Home Flowers Lesson notes for the middle group in late autumn. Lesson notes for the middle group “Late Autumn. List of used literature

Lesson notes for the middle group in late autumn. Lesson notes for the middle group “Late Autumn. List of used literature

Topic: “Late Autumn”

Goals and objectives:

Strengthen the ability to name the signs of late autumn;

Develop coherent speech skills by introducing adjectives into the active vocabulary; to train children in the ability to write a short story based on a picture;

Continue to develop the skill of emotional evaluation of literary text and listened music;

Improve children's artistic skills:

Preserve and strengthen the physical and mental condition of children;

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, reading fiction, music, artistic creativity, health.

Equipment: Bear toy, audio recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, painting “Late Autumn”.

I. Introductory part – 2 min.

II. Main part -15 min.

III. Final part - 3 min.

Analysis of the lesson.

GCD move:

I.Org. moment. Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest and see what changes have taken place in nature, and at the same time we will spend time with a bear cub, who will soon go to bed and sleep all winter. And to get into the forest we need to close our heads and spin around.

II. Music is playing (P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” play November (on troika). Guys, do you hear what beautiful music is sounding in the forest? Tell me, what feelings do you experience while listening to it?

D: Sadness, sadness, melancholy.

Q: Why do you think the music is sad, sad?

D: Nature is sad that summer is over and winter will soon come.

Q: Tell me, what changes have occurred in nature?

(examining autumn in the picture)

D: The trees have shed their leaves, snow has fallen, the sky is gray, the sun has stopped warming, birds have flown to warmer regions, insects and the bear have gone into hibernation.

Guys, now let's tell the bear about autumn. (Compiling a story according to Vorobyova's scheme)

Several children tell the story (The end of autumn. The trees have shed their leaves, snow has fallen, the sky is gray - the sun is not warm enough, birds have flown to warmer climes, insects and the bear have gone into hibernation)

Q: Well done, guys! And now the little bear invites us to play a little, would you like it?

Game "Leaves".

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches. (Squat down)

The wind blew and they flew. (Run in a circle)

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground. (Sit down)

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves. (Stand up)

They spun and flew. (We turned around and ran)

And they sat down on the ground again. (Sit down)

Q: Mishka offers us another game, it’s called “Find the Error” (children correct mistakes in statements).

In November, people wear light clothing.

In November, flowers and leaves bloom.

In November the sun is hotter.

The first snow falls in November.

In November, birds return from warm countries.

Q: Let's give Mishka gifts so that he can only have pleasant dreams in winter?

Let's draw a sun. Look, guys, we have the sun on our table, but something is missing. (no ray)

Let's draw some rays for our sun.

What color paint will we use to paint the sun?




What shape is the sun?


What do the rays look like?

(On sticks)

And we will paint with you not as usual with a brush, but with our palms. Look how I draw.


Q: Mishka really liked your gifts and thanks you! (There is a treat for the kids in the basket). Let's say goodbye to the bear and wish him pleasant dreams! It's time for us to return to the group!

(I close my eyes and spin around).

III. Reflection.

Q: Where were we today?

D: In the autumn forest!

Q: What changes have occurred in nature? (Looking at the painting “Autumn” and composing a short story according to the diagram).

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 89 Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Lesson summary for the middle group on the topic “Autumn”

Performed: Danilova Olesya Viktorovna

Job title: teacher

St. Petersburg 2013

Target: expand children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn, teach them independently, find them: clarify children’s ideas about the measurements that occur in autumn in the life of plants, continue to teach them to distinguish some deciduous trees; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire its beauty.

Equipment: painting of autumn, letter, pictures of animals, autumn leaves.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Conversation on the topic:

Guys, let's look out the window. What time of year is it now? (autumn). Today we will talk about autumn.

After what time of year does autumn come?

Name the autumn months.

Is autumn now early or late?

What happens in autumn in nature, the life of animals and birds?

What clothes and shoes are worn in autumn? Why?

What is the weather like in the fall, if it rains - rainy, windy, windy, cold outside, cloudy, cloudy, damp, sunny, clear?

What trees grow in the forest? (oaks, birches, aspens, maples)

2. Game “Correct the mistakes” (surprise moment, the hare comes and asks questions)

Autumn months - February, June, March? (No)

Autumn months - September, October, November? (Yes)

Is the weather clear, sunny, and warm in autumn? (Yes)

When does this weather happen: at the beginning or end of autumn? (at first)

Now tell me which of the two sentences is correct: “In the fall, children put on Panama hats, T-shirts, shorts and sandals” or “In the fall, children put on raincoats, jackets and boots.”

What would happen if we went outside in Panama hats, T-shirts, shorts and sandals?

The bunny praises the children and shows them the letter.

