Home indoor flowers Julia from the brilliant got married. Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov showed the luxurious mansion for the first time. Yulia Kovalchuk. Biography: present

Julia from the brilliant got married. Yulia Kovalchuk and Alexey Chumakov showed the luxurious mansion for the first time. Yulia Kovalchuk. Biography: present

Perhaps there is no such person in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries who would not know who Yulia Kovalchuk is. But it was not always so. After all, not everyone is born a celebrity. Children born in ordinary families have to achieve everything on their own, and often the path to glory is thorny and difficult.

An actress, singer, TV presenter and participant in many shows - this is not all the regalia that can be attributed to Yulia. A kind, cheerful, positive and "brilliant" girl has achieved everything herself and continues to work actively, conquering new heights of television.

The future star was born in the small town of Volzhsky on November 12, 1982. Yulia's mother's name is Svetlana Vasilievna. She was a college teacher. Dad's name is Oleg Alexandrovich. Then he worked as a designer of a design institute. The absolutely uncreative atmosphere that reigned in the family did not prevent the girl from developing her abilities for music and dancing.

From an early age, Julia Kovalchuk began to do gymnastics. Hard hours of training hardened the character of the girl. But the resulting back injury forced Yulia to leave this sport, and her dream to conquer the Olympic peaks became unattainable.

During this difficult time, my mother decided to send her daughter to choreography. Good physical preparation and excellent stretching helped to achieve good results in this field.

Dancing was the girl's outlet. But after a while in the Orlyonok camp, Yulia became interested in music and vocals. At the music school, the future famous artist learned to play. The girl was happy, because now she could compose songs.

Active social activity did not prevent the girl from studying well at school and later entering the socio-economic university, where the girl did not study for so long. After all, the exact sciences did not attract her. Therefore, she soon became a student again, only at the choreographic faculty of the University of Culture and Arts in Moscow.

The beginning of a creative career - the group "Brilliant"

After studying for a year at the university, Kovalchuk decided to try her luck at the casting of the fashionable and very popular at that time group "Brilliant". Songs of his own composition and active dances became a ticket to the group, but only for backup dancers. However, Julia was not in the background for long. A couple of months later, she entered the main team, where she stayed for almost six and a half years.

Large halls, a huge army of fans and the first significant fees - all this gave the artist participation in the group. Tiring and long tours of foreign countries and native Russia exhausted the girls, but the energy with which they were met by people filled them and helped them move on.

More than forty songs were recorded by the girls during their participation in the group. Many of them became hits and sounded from all radio stations. Prizes and the love of fans did not keep Yulia in the group. She wanted to sing solo and set off on a free voyage.

At the end of 2007, Julia completed her work in a group and began to develop rapidly as a soloist. The new song with which Julia Kovalchuk broke into the music charts was called "Push Me". The video filmed for the song immediately became popular on music channels.

Talent and hard work have already helped to independently achieve popularity and career success. Recorded duets with star artists (“Tea for Two”, Alexey Chumakov) immediately became popular.

Hard work made it possible to record a debut album, but this happened only in 2015. Four songs included in the album, the star wrote on her own. True, work on them was carried out for five years. The album received a fairly simple title - JK2015.

The artist takes a lot of time to participate in shows, programs and programs on domestic television. The girl looks especially bright as a leader.

Participation in TV projects

Boundless talent allows the artist to try herself in different roles. Recently, more often Yulia can be seen as a host or participating in various shows.

Before leaving the group, the girl plunged into figure skating and became a member of "Dancing on Ice" paired with Chernyshev. Participation in the show brought immense popularity to the girl. Plastic and excellent stretching helped to show up well in this sport.

Further, the "brilliant" decided to test her strength and went to the reality show "The Last Hero" in 2008. Adrenaline and difficult filming conditions not only did not undermine the inner state of the artist, but also brought a lot of impressions and new acquaintances.

Later, the star decided to repeat the success of figure skating, but only in another show called Ice Age. And, as always, she was great!

Yulia began broadcasting television programs in 2010 with the Minute of Glory program, paired with star presenter Alexander Aleshko. Kindness and openness helped her to cheer the participants backstage.

This year is also significant in that Kovalchuk hosted the world-famous New Wave music competition, a year later she repeated her success on this show again and again as a host.

Every year she is involved as a host in several shows and programs at once. Among them: "1000 days before the Olympics", "Miss Russia", "Product of the Year", "Graduation on MTV", "Graduation Carnival" and others.

