Home fertilizers Minecraft thaumcraft 4.2 3.5 aspects study

Minecraft thaumcraft 4.2 3.5 aspects study

Details Super User Minecraft Instructions Updated: 06 May 2015

To get all the recipes for ThaumCraft 4, you need to craft a special book - a guide to the ThaumCraft mod. In order to create it, you will need to acquire a magic wand, which will come in handy in the future, but first things first.

Crafting a magic wand

1. We cut a tree and create sticks.

2. We collect iron and make a tip for the future magic wand.

3. We form a magic wand.

Create Thaumonomicon - recipe book and guide to ThaumCraft 4

To create this book, you will need: a magic wand, 3 pieces of leather, 6 wooden planks, 9 pieces of cane.

1. We make paper from reeds, we create books from paper and leather, and we form a bookshelf from books.

2. We install, in any place, a bookshelf and click on it with the right mouse button with a magic wand in hand.

Creating a table for research

With the help of the research table, you can open crafting recipes, new, powerful things. To craft it, you will need: 6 wooden plates, 4 planks, a glass vial, ink and a pen.

1. We make a table and install it.

2. We create an inkwell and place it on the table.

After all done, you will be able to enter the table interface by pressing the right mouse button.

There you will see the following:

  1. Aspect table. All aspects you have unlocked will appear here.
  2. Cell for ink.
  3. Cell for paper.
  4. Scroll cell.
  5. Cell for aspects.
  6. Cell learning new aspects.
  7. Scroll study slot.
  8. The cell in which the scroll will appear.

About aspects and nuances of working with a research table


Create a mystical workbench

In order to create a mystical workbench, it is enough to install a single table that we crafted earlier and right-click on it with a magic wand.

Undoubtedly, Minecraft has some rudiments of magic, for example, you can use enchanted weapons or armor. But thanks to the Thaumcraft 3 mod for Minecraft, your idea of ​​magic in the game will change drastically!

Thaumcraft 3- this is one of the most popular, which develops the theme of magic and adds full-fledged witchcraft to the game. By installing Thaumcraft you will no longer be an ordinary survivor, the game world will become completely different for you!

For example, you can turn any in-game items into energy called “Vis”, and having accumulated enough energy, the Thaumcraft mod will allow you to activate special runes and symbols, use magic on objects and blocks, create portals and much more.

Aura and Vis

To fully understand the mod Thaumcraf 3, you need to learn the basics and basic components of the modification. Just such a basic element is the Aura, which in turn is formed from "Vis". “Vis” are energy particles that appear in all blocks and objects after installing the Thaumcraft mod.

It doesn't matter if it's a living object or just a simple block of earth, it will contain some amount of "Vis" anyway. You can get such particles by destroying mobs or objects. Aura is a hidden energy that fundamentally affects ”Vis”. The higher the degree of the Aura, the greater the chance that the "Vis" particles will try to flow to areas and objects that are less concentrated by the aura.

The aura helps balance the world of Thaumcraft so that both high and low aura areas remain in the game. As a general rule, areas with a high aura tend to be more populated and lively than areas with low aura scores.

Crystals "Vis"

in fashion Thaumcraft For Minecraft, there are 6 types of "Vis" crystals that you can find in the bowels of caves or at great depths.

These crystals have the possibility of natural growth. For example, having found a crystal at the initial stage of growth, you can not destroy it, but wait for it to grow and after that you can mine crystals for your own purposes. Also, "Vis" crystals grow much faster in high aura areas, so you can simply "replant" them.

"Vis" crystals are one of the main types of resources in Thaumcraft and have a wide variety of applications. But do not forget that by mining crystals, you change the aura of the territory, which can lead to unforeseen consequences. After collecting 9 crystals, you can craft a special block that can be installed in any place convenient for you.

The Taint - Contagion

Sometimes, the magical energy in the atmosphere cannot be distributed in the right way, which leads to changes in it. Instead of affecting the world in a positive way, the energy takes on malignant forms that slowly spread throughout the world, infecting everything they touch.

This phenomenon is called infection. Do not think that the infection cannot be obtained artificially. In some cases, you can get infected "Vis" crystals by using magic or by smelting certain ores.

