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Consultations with a teacher psychologist for parents in kindergarten. Topics of consultations of a teacher-psychologist. The main areas of work of a psychologist

Shulgina Olga Alekseevna
Consulting hours:
Tuesday 13.00-14.00 (online)
Thursday 18.00 – 19.00

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Age 5-6 years is senior preschool age. It is a very important age in the development of the child’s cognitive sphere, intellectual and personal. It can be called the base age





Age 5-6 years is senior preschool age. It is a very important age in the development of the child’s cognitive sphere, intellectual and personal. It can be called the basic age, when many personal aspects are formed in the child, all moments of the formation of the “I” position are worked out. It is precisely 90% of the development of all personality traits of a child that begins at the age of 5-6 years. A very important age when we can understand what a person will be like in the future.

At 5-6 years old, a child absorbs all cognitive information like a sponge. It has been scientifically proven that a child at this age remembers as much material as he will never remember later in his life. At this age, the child is interested in everything related to the world around him and expanding his horizons. The best way to get scientific information is to read a children's encyclopedia, which clearly, scientifically, in accessible language describes to the child any information about the world around him. The child will gain an understanding of space, the ancient world, the human body, animals and plants, countries, inventions and much more.

Good at playing word games , since the child already uses synonyms and antonyms in his speech, distinguishes vowels and consonants, can determine the number of syllables in words, the place of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end of the word).

Constructor develops logical thinking well. The important point here is folding according to a pattern - a pattern, starting with simple patterns. Cubes, various puzzles, mosaics must be laid out according to the picture, focusing on color, shape, size.

Develop all analyzers - visual, logical, verbal - variouslogical tables.All tasks based on specific, thematic classification force the child’s attention, visual perception and thinking to work. For example, the game"The Fourth Wheel"– the pictures show various objects, such as a bus, a truck, a trolleybus and a tram. Of the four items, one is extra. The child must think and choose this extra item and say why it is extra. The child must still name the remaining three objects in one word (in our case, passenger transport). And there can be a great many such pictures, united in a group based on a common feature. The child must have a broad outlook, be able to analyze the situation and explain and justify his choice.

“Place it in order.”A series of illustrations are offered, related to the same theme, but laid out incorrectly. The child must determine which of the illustrations depicts what happened earlier or later - that is, put it in order. Here the child must see the sequence, trace the logical pattern and justify it.

In such logic games, the personal aspect of the preschooler can also be traced.Having correctly solved the exercise, the child rejoices, feels self-confidence and the desire to win. There are children who give up, do not believe in their strength, and the task of parents, educators, and psychologists is to develop in the child the desire to win. It is important that the child must know that “I can.”

The main thing in the development of children 5-6 years old is their cognitive development and broadening their horizons.And all games aimed at this will give good results. Do not answer in monosyllables - “yes” or “no”. Answer your child in detail, ask his opinion, make him think and reason. Why is it winter now? Prove it. Why can't you light a fire in the forest? Justify. Children have a lot of unconscious information in their heads, and sometimes they cannot accumulate it or sort it into shelves. And the task of adults is to help them with this.

An important indicator of this age of 5-6 years is the child’s evaluative attitude towards himself and others. Children can be critical of some of their shortcomings, can give personal characteristics to their peers, and notice the relationship between an adult and an adult or an adult and a child.But parents continue to be an example for their children. If the parents convey positive information, if the child is good at heart, there is no fear, resentment, or anxiety, then any information (personal and intellectual) can be instilled in the child.

Very important for the subsequent formation of his personality. It is at this age that the baby receives the first skills of independent living, tries to get out of the complete control of the family, and learns to interact with other children and adults.

A children's educational institution is the first step towards adulthood. And, of course, along this path, difficulties arise in adapting to the new environment, new character traits are revealed, and certain problems may arise in the child’s relationships with parents and others.

In such cases, parents place high hopes on the educational psychologist of the preschool educational institution. In most cases, these hopes are completely justified, although sometimes they are overestimated. In any case, consultations with a psychologist for parents in kindergarten are very important, as they help children, their mothers and fathers find a common language, help solve problems that arise in the child, the causes of which are almost always in his family.

Let us today on this page www.site pay attention to this very necessary profession and talk in more detail about the work of a kindergarten psychologist.

Basic principles of work of a preschool educational psychologist

In modern life, when many parents are busy solving the economic problems of their families, they have practically no time left for the upbringing and personal development of their children. They have no time to delve into the intricacies of the child’s age characteristics and individual qualities, so upbringing is carried out without thinking, blindly, at the level of intuition. This, naturally, cannot bring positive results, so mutual misunderstanding and difficulties in communication arise.

Very often, the reasons for mutual misunderstanding are mistakes in upbringing. But they are not as terrible as the unwillingness to notice, acknowledge, and correct them. Some mothers and fathers completely remove themselves from the process because they believe that teachers should do this.

But you need to understand that the work of an educational psychologist cannot be effective without the participation of the family. Every child psychologist will explain to you that children do not have their own psychological problems. All their problems are a reflection of the problems of their parents, difficulties in relationships between family members. That is why it is necessary to work with close relatives, gradually changing their view of raising a child and their attitude towards each other. This is the only way to help solve the psychological problems of their son or daughter. Consultations with a psychologist in kindergarten are aimed at making parents aware of these truths.

To increase the effectiveness of such communication, a specialist uses various means, forms of work, applies his professional knowledge, attracting experienced colleagues to his activities.
The goal of his work is to help parents switch attention from individual qualities and problems of the child to the entire personality of the little person as a whole.