The latest popular works were the running of the One to One! programs, where Yulia's husband participated, and Weighted People, where full participants get rid of extra pounds. In another project called “Muscovites Season 2” of the channel, Domashny Kovalchuk participates in the role of a heroine.

Julia is great at voicing cartoons. The singer is also actively acting in films and not only in the background. Often she gets the main roles. So in 2011, our celebrity starred in the title role in the film "New Year's SMS", and in 2015, together with her husband in the film "I'll Get Married Urgently". This is not all the work of the artist as an actress.

Before leaving the "Brilliant" Julia's private life was carefully hidden, perhaps this was a clause in the contract. However, later everyone found out that she was actively communicating with the then-famous Alexei Chumakov. This happened in 2008. Young people made their relationship public a year later.

The man was the initiator of the relationship, and after a while it became clear to both that they were made for each other. Relations developed rapidly and quickly enough. However, the entry into legal marriage was postponed for an indefinite period. So their civil marriage lasted a little more than five years. During this time, the couple bought an apartment in the capital and real estate in Spain.

The long-awaited marriage proposal for Yulia, which the future bride had no idea about, was received in 2013. For her, it was a pleasant surprise, but Alexei had thought of everything in advance. Of course, the singer agreed to Chumakov's proposal.

The wedding itself took place in 2014 secretly from everyone so that the photos would not be leaked to the Internet. In addition to the newlyweds, no one else was present at the ceremony, but twelve close people of the couple were invited to the celebration. The guests went to Spain to celebrate and celebrate.

The couple is an example of love and a strong relationship in show business. There have never been high-profile scandals associated with them. The guys often work together (host programs or act in films). And in order not to get tired of each other, they occupy separate dressing rooms, and sometimes they live separately in order to anger and strain each other less.

Julia Kovalchuk now - latest news

Most of the gossip related to the singer's life was aimed at the fact that she was in an "interesting" position. However, this was just gossip. And only in 2017 it became known that the couple was actually expecting their first child. The guys had been planning the future of the child for a long time, and finally the long-awaited event happened.

Yulia Kovalchuk was sensitive to her situation and went on maternity leave to warm Spain, where she has a house near Barcelona. And in the same year in October, the couple became the parents of a girl named Amelia. She is very similar to her father and has such dark hair and eyes as Alexei. Until now, young parents have not yet shown their daughter to the general public.

Now the main role of Julia is to be a mother. Walking with her daughter in the fresh air, calmness and silence have a positive effect on the artist. In addition, the couple celebrated the tenth anniversary of their relationship. And, like many, they also have problems and crises. But love and a little daughter do not allow to bring the matter to serious disagreements.

The last joint work of the couple was the song, which is dedicated to the anniversary of their life together, and is called "Turn on the light in me." Now the artist often attends various show business events.


A wonderful singer, actress, gymnast, dancer, host, and now also a mother, Yulia Kovalchuk, has always achieved her goals. Now she is happily married and has a full-fledged family, to which she has been going for so long.

Her success on the stage can only be envied, but the famous artist is not going to stop at the results achieved. Now in the first place for her is the upbringing of her daughter, but we believe that soon Yulia will break into Russian show business again with new interesting works.

Julia Kovalchuk(in marriage - Chumakova) was born on November 12, 1982 in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd Region. Her mother, Svetlana Vasilievna, was a teacher at the Polytechnic College, and her father, Oleg Alexandrovich, was the chief designer of the design institute. Julia grew up in the company of her older sister Zhanna.

Yulia Kovalchuk: “My dad and I went fishing almost every weekend. She knew everything about her, but, unfortunately, she was not very fond of books. There just wasn't enough time for them. School, clubs... I didn't even go out as often as my peers. But I do not regret it at all: it was my choice. I am sure that in order to achieve something, you need to work hard. At least nothing has ever fallen on me from the sky.”

Yulia Kovalchuk already in childhood was stubborn and showed leadership qualities. The girl was engaged in gymnastics, but at the competition, performing somersaults, she badly injured her back. Yulia's mother made a decision - her daughter would leave the sport for a choreographic circle, although the doctors convinced her that after the rehabilitation course, her sports career could be continued. From preschool age, Julia was fond of dancing. From the age of six she danced in the center "Rusinka", and later moved to the folk ensemble "Venets". With all the extra work, Kovalchuk devoted a lot of time to lessons, often the parents carried the sleeping girl from behind the desk to bed in their arms. A little later, Yulia became an activist of the city committee for youth affairs: the girl was entrusted with social work. At the age of 14, she earned a ticket to Orlyonok.

