Home Flowers Love stories with a good ending. A story with a good ending. Isadora Duncan and Sergey Yesenin

Love stories with a good ending. A story with a good ending. Isadora Duncan and Sergey Yesenin

WE LIKE go out for a walk and suddenly break into some city nearby. We arrange a picnic there, and in the evening - back.
Ekaterina (25)

TO WRITE congratulations to the girl, for the first time in my life I got up at 4 in the morning. The paint ran out on the last letter. I drew in chalk - it was shared with me by a tramp passing by.
Kostya (22)

ASKED beloved to buy me food at McDonald's. I open the bag, and inside, instead of a burger, is the last iPhone.
Elena (27)

WHEN I'm worried, I start taking off and putting on rings. During the defense of the diploma, she lost her favorite jewelry so much. Complained to the man. He was 120 km away from me, but he came to console me with a new ring.
Daria (19)

Every 8th March my dad has time to run for flowers while my mom and sister and I sleep. And recently this tradition was supported by my eight-year-old son. Now they disappear together at 6 am and return with bouquets.

AFTER BIRTH my second child, my husband met me from the hospital in a red limousine. I never thought he was capable of such a thing!
Natalia (36)

ONCE the young man took me to the roof of a high-rise building, brought me almost to the very edge and sat me on his shoulders. From fear, I could neither move nor speak, but I felt like the heroine of the movie "Titanic".
Irina (26)

WE WITH DENIS met at a music festival, and then walked around the city. He spent all the money, but he wanted to take me to a cafe so much that he stood by the metro and showed a whole performance. As it turned out, my new friend is studying to be an actor and moonlighting as a mime.
Faith (24)

MY HUSBAND he draws me postcards and writes letters on behalf of the toys that I have kept since childhood.
Darina (28)

FOR ME ROMANCE- come up with your own language, write a letter every day of separation and for the first time be with a newborn child.
Stas (30)

ON MY 19th ANNIVERSARY the beloved invited him to a cafe, but soon announced that he urgently needed to leave. Frustrated, I went home. I go into the entrance, and there, up to the 4th floor, there are candles on each step and on the walls - our photographs. A "fugitive" is waiting in the apartment with a bouquet, and then fireworks from 19 volleys are thundering on the street.
Julia (20)

YOUNG MAN tossed a notebook in my mailbox, covered from beginning to end with the word "love!" I didn't miss a single line.
Marina (20)

IT WAS FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. I met with a very creative young man, and every Sunday he gave me an audio cassette. I wrote down a selection for a week on it: our favorite tunes, excerpts from operas, rare recordings from concerts of common idols. And at the end the same song always sounded: “I know that day will come. I know the hour will come. "
Maria (32)

I got into a quarrel with a loved one, did not answer calls. And in broad daylight he climbed up the drainpipe to the second floor, knocked on the window for a long time to apologize. It’s a pity, I didn’t see it, because I was with my mother, and didn’t sit at home.
Alice (25)

CUTE STRANGER asked me for a phone number, I refused. A couple of weeks later - a call. I pick up the phone and hear a pleasant voice: "Did you think that I would not find you?" We've been together with this tracker for three years.
Dinara (22)

I RISE EARLIER than my girlfriend, and after a shower I write on the misted glass how I love her.
Sergey (24)

We hug at least 6 times a day, no matter what happens. When someone is on a business trip, we pretend hugs on Skype or, if there is no Internet, we describe them over the phone.
Ludmila (23)

IN THE PAST YEAR my girlfriend went to India for an internship. A month later, I could not stand it, I secretly bought a ticket. When I got to her hotel, I called: "Look out the window." I will never forget her expression!
Maxim (25)

Once we were in a terrible traffic jam, a beautiful melody played on the radio. My beloved and I got out of the car, started dancing, and the other drivers honked to the beat.

FOR MEETING YOUR FAVORITE at the airport, after a long separation, I made a sign with the words "My dear Vladi" (only I call him that) and the image of the flags of Russia and the United States - he was returning from there after an internship. The man was moved. And later I found out that he had booked a room for us in a luxury hotel in the city center.
Diana (20)

We are with my boyfriend walked around St. Petersburg, and he dragged me into the old house. We climbed for a long time
up the stairs, went to the attic, climbed onto the roof. And there - blankets with pillows, champagne, sweets and fruits.
Nika (25)

There is only one step from hatred to love, says popular wisdom, and this is confirmed by my story. I was a little over thirty, I was not married, I was not a mother, but I wanted so much, I wanted to be loved! Life flew by, became commonplace: home-work-home. Over time, I began to treat work as the main activity in my life: I carefully and scrupulously checked my documents, often stayed after finishing work, demanded that the performers follow my recommendations exactly ...

