look after love, but she left unnoticed.
  9. It's hard to be a friend when passion bursts out in your soul.
  10. Love does not create scandals, it creates them in order to feel the power of reconciliation.
  11. Sometimes it is better to have a “fantasy boyfriend” than an “indifferent” one.
  12. I will keep the memories of you because our love was embodied in a little bundle of happiness called “son.”
  13. She does not tolerate haste and measures her strength in small steps.
  14. Eternal frosts crept into my love and the icy cold replaced the heat of love.
  15. There is no love when there is nothing to say and nothing needs to be said.

Sad statuses for your loved one about life and Love

  1. Just a couple of years ago everything was completely different. We lived with each other. I was happy and my eyes glowed and sparkled. We celebrated holidays with you, gave Valentines, woke up and read. I remember this with tears today.
  2. You have proven to yourself that you are not capable of love: betrayal is your main argument.
  3. Love those who are nearby when you feel not only good, but, above all, bad.
  4. If you are loved by the rich, this does not mean that the poor will at least like you.
  5. It is more difficult to cherish love than to swear that you will never stop loving.
  6. Don't knock on my heart, you hammered down the door yourself.
  7. In love, as in the heart, there are rhythms. Your rhythm was wrong.
  8. Love does not destroy, it moves me. I will carry its power through the years.
  9. He who stumbles over love does not think that it returns like a boomerang.
  10. I can live without you, even if my heart will always be cold now.
  11. You left and slammed the door, and didn’t know that you killed me from a distance.
  12. I was in a hurry to quit and didn’t notice how I lost myself.
  13. He asked me to feel the full power of your love and did not say that the suffering from it would be eternal.

Funny and cool statuses for a guy

Statuses about first love, friendship, unhappy and broken love, with the meaning of life - will help you awaken your wise thoughts and understand life priorities in relationships between people.

They, like clever pictures, narrate in a person’s imagination concepts about himself and loved ones.

Statuses about Love in verse (with hidden meaning)

Love is blind? But I'm not blind, you can't be called blind!

But here again, loving in a dream, closing your eyes, you roar..., you roar!

Is love stupid? But I’m not stupid, you won’t be called that!

So why do you call me to you again all night in the darkness?

Is love a deception? Fog in the night? You can't call her like that!

It’s like a gift – the fire of the soul, and without having it you won’t understand...

Statuses. . .

The saddest statuses, often bringing you to tears, are on Statuses-Tut.ru! There are times when the world around us ceases to please us. When even on a sunny day we want to be in silence. Relatives and friends only cause irritation and anger. Hopelessness and sadness cover us with its gray canvas. At such moments, sad and dreary statuses appear on our pages on social networks. How is it possible, we think, just yesterday the birds sang to us and we wanted to tell the whole world about our happiness. And today there is pain in my soul, and all my thoughts are filled with despair. While scrolling through other people's pages on the Internet, you suddenly come across sad statuses to tears, to the most acute pain in the heart. And now tears are flowing down your cheeks like two streams. And you think, why is this happening to you?

Why are we sad?

Why is our life not always so carefree and simple? Why is everything great with my friend, but I have problem after problem. This is what every inhabitant of planet Earth thinks at least once in their life. But for many centuries and even millennia, sages have been trying to find answers to all these questions. And many were able to formulate their vision of the problem. On our website Statuses-Here you can find sad statuses with meaning. These are quotes and statements of great people who saw themselves from the outside and left clues for their descendants.

Sad statuses for classmates are like a cry for help!

Maybe it's not so bad? You just need to set your priorities right, sit down and talk. If you see sad statuses for classmates on a friend’s page, perhaps he needs your help. After all, we so often do not see the small behind the big. And as the famous saying goes, we make a big elephant out of a molehill. And sad statuses on your page are just a reason to meet with friends. But no, sad statuses are not just an excuse, they are a cry for help for loved ones. It happens that we feel sad after watching an interesting film or play, or our favorite music makes us sad. And then we look for very sad statuses that could convey our thoughts to other people. They say that in the twenty-first century the problem of human loneliness in this world is one of the first places. Whether this is so is not for us to decide, but sometimes even in a large family people feel lonely. Our sad statuses about loneliness are your words addressed to the people you love most. And let them understand and help.

The saddest and most beautiful quotes!

What is sadness? This is a state of mind or just a bad mood. Complex issue. One thing is clear, if cats are scratching at your soul, our sad statuses for VKontakte are a reason to let your other half know that something is wrong. Man is the most complex creature in our world. We cannot understand ourselves. Sometimes we are happy for no particular reason, sometimes we are sad. On Statuses-Tut.ru you can always find the saddest statuses and let your friends puzzle over the reason for your melancholy. After all, sometimes you just need to be sad. Or maybe your beautiful sad statuses are just a word game. Or you really like the statements of famous people about life and love. No, as they say, there is no smoke without fire, and you are sad because it’s cold and damp outside, and you’re just in such a strange mood.