“From there, I returned matured and declared that I wanted to sing. I entered an evening music school and in two years, instead of the prescribed four, I graduated from it in the guitar class.

From the age of seventeen, Yulia Kovalchuk performed in her own pop dance group "Elite". Her group became the best in the region and represented the city at a dance competition in St. Petersburg.

The dean advised Yulia to enter the Moscow University of Arts at the Faculty of Choreography, noting the girl's talent at the festival. Recruitment to a prestigious university at the choreographic faculty took place every three years. The enrollment year fell on the 10th grade. Then the future artist set herself the task of completing the 10th and 11th grades in a year. After the 9th grade, she goes to study at a technical school, where in the first year they pass the program immediately for two senior classes, and in parallel attends classes at an evening school. She graduated from an educational institution with honors and left for Moscow. 25 people were recruited for the course, of which there were eight state-funded places. Julia Kovalchuk successfully passed the exams, entered free of charge and began a new life in the capital.

Yulia Kovalchuk: “In my life, everything works out only when I strive very hard for something. Nothing is attracted to me just like that, you need to want and achieve. But, even if something doesn’t work out yet, I know how to improve my mood.”

Creative career of Yulia Kovalchuk

In 2001, on the advice of friends, Yulia went to the casting of the group " shiny”, where dancers were recruited for the new program. In the queue, the producer of the pop group noticed her, he immediately liked the girl. At the casting, she performed several of her songs and left the coordinates. After Kovalchuk went to rest with peace of mind, it was her last student summer. On July 31, a call rang from Moscow: Yulia was expected in the capital to work as the soloist of the Brilliant group. In 2001, she already performed in the ballet The Brilliant, and then became a soloist, taking the place of the departed Olga Orlova. Together with the group, Julia released three CDs, recording a total of about 40 songs. Her debut as a member of the star team took place in the video clip "Au-Au", after which the singer appeared in eight more music videos " Brilliant».

Yulia Kovalchuk: “I always understood that “Brilliant” for me is a kind of school, from which sooner or later I will have to leave. I didn’t sing exactly the songs that I would like, I didn’t work with the dedication with which I could, - no matter what I did on stage, there were still four of us, and the general feeling was from the team, and not from the individual ” .

In 2006, Yulia received her diploma with honors from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, and a year later she became a member of Drive Dance School, a master class of English choreographers. In 2007, the artist took part in the program "Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season", ice show of the TV channel "Russia". Her partner was a five-time US champion Petr Chernyshev. In 2009, she paired with Roman Kostomarov in the Channel One project “Ice Age. Fairy tale sequel. Remarkably, in both television competitions, Yulia and her partner took first place.

In the winter of 2008, the girl left the group "Brilliant" and launched a solo career under a well-known producer Marat Khairutdinova.

Yulia Kovalchuk: “I told the producers about leaving. It was in the summer of 2007. “Are you out of your mind? Don’t leave, we’ll make a solo career for you here too.” And I answered: “No, I want to do everything myself, everything is different, everything is all over again.” We agreed that I would work in the group for another six months in order to prepare a replacement for myself. Because before that Ksyusha Novikova left, Anya Semenovich - the team has changed almost completely.

Julia's debut solo song was the composition "Push me" written by the composer Konstantin Arsenev. The track topped the music charts and got into heavy rotation. Career Kovalchuk, thus, immediately developed successfully. In the autumn of the same year, she ventured to take part in the seventh season of the reality show "The Last Hero" and took second place.

Yulia Kovalchuk: “Now it will not be difficult for me to clean the fish with a jar of canned food. Or catch fish, for example, with a mosquito net: we caught tiny fish with it, then made stew out of them, it was very tasty! On The Last Hero, part of my finger was cut off after five days on the island. Everything in life was difficult and is still being given, every second there is a kind of verification and awareness of oneself. Probably, there, on the island, I once again realized that I was a strong enough person. When it comes to difficult situations, I can probably endure a lot. For me, the island has become a serious and unique life test.”

Songs Yuli Kovalchuk- “The Last Hero”, “Fly Away”, “Right in the Heart” - sound on different radio waves: “Russian Radio”, “Europe Plus”, “First Popular”, “Humor FM”, “Mayak”, “Love radio”, Autoradio. And the composition “The Last Hero” was recorded together with showman Tahir Mammadov immediately after participating in the First Channel project “The Last Hero. Forgotten in Paradise ”, where Yulia took second place. The singer was not going to stop there and in 2009 she became a member of the Russian team in the Big Races project, which defeated the teams of the USA, China and Belarus.

