Home Flowers Scenarios of information hours in elementary school. Classroom hours in elementary school: developments, presentations, themes for children and schoolchildren of elementary (early) grades - free download. Song about friendship performed by children

Scenarios of information hours in elementary school. Classroom hours in elementary school: developments, presentations, themes for children and schoolchildren of elementary (early) grades - free download. Song about friendship performed by children

Classroom in elementary school

“How good it is to have a home…”

Smirnova G. M.,

primary school teacher,

MOU Artemovskaya Oosh,

Rzhevsky district, Tver region.

"Happy is he who

happy at home."

Lev Tolstoy


    fostering love for one's home;

    the formation of an attentive and caring attitude towards all family members.

Participants: children and their parents

Equipment: sheets of paper, pens; picture cards depicting different types of dwellings ( yurt, hut, yaranga, dugout, room, saklya, mud hut, hut, wagon, cell); details of houses made of cardboard, glue; cards with proverbs; paper hearts.

Sound range: songs "Parental home", "There is no better friend than dad."

Pre-class preparation: drawings and photographs of the children of their homes.

Class hour progress

I Introduction

Today, the most dear to you people came to our class hour - your parents. I invite them to our round table. Let's greet each other with applause and smiles.

Once Leo Tolstoy said beautiful words: "Happy is he who is happy at home."

Each of us needs a place where you don’t have to pretend, where you won’t be deceived, where you will be understood and supported, where you can relax your soul. This place is your family, your home.

Today we will talk about the house.(Slide #1)

Reading the student's poem "It's good that there is a dear home"

(Alena Gerasimova)

How good it is to have a home

that the roof has not yet leaked out,

and, as if in childhood, the stove breathes bread

and the house smells of warm milk.

It's good that the clocks in the house are still going

and the cricket is alive behind the stove,

and at the porch there is a birch with a candle

and gently shines on my heart.

And the windows in the house, as always, to the south,

so that there would be more warmth and light in it,

to stay in it more summer,

and it's all from mother's hands.

II Conversation about the house.

write down the wordhouse. Read, look, listen to this word.

A moment of fantasy.

Write down next to the words that are associated with sensations, memories, thoughts about the house.

What weather matches the wordhouse? FROMWhat color do you associate the word with?house? What holiday does the word refer to?house? What is the taste of the wordhouse?

Read them.

(Each child reads the words that, in his opinion, are associated with the concept of "home")

What is a house? Why does a person need a home?

(The student called to the board reads the interpretation of the word in the dictionaryhouse.)

III The game "What are the houses?"

(Based on the description, determine the name of the dwelling and find the corresponding picture with its image)

1. Nomadic hut among the Kyrgyz people and some peoples of Asia and South Siberia. (Yurt)

2. Nomadic, portable hut, covered with skins, felt among Siberian foreigners. (Chum)

3. Dwelling of the Caucasian highlanders. (Saklya)

4. Construction of poles covered with branches, straw, grass. (hut)

5. Portable dwelling with a conical roof among some peoples of North-Eastern Siberia. (Yaranga)

6. Covered recess in the ground, dug for housing, shelter. (Dugout)

7. Building from blocks of dense snow. (Igloo)

8. Separate living space in the house. (Apartment, room)

9. Hut made of clay or wood coated with clay, brick. (Mazanka)

    A building with a mandatory "Russian" stove and cellar. (hut)

    Portable housing for gypsies. (kibitka)

    Separate monk's room in the monastery. (Cell)

( Slides #2, #3)

Well done! They coped with the task.

IV My house

Each of you also has a home, and you were asked to draw or bring a photo of your home. Please submit your work and tell us about your home.

(Children demonstrate their work and briefly talk about their home)

V The game "Architects" (joint work of children and parents)

- What materials can a house be built from?

In the old days, when a house was mortgaged, money and wool were placed at an angle. Why do you think? (Money - for wealth, wool - for warmth).

Now I invite you to play the role of architects and design houses from paper.

(The teacher distributes to the schoolchildren the details of houses made of thick cardboard, and the students and their parents construct houses from them to the music. After completing the task, their works are put on the board).

Now we have a whole street with different and beautiful houses. See how the sun smiles. He seems to like our street.

Each person cares about cleanliness and comfort in his home. Complete the sentences:

    My house... (warm, beautiful and cozy, waiting for guests, etc.)

    I am always in the house... (I clean, relax, play with friends, etc.)

    At home, I'm interested ... (to play, do homework, read fairy tales with my mother and


    I love being at home... (playing with my sister, drinking tea in the evening, etc.)

(Unfinished sentences are written on the rays of the sun. Children take turns choosing a ray, reading the beginning of the sentence and finishing it).

VI "Walking around the house"

And now I propose to take a walk around the house and answer the following questions:

    What was the village house called before? (hut.)

    What are the eyes of the house? (Window.)

    What is called eyelashes at home? (platbands.)

    What is the name of the front of the house? (Facade.)

    What is the name of the cold storage room under the house? (Underground.)

Let's open the door and enter the house.

    What should you say when you enter the house? (Hello!)

    Which place is the most delicious? (Kitchen.)

    The calmest? (Bedroom.)

    Samy sociable, entertaining? (Living room, hall.)

