Home Flowers Due to the circumstances, the comma. “In connection with what” is it separated with commas or not? How punctuation marks and the particle "in connection with" are combined

Due to the circumstances, the comma. “In connection with what” is it separated with commas or not? How punctuation marks and the particle "in connection with" are combined

Difficulties in the correct spelling of the word "in connection" arise due to the fact that it is often mistakenly attributed to the group of adverbs and, by analogy with the words in addition, in a draw, blindly, to the right, casually write together. How will it be correct, whether in connection or in connection?

You should find out what part of speech is in the connection and what role it plays in the sentence.

Most of the independent parts of speech in Russian obey the morphological principle of writing, that is, it is used with certain prefixes, suffixes, endings, the spelling of which depends on the spelling rules common to the same type of morpheme.

However, these rules do not apply to the official parts of speech: prepositions, conjunctions and particles. They are written in accordance with the established language tradition, and the spelling is checked against spelling dictionaries and reference books. The derivative preposition "in connection" possesses just such a feature.

It is formed by combining a simple preposition "in" and the noun "connection" in the genitive case with a shift in stress to the second syllable. The combination "in connection" has lost its independent lexical meaning, and with it the function of a sentence member. In syntactic construction, it is used as a connecting fragment. The derivative preposition "in connection" cannot be questioned. It can be replaced with the synonymous preposition "because of" or the adverbial combination "for a reason."

In connection with the early onset of cold weather, a strict regime of heat saving was introduced at the enterprise. (Due to the early onset of cold weather; due to the early onset of cold weather.)

Ticket offices were open half an hour earlier due to the fact that a full house was expected. (Due to the expected full house.)

The preposition "in connection" is included in the group of derivative prepositions, which are traditionally written separately:

in connection with the circumstances, in the form of a roll, in continuation of what was said, for an hour, at the conclusion of the speech.

The derived preposition "in connection" must be distinguished from the noun "connection" in the nominative plural or genitive singular with the preposition "in". In such combinations, the word "ties" is pronounced with an accent on the first syllable. It acts as a complement and can have an agreed definition.

In connection with Ivan Nikolaevich random people did not enter. (In personal connections.)

He has been seen with an undesirable relationship for an honest man's reputation. (Seen in an unwanted connection.)

According to the rules of Russian spelling, both the derivative preposition "in connection" and the simple preposition "in" with the noun "connection" are written separately. Consequently, the continuous spelling of "loose" is a mistake.

the site determined that the difference "in connection" and "in connection" is as follows:

  1. Separate spelling of the derivative preposition " due"Is spelling correct... Continuous spelling " due" counts a mistake.
  2. The derived preposition "in connection" refers to the service parts of speech. In context, it should be distinguished from the combination of the noun "connection" in the nominative plural or genitive singular with a simple preposition "in".


"In connection with this": is a comma needed? Examples, rules

26 September 2016

A weak person, in this regard, constantly needs self-affirmation.

Today we have a failure in connection with this we are already working, very soon everything will be fine.

These sayings are combined using the same combination. And in each case, the punctuation marks are different. Let's figure out this problem together.

No need for comma between words

“In connection with this” - is a comma needed between words?

The placement of this punctuation mark between words in this combination depends on some features of the syntactic construction. If the sentence is simple, you cannot put a comma. For example:

  • I was suspected in connection with this criminal.
  • Mr. Eliot caught his footman in connection with this deceiver.
  • You need to adjust your affairs in connection with this situation.

A comma between words is needed

Let's consider the cases when the question: "Is a comma necessary in the phrase" In connection with this? " we will answer: "It is necessary."

This will be when the sentence is complex, and one word will remain in the first part of it, and the other will be at the beginning of the second. Here are some examples:

  • My neighbor was with my wife in connection, with this I could not put up.
  • This provider often has interruptions in connection, this needs to be dealt with somehow.

Is “in connection with this” separated by commas?

It happens that some people think: are there cases of highlighting this combination of words? The answer to this question is unequivocal: no. The fact is that introductory words, appeals, isolated members are highlighted in the sentence. This phrase does not apply to any of the listed linguistic phenomena.

Is there a comma before "in connection with this"?

An affirmative answer to this question is possible if the sentence is complex, and its second part begins with this phrase. A few examples of this:

  • The school has been quarantined, so we have unscheduled vacations.
  • The Olympiad in all subjects is held in December, therefore the school tour must be held no later than November.
  • The dining room is closed for special services, so you have to be content with sandwiches.

  • Tomorrow we will be late until evening, in this regard, I ask you, dear parents, to provide the children with sandwiches.

When to put a comma after this combination

Let us ask ourselves the following question: after the combination of the words "in connection with this," is a comma necessary? " It turns out that it is needed if the first part of a complex sentence ends with it. Here are examples of such syntactic constructions:

  • He thought in this connection that it had become too dangerous to procrastinate.
  • It was decided in this connection that the troops should move out immediately.
  • The general made a decision in connection with this that it was necessary to tighten the flanks.
  • In this regard, the command decided that it was necessary to immediately take advantage of the situation.