On June 18, 2015, the debut solo album of the singer was released - JK 2015, the name of which is formed by the initials of Yulia, written in Latin, and the year the disc was released. The words and music of four songs from this album, which lasted five years, were written by Julia herself. The video clip for the first single from this album, the song "Into the Smoke", was directed by Denis Khrushchev, and Mikhail Evgrafov, a participant in the show "Dancing" on TNT, played the main role in it.

Beyond a musical career Julia Kovalchuk engaged in television projects. She became the host of the press lunch for the state project "Forum of Winners" in 2009, broadcast "Real Sports" on the Internet channel POST TV, hit parade "cool hit TOP 10" on the MUSIC BOX channel and the author's program " We are talented on Children's Radio.

Yulia Kovalchuk: “You will not find a person of a creative profession who would not like to play in a movie. That's what I decided to try. Like most actors, I had to go through a casting. So I honestly got my part. Mikhail Efremov and Ivan Okhlobystin are true professionals, I could not even dream that I would go to the same site with them. For me, this is a great happiness and a great life experience.”

In 2010, the singer acted as a presenter at the New Wave music competition in Jurmala, and in 2011 she hosted the anniversary New Wave. In the fall of 2011, the Minute of Glory project was launched, which was also led by Yulia. She is also constantly busy as a host at various ceremonies and projects, for example, "People's Mark" (First, 2010, 2011), "75 years of traffic police" (First, 2011), a reception in honor of National Unity Day, "1000 days before Olympics "(TVC, 2011)," We love you, Moscow! (TVC, 2011), "Miss Russia" (NTV, 2012), "Graduation Carnival" (MUZ-TV, 2010), "Product of the Year" (MUZ-TV, 2010), "Graduation on MTV" (2011), " Miss Russian Radio (RU-TV, 2011), Monte Carlo Radio Grand Prix Horse Racing (2011) and many others.

In 2011, she became a member of the new non-standard television project of the First Channel "Special Task", where she experienced all the hardships of army life. Also, the artist, if possible, does not miss the chance to take part in the "Big Races", bringing a significant contribution to the victories of the Russian team within the framework of the project.

In 2011 Julia Kovalchuk broke up with the producer and began to conduct business independently. She also starred in a cameo role in the comedy "The Best Movie 3-de". On the TVC channel on New Year's Eve from December 31, 2011 to January 1, 2012, the premiere of the musical film " new year sms”, in which the artist also played the main female role.

Since April 18, 2015, Yulia Kovalchuk has been the host of the rating project of the STS channel "Weighted People", in which participants , suffering from excess weight, radically change their lives, getting rid of annoying kilograms. Coaches Irina Turchinskaya and Denis Semenikhin became Kovalchuk's colleagues on the show.

In 2016, Kovalchuk, together with Igor Vernik, hosted the fourth season of the One to One! "On the channel" Russia 1 ".

In 2018, Yulia herself became the heroine of the program - she took part in the project " Muscovites Season 2" on the Domashny channel.

Personal life of Yulia Kovalchuk

Since 2008, Yulia began dating singer Alexei Chumakov, with whom they declared themselves a couple in 2009, a year after they met. However, the artists were in no hurry to register their union. Signed in the registry office Julia and Alexey October 1, 2013. They left to celebrate the celebration in Italy, where they have their own housing.

Yulia Kovalchuk: “I consider myself a very happy woman now, because there is a strong shoulder, reliability and calmness nearby. Sometimes my independence takes over, but I catch myself in time: “No, I can’t do it myself!” We had a stage in life when we, both leaders, did not want to give in to each other. But it is important for a man to understand that he is in charge. And I began to adjust. As soon as I began to yield, he began to yield too.

Kovalchuk and Chumakov often appear together in various projects, and not only perform in the same music programs or appear as invited guests or participants on a TV show (“Where is the logic?”), But they also lead award ceremonies in tandem (Muz TV Prize) and programs (“Who is on top?”, “Our way out”), cartoons are voiced (“ Dazzling Barry and the Disco Worms”), act in films (“ best movie 3d"). In 2011, they starred in the TV musical " new year sms", and in 2015 - in the romantic comedy "I'll Get Married Urgently".

On July 1, 2014, the presentation of the first joint video clip of Yulia and Aleksey called "To Notes" took place.

In early July 2017, the media reported that the 34-year-old Julia Kovalchuk expecting a firstborn. The news was confirmed by Yulia's friend and colleague on the show "Weighted People" Irina Turchinskaya. At the same time, the couple carefully concealed that replenishment was coming in their family. Only shortly before the appearance of their first child, Alexei and Yulia gave an interview in which the singer admitted that she had only recently realized that she was ripe for motherhood.

