Home Fruit trees Autumn flowers in the garden (65 photos with names): how to turn your garden into a piece of paradise. Lush farewell to summer - autumn perennial flowers Garden flowers blooming in autumn

Autumn flowers in the garden (65 photos with names): how to turn your garden into a piece of paradise. Lush farewell to summer - autumn perennial flowers Garden flowers blooming in autumn

Autumn is a magical time when nature is preparing to take a break from the riot of colors and splendor of flowers. However, even during this period, a wide variety of plants bloom in the gardens, continuing to delight us with their grace and beauty.

They are also called autumn-flowering or short-day plants, because it is at this time of the year that the sun is no longer so hot, and the light part of the day is significantly reduced.

Of course, the number of autumn flowers is not as large and diverse as the summer ones, but, nevertheless, there are enough of them to decorate your autumn garden and fill it with a pleasant aroma, making it unique and inimitable. In the majority, autumn flowers are perennial, although annuals are also found among them.

So, the golden time meets us with its first month - September. What kind of flowers has this month prepared for gardeners?

In this article, we will look at the names of autumn flowers, descriptions and photos.

September flowers

In terms of its weather conditions, September usually differs little from the end of summer, and only towards the end of the month changes can be noticed. Therefore, in early September, many summer flowers still continue to bloom (begonia, gerbera, annual aster, etc.), but, unfortunately, they are unstable to the approaching cold weather and lack of sunlight. Often these plants are grown as annuals, especially in colder regions.

However, as already noted, there are a fairly large number of flowers that prefer to bloom in the fall.
The video shows an example of flower decoration in a flower bed.

Chrysanthemums (Dubki)

It is to these flowers that we will grant the right to open our parade of autumn beauty. There is a wide variety of varieties of chrysanthemums, differing in height (tall - grow up to one and a half meters, medium-sized and small - from 0.5 m), flower sizes and color tones (from white to copper-red, and purple, as well as all kinds of yellow and orange).

Varietal plants with large flowers usually begin flowering from the end of summer to the end of autumn. They are quite sensitive to cold weather, while species with small flowers winter well.
Recently, unpretentious Korean chrysanthemums with an abundance of small flowers that are strewn with bushes, for example, Alyonushka(inflorescences are simple bright pink), Altgold(pompom flowers are dark yellow), Snow White(white double flowers), Hebe(blooms until frost, pink-yellow simple flowers), Lada(double pink-lilac flowers), Summer (large red semi-double flowers), Orange sunset(large double orange-brown flowers). Chrysanthemum leaves also vary greatly in appearance and size.


They occupy a consistently high position in the ranking of autumn flowering, due to their long and abundant flowering. There are many varieties that bloom in the first two months of autumn, for which they received their popular name "September" and "October" (for example, New Belgian and New England varieties). Like chrysanthemums, there is a huge selection of different varieties of asters for every taste, both in height and size of the bush, and in color (shades of white, blue, pink and purple).

This is an unpretentious herbaceous plant that easily multiplies, is resistant to mild frosts, and its abundant flowering continues until winter, decorating the garden with bright stars of flowers. Often there are so many flowers on the bush that they hide the foliage of the plant under them. There are both annual and perennial types of asters.


Excellent decoration of the suburban area. They are shade-tolerant, grow on almost any type of soil, love moisture, but cannot tolerate excess moisture.

There are 6 main types of dahlias:

  • peony,
  • anemic,
  • needle-like,
  • collar,
  • spherical,
  • nymph.

The main difference between which is considered to be the shape, terry and size of flowers reaching 10-12 cm. Today this amazingly beautiful plant has about 20,000 varieties.

Dahlias are thermophilic, so their flowering usually lasts until the first cold weather, since even slight frosts have a detrimental effect on them.

Dahlias look spectacular when decorating paths, colorful parterres and large group compositions against the backdrop of a lawn.

Rudbeckia hairy

Everyone knows these beautiful bright yellow and orange flowers with a dark brown core, very reminiscent of a large (5-6 cm) chamomile. The plant has straight elastic, 45-65 cm high, rough stems and dense, rough, elongated leaves.