Let sad statuses be replaced by positive ones!

Our life is a very changeable thing. Disappointments are replaced by delights, failures are replaced by ups and general admiration, depressions are replaced by insane optimism. However, in difficult times, it can be difficult for us to believe that the light will ever dawn. Sometimes a person simply needs to reach the very depths of his sadness, so that later, pushing off from the bottom, he can rise to more pleasant experiences. In real life, we can express our feelings with the help of facial expressions and gestures; on the Internet we have to make do only with graphics and words, which is why it is so important to choose a status that matches your mood. Let the new sad statuses you find here remain on your pages for no longer than a day.

Every Internet user has sad, meaningful statuses about all aspects of life. After all, human existence is multifaceted, filled not only with joy, but also with moments that overshadow it.

with meaning

  • "The last hope dies when the cheeriest person cries."
  • "Sadness means that a person is still alive."
  • “I knew it” - this phrase contains the most despair.”
  • "People have forgotten what education is. Instead of a quiet farewell conversation, they slam the door."
  • “A good man is ashamed of his success in front of the unfortunate.”
  • "Over time, the messages become shorter and the days spent alone become longer."
  • “Growing up is when you watch horror movies to switch away from the real nightmare.”
  • "Respectable people never prove why they deserve respect."
  • "There are many advantages to being alone. You don't have to charge your phone, for example."
  • “Hearing offensive things from loved ones is doubly painful. Because deep down in your soul you know what is said is the truth.”
  • “As you get older, it becomes more and more difficult to get close to people. You need to go through more than one test with a person before he goes from being an acquaintance to a friend.”

Sad statuses, with meaning, often reflect a person. Feelings of pain, alienation, loss or despair. It is important to see in each of them a request for help.

Beautiful statuses, sad with meaning

  • "The greatest pain is hopelessness."
  • “The worst thing is when you want to cry, but there’s nothing to do with it. You want to speak out, but there’s no one.”
  • "The most terrible moment is when it seems that everything is lost."
  • “The ability to remain calm outwardly when there is a storm inside is the quality of the strongest people.”
  • “Sometimes even the strongest cry.”
  • "A person's hope wears out. Over time, like an old coat, it is covered with holes and blown by the cold wind of reality."
  • “The worst thing is to feel like an exhausted old man in the body of a young man.”
  • “I want to get a dog. Not a single animal left because they “didn’t get along.”
  • "One day everyone will definitely understand who they lost. Unfortunately, it will be too late."
  • "Lately there are no black and white stripes. Everything is gray - no joy, no sadness."

Sad phrases about love

Usually, statuses that are sad to the point of tears, with a meaning that is understandable only to yourself and one other person, try to talk about love. They are dedicated to precisely that Ideal Reader, as S. King called him.

  • "Grown-ups want to be children because back then they only knew what it was like to have broken knees, not a broken heart."
  • "The worst stage in a relationship is not a breakup. The worst thing is indifference."
  • “The most painful thing after a breakup is to continue to see pictures of happiness that you once believed in.”
  • “Both are blind. One does not notice how much he is loved, the second does not see anyone else.”
  • “She changed a lot after their separation - she changed her hairstyle, became prettier, fresher and... sadder.”
  • “A man can be touched by a woman’s tears as long as he loves her.”
  • “After painful breakups, we always promise ourselves not to get involved in it again.”

Sad sayings about life

  • "Life is like walking in the rain. There comes a time when it's as if your feet are wet."
  • “In moments of one’s own grief, the joy of others makes one feel sick.”
  • “The most insightful person is the one who has experienced something like this.”
  • “Sometimes you want to run away from everyone and see who will look. But how threatening is the disappointment that no one noticed your absence.”
  • “What makes us stronger is not our failures, but the people who didn’t believe in us.”
  • "People are not afraid to admit their feelings. They are afraid that no one needs it."
  • “Those who leave once, forever, endure until the last.”
  • “The feeling of loneliness is most acute in a crowd.”
  • “You shouldn’t be afraid to be alone. You need to be afraid of those friends who left when everything was going downhill.”
  • “Opening your soul is a very brave act.”

A person analyzes what is happening with the help of emotions. They become an indicator of a person’s quality of life. The more positive moments a person experiences, the more positive he is about life. And vice versa, the more positive his thinking, the brighter the colors of the world around him. Therefore, let the sad, meaningful statuses on VK or Facebook be replaced by real positive emotions.