So we examined in what cases a comma is placed after "in connection with this".

So, we have considered all kinds of examples of the use of such a seemingly simple linguistic phenomenon, which, upon close acquaintance, manifests itself in a more complex structure: either it consists of independent words, then we see a preposition in it, then it is used as a subordinate union.

When dealing with the combination "in connection with this", we must analyze all possible cases of setting a comma. Well worth practicing. Next, we offer you special texts that can be used for this very purpose.

Text No. 1

Read the text. What is the role of this combination?

Few people know that the first abbreviations, or abbreviations, appeared a long time ago - along with writing. Abbreviations, which were present in large numbers in the text, were a necessity, since the material on which the books were written was expensive. Even more expensive was the work of a scribe who spent months working on just one book, in connection with this, standard abbreviations began to appear that every educated person should know. Usually these were proper names naming famous people, frequently used verbs and the most famous biblical and church words.

There were two ways of abbreviation: either according to the first and last letter (with a special title placed above the abbreviation), or instead of a word, only one letter remained.

The answer to the question: this is a union that connects the main clause and the subordinate clause with the meaning of the consequence.

Text No. 2

Read the text. Find this combination and define its role in the proposal.

Despite the fact that in our time the language differs in many respects from the Old Church Slavonic, compound words have the same function - they pursue the goal of saving space and time. After all, it is not an example that it is faster and easier to use a short abbreviation of three letters than to write out a long definition or a name consisting of several, sometimes very difficult, words.

However, the use of such abbreviations requires taking into account the subtleties and overcome certain difficulties. In particular, you need to determine the type of abbreviations and be able to inflect them. There are unchangeable words, for example, Moscow State University, LLC and the like, but there are also such stable abbreviations that in the minds of people have the status of a whole word and change accordingly. In this regard, difficulties arise in the use of abbreviations. You can avoid these difficulties by remembering one simple rule: gender is determined by the main word: Moscow State University - university (male), UN - organization (female).

The answer to the question is: this is a preposition with a pronoun.

Text No. 3

Read the text. Find the right combination and define its role in the proposal.

I am an MTS subscriber, and I often have interruptions in connection, so I contacted the nearest office of the mentioned provider. But even there they could not help me. Then I arrived at another salon, a young man worked there, who generally did not know anything normally. The only adequate employee was in the third salon. Having heard about the interruptions in connection, I contacted someone on the phone with this issue. Soon things got better. But all the same, since then I have been decrypting MTS as “in some places you can be heard”.

Answer to the question: in this text there are two cases of using the combination, in both of them the words are independent: "in connection" is a noun, "with this" is a demonstrative pronoun.

Sometimes, when writing individual words and expressions, schoolchildren and even many graduates have difficulties. Knowledge of the rules of the Russian language will help you figure out how to spell a word correctly. One of these dubious expressions is the use of the combination "in connection".

What are the uses of the word

An expression can be a conjunction or a preposition with a noun. When is a comma necessary, and is it needed when writing? There are different cases of its use:

  1. An expression can be used to highlight the contact of a given object. Example: "The store manager was connected with scammers." In this case, the phrase is a preposition and the last noun serves as a complement. A comma is not needed here.
  2. The expression can be a union and used as an explanation. How can you tell it apart? If there is a possibility of replacement by the combination "because", then the constituent parts of such a union are written separately. In this case, the stress must be placed on the last syllable, and the sentence must begin with a union, and after the complementary sentence, a comma must be put. For example: "Due to unfavorable weather conditions that arose due to the cyclone that swept the Volga region, farmers have lost part of the harvest."
  3. If the use of the described union has the meaning "because" and is put at the end of the sentence, then the comma should not be put. Here's how, for example, in this case: "The Board of Directors decided to expand production facilities in connection with the growth in demand for manufactured products." In this case, the expression is written separately.
  4. Sometimes "in connection" is used in complex sentences with the meaning "because". An example of such an application: "We were unable to complete the task due to the fact that we had a power outage last night."

Regardless of what semantic load the expression "in connection" carries and what part of speech it is, the spelling is always separate! It is never written together. There is often a misconception regarding the spelling of this phrase. "In connection" is offered to write together when it replaces the value "because", and to highlight contacts separately. But this is not the case. A competent philologist, linguist, or just a teacher of the Russian language will never write this word together.

It's easy to remember simple truths and even very simply, having learned this once and for all, you will never be mistaken. In connection, it can be used by combining a preposition with a noun, as well as being a compound preposition, in both cases it is used quite often, it is important to understand how to write correctly, and what rules to rely on.

Some phrases, such as in view (in mind), or as a result (in consequence), can be written both separately and together. And there are many such words.

