Home Flowers How to knead noodles using eggs. Homemade egg noodles: dough recipes, calorie content. Homemade egg noodles: step-by-step dough recipe with photos. How to make without water

How to knead noodles using eggs. Homemade egg noodles: dough recipes, calorie content. Homemade egg noodles: step-by-step dough recipe with photos. How to make without water

This is the basic recipe. If you want noodles that are more elastic and smooth, then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the dough. If you want to experiment with color, you can make colored noodles. Green noodles will be with parsley juice, orange with turmeric or saffron. You can experiment with your favorite spices, with your favorite additives ad infinitum; there can be many dough options here!

There is a version that you will also need water, but the noodles turn out better and more correctly if there is no something in it in which they will then be cooked. Then the noodles remain more elastic at the edges, do not become sour, and hold their shape and structure better.

To work at this stage you will need a bowl and fork.

So, break an egg into a bowl, add salt and beat a little with a fork until the white, yolk and salt are mixed. Without fanaticism. And not to the point of foam. If herbs, spices or colors are added to the dough, this is done at this stage so that the noodles are evenly colored. If you want speckled noodles with herbs, for example, then it is better to mix it with some flour and then rub the dough on the table with this mixture.

Add flour to the egg in small portions and knead with a fork each time until smooth, there should be no lumps in the dough. Add flour until it comes together in one lump and pulls away from the sides of the bowl.

Dust the work surface (table) with flour and place the dough from the bowl on it. Rub the dough with flour on the table until the dough becomes elastic, will lag behind your hands, but will remain soft enough. It is important not to overload the dough with flour, add it in small portions.

Then divide the resulting dough into 4 parts, roll them into balls, cover with film and let rest a little.

At this time, you need to prepare the following necessary tools for rolling and cutting.

It will take a little more flour. You can take wheat flour, or you can take corn flour; for beginners in cutting noodles, this can even help, because the grind of corn flour is coarser and it is not so quickly absorbed by the moisture of the dough.

You will also need, in fact, a rolling pin, a sharp knife and a cutting board. You also need to take care of the surface on which the noodles will dry. This can be a large cutting board, a tray, or just part of the desktop if there is enough space.

To roll out the noodles, take a piece of dough from under the film, dust it, as well as the table, with flour, start rolling in two directions, adding flour to the rolling and turning the dough so that the workpiece is evenly and as thin as possible. When rolling, the dough can be folded and unfolded for greater convenience, but the seams from folding must then always be rolled out so that there are no creases in the dough.

Cut the workpiece with a sharp knife into strips of the desired width, or not cut at all if you need long noodles. Fold and twist the dough piece into an elastic and fairly dense scroll. On a cutting board, cut the noodles to the desired width, holding the knife at a slight angle from the top and sides. This will make the noodles more beautiful and easier to cut.

Use your hands to “fluff” the cut scrolls to a “lace” state and place them on a designated surface to dry.

Repeat the rolling and cutting operation with the remaining three pieces of dough.
Let the noodles dry.

At this time, prepare everything you need for lunch and serving noodles.

In any case, the noodles should be boiled separately, drained in a colander and allowed to drain a little. The fact is that when rubbing and rolling out the noodles, a fairly large amount of backup flour was used, and it is not at all necessary to add all this flour to the noodles that are planned to be served for lunch! Then the broth will be cloudy and sour. It won't taste good...

Therefore, to boil the noodles you will need an additional pan and a colander. Pour enough water into the pan, add salt and bring to a boil. Add noodles to boiling water, bring to a boil again, stir and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. For thinly rolled noodles, this time is quite enough. But it always makes sense to try the readiness. Place the finished noodles in a colander and let drain.

At this time, prepare the broth, herbs, and cut the chicken into portions. If the noodles are served on water, then fry the onion in a saucepan in oil or with the addition of brisket, add the required amount of boiling water, and season with salt. To serve, boil the eggs.

To serve, place the noodles on plates, pour the broth on top, and serve accordingly. Serve hot.

If homemade noodles are cut long, then forks can be served along with spoons for dinner, for convenience.

This will be a very soulful meal! And it should be unhurried. And be prepared for the fact that someone present will definitely ask for more!

Bon appetit and exciting new experiments!

The best chefs in the world advise making your own pasta at home. Even very good ready-made pasta cannot compare to their taste. The best flour that can be used to prepare this dish is a proportional mixture of ordinary wheat and durum wheat. If it is not possible to find such a mixture, simple flour is used - and based on it, delicious homemade noodles are obtained. The dough recipe can be classic or unconventional - it all depends on the preferences of the housewife.