And now another project, I get acquainted with the working version and find not only financial errors, but also legal ones. I present all this to the performer - and according to the script, he must listen, make adjustments and provide the corrected project. But here I come across resistance, a wall that is difficult to overcome. We call each other, swear and each of us is trying to prove our case. Our squabble reached the leadership, which settled the situation, tk. on our own we could not come to a common denominator. My comments were substantive and the management gave instructions for their implementation. Somewhere in the depths of my mind lurked resentment that I could not find an approach and achieve a result, resentment that my pride was hurt.

After this project, we met within the walls of the office, greeted each other through clenched teeth, and if it was possible, then we turned from each other's path so as not to intersect again. The next project with his support was postponed until later, until he called and asked when my visa would be. There was no way out, I began to consider the documents provided. She stated the errors, put her manual in a copy, and when he replies, he also puts his manual in a copy.

And so project by project. Hatred grew, with mistakes, as a rule, he did not agree. Each time it was necessary to provide links to articles in the legislation - it was very exhausting and took a lot of time. On the sidelines of the office she said: "How does his wife live with him, he is so ...". Then, when I found out that he was divorced, of course, I had a puzzle: "Who can live with this!"

Days, months, a year, another, a third passed, but our relationship did not turn into friendly - we constantly waited for a new dispute from each other. And then one day I had to go to the dining room alone, because my colleagues had already had lunch, and at that time I could not keep them company. I am standing with a tray in the middle of the room, there are no empty tables, and my enemy is waving, inviting me to sit down at the table, with the words: "I am already finishing and will not disturb you with my presence for a long time."

Strange, but I accepted the invitation: either there was no way out, or I didn't want to emphasize my dislike. We agreed right away that we would not talk about work. At first they sat in silence, then he finished his meal and began to tell a story that happened to his acquaintances during their vacation. I, while absorbing food, thought about one thing: take a tray and go to work. But he did not intend to, but narrated and narrated everything. And when I finished eating, he grabbed my tray and carried it to the counter. After that, impudently offered to go to a cafe and drink coffee with dessert.

The only thing that at that moment I could come up with for a delicate refusal: I have a lot of work, and I would like to go to do it, otherwise I will have to delay. Okay, he said, then I'll come for you after work, and we'll fill this gap. He said and did. When he came, I could not move, I could not speak and, in my opinion, did not understand well - therefore I agreed that dessert after a hard day is simply necessary for me.

Colleagues who knew about our "love" did not understand what was happening, and some wondered: "Will it go - won't it?" I went and did not regret it. He turned out to be different, completely different - attentive, sensitive and vulnerable. Soon we had a wonderful daughter was born. Yes, we argue, not only at work, but also at home, sometimes we take offense at each other, but we left hatred in the past. It took us three years from hate to love.

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Each of us at least once in his life got into such a situation, because of which he became terribly embarrassed. However, it is good that an unpleasant aftertaste from what happened is quickly replaced by the realization that there are many of us, which means that there is nothing wrong with such awkwardness.

  • I am studying to be a translator and interpreter in France. My only tail at the moment is Spanish. Everything would be fine, but I am a native Spaniard.
  • 4 days before the wedding, my bride broke her left ring finger.
  • She boasted to the new boyfriend of her unpredictability and spontaneity. Then he slowly brought his lips to mine and voluptuously whispered: "So surprise me." I still don't know why I burped back.
  • I asked the intern to make 150 copies. She made only 50. When I told her about it, she threw the finished copies in the trash can ... and went to make new ones.
  • Today I met a classmate in the park, whom we have not seen since school. She was with her husband and two children. And I was catching Pokemon with my friends.
  • Today a Russian asked me if I was from Russia. She replied with surprise that no. He explained that my tattoos signify belonging to the mafia. Yeah!
  • I fell asleep in the train and slept for a few minutes. When I woke up, the whole car was looking at me with a strange smile. I still don't know what I did.
  • Was on vacation in Australia. An incredibly huge and terrible insect crawled along the bed, and then disappeared. I could not find him. That night was the longest of my life.
  • I work at the reception at the hotel. Customers wrote in a complaint today that the sea water is too salty.
  • My daughter-in-law taught my 4-year-old grandson to cry and scream, "Am I not good enough for you?" And so every time I ask her if she wants more children.
  • From today on, my husband and I decided to share household chores equally. It's his turn to wash the dishes. He turned on the tap, wet his hands, turned off the tap, wiped his hands, took the car keys and drove off. Came back with a dishwasher.
  • I am a hairdresser. Today a client came to me and showed by signs that he was deaf and dumb. Fortunately, I know a little sign language and am trying to strike up a conversation. He breaks down and says out loud: “Lord, such a brilliant plan failed. Cut in silence, I beg you! "
  • To get revenge on me after a fight, my wife wrapped slippers in foil instead of the usual sandwich that I take to work.
  • Celebrated the New Year in Rio de Janeiro. I came there for the beautiful fireworks on the beach. Just before midnight, I decided to quickly run to the hotel for a camera. Stuck in an elevator. Until 3:00 in the morning. Happy holiday, damn it.
  • I am allergic to sea water. I've lived in Tahiti all my life.
  • Today I suddenly wanted to buy flowers for my wife. She accepted them with tears in her eyes: "Darling, you have not forgotten." The most interesting thing is that I still did not understand what she was talking about. What can I say, it did!
  • Told the boss that she was wrong in the schedule, as this year there is no 29 February. “How not ?! After Tuesday immediately Thursday? " She was completely serious.
  • year 2014. On December 31, I went from town to village to celebrate the New Year with my family, but did not get there. Stuck in the steppe in a blizzard. I thought that I would also celebrate the New Year - alone in the car. It's already the start of the car with snow, and then someone knocks on the window. It turns out that the man behind me got stuck too, got into the car with a liter and sauerkraut. I will remember this New Year for the rest of my life. Thank you, Uncle Misha!