Yulia Kovalchuk: “It was important for me to achieve success in my work - this is not a secret. I was a real careerist, especially at 25 when I left the Brilliant. It was morally necessary for me to prove to everyone that I could assert myself in this complex business and become needed in the profession, even without having a producer. At that moment, important career changes were taking place with Lesha. He left the producer Yevgeny Fridlyand, and he also had to build his musical history from scratch. Therefore, we then, to be honest, did not even have time to think about children. But from the age of thirty, thoughts about motherhood and the fact that I was ready for this with all my being began to visit me more and more often. But then our schedule made its own adjustments. We just weren't physically there at the right time in the right place. And at some point we decided to relax, realizing that everything will happen when it should happen.

On October 13, the star couple had a daughter. The night before Alexey Chumakov presented a video for the song "The Sky in Your Eyes", the highlight of which was the appearance of a pregnant Yulia in the frame. Filming took place on the Mediterranean coast, where the couple rested before a happy event.

The couple try their best to protect their daughter from media attention. It is not only impossible to find photos of a child on the network, but even to find out the name of a girl.

The future pop star in childhood was very burr, and only at the age of 14, after hard work, driven by the desire to become an artist, Yulia learned to pronounce the sound “r” correctly.

In parallel with studying at the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts Julia Kovalchuk studied in absentia for two and a half years at the Saratov Socio-Economic University. Yulia was prevented from graduating from a university in Saratov with a degree in municipal administration by her great employment - by that time she had already become one of the "Brilliant".

Kovalchuk dedicated the presentation concert of the JK 2015 album to her former colleague of the group "Brilliant" Zhanna Friske, who died three days before. The singer transferred all funds from the sale of tickets for the event to the Konstantin Khabensky charitable foundation.

Julia several times refused to take part in the show " The last Hero”: firstly, she feared for her health, and secondly, she did not want to part with her for a long time Alex Chumakov, with whom she was just beginning a relationship.

The video, which Yulia Kovalchuk and her husband filmed with a portable video camera, won in the nomination “Director of Your Own” at the RU TV Channel Award.

When her daughter was three months old, Julia decided to take a “maternity leave” for herself: together with her baby and her husband, she flew to Spain, where the family spent a month and a half. According to the singer, the rest allowed her to fully restore her strength after the birth of a child and gave her many creative ideas for further work.

Discography of Yulia Kovalchuk

  • As part of a group« shiny»
  • Oriental Tales (2005)
    Orange Paradise (2003)
    Over four seas (2002)

  • Singles
    Tili Dough (2007)
    Agent 007 (2006)
    Palm trees in pairs (2005)
    My brother is a paratrooper (2005)
    Oriental Tales (2005)
    Sea Captain (2005)
    Honestly (feat. Boris Moiseev) (2005)
    Like a Star (2005)
    Believed (2005)
    New Year's Song (2004)
    Me and you (2003)
    Orange Song (2003)
    Crane (2002)
    And I kept flying (2002)
    Over four seas (2002)
    Ay-ay (2001)

  • Solo career
  • JK 2015 (2015)
  • Singles
  • Between Us (2012)
    Fly away (remix) (2009)
    Fly away (2009)
    The Last Hero (duet with Tahir Mammadov (Comedy Club)) (2009)
    Look into my eyes (duet with Tea Together) (2008)
    Push me (remix)
    Push Me (2008)

Filmography of Yulia Kovalchuk

Urgently get married (2015)
Where is the logic? (TV series, 2015)
Weighted people (TV series 2015 - ...)
The Big Question (TV series 2014)
Who is on top? (TV series, 2013)
One to One (TV series 2013 - ...)
I go out to look for you 2 (TV series 2012)
Evening Urgant (TV series 2012 - ...)
He People (TV series 2011–2013)
Long time no see (TV series 2011)
Criminal Circumstances (2011)
New Year sms-ka (TV, 2011)
Best Movie 3-DE (2011)
Olivier Show 2011 (TV Movie 2010)
New Adventures of Alyonushka and Yerema (2009); voice acting
Ural dumplings (TV series 2009 - ...)
Big Difference (TV series 2008–2014)
My truth (TV series 2007 - ...)
Thank God you've come! (TV series, 2006–2010)
Star Factory (TV series 2002–2007)
The Last Hero (TV series 2001–2009)

In her family, Yulia was the only one who decided to devote herself entirely to creativity. Yulia's father, Oleg Kovalchuk, worked for a long time as a designer at a design institute, and her mother taught at a polytechnic college.