As we have already said, the infection can spread and you will understand this by the characteristic purple coloring of the area. But that's half the trouble. The fact is that covering the territory, the infection changes it beyond recognition and even peaceful mobs begin to behave absolutely unpredictably. Of course, you can always return the area to normal, but if the infection can again enter this area, the process of its spread will proceed much faster.

Thaumcraft crafting recipes

Like any other mod that adds new blocks and items to Minecraft, Thaumcraft has a number of crafting recipes that are needed to create new items and objects.

We have prepared Thaumcraft crafting recipes for you so that you can easily deal with the new features that will appear in the game.

The main crafting recipe for Thaumcraft is the staff, which is the most important item in the expansion. Once you craft the staff, you can use it on the bookcase to create a special book that contains all of the Thaumcraft crafting recipes.

With the help of this book, you can get acquainted with crafting recipes right in the game. In our article, you can learn all the crafting recipes in advance so that the process of getting acquainted with the Thaumcraft mod goes much faster.


The crucible is one of the main items needed in Thaumcraft. This is a kind of form for remelting resources and ores. Any "Vis" crystal can be used to craft a crucible.

Initially, you create a basic crucible that will create the "Vis" Aura and Infection in equal proportions. Over time, you will be able to craft improved crucibles, depending on your needs and change the conversion rate of blight or aura.


Pipes are needed to transport liquid forms of "Vis" to special blocks. Pipes tend to get dirty, so you need to use a variety of filters to keep the contents of the pipes in perfect condition. The contamination of the pipe can be determined by the color of the contents, the closer the color to purple, the dirtier your fluid.


The valve can be connected to pipes and can also be powered by a redstone. It is necessary so that you can block the flow of fluid passing through the pipes. Using redstone circuits, you can create automated systems that can turn on or off the "Vis" transmission

Storage tank

This glass tank is essential for storing liquids. A reservoir can be connected to your piping to collect passing liquid. The tank can also be used to collect infestation to purify water, but this type of tank in Thaumcraft's mod is not able to withstand infestation for a long time and can simply explode at some point in time.

Hidden membrane

The hidden membrane is designed to improve performance and increase the speed of the crucible. The hidden membrane can be used to set up the acquisition of "Vis" or contagion. Diaphragms can be connected to pipelines to increase performance where they are located.

"Vis" pump

These "Vis" pumps are used to pressurize the pipeline and increase the flow rate of fluid inside the pipes.


The Infuser is one of the most important devices in Thaumcraft that you have to create. Most mod objects can only be created in the infuser. This item will allow you to combine objects and endow them with magical properties.


The Quasitum works similarly to a magic table and can increase its power if it is placed in a room of bookcases.

“Vis” Capacitor

The "Vis" capacitor allows you to get "Vis" in a new way. Using it, you can get ”Vis” energy much faster. But it is worth noting that the speed of the capacitor depends on the phase of the moon. The larger the moon, the faster the transformations in the "Vis" capacitor will take place.

One "Vis" capacitor can be connected to the pipeline, and the rest can be placed immediately after it. Thus, the need for individual connection of each capacitor is eliminated.

"Vis" filter

"Vis" filter is a special unit that allows you to purify the liquid from contamination impurities. But the filter does not absorb all harmful impurities, but releases them into the atmosphere, thereby causing infection in the area where the filter will be located.

secret mine

The secret mine allows you to extract a huge amount of material in a short period of time, but the installation is expensive to operate and consumes a lot of resources.

Arcane Mine Focus

Needed to set up a secret mine and determine the area of ​​​​resource extraction. It usually has a mining radius of 39 blocks and a mining speed of 3 blocks per second.

Secret Mine Key

Can be used to obtain raw crucibles and set up various units such as a secret shaft or ”Vis” pump.

We have given you the main crafting recipes for Thaumcraft. You can find the rest of the crafting recipes directly in the game, using the notebook for this, which we told you about at the very beginning of the paragraph about the crafting recipes of the mod. You can find a complete list of crafting recipes at.

