Home Flowers Beaded daisies master class with step-by-step photos

Beaded daisies master class with step-by-step photos

It's hard to find a person who doesn't love daisies. Perhaps this is why there are so many options for weaving them - many craftswomen dreamed of creating three-dimensional flowers from beads, as similar as possible to real ones.

You should choose this option for making flowers as your first beadwork - it is so simple that it will not take much time even for beginners.

Materials and tools

To work you will need:

    beads of white, green and yellow colors;

  • green tape or floss;

    wire 0.2 mm.

Making a petal

A piece 25 cm long is cut from the wire. 15 beads are placed on it. The free end of the wire is pulled through 14 beads, leaving the last one free.

The ends of the wire are separated and 17 white beads are strung on each end. Having bent the ends, they are pulled through the last free bead.

String 19 beads onto each end of the wire. Wrap it down, pull it through 2 beads on the sides of the central one.

Gently tighten the wire to give the petal its shape. The ends are connected and twisted.

Simple chamomile flowers consist of 7 petals, so depending on how many daisies you plan to make, that many petals are woven.

Core formation

To make the first option, cut a piece 30 cm long from a coil of wire. Place 3 beads on one end and pull them a little to the side. Make 2 loops at both ends, both long and short.

Place 5 beads on the long end and apply them to the first three. The end of the wire is connected to the base at the point where the initial beads of both rows touch.

String 5 more beads and make the same row on the other side of the workpiece.

By connecting both ends of the wire, the parts are given volume.

Making a cup

To create a cup, a wire 50 cm long is cut from a skein. A 20 cm long string of green beads is placed on one end. Taking 15-17 beads from it, loops are formed, pulling the wire so that the beads fit tightly to each other. During the process, make sure that the loops made are smaller in size than the white petals. Depending on the number of beads in the bottom, 6-8 loops are obtained.

Chamomile assembly

Now wildflowers need to be collected from already made blanks.

The petals are connected to each other, a piece of yellow beads is inserted into the center, and then the ends of the wire are tightly twisted, giving the part the shape of a flower.

When the flower is ready, it is inserted into the formed cup, securely twisting all the ends of the wire.

Making leaves

To create leaves, cut a piece of wire 50 cm long. Place 6 beads on it and stretch them to the middle of the piece of wire.

One end of the wire is pulled through all the beads, leaving the last one.

The ends are separated, 4 beads are strung on one, the wire is threaded again, leaving the last one.

So, by sequentially collecting an arbitrary number of beads on the ends of the wire from different sides, branches are formed.

The made branches are screwed to the stem, placing them at a distance from each other. Then they wrap the stem and branches with thread or tape to hide the visible wire.

Video of a master class on beaded daisies

Let's conduct a master class on creating a daisy from beads! Some weaving patterns for beginners:

And this is a lily:

And this is the bell:

You can quickly create a souvenir from a field chamomile using available tools and materials.

Master class on weaving daisies from beads with your own hands

We will look at a detailed master class on creating daisies from beads on a plastic stem with your own hands using mixed techniques.

We will need the following materials:

  1. Wire.
  2. White beads.
  3. Green beads.
  4. Green sewing threads.

Creating Petals

Let's cut a piece of wire 25 centimeters long. Let's put 15 beads on it. It all depends on how long the petal you want. We pass one end of the wire back through all the beads, passing the outermost one, so that the two sides of the wire remain the same.

We string 17 beads onto each end of the wire and turn them down, passing them through to the bottom end.

As a result of tightening, an even part of the petal should come out. Then we put 19 beads on both ends and pass them into the last beads of the previous rows.

We wind and tighten the end of the wire and our petal is ready.

We create about seven such blanks.

Weaving the center for the chamomile

We create the center of the chamomile using the French technique. This will help give the product the required volume.

We create a technical loop on the right on a piece of wire (30 centimeters) and string three beads. On the left we create a loop, leaving a long “working” end.

We string five beads and, placing the row tightly pressed to the first, we twist the wire.

We repeat all the operations again for five beads, then twice for eight beads and the same for ten beads, creating three-dimensional details.

We twist the ends of the wire under the middle.

We also create a flower cup from green beads. We put beads up to 20 centimeters on the wire and, holding them tightly, we twist loops of the required size, for example, 1.3-1.5 centimeters. There should be about 5-6 loops. We twist together the ends of the wire from the outer loops.

Final assembly of the flower

We twist the wires of individual petals sequentially. We thread the center wire into the middle hole and attach it to the stem that created it, controlling the density of the placed parts.

This is what our flower looks like from above.

This is the view from below.

