Home Fruit trees Can I get an infection with my hands? AIDS in Magadan: how much is sick, who infects, how can you get an infection? Did you know that with the help of therapy, a person with HIV lives a full and long life, can start a family, raise children without fear of their everyday life?

Can I get an infection with my hands? AIDS in Magadan: how much is sick, who infects, how can you get an infection? Did you know that with the help of therapy, a person with HIV lives a full and long life, can start a family, raise children without fear of their everyday life?

Experts say you don't have to have sex to get infected. There is a risk of catching such an infection through other people's towels and even forks. You can even get infected in a solarium! Alyssa Dweck, an obstetrician-gynecologist from New York, talks about how to protect yourself from these diseases.

1. Human papillomavirus

Many people still do not understand that the human papillomavirus (HPV) can be picked up in the household.

Many people still do not understand that the human papillomavirus (HPV) can be picked up in the household.

"Bodily contact is a known route of transmission of the human papillomavirus, for example when someone touches a papilloma or a nearby area of ​​skin," says Alyssa Dweck.

Experts distinguish about 100 types of HPV, among which there are thirteen viruses of the so-called high-risk type, which lead to a precancerous condition (for example, to cervical dysplasia - by the way, only two types are responsible for 70% of all cases of cervical cancer and its precancerous condition) HPV - 16 and 18.

HPV can cause small lumps on the body, flat spots that itch, yellowish "strings" up to 5 mm in size, hard, like calluses. These outgrowths are formed on any part of the body, on the skin or mucous membranes (including in the genital area).

But do not look for papillomas in yourself and dwell only on this sign. After all, the virus can exist hidden in the body, even if the symptoms are not visually noticeable. Papillomas grow more actively in those who have weakened immunity, and in humans, than the body has powerful protective forces, they may not develop, despite the fact that the virus "dominates" the body. Up to 90% of adults are affected by HPV of various types.

“Papillomas appear on different parts of the body, not necessarily on the genitals: for example, they are found on the fingers,” says Dweck.

The doctor prescribes medicine to rid the patient of papillomas. He also offers other methods of treatment, in particular:

  • cryotherapy for papillomas;
  • removal of papillomas with a laser.

Nevertheless, despite these procedures, the virus can still be latent in the body and appear periodically on the body.

3. Trichomoniasis

The disease, whose name is difficult to pronounce, is not as well known as other infections. Meanwhile, the causative agent of the disease can live for some time on various household items, after the sick person touched him.

The causative agent of the disease trichomoniasis can live for some time on various household items after a sick person has touched it.

Trichomoniasis in women manifests itself as a vaginal infection. The symptoms of trichomoniasis are as follows:

  • strong discharge;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • itchy skin;
  • skin irritation.

"Trichomoniasis can be contracted by using someone else's dirty towel or vibrator that has not been cleaned properly after use," says Dr. Dweck.

Until now, there is no clear information on how long the virus can live. The doctor explains that it is still not worth panicking: you can become infected with trichomoniasis in the household way only if a sick and healthy person used the same things almost at the same time. For example, if you touch an infected surface a couple of weeks after the sick person has been in contact with this object, infection is unlikely.

According to Alissa Dweck, antibiotics are very effective for this type of infection.

4. Herpes

Herpes is often the first infection that comes to mind when people think about sexually transmitted diseases. The fact that a person can get it in a rather innocent way is forgotten ...

"Herpes is transmitted through kissing or hygiene items, such as after using someone else's dirty razor or cutlery. But, of course, the person has less risk of infection than during sexual intercourse," says Dweck.

There are two types of herpes simplex virus:

  • HSV-1 (most often "pours out" on the lips)
  • HSV-2 (most commonly seen on the genitals).

Now doctors don't see much of a difference between the two. According to gynecologists, it was previously thought that the HSV-1 virus only infects the oral cavity. A virus like HSV-2 was considered. But in fact, the differences between them are not so significant, because occasionally both that and that type can spread to other parts of the body: fingers, neck, face, eyes, and even the central nervous system.