In addition, while exploring the world, you yourself will be able to find new crafting recipes, which means that the game process will be much more interesting. If you want to supplement the article with a more detailed list of crafting recipes, you can send your translation to [email protected] website

Download Thaumcraft

Download Thaumcraft for Minecraft 1.6.4

Download Thaumcraft for all versions of Minecraft

Installing Thaumcraft

To install the Thaumcraft mod, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Install (not needed, the mod uses Forge Modloader)
  2. Move the Thaumcraft archive to your Minecraft mods folder

Video Thaumcraft

So you have reached the main stage of comprehending the world of witchcraft and magic in minecraft. Research in taumcraft 3 is very diverse and will add many useful devices and elements to the game that will greatly simplify your virtual existence, but this still needs to be reached, so let's take a look at everything in detail.

Now you have to spend quite a lot of time for, because it is here that you will make new discoveries, replenishing your own knowledge. Below you can see everything you know from the very beginning of the game, as well as all the research recipes for taumcraft 3 ( remember that if you play thaumcraft 4, then you).

You can find out which items contain the aspects of the taumcraft 3 mod you need - believe me, this article will certainly come in handy for you!

From the very beginning, picking up and opening it (to enter the interface, press the right mouse button), let's get acquainted with what is already known:


Short description

1. Fragments of Lost Knowledge(Knowledge Fragments) It is from these fragments of knowledge that you can subsequently craft a scroll of lost knowledge and then study it (all this knowledge refers specifically to golem improvements).
2. research table(Research table) An element of the game where with the help of which new knowledge will be discovered.
3. Enchantments(Enchantments) You know that different elements can be enchanted to give them different bonuses.
4. Writing accessories(Scribing Tools) Without this element, the research table will not be research!
5. Magic Workbench(Arcane Worktable) A lot of magical crafting will take place in it.
6. Glass jars - bottles(Glass Phial) Elements that are very necessary in the household, which will certainly come in handy (even in the same craft of writing instruments).
7. Thaumonomicon(Thaumonomicon) Magic book - a collection of all your knowledge and discoveries in the magical world.
8. tables(Tables) Elements from which the research table is obtained.
9. Crucible(crucible) In this magical device, all alchemical transformations will take place, and it will also be with its help that aspects from the object will fall into the infusion table.
10. Apprentice Magic Wand(Wand of the Apprentice) Your first magical tool.
11. great tree(Greatwood Trees) You know that there are great trees, the wood of which is very valuable to knowledgeable sorcerers.
12. Aspects of Magic(Aspects of Magic) Now you know what everything is made of!
13. silver tree(Silverwood Trees) You know that there are magic trees that you should definitely use, although they are quite rare.
14. Aura(The Aura) You feel that magical energy is everywhere!
15. Shimmering leaf - silver leaf(Shimmerleaf) Such beautiful flowers can often be found near silver trees.
16. Corruption(flax) Do not pollute the environment with witchcraft waste, because you know that spoilage is not a joke!
17. fire pearl(Cinderpearl) Plants that are found exclusively in hot deserts.
18. filled ore(Infused Ore) You know that underground you can find ore filled with magic from which shards are mined

Yes, now you know what you know at the very beginning of the game, therefore, it's time to take the next step - let's move on to discoveries, because there are so many interesting things to come!

Thaumcraft 3 first level research:


1. cobblestone - coal
2. (Gunpowder)
cobblestone - coal - egg
3. Transmutation Basics - Gold(Basic Transmutation)
iron ingot - egg - diamond - gold ingot
4. (Iron Transmutation)
iron ingots - eggs
5. Thaumium - thaumium ingots(Thaumium)
iron ingots - eggs - magic fragments
6. (Nitor)
7. Fundamentals of Alchemy(Basic Alchemy) Opens itself after you explore pos. 1 and pos. 6
8. (Magical Building Blocks)
cobblestone - iron ingot - tree saplings - workbench - magic shards
9. (Enchanted Fabric)
wool - workbench - magic fragments
10. (Magic Tallow)
rotten flesh - coal
11. (Thaumometr)
red dust - zombie brain - magical shards
12. Basic Artifact Knowledge(Basic Artificing) Opens itself after studying pos. 9 and pos. 12
13. (Thaumaturge's Robes)
wool, armor, magic fragments