Julia, on the other hand, was very energetic from childhood, it was necessary to direct her creative activity in the right direction. First, the parents decided to introduce their daughter to sports, the girl at the age of four began to do rhythmic gymnastics. But this experience was unsuccessful: Yulia got a back injury during training when a mace accidentally fell on her. Despite the fact that everything worked out, Yulia did not return to gymnastics - after that she tried herself in dancing. The result was very successful - she staged the dance herself and received first place in the competition for this. Yulia's next hobby was music. In 1996, she entered a music school and graduated from it in guitar class two years later.

star trek singer

The place of higher education for Yulia was the Moscow University of Arts, Faculty of Choreography. She went to the capital in 1999 and successfully passed the entrance exam the first time. Her efforts did not end there: already as a student, she created a whole dance group and performed with its members in clubs. This was her main income until she got into the backup dancer of the Brilliant group. In 2001, she came to the announced casting and passed it, and a few months later she became one of the soloists of the group itself. At that time, she replaced one of the girls who decided to leave the team, Olga Orlova.

At the end of the year, Yulia had already recorded her first song as part of the Au-au group. She combined her studies at the university with her career as a singer - if she really started working in a team in 2002, then she graduated from a higher educational institution only in 2006.

Yulia shone with her talent in the "Brilliant" only until the end of 2007, and as soon as the contract signed by her with the producer of the group expires, the girl goes on a "free float", that is, begins a solo career. In this endeavor, she was supported by producer Marat Khairutdinov, while Kovalchuk herself got the opportunity to work in a variety of directions and creates songs of different styles. Her debut was the song "Push Me", later she also recorded a joint single with the group "Tea for Two".

Julia also takes an active part in numerous TV projects. For example, in 2008 she was invited to the reality show "The Last Hero", in which the singer took second place. In 2009, she appeared in the musical show "Two Stars", and then became the star of the "Big Races" project. Bright was her victory in the show "Ice Age", in the performances of which her partner was Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov. In 2010-2011, she was offered to become the host of the Minute of Glory show, she does not refuse such an opportunity.

Personal life of Yulia Kovalchuk

Until 2007, Yulia was in a civil marriage with businessman Sergei Anisimov. Her next lover was Alexei Chumakov, with whom she began to communicate closely while participating in the show "Dancing on Ice". Young people for a long time did not make any statements about their relationship. They are currently living together, but they are not thinking about children and a wedding yet.

Photo by Yulia Kovalchuk: from the personal archive of the artist

Yulia Kovalchuk is one of the most popular pop singers. She became famous from the moment when the girl began to sing in the "Brilliant" group. In recent years, the artist has performed solo, she has toured the most remote corners of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Since the beginning of 2009, the singer's personal life has been happy. She is in a relationship with her colleague Alexei Chumakov. In 2013, the stars got married. At the end of 2017, the girl became a mother. She had a wonderful daughter, Amelia.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Kovalchuk

At the beginning of the new millennium, the musical career of Yulia Kovalchuk began. She became a member of the Brilliant. From that time on, the girl's number of fans began to grow in arithmetic progression. They were interested in everything that concerns our heroine, including the height, weight, and age of the pop artist. It is easy to find out how old Yulia Kovalchuk is, knowing that the singer was born in 1982. In 2017, the girl celebrated her 35th birthday. The celebration took place in a quiet family circle, although Yulia began touring just a few weeks after the birth of her daughter.

Yulia Kovalchuk, a photo in her youth and now which is of interest to her fans, weighs 50 kilograms with a height of 165 cm. The artist has been following a healthy lifestyle from a young age. She does not eat starchy, sweet and alcoholic beverages.

Biography and personal life of Yulia Kovalchuk

The future star was born in a small town, which is located next to the legendary Volgograd. Father - Oleg Aleksandrovich Kovalchuk worked in a design bureau. Mother - Svetlana Vasilievna Kovalchuk taught at one of the nearby technical schools.

The girl has always amazed with her plasticity. From the age of 3 she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. But career dreams did not come true. Once Julia fell, as a result of which the doctors forbade her to play sports.

Then the talented girl began to dance. From that time on, she thought she would become a professional dancer. Although Kovalchuk very often traveled with the ensemble in which she performed, she was one of the best students in the class.