Now guess riddles about household things and fill in the crossword

( Slides #4, #5)

    What always goes, but does not leave the place? (Watch)

    A pillow sleeps on it during the day, and Andryushka sleeps at night. (Bed)

    The whole universe lives in it, but the thing is ordinary. (Television)

    Under the roof - four legs, and on the lid - soup and spoons. (Table)

    Water flows from a hot well through the nose. (Kettle)

    I have legs, but I don’t walk, with a back, but I don’t lie down, you sit down - I don’t sit. (Chair)

    I breathe in a lot of dust to keep you healthy. (A vacuum cleaner)

    There is a white house in the kitchen, solemn in appearance. As if covered with solid milk on all sides. (Fridge)

    I saw my portrait, walked away - there was no portrait. (Mirror)

    I will walk a little hot, and the sheet will become smooth. I can fix the imperfections and put arrows on the trousers. (Iron)

VII. The game "Who will live with you?".

On a blank sheet of paper, circle your palm and write down everyone you will take into your home.

(Students do the task)

Some students live in large families, and some in small ones. It's great that you have grandparents. Most often, there is someone in charge in the family. What is it usually called? (The owner of the house.) Highlight the owner on the painted palm. Why do you consider this person the master? (Grandma is wise, makes the right decision. Dad earns money, knows how to do everything according tomu.Mom makes the apartment beautiful, cozy, takes care of everyone, etc.)

Let's say a big thank you to all moms and dads for their kindness, affection, care, love! We give them a poem and a song.

VIII Student's speech

    Mom, very very

I love you!

So love that at night

I don't sleep in the dark.

I peer into the darkness

I hurry the dawn

I love you all the time

Mommy, I love it!

    Performance of the song “There is no better friend than dad” (Words by Plyatskovsky, music by B. Saveliev)

I X Game "Collect the proverb" (joint work of children and parents)

The importance of the house for a person is great. No wonder the people put together many proverbs and sayings about him. I suggest you finish these proverbs :(Slides #6, #7)

    Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.)

    It’s not the owner’s house that paints, (but the owner’s house.)

    In a diligent house it is dense, (and in a lazy one it is empty.)

    What is it like at home, (such is it yourself.)

    Lead the house, (do not shake your beard.)

    The hut is not red with corners, (but red with pies.)

X Reading a poem

In the family circle, we are growing,

In the family circle, all your roots,

And you come into life from the family.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

(The song "Parent's House" sounds. M. Ryabinin, music. V. Shainsky)

XI Road to home

- If there is no road from the house, it means that no one lives in it, the pipes do not smoke, cold and hunger walk in the house, wind and rain peek into it. The house will fall apart soon. But the road can be without a house. She gets bored, she gets lost somewhere in the steppe and disappears from sight. So it turns out that the road leads to the house, and the house calls on the road. Where does the road lead from home? (To school, to nature, to visit, etc.) If one day you met a magician at your house, what would you ask him for your house? (Happiness in the family, so that the house is always warm, etc.)

X II Conclusion (Slide number 8)

( The teacher reads a story

Long ago, many centuries ago, there were not so many stars in the sky as there are now. On a clear night, only one star could be seen, the light of which was either bright or very dim. One day, the Moon asked Asterisk: “Asterisk, why is your light so different: either bright, showing the way even at night, or dim and imperceptible?”

The star was silent for a long time, and then, with a sigh, she answered: “My light becomes dim when I am lonely. After all, next to me there is not a single star that looks like me. And so I want to see and hear someone next to me!

"And on what nights does your light become bright?" Luna asked.

“My light becomes bright when I see wanderers hurrying. I was always interested to know what attracts them to the road, where they are in such a hurry?

"Have you learned the secret of the hurrying wanderers?" Luna asked.

"Yes," Star replied. - Once I asked this question to a wanderer who was on the road for a long time. He looked exhausted and very tired from a long journey, each step was given to him with great difficulty, but his eyes ... "

"And what were his eyes?" Luna asked in bewilderment.

“They glowed in the dark with happiness and joy,” Zvezdochka replied, sighing heavily, and continued:

- "What are you glad about, stranger?" I asked. And he answered: “Frozen in the snow, starving without a piece of bread, suffocating from the heat, I walked forward, overcoming all obstacles, because I knew that warmth and comfort awaited me at home, care and cordiality of my family - wife, children, grandchildren. For the sake of their happy eyes, I am ready to do even the impossible.

The asterisk fell silent, and then answered: “HereWith that same time I try to give as much as possiblebut more light for those companions who bring happiness to their home, to their family.”

- Did you like the story? Why did the traveler, who was very tired, have such a glow in his eyes? Where did he go?Let someone always be waiting for you in your house and you will have someone to rush to.

Reading a poem

It's good, it's easy at home,
Where everything is cozy, close and familiar;
I can always hide from problems there,
And do not be afraid of failure and trouble.

I hurry home in a difficult hour rather -
Native walls will warm my heart;
My dear home is my reliable mooring,
For me, he is the beginning of all beginnings!

My house, of course, is not a luxurious palace,
But in our life difficult, hectic
There is no place in the world dearer to me,
Warmer, cozier, closer and brighter!

- In memory of our class hour, I give you hearts that you will take home with you. I wanted you to stick these hearts in a prominent place as a reminder of the importance of home and family.

I love

my house

and my


Irina Evgenievna Svistushkina
Abstract of a class hour in elementary school "It is impossible to live without friendship ..."

Class hour summary

« It is impossible to live without friendship...»

teacher primary school

St. Petersburg

Target: show value and necessity friendship, the formation of friendly relations between classmates and development of moral culture in students: skill be friends, save friendship.


clarify children's ideas about what is friendship and what a true friend should be;

cultivate a polite attitude towards each other;

contribute to the formation friendly class team,

involvement of all students class into game interaction and the formation of a cohesive cool team,

development of communication skills and the formation of a gaming culture students: ability to work together in teams, coordinate their actions,

creating a positive emotional atmosphere in classroom.


