Home Indoor flowers Lenormand fortune telling online is the most accurate for the future. Lenormand cards. Fortune telling on Lenormand cards

Lenormand fortune telling online is the most accurate for the future. Lenormand cards. Fortune telling on Lenormand cards

They can be different, depending on the task and the result that we want to get after fortune telling. Most of the layouts for the small deck are taken from the book by A. Kotelnikova “Lessons in Prediction with Maria Lenormand”.

(4 cards). To study a specific issue, we recommend the “Numerological” layout or, as it is also called, “Development and Advice”. When fortune telling, the serial number of the Lenormand card and the position of the card are actively used; combinations of cards are not taken into account in the layout. Only the value of the Lenormand card is taken into account. All 36 cards are used for the layout, but only 4 cards need to be revealed to determine the development of the issue.

To tell fortunes about a situation and get a general idea of ​​a specific situation, you can use a simple “Situation” layout.

The layout of the Lenormand cards will tell you quite accurately about the prospects for the development of the situation without any special details. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller's personal card is used - the “blank” card. This layout has a very wide range of applications. It is indispensable in cases where you need to quickly and accurately get an idea of ​​​​a matter and find out the possible result.

(9 cards). For more detailed fortune telling and consideration of the situation that worries you, it is better to use the “9 cards” layout. Unlike the 4-card “Situation” layout, in this layout of the Lenormand cards, knowing their meaning, you can study a specific issue or serious problem in more detail. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller's personal card is used - the “blank” card.

(5 cards). To obtain information about the state of affairs in the professional life of the fortuneteller and advice on what can be done to improve the situation, a simple fortune-telling “Five Elements” using card numbers is used. The layout advice is based on adding the numbers of the first four Lenormand cards. Combinations of cards are not taken into account; only the position of the card and its meaning play a role. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

. To describe relationships and existing feelings, determine what awaits the couple and what they can achieve together, they use the “Two” layout. “Significator” cards are laid out on the table, indicating the pair of interest. As a result of the layout, a characteristic of the relationship is obtained for each of the partners and for the couple as a whole, using the numerological meaning of the Lenormand cards.

(16 cards). For a more detailed study of relationships and obtaining final conclusions, the “Short” layout is used, it is also called the “Small” layout. The “short” layout is considered complex and requires some experience with Lenormand cards. It takes into account the independent meaning of each card, the position occupied, paired combinations of cards and the position relative to the “blank” card. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

(21 cards). For a fairly detailed forecast for a short period of time, the “7 houses” layout is used. This layout is also considered quite complex. In addition to the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, fortune telling takes into account the position occupied and paired combinations of cards. This layout predicts events that usually occur within the next month. For fortune telling, the fortuneteller’s personal card is also used - the “blank” card.

(36 cards). To search for lost objects and missing people and determine the possible location of the loss and the direction of the search, use the “Search” layout. The meaning of positions is related to the accepted meanings of houses in astrology. In fortune telling, the Lenormand card, which is responsible for the loss, is determined, and by its position in the layout, the possible location of the loss is determined.

Layout "4 rows" (36 cards). For fortune telling for a certain period, the “4 rows” layout is used. Before laying out the cards, at the request of the questioner, determine the time for which the Lenormand cards are laid out; this can be a day, month, year or the rest of your life. The card of the questioner is found - the “significator”, in relation to which the entire layout is interpreted. See "The Big Deal".

(36 cards). To make a detailed forecast for a planned period of time, use the “Big Alignment” layout. The “Big Layout” is one of the most complex layouts; in this Lenormand fortune telling, experienced fortune tellers take into account the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, the positions of the cards, paired combinations of cards, the location of the cards relative to the “blank” card, and complex relationships with other cards. The position of the questioner’s card itself is also taken into account; it does not always end up in the center of the layout. The houses, mirrors and correspondence in which the interpreted cards are located are also taken into account. Consider the connection between significators, their position relative to each other.

To clarify some unclear points, immediately after the “Big Layout” they make a “4 rows” layout, in which 4 rows of 9 cards are laid out. They interpret incomprehensible cards in the “Big Layout” through the “4 rows” layout, clarifying the fortune-telling according to the same rules as in the “Big Layout”, considering the necessary card in a new position for it using houses, mirrors, correspondence and other relationships. The “4 rows” layout can be done as an independent layout and according to the same rules as the “Big layout”.

The layout (1 card) is an instant layout of one card by Maria Lenormand, it takes a minimum of time and allows you to quickly tell fortunes for the near future and foresee the events of the coming day.

