Home Flowers Is it possible to tidy up in the Annunciation. Signs for the Annunciation - how to spend this day correctly. In the countryside, you can still see people who, on the Annunciation, with noise, ringing and uproar drive away diseases from livestock and other living creatures, scare away the forest

Is it possible to tidy up in the Annunciation. Signs for the Annunciation - how to spend this day correctly. In the countryside, you can still see people who, on the Annunciation, with noise, ringing and uproar drive away diseases from livestock and other living creatures, scare away the forest

If you want to try something new and, moreover, useful, there is nothing better than making tomato juice for the winter: at home, it turns out no worse than store-bought.

Tomatoes are a great vegetable (although they are actually fruits). Tomatoes can not only be canned, pickled or salted for the winter. And homemade tomato juice in terms of useful properties, perhaps, even surpasses store-bought.

Tomato juice for the winter with pulp at home

First of all, you need, of course, to know about the proportions for making juice from tomatoes. Usually it is preserved in small jars of 1 liter or in containers of 1.5 liters, but sometimes it is also stored in large dishes with a volume of 2-3 liters.

The table describes the quantities for all possible cases.

Components 1 liter jar 1.5 l jar 2 l jar 3 l jar
tomatoes 1.5 kg 2.2 kg 3 kg 4.5 kg
salt 2 tbsp. spoons (40 g) 3 art. spoons (60 g) 4 tbsp. spoons (80 g) 6 art. spoons (120 g)
sugar 2 tbsp. spoons (40 g) 3 art. spoons (60 g) 4 tbsp. spoons (80 g) 6 art. spoons (120 g)
vinegar 9% 2 tbsp. spoons (40 g) 3 art. spoons (60 g) 4 tbsp. spoons (80 g) 6 art. spoons (120 g)
vinegar 70% 0.5 teaspoon (5 g) 0.7 teaspoons (7 g) 1 teaspoon (10 g) 1.5 teaspoons (15 g)

As you can see, the ratio of salt and sugar in tomato juice is the same. This proportion is focused on the "average" taste - tomato juice will turn out neither too sweet nor too salty.

If you want a sweeter or more salty version, it is enough to increase the amount of the corresponding component by 1 teaspoon (10 g).

For lovers of sour shades in taste, you can add citric acid instead of vinegar. Since it is more acidic, the amount in dry form is reduced by 3 times compared to 9% vinegar.

Of course, fragrant spices and other ingredients with bright aromas are also added to improve the taste, for example:

  • garlic;
  • pepper (peas);
  • nutmeg;
  • dry cloves (buds);
  • cinnamon.

At the same time, the main components of the classic tomato juice at home, of course, are the tomatoes themselves, salt, a little sugar and peppercorns. As for the tomatoes themselves, you can choose any variety.

However, it is best to take large, fleshy tomatoes, which will give more liquid. In addition, it is easiest to process such fruits. The only requirement for them is the absence of damage, scratches and other defects.

The finished dish can be prepared in just 1 hour, after which the jars can be cooled for 1-2 days. Then be sure to store in a cool, dry place.

How to make tomato juice at home: a classic recipe

So, let's start with the simplest way. To do this, take the following basic components:

Ingredients per 1 liter

  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 large spoons of salt;
  • 2 large spoons of sugar.

Recipe: steps

Step 1. First, of course, you need to rinse the fruits well and remove the stalk (upper "eye"). We cut them into large pieces and pass through a juicer or, in extreme cases, through a meat grinder. A blender is not suitable for such work - it will simply turn the pulp into rags.

Step 2. The resulting juice does not need to be filtered - it can remain with pulp. Although, if desired, it can be passed through a fine sieve - then the finished product will be more liquid. However, in any case, it is necessary to pour all the liquid into a saucepan with thick walls and put on fire.

Bring to a boil, add salt and sugar, taste: if necessary, you can increase the amount of one or another component.

Step 3. In the meantime, it is necessary to prepare the jars - they should definitely be sterilized. This can be done in the traditional way by holding it over steam for 15 minutes or in an oven at 180°C (the same amount of time).

There is an easier option - to stand in the microwave, turned on at full power, for 3-4 minutes. Lids also need to be thoroughly sterilized.

Sterilization of tomato juice jars

Then the hot product is poured into a container and rolled up with iron lids.

Tomato juice at home - an excellent preparation for the winter

Step 4 Cool the containers under the covers - they are kept for 1-2 days, after which they are put in the refrigerator or cellar.

This product is ready almost immediately. Its shelf life is at least a year, and all this time the jars should be kept only in a cold place. After opening, homemade tomato juice is best consumed within a week.

How delicious, quick and easy to make tomato juice at home - you can also watch the video.

Recipe for tomato juice with pulp for the winter: with a photo step by step

And this option largely repeats the previous recipe, but it was created specifically for aesthetes. The finished product, thanks to a simple cleaning through a fine sieve, will be pitted and peeled - just such tomato juice is suitable for someone. Take the components in such quantities.