Sometimes it happens that herpes is asymptomatic. At the same time, a fever on the lips is a sure sign of infection. Genital ulcers can also indicate the presence of a herpes infection (and HSV-1 can also cause them).

Doctors help the patient relieve herpes symptoms. But you need to understand that it is impossible to get rid of herpes completely, it is incurable.

Simple hygiene rules - washing your hands after the street and before eating, washing your hands before and after the toilet, not using other people's things, observing personal hygiene - are quite effective when we talk about STDs. You shouldn't be afraid of everything now. After all, in order to protect yourself from diseases, super-efforts are not needed: adequate hygiene is enough.

Every person at least once in his life had to feel on himself what an infected wound is and how long and painstaking the process of its treatment is. According to the classification of injuries, this type of wounds is the most dangerous, which, if incorrect and delayed treatment, can cause enormous harm to health, up to amputation of limbs or death.

This form of infection in wounds is caused by an imbalance between the microbes trapped in the wound and the protective properties of the body. Infection develops especially often in people suffering from diabetes mellitus and circulatory disorders due to weakened immunity, which cannot fully resist the painful process. Abrasions and bruised knees in children are also cause for concern.

There are times when it is not possible to provide first aid or treat the site of injury, and then suppuration begins in the wound. Pyogenic bacteria infect the wound, and as a result, general blood poisoning occurs, which can have dire consequences for the victim.

A pronounced sign of the infected state of the wound, that is, the presence of infection in it, is the accumulation of separating pus. There are some characteristics of purulent wounds that help to recognize them among other types of injuries.

The main signs of an infection in a wound are:

  1. Pain in the area of ​​the wound that is throbbing and aching.
  2. There is swelling around the wound.
  3. Redness around the wound at a distance of 1-2 cm.
  4. An increase in body temperature above 37 ° C indicates that the infection has begun to spread throughout the body.

These symptoms can be supplemented by general disorders throughout the body: dizziness, nausea and weakness.

Particularly dangerous for humans and favorable for infection is the period of the first 6-8 hours, when the pathogenic properties of microbial contamination are more pronounced. The presence of dead tissue is favorable for the development of infection.

In severe purulent infection, the body responds with a general reaction according to the nature and scale of the local process. As soon as symptoms appear in the form of edema and phlegmon, this reaction intensifies. Its striking representative is fever, which manifests itself in a deterioration in the patient's well-being, increasing pain in the wound, changes in the blood (an increase in leukocytes, the appearance of protein and hyaline casts).

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Complications of infection with a purulent infection

A serious complication of infection with a purulent infection is sepsis - a general infection of the body with microbes that have entered the bloodstream.

This disease proceeds against the background of a violation of protective immunological reactions or in the course of a prolonged neglected course of a purulent wound process. With sepsis, there is a different incubation period, which can last from two days to several months.

This condition is divided into acute, subacute and chronic sepsis. In severe cases, acute sepsis can result in the death of the patient within 2 days to 2 weeks, subacute - from 16 days to 2 months, chronic - from 2 to 4 months.

Acute sepsis is characterized by high fever and fever. The patient's condition is classified as severe. The skin takes on an earthy tone. In patients, the pulse is poorly felt, tachycardia begins, a decrease in blood pressure, anemia increases, and signs of leukocytosis appear. The condition of the wound is dry, with pale granulations, it bleeds easily, and a white coating appears. At the slightest suspicion of sepsis, doctors perform immediate surgery. This is the most effective way to save the patient's life.

Treatment of infected wounds

If purulent discharge begins to appear in the wound, this indicates that an infection has entered it. For quick wound healing, the infection must be suppressed by providing the victim with the necessary assistance. To begin with, you should ensure the outflow of pus. If it has accumulated under the crust formed on the wound, it is soaked in hydrogen peroxide and removed with a bandage applied for half an hour soaked in peroxide or other antiseptic agent. If pus is secreted under the skin, it is squeezed out of the hole, which is made along the edge where the flap of skin is adhered.