Multimedia device and laptop

Cards with tasks for each team

Books about friendship

house models friendship, clouds, flower friends, tree friendship.

Class hour progress

Cool the hour starts with a snippet "Songs of friends". A group of children play different games in the yard, gradually new friends join them.

The bell rings, the children sit in groups at the tables. The teacher greets the children and the guests of the holiday.

Hello dear guys. Today on our cool hour the guests came. Children welcome guests, sit down.

Let's define the topic of our lesson. On the table you have an envelope with a task "Make a Word". You must compose a word and attach it to "cloud".

What word did you get? (friendship)

Let's all say it together. Well done! You did well on the 1st task.

(children attach words to "cloud" and on the board)


The topic of our lesson is « It is impossible to live without friendship...» (Presentation, slide number 1)

Children read poems by S. Mikhalkov

1. In each school, in each there are students in the class.

In every classroom, in each faithful friends in the class,

Everywhere together, everywhere together they are always seen,

In the hour of fun, in the hour of idleness and labor.

2. Friendship! What a wonderful word.

Who is not was friends he won't understand!

Pure friendship is ready,

Friendship is over if a friend lets you down.

3. Share joy, share grief true friends.

It's just a pity that the top five can not be divided.

Both girls and boys are friends with each other,

It is impossible to live without friendship”- anyone will tell you!


What a wonderful word friendship". Say this word. What do you represent?

Children: (answer)

While we will express our assumptions, one student will look for the meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov

(One student is looking for the meaning of a word in Ozhegov's dictionary.)

Leading: What do you think friendship?

Children: (answer).


When people are friends, they want to be together, they are interested in each other. True friends understand you and respect your interests.

Let's hear what I read... (student reads)

So what is friendship? <Слайд 2>

-Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests. Such an explanation is given to the word " friendship” in Ozhegov’s dictionary.

Do you understand all the words? (student answers)

Now you have to complete the next task.

(Assignment to teams in envelopes No. 1 - name and slogan)

You need fold words in a sentence and read it together. Practice whispering.

Team 1. "Dandelions"

"Stick together so you don't get blown away!"

Team 2. "Fireflies"

“Though our light is small and we are small,

But we friendly and strong

Team 3. "Cheburashka"

"Cheburashka is a true friend,

Helps everyone around!

Team 4. "Smile"

"Life without a smile is a mistake,

Long live laughter and smile!

Each team shows the completed task, applause is heard for all teams.

Friendship- the main miracle is always,

One hundred real discoveries for everyone,

And any trouble is not a problem,

If there are real friends nearby!


-Friendship warms hearts. It is necessary for adults and children in any life situation. Where do they teach make friends and value friendship?


firmly be friends,

Since childhood cherish friendship

Teach in school, teach in school, teach in school.


And where does it begin friendship?

Children: With a smile.<Слайд 3>


That's right, guys, with a smile. It's even mentioned in the song.

The song "Smile" sounds.


Sit comfortably, tuck your chin in, keep your head high. Fill your lungs to capacity and smile as you exhale. Well done! Now look at each other, hold hands, look your neighbor in the eyes and silently give him the kindest smile you have in turn.

How did you feel when you smiled at another person? What did you feel when you smiled? (Children share their impressions.) Remember these feelings. You were undoubtedly pleased, because a smile is the best antidote created by nature from troubles.

Now listen and guess what it is about.

It's free, but it costs a lot.

It enriches those to whom it is intended, but does not impoverish those who give it.

It appears for a moment, but sometimes remains in the memory forever.

Nobody is so rich live without her, but even the poorest person will become richer with it.

She is rest for the weary, a ray of light for those who have lost hope, joy for the saddened, and the best remedy for troubles, bestowed on us by nature.

But it can not be bought, begged, borrow, to steal, because it is worthless in itself, until it is given to another! So what is it?

Children: Smile.


Task number 2. Take out the yellow circles from the envelopes, complete the drawing.

(children draw smiles on a sheet).

Slide number 3.


How do you feel when you meet your friend?

Children: (answer). Joy.


You have one more task to complete. (In the envelope - cards - flower petals.)

- Teacher:

Choose the qualities that you want to see in your friend (loyalty, politeness, responsiveness, honesty, cordiality, frankness, kindness)

Children: Select cards.


There are qualities that you would not like to see in your friend (indifference, idle talk, selfishness, boasting, greed, laziness, envy).

(Children collect a flower and attach it to the board.)


If you have a friend, take care friendship with him appreciate her. A friend is easy to lose, much harder to find. And if you find it, keep it.


What a reliable and capacious word ... Friendship! Be friends possible with everyone and with one person, but still the most important friendship starts in the family. After all, family is the beginning of our life We were born here, we grow up here, we grow up. No wonder one proverb says: no better friend than my own mother. How do you understand it?

Children: (answer).


And what other proverbs about friendship you know?

(children name proverbs)


Game "Finish the proverb"<Слайд 5>

Proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have (one hundred friends).

A man without friends is like a tree (without roots).

Look for a friend, and you will find (take care).

A tree lives by its roots, but a man (friends).

Friendship, how glass: break - (don't fold).

A friend is known... (in misfortune).

Without a friend in life... (tight).


Guys, no wonder I said that the main friendship starts in the family. It is in the family that mothers read you the first fairy tales, stories about friendship. What fairy tales and stories about friendship you have already read?

Children: (answer). Show books.


Now we will do a quiz.

Quiz “Who is with whom friendly?” assignment for each team.

Green crocodile Gena and ... (Cheburashka.)

Trusting Pinocchio and ... (Malvina.)

Funny bear Winnie - Pooh and ... (Piglet.)