(1 card) will tell you a lot about the person you are interested in, will reveal the most secret corners of his soul and prepare you to meet any person fully armed. The numerology of the date of birth and the serial number of the Lenormand card are actively used here.

(36 cards). To find out about upcoming important events in a certain period of time, use the “Gypsy layout”. Before shuffling the cards, as in the previous layout, you need to set the period of time that you will study. The “Gypsy layout” also takes into account not only the independent meanings of each Lenormand card, but also the location of the card relative to the questioner’s card and the relationship with other cards. The decisive point of interpretation is the questioner's card. Gypsies call this form of interpretation "drawing a cross into the past, present and future." Knowing the meaning of each card position, it is easy to understand the meaning of the Lenormand cards in the Lenormand fortune-telling layout.

Layouts for fortune telling on the astro-mythological Lenormand deck are considered separately on the “” page and are used if it is necessary to obtain a detailed study of any issue and choose the right strategy for further behavior.

Maria Lenormand became one of the iconic figures who determined the main development of fortune telling with playing cards. Thanks to her talent and amazing intuition, she was able to gain the trust of a huge number of people. Thanks to her truthful and accurate predictions, she surrounded herself with unfading fame. How she was able to achieve such success is still not clear; apparently, in addition to talent and intuition, she also possessed some incomprehensible feelings that allowed her to create her own unique deck of cards. In this deck, Lenormand was able to combine simplicity and accuracy of predictions, leading to such excellent results. In Maria Lenormand's deck, each of the 36 cards has its own meaning - an animal, a person, an object or a phenomenon, which helps us interpret fortune telling and reveals its secret meaning, often hidden from the eyes of an inexperienced person. On our resource you will conduct your fortune telling online using the Maria Lenormand method completely free of charge.

Madame Marie Lenormand (1772-1843) was a famous French soothsayer and fortune teller. At one time she predicted the fate of many famous personalities. For example, Napoleon, Alexander I, Honore de Balzac, King Louis Philippe, composer Gioachino Rossini. Lenormand cards are fortune-telling cards and many people mistakenly call them Tarot cards. This deck differs from Tarot cards in that they do not have major arcana. Information on Maria Lenormand's fortune-telling system was not preserved after her death. It is believed that she read the cards in a special way known only to her.

There are two main decks that bear her name. The first is called astro-mythological, the second - gypsy. Maria Lenormand's Gypsy deck consists of 36 cards. For this reason, it can be replaced with a deck of playing cards, which makes fortune telling accessible to anyone.

Layout for the situation

This layout is done using Madame Lenormand's deck of cards. It helps to obtain additional information about the situation of interest, whether it is related to love affairs or business. He will also tell you what the future holds.

First you need to choose a personal card for the questioner. If the fortuneteller is a man, then this is the 28th card, indicating the ace of hearts. If a woman, then the 29th card is the ace of spades. This layout consists of 4 cards, which are opened sequentially.

1 card – information that clarifies the reason for the question.
2 – the capabilities of a fortuneteller. Help from a loved one or, conversely, obstacles and troubles.
3 – advice from the Maria Lenormand deck.
4 – what the future holds, how the situation in question will be resolved.

Relationship breakdown

First you need to concentrate on the question and think about what you want to learn from the cards. Then mix well and remove the deck with your left hand.
We take the deck and from left to right we lay out the cards face down in rows of 8 cards. The last row will consist of 4 cards.

Among the cards laid out, you need to find two main ones: the man is the Ace of Hearts, the woman is the Ace of Spades. They represent the fortuneteller and his partner (husband, loved one).

All cards must be removed, leaving only the key cards and the cards that surround them on four sides. After this, you can watch the interpretation of the cards of Maria Lenormand.

Interpretation of Lenormand cards

Madame Lenormand's deck of cards can be divided into 4 suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. The interpretation of each card has a special meaning and reveals the necessary information that is necessary for the questioner.


6 – “Stars”. A favorable card that foreshadows the repetition of pleasant events and special impressions. In combination with good cards, it foretells a number of successes; with bad cards, failures and mistakes.

7 – “Tree”. The meaning of this card is health. The farther it is from the questioner’s card, the less you can worry about health.

8 – “Moon”. Close to the fortuneteller's card, the meaning of this card foretells reward, success, recognition of others, peace and harmony. Away means indifference and lack of recognition of the people around you.

9 – “Messenger”. This card means a message or news. Sometimes the arrival of some guest from far away.

10 – “Dog”. The interpretation of this card is very good. It means a faithful friend, a good outcome of a planned business. When combined or surrounded by bad cards, it means unfaithful friends.

Jack – “Heart”. If the alignment is made for relationships, then the card promises strong and mutual love with a partner. Harmonious continuation of the relationship with a good ending.