Obligatory procedures are daily treatment of the wound with hydrogen peroxide. If necessary, the pus must be squeezed out. Levomekol ointment is a good remedy that promotes the healing of an already cleansed wound. It is recommended to dress the wound daily with this ointment.

In case of acute suppuration (phlegmon, abscess), they resort to surgical intervention. The wound is opened with a scalpel, excision of non-viable tissues is performed and wound discharge is taken for laboratory studies of microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The wound is washed and dried for several times, then tampons soaked in saline are applied to the site of wound suppuration. For some patients with severe pain, saline is replaced with a solution of novocaine. Sutures are applied, which, with a good healing result, are removed on the ninth day.

Physicians very successfully use wipes with immobilized trypsin to heal purulent wounds, due to which local manifestations of inflammation disappear after several times of application of the solution. On the first day, pain disappears and the wound contents are exfoliated, the blood count improves. The terms of cleansing wounds and their further treatment after using this medication are halved. High efficiency, efficiency and ease of use are the main indicators of immobilized trypsin preparations.

Under certain indications, patients are prescribed analgesics, antihistamines and detoxifying agents. It is recommended to use immune stimulants throughout the therapy. When there is a threat of the spread of infection, according to bacteriological tests, doctors prescribe antibiotics. Control over the course of the healing process, treatment and adaptation in the postoperative period is carried out by physicians during dressing procedures.

Much attention is paid to the expressiveness of inflammatory processes on the sides of the wound, studies of the wound material and the patient's blood, as well as studies of the microbial spectrum. Doctors pay special attention to patients with diabetes mellitus and people with problems in the circulatory system. Their treatment is based on a different scheme and has a number of features due to the complexity of wound healing.


First aid

In the field, treatment of infected wounds consists of several stages. If the victims are on a hike, on vacation in the forest or mountains, where there are no medical facilities, then the whole process of treatment lies with the team. To do this, it is worth remembering a few recommendations aimed at providing first aid when receiving a serious wound:

  • it is necessary to stop the blood (apply a bandage or tourniquet);
  • treat the skin around the wound with a clean swab with an antiseptic (alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide);
  • treat the wound itself with chlorhexidine, a solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide;
  • apply a sterile bandage.

If the wound is serious, it will become inflamed within a few days. For its treatment, you urgently need to see a doctor in a nearby village.


Leaving places of civilization for a long time, you need to have a supply of medical supplies for first aid: antiseptics, Vishnevsky ointment, Streptocid, Syntometacin. And, of course, it is imperative to remember that active, timely treatment with complex and differentiated therapy, the inclusion of modern methods of rehabilitation measures will help speed up the healing process of wounds complicated by infection. Carelessness about health problems can lead to irreparable trouble.

Any surgery can lead to infection, which can have both minor and major effects on your health.

This article will help you identify some of the common post-operative infections so that you can easily spot them and see your doctor before it gets worse.

Surgery is usually the last resort once it is determined that the drugs are no longer working. However, surgery can cause infection.

How can an infection be diagnosed after surgery?

How do you determine that the discomfort and problems you are facing are the effects of the infection and not the healing process?

After the operation, the body becomes weak and therefore it is necessary to carefully and carefully ensure that the body is not exposed to bacteria and germs that can cause infection. These infections include pain, swelling, pus formation, discoloration of the skin, and general malaise.

General postoperative infections

Postoperative care usually includes checking the patient's response to the operation as well as the occurrence of infections. However, from time to time, infection tends to occur no matter how many preventive measures are taken. This usually occurs in the case of minor surgeries in which the patient is allowed to go home for a few hours after the surgery. It is in this case that most people are unable to determine that they are experiencing "healing" or "infection". This is why it becomes extremely important for a person to identify the physical discomfort that he or she is experiencing and to talk to a doctor as soon as possible. Early detection and identification of an infection can save you a lot of trouble down the road. Just read the following points and learn about the most common infections after surgery.