Four musicians gathered one day, made friends. They gave concerts together, drove out the robbers together, lived together, did not grieve. Name these musician friends. (Bremen musicians: rooster, cat, dog, donkey.)

What girl rescued her friend Kai from ice captivity? (Gerda.)

Carlson flopped onto the bed and, clutching his head, uttered: "I'm the sickest person in the world." He demanded medicine. The kid gave the medicine, to which Carlson said: "A friend saved a friend's life." What medicine did the Kid give Carlson? (Raspberry jam.)

Heroes of Eduard Uspensky: Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and Galya - decided make friends. How did they do it? (We decided to build a house Friendship, but while it was being built - everything made friends.)


Let's think together what we should be and according to what laws live in Friendship House.

(Children answer.)

You need to build a house. Can you build a house in each group? (No)

What is needed for this?


Be together!

(each team has 1 fragment of the future house and blanks for decoration)

On the board we collect from the blanks House Friendship.

The song "When my friends are with me" sounds.


I suggest you listen to the rules of communication formulated by the famous psychologist D. Carnegie.<Слайд 6>

Communication rules:

Be genuinely interested in other people;


Remember that a person's name is the most wonderful and important word;

Be a good listener;

Talk about what interests your interlocutor;

Help your interlocutor gain a sense of self-importance and do it sincerely.

Leading: By following all these rules, you will make many friends.

The song “We divide everything in half” sounds.


True friends share everything. (Children dance in pairs) .

Nothing brings friends together like music.

Final part:

There are 4 fragments of a house on the board, a window and a roof, 4 cheerful flowers, clouds in the sky.


What needs to be done around the house to have a garden?


We need to plant a tree. We will do it all together.

Who liked our lesson - attaches green leaves

Who did not succeed - yellow

I did not like how it worked - red.

(Children attach leaves to a tree.)


Guys, we often have to do in life choice: with whom be friends with whom not be friends; who is a true friend and who is not. To meet a faithful sympathetic friend in life, you need to follow the path of goodness.

The song "Good Road" sounds.<Слайд 13>

At the end of the holiday - fireworks.

Applause girls.



Thank you, dear guys, for the good work. Now you know what is friendship and how important it is in the life of every person.


1. Mikhalkov S. V. Poems about friendship

2. Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Teacher's Guide 1 class. M. Balass, 2011

3. Popova G.P. Classroom hours in elementary school. Volgograd: Teacher, 2008

4. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S. I. Ozhegov

The development of virtues is necessary
start at a very young age
before vice takes possession of the soul.
Ya.A. Comenius

The development of personal qualities and abilities of younger schoolchildren is based on their acquisition of experience in various activities: educational, cognitive, practical, social, etc. knowledge and skills in real life situations.

Of course, knowing the features of the formation of the human personality, we want to grow a person capable of being a personality. And this is precisely the great power of pedagogical assistance. The teacher should not live the life of the child, but build the upbringing process in such a way that his pupil is able to make independent decisions in his life in any circumstances and take responsibility for them, and not shift it to others. At the same time, he should not infringe on the interests and lives of other people.

It is not easy to educate a personality, the main thing is that the work is truthful and sincere. In terms of educational work with the class, a special place is occupied by - Classroom hour .

Classroom should be systematically and weekly (1 hour per week), then there will certainly be a positive result.

Exemplary thematic plan of class hours in grades 1-4.

Thematic planning of class hours in grade 1.


1 class. Classroom theme.

the date



Acquaintance with the rules of conduct (PP) for students at school, class, during breaks.

Fire safety rules. Evacuation from the classroom, corridor, bathroom during the lesson and break.

Organization of meals in the school cafeteria.

Acquaintance with the rules of the road (DD), an excursion around the territory adjacent to the school.

Memo "Rules of conduct at school" (in the classroom).

Evacuation plan (corner).

Memo "Rules of duty in the dining room" (corner)

Memo “The route from home to school” (in diaries)


Class rules.

School day routine.

Every thing has its place.

Memo and duty schedule (corner)

Memo (diaries).


PP “If you are at home alone”.

PP is mandatory for all people.

Me and my parents.

Who are classmates?

Diary entry 01, 02, 03.04.

Memo (corner).


A quarrel between children, what can this lead to?

About child labor.

Lifestyle during winter holidays.

What you don't like in another, don't do it yourself.

Game "Peace, make peace..."

Paintings of students in the briefing log.

Memo (corner).


Animals are our lesser friends.

My favorite activities.

TV, computer and children.

4. Be mindful of others.

Memo "Rules for the treatment of animals" (corner).

Memo “Rules for combating telemania” (corner).


How to give joy to others.

About childhood friendship and the choice of friends.

Unusual adventures with the boys.

How can I overcome difficulties?

DIY gift.


1. What is independence?

2. Rules of good manners.

3. Girls' gatherings.

4. Reading is the best teaching

Rules for working with the book (corner).


Veselchak's jokes are charades.

Polite words and deeds.

“A child has rights…”

What did you learn in the circles?

List of polite words (corner).

Exhibition of crafts and drawings.


How we lived the first academic year at school - the results.

Learning without fun is like life without adventure.

OBZH during the summer holidays.

The camp is a useful and fun vacation.

Newspaper “We are proud of them”.

Paintings of students in the briefing log.

Thematic planning of class hours in the 2nd grade.


Grade 2 Classroom theme.

The date.



PP at school.

Fire safety rules. Escape routes.

SDA - excursion around the territory adjacent to the school.

Catering and canteen service.

Memo (corner).

Evacuation plan (corner).

Dining room schedule (corner)


How to organize study work.

How to develop speed reading.

Daily routine of a second grader.