For 3 liters of juice you will need:

  • 5 kg of fleshy tomatoes;
  • by 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar and salt;
  • add 15 peppercorns - improve the taste;
  • and for a nice spicy add 4-5 cloves of garlic.

We act in this way:

Step 1. We wash the fruits, clean them from eyes and damage, cut into large pieces.

Sterilize containers at the same time.

Step 2. Grind chopped tomatoes with a juicer or meat grinder.

Step 3. We shift the mass into a saucepan, bring to a boil, and then filter it with a sieve.

Step 5. Now add all the spices, mix. And also - garlic, cut into slices (you can just chop finely). Here's what happens in the end.

Step 6. Pour our juice into jars, roll up and cool under a blanket for 1-2 days. We put it in the refrigerator.

How delicious to make tomato juice for the winter - a recipe with garlic

And of course, you can always give free rein to your culinary imagination. Therefore, along with classic recipes, you can also choose this option for making tomato juice for the winter at home.

Ratios of products per 3-liter jar:

  • 4.5 kg of fleshy tomatoes;
  • by 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar and salt;
  • the same amount - vinegar 9%;
  • allspice - 15 peas;
  • cloves 0 4-5 dry buds;
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon without a slide;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves.

Cooking process:

Step 1. We prepare all the components, select and wash the tomatoes. We remove all damaged parts and the stalk with a knife.

Step 2. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer, put the juice on the fire and bring to a boil, then dissolve the salt and sugar, cook for 10 minutes. Then add all the other spices (including garlic, cut into slices), turn off the heat and leave for another 5 minutes.

Step 3. And now you just need to pour the workpiece into containers. roll up the jars and cool them under the covers. Store in refrigerator or cellar.

Tomato juice with vinegar for the winter

If you want to preserve tomato juice for the winter and keep it for a long time, we will use this recipe. For 1 liter of finished tomato juice, we need such products.


  • 2 kg of tomatoes,
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 50 g salt
  • 50 ml 9% vinegar,
  • allspice (to taste)
  • a few cloves,
  • a little ground cinnamon
  • 1-2 tsp red ground pepper,
  • garlic - to taste, a pinch of nutmeg.

How to make tomato juice with vinegar:

Step 1. Squeeze the juice from the tomatoes in any way and pour into an enamel container.

Step 2. Put on fire, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook at a low boil for 30 minutes.

Step 3. Add salt and sugar, boil for 10 minutes, then put the rest of the spices and garlic, passed through the press, keep on fire for another 10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over, wrap up - and let them cool. The taste of this tomato juice is rich and spicy.

Tomato juice at home with sweet pepper - a delicious recipe

Very fragrant and tasty tomato juice at home is obtained with sweet pepper (Bulgarian).

For such a drink from tomatoes, we need:

  • 5 kg ripe tomatoes,
  • 2-3 sweet peppers (yellow or red)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tbsp salt,
  • 1-3 tbsp Sahara.

Cooking progress step by step:

Step 1. Wash, chop, squeeze the juice from the tomatoes. By the way, tomato juice can be obtained by using a juicer for this. This is quick and convenient - you only need to periodically stir the tomato mass so that the skins do not interfere with the flow of juice into the container.

But this problem is easily solved if you first remove the skin from the tomatoes. Spices can be added directly to the juicer along with the tomatoes.

Step 2 Peel the onion and sweet pepper and mince together.

Step 3. Mix onion with pepper with tomato juice, heat to a boil, hold on fire for 10 minutes and pour into jars. Roll up, turn over, wrap up.

Add tomato juice any juices that taste good with tomatoes and get healthy and tasty vitamin drinks for the winter. The main condition is that tomato juice should be at least 50%, and preferably all 75%. Salt and sugar are not necessary to add or you can reduce their amount by adding to taste already at use.

Making tomato juice for the winter is even better in some ways than just salting the tomatoes. Moreover, in August and autumn there are a lot of these fruits, and they are affordable: nothing prevents you from marinating tomatoes, making juice, and a lot of other healthy and tasty dishes.

Enjoy your meal!

Over the summer, hardworking housewives manage to prepare a lot of delicious stocks. Your attention to everyone's favorite in the family, the most fragrant and delicious - tomato juice for the winter.

Several recipes will help you prepare a healthy tomato drink for the future, which will be so pleasant to taste on a winter day when all the vitamins from the red vegetable come in handy.

The benefits of this product for the body are unconditional, and with proper storage, the tomato drink retains all the vitamin properties of fresh tomatoes for two years.

The cold season is the time when our whole family needs vitamins. Down with synthetic vitamins and vegetables of unknown origin! It is better to enjoy a glass of homemade thick tomato drink every day, prepared by your hands without chemicals and preservatives.