Headaches and / or body pain

These are the most common symptoms of infection after surgery, although they can also be confused with the effects of surgery! It is normal to feel pain and discomfort during your surgery, however, if you experience severe muscle pain and headaches after surgery, you should discuss this with your doctor as one of the causes may be an infection.

Swelling and redness

Observing swelling and redness at the site of surgery that does not subside from day to day, but becomes more severe, may indicate the presence of an infection.

Pus and bleeding

When pus begins to form at the site of the surgical suture for any reason, this is most likely a very serious infection. You can see that there is the formation of a thick greenish-yellow semi-liquid. In some cases, you will also see pus with some blood tinge along with it. If you experience this, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible to prevent further complications.


Again, mild fever is a common symptom after surgery, but if the temperature reaches 38 ° C then you should see your doctor. That is why it is very important to regularly measure your body temperature with a thermometer. Fever can be accompanied by headaches, body aches, and malaise. However, general malaise may also be present without fever.

Burning sensation at the site of the surgical suture

Another sign of infection after surgery is a burning sensation when you touch the incision. This indicates that the incision is infected and that the body is fighting the infection.

Other possible infections after surgery

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Discoloration of stool and urine
  • Vomiting with or without blood
  • Problems with urination and / or bowel movements
  • Loss of appetite or being unable to eat properly
  • Breathing problems

Postoperative infections will differ depending on the type of surgery that was performed. There are many ways to prevent infection after surgery. However, by observing how your body reacts after surgery, you can prevent serious consequences.

AIDS in Magadan: how much is sick, who infects, how can you get the infection?

HIV test. Photo "VM"

HIV / AIDS for ordinary people is always a terrible combination of letters, although mankind has been living with this virus for 30 years. But even today there are many myths around the disease that have no connection with reality.

Did you know that with the help of therapy a person with HIV lives a full and long life, can start a family, raise children without fear of infecting them?

"Very" publishes excerpts from an interview with the newspaper "Vecherny Magadan" with a freelance infectious disease specialist of the Ministry of Health and Demographic Policy of the Magadan Region Olga Zhuravkova.

Full version you can.

Olga Zhuravkova, photo "VM"- How many people are living with HIV in Magadan?

- In general, Kolyma is a prosperous territory, but cases are being registered. Last year, 57 new cases were registered among Russian citizens, and over the nine months of this year, 39 patients were identified, and these are mainly permanent residents of Kolyma.

Not many foreigners are registered, this year, for example, 6 people. During the year, 435 patients with HIV infection were registered at the dispensary, including the contingents of the Federal Penitentiary Service (on average, 30-40 PLWHA are held in penitentiary institutions annually).

In the region, HIV infection is registered in all districts. In total, 1,272,403 people were registered in Russia as of June 30, 2018.

In Russia last year, the incidence rate was 60.5 per 100 thousand, in the Far Eastern Federal District - 35.4, and in our Magadan region - 39.2, which is higher than in the district as a whole, but we also have survey coverage higher than in other Far Eastern regions - 33% of the population.

- Who is most often infected with this disease in Magadan?

Until 2010, the sexual transmission of the virus prevailed in our territory, then synthetic drugs appeared and those who used them began to become infected. Let me remind you that the peak of the epidemic in the Magadan Region passed in 2013-2014, and then it was possible to prevent the virus from breaking out from marginal groups. Over the past three years, we have observed mainly cases of infection through unprotected sexual contacts.

An analysis of the completed cases of the epidemiological investigation of HIV cases in patients diagnosed in 2018 showed that 80.6% of them contracted sexually. For comparison, in 2017, the share of the genital tract was 56.1%.

See what a significant increase! At the same time, women become infected through unprotected sexual intercourse twice as often as men. In women, in general, the risk is always higher due to the peculiarities of anatomy and physiology.