Screenshot of the finished study (click on the image to enlarge)
1. Theory of the Unified Thaumic Field - Wand of the Adept(Unified Thaumic Field Theory)

earth - water bubble - zombie brain - coal - feather - magic fragments - repeater - slime clot
2. Wands of Equivalent Exchange(Wand of Equal Trade)

shovel - magic fragments - egg
3. Growth Hoe(Hoe of Growth) after pos. 3

shovel - any seedlings - wheat
4. Excavation Wand(Wand of Excavation)

shovel - iron ingot - magic fragments - cobblestone
5. (Shovel of the Earthmover) after pos. four

shovel - cobblestone - earth - workbench
6. (Infernal Furnace)

cobblestone - thread - clot of mucus - coal - sand of souls - magic fragments
7. (Arcane Bellows) after pos. 6

shovel - piston - tall grass - clot of mucus
8. (Hungry Chest)

piston - egg - bubble - soul sand
9. (Wand of Frost)

cobblestone - snowball - sword - magic fragments (you can use nitor instead)
10. (Ax of the Stream) after pos. 9

water bottle - shovel - planks - piston
11. (Wand of Fire)

coal - cobblestone - nitor - sword
12. (Pickaxe of the Core) after pos. eleven

coal - shovel - iron ingot - mercury
13. (Wand of Lightning)

cobblestone - coal - magic fragments or nitor - sword
14. Sword of the West Winds(Sword of the Zephyr) after pos. 13

cobblestone - sword - piston - pen
15. (Portable Hole) after pos. eight

piston - egg - vial - obsidian totem or end pearl
16. (Warded Jars)

bubble - glass - armor - thread
17. (Mirror Magic) after pos. fifteen

egg - glass - piston - vial - edge pearl - mercury
18. (Goggles of Revealing)

mercury - magical fragments (nitor) - a clot of mucus - armor - a book
19. (Magical Hand Mirror) after pos. 17

mercury - egg - shovel - bubble - edge pearl
20. (Basic Flux Research)

egg - slime clot - red dust - diamond
21. Crystal clusters - clusters(Crystal Clusters)

magic fragments or nitor - egg - glass
22. Golem Science - Wooden Golem(Golemancy)

soul sand - slime clot - piston - any raw meat
23. (Golem Animation Core: Perception)

clot of mucus - egg - mercury
24. (Boots of the Traveler)

clot of mucus - piston - earth - armor - feather
25. (Golem Animation Core: Intelligence)

egg - a clot of mucus - a book
26. (Stone Golem Worker) after pos. 22

clot of mucus - piston - egg - cobblestone
27. (Clay Golem Worker) after pos. 26

clot of mucus - piston - egg - earth
28. (Tallow Golem Worker) after pos 27

egg - workbench - slime clot - piston - rotten flesh
29. (Magic Tallow) opens itself immediately after studying pos. 28
30. (Golem Animation Core: Speed)

clot of mucus - piston - egg
31. (Golem Animation Core: Strenght)

clot of mucus - egg - coal
32. straw golem(Straw Golem Worker) after pos. 22 egg - piston - wheat - shovel - clot of mucus - any seedlings
33. (Warded Stone and Doors)

armor - piston - red dust - slime clot - book
34. (Brain in Jar) after pos. 16
egg - soul sand - zombie brain
35. (Arcane Levitator)
feather - red dust - piston - earth
36. (Arcane Pressure Plate)
book - slime clot - red dust - armor
37. (Advanced Stone Golem Worker) after pos. 26
clot of mucus - sand of souls - books - egg - diamond
38. (Advanced Clay Golem Worker) after pos. 27
clot of mucus - sand of souls - book - egg - diamond
39. (Arcane Ear)
pen - red dust - a clot of mucus - mercury - records or record player

The third and final level of research thaumcraft 3:

Name Screenshot of the finished study (click on the image to enlarge)
1. The Theory of Everything - Wonderworker's Wand(The Theory of Everything)

piston - shovel - any meat - record player or records - sword - book - flower - armor - mercury - thread - mushroom - tree seedlings
2. Aura Manipulation Basics - Crystalline Core(Crystal core)

egg - clot of mucus - magic fragments - piston - bubbles
3. (Crystal Capacitor) after pos. 2

egg - magic fragments - glass
4. (Arcane Bore)

shovel - red dust - iron ingot - piston - cobblestone - earth - bubbles
5. Advanced Golem Science - Iron Golem(Advanced Golemancy)