Classic homemade pasta

These noodles can be boiled as a side dish or added to other dishes, such as lagman. For four servings you will need:

  • three eggs;
  • 500 grams of flour;
  • 25 ml olive oil (one deep tablespoon);
  • salt to taste.

The recipe for homemade noodles with egg is simple. The cooking technology is as follows.

Flour must be poured onto the table in a heap. In the center of such a kind of “volcano” you should make a depression into which the eggs are carefully driven. If desired, you can use just the yolks. Olive oil is poured in and salt is added. The flour and other ingredients are carefully mixed first with a fork and then with your hands. Kneading the dough is a complex process, so patience is required.

When the mass becomes homogeneous, it must be thoroughly kneaded. Then it is rolled into a ball, greased with olive oil and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour. When the time is up, the semi-finished product is ready and can be used to make thin pasta, spaghetti and other types of pasta.

Fresher pasta is prepared without eggs, but with water. The recipe for homemade noodles involves using two cups of flour and 0.5 cups of water. The dough is kneaded in the same way. This cooking option will appeal to vegetarians and people allergic to eggs.

Pasta for soups

The first dish will acquire a special taste if you use homemade noodles. It is necessary to strictly follow the cooking recommendations so that the culinary masterpiece is doomed to success.


  • premium flour - 300 grams;
  • three eggs;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

Consider a recipe for homemade noodle soup dough. The cooking technology is below.

Lightly beat the eggs with salt in a separate bowl. The flour is poured onto the table in a high mound, in which a depression is made. The egg mass is introduced into this recess, and the resulting mixture is well kneaded until smooth. If the properties of the flour are such that the dough will fall apart, you can add a small amount of water.

The finished elastic and dense lump is rolled out into a thin layer, folded into several layers, generously sprinkled with flour, wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator. The semi-finished product should be cooled for about an hour, then you can cut the pasta itself. The shape can be any, but for soup, thin strips are most often made - vermicelli or classic noodles.

Cooking pasta using home appliances

Cooking pasta in a bread machine is a less troublesome process. All owners of such kitchen equipment can try the following recipe for homemade noodle dough.

Products used:

  • 2/3 cup chilled water;
  • three egg yolks;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • half a kilogram of flour.

The dough recipe for homemade noodles in a bread machine is not particularly complicated. The cooking technology is presented below.

All products are placed in a special container, then the “Dough” mode is activated. During the cooking stage, you need to ensure that the mass is as tight as possible. Additional flour may be required. After 10 minutes, the device turns off, the dough is placed in cling film, kept in the refrigerator for 20 minutes and is ready for use.

The mass is rolled out into a thin layer, cut into thin strips and slightly dried in the open air. The recipe for homemade noodle dough, as you can see, is very simple; even a novice housewife can handle preparing the product.

How to cook pasta without water

As you know, the most delicious noodles are those that are cooked without adding water. To make this homemade pasta, you need to prepare eggs, flour and salt. A measuring cup will help you maintain the exact proportions of the ingredients.

Prepare the dough for homemade noodles (recipe without water):

  1. Flour (250 grams) is sifted through a sieve and laid out in a heap on the work surface.
  2. Salt and pre-beaten eggs are added to it.
  3. The dough is kneaded well.
  4. When the mass becomes elastic and homogeneous, it is rolled into a ball and left for 30 minutes.
  5. When the time is up, small pieces are cut from the lump of dough and rolled into flat cakes.
  6. The layers should be very thin; if necessary, sprinkle them with flour. Then the dough should dry for a couple of minutes.
  7. Thin circles are rolled into rolls, each of which is cut into strips. You can cut at different angles.
  8. If the noodles will be used immediately, they do not need to be dried. Otherwise, it should lie in the open air, and only then can it be put away for storage.

The recipe for homemade noodle dough (without water) will be useful when preparing hot dishes that require various gravies.

Cooking pasta using a noodle cutter

The device helps to roll out the dough into the thinnest layer and allows you to cut pasta into various shapes (togliatella, spaghetti, lasagne, etc.). To prepare homemade pasta you will need 350 grams of flour, four yolks, 25 ml of vegetable oil (it will help to roll out the layer thinner). In addition, you can add cheese or vegetables to the mass, however, they must first be passed through a meat grinder.

So, we present to your attention a recipe for homemade noodle dough (for a noodle maker). Cooking technology:

1. The dough is kneaded until plasticity and softness are achieved. If it is too dry and crumbly, it is recommended to add a little warm water. Roll the mixture into a ball and leave it for half an hour under a linen towel.