HIV infection is a slice of society. Registered in our Center are people from completely different social strata. These are both homeless people, the unemployed, and people with excellent social adaptation, having a family and a stable job. There are children and there are pensioners.

About children, by the way: in 2012 we had the only case of perinatal infection of a child in a woman who used psychoactive substances, she did not want this child, she was not observed anywhere and was not examined. At one time we told this story.

In addition, we continue to monitor and treat two children who arrived in our region from other territories of the Russian Federation. Since 2005, 51 women living with HIV in the Magadan Region have completed their pregnancies in childbirth, eleven of them in 2017, and seven in the nine months of this year, 3 more women are prolonging their pregnancies. The children born in the last year and a half are being monitored, and the rest have been removed from the register as HEALTHY. And it's great !!!

- How does HIV treatment work?

- Treatment allows you not only to take control of the disease in each individual patient. The goal of treatment is to suppress the replication (multiplication) of the virus in the blood so as to make the load undetectable.

For the patient, this means not only restoration of immunity to the level of a healthy person, but also a significant reduction in the risk of further transmission of the virus. Thus, we indirectly influence the incidence rate, using the “Test and Treat” approach proposed by WHO to reduce the number of new cases.

Technologies of the twenty-first century make it possible to study the virus for drug resistance and select therapy with those drugs to which the sensitivity is preserved.

- How do people who first learn about their diagnosis react to it?

- The first reaction in 99% of cases is expressed by the phrase "this is some kind of mistake." Although I will never voice the diagnosis as an established fact, without absolute certainty.

Do not forget that in order to clarify the diagnosis and exclude erroneous results, including those related to the notorious human factor, the sanitary legislation provides for an algorithm of steps that must be strictly followed in order to avoid errors.

Because the diagnosis of HIV infection is a trauma. Sometimes I hear from my patients: life before HIV and life with HIV. These are two different lives. It happens that a diagnosis radically changes a person's fate, both for the worse and for the better.

One wonderful priest, Father Methodius, said that HIV is a call, not a curse. And if for society it is a call to pay attention to the problem globally, then for an individual person it can become a reason to think and reconsider something in his life, to overestimate values ​​...

- What is the attitude of the people around you to HIV / AIDS?

- For more than 30 years we have been living in an epidemic and, I think, it is high time for everyone to understand that, firstly, HIV is a chronic infectious disease controlled by treatment, which allows you to live a full life, work, have a family and healthy children ...

And secondly, there are still three ways of transmission of the virus: parenteral, sexual and vertical (from mother to child). There is no other way for the virus to enter the human body and cause disease. Neither hugging, nor kissing, nor sharing utensils and bedding, nor sharing public transport will lead to infection. Just like going to the pool, for example.

The task of society and each individual member is not to stigmatize and discriminate against people living with HIV, but to assess the risks, including, and above all, their own.

And the main task, which can only be solved together, but must be solved without fail, is to finally raise a generation free from HIV. Tell your children about the real risks, how to protect yourself, about the dangers of drugs, casual relationships and family values ​​...

A problem like pimples is familiar to each of us. When insidious inflammations appear on the skin, and especially on the face, you just want to squeeze them out! But in order for the rash to not reappear after this procedure, you need to know how to squeeze out the pimple correctly.

What causes acne?

Unpleasant skin rashes can occur in both adults and children, but most often in adolescents in puberty - due to a hormonal surge.

In addition, acne and pimples can appear for the following reasons:

  • insufficient hygiene, the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • hormonal imbalance (in women during premenstrual syndrome or hormonal diseases);
  • deficiency of B vitamins;
  • decreased immunity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improper nutrition;
  • stress, lack of sleep, emotional stress;
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking).

Heredity also plays an important role - a predisposition to this problem, alas, is often passed from generation to generation.