At the age of 15, the girl began to lead the school dance group, which performed at all events. Having received a certificate, our heroine goes to the capital of the Russian Federation to become a student at the Moscow State University of Culture and Art. In her student years, a popular pop singer becomes a member of the popular group "Brilliant". It was at this time that the biography and personal life of Yulia Kovalchuk became incredibly popular. Fans do not give the girl a pass, they make dates. She laughs, agrees and ... does not come. Julia during this period meets Alexei Chumakov. At first, the relationship was friendly, they gradually grew into love after a while.

Since 2008, the girl has been engaged in solo work. She participates in various television show programs, managing to successfully tour and record new music albums.

In 2013, the pop star married Alexei Chumakov. In 2017, the star couple became the parents of a charming daughter, who was named Amelia.

Family and children of Yulia Kovalchuk

Julia's family was ordinary. Mom and father wanted their daughter to be a creative person.

My father worked in a design bureau. He is the author of several projects.

The star's mother worked at a technical school, where she taught the basics of professional skills.

Currently, the family and children of Yulia Kovalchuk spend a lot of time in the couple's own house, which was built in Spain. Yulia and her husband often spend their holidays here in moments of relaxation.

Daughter of Yulia Kovalchuk - Amelia Chumakova

In 2017, the popular pop singer and her husband went abroad. It soon became known that they would soon become parents.

At the end of September, a wonderful girl was born. Her mother shared this with fans. The singer said that her daughter is a complete copy of her husband. She is dark-haired and brown-eyed. The name of the baby was unknown for a long time. Only in the spring of 2018, the singer shared the name of her daughter - Amelia.

The singer quickly got into shape after the birth of her daughter. The girl is raised by her grandparents.

The daughter of Yulia Kovalchuk - Amelia is still small. A popular singer and her husband hide their baby from others. They say that the child is still small, so you should not show it to strangers. The singer says that she gave birth to a special child. Amelia, despite her young age, surprises her parents every day with her achievements.

Husband of Yulia Kovalchuk - Alexey Chumakov

Yulia Kovalchuk's husband, Alexei Chumakov, became a popular pop performer after the release of the People's Artist project. Although the young man did not become the winner of the show project, he won the hearts of a large television audience. From that moment on, Alexei began touring a lot. He visited not only many cities of the Russian Federation, but also neighboring countries.

In 2003, two popular pop singers met. Then they often met, but friendship only in 2009 turned into a love feeling. They began to meet, but they were not in a hurry to share with anyone. Only in 2011 it became known that Yulia Kovalchuk was dating Alexei Chumakov, who is her beloved man.

It was at this time that they participate in the One-to-One show program. Julia hosted the program, and Alexei was one of its participants. He proved to be a master of disguise. It is not surprising that the man became the winner of the project. The audience loved his characters. Since then, the popularity of the performer has been growing incredibly. His tour schedule from now on is scheduled for literally a few months in advance.

In 2013, Alexei proposes to Yulia. For the engagement, the bride was presented with a two-carat diamond ring. Kovalchuk proudly showed the gift to fans. Soon, the marriage of two lovers took place on the Spanish coast. The solemn ceremony was attended only by relatives and friends. Numerous photos were posted on the singer's Instagram page.

Then popular pop singers often left for Spain. Here they built a house. Lovers make each other gifts and surprises. Julia considers a Labrador named Teddy to be the best gift for herself. It was presented to his beloved for two years of marriage.

In 2017, the wife gave Alexei the best gift. The couple had a daughter, who was named Amelia.

Hot photos of Yulia Kovalchuk delight her fans. On the page on Instagram, the girl often posts her pictures in a candid form. Julia's swimsuits are separate and merged. They do not hide the breathtaking curves of the body.

After the birth of her daughter, Julia very quickly got into shape. She impresses with her body, which can drive men crazy and cause envy in women.

The naked actress was filmed several times. In 2014, she graced the pages of the popular magazine for men "Maxim". She appeared outright. On the cover, the pop star appeared in a swimsuit that veiled the girl's white skin.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Kovalchuk

Instagram and Wikipedia Yulia Kovalchuk are replenished very often. They are the sources that help fans find out the latest and most verified information about the popular pop singer.

Wikipedia contains information about Yulia's parents, indicating their type of activity. Here you can find out what the artist likes to do, what albums she released and when. The page indicates how many years the popular performer worked in the Brilliant group, how her solo career is progressing.