Lifestyle during autumn holidays.

Filling out diaries.

10 ways to develop reading speed (corner).

Daily routine (corner).

Paintings of students in the briefing log.


What is diligence and diligence?

Free time - how to use it to your advantage?

Difficulties in learning, how to overcome them?

Communication with others.

Schedule of circles (diaries).


Mood is not a trifle.

Evaluation is a holiday?!

About laziness and lazy people.

Lifestyle during winter holidays.

Memo "How to get a good grade."

Paintings learn.


The laws of family and class life.

Deception and its consequences.

Friendship is strength.

The dog is biting...

Memo (corner).

Memo “Rules of strong friendship” (corner).

Rules for the treatment of pets (corner).


Children's aggression.

About greed and greed.

Knight Tournament.

Courtesy Academy.

Reminder of polite students.


What are rewards and punishments?

These funny girls!

Polite refusal.

Remember your classmates.


1.Convention. The rights of the child.

2. Rules of decency in everyday situations.

3. Traditions - family and class.

4. About child labor.


1. Flipping through the pages of the academic year.

2.Healthy summer vacation.

3.OBZH during the summer holidays.

4.Am I ready for 3rd grade?

Paintings learn.

Thematic planning of class hours in grade 3.


Grade 3 class theme

the date



1.PP at school.

Memo (corner).

Evacuation plan (corner).

The route of movement from home to school (diaries).


Every thing has its place.

2.If you are polite...

3. Neatness and neatness in clothes.

4. Connoisseur of traffic rules

Memo (corner).

Paintings learn.


Labor duties of the child in the family.

You are visiting…

PP in public places.

Lifestyle during autumn holidays.

Memo (corner).

Paintings learn.


1. Dictionary of positive moral qualities of a person.

2. Dictionary of negative moral qualities of a person.

3. What can a student's diary tell about.

4. Rules for handling explosive objects.

Memo (corner).


1.How to learn to live in the world of people.

2. In the world of the obvious and the incredible.

3.How to become a true friend?

4. Emotional communication.


1. Fun at the King of the Zodiac.

2. About the benefits of being outdoors.

3.OBZH during the winter holidays.

4. About the benefits of physical activity.

Paintings learn.


1. Health - useful tips for every day.

2. Finest hour for girls.

3. Who will say more compliments.

4. We are responsible for our class!

Poster “If you want to be healthy…”


1. Sow a habit, reap a character.

2. Why are we all so different?

3. Travel to the country of your favorite hobbies.

4. Safe world of the child.

Poster “Peculiarities of temperament”.


1. Conversation on a difficult topic (prevention of bad habits).

So we have become a year older.

OBZH during the summer holidays.

You are at home!

Exhibition of drawings.

Paintings learn.

Thematic planning of class hours in the 4th grade.


4th grade. class theme

the date



1.PP at school.

2. Fire safety rules. Escape routes.

3.SDA - an excursion around the territory adjacent to the school.

4.Organization of food and duty in the dining room.

Memo (corner).

Evacuation plan (corner).

The route of movement from home to school (diaries).

Dining room schedule (corner).


You are the only one left at home...

How can I ask someone else to ask.

Ethics lesson.

Do you know yourself?


Stubbornness - is it good or bad?

Who is a naughty child.

What mischief can lead to.

Lifestyle during autumn holidays.

Paintings learn.


Relationships in the classroom.

How to find the right way out in a controversial situation.

Learning is step by step.

Memo “Ways out of a difficult situation” (corner).


Shy and insecure children.

The homeless are always in trouble. Talk about animals.

Your living space.

Your phone rang...

Memo "Rules for the care of animals" (corner).


We're going, we're going, we're going...

“The theater is already full…”

Memo "How to behave in transport."

“How to behave in the theater” (corner).


Contest “Oh, yes, smart girl!”

How to take care of things. Fashion, fashion, fashion!

Why are jeans dangerous?

Taste is a sense of proportion.


Games are jokes.

Don't distort the language!

"Polite" grammar.

So that words are free, and thoughts are crowded.

Memo (corner).


“What was a discovery for you…”

The mood is not a trifle.

What adds happiness?

OBZH during the summer holidays.

Paintings learn.

Classroom topics in elementary school.

1 class

Grade 2

3rd grade

4th grade

Rules of conduct at school

Holiday of knowledge "You are a student!"

Rules of conduct at school

Holiday "You are a student!"

Safe behavior at school during lessons and breaks

Holiday of knowledge "You are a student"

Holiday "Teacher's Day"

Vacation excursions

Intellectual game "In the world of fairy tales"

Subject Olympiads

Holiday "Teacher's Day"

Vacation excursions

Intellectual game "Proverb is an assistant to all things"

Subject Olympiad

Hazardous areas at school

Holiday "Teacher's Day"

Excursions during the holidays

Intellectual game "Field of Miracles"

Subject Olympiad

Ways to resolve conflict situations

Holiday "Teacher's Day"

Vacation. Excursions.

Intellectual game "Entertaining Russian language"

Subject Olympiad

Me and others.

Holiday "Visiting Autumn"

Daily regime

Holiday "Autumn"

Vacation excursions

Holiday "Autumn Ball"

Excursions during the holidays

Household and street injuries

Holiday "Autumn Ball"

Holidays, excursions.

School day routine

Subject weeks

New Year holidays

Holiday excursions.

subject week

New Year holidays

Vacation excursions

subject week

New Year holidays

Excursions during the holidays

subject week

New Year holidays

Holidays, excursions

Clothes for autumn and winter. Clothing care.