We create leaves for our chamomile

Let's create a few chamomile leaves. We string about seven green beads onto a wire 45 centimeters long and pass them back through all the beads, excluding the last one.

We string four beads onto one side and move the end back through them, except for the last one. We do the same with the other end of the wire.

Placing the beads close to the middle of the leaf, tighten the loops. We string 3-6 beads onto the two ends of the wire folded together, depending on the required distance to the next branch.

Next we make the same division of the leaves and they can also have holes. We create leaves to the required size. Very large “greens” on a plastic wire will not hold their shape, so it is better to create several small leaves than one large one.

Assembling a flower from beads

A chamomile is made on a soft stem by tightly wrapping it with threads matched to the green color of the beads. You can use floss threads for this manipulation. The threads should have a beautiful surface and create a good covering. You can use PVA glue to secure the threads. To the stem under the winding, in the right places, you need to attach leaves made from beads. In this case, the flower will look even better.

You need to know that if the wire stiffness, which is used in weaving due to its plasticity, is poor, this flower is not intended for installation in a vase.

Our chamomile is ready!

We create a chamomile napkin to decorate the festive table

You need to know that at the end and beginning of weaving, knots are not created and all work is done in a single thread.

First, prepare the thread, needle and beads. The thread should not be more than 80 centimeters in length. Next, we string 12 gold-colored beads and close the chain into a circle.

Then we string seven white and one black beads and pass them back through the black bead into the seventh white one and tighten the thread. Then we string six white beads and pass them through the second bead, and then move in the same direction.

After that. As we passed through the second bead, we tighten the thread and pass through the first three white ones.

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

What to give your mother or grandmother for March 8th? We all know that women love flowers! And beaded flowers, namely beaded daisies, made with your own hands will not wither or deteriorate! In our previous lesson we made a flower from napkins with our own hands, and in this one we will make a flower from beads.

A beaded flower that you make with your own hands will not leave anyone indifferent. Beadwork is capable of reproducing any flowers, which are in no way inferior in beauty and naturalness to real flowers!

In this master class we will make a daisy from beads with our own hands. This beadwork is for beginners, making beaded daisies is easy and simple!

How to make a Chamomile from beads with your own hands

Necessary materials:

  • White beads number 10
  • Some yellow beads
  • Wire 0.3 millimeters

Take a piece of wire 35 centimeters long and fold it in half

and collect 7 beads.

We pass one end of the wire through the outer bead.

Tighten to form a circle.

Now we collect one bead on either end of the wire

and pass the wire through the bead at the other end so that it ends up in the middle.

This is the middle of a chamomile.

We twist the two ends of the wire together. A stem of our beaded chamomile has formed.

This is the middle of the chamomile.

To weave petals from beads, we take a piece of wire 40-45 centimeters long,

fold in half, collect three white beads,

and draw the tip of the wire through the two outer beads,

tighten the wire.

Now we put two beads on one end of the wire,

draw the other end through them.

We tighten the flower petal from beads using the parallel weaving technique.

Using the same principle, we collect the following rows - we string two beads on one end, draw them through them with the other end and tighten them. There should be 10 rows of two beads each.

In the last row we collect one bead. We twist the ends of the wire together.

Soon you will understand how to make a flower from beads.

We made 14 of these flower petals from beads.

Now we add the middle to them and connect them.

We put everything together, carefully align and twist until the very end.

Do you understand how to make a flower from beads with your own hands? This handmade flower will be a wonderful gift for February 14 or March 8, or maybe for a birthday!

Also see:

Video: How to make a daisy from beads

Text prepared by: Veronica

Today we’ll look at how to make chamomile with your own hands in several ways. These pretty wildflowers will be a wonderful decoration in your home and will never fade. And the big plus is that it doesn’t take much time to make them. We offer the first master class on do-it-yourself beaded daisies.

To make it you will need:

  • White, yellow and green beads;
  • Wire for weaving from beads;
  • Green threads (you can use floss);
  • Green floral ribbon;
  • Scheme;
  • Wire cutters;
  • Scissors.

The common field chamomile has several petals (more than seven pieces) and the middle is yellow. Long stem and small carved leaves. There is more than one way to weave them, but to get started, choose a weaving pattern for beginners. And be sure to look at the photo of the finished flower to understand whether you like it or not. The petals of this flower come in different shapes: an empty loop, one row of beads or several rows pressed closely together.

For the simplest daisies, small beads are suitable, since they have looped petals and are not very heavy. But if you want solid petals, larger beads will look better: it’s easier to string them on a wire and quickly create volume for the petal.

The wire should be consistent with the beads, and if you use large beads, then the wire should be rigid and, accordingly, will hold the required shape.