As for storage, tomato juice is perfectly stored both under classic canning lids and under screw caps in threaded jars. Be sure to carefully sterilize the glassware and lids, then the hot jars should be carefully turned upside down - this step will complete the preservation. It remains only to wait for winter and enrich yourself with vitamins!

Tomato juice with pulp at home

Do you want to taste thick tomato juice in cold winter? Please! Tomatoes, salt and sugar are all you need to prepare a winter vitamin drink. Your attention is not a complicated recipe for making delicious juice from a tomato, which will appeal to all households. Cook with pleasure!

You will need:

  • 12 kg ripe tomatoes
  • 1 st. l. salt without a slide for 1 liter of juice
  • 2 tsp sugar per 1 liter of juice

Cooking method:

Wash all the tomatoes, cut into quarters, remove the stalk

For tomato juice, it is better to choose ripe tomatoes. Choose a variety according to your taste, but the degree of its meatiness, acidity and sweetness of vegetables will be reflected in the final product.

After pre-treatment, pass the tomatoes through a juicer, but in this case you will get a rather liquid mass without pulp

As a chopping option, pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, then the drink will be thick and rich

To remove tomato seeds and excess peel, if desired, simply wipe the entire mass through a fine sieve.

Pour the mass into a deep metal bowl, put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for about 15 minutes, adding salt and sugar based on the amount

While it is cooking, sterilize the jars with boiling water or over steam, boil the lids for 1-2 minutes in boiling water

Carefully pour the finished drink into jars

Immediately cover them with prepared lids, roll up with a typewriter

Turn hot jars upside down, wrap in a warm blanket

Finished product in a cool, dark place such as a basement or pantry

Enjoy your meal!

Cooking tomato juice with basil for the winter

According to this recipe, you will certainly get an incredibly fragrant drink with a piquant taste of basil. For lovers of this seasoning, I offer you an easy way to prepare an unusual tomato juice for the winter.

Be sure to try cooking it. You can use both fresh basil sprigs and dry seasoning, and the result is the same - a delicious drink in the cold season.

You will need:

  • 4-5 kg ​​slightly ripe red tomatoes
  • 4-6 vet. basilica
  • sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the tomatoes well, cut into quarters, removing the stalk
  2. If there is no juicer, then use a meat grinder and a sieve
  3. Next, pour the mass into a saucepan, boil the juice on the fire for about 15 minutes
  4. Sterilize the jars well, and boil the lids
  5. For 1 liter of juice, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  6. If fresh basil is not available, then add dried tomato to the boiled tomato - it will also be delicious
  7. Rinse fresh basil, dry it - lay a few branches in each jar
  8. Pour hot drink into jars, cover each with a lid and roll up
  9. Turn the jars upside down, cover with warm, wait for cooling
  10. Keep tomato drink in a cool place

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for homemade tomato juice through a juicer

This simple recipe produces a very tasty and smooth juice without pulp. All you need is tomatoes, a juicer and salt. A simple step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you prepare a tomato drink for the winter. Let's try to cook - you will certainly succeed!

You will need:

  • 4 kg tomatoes
  • 1.5 st. l. salt

Cooking method:

Rinse the tomatoes well, cut into quarters, removing the stalk and defects in the surface of vegetables

Run them through the juicer

Pour the tomato mass into a saucepan, bring to a boil, stirring regularly, boil for about 15 minutes

Pour salt

Prepare the jars - sterilize the glass with boiling water or steam, boil the lids for 1-2 minutes

Pour hot drink into jars, immediately cover with lids, roll up

Gently turn the jars upside down, cover with a warm blanket

Finished product in a cool, dark place, in a basement or pantry

Enjoy your meal!

How to make tomato juice with celery

Here is a recipe for a very tasty and vitamin juice from tomatoes and celery. The quantity of ingredients is suggested per 1 kg. Therefore, if you decide to make juice from three kilograms of tomatoes, then we triple the number of components. Enjoy your meal!

You will need:

  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 3 celery stalks
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 st. l. salt

Cooking method:

  1. Sterilize the jar with boiling water, turn it over on a napkin - let the water drain
  2. Cover the lid with boiling water
  3. Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly, cut into quarters
  4. Wash the celery stalks well, cut into pieces
  5. Chop vegetables in a juicer
  6. Pour the resulting vegetable mixture into a saucepan, bring to a boil
  7. Carefully pour the juice into a jar, cover and roll up
  8. Wrap hot jars with a warm blanket, let the drink cool
  9. Finished product in a cool, dark place such as a pantry or basement

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for delicious tomato juice for the winter

Natural tomato juice contains many vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, calcium, citric and malic acid. A nutritious, but at the same time dietary product, it helps to strengthen the immune system and the digestive system of the body. There are a huge number of recipes for harvesting tomato juice for the winter, both in its natural form without the addition of spices and spices, and in combination with various additives. Tomato goes especially well with celery, carrots or bell peppers.