Rules of conduct in public places

Holiday "Winter Fun"

Safe Behavior at School

Intellectual game "50 questions about animals"

Christmas holiday

The structure of the human body. Health and disease.

Intellectual game "Obvious - incredible"

Behavior in emergency situations

Holiday "How the New Year is celebrated in different countries"

How to protect yourself from colds and flu.

Intellectual game "Amazing is near"

Who can I call my friend?

Holiday "What Our Grandmothers Played"

subject week

Vacation excursions

subject week

Vacation excursions

Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Hygiene of educational work and rest

subject week

Excursions during the holidays

Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Prevention of infectious diseases. Microbes.

subject week

Holidays, excursions.

Holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day"

Alone at home.

Farewell to "ABC"

Intellectual game "Come on, girls"

Harm of tobacco smoke

Intellectual game "Come on, girls!"

Food hygiene

Intellectual game "Come on, girls!"

Nutrition is the basis of life.

Intellectual game “Come on. girls!"

Proper nutrition is the key to health.

Vacation excursions

Insect bites

Spring Festival.

Vacation excursions

About the dangers of tobacco smoke

Holiday "Our Planet - Earth"

Excursions during the holidays

Harm of tobacco smoke

Holiday "Flight to the Starry World"

Holidays, excursions.

Behavior in public places

Holiday "Journey to the Future"

Holiday "Victory Day"

health day

Fundamentals of Personal Security

Results of the year.

Holiday "Victory Day"

Summer safety briefing

Results of the year.

Holiday "Victory Day"

Summer safety briefing

Fundamentals of personal security at home

Results of the academic year.

Holiday "Victory Day"

Summer safety briefing

Results of the academic year.

On the pond, in the forest and in the mountains

Organization of leisure activities in elementary school.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.


The game is the eternal companion of childhood, it creates the prerequisites for the formation of the mental abilities of the child.

The game for younger students is a way to learn what no one else can teach them, a way to explore and navigate in the real world. A fruitful competition is born in the game, subordinated to a socially significant idea - the success of a common action and the achievement of a goal. In the course of the game, personal responsibility for the task assigned is brought up.

Primary school age is a period of intensive development.

Features of this age are important for:

Formation of learning motives, development of sustainable cognitive needs and interests

Development of productive methods and skills of educational activities

Disclosure of individual characteristics and abilities

Development of skills of self-control, self-organization and self-regulation

Formation of adequate self-esteem

Assimilation of social norms and moral development

Develop communication skills with peers.

Involving in the process of play, children learn to live in a world of meanings of values, and at the same time they explore, experiment, learn.

The game "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge" is a sphere of cooperation and commonwealth of children and adults.

The main provisions of the game "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge"

1. Combination in the life practice of a younger student of educational tasks and educational and cognitive activity, disclosure of one's own abilities.

2. Gradual complication of learning tasks and game conditions, the participation of each student in competitions, games, competitions, including him in an active position: from a fan - to a participant - to an organizer (leader) - to the author of the game (senior leaders).

3. Creation of conditions for the participants of the game to choose their participation in it, taking into account their interests, abilities and opportunities.

4. Gradual complication of the requirements for completing travel tasks, the development of individual and collective norms of relations.

5. The unity of the solution of teaching, educational, cognitive tasks.

6. Acquaintance with the activities of existing children's organizations and institutions.

Principles of organization of children's leisure.

1. The principle of social significance, social effectiveness of leisure activities.

2 .The principle of amateur performance and individual approach to the participants of leisure activities.

3. The principle of entertainment, entertainment.

4. The principle of humanization of personality education.

5 .The principle of collective creative work with an emerging goal (according to Ivanov I.P.)

The proposed program of creative development "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge" contributes to the organization of extracurricular educational work in the school. The program is aimed at developing the creative abilities of children and provides aesthetic, physical, moral, intellectual development, knowledge of life, themselves, other people through the active involvement of children in a variety of gaming activities.

The game program contributes to solving the problems of social adaptation of younger students, providing the child with new opportunities for interaction within the school. It is a program of cooperation and community of teachers and pupils.

The program allows you to solve the main problem associated with the need to compensate for information overload, with the organization of psychological and physical recreation.


games "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge"

for students in grades 1-4.

The main directions of the game:

Development and strengthening of the children's organization as the basis of inter-age constructive communication, socialization, social adaptation, creative development of each student;

Creation of a new style of relationships between adults and children, a style of joint, equal, mutually developing, intellectual creative activity;

Use in everyday life of a variety of accessible and interesting forms and methods of work;

Development of cognitive, communicative, moral, physical, aesthetic potentials of the child's personality;

Inclusion of parents of students in the educational process;

Building a class team.

The purpose of the game: to identify, study and develop the creative abilities of primary school students.

Game objectives:

Attraction to participation in educational work and integration of the efforts of primary school teachers, parents, employees of out-of-school institutions;

Creation of conditions for intellectual, moral and emotional self-expression of the personality of a younger student;

Development of fantasy, disclosure of individual creative abilities and cognitive interests of each child;

Creation of conditions for the formation of a friendly classroom team and the development of personality in it;

Education of a healthy lifestyle;

Education of personal responsibility for the assigned work;

Improving the system of work on the education of a free creative personality;

The development of the emotional sphere of the child as the basis for the formation of a "culture of feelings";

Identification of new initiatives, ideas;

Involving students in creative competitions outside of school.

Travel - this is an association of boys and girls, fathers and mothers, all who want to spend their leisure time with benefit, to learn what they did not know before.

Travel - this is a game for everyone, an opportunity to unite for good and useful deeds.

Travel - it is an obstacle, a difficulty. Tests.

Anyone who is ready to follow the rules of this game can be a traveler.