2. The finished dough is rolled out using a kitchen appliance and cut into noodles. If the shafts do not cut the layer, it means it is too soft. It must be sprinkled with flour and passed through the rolling mechanism again. If the sheet is not grabbed, the dough is very dry. Then you should add a little water to it and roll it out again.

The best chefs and housewives shared their secrets for making perfect noodles:

  1. Soups with pasta will not be cloudy if it is first immersed in boiling water for one minute.
  2. The dough recipe for homemade noodles can be changed at your own discretion. This will result in colored pasta.
  3. It is easier to make a long pasta by rolling the dough into a log and cutting it into slices. The resulting spirals can be unrolled.
  4. Preparing the dough in a food processor or bread machine simplifies the process, while the finished pasta does not lose its taste, which is important.
  5. Before rolling out, the dough for homemade noodles (the recipe does not matter) should be kept in a damp towel. In summer it is postponed for half an hour, in winter - for two.

How to make colored noodles?

Homemade noodles can take on any color if you add more or less eggs and additional coloring matter.

For 400 grams of flour you can use the following amount of additives:

  1. 1 gram of turmeric is dissolved in a teaspoon of warm water and added to the dough. The paste takes on a beautiful yellow-orange color.
  2. Puree 200 grams of spinach to achieve a green color.
  3. Homemade noodles (the dough recipe remains the same) will turn out red if you use three tablespoons of tomato paste.
  4. Boiled beets (250 g) will give a purple tint.

Children really like colored pasta. This healthy and nutritious food will feed any little one.

Instead of completing

Any housewife can prepare as much pasta as she pleases, because the product stores well. If you use rice flour, the noodles will turn out milky white, if you use buckwheat and rye flour, the noodles will be dark brown. The kitchen is a place of experimentation, so don't be afraid to create a variety of delicious varieties of homemade pasta. For example, homemade rice noodles (the dough recipe for Wok is similar to those described above, only rice is used instead of regular flour) will help you create Asian and Japanese dishes at home, and buckwheat noodles will help you create Old Russian dishes.

And on the pages of the Notebook I share recipes that I use myself and cook for my family and guests.

Today we have a recipe homemade noodle dough. I admit, I haven’t used any recipe for homemade egg noodles before; I kneaded them by eye from eggs, water, flour and salt. Well, when I had a bread maker assistant in my kitchen, I began to look for the ideal proportions of ingredients for the recipe. homemade noodle dough in a bread maker. So, to put them in the bread machine, and take the finished dough for homemade egg noodles out of it, without mixing anything later. In addition, while the bread machine is busy with the dough, you have 15-20 minutes free. A bread machine even makes life easier for people who, due to some circumstances, simply cannot knead the dough. We have been doing massages at home since my son was born. I think our favorite masseuse Elena Aleksandrovna will not be offended by me if I mention her here 😉 So, while talking to her, she complained to me that she doesn’t pamper her family with homemade dumplings or noodles, because the masseurs sometimes have hands after massage sessions It hurts so much that I can’t even bother with the test! And here it’s so beautiful, the machine kneads the dough! I even make it in my bread machine.

I got a little distracted. I liked this ratio for homemade egg noodles:

  • wheat flour, preferably durum – 450 g,
  • chicken egg – 3 pcs.,
  • water -110 ml,
  • table salt – ½ tsp.

But, based on experience, I will say that this proportion of dough is designed for a large family or for preparing homemade noodles as a second dish or side dish, as well as preparing homemade noodles for future use. Homemade noodles can be dried and stored like any pasta. Homemade noodles can, like for lagman, be boiled until tender, flavored with oil and frozen, and then simply reheated or added at the end of cooking.

When I make homemade mushroom noodles, homemade meatball noodles, or noodle soup with poultry (chicken, turkey, goose), I reduce the ingredients for homemade dough recipe egg noodles approximately this much, and even this can be a bit much:

  • Wheat flour - 250 g,
  • water – 60 ml,
  • egg – 2 pcs.,
  • salt – 10 g.

Let me remind you that in 1 glass there are 250 ml of 130 g of flour, if you pour it not over the top, but up to the rice. And in 1 level teaspoon there are exactly 10 g of salt.

Any dough for homemade noodles, pasta, dumplings, manti, dumplings must go through several stages of preparation, namely:

  1. Kneading the dough
  2. Maturing the dough
  3. Rolling out the dough
  4. Cutting dough into noodles or blanks for dough products

Decide for yourself how to knead the dough for homemade noodles, by hand, using a bread machine or food processor.

How to cook homemade noodle dough in the bread maker:

Place all the ingredients for the noodles into the bread machine at once.

and choose the mode you have: “Pasta”, “Dumplings”, “Dough” or any other program in which kneading begins immediately, for example, “Cupcake” or “Pizza”.