Rudbeckia blooms before frost, loves fertilized moist soil, shade-tolerant and has no special care requirements. She is fine combined with coniferous shrubs, looks great against the background of lawns and rockeries.

Zinnia graceful ("majors" or "majoriki")

This culture is also widely known among flower growers. Zinnia stems are vigorous and erect, with a hard down. The shape of the flowers depends on the species, varies from simple to double, and their dimensions reach 10 cm... Flowers have a wide range of colors and are characterized by their abundance.

The flower needs a nutritious soil, an abundance of sun and protection from the winds.

Zinnia is great for decorating flower beds, micro-borders, rabatki and balconies, and also looks great in flowerpots.

Other September flowers

September types of flowers include such as pansies, gladioli, decorative sunflowers, cannes, tuberous begonias, geraniums, balsam (wet vanka), crocuses, Jerusalem artichoke (flowers), echinacea, cosmea, euphorbia, erika and heathers, castor oil plants, petunia, levkoy, geleochrisum, osteospermum, dope, ornamental cabbage, amaranth, castor oil plant, marigolds, fuchsia, sweet peas, coleus, oregano, pinnate clove, delosperma, demorphoteka, calendula, lavatera, coreopsil, vashelenichru many other species that can make your garden truly colorful and joyful.

October flowers

October weather is usually very different from summer weather, many garden plants have faded, and any gardener wants to extend the summer fairy tale as long as possible. However, this month is also not deprived of Mother Nature, which has created many October masterpieces.

Among the autumn flowering plants in October, beauties can be distinguished, which you can read about below.

Snapdragon ("dogs")

A perennial plant is more often used as an annual. Its original small flowers resemble a lion's mouth, which is why it has its unusual name. The plant pleasantly surprises with the variety of its color shades and transitions from snow-white to maroon. "Dogs" can be like tall(up to 80 cm high) and stunted and even dwarf, not exceeding 20 cm. The inflorescences are located on a straight central rather strong stem in the form of a cone up to 35 cm long. Snapdragon stops flowering with the arrival of frost.

Snapdragon prefers light loamy soil in spacious areas well-lit by the sun, is very unpretentious, and regular removal of faded inflorescences contributes to the development of lateral processes, abundantly strewn with colorful flowers.

Snapdragon can be grown for curbs, flower beds, flower beds and microborders. The most popular varieties think

  1. lemon yellow "Lemonade",
  2. bright orange "Volcano",
  3. hot pink "Diamond Rose",
  4. fiery carmine "Sharlach Triumph",
  5. black and purple "Schwartz Prince",
  6. bright red "Defiance",
  7. snow-white "Schneeflex",
  8. dark purple-red velvet "Dunkel Garnet".

Autumn Gelenium

Gelenium is a real perennial miracle of nature, scattering over its bush with a cap of delightful sun-yellow, brick-purple or red-orange-small (3-4 cm in size) flowers. He is absolutely unpretentious and belongs to tall species(from 0.7 to 1.5 m).

Most attractive to him wet fertilized soil... Snapdragon looks great on the banks of reservoirs, in the form of hedges, background and middle plan of flower beds. They harmonize well with asters, delphinium, verbena and monarda. The most popular among gardeners are terry varieties.

Colchicum ("colchicum")

This mysterious plant is tuberous and bulbous. perennial and acquired its name due to the belated autumn flowering, unlike its counterparts. This is a real spring splash of beauty and tenderness among the fading colors of autumn. It does not exceed 20cm in height. Very unpretentious. The glades of Kolkhikum in the autumn landscape fascinate with their sophistication and sophistication.

Numbered order 70 different varieties this amazing flower. Prefers loose light soil and sunny southern areas. Looks great in rock gardens. Despite its attractiveness, the plant is poisonous and requires careful handling.

Pansies (viola or violet Vitrokka)

Wonderful undersized (15-30 cm) perennial frost-resistant garden culture, in the shape of its flowers resembling a violet. Viola refers to shade-resistant plants, but in shaded areas, its flowering is less abundant. The color range of pansies is wide and varied. Pansies do not tolerate excess moisture and prefer loamy soil.

These flowers perfectly decorate balconies, borders, outdoor flowerpots, a variety of plantings and can be planted around trees.