Lady – “Stork”. The stork is considered by many to be a harbinger of happiness. If it goes in combination with the “ship” or “messenger” cards, then its meaning is travel, getting new sensations. Next to “home” – moving to a new apartment. For a woman it can mean the birth of a child.

King - "Home". Its meaning: family, house, apartment or plot of land. A favorable card in any respect.

Ace - "Gentleman". When telling fortunes to a woman, the card means a loved one.


6 – “Clover”. The meaning of the card is expectation, hopes and plans for the future. Next to good cards, it foretells the fulfillment of hopes, and with unfavorable cards, the collapse of plans and desires.

7 – “Owls”. Wise thoughts that come to mind and haunt you. But the main thing is that these thoughts are not fruitless, they help to understand internal problems.

8 – “Key”. In this case, the key has a figurative meaning. If a situation is mapped out, it means finding a solution to the current situation, change, a new stage in life.

9 – “Coffin”. Indicates possible illness or death. A very unfavorable card.

10 – “Book”. Independent study or enrollment in an educational institution. May indicate an important discovery, the solution to a difficult problem. There may be information that is being hidden from you.

Jack - "Scythe". Warns of the possibility of accident, accident or injury. It may also indicate a major quarrel.

Lady – “Fork”. Gives the fortuneteller to think and make a choice regarding something.

King - “Pisces”. A favorable card in every sense. Luck awaits you everywhere, no matter what you undertake.

Ace - "Sun". It promises a good mood, good luck and luck. Help and communication with people around you.


6 – “Cross”. In the deck of the Lenormand maiden, this card means that each person bears his own cross. Everyone has their own problem, their own problem that needs to be solved.

7 – “Rats”. Damage to property, theft or loss. If this card falls out, you need to be on guard: check that all the locks in the house are in order, that your wallet is in its place in your bag.

8 – “Mountain”. Obstacles of various kinds. It could be people or unfavorable circumstances that get in the way. Advice: bypass them or wait until everything resolves itself.

9 – “Fox”. Means deception or betrayal.

10 – “Bear”. Close to the questioning card, speaks of its strength. It could also be a patron.

Jack - "Broom". Talks about an upcoming quarrel with parents, loved ones or acquaintances. In combination with “tree” it means illness.

Lady - “Snake”. In the deck of the maiden, Lenormand indicates danger, an ill-wisher, an enemy or an envious person. You need to be more careful in conversations with people around you.

King - "Clouds". The card speaks of troubles, illness, and unwanted events.

Welcome to the world of Lenormand fortune telling! If you are not yet familiar with Lenormand cards, with the help of the information posted on the site, you will very quickly learn to understand their language and interpret the meaning. If this oracle is already familiar to you, then here you will find not only traditional, but also new layouts, as well as ways to interpret cards, the versatility of which will allow you to clarify the situation in any area of ​​life. Despite the apparent simplicity of the images on the cards, they contain a deep meaning that you can comprehend as you become more familiar with fortune telling.

The world of the Lenormand Oracle is filled with magic, and in order to learn to understand it, you have to overcome a long and adventurous path. Like the heroes of fairy tales and legends, each of us has to face various life situations that can cause fear, a sense of danger, doubt or confusion. Sometimes on our way we meet people, animals, various objects and places that protect us, protect us, shelter us and give us guidance. As soon as you find yourself in the mysterious world of Lenormand fortune telling, you will learn to control your own destiny. If you look closely at the cards, you will see that the images on them interact with each other, acquiring many additional meanings and providing a deeper vision of a given situation.

Origin of Lenormand cards

Fortune telling using the Lenormand system became widespread in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century and still remains popular in many countries around the world.

The fortune telling cards used in this oracle were named after the famous French fortune teller Mademoiselle Marie-Anne Lenormand (1772-1843), whose life was full of adventures. During the French Revolution, thanks to her extraordinary abilities in predicting fate, she won fame and respect from Parisian high society, in which she was called the Parisian Sibyl. She was always surrounded by rich and famous people, including the Empress Josephine, whom she advised before, during and after her marriage to Napoleon. However, the emperor was very outraged by the careless prediction of his divorce from Josephine. This divorce, according to Marie Lenormand, should have occurred due to the fact that Josephine was too old to bear Napoleon an heir. Without thinking twice, the emperor hastened to arrest Lenormand and imprisoned her so that the prophecy would not come true.