Tomato juice for the winter - cooking features

Before you prepare tomato juice for the winter at home and use one or more recipes for preparing this delicious and 100% natural product and roll it into jars, you need to choose the right ingredients, prepare dishes and tools for convenient work, and follow some tips.

For preservation, it is better to choose ripe tomatoes without external damage, with no signs of rot, not too soft and not watery. The fresher the original product, the better the juice will be - it will retain its taste longer. But if you use spoiled or overripe fruits, then be sure to cut out all damaged areas and rot before cooking, otherwise spoil the workpieces.

If you use a recipe for making tomato juice only with sugar, vinegar or citric acid, then the best option would be to choose southern, early varieties such as Krasnodarets, Yuzhanin, Saladny, Simferopolsky, etc.

To make 1 liter of juice according to the classic recipe using a juicer, you will need at least 1.5 kg of fresh tomatoes, regardless of the variety chosen. This should be taken into account when choosing a recipe and suitable storage containers. When preparing a product with salt, use only table rock salt - the iodized version affects the final taste properties.

To speed up the work process for different recipes, you will need a meat grinder or juicer, it will be useful to have a table sieve, a cutting board, a grater, a colander and a special knife for easy cutting of tomatoes.

For seaming use only whole, pre-washed and sterilized glass jars under special iron lids. Even minimal damage to dishes will nullify all efforts, as they will not withstand the load and will burst during long-term storage.

Tomatoes pair best with supplements such as carrots (or carrot juice), bell peppers, onions, garlic, and celery. In addition to vegetables, delicious recipes are obtained by preparing juice with garlic, basil, nutmeg, cloves, red and black pepper, parsley, coriander, etc.

All these spices and spices, subject to the cooking technology, will give the juice "freshness" and aroma, and some will allow it to be stored longer in winter.

Delicious recipe - "winter classic"

To prepare according to a standard recipe, without frills and extra spices, you will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe, juicy tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • salt, granulated sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • bay leaf and ground coriander.

Tomatoes are carefully selected, washed with cold water and placed in a suitable dish. On a cutting board, make two cuts along and across (crosswise). After that, pour boiling water and let stand for 1-2 minutes and immediately cool. This is necessary for easy cleansing of the skin.

The resulting vegetables are processed with a blender until a fine, homogeneous mass. In the absence of a kitchen blender, use a regular table sieve or colander. The resulting mass is transferred to a steel pan, salt (1-2 tablespoons to taste), sand sugar, bay leaf, a teaspoon of grated coriander are added and simmered for 20-25 minutes.

When using a meat grinder instead of the above tools, the tomatoes are cut into equal slices and the place where the stalk is cut is removed with a knife.

Next, the contents of the pan are passed through a fine strainer to strain and leave the largest pieces on the surface. Glass jars are thoroughly washed with soda solution and tempered by steam or in the microwave. Strained juice is brought to a boil, allowed to cool slightly and immediately poured into prepared containers and rolled up the lids.

Aromatic tomato juice with spices - vitamin cocktail

The classic version with salt or pepper is thick, tasty and refreshing. But it will be even brighter in taste if you use a combination of herbs and spices in the cooking process.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • red tomatoes of the southern variety - 3 kg.
  • granulated sugar and table salt;
  • peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon;
  • red ground pepper, nutmeg and garlic.

Tomatoes are selected and thoroughly washed under running water. Then they are cut into four even slices, which are passed through a juicer or meat grinder.

Processed tomatoes are boiled in a saucepan or juicer for 20-25 minutes over moderate heat. Then the fire can be weakened, first add salt and sugar to taste, after all the spices used.

A few minutes before the end of cooking, pour a little table or wine vinegar into the pan to get the marinade effect. Strain hot juice through a sieve and pour into glass jars.

The container can be turned over and covered with a warm blanket or blanket, and as soon as it cools down, put in a dark and dry place for winter storage.

Refreshing drink with celery at home

Tomatoes with celery - the most delicious and healthy combination when preparing tomatoes for the winter. The classic recipe involves using only fresh tomatoes and celery roots with salt and ground pepper.

In this case, the juice turns out to be really refreshing and healthy, but those who like to experiment can also add additional spices and spices.

Fresh tomatoes are washed with water, blanched, carefully peeled and passed through a meat grinder, blender or food processor. Celery cut into small pieces.

To brew a quality drink, the puree should be simmered in a saucepan for 20-30 minutes, then add salt and ground pepper, and after 30 minutes pour fresh celery and cook the resulting composition for another 15 minutes.

The hot liquid is passed through a sieve or colander and boiled again until it has cooled down, poured into glass containers and rolled tightly with lids. Banks are pre-treated with soda and passed under steam or in the microwave. If you intend to store such a blank for a long time, it is better to sterilize the seams in a hot solution for 15-20 minutes.