Nasturtium is a very popular horticultural species that grows in plots with a moderate nutrient content. On fertile soil, it develops its green mass and reduces the amount of color, and on poor soil it loses its decorative effect. Almost all types of nasturtium are annuals.

There are several main types of nasturtium:

  • bush(small one-year-old bushes up to 30 cm high are ideal for decorating landscapes, borders, microborders, flowerpots),
  • curly(annual view for creating hedges, balconies, walls, fences),
  • ampelous(annual view for vertical gardening and decoration of buildings),
  • terry(an annual species well used in landscaping),
  • climbing(perennial, used for the design of terraces, gazebos and flower beds).

Bushes height this culture varies from 25-30 cm to 2-3 m. Likes to grow in sunny areas.

Today, about 90 varieties of nasturtium for every taste are offered to the attention of gardeners. In cold regions, the most popular is Nasturtium multifoliate, which can survive temperatures down to -20 degrees.

Other October flowers

Other flowering October plants include ageratum, aster, marigolds, tuberous begonia, Bonar verbena, gazania, heliopsis, dahlias, panicle hydrangea, sweet peas, cobea, crocus, lantana, lobelia, daisies, pelargonia, rosacea, peturasia , stethoscope spotted and many others. These plants, with their scent and lush bloom, keep a piece of summer in your garden.

November flowers

And now, finally, autumn is coming to an end. November comes - the month when the garden is empty, the trees have dropped their foliage and nature is almost ready for winter sleep. Just at this time, I especially want to see a colorful corner of flowering plants, filling the air of the departing autumn with a special smell, recalling a colorful summer. Blooming plants in November are like an explosion of positive emotions.

Many plants that bloom in September and October retain their attractiveness.

Marigolds (tagetis)

Marigolds are both annual and perennial. It is known more than 50 varieties this sunny crop, whose flowers range from bright yellow to reddish brown, in a full range of shades and combinations, and create a picturesque floral carpet. They have an incomparable smell and grow in bushes from 0.2 to 1.2 m in height.

Flowers continue to bloom until frost. Depending on the structure of the inflorescences, tegetis is divided into

  • carnation,
  • chrysanthemum,
  • terry,
  • semi-double,
  • simple.

Gardeners are often used hybrid species of tagetis.


Pitunias can be another messenger of summer in your garden. Among 20 varieties This plant is represented by both annuals and perennials. The flower perfectly withstands almost any climatic conditions, unpretentious to the place of growth, which makes it simply irreplaceable for a garden plot.

Petunias come in both erect and creeping stems, and usually do not exceed 10 cm in height. This is a wonderful decoration for your summer cottage, especially in late autumn, thanks to the variety of color options for this culture.

Petunia fits perfectly into the design both in flowerpots and on flower beds, rabatkas, borders, and tolerates cold well.


This evergreen plant is a wonderful decorative ornament. Although it blooms in June, its luscious, dark green foliage will brighten up the dull November landscape of your garden. The most winter-hardy variety of rhododendron is the rhododendron katevbinsky grandiflorum.

The plant has lush crown and reaches up to 4 m in height. Its unpretentiousness, growth rate (8-12 cm per year) and the ability to live up to a hundred years makes the plant a godsend. A slightly acidic, acidic, peaty or loamy soil is suitable for its growth.


The variety of these extraordinary plants is simply amazing, and their beauty and abundant flowering attract many gardeners. The late species include a lush blooming phlox paniculata- a tall bush plant with bright juicy flowers of all kinds of colors from pink and scarlet to purple, there are even striped species.

Among the popular varieties of phlox are such as

  • "Vladimir",
  • "Cloud",
  • "Andre",
  • "Creme de Mente",
  • snow-white "Anna",
  • light salmon "Bornimer Nahsrmmera",
  • blue and white "Novinka",
  • tricolor "Margri".

the Rose

And of course, one cannot fail to mention the queen of flower beauty - the rose, some winter-hardy varieties of which continue to delight the eye even after slight frosts. Today, a huge number of pink varieties have been bred that can winter in the most severe climates and continue to bloom even with the onset of cold weather.