The noodle dough is kneaded with a bread machine for about 20 minutes.

It turns out elastic and plastic. In order for the dough for noodles or dumplings to become elastic, it must ripen or rest for about 20-30 minutes.

To do this, you need to sprinkle it with flour, cover it with cling film or put it in a plastic bag so that a weathered crust does not form. Or you can simply cover the dough ball with an overturned bowl. It happens that you come across low-quality flour and the dough begins to “float”, then you need to increase the amount of flour when kneading the dough for homemade noodles.

How to make colored homemade noodles?

It’s very simple, replace part of the water (or completely) with vegetable juice: carrot, beetroot, sorrel juice…. And then you will get colored dough for homemade noodles.

How to make homemade noodles

I divide the ripened dough for homemade noodles into 4 parts.

I roll each into a thin cake.

I sprinkle the dough cakes (layers) with flour and dry them on the table so that they are easy to cut and the dough does not stick together when cutting.

It is important not to overdry our cakes so that they do not break.

Then I roll each layer into a flattened roll.

and cut homemade noodles with a knife into thin strips.

These strips of homemade noodles need to be separated from each other and dried. If there is a lot of noodles, you can dry them in the oven in a thin layer on a baking sheet at 70 degrees.

Cooking process test, kneading, rolling and cutting for homemade noodles in chicken broth, you can watch the video recipe from YouTube:

A special machine makes the process of making and cutting homemade noodles very easy. noodle cutter. Using a noodle cutter, you can thinly roll out and cut dough for pasta and dumplings. The video recipe will tell you how to make homemade noodles using an Imperia noodle cutter:

And yet, in preparing homemade noodles for lagman eggs are not used; the dough for such noodles is prepared from boiled water and flour. Well, to properly make noodles for lagman, just like homemade noodles, you need drawing experience:

Enjoy your creativity and delicious homemade noodles!

P.S. If the network is busy, you may not be able to access it, just try again several times :)

It doesn’t take a lot of time or special culinary skills for homemade egg noodles, used for soup or as a side dish, to completely or partially replace store-bought ones. The dough recipe is very easy to remember: 1 egg per 100 grams of flour. What flour you use is up to you. Different types of flour and different grinding sizes are suitable for this recipe. I hope my detailed recipe and step-by-step photos will help you prepare your own egg noodles.


  • 6 pieces of chicken eggs D-0;
  • 600 grams of flour;
  • 1 level teaspoon of salt;
  • 80-100 grams of flour for rolling out the dough.

How to knead homemade noodles

To knead the dough, measure the required amount of flour into a deep bowl. It can be sifted, but this is not necessary. Mix it with salt and beat in the eggs. Let's start kneading the dough. If you have homemade eggs, the dough will turn out bright yellow.

Knead the dough until you get an elastic ball. The texture of the dough is much denser than dumpling dough. Wrap it in film and leave it in the cold for an hour.

Since I have store-bought eggs and I want the dough to be yellow, I added half a teaspoon of turmeric. I did not include this ingredient in the main recipe to preserve its originality.

How to cut homemade noodles

In order to cut homemade noodles, it is better to use a special rolling machine.

Divide the chilled dough into four equal parts. We knead each part in our hands into a pancake and begin to roll it into a thin layer using a rolling machine, gradually reducing the size of the roll until the thickness of the dough suits you. Only after this do we pass the dough through a noodle or spaghetti attachment.

When rolling out the dough, sprinkle the rollers on the machine with flour to make the dough easier to roll out. Do the same with knives for cutting noodles/spaghetti.

If you want to make green noodles, add chopped parsley with ice in a blender to the dough, strain it and use only the squeezed out part of the parsley, that is, not the liquid. Well, for black noodles, add cuttlefish ink. Try to roll out the dough thinly, as shown in the photo.

This is how you get noodles with parsley.

If you don't have a sheeting machine, no problem. You can roll out and cut the dough without it. It just makes the job easier. Roll out the dough on the table into a thin layer with a rolling pin, sprinkle it with flour and roll it into a roll. Using a knife, cut the noodles to the width you need.

How to cook homemade noodles

Preparing homemade noodles with eggs is very simple. Boil it in salted boiling water for 3 minutes. And choose the sauce to your taste.

If you end up with a lot of noodles, simply freeze or dry them. While cooking, increase the boiling time from 3 minutes to 5.