Share in the comments the funny stories that have already happened to you in the new year.

When my husband and I were going to play a wedding, the question of a gift was discussed with my relatives. In order not to be exchanged for a bunch of unnecessary offal, we threw ourselves into an apartment. No, we did not demand millions from everyone. Dad sold the car, grandmother gave away a long-standing idle site near the city, the rest chipped in the amounts that they could afford.

With the money collected, the parents bought a kopeck piece, the keys to which were to be solemnly handed over at the banquet. The future husband was glad that we would not have a headache about our own living space. Because before the wedding, we lived with his grandmother for four years. My grandmother was very sick and already made friends with dementia. More than once I had to move to his, then to my parents, because she kicked us out. When the attacks of insanity subsided, and the old woman understood that it was difficult to live without our help, good food and medicine, she let us go back. There was no money for rent. My parents were ready to let us live with them, but my husband's grandmother needed supervision and care. She bequeathed the apartment to other relatives a long time ago, so we looked after her not out of selfish motives.

Two months before the wedding, they began to go to notaries and lawyers with their parents in order to properly re-register the wedding kopeck piece. In the end, it turned out to be easier to issue a deed of gift. When my husband found out, he made a big scandal. Firstly, he didn’t like the fact that the apartment was being registered for me. Secondly, that this is done BEFORE marriage is registered and will not be considered jointly acquired property. And when he found out about the donation, he said that he would cancel the wedding. The property acquired under the donation division is not subject to. In fact, it was a very stressful situation. My husband never behaved like that, and I just did not understand the reasons for his attacks.

He moved out to his parents and stopped communicating with me in a human way. In the end, I managed to persuade him to a neutral meeting in a cafe. We talked for a very long time, he said that I wanted to deceive him and leave him, that I would leave him with nothing, penniless. From the side of his relatives there were financial investments in the amount of 10% of the cost of that apartment. In general, it turned out that everything is much more complicated. His parents had already cheated once. She and her sister were the heirs of the house, which my husband had helped build even before he met me. All the efforts and investments on his part and on the part of his sister were equal. On their parental land, the children built and furnished a nice three-story house. And then the parents took and formalized everything for the sister. After he was deceived by his own father and mother, he did not want to believe me. Before that, we had an excellent relationship, for years we shared the latter, but his housing issue stuck in the subcortex.

I still talked him out of parting. After all, I was going to marry him in order to live happily all my life. It doesn't matter who the apartment is for, we are a family and we will live in it together. It was hard to convince him, but he gave up. As a result, the wedding was played. Right at the banquet, after an extra glass, the husband said that he was already going to send out letters about the cancellation of the celebration, but did not have time. Then we talked a lot about this situation. I really wanted to convey to him that I love him and am not going to leave. And now we have a six-year-old daughter, to whom I re-registered all the property. And my husband agreed with me.

Sergey Yesenin and Isadora Duncan

Poets, writers, artists, in other words, absolutely all representatives of creative professions, due to their dissimilarity from others, gravitate towards tragedy. Maybe that's why all romantic stories for them end without a happy ending?

Lilya Brik and Vladimir Mayakovsky

A very life event: I brought a man into the house, and he went to your sister. This is exactly what happened to Elsa, when she introduced the promising, beautiful, original and at the same time gaining popularity poet Vladimir and his sister, Lilya Brik. Mayakovsky was fascinated by this woman, about whose unrestrained sexuality there was a lot of talk among the capital's bohemians. That evening, he read to the guests his new poem "A Cloud in Pants", dedicating it to the mistress of the house: "To You, Lilya." The gesture did not go unnoticed: Lilya was carried away by the young Mayakovsky, despite the fact that she had been married for three years.