3. Didactic game.

Look what I have. This letter. The forest inhabitants sent it to me from the forest yesterday. Look who? He opens the envelope and takes out the pictures. Name them (squirrel, hedgehog, bear, and mouse).

How do these animals prepare for winter in the fall?

What kind of stocks do they make? (a squirrel puts cones, nuts, berries and mushrooms in a hollow; a hedgehog hides mushrooms; a bear digs a den; a mouse drags spikelets into a hole).

Why do animals store supplies for the winter?

What color is the grass and leaves in autumn? (yellow, red, green, brown, orange).

The bunny praises the children and leaves.

4. Physical education minute.


We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches. (Squat down)

The wind blew and they flew. (run in a circle)

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground. (sit down)

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves. (stand up)

They spun and flew. (they circled and ran)

And they sat down on the ground again. (sit down)

5. Didactic game.

Guys, I brought you some leaves.

From which trees did the wind blow them? (from rowan, maple, oak, birch)

If an oak tree has oak leaves, then what kind does a maple tree have? (at rowan, at birch, at poplar, at willow, at aspen).

6. Summary of the lesson.

What did we talk about today?

What have you learned about autumn?

Who came to visit us?

What did you play today?

Tatiana Gilyazova

Lesson summary for the middle group"Late fall". Compiled and conducted by teacher Gilyazova Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

Implementation of program content in educational areas:

"Cognitive Development", "Artistic - Aesthetic", "Speech development".

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction and folklore, productive activity.

Goals of the teacher's activities: learn to name signs late autumn, compare summer and autumn name the distinctive features late autumn from"gold", learn to correctly position appliqué parts; develop the ability to answer questions with common sentences; develop children's coherent speech; cultivate love and respect for nature.

Planned educational results of mastering the content programs: knows how to maintain a conversation, expresses his point of view; expresses positive emotions (interest, joy, admiration) when memorizing a poem; has self-care skills, is interested in productive children's activities (application « Autumn carpet» ); actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems.

Materials and equipment: musical accompaniment: P. I. Tchaikovsky, cycle "Seasons", story picture « Late fall» , illustrations on the topic "Golden autumn» And « Late fall» .

P. I. Tchaikovsky's music from the cycle sounds "SEASONS". Scattered on the carpet autumn leaves. Children enter group and stand in a semicircle.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, let's go with you let's say hello!

Good morning

Good morning! - The birds began to sing.

Good people, get out of bed;

All the darkness hides in the corners,

The sun has risen and is going about business.

A. Kondratiev

The teacher reads a poem - riddle:

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds flew to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

This time of year...is called (in autumn) .

Children's answers: Autumn.

Educator: Let's read poems about you and me autumn.


Autumn is a golden bird,

A flock of birds flew away

We put on sweaters

It's time to take out the umbrella.


A fox passed under a bush

And she burned the leaves with her tail.

The fire climbed through the branches

And it burst into flames autumn forest.

The birdhouse was empty, the birds flew away,

Leaves don't sit on trees either.

All day today everyone is flying and flying...

Apparently they also want to fly to Africa.


Yellow leaves are dancing

They serve from the branches and fly.

This golden fairy tale

Called "leaf fall".


Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying.

They rustle underfoot

Soon the garden will be bare.


Outside the window the breeze is having fun:

Either he will jump, or he will hide.

And the leaves run along the path,

Like yellow mice and cats.


Leaves are falling from aspen trees,

A sharp wedge rushes through the sky.

Wants to fly straight

Wants to hang in the air.

Falls like a stone from the heights

And in the fields he sings, sings.

Educator: Well done! They guessed the riddle and read the poems. Now let's collect the fallen leaves, put them in a basket and sit on the chairs.

September October November

With rain and falling leaves,

And the birds fly away

And the children need to go to kindergarten.

2. Conversation on issues.

What is the name of the first one? autumn month?

And second?

It's already the third month autumn. What is it called?

Is it warm or cold outside?

Does the sun shine often?

Does it rain often?

Are the rains warm or cold?

Is the grass growing or drying up?

What happens to the leaves on the trees?

What kind of clothes do people wear?

3. Comparison.


a) Complete the sentences:

It's warm in October, but now... (Cold).

In October the leaves begin to fall, and now... (fell).

In October the birds began to fly away, and now... (everyone flew away).

In October the sun was a little warm, but now... (not warm).

In October it rained rarely, but now... (often).

There is no snow in October, but in November it falls... (first snow).

b) Compare autumn with summer. Tell vice versa:

In summer the sun is bright and in the fall -...(dim).

In summer the sky is bright and in the fall -...(gray).

In summer the days are long and in the fall -...(short).

In summer the trees are green and in the fall -...(yellow).

In summer people dress lightly, and in the fall -...(warm).

In the summer, collective farmers grow crops, and in the fall -...(removed).

c) Find errors:

In November, children wear light clothing.

