Home Flowers Programs for editing databases. Survey of programs for creating databases. About the db and data directories

Programs for editing databases. Survey of programs for creating databases. About the db and data directories


New in category "Programs for managing and working with databases.":

ProjectDB is an application with project generation capabilities that will allow you to manage large amounts of information. The ProjectDB application is developed taking into account the work of the MS SQL Server program, and developments are underway to connect free databases such as PostgeSQL or MySQL.

DBACentral for MySQL 1.8.3 is a solution similar to MS Access that allows you to perform server administration, database development, and also has the ability to implement advanced data management.

FlexTracer is a powerful tracer for SQL queries and works with various databases and functions that are exported from a DLL. The FlexTracer application will help you view the result of the execution of functions, the execution time and their parameters.

Excel-to-MySQL 2.5 is an application for converting MS Excel documents to MySQL databases. The Excel-to-MySQL application has the ability to create new MySQL databases or write to already saved or created databases.

EMS MySQL Manager Pro is an application that is a powerful and quite effective tool for administration of the MySQL server and managing its objects.

DegisyDb 1.0 is a free library that has 12 components to perform management and other database operations.

dbForge Studio for MySQL 5.0.36 is a professional and free application that will help MySQL users and database developers work more conveniently and quickly.

DB Navigator for DBF will enable you to conveniently and easily process data in databases. The DBNavigator for DBF application allows you to perform such operations with databases as adding, editing and deleting tables, as well as writing, executing SQL scripts, copying tables completely or their structures.

Database Workshop 5.32 is an application for working with various databases. The Database Workshop application allows you to perform professional processing of databases, and is equipped with ample opportunities for analyzing the databases under study.

Database Tour is a powerful and handy application that will do your work with databases. The Database Tour application works with data of various formats and will help you to facilitate or automate the most frequently performed database operations.

CDBF - DBF Viewer and Editor 2.15 is a fairly powerful editor and viewer of DBF files, which allows you to perform a large number of database operations without resorting to programming using the standard Windows interface.

Access-to-MySQL Pro 2.5 is a quality application for converting your databases from Access format to MySQL format. The "Access-to-MySQL Pro" application supports all MySQL data types and file attributes, and can also work with all versions of MySQL servers that run on operating systems such as Windows, Linux or Unix.

EMS Database Management Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of free database management software, which will allow you to increase the productivity of working with data and the efficiency of database administration. These free database management software can help you with most administrative tasks by providing essential functionality for developers of databases and data applications, while eliminating the need for several versatile SQL utilities.

EMS SQL Manager Freeware is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers; it will allow you to easily control the data infrastructure due to the presence of all the necessary tools for organizing the effective functioning of database systems. Our free tools give you the ability to do server administration and database development, manage users and security, view and edit data, and more from one powerful application with a clear GUI.

Using EMS SQL Manager Freeware, you can work with servers, databases and schemas, view, edit, search, group, sort and filter data, create and execute SQL queries with a powerful SQL editor, work with multiple selected objects at the same time and much more .

We offer a wide range of free database administration software for the most popular servers. EMS SQL Manager Freeware supports all server, database and table objects, as well as the latest server versions and functionality of the corresponding RDBMS.

Databases in Delphi are written to automate work in various areas of enterprise activity, for example, to organize information and reference systems. In industry, programs in Delphi allow you to get away from routine work with paper media. And, as you know, when information is stored on paper, then sorting, searching, or any other operation takes a long time, since you have to revise everything manually.

When you have a ready-made database in Delphi, you do not need to spend your time studying and writing program code for coursework or thesis on database programming. There are many implemented database projects available that allow you to write your work for a good grade. A large selection of projects on the Access subd in Delphi 7 will allow you to choose the most suitable project for protection, such as source code such as accounting for goods, accounting for programs, etc. There are also projects with a MySQL and InterBase database.

Areas where databases are used

  • State educational institutions;
  • Population census. Such a database allows special authorities to quickly calculate statistics on the country's population. For example, you can compare the number of inhabitants in different years of the selected city. Maintain a database of employees who perform rounds at assigned addresses.
  • Commercial organizations. These include municipal enterprises (unitary), production cooperatives, business companies and farms.
  • Trade enterprises;
  • Real estate agency;
  • Travel agencies;
  • and other enterprises.

Almost every organization has its own database. Why, even websites use them to make working with information easier and simpler. Indeed, they allow you to make calculations without any problems, quickly find the necessary data, and in general, they simply create order in any information.

Often programmers are involved in their creation, because this is a complex process that is taught in higher educational institutions. There are also many lessons, courses and software packages for creating database software. There is really a great variety, it can be easy to get confused. This article will focus on some of the main programs for developing databases.

About SQL

SQL is a programming language that is used to create databases. If you install it on a computer and start creating a database, it will not be very convenient. This is due to the fact that SQL itself does not have any graphical shell, and database queries must be sent at all through the command line. For this reason, various kinds of programs have appeared that simplify the development of databases. However, learning the basics of this language is still worth it. Suddenly, you need to make some kind of request, but the program does not work correctly.

Microsoft Access

This program for creating databases is definitely familiar to many. After all, it comes with the Microsoft Office suite. This program is one of the easiest to learn, because knowledge of the SQL programming language is practically not needed there. You can only indicate which query to make, and the program itself will make an SQL query.

About the relevance of the program. Until now, the databases of many organizations have been made using Microsoft Access. Indeed, the program itself is very easy, there is an intuitive interface. Moreover, the basics of working in Access are even taught in school and in elementary college courses!


Access, of course, is a good program, but if you need a database for a site, it will not cope. Then PhpMyAdmin comes to the rescue. This is a very useful program for creating databases. Installation on a computer takes some time, and during installation it is easy to do something wrong, and it will not work. Therefore, when installing this program to create databases, you must clearly follow the instructions. But another plus of PhpMyAdmin is that it can also be accessed via the Internet in the form of a website! For example, you have a website that is powered by WordPress. It will have a database. And if you have a site on some good hosting, then, most likely, work with databases will be carried out through PhpMyAdmin, and it will be possible to access it through the hosting control panel.

Another program for creating databases. It is free, but there is also a paid version with better features. It is easy to create links with tables in this program, and in general, it is just convenient to work with. It is also a plus that you can show the database in a graphical form. Most people when working with databases prefer this particular program. In principle, PhpMyAdmin is not inferior in terms of capabilities, but still it is more designed to work with site databases.

In this article, the main programs for creating databases were considered. In fact, there are a lot of them, so everyone chooses a tool for themselves, but if you are just getting used to it and want to study this area, then it is recommended to work with MySQL WorkBench. After you learn the basics of SQL, there will no longer be a significant difference for you where to work, because the queries are the same everywhere. It is also convenient that, having created a database in one program, you can open it through another software, which is also designed to work with the database. When creating software with a database, you cannot do without this knowledge. Moreover, having mastered SQL, you can even create your own software for developing and editing databases.

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