But remember that the word "svyazi" does not exist in Russian, such a spelling is a gross spelling mistake, it is enough to pick up a dictionary of the Russian language and make sure the spelling of this combination.

The use of a word in connection with two different meanings: as a compound union and as a preposition with a noun in the prepositional case. Examples:

  • Due to the prevailing weather conditions, it was decided to cancel all flights departing tonight.
  • He is suspected of being connected with a criminal gang that has been distributing drugs.

The use can be in any context, often a complex union is used in colloquial speech.

Memorization rules

How to remember usage and spelling? There are many methods.

The first way is associative. You need to come up with an association.


Due to the fact that any connection is not continuous, the preposition must be separated from the noun and written separately.

Second way- figurative. To do this, you need to draw some kind of image.

For example, a cell phone is a connection and the charger is an excuse. These are two separate subjects. Thus, to remember the spelling "in connection" you only need to remember what these two things look like.

Third way- try to do mindful repetitions. It is known from practice that in order to remember something, you need to repeat the material covered four times with a certain frequency. Memorize the rule, repeat it 30 minutes later. After two hours, repeat again. After one day, remember the rule. After the fifth day, repeat again. And after a month, check if the rule is still in your memory. You will make sure that it is securely and clearly fixed.


In connection: how to write correctly? Why does this question arise? Some experts argue that difficulties arise due to the delusion of the majority: this expression is often confused with an adverb and is written by analogy with such stable units as right, left, casual, etc., which are written together. Eliminate such a mistake once and for all, remembering that this is a preposition + noun or a conjunction.


From the video you will learn the correct spelling of words that are very often misspelled.

A weak person, in this regard, constantly needs self-affirmation.

Today we have a failure in connection with this we are already working, very soon everything will be fine.

These sayings are combined using the same combination. And in each case, the punctuation marks are different. Let's figure out this problem together.

No need for comma between words

“In connection with this” - is a comma needed between words?

The placement of this punctuation mark between words in this combination depends on some features of the syntactic construction. If the sentence is simple, you cannot put a comma. For example:

  • I was suspected in connection with this criminal.
  • Mr. Eliot caught his footman in connection with this deceiver.
  • You need to adjust your affairs in connection with this situation.

A comma between words is needed

Let's consider the cases when the question: "Is a comma necessary in the phrase" In connection with this? " we will answer: "It is necessary."

When dealing with the combination "in connection with this", we must analyze all possible cases of setting a comma. Well worth practicing. Next, we offer you special texts that can be used for this very purpose.

Text No. 1

Read the text. What is the role of this combination?

Few people know that the first abbreviations, or abbreviations, appeared a long time ago - along with writing. Abbreviations, which were present in large numbers in the text, were a necessity, since the material on which the books were written was expensive. Even more expensive was the work of a scribe who spent months working on just one book, in connection with this, standard abbreviations began to appear that every educated person should know. Usually these were proper names naming famous people, frequently used verbs and the most famous biblical and church words.

There were two ways of abbreviation: either according to the first and last letter (with a special title placed above the abbreviation), or instead of a word, only one letter remained.

The answer to the question: this is a union that connects the main clause and the subordinate clause with the meaning of the consequence.

Text No. 2

Read the text. Find this combination and define its role in the proposal.

Despite the fact that in our time the language differs in many respects from the Old Church Slavonic, compound words have the same function - they pursue the goal of saving space and time. After all, it is not an example that it is faster and easier to use a short abbreviation of three letters than to write out a long definition or a name consisting of several, sometimes very difficult, words.

However, the use of such abbreviations requires taking into account the subtleties and overcome certain difficulties. In particular, you need to determine the type of abbreviations and be able to inflect them. There are unchangeable words, for example, Moscow State University, LLC and the like, but there are also such stable abbreviations that in the minds of people have the status of a whole word and change accordingly. In this regard, difficulties arise in the use of abbreviations. You can avoid these difficulties by remembering one simple rule: gender is determined by the main word: Moscow State University - university (male), UN - organization (female).

The answer to the question is: this is a preposition with a pronoun.

Text No. 3

Read the text. Find the right combination and define its role in the proposal.

I am an MTS subscriber, and I often have interruptions in connection, so I contacted the nearest office of the mentioned provider. But even there they could not help me. Then I arrived at another salon, a young man worked there, who generally did not know anything normally. The only adequate employee was in the third salon. Having heard about the interruptions in connection, I contacted someone on the phone with this issue. Soon things got better. But all the same, since then I have been decrypting MTS as “in some places you can be heard”.

Answer to the question: in this text there are two cases of using the combination, in both of them the words are independent: "in connection" is a noun, "with this" is a demonstrative pronoun.

In connection with what

In connection with what


Used when attaching a subordinate part (which contains an immediate consequence arising from the action of the main part) , corresponding to the meaning of the word: therefore, as a result of which, for this reason.

Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary... T.F. Efremova. 2000.

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