Brick, her husband and Mayakovsky began to live together: Vladimir adored Lilia, was inspired by her image and dedicated new poems and poems to her, and Osip, as befits a decent husband - no, he was not jealous - published the poet's works in large circulation. Once Mayakovsky brought Lilya a ring on which her initials were engraved: "L.Yu.B." - Lilia Yurievna Brik. Placed along the entire perimeter, the letters folded into an endless "L.YU.B.L.YU.B.L.Yu." The relationship lasted 15 years - before Mayakovsky committed suicide with a shot in the head in the spring of 1930. In a suicide note, he asked Lilya to love him and bequeathed all his creations to the Briks.

Anna Akhmatova and Nikolay Gumilev

Nikolai Gumilyov was in love with Anna Akhmatova so strongly and hopelessly that after her next refusal he even tried to commit suicide. And yet he managed to achieve reciprocity. However, from the very beginning, their relationship in marriage developed with a creak: both are already well-known and recognized poets in the country and abroad, independent and proud. Gumilyov strove to discover new things, traveled the world, studied Africa. Akhmatova was skeptical about her husband's hobbies - like childishness. Anna's friend wrote about them: “Of course, they were too free and big people to become a pair of cooing blue doves. Their relationship was more like a secret combat. " They were united by one thing: the Soviet government hated both. In 1921, Gumilyov was accused of an anti-state conspiracy and was shot. The son of Anna and Nikolai, Lev Gumilyov, had to pay for the love of freedom and independence of his parents: he spent more than ten years in prison on fictitious charges.

Marina Tsvetaeva and Sergey Efron

Tsvetaeva and Efron got married in 1912. By this time, the young poetess is already famous in creative circles, although she is very young - she is only 19 years old. Sergei Efron is a year younger than his wife, he is a high school student, writes stories, tries to publish magazines, and is also engaged in underground activities; soon he will go abroad and there will be a participant in a political assassination. While Efron is fighting the revolutionary forces, Marina, in search of new poetic emotions, starts an affair with the poet and translator Sofia Parnok. And two years later, having returned to her husband and summing up this connection, she will write: “To love only women (a woman) or only men (a man), knowingly excluding the usual opposite — what horror! But only for women (for a man) or only for men (for a woman), deliberately excluding unusual relatives - what boredom! " Sergei Efron and Marina Tsvetaeva passed away one after another - like in a fairy tale about love, but without a happy ending. Tsvetaeva committed suicide due to poverty and loneliness. In the same 1941, Efron died.

Alexander Blok and Lyubov Mendeleeva

The grandson of the rector of St. Petersburg University and the daughter of a famous chemist - they were supposed to be an ideal couple. 17-year-old Sasha Blok, an aspiring poet and St. Petersburg womanizer, often stopped by at the Mendeleevs' dacha on a white horse, stirring up the dreams of village girls about a prince on a white horse. Together with Lyubov, they played in family performances: he is the brave Hamlet, she is the beautiful Ophelia with long curly hair. They got married, but in marriage they were not happy, as romantic Lyuba dreamed about it. From the diaries of Lyubov, we learn that Alexander did not dare to defile her holiness and purity with carnal relationships even after the wedding. For the poet, his wife remained a Beautiful Lady, whom he admired, whom he idolized, but whom he did not dare to touch. The poet had many connections on the side, Love over time also began to get involved in other men. They were best friends, but they couldn't be lovers. Blok died early, he was only 41 years old. Since then, Mendeleeva never married, until the end of her days she wore mourning for the poet.

Isadora Duncan and Sergey Yesenin

In the summer of 1921, the world famous American dancer Isadora Duncan flew to Moscow at the invitation of the Moscow government to teach choreography to Soviet children. Isadora was famous for her independent, reformatory attitude to art and was an active fighter for the emancipation of women in all spheres of life - from dance to everyday life. Duncan's friend, journalist Ilya Shneider recalls their first meeting with young Yesenin: “Suddenly I was nearly knocked off my feet by a man in a light gray suit. He rushed off, shouting, "Where is Duncan? Where is Duncan?" A little later we approached Isadora. She was reclining on the sofa. Yesenin was on her knees beside her, she stroked his hair, chanting in Russian: "For-la-taya ha-la-va ..." So they "spoke" the whole evening in different languages ​​literally (Yesenin did not speak any from foreign languages, Duncan did not speak Russian), but, it seems, quite understanding each other. "

She was almost 20 years older than him, their relationship lasted only two years, but everyone around knew that Duncan and Yesenin adore each other. But Isadora was angry that the poet wasted his talent in drunken brawls. And he never managed to convey to her his longing and pain from disappointment in life. Soon, 30-year-old Yesenin, after treatment in a neuropsychiatric hospital, committed suicide, a few months later Isadora died tragically, suffocating herself with a scarf that accidentally hit the axle of the wheel of her car before walking.

Photo: Getty Images, press archives

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