Homemade egg noodles made for future use can also be used to make soup. Just add it to the soup cooked according to the chosen recipe 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

- this is, first of all, broth from homemade chicken and, of course, noodles from homemade dough. Now there are many varieties and types of ready-made noodles (pasta) on sale for different tastes and budgets, but real home cooking calls on us to be able to make it ourselves. Well, or at least imagine how it's done. Therefore, I’m showing you how to prepare dough for homemade noodles, let it be in your collection of recipes.

You will need:

  • egg 1 piece
  • water 1 tbsp.
  • salt a pinch
  • olive oil 0.5 tsp. (or any vegetable)
  • flour 7-8 tbsp. with a slide

Step-by-step photo recipe:

Sift into a bowl flour, Make a hole in the flour and break it into it egg. Add half a shell (1 tbsp) water, a pinch salt and a few drops olive oil. Knead the dough with a knife, gradually mixing the flour into the egg. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer it to a floured table or board on which you will knead it.

Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour. You can do this on a board or take the dough in your hands. Like this.

There is no need to add all the flour; as soon as the dough becomes sufficiently dense and elastic, form it into a ball, wrap it in cling film so as not to dry out, and let it rest for 5-10 minutes.

To roll out the dough, cut the ball into 4 pieces and form 4 small balls.

Roll them out one at a time. At first flatten the ball into a flat cake and then roll it out on a board with a rolling pin from the middle to the edges, adding flour. The thickness of the rolled cakes may vary. Usually for noodles I roll them out 26-28 cm in diameter. This is a denser dough. And when I make it at home or, I roll out the dough until transparent. The photo shows that the dough transmits light.

As a result, you will get four rolled out flat cakes. Now you can cut the noodles the way you like. For example, cut a flatbread into strips. Stack the strips on top of each other. And cut into strips with a knife - this classic form of homemade noodles.

There is another way of cutting, it saves time. Place the rolled out flatbreads on top of each other and roll into a tube. Cut the noodles diagonally, first on one side of the tube, then on the other, adjusting the width and length.

Place the noodles on a flat surface, tossing them with your hands to help separate them. Typically, properly kneaded and rolled noodles separate easily and do not stick together.

The noodles are ready and you can cook them right now if you have broth. I usually start cooking the broth first and while it is cooking, I knead the noodles. How to cook broth, see ⇒

Advice:Before putting the noodles into the boiling broth, make it scalding- in a separate saucepan, bring water (1 liter) to a boil and place the noodles in boiling water. Stir to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan. As soon as the water boils again, drain the noodles in a colander and only then lower them into the boiling broth. This is necessary in order to so that the broth remains clear.

Fresh cut noodles cook very quickly. After you throw it into the boiling broth, just wait until it floats to the surface.

Homemade noodles keep very well. My grandmother made noodle dough from 10 eggs and after cutting, dried it in the oven, put it in a clean, dry cloth bag and stored it that way. You can spread the noodles on a flat surface and dry them at room temperature by periodically lifting and stirring them. Dry noodles can be stored in a glass jar, tightly closed. Dry noodles should be cooked in the same way as fresh noodles, but longer. Let it simmer for 5-7 minutes. Dry noodles will no longer float to the surface of the broth.

These are the noodles that are called homemade. Grandma cooked it from a chicken that was running under the window in the morning. In those years, even in cities, people living in a private house necessarily raised chickens and planted a vegetable garden. Grandma served noodles on the table with a piece of chicken in a plate and did not remove the meat from the bone. I still have a plate from the service that was given by my grandmother to my mother for her wedding - Dulevo porcelain from 1957. In it I present real homemade noodles - Noodles with a capital N.

  • flour 7-8 tbsp. with a slide
  • The noodles from this amount of food will be enough for 5-6 liters of broth. If you have less broth, dry the remaining noodles and use them next time.

    Sift flour into a bowl , Make a well in the flour and crack an egg into it. Add half a shell ( 1 tbsp) water, a pinch of salt and a few drops of olive oil. Knead the dough with a knife, gradually mixing the flour into the egg. When the dough is still semi-liquid, but you can already take it in your hand, transfer it to a floured table or board on which you will knead it. Knead the dough with your hands, constantly adding flour. There is no need to add all the flour; as soon as the dough becomes sufficiently dense and elastic, form it into a ball, wrap it in cling film so as not to dry out, and let it rest for 5-10 minutes. Cut the ball into 4 pieces and form 4 small balls. Roll them out one at a time from the middle to the edges to 26-28 cm in diameter , adding flour. Cut the flatbreads into noodles of a length and width convenient for you. Place the noodles on a flat surface, tossing them with your hands to help separate them. Parboil the noodles before adding them to the boiling broth. . Cook the noodles in the broth until they float to the surface.

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