Tomatoes with onions and peppers - juice and snack in one

With the right approach to preparation, you will get a delicious tomato puree that can be drunk or used as a refreshing and savory table topping that goes well with many classic dishes. To do this, in addition to tomatoes, you will need fresh sweet peppers, garlic, onions, salt, red and black ground and hot peppers.

To prepare the paste, the tomatoes are washed, poured with boiling water and cooled for several minutes so that the skin can be easily removed. Peppers are cut into slices and passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a knife into small pieces.

Tomatoes are passed through a meat grinder, juicer or blender, and the resulting mixture is simmered over low heat for 20-30 minutes.

Onions and peppers are lightly fried in a pan, then chopped garlic is added, sprinkled with pepper and salt and mixed thoroughly. Vegetables and garlic are added to a saucepan with juice and boiled for 10-15 minutes. The juice from the pan is poured piping hot and rolled into well-prepared and clean jars without straining it.

The container can be additionally sterilized and sent for wintering in a dark and dry place. Such a dish can not only be preserved for the winter, but also served hot as a gravy for pasta, rice or potatoes.

Tomato juice is a natural drink, bright, very healthy and tasty, almost everyone loves it. You can buy tomato juice at almost any grocery store, but you can also prepare it yourself at home. Tomato juice made with your own hands will turn out to be no worse than store-bought, and in terms of usefulness, it will even surpass it in many ways. If you are a big fan of tomato juice, then you should stock up on it for future use for the winter. This article will help you with this. The juice prepared according to the recipes below will give you an excellent vitamin supplement on cold winter days.

Juice made from fresh tomatoes has many health benefits. Modern medicine recommends drinking a glass of this wonderful drink daily.

Fresh tomato juice helps to improve the quality of the skin, prevents its aging, helps to remove toxins, radionuclides and toxins from the body.

Tomato juice quenches thirst well. By the amount of vitamin C, it is in no way inferior to citrus fruits. Two cups of this drink will fully provide the daily requirement of this essential vitamin for the human body.

Tomato juice is used by many as a remedy for obesity. It is added to special cocktails, which, in addition to tomato juice, include apple, pumpkin and lemon juice. The proportion of such a cocktail is 2:4:2:1.

Also, tomato juice improves metabolism, helps relieve fatigue and stress.

Due to the content of a large amount of useful minerals, tomato juice is an excellent means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, helps lower cholesterol and increase hemoglobin levels. Tomato juice is an excellent remedy for the prevention of thrombosis. It also helps to reduce intraocular pressure, which is very valuable in glaucoma.

Fresh natural juice is very useful for our body, but there are some restrictions on its use. It is undesirable to use juice during an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract, peptic ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. It is also contraindicated in case of poisoning.

Tomato juice is one of the few drinks that can be consumed with diabetes. It helps normalize blood sugar.

Many nutritionists claim that a drink made from tomato is one of the best healthy drinks for our body, especially in the winter season.

Which tomatoes to choose for juice

To make tomato juice, you need red, ripe and sweet tomatoes. Yellow and green tomatoes are not suitable. Also avoid unripe and overripe vegetables. Unripe - will make the drink bitter and sour, and overripe - tasteless.

To prepare one liter of tomato juice, you will need about one and a half kilograms of tomatoes. You can prepare juice, both without various additives, and by adding salt, sugar, various spices to it, combine tomatoes with other vegetables. It all depends on the recipe and your desire.

To make juice according to this recipe, you will need ripe red tomatoes, an enameled saucepan of a suitable size, a meat grinder or juicer, sterilized jars with lids, and a little of your time.

The number of tomatoes, as mentioned above, we take one and a half kilograms of a tomato based on one liter of juice.

Wash the tomatoes thoroughly under running water, remove the stalk attachment points with a knife, cut in half or into several parts. Pass through a juicer or meat grinder.

Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, bring to a boil and then boil over low heat for 5 minutes. If you used a meat grinder, then without bringing the juice to a boil, you need to grind it through a fine sieve so that it turns out to be of a homogeneous consistency.

Pour the boiled juice into sterilized jars and cork with sterile metal lids.

Using tomato juice according to this simple recipe, you can prepare.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ripe red tomatoes;
  • For 2 liters of tomato juice - 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • For 2 liters of tomato juice - 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • Enameled pan of a suitable size;
  • Juicer (meat grinder);
  • Sterilized jars and lids.

Wash the tomatoes well under running water. Cut into small pieces, removing the attachment points of the stem.

Pass the chopped tomatoes through a juicer. We get a pure pitted drink. Pour it into a saucepan.

We pass the cake from the container one more time through the juicer.

Instead of a juicer, you can use a meat grinder, while the juice will turn out with pulp. To remove the seeds, the resulting mass can be rubbed through a fine sieve.