These types include park crops as well as selective Canadian and American species. Moreover, the choice in color and type of roses is so diverse that even the most biased gardener can choose a plant to his liking.

Other November flowers

In addition to those listed, plants such as echinacea, aster, Waller's balsam, gatsania, dimorphoteca notched, nemesia, Drumonda phlox, fuchsia, chrysanthemum, pansies and many other frost-hardy species will make your garden a green island of summer throughout November.

Obviously not in time, some plants bloom in cold autumn. Each of them has their own and very good reason for being late.

Aliens from the South

Until the snow, annuals bloom: nasturtiums, petunias, marigolds, morning glories, snapdragons, pansies, alissums. All of them are newcomers from the south, and in their homeland - in the tropics and subtropics - they vegetate much longer, grow and bloom for years, without any period of rest.

The southern plant introduced to the northern latitudes does not shed leaves until winter, which go green under the snow. This applies to lilacs, robinia (white acacia), and many southern poplars.

Of course, with the onset of winter cold, flower beds with "summer beds" do not look so decorative: many shoots and leaves dry up and turn black, there are more boxes with ripe seeds than flowers with buds themselves. The last bright strokes on the autumn garden palette always warm the soul especially!

Maintenance of annuals is minimal, use scissors and pruners once a week to remove dry parts and weeds. So you will support their decorative effect until the coldest days.

Blooming as a phenomenon

This botanical phenomenon - secondary flowering - appears almost every year. It happens at the moment when, after a short autumn cold, the sun peeps through again and warm summer days are established.

Either on the bushes of the viburnum, then on the lilac, sometimes even on the apple tree unexpected flowers appear. This phenomenon can be observed even more often in herbaceous plants. Take a closer look at the side of the road or the long-unmown lawn, and you will be surprised how many yellow-headed dandelions are found there! Of course, they are not as large as in May, and flare up with timid yellow sparks on very short peduncles, but there are a lot of them.

Will not please for long

Ephemeroids are herbaceous perennials with a short growing season, which occurs during the most suitable season for them.

The brightest and most famous autumn representatives are crockworms. This is the name for some species of the genus Colchicum (Colchicum). In spring they form a lush "plume" of glossy green leaves, which will turn yellow and fade by mid-June. In September, large lilac flowers will appear on bare soil, similar in shape to huge crocuses. It is curious that the box with seeds will begin to develop only next spring from the overwintered ovary of the flower.

In total, there are about a hundred species of the genus colchicum. In our gardens, the most common colchicum (Colchicum speciosum) and its varieties with white and double flowers.

Colchicum magnificent - a poisonous plant. Do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly after touching any part of it!

Even later, in the midst of autumn, flowers of another ephemeroid appear - the autumn crocus. Already in October, you can sometimes see graceful blue flowers of the beautiful crocus (Crocus speciosus) sticking out of the snow cover. They do not droop even in the night frost and hold on firmly for at least a week.

Final touch with oil

There are also such herbaceous perennials in our flower beds that they just tend to bloom late. Among them there are many southern introduced species that have adapted to cold wintering. Obeying circadian rhythms, they bloom when daylight hours are reduced to a certain limit (in their southern homeland this happens much earlier, when the weather is still warm), but the seeds do not always have time to ripen.

One of the symbols of the end of summer - the famous "golden balls" that stick out from any village front garden - is nothing more than an old and popular terry variety of rudbeckia.

Perennial bush asters are no less beloved among summer residents. For convenience, flower growers and breeders divide them into different groups: "Alpine asters", "shrub", "New England", "New Belgian". Each group has its own characteristics of agricultural technology. Having collected even a small collection of perennial asters, you are guaranteed to be "in bloom" from mid-summer to the very winter frosts.

Dacha is not only garden beds, berry bushes and fruit trees. Perennial flowers help to create beauty on the site. For a garden, unpretentious long-flowering plants are indispensable, as a magnificent frame for a canvas created by the labor of a summer resident.

It may seem to novice gardeners that breaking up a flower garden and caring for it is too troublesome. But with the right choice of crops, taking care of flowers will not take much time, and the buds will open from early spring to late autumn.