Travel includes:

contests, allowing you to see in a person what was not known before; choose the direction of the path; make a travel itinerary;

Games who will teach and help you learn a lot of new things, introduce you to each other;

Holidays where guys from different crews meet. talk about themselves, about the path that they have traveled, and how they succeeded;

Meetings, competitions, where winners are determined, results are summed up, travel routes are outlined.

The game "Journey to the Land of Knowledge" will help:

Become independent;

Find real friends and like-minded people;

Unleash the reserves of your abilities;

Supplement your knowledge with curious and interesting facts;

Check your ingenuity;

Become more athletic and hardened;

Respect elders and protect younger ones.

Predicted game results

1 . Willingness to continue education:

The presence of a stable cognitive interest, the desire for success;

Availability of knowledge necessary for the successful continuation of education in the main school;

Possession of emotional and volitional regulation necessary for successful educational and cognitive activity;

The ability to find creative solutions to educational and practical problems within the educational programs of elementary school.

2. Moral orientation to socially significant values:

The presence of norms and rules of conduct at school, rules of communication with peers and adults; the desire and ability to follow them in practice; the ability to establish friendly relations with peers in a classroom team;

Possession of emotional and volitional regulation of one's behavior in acute conflict situations, the ability to resist the negative influence of peers and older students;

The presence of initial knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and the need to apply them in practice;

Having an interest in participating in the life of the class team.


"Journey to the Planet of Knowledge"

  1. Station "Hello, school!" (September)

Knowledge Day (Grades 1-4)

Hours of communication in grade 1 on the topic "We are future travelers."

Starter lines in grades 2-4.

Line "Initiation to travelers" (1 classes)

Health Day "Small Olympic Games".

2.Station "Autumn" (October). Nature week.


Grade 1: "Golden autumn, hello!"

Grade 2: "Visiting a red-haired beauty"

Grade 3: "Autumn leaf fall"

Grade 4: "Autumn ball".

Drawing competitions "Golden Autumn" (grades 1-4)

Competition of crafts made from natural material "Gifts of Nature" (grades 1-4)

Autumn Poetry Contest.

Competition for the best corner of the crew.

Competition for the best album "The Crew's Business Card".

3. Station "Crossroads" (November). OBJ week.


1st class: "Red, yellow, green"

Grade 2: "Traffic light"

Grade 3: "Zigzag of luck"

4th grade: "Friends of the road"

Cool watch "Journey to the Land of Road Signs"

Holiday "Yourself is a lifesaver!"

Meetings with the traffic police inspector

Excursions during the holidays.

Holiday "Birthday of the school".

4. Station "Samodelkin" (December).

Labor Week and Fine Arts.

1. Matinees:

Grade 1: "Visiting Santa Claus"

Grade 2 - Grade 3: "Winter's Tale"

Grade 4: "Visiting the Snow Queen"

2. Competition for the best New Year's toy.

3. "Workshop of Santa Claus"

4. Disco "And we have fun!"

5. Station "Tsifiriya" (January). Math Week.

1. Competitive game program:

Grade 1: "Twice two"

Grade 2: "Star hour"

Grade 3: Small Olympiad in Mathematics

Grade 4: "Mathematics is the queen of sciences"

2. Intellectual game "The smartest" (city event)

3. Holiday "Christmas gatherings"

4. Holidays, excursions.

6. Station "Health" (February).

Week of physical education.

1. Sports and gaming competitions:

Grade 1: "Strong, brave, dexterous"

Grade 2: “We don’t take girls with us”

Grade 3: "Only the brave conquer the seas"

4th grade: "Forward, boys!"

3. Competitions "Funny starts".

4. Chess tournament.

7. Station "Game" (March). week of reading.

1. Holiday events and competitive programs for girls and mothers.

2.Competition of young readers.

3.Organization of a photo exhibition and an exhibition of drawings about mother.

4. The game "Zarnichka". Game "Fun Starts"

5. Holidays, excursions.

8. Station "ABVGDeika" (April).

Week of the Russian language.

1. Matinees:

Grade 1: "Roads of fairy tales"

Grade 2: "Know and study your native language"

Grade 3: "Visiting a fairy tale"

Grade 4: "Adventure Dunno"

2. Essay competition "My favorite fairy-tale hero."

3. Drawing competition "In the world of fairy tales."

4.Competition program "Miss - Spring ..."

9. Station "Hello, summer!" (May).

Week of favorite lessons.

1. Hours of communication.

2. Protection of projects on the topic "Our future affairs."

3. Participation in the action "We are faithful to this memory", dedicated to the Victory Day.

4. Action "Gift to a veteran".

5. The final holiday with summing up the results for the year.

6. Festive line "Hello, summer!"

Kazantseva Irina Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 4, Langepas, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Class hour with parents and children in elementary school about friendship.

Friendship is the consonance of souls in the unity of destinies (oriental wisdom)

Purpose: assistance in uniting the children's team;
To open in the eyes of parents the unknown sides of children: the ability to work in a team, mutual assistance, responsibility, giftedness and musicality;
Show children that parents can be friends, comrades-in-arms, partners, thereby increasing the measure of children's trust in parents.

Raising a sense of respect for each other;
Improving relationships in the classroom;
Contribute to the development of the initiative of parents and students.

Conduct form: forum, group work.

Preparatory work: preparation of invitation cards; preparation of concert numbers - surprises; essay writing; preparation of situations; preparation of the presentation "It's great when there is a family in the world."

Class hour progress.