We place a saucepan with juice on a slow fire, add sugar and salt based on two liters of juice: 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt. Bring to a boil.
Boil 3-4 minutes. Pour the juice from the tomato into sterilized jars, roll up with sterile metal lids.

We wrap the jars upside down with a blanket and leave to cool completely. With such juice you can prepare.

Delicious tomato juice with garlic

To make juice, you will need 11 kilograms of ripe red tomatoes. We thoroughly wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks and cut them into small slices. Further, as in the recipes above, we pass them through a juicer to get pure juice without seeds and skins. Pour the juice into a suitable enameled pan, put on fire and cook for half an hour. After boiling, the fire must be reduced.

Then add 7 tablespoons of salt (175 grams) and sugar. Sugar should be added to taste from 400 to 700 grams. Cook for another 5-10 minutes. Add 3-4 cloves of garlic passed through the press. Pour in 275 grams of 9% vinegar. Pour in 30 peas of allspice, about a dozen cloves, 0.5 teaspoon of red pepper and 3.5 teaspoons of cinnamon. Add nutmeg to the tip of a knife. Cook for about 15 minutes, then pour into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Tomato juice with celery for the winter

A drink made from tomatoes with celery is very healthy and tasty, it will perfectly provide your whole family with useful vitamins, give you energy and keep you in a good mood for the whole day.

To prepare this wonderful drink from 1 kilogram of red ripe tomatoes, you will need: 1 tablespoon of salt, a teaspoon of ground black pepper and three celery stalks.

Rinse tomatoes and celery with water. We cut the tomatoes and pass through the juicer. Place the juice in a saucepan, put on fire and boil. Add finely chopped celery, salt and ground pepper to the pan, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. To make the juice with a richer taste of celery, you can grate the celery.

Next, you need to grind the mass through a fine sieve or use a blender to turn it into a puree (you can strain it). Bring the juice back to a boil, pour into sterilized jars and seal with lids.

Tomato juice for the winter with bell pepper and dill


  • 10 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 500 grams of bell pepper;
  • Dill umbrellas - a small bunch;
  • Add salt and granulated sugar according to your taste.

Wash vegetables, remove stems. We remove the seed box from the pepper by cutting it out with a knife.

Peppers and tomatoes are cut into convenient pieces and passed through a juicer. Place the juice in a saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil. Then we reduce the flame, add dill, salt and sugar to taste to the pan. Cook for about 30 minutes, then pour into sterilized jars and cork with lids.

Tomato juice with beet and apple juice

To prepare this healthy drink, take 2 kilograms of tomatoes, 1 liter of fresh homemade apple juice, 200 milliliters of beetroot juice and salt to taste. You will also need a saucepan and sterilized jars with lids.

We wash the tomatoes using a juicer, we get pure tomato juice.

If there is no juicer at hand, then remove the skin from the tomatoes and grind through a fine sieve.

To easily remove the skin from a tomato, we make a small cross-shaped notch with a sharp knife on the back of the tomato. Then place in boiling water for 15 seconds and immediately transfer to a prepared bowl of ice water. Further, the skin can be easily separated from the pulp.

In a saucepan with tomato juice, add beetroot and apple juice, put on the stove, bring to a boil. Pour boiling juice into jars and seal with lids.

You can also see a few recipes for an equally tasty drink:.

Canned tomato juice for the winter with basil

Making tomato juice with basil for the winter is no different from the process described in previous recipes.

Take 5 kilograms of ripe tomatoes, you can even a little overripe. The main thing is to prevent the ingress of spoiled, rotten vegetables. We prepare the tomatoes, wash, cut and then using a juicer we get pure juice. There is no juicer, use a meat grinder, only then grind the tomato mass through a fine sieve.

We put the saucepan with juice on the stove, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes. While the juice is being cooked, you can prepare the jars - wash and sterilize.

Add a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar to the pan. Adjust salt and sugar to your taste. Throw in a few sprigs of basil. Basil can be used either fresh or dried. We boil for 5 minutes, and pour the juice into prepared jars, cork with lids, and after cooling, put it in a cool dark place for storage.

Don't stock up on tomato juice for the winter? It doesn’t matter, you can make this drink from high-quality tomato paste at any time. Juice prepared independently from pasta will turn out three times cheaper than a ready-made store-bought one.

For cooking, you need to use only exceptionally high-quality tomato paste, which does not include additional ingredients other than salt and water. Preparing juice is very simple, dilute 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste in one glass of water. Add salt, sugar and pepper to taste and if desired. All delicious tomato paste drink is ready, drink and enjoy.

Another recipe for a relatively inexpensive tasty drink:.

After reading the above recipes, you can easily stock up on this healthy drink for the winter, and share tomato juice recipes with your friends.