Hi all!

Unsuccessful love is like a painful fall from the stairs. But if you are one of those who would like to suffer a little, then sad statuses with meaning about this unusual feeling called love will help!

Statuses on VK about love for a guy, sad to the point of tears

Posting personal statuses on VK is a fashionable trend among users of this multimillion-dollar audience. Want something unique? There is a great collection about loving a guy! Sad to tears text messages will meaningfully express your feelings for society and the only one for whom it was intended.

  • Without you, the world seems dull to me, and the day is gray.
  • With every “no” you say, a prickly thorn appears in my heart.
  • I am painfully tormented by the memory of those days when we were together.
  • You broke my wings behind my back when you walked past with someone else.
  • Without a feeling of love that fills the soul, no magic happens.
  • When you get burned in one relationship, it takes longer to build the next one.
  • If love looks like a martyr with outstretched hands, it is no longer Love!
  • Broken love for you deprives you of the strength to live on.
  • Your periodic indifference is like a crown of thorns to me.
  • You are simply a master of your craft! You know how to pretend well when necessary, but I don’t need that kind of “love”!
  • A second chance and our relationship are completely incompatible concepts!
  • Why should I experience depression and think again that everything is fine with us? I no longer want the window slamming inside me!

You are like a knife that digs into my main vital organ and does not kill, but makes me suffer painfully.

  • Loving you is much more painful than getting your knees bleeding on the road.
  • An unrequitedly loving heart is like a sun shining from above that does not warm.
  • Your existence without me is like life without meaning, grass without dew, a circus without a smile.

Opening your heart to your chosen one is almost like playing roulette. After all, you may not get the desired and so important reciprocity from a guy for years. If everything is really that bad, then I can recommend sad statuses that bring you to tears about this unearthly feeling of love, which, perhaps, will make your fate a little easier...

Several statuses about love and sadness:

  • Life without love is like thoughts without fantasies!
  • Love can be new every day, but only one is real!
  • The fall of the heart into the abyss is absolutely silent!
  • A love disaster for a devoted heart is much worse than a large-scale accident!
  • Hateful love is like a book read a hundred times.
  • Love does not need to be returned - this is self-deception!

  • When you have nothing to say to each other when you meet, it’s time to say goodbye forever.
  • Suffering about feelings is no worse punishment!
  • If HE hasn't come again, then his thoughts are not on you.
  • The scar on the heart looks like a crooked smile from the outside when you mention it.
  • Most of the universal stupidities are committed precisely because of love.
  • The night becomes your best friend when loneliness sets in in your soul.
  • The strongest emotions are caused by love, which is called unrequited love.
  • Only death can prohibit love.
  • A loving heart is always in anxiety.
  • Judging two lovers from the outside is vulgar.
  • Two loving people are like entering the same river together.
  • When cash runs out, then feelings are tested for sincerity.
  • Love exists on paper, in movies or in thoughts, but in reality it is rare.
  • No amount of tears or prayers will make you love if there is no response in your soul.

If love for a guy doesn’t work, then you need to be able to let go, and this (I can’t even imagine how) is very sad. Short and at the same time about love with meaning and to tears - this is the best I can offer:

  • You can’t understand someone else’s feelings if you haven’t had to love yourself.
  • Love without reciprocity is like a cruel curse that you cannot get rid of.
  • Sad love has prickly needles in its friends.
  • Love for you mercilessly squeezes my heart, and I am like a cat without its beloved owner.
  • A couple of minutes is enough for me to look at you and get strong emotions from within.
  • Even heaven can't understand why you don't love me.
  • A heart in which great love lives does great stupid things.
  • Passionate love for you turns me into a faceless shadow.

I never thought that love could be so painful - I want to jump into the abyss!

  • My love for you will only die when life ends.
  • True love for a guy is not reposting a post on a social network.
  • I get true spiritual pleasure when you are near!
  • You will truly know the value of love if you suffer a whole sea of ​​tears.
  • Feelings for you gave me two counterbalances - joy and sadness...
  • I don't know yet how deep my love for you is, but time will tell.
  • You are my punishment by fate, and loving you is like torture.
  • With your image, the cherished six letters appear before your eyes - LOVE!
  • Only a loving heart can truly understand a love tragedy.

If love lives in the heart, it means that the dream has already appeared on the horizon in the form of a specific gentleman. But relationships do not always end with marriage and meeting old age hand in hand. Sad statuses about love with meaning will help you understand what was wrong and calm your soul. And to take your mind off the painful topic, take a look here: with a man.

Find time to have a good laugh and everything will be OK!

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