1 option

Unwind a wire half a meter long, string an unpaired number of white beads on it, the more you string, the larger the flower will be in the future. Form a loop out of them and twist it.

On the right side, let a 7 cm piece of wire remain, and on the other end of the wire, string the same number of beads as in the first loop, and twist the next petal.

In this way, make the desired number of petals and twist it into a circle. Twist the rest of the wire together, it will turn out to be a daisy without a middle.

For the center of the flower, measure a wire 20 cm long and take yellow beads. At one end of the wire, attach one bead with a small piece of wire to secure the rest.

Twist a chain of beads into a spiral and secure the last bead.

Next, make a stem for the flower, you can make it from bamboo sticks, wooden skewers for kebabs (sold in hardware stores) or from an old knitting needle.

You can make it from a piece of wire folded in half. Attach a flower to the bend. Place the almost completed flower on the stem and secure it with gun glue. It is completely transparent and invisible.

You need to make several leaves for the chamomile. Each of which consists of 4-5 loops. They are made according to the same principle as petals, but with fewer beads. The leaves are attached to the stem with the remaining free edge of the wire. Next, wrap the entire stem with green floral tape. If you don’t have it, you can use green threads, only fasten them at the end.

2 way

Big daisies. For such daisies, the previous weaving method is not suitable. Check out another way to make a daisy from beads. To give the flower a shape, you need to make it from stronger wire.

To do this, collect about 30 beads and fold them in half.

Then cast on another 15 beads and connect them to the top of the previous loop, then cast on another 15 beads and fasten them on the opposite side.

When the required number of petals is made, connect the future chamomile into a ring and fasten the ends of the wire together.

In order to make the center of the chamomile, you need two pieces of wire. On one, collect 3 beads, stretch halfway through the wire, and use the other piece to secure the beads on that side.

Then string five beads onto the free end of the wire, place them in an arc near the base and secure. Weave several such arcs. Get a convex shape for the center of the flower.

To give the flower shape, make sepals. To do this, collect a certain amount of beads and use the twisting method to make several petals.

And you can make leaves like this: collect 10 beads, then insert the wire into 9 of them except the first, in the opposite direction. Then dial 4 more and insert the same into all but the first wire.

Also make a needle in the other direction, and then string 4 beads onto both ends of the wire and separate them in different directions.

Then take 9 beads on one wire, and push the end into the second, third and fourth in the opposite direction, pick up 4 more beads and push the wire, into the last three from this set and through the first four (out of 9 collected).

Continue making leaves in this way. Assembly occurs in this order: screw the middle of the flower onto the stem and secure it tightly with threads, then the white petals and again secure with threads, then the sepals and secure again.

Then you wrap the beginning of the stem with floral tape, about halfway through you wrap a leaf to the stem, another leaf a little lower, etc.

And also look at what a beautiful chamomile napkin you can make if you want.

Video on the topic of the article

Look at the video for a few more ways to weave chamomile:

Easy to make, but very beautiful, a beaded daisy will turn out great and will serve as an excellent souvenir or gift to your friends.

Chamomile from beads: patterns

Here are a few diagrams that you can refer to as you work.

Chamomile from beads: step-by-step instructions for beginners

So, let's begin our process of making a daisy from beads: a weaving pattern for beginning needlewomen will be discussed in the master class and it consists of several stages. The first stage is weaving the flower, the second is the formation of leaves. You will have to work with materials such as beads No. 10 green and white, wire No. 0.3 (preferably white and green), as well as thread and scissors.

The task of the first stage is to weave the petals for the future flower, for this you need to cut the wire so that its length is 40 cm, put 25 white beads on the wire, then twist the wire in the shape of a loop and the petal is ready, similarly you need to weave two more petal

After this, you should form four more petals according to the same pattern as the first three petals, and then twist the wire.

The goals of the second stage are to form the sepals and leaves, for this you will need a green wire on which nine green beads are strung, after which the end of the wire is returned to the first bead and a loop is formed. Using the same principle, five more loops are formed, and then the wire should be twisted.

To connect the flower and sepal, you need to twist the wires of both parts.

To make a leaf, you will need a 30 cm piece of wire; three beads are collected on it, which are placed in the middle to form a triangle; for this, the end of the wire is drawn into two beads towards each other and the wire is tightened.

After this, the beads are collected according to the pattern: 3-3-4-4-5-5-4-4-3-3-2-1, all the teeth are woven like this: beads are collected onto the wire, and the end of the wire returns to the first bead and is pulled up .

After the leaves are ready, they need to be attached to the stem. For realism, the stem can be wrapped with green thread or ribbon.

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