Slime clot - piston - sword - armor - any meat - soul sand

And now I bring to your attention studies that you can study only from fragments of lost knowledge - all of them are the improvement of your golems, so it’s rather difficult to call them “very necessary”:


Screenshot of the finished study (click on the image to enlarge)
1. (Tiny Hats)

book - diamond - wool - coal
2. (Golem Dart Launcher)

book - red dust - sword - feather
3. (Tiny Spectacles)

book - gold bar or diamond - mercury - glass
4. (Golem Iron Plating)

book - iron ingot - armor
5. (Tiny Bowties)

book - diamond - wool - piston
6. (Golem Visor)

book - rotten flesh - armor - mercury
7. (Tiny Fezzes)

book - diamond - wool - any meat

This is where the epic with research in thaumcraft 3 ends. It should be noted that there are various additions to the mod, in which additional discoveries are possible (if you don’t find something - please write about it in the comments - we will try to supplement the article in the near future), however, the main studies are shown above and they remain everywhere unchanged, so I just have to wish you good luck in the magical field of virtual space!

ThaumCraft 3 is a mod for the SSP mode of Minecraft. Adds an enchantment to the world that allows you to turn any item into a form of energy called "Vis". With the help of this energy, you can activate magical symbols, bend space and matter, enchant things, create powerful tools, and much more.

This is the most mysterious mod I've ever seen...
The author did not give a special description, no crafting, no explanation of how to use this miracle
he only said that the player himself must understand how to do something in fashion ...
However, I will still tell you how to use some of the niceties in this fashion (I won’t say much because I myself haven’t figured it out yet)


These are the magical elements that make up any object, be it an object or a creature. Aspects describe the nature of an object, for example, a stone has the aspect of a stone. The more complex an object, the more different aspects it consists of. About 50 aspects are known and new ones are constantly being discovered.
To see what aspects an item is made of, hover your mouse over its icon in your inventory and press shift.
Aspects that have been separated from objects and purified are known as essences. They are valuable for both crafting and research.


The whole world is permeated with Vis. Vis is a magical energy that exists in every thing. Every living being and every piece of inanimate matter contains some amount of Whis. The more rare/powerful the item, the more vis it contains. When a creature dies or an item is destroyed, vis is released into the atmosphere, where it remains until it is reabsorbed by items and creatures. Aura is the hidden energy of Vis that is not trapped within the physical shell. If an area (16x256x16 chunk) has a particularly high Aura score, Vis tends to naturally flow into areas with lower Vis values. The aura can be harvested by certain magical creatures and turned into usable vis. However, the amount of Aura in the area is not infinite, be careful, otherwise fatal consequences cannot be avoided: areas with low Aura values ​​become lifeless and barren, and the higher the Aura, the more living creatures will live and flourish there.


In addition to Visa, Corruption is present in Aura. As a rule, Wiz prevails, although its reverse side - Corruption - may appear. It is obtained in any thaumaturgic process as a by-product. There are also special infected biomes where all animals are aggressive and where Corruption is several times greater than Visa. In addition, infected puffers grow there, which further pollute the atmosphere and poison the player if they step on them. The same function is performed by residents infected with Corruption. The main villainy is that a biome can be created artificially at any time if the amount of Corruption in the atmosphere exceeds 8000 (the biome will appear sooner or later, but wait) so you should take the visometer indicators seriously! Infested ground can be cleansed with a Potion of Purity. At the same time, Corruption does not infect most blocks created by the player, for example, it will not touch cobblestone, brick, cabinets, obsidian, ore storage blocks (gold, diamond, iron, lapis lazuli) ... but be careful: wool is not only infected, but it is also an uncleanable block! If you are too lazy to clear the ground from the infected biome, you can simply protect it with a high wall (it should be high not only outside, but also in depth, also do not forget to make a large layer of cobblestone under the infected area) from any non-infectious material (the cheapest option is cobblestone , but why not dream up?). You can call an infected biome by boiling diamond blocks or other valuable resources in cauldrons many times, pouring the resulting liquid into ordinary ones (advanced ones will not work, they do not explode from Corruption) and placing 3 filters nearby. Then Corruption will enter the atmosphere in huge quantities and sooner or later create a biome. Concentrated Corruption is also suitable, which also gives a significant increase in Corruption in the atmosphere, thereby even creating a small piece of infected land the first time (it, however, is cleared later on its own)


An important item in fashion, it can be turned into a research table or a magic workbench.