This will help you perceive the baby as he is, with all his shortcomings and advantages. Parents should stop focusing only on his shortcomings and begin to develop his positive qualities, abilities, and talents. The psychologist will explain to mom and dad why their baby behaves this way and not otherwise, and will help to understand the psychological problems characteristic of his age, which very often begin to appear when he starts attending kindergarten.

Consultation with a psychologist for parents of preschool children is an opportunity for mom and dad to understand and adjust their behavior for the benefit of their child’s psyche. Therefore, the main part of the work lies with the parents.

The main areas of work of a psychologist


The goal of this direction is to, through consultations, give parents as much knowledge as possible about the psychological characteristics of their child’s age and help in matters of upbringing.

In addition to a psychologist, this work usually involves the music director of a preschool educational institution, a physical education teacher, and a medical worker. Such joint activity is very important, as it provides pedagogical support for the family throughout the entire period of preschool childhood, and also, which is very important, makes parents equal, equally responsible participants in the entire pedagogical and educational process.

Visual and informational:

This important area includes visual aids, stands on a specific topic, and parent corners where psychologist consultations for parents are provided. Different topics can be presented, for example: “What toys are needed?” “Features of development of a 5-6 year old child”, “Why does a child lie?”, “How to stop a child from being greedy?”, “How to keep a child occupied at home?” “Simple attention games”, “Common”, etc.

Parent corners are the most popular, simple, very effective form of working with moms and dads. Visual information allows you to convey important information to adults in a clear, accessible form, help them deal with emerging problems, and also unobtrusively remind them of their responsibilities and responsibility.


This is the most popular and attractive direction, although the most difficult to organize. But all the difficulties are justified, since joint leisure is the most effective way to improve relationships within the family. Collective leisure activities often allow you to see the problem of family relationships from the inside, to see how interaction occurs between members of other families, and, therefore, to gain new experience of interaction both with your child and with the parents of other children.

Here are some topics that a consultation with a child psychologist-educator may cover:

1. Education and development of the child’s personality
2. Formation of communication skills in children
3. Behavioral disorders in children and adolescents
4. for boys, girls. Is disproportionate Barbie a good doll for a child?
5. Child’s labor and self-care skills
6. Social and everyday skills in children
7. Problems of raising children in the family
8. The influence of a computer on the health and development of a child
9. What is the right way to punish a small child?
10. The influence of TV on the health of adults and children
11. VSD - symptoms and treatment in children
12. Raising twins in the family
13. Hyperactivity and attention deficit in children
14. Impaired attention and memory in children of primary school age
15. Astheno-neurotic syndrome in a child - treatment, symptoms, causes
16. Types of drug addiction and substance abuse
17. Fear of the dark in children
18. What are there? How to get rid of a phobia of fear?
19. . Removal and correction of aggression.
20. Increased anxiety: symptoms and causes
21. Defects of mental development, types
22. Preserving the physical and mental health of children
23. ?

In conclusion, it should be noted that the work of a psychologist in organizing work with families of pupils is very difficult. It does not have any ready-made recipes or technologies. The success of such interaction often depends on the intuition, patience, and experience of a specialist. For a child psychologist to become a professional family assistant, clear, timely individual consultations for parents, joint classes, training programs, and visual aids are necessary.

It is necessary to establish contact, establish understanding and trust between the psychologist and the student’s family. It is precisely these trusting relationships that develop at the first stage of a child’s admission to kindergarten that help mom and dad establish mutual understanding with all preschool teachers. And most importantly, the help of a teacher-psychologist helps to solve problems that arise when raising a child in a timely, sensitive and effective manner. Mom and dad should also always remember that consultation with a psychologist in a preschool for parents is given specifically to them so that, after realizing their mistakes in upbringing and behavior, they begin to competently correct them.

Svetlana, www.site

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Moms and dads come to a kindergarten teacher-psychologist for a consultation with a variety of questions. On our page we have posted answers to the most common questions from parents.

1. Cheat sheet for parents.

What to do if a child...

Fights, ... is capricious and cries too much, ... often throws hysterics, ... experiences fears, ... sneaks, ... often deceives, ... is stubborn, ... steals, ... angry and cruel.

And also if you don’t like your child’s character traits or you want to raise a successful child, then...

You will definitely need our material

2. Is TV friend or foe?

The consultation will tell you what to do if your child spends too much time watching TV or in front of a computer monitor."

3. Play or teach?

What is more important for a child’s development: play or learning activities? How often do parents, trying to provide their child with the best education, forget about such an important component of a child’s life as play. Our consultation will tell you why gaming activities cannot be replaced by educational ones.

4. Little liar.

The child is not telling the truth. What is this: a harmless childhood fantasy or an elaborate lie? This material will help you understand such a sensitive issue., as well as consultation

5. Am I raising my child correctly?

This question is often asked by young parents. The consultation examines the main parenting styles and their impact on children's development.

6. Memo

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the material


A collection of consultations for parents during the period of child adaptation to kindergarten.

8. parents of aggressive children

What to do if everyone around you is complaining about your child’s aggressive behavior? Or maybe you yourself have noticed that a child sometimes reacts very violently to various situations? What to do and what to do - the answers will be found in our recommendations.

9. Hyperactive children

Hyperactive children are children who require a special approach in education. Our consultations will help you learn a little more about the characteristics of hyperactive children and how to communicate with them.

10. Early development

Many parents strive to give their children a good education from a very early age. But is early development so important and necessary? Look for the answer in consultation

11. On the threshold of school

Parents of future first-graders have a lot of questions. A series of consultations for parents of future first-graders will help dispel all worries and doubts: , .

12. Crisis of seven years

Seven years is a transitional stage in the life of a child who harbors various secrets. Consultations will help you understand what the seven-year-old crisis is and how to respond to changes in the child.

13. About punishments

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