1. Opening remarks. An audio recording of the song by V. Vysotsky "If a friend ..."
Good afternoon, fathers and mothers, children and parents! You listened to the song, what do you think we will talk about today?
Now I can say good afternoon, friends! We will dedicate today's meeting to each other, we will give an opportunity for children and adults to discuss their problems, ask questions and dedicate them to such a short and very significant word in a person's life - the word "friendship".
- Look at the blackboard and try to continue this phrase “Friendship is…”

2. Teacher's conversation with children and parents.(Children and parents answer in a chain.)
What does the word "friendship" mean? (Children give their explanations for this word.)
- And how do parents understand this word? (The opinion of the parents.)
Why do you think people fight? (Probably because they don't understand each other.)
- Who can be called a true friend?
What should a person be like to have friends?
- What kind of friend are you? Prove it.
What can kill a friendship?

3. Work in a group.
Divide the words that are in your envelopes into 2 groups:
Character traits that characterize a true friend and comrade;
Character traits that are unacceptable to a friend.
Kindness, envy, responsibility, support, rudeness, greed, understanding, respect, the ability to help, the ability to forgive, betrayal, care, attention, loyalty, sense of humor, self-interest, etc.

Let's check what you got.
The character traits of a true friend are hung on the board in the form of a flower.
- And what character traits of a friend would you add? New words are posted.
So, what should a true friend be like?
- And you yourself are a friend to someone?
- What qualities do you have?
- I am very glad that kind and caring friends have gathered here, who always try to help and support each other.

4. Reflections.
Friendship has always been thought about. And here is a parable that has come down to us. (read by mothers):
Long ago, a rich man lived in the mountains. He had a huge flock of sheep and as many friends. One day, trouble came to his house. All the sheep were stolen from him. The owner sighed heavily and began to cry. All his many years of work was in vain. And the family became poor overnight. Soon the whole district knew about the misfortune that had befallen the owner of the sheepfold. Another day passed, and at dawn the owner saw a cloud of dust on the road. It kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon he could see the people in that cloud of dust. These were his friends. Each of his friends did not go empty-handed, but led a small flock of sheep. When they all entered his yard, he realized that his friends had come to help him. Since then, his herd has become larger than before. Every morning when he went to drive out his flock, he remembered his friends who saved the life of his family.
- Question to parents: what proverb underlies this parable? Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
- Question to all: Can you give similar examples to confirm that this is exactly what happens in life. Parents tell interesting stories of their friendship.
- Guys, have there been similar stories in your life. Tell me.

5. Compilation of proverbs about friendship. Assignment in envelopes for each group.
- Make up proverbs from individual words.
1 group. Without a friend in the soul of a blizzard.
- How do you understand the meaning?
2 group. Lose yourself, and save a comrade.
3rd group. An old friend is better than two new ones.
4 group. Good brotherhood is more precious than any wealth.
5 group. With a good comrade, it’s more fun with luck, easier in trouble.
- And what unites all proverbs about friendship?
- Make up your own proverb about friendship, using your life experience.

6. Commenting on situations.
- And now I suggest you work as consultants. Each group will find a description of a life situation in their envelope. The task of the group is to comment and find a way out of the situation.
1 group. Sasha invited friends to his birthday. The guys didn't behave very well.
2 group. A classmate uses bad words and expressions.
3rd group. A friend's parents forbid any of the household items to be given to someone else.
4 group. Your friend started getting bad grades, your parents forbid you to be friends with him.
5 group. Your friend has done a bad deed, and you are being punished.

7. Dance of friendship between children and parents.
- Guys, who is your most important friend? (Of course, parents.)
Stand up, children, stand in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend,
Let the circle of friendship be wider. Your friends are standing in a circle
Give them your smile. (We smile at each other.)
On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend, and together this is a circle of friendship,
Shake the hand of the friend on the right, give him the warmth of your hand. (Shake hands.)
There are many necessary things in the world, but having a friend is much more important.
Always have a friend and two, and three, and give your friend a gift. (Give gifts.)
There is no proverb, guys, or rather, the one that says "Have 100 friends."
Let the circle of friendship grow and expand, so that there is a true friend nearby.

8. "Magic Screen"
With the help of a projector, students' questions to their parents about friendship and camaraderie are displayed on the screen. Questions are prepared in advance at one of the class hours. Questions might be:
- Is it possible to invite friends to your house without the permission of parents?
Is it okay to talk badly about friends?
Is it possible to forgive a friend for mistakes?
- Can mom and dad be friends?
- Is it necessary to yield in friendship? And etc.
Parents respond with comments.
- Thank you, dear parents, for your help. I think that you, as real friends, helped us in resolving these issues.
- And you guys, trust your parents - they are the closest people to you, they can always help you, give good advice.

9. Game "Find a friend"
-I'm reading you a riddle about a literary hero. You guess who it is. And looking around you, you also call a friend of this hero. (The names of the heroes are hung by class.)
What girl rescued her friend from ice captivity? Kai and Gerda.
This hero, being completely healthy, said the phrase: "I am the sickest person in the world." Kid and Carlson.
The girl with blue hair had many friends, but one was always there. Malvina and Artemon.
Who was the first of the animals to set an example for the inhabitants of the jungle that you can be friends with a person? Mowgli and Akela.
These heroes of E. Uspensky decided to build the House of Friendship. Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka.

10. Staged by B. Zakhoder “We are friends”.

11. Work in a group. Formation of the laws of friendship.
- I suggest that each group select and bring to our board their own law of friendship. And together we will get our own friendly Code, it will always be before our eyes in our corner. We will try to always stick to it.
At the end of the event, a joint photo of children and parents is taken, which then also decorates the classroom. Children, parents and teacher create a "Chain of hands" cut out of colored paper, attach them to the wall.

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