Despite the fact that the cards bear her name, Mademoiselle Lenormand is not their author. She used various methods of fortune telling for her predictions, including palmistry and Tarot. At first, like other fortune tellers of that time, she, like other fortune tellers of that time, used a picket deck consisting of 32 cards, which did not contain low cards with numbers from 2 to 6. Picket is a card game that has been very common in France and Italy since the 16th century . The popularizer of fortune telling on the picket deck was the influential French esotericist Jean-Baptiste Aliette.

The traditional Lenormand deck used today was created by Johann Caspar Hechtel and first published in 1800 for a family card game called The Game of Hope. Its essence was that the players took turns laying out 36 cards in the shape of a square on the playing field; the values ​​of two dice were used to move. The cards had numbering, images, and also included elements of a playing piquet deck, which included sixes. Thanks to this interweaving of images and elements of the picket deck, fortune tellers had an illustrated deck that combined the meanings of playing cards and symbolic images. It was this deck that began to be used for the most common type of fortune telling at that time - the Small Oracle of Lenormand.

The Lesser Oracle consists of 36 cards, each of which depicts only one symbol that has a specific meaning; but when interpreting it, the property of the corresponding playing card is also taken into account.

Lenormand fortune telling is a unique and accurate oracle, the simplicity of which allows it to be widely used to find answers to any questions. This fortune telling is very popular as a parlor entertainment, and is also used in the practice of gypsies and wandering people.

Oracle structure

The Lesser Oracle of Lenormand first attracted my attention several years ago, intrigued by the possibility of receiving more accurate predictions compared to Tarot cards. Based on my experience with many Lenormand decks, I can say that the more details depicted on the card, the more difficult it is to interpret. Simple and understandable symbols on fortune-telling cards more accurately convey the deep meaning and meaning inherent in them, which cannot be said about complex and intricate images.

It is not often that soothsayers make a reading for themselves, but at the same time this is an excellent opportunity to hone their skill in interpreting cards.

Teaching the basic principles of interpretation:

Description of layouts using examples:

Many predictors who prefer to work with Lenormand cards never cease to be amazed at how easy they are to understand. However, some beginners are concerned that they are not able to immediately connect to their intuition or inspiration, as happens when working with Tarot cards. Don't retreat! Once you remember the basic meaning of each card, you can quickly assess the situation and make connections between pairs and triplets of cards. In no time at all, you'll be able to instantly see the big picture, identify key messages, and interpret them with confidence.

The process can be compared to learning a foreign language: at first you will inevitably stumble when trying to say “hello” or “thank you”, but as your vocabulary increases, you will eventually begin to confidently formulate entire sentences. The more you practice, the faster you will master the language of Lenormand fortune telling and feel their charm.

Card fortune telling Lenormand

Maria Lenormand is a great fortune teller!

In this section, you are invited to find out the information you are interested in from playing cards using the method of the greatest fortune teller and soothsayer Maria Lenormand. According to the majority of the most authoritative fortunetellers of our time divination by method Madame Lenormand is the most accurate and detailed of all existing types fortune telling. One of the highlights fortune telling is the use decks of cards collected by herself Maria Lenormand, in this deck, various animals, objects and phenomena are compared to ordinary cards, which is a great convenience for interpreting the layout because it very accurately indicates the result, so to speak, it paints the picture fortune telling visually. To create your own deck of cards Maria Lenormand inspired by the study of the works of another great fortuneteller - Ettails, whom she considered her teacher and mentor. Another important feature of fortune telling by the method Maria Lenormand is its careful study of combinations kart in the situation, so that sometimes card combinations give a diametrically opposite result to the usual reading kart layout, this requires careful study of the result fortune telling, for a more accurate interpretation. She gained greatest fame due to her friendship with Josephine Beauharnais, the wife of the young General Bonaparte. At first meeting fortune teller predicted a beautiful crown for her.

Neither Josephine nor Napoleon then Mme. Lenormand They didn’t believe it, but not even nine years had passed before the prediction came true. This prophecy, as well as many other predictions, have gained Maria Lenormand the glory of the great fortune teller. Methodology fortune telling on our website online fortune telling is absolutely identical fortune telling in a real salon. The fortune telling process and the outcome depend solely on you and no one else during the sampling process kart the duration of your shuffle is taken into account deck of cards, time of visiting the site, as well as your personal energy. Sample kart from the deck you shuffled is made only according to the rules of the layouts Maria Lenormand, are selected from the deck cards with serial numbers indicated by madam Lenormand and are laid out in positions according to the current layout. Thanks to this, the result of fortune telling is very accurate. You will be shown the meaning of all rolled kart layout with reference to the time grid, as well as the values card combinations, if any and are applied in this scenario. The fortune telling technique is reproduced using the book "Treasured Maria Lenormand deck" Kotelnikova A.A. and Kotelnikova A.G.

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