Every real housewife should know the secrets of how to cook a tomato for the winter, because for such a preparation you need to choose special tomatoes, and in addition, spices and other vegetables. The cooking process can last from several minutes to 1-2 hours, depending on the ingredients and consistency, and also on what you want to get as a result. Consider the principles of choosing tomatoes for juice, recommendations for their preparation and the best proven sauce recipes for the winter.

How to choose tomatoes for cooking

There are few selection rules. they are simple, but the result depends on their observance. So, let's begin:

  • Depending on what consistency of juice is desired, it is worth choosing varieties of tomatoes. If you take the Bull's Heart variety, then the drink for the winter will turn out to be very thick, rich. And the variety of tomatoes "Tsar Bell" will give a lot of water, so the juice will be liquid, like apple juice.
  • Even the most ripe vegetables are suitable for cooking tomatoes. Slightly soft, flattened, overripe will also be ideal for sauces.
  • Green fruits of tomatoes should not be taken for juice, as they will spoil the color of the workpiece, its taste. Unripe vegetables do not provide much water, so their use is also not advisable.
  • The format of the tomatoes for juicing does not matter. It can be small cherry tomatoes, medium cream or large fruits. Anyway, when cooking, they will be cut into pieces.
  • Tomatoes grown under the open sun in the beds are considered ideal for making tomato juice. Fruits that ripen in greenhouses do not have a large volume of water for such a preparation and have a noticeable sourness.

In what bowl to cook a tomato

A caring hostess will definitely ask herself the question: is it possible to cook a tomato in an aluminum pan? There is no definite answer here: if dishes made of such material are used for 1-3 hours, then oxidation will not occur, but if the juice is infused and then only boiled, then it is better to choose other types of utensils. In an iron pan, enameled, cast iron, no chemical processes occur, therefore they are recommended for cooking tomatoes. Here is a list of utensils that may be needed for cooking tomatoes:

  • Juicer for quickly detaching the pulp and veins of tomatoes from the juice.
  • Saucepan or large deep bowl for boiling juice.
  • Colander or sieve (for straining the sauce after cooking, if the juicer was not used before).
  • Storage containers (jars with twists or tin lids).
  • A scoop or a large mug for pouring tomato juice into jars.
  • Seaming key (if classic tin can lids are used).

How long to cook the sauce for the winter

To understand how many minutes you need to boil the juice until ready, it is worth analyzing the entire cooking process. If the heat treatment will be carried out with vegetables for the first time, then it can last up to 1 hour, but in the classic versions, after boiling, you must wait 5-15 minutes and pour the juice into jars. If cooking takes place a second time (in the first stage, pieces of tomatoes were boiled, then they were rubbed through a sieve and put on the stove again), then 2-5 minutes will be enough to boil the dish and arrange it in containers.

Recipes for making tomato paste at home with photos

To understand how to cook tomatoes for the winter, you should consider several recipe options and choose the most suitable one for yourself. The difference lies not only in the process of obtaining juice, but also in the additives that are put into the drink or sauce. Consider a few classic recipes and unusual ways to cook a tomato for the winter. All the options considered are proven, so they are easy to use on their own even for beginners.

Pasta from tomatoes on the stove

If you do not use a juicer to prepare tomato juice, then the process will take a little time, but you will not have to wash a lot of dishes and waste electricity. The task is to cut the vegetables into large pieces, boil a little and rub through a sieve. This method helps to get a thick tomato with a small amount of grains and pulp. Consider a simple proven recipe for a dish.


  • Ripe red tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Sweet red pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt, sugar - according to the varieties of tomatoes and taste preferences.
  • Black peppercorns, bay leaf.


  1. Rinse all tomatoes under running water, remove excess water from them.
  2. Do the same with pepper.
  3. In a large (preferably cast-iron) container, cut the fruits of tomatoes into large pieces, while cutting out the roots and veins.
  4. Together with tomatoes, it is worth cutting sweet peppers of fleshy varieties into small pieces.
  5. Put the dishes with chopped vegetables on the stove on a small fire, and when a little liquid appears at the bottom, the power of the burner needs to be increased.
  6. After the fruits boil for up to 5 minutes, they must be set aside, cooled to room temperature.
  7. Rub the boiled tomatoes and peppers through a sieve or colander, crushing them with a spoon or silicone spatula. Excess skins, veins should be removed.
  8. The resulting paste must be salted, add sugar, spices and be sure to have a few sheets of bay pepper. Put it all on the stove, boil for 3-5 minutes, then pour into jars, roll up the lids.
  9. Such tomato paste is stored from 1 to 5 years in a cool dark place.

Homemade tomato for the winter as fresh

There is nothing better in winter than homemade tomato juice. This dish is allowed to be consumed as an independent unit or added to borscht, cabbage, soups or other types of food. To make homemade tomato juice as fresh as possible, you need to add a minimum of spices and additional vegetables to it, but to increase the shelf life, it is worth doing a good heat treatment. Consider a quick recipe for such a workpiece.