In November, the buds swell and the leaves bloom.

In November the sun is very hot.

In November there are frosts and snow.

In November, birds arrive from warm regions.

4. Physical education minute.

We are leaves, we are leaves,

We - autumn leaves.

We sat on branches

The wind blew and they flew.

b) Leaf fall

(E. Avdienko)

The clouds are spinning in the sky. Children sway from foot to foot.

Every step is a puddle. Walk in place, raising your knees high.

Day autumn frowns, Hands on the belt - turns left and right,

Leaf fall on the street. They spin around in place.

It spreads along the road. They easily run in circles.

Yellow blizzard.

Educator: About autumn has poems, which are written by poets, there are musical works that are written by composers, and there are paintings that are painted by artists. Look at these pictures. Go to the picture where the early autumn. What colors did the artist use to paint this picture? Right. Early in autumn Green colors and a little yellow predominate. Now, guys, go to the picture where the artist depicted late autumn. What colors were used to paint this picture? Right. Late autumn gray colors predominate.

5. Description late autumn.

Educator: It gets cold in late autumn. The sun rarely shines and does not warm. The sky is gray and gloomy. Cold drizzling rains often occur. The trees are shedding their last leaves. The grass has dried up, the flowers have withered. The last birds fly south. Animals are preparing for winter. People put on warm clothes.

Children use the model to describe autumn.

The teacher reads a poem:

Boring picture! Endless clouds

The rain is pouring down, there are puddles on the porch.

There is a knock on the door. The teacher brings a letter from the hare and is reading: "Hello guys! I'm sad, I miss the forest, but especially the dry yellow leaves. In the clearing in the forest where I used to live, there were so many of them. They spun so beautifully in the air and fell to the ground. Autumn. It’s cold, all the leaves have fallen off, the grass is dry, clouds are floating across the sky, it’s raining. But in my clearing there are no leaves and I can’t find such beauty anywhere else. Guys, please make me a carpet of leaves.”

This is the request the bunny came to us with. Let's help him and do it autumn carpet of leaves.

Children perform applique « Autumn carpet for a bunny»

Here, bunny, look what a wonderful carpet the guys made for you!

Bottom line classes.

Educator: What did we talk about today?

What have you learned about autumn?

Who came to visit us?

What did you play today?

And now, bunny, our guys will dance. It's called dance "Leaf, leaf fall". We hope you enjoy this dance and have more fun.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 89 Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Summary of a lesson in the middle group on the topic "Autumn"

Performed: Danilova Olesya Viktorovna

Job title: teacher

St. Petersburg 2013

Target: expand children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn, teach them independently, find them: clarify children’s ideas about the measurements that occur in autumn in the life of plants, continue to teach them to distinguish some deciduous trees; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to admire its beauty.
Equipment: painting of autumn, letter, pictures of animals, autumn leaves.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Conversation on the topic:
Guys, let's look out the window. What time of year is it now? (autumn). Today we will talk about autumn.- After what time of year does autumn come?- Name the autumn months.- Is autumn now early or late?- What happens in autumn in nature, the life of animals and birds?- What clothes and shoes are worn in autumn? Why?- What is the weather like in autumn, if it rains - rainy, windy - windy, cold outside, cloudy - cloudy, damp, sunny, clear?- What trees grow in the forest? (oaks, birches, aspens, maples)
2. Game “Correct the mistakes” (surprise moment, the hare comes and asks questions)- Autumn months - February, June, March? (No)- Autumn months - September, October, November? (Yes)- Is the weather clear, sunny, and warm in autumn? (Yes)- When does this weather happen: at the beginning or end of autumn? (at first)- Now tell me which of the two sentences is correct: “In the fall, children put on Panama hats, T-shirts, shorts and sandals” or “In the fall, children put on raincoats, jackets and boots.”- What would happen if we went outside in Panama hats, T-shirts, shorts and sandals?
The bunny praises the children and shows them the letter.
3. Didactic game.
Look what I have. This letter. The forest inhabitants sent it to me from the forest yesterday. Look who? He opens the envelope and takes out the pictures. Name them (squirrel, hedgehog, bear, and mouse).- How do these animals prepare for winter in the fall?- What kind of stocks do they make? (a squirrel puts cones, nuts, berries and mushrooms in a hollow; a hedgehog hides mushrooms; a bear digs a den; a mouse drags spikelets into a hole).- Why do animals store supplies for the winter?- What color is the grass and leaves in autumn? (yellow, red, green, brown, orange).
The bunny praises the children and leaves.
4. Physical education minute.
We are autumn leaves
We are sitting on the branches. (Squat down)
The wind blew and they flew. (run in a circle)
We were flying, we were flying
And they sat down quietly on the ground. (sit down)
The wind came again
And he picked up all the leaves. (stand up)
They spun and flew. (they circled and ran)
And they sat down on the ground again. (sit down)
5. Didactic game.
Guys, I brought you some leaves.- From which trees did the wind blow them? (from rowan, maple, oak, birch)- If an oak tree has oak leaves, then what kind does a maple tree have? (at rowan, at birch, at poplar, at willow, at aspen).
6. Summary of the lesson. - What did we talk about today?- What have you learned about autumn?- Who came to visit us?- What did you play today?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Alekseevsky kindergarten No. 6 "Bee" of the Alekseevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Summary of direct educational activities

to form a holistic picture of the world

in the middle group on the topic:

"Late fall"


Bogatova Olga Nikolaevna

Date: 07.11.2016

village Alekseevskoe


Educational field “Formation of a holistic picture of the world”


Target: Form representationsabout changes in nature in November.


Educational: Learn to name the signs of late autumn, compare summer and autumn, name the distinctive features of late autumn from “golden”;consolidate knowledge of the autumn months.Teach children to justify their thoughts and answer questions with sentences.

Educational: Develop coherent speech skills, observation, mental activity, ability express your opinions. Develop attention and endurance.

Educational: To educate love for nature and its beauty.

Integration of educational areas:“Speech development”, “Cognitive development”.

Vocabulary work:late autumn, gray sky, cold wind, bare trees, cold, drizzling, pouring rain, frost.

Preliminary work:Observations of autumn changes in nature and human life. Memorizing a poem about autumn. Watch the video "Autumn".

Materials and equipment:plot picture on the theme “Late Autumn”.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator. Guys, today we will go for a walk in the forest and see what changes have occurred in nature. And to get into the forest we need to close our heads and spin around.

2. Conversation about autumn.

Music sounds (P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, play November (on troika).

Educator. Guys, do you hear what wonderful music sounds in the forest? Tell me, what feelings do you experience while listening to it?

Children . Sadness, sorrow, anguish.

Educator. Why do you think the music is sad, sad?

Children. Nature is sad that summer is over and winter will soon come.

Educator. What is the name of the first autumn month?

Children. September.

Educator. And second?

Children. October.

Educator. It is now the third month of autumn. What is it called?

Children. November.

Educator. That's right, November.Tell me, what changes have occurred in nature?Look at the screen.

Looking at autumn in paintings - slides (Sit on the carpet)

Educator. Is it warm or cold outside?

Children. It's cold outside.

Educator. Does the sun shine often?

Children. The sun rarely shines and does not warm.

Educator. Does the grass grow or dry out in November?

Children. The grass is drying up.

Educator. What happens to the leaves on the trees?

Children. Some trees no longer have leaves; they have fallen.

Educator. What kind of clothes do people wear?

Children. People began to dress warmer.

Educator. Guys, what other interesting things did you see on the street?

Children. Sometimes it snows and rains, frozen puddles.

Educator. Guys, that's right. There is snow outside, but as you noticed, it still melts from time to time. This is autumn fighting winter. Winter wants to come to us earlier, but autumn is not yet inferior to winter, and now it is still autumn “November”.

Physical exercise “Leaves”.

Educator. Guys, now you and I will turn into autumn leaves. Take a piece of paper in each hand.

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.(Squat down)

The wind blew and they flew.(Run in a circle)

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.(Sit down)

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.(Stand up)

They spun and flew. (We turned around and ran)

And they sat down on the ground again.(Sit down)

3. Comparison.

Educator. I suggest you playball game “Finish the sentences”.

(Let's all stand in a circle)

It was warm in October, but now...(Cold).

In October the leaves begin to fall, and now...(fell).

In October the birds began to fly away, and now...(everyone flew away).

In October the sun was a little warm, but now...(not warm).

In October it rained rarely, but now...(often).

There is no snow in October, but in November...(first snow).

Game "Say the other way around"

In summer the sun is bright, and in autumn...

In summer the sky is bright and...

In summer the days are long and...

In summer the trees are green and...

In summer people dress lightly, and...

In the summer, collective farmers grow crops, and...

Game "Find the bugs"

Educator. Guys, now I’m going to tell you a sentence, and you have to find the mistake.

In November, children wear light clothing.

In November, the buds swell and the leaves bloom.

In November the sun is very hot.

In November there are frosts and snow.

In November, birds arrive from warm regions.

4. Description of late autumn.

Educator. It gets cold in late autumn. The sun rarely shines and does not warm. The sky is gray and gloomy. Cold drizzling rains often occur. The trees are shedding their last leaves. The grass has dried up, the flowers have withered. The last birds fly south. Animals are preparing for winter. People put on warm clothes.

Children use the model to describe autumn.

5. Memorizing a poem.

Educator. What new have you learned? What are the distinguishing features of summer and autumn?

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