Research Table:

To create a research table, you need to put 2 desktops in a row and right-click on one of the tables

Craft Pen:

And how to use it:

1) Slots for items you want to learn
2) Here will show aspects of these items
3) Explore button
4) Slot for paper (plain)
5) The place where the scroll will appear after research
6) The place where the aspects needed for research will appear (then you will understand for yourself)
7) Operating modes
Description of the working modes of the desk:
Easy mode In this mode, the chance of item disappearing during research is low. Note: The research process will be much longer than in hard mode.
Heavy, very high chance of item disappearing, however, everything is researched very quickly

Magic wand:

One of the most needed items in fashion

Note crafting crystal can be used by anyone!!!

Book of Magic:

Definitely needed, without it you won’t get any magic

to create a book of magic you need to put a bookshelf and right-click while holding a magic wand

In Minecraft, you become an ordinary person who finds himself in the middle of an unfamiliar and dangerous world without a single means of survival. You need to extract resources, create tools from them, build a house for yourself, get food. There is no specific goal or task in this game, you just live, get more resources, create more complex objects and devices to make your existence even more comfortable. However, at the same time, you can significantly expand the functionality of the game by installing certain mods, for example, Thaumcraft-3. Research, recipes, aspects, alchemy - it all mixes together, offering incredible opportunities for exploring the world around. And this can be done very simply - with the help of a couple of tools and your own observation.

What will you need?

If you are interested in the Thaumcraft-3 modification - research, recipes and other exciting features that the developers offer, then you better approach this issue with some preparation. It’s worth starting with the fact that you will need to craft some devices that you will then use both to study the world around you and to conduct the research itself. First of all, you will need a special device that will read the aura of objects. This may sound a little strange, but for now the fact itself is important to you, the details will be described later. In addition to it, you must create a research table, which you will then use, respectively, to conduct your research. You will also need a special staff, which you will then need to use on an empty book to create the Thaumonomicon. Without it, your use of the features of this modification will be difficult, because it contains all the recipes and the necessary research components. All in all, this book is an indispensable repository of knowledge that you cannot do without. You can also create various devices for processing crystals, changing their state, and so on: you are provided with a huge number of possibilities with the Thaumcraft-3 mod. Research? Aspect recipes? All this so far does not tell you anything - it's time to fix it.

Getting Aspects

So, what can the Thaumcraft-3 mod offer you? Research, recipes, aspects and more, but for a beginner it's all just words, so you need to figure out what it all means. First you need to deal with the aspects, since these are the basic elements in this modification. Each block and item in the game has its own aura, which contains aspects that you need to study. You can read information about the aspects that the aura stores using the same device that was discussed at the very beginning. You just need to point this device at an object and activate it - literally in a second the information will be received, and if the aura of the block or object contained aspects that you had not studied before, then they will be added to your knowledge base. As you can see, the study of "Taumcraft-3" is quite simple - you can simply explore the territory, while simultaneously shooting all the information you need.


In the course of studying Thaumcraft 3, you will understand that aspects are just the beginning. By themselves, they do not give you anything, they are simple knowledge that you, however, can then apply. Here you will already need a research table and other devices that you crafted in advance. Combining aspects with each other, guided by the "Thaumonomicon", you will be able to conduct research, achieving incredible results. You will discover incredible Thaumcraft-3 crafts that you could not even think of before.

Use of Research

And now it's worth putting an end to the study of this mod. The Thaumcraft-3 crafts are very important, but the research is actually extended not only to them. You will be able to brew advanced potions, create advanced weapons, construct incredible vehicles and devices, and so on. In general, the research that is added to the game by this modification will only benefit you and greatly diversify the gameplay. And most importantly - you can find servers with "Taumcraft-3" and play on the Web.

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