  • Red tomatoes of fleshy varieties - 3 kg.
  • Parsley, dill - a few fresh sprigs.
  • Salt, pepper, white sugar - according to taste preferences.


  1. Wash vegetables and herbs thoroughly.
  2. Dry them in a colander or with paper towels.
  3. Cut out the inner stem of the tomatoes and run the vegetables through a juicer.
  4. Drain all the juice obtained into a large enameled container.
  5. Put the liquid on the stove and bring to a boil.
  6. Add sugar, salt, ground pepper, constantly tasting the future dish. You should not put a lot of spices, this will enhance the taste, but it will lose its naturalness.
  7. Put the parsley leaves, dill into the boiling liquid.
  8. Boil the juice until the sugar finishes melting. The total amount of time the tomato boils should be about 20-25 minutes.
  9. Pour the liquid into sterilized jars, roll up the tin lids very tightly.

Pepper bulgarian tomato without sterilization

Sweet bell peppers are often added to tomato juice. This addition gives an unusual taste and makes the consistency thicker. Peppers are allowed to be cut into pieces, whole or grated through a grater, blender. Consider a simple recipe for tomato juice with other vegetables and fruits, which all households and guests will certainly appreciate.


  • Red, yellow tomatoes - a total of 3 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1.5 kg.
  • Plum with a well-separated stone - 0.5 kg.
  • Sour apples - 300 g.
  • Sugar, salt - according to tastes.


  1. Rinse all vegetables and fruits under clean water. Leave them for a few minutes to drain excess water.
  2. Peel the pepper from the core, cut into quarters, put in a large cauldron, where the whole dish will be prepared.
  3. Pass the tomatoes through a juicer, pour the resulting liquid into the bell pepper.
  4. Peel plums and apples, pass through a juicer, add this liquid to the main tomato juice.
  5. Immediately put a little salt, sugar, if you want - spices in the cauldron.
  6. Bring the tomato juice to a boil, stir it, try it.
  7. Adjust the dish according to your own taste sensations (add salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar).
  8. Boil the tomato for 5-10 minutes and pour into glass jars. Bon appetit in winter!

tomato juice recipe

A good hostess knows that it takes a long time to make juice from tomatoes. But how to cook tomatoes for the winter using new kitchen appliances? Such devices allow you to simplify the cooking process and even reduce the time to create an excellent dish. Consider step-by-step recipes for tomato juice in a slow cooker and pressure cooker for harvesting for the winter.

In a slow cooker

To quickly prepare delicious tomato juice at home, you should use a slow cooker. This popular device will help you by offering not to stand at the stove for a long time, but to start the technique and go somewhere on your own questions. In addition, there is no risk that the contents of the saucepan will leak out, boil away or burn. Here is an excellent recipe for rich tomato juice in a slow cooker.


  • Cherry tomatoes or other small varieties of tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Ripe pear - 300 g.
  • Sour apple - 300 g.
  • Cloves, cinnamon, black, allspice, salt, sugar - according to taste.

Preparation of tomato juice in a slow cooker:

  1. Wash all fruits and vegetables.
  2. Separate the extra parts from them: ponytails, veins, bones, core.
  3. Using a juicer, chop tomatoes, pears, apples.
  4. Pour the resulting juice into the multicooker bowl, add spices.
  5. Turn on the "Cooking" mode for 30 minutes and wait for cooking.
  6. In the meantime, you need to sterilize the jars in a water bath and prepare the lids.
  7. When the slow cooker announces the end of the program, tomato juice should be poured into containers and tightly closed.

In a double boiler

The main plus of a double boiler is that it allows you not only to quickly cook food, but to do it, while preserving all possible vitamins and minerals. Tomato juice, adjika, sauce or another product cooked in a double boiler has the best taste, it is most useful for the body. Let's talk about the perfect tomato recipe.


  • Red tomatoes - 2.5 kg.
  • Yellow tomatoes - 0.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes "Black Prince" - 0.5 kg.
  • Parsley, dill, basil.
  • Salt, sugar and pepper - according to taste preferences.


  1. Wash and dry all vegetables and herbs.
  2. Remove the ends from the tomatoes, cut each of them into 2 parts.
  3. Pass the tomatoes through the juicer, setting the appropriate mode to obtain juice with the maximum amount of pulp.
  4. Add greens to the liquid.
  5. Put everything in a double boiler and bring to a boil.
  6. Remove from heat, open the lid, put the spices.
  7. Boil the juice in a double boiler for another 5 minutes and pour into jars.

Video recipe: how to spin a tomato for the winter

So that beginners have no questions about creating the perfect tomato dish, they should watch the training videos. In such materials, famous and popular culinary experts advise on how to choose the right vegetables, how to process them and what to add to the juice. Here is a short video that demonstrates the correct approaches to spinning tomatoes for the winter.

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