Instagram of our heroine is replenished often. The girl often posts photos with her family, avoiding showing pictures of her newborn daughter. Article found on alabanza.ru

Julia was born on November 12, 1982, in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd Region. She was the second child in the family of the chief designer of the design institute and teacher of the Volga Polytechnic College. Yulia has a sister Jeanne, who is 7 years older than Yulia.
In her youth, Julia was an energetic and very inquisitive girl. I tried to imitate adults in everything. Five-year-old Yulenka got the opportunity to show her character: the girl was stubborn from childhood, she aspired to become a leader. Everything was going well in gymnastics, but once at a competition, while doing somersaults, my daughter fell on her back and got injured. The doctors assured Yulina's mother that nothing terrible had happened, and after completing the rehabilitation course, it would be possible to continue doing gymnastics, Svetlana Vasilievna was afraid for her daughter's health and transferred her to a choreographic circle. From the age of six, Yulia began to dance at the Rusinka center, she really liked the new activity. Dancing did not interfere with her studies: she was always an excellent student. Lessons taught to the last: at 11-12 at night, parents in their arms carried their sleeping daughter from behind the desk to bed.
In addition, Kovalchuk became an activist of the city youth committee: she was overwhelmed with social work and assignments. At the age of 14, Yulia earned a ticket to Orlyonok.
- From there, she returned matured and said she wanted to sing. I entered an evening music school and in two years, instead of the prescribed four, I graduated from it in the guitar class.
At this time, Julia began to compose poetry and sing songs of her own composition to loved ones. But the girl's main love was dancing. Kovalchuk from "Rusinka" moved to the folk dance ensemble "Venets", where there was a more adult group and strict requirements for choreography. With the ensemble, the future "Brilliant" went on tour in Russia, performed abroad.
At the age of 15, she organized her own pop dance ensemble "Elite", which became the best in the region, after which the group went to represent Yulin Krai at a festival in St. Petersburg. Even then, the talent of the young dance director was noticed by the dean of the choreographic faculty of the Moscow University of Arts ...
The provincial took Moscow with labor and talent.
Recruitment to the choreographic faculty of the prestigious metropolitan university took place every three years. It so happened that the happy year fell on Yulin 10th grade. Then the girl set herself the task: to finish the 10th and 11th grades in a year. And after the 9th grade, she goes to study at a technical school, where in the 1st year they pass the program immediately for two senior classes, in parallel she goes to classes in an evening school. He graduated with honors and went to Moscow.
The choreographic faculty of the University of Arts recruited 25 people. There were only 8 free places. Yulia Kovalchuk joined the lucky G8 and started a new life in the capital.
She lived in a hostel.
Kovalchuk graduated from the 1st year with honors, and the dean of the faculty immediately took her to his ensemble. Before the first and, as it turned out later, the last summer student vacation in their life in 2001, friends told Yulia that the Brilliant group was going to make a big dance program and was casting among the dancers.
Kovalchuk decided to try her luck. At that moment, when she was waiting for her turn in the corridor, the producer of "Brilliant" walked by. Julia liked him at first sight. He asked if the girl could sing, and, having received a positive answer, took her to the studio. Kovalchuk performed several of her songs, after which she was asked for coordinates.
The student went to Volzhsky, where she enjoyed her vacation. And on July 31, she received a call from Moscow. “On August 1, you should be in Moscow, you are starting to work as a soloist in the Brilliant group,” they said at the other end of the wire.
Flying away once again to a new life, Yulia did not yet fully believe in her success. In the capital, she began to study the group's repertoire, watched video cassettes with their dances and prepared for a meeting with colleagues who were on tour at that time. At first, she was received with hostility, but a month later Kovalchuk became her own and told her parents "how cool her girls are." Julia successfully entered the team, replacing Olga Orlova, who had gone on maternity leave.
For the first time, the Volga residents saw their compatriot on Central Television on the eve of the new year, 2002: in the updated line-up of the group, she performed at the final concert of "Songs of the Year" and in "Blue Light".
The Volzhans are proud of their famous compatriot, Svetlana Vasilievna's students tell the star's mother in which programs her daughter appeared, what and where they write about her, and when her mother goes to visit Yulia or she comes home, they ask her daughter to sign on cassettes, disks, photographs.
Nothing was given to Yulia just like that: she achieved everything with her own labor. In 2006 Yulia graduated from the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. In 2007, she took a master class by choreographers from London (Drive Dance School). In the summer of 2007, Yulia became a participant in the Ice Show of the Rossiya TV channel - “Dancing on Ice. The Velvet season". Yulia's partner was the Five-time US champion - Peter Chernyshov, with whom she won this show.

On January 1, 2008, Yulia began a new page in her musical life. Together with producer Marat Khairutdinov and poet-composer Konstantin Arsenev, Yulia took up a solo project.

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