There are several types of acne:

  • comedone is a pimple without an inflammatory process that appears as a result of clogging of the sebaceous gland duct with sebum and dead epithelial cells. Comedones are open and closed. Open looks like a black dot, most often on the nose and chin, and closed - like a small wen;
  • papule (or red pimple) - comedone inflamed from infection. A ripe pimple has a noticeable white dot in the middle, from which pus subsequently comes out;
  • a pustule is a formation with purulent contents, which has a large white head surrounded by inflamed skin. The main reason for the appearance of such formations is an introduced bacterial infection.

Is it worth it to squeeze out?

Both doctors and cosmetologists unequivocally say: pimples cannot be squeezed out on their own, since this can provoke the appearance of new formations on the skin.

Indeed, with incorrect squeezing, the purulent masses of the eel spread not only on the surface, but also penetrate deep into the epidermis, causing infection. In addition, inept actions can lead to skin injury and, as a result, ugly scars.

However, it is simply impossible to constantly look at the hated pimple, you want to squeeze it out as soon as possible!

How to extrude correctly?

Of course, it is ideal if you seek help from a professional cosmetologist who will relieve you of such a problem competently and painlessly. But visiting a salon whenever a rash appears on your face or body is naturally impossible.

It is possible to cope with the problem on your own only if the pimple is already large and fully ripe, that is, it has a white "cap" at the top. Remember that you can only squeeze out single white pimples and blackheads. If there are a lot of inflamed formations, they appear regularly and, moreover, they hurt, you will not be able to cope with the problem on your own: most likely, it is caused by some disease that requires separate systemic treatment.

If you feel severe pain with pressure, do not squeeze out the pimple, it is better to seek help from a beautician or dermatologist.

  1. Before squeezing out a pimple, prepare yourself: wash yourself with soap (preferably antibacterial), wash your hands thoroughly. Keep your fingers perfectly clean or you can easily introduce an infection into the bloodstream.
  2. To make the purulent contents easier to extract, make a steam bath: pour a few tablespoons of dry pharmacy chamomile into a bowl, fill it with hot water, simmer in a water bath for 7-10 minutes, cool a little. Cover your face with a towel over the bowl for a few minutes. If the formation is not on the face, moisten clean gauze with broth and apply to the sore spot for 7-8 minutes.
  3. You only need to squeeze out the pimple with the pads of your fingers, and not with your nails. If you have a sharp, long manicure, wrap your fingers in gauze or a clean, dry tissue.
  4. Take a sharp needle, disinfect with alcohol and gently, keeping it parallel to the skin, pierce the white head.
  5. Squeeze the skin on both sides with your fingertips and squeeze until all the pus is gone. After the ichor appears on the surface, remove your fingers.
  6. Remove the pus with a napkin and dab the wound with gauze moistened with Banziron cream or gel (this is a pharmacy drug that has antibacterial and wound healing effects).
  7. After the procedure, allow the skin to "rest", saturate with oxygen - this way the healing process will take place faster. Many women, after squeezing out, immediately apply decorative cosmetics to their face, wanting to make the redness less noticeable. However, this cannot be done, since in this way you can introduce an infection into the wound, and it will heal more slowly.

For this reason, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed - with proper treatment, the wound will be almost invisible the next morning.


In order not to face an unpleasant problem, you must make every effort to prevent its appearance:

  • observe hygiene: cleanse your skin daily with suitable cosmetics, and once a week use a mild scrub;
  • after washing, wipe your face with a decoction of chamomile or string - these herbs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • use antibacterial cosmetics aimed at fighting acne. A professional cosmetologist will help you choose it;
  • eat right, exclude from the diet too fatty, spicy, sweet, as well as smoked and pickled foods, fast food;
  • give up bad habits;
  • take a complex of vitamins and minerals recommended by your doctor several times a year;
  • try not to touch your face with unwashed hands;
  • change bed linen and towels more often.

Of course, it is better not to touch neoplasms, especially on the face - any pimple disappears on its own over time. But if you do decide to take this step, be sure to adhere to the proposed recommendations.

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