The most unpretentious flowers for spring

Early spring in the middle lane does not please with colors. Annual flowers have not yet been sown, even the most unpretentious perennials for summer cottages are just showing up from under the ground.

Are there really plants that are ready to bloom in the first warm days? Yes, wintering bulbous crops have formed the rudiments of buds since autumn and in the spring they are the first to illuminate the flower beds with all shades of the rainbow.


Crocus corollas of white, blue, yellow and even striped colors appear practically from under the snow. Plants with a height of 7 to 15 cm bloom from March to May, and after the withering of the flowers they retire.

Planting of bulbs is carried out in the traditional terms for spring bulbous plants, from August to September.

The best place for crocuses is in well-lit areas or partial shade, for example, under the crowns of shrubs or trees that have not yet blossomed.

Bright crocus flowers look great in group plantings, forming spectacular spots among stones, on alpine slides or in flower beds. Single plants enliven the look of a spring lawn.


From April to almost the end of May, low, from 10 to 20 cm, stems appear on the flower beds, crowned with inflorescences of small, bell-shaped flowers. This is muscari or mouse hyacinth. A modest ornamental bulbous plant can rightfully be included in the list of unpretentious flowers for summer cottages and gardens.

Once having planted very small bulbs somewhere under the crowns of garden trees, under large bushes of lilacs or mock-mushrooms, you can observe the charming flowering of muscari for many years, of which there will be more and more every year.

You can plant overgrown clumps of muscari in June, when the elongated-linear leaves and blue or blue flowers fade.

During the flowering period, plants need moisture, but it will be better to accumulate muscari forces in a well-heated dry ground. The advantage of these unpretentious perennial flowers is stable flowering in one place, undemanding care and excellent combination with other primroses.


Incredibly beautiful and fresh green clumps of Pushkinia with blue, white and blue inflorescences rising above the foliage.

This bulbous species blooms in April and May. Plants up to 20 cm in height love the sun or light partial shade, look great in mass plantings, as well as in the vicinity of primroses, medium-sized varieties of daffodils, carved green dicentra and stonecrops wintering under the snow.


Tulip is not only the most common perennials in summer cottages, but also the most unpretentious flowers. Today, lovers of spring flowers have hundreds and thousands of magnificent varieties at their disposal. However, not everyone knows that these garden plants belong to several species, differing both in appearance and in the timing of flowering.

Skillfully choosing varieties, with the help of tulips alone with a height of 10 to 50 cm, you can decorate an area from flower beds to an alpine slide. The first tulips start blooming in March, and the latest varieties wither at the end of May.

During growth and flowering, plants need regular watering, which is stopped in the summer when the bulbs are resting.

Garden tulip species react differently to frost. If in the southern regions the most lush terry and lily varieties can be considered unpretentious plants for a summer residence and a garden, in the northern regions the common tulips of Greig, Gesner and Foster need annual digging.

They can be replaced by low-growing botanical tulips or Kaufman tulips that winter easily in any climate.


Together with tulips, daffodils appear in garden beds. Blooming lasts from April to the last days of May, while the flowers illuminate the garden not only with bright sunny shades, but also with an exquisite aroma.

Depending on the variety, the plants reach a height of 30 to 60 cm. Flowers can be either simple or double, with a short or long crown. Daffodils prefer areas with loose, fertile soil. They grow well in the sun and under the crowns that open at this time. The main thing is that the soil in which the bulbs were planted in autumn should not be oversaturated with moisture.

Daffodils are long-blooming, unpretentious garden flowers that are successfully used in mixed plantings with tulips, incense, garden fern varieties, dicentra and other plants. Daffodils for several years feel great in one place. Growing up, they form very dense clumps, which are planted after the foliage has wilted, that is, at the beginning of summer.

Wintering bulbous cultures, appearing from nowhere in the spring, are unpretentious and bright, but at the same time their foliage cannot retain decorativeness for a long time. It dies off, exposing the place in the flower bed, so in advance it is worth taking care of planting a number of "replacement" crops, such as peony bushes, perennial poppies or aquilegia.


It's one thing to pick up long-blooming perennials and unpretentious flowers for a garden in the sun. Another is to find the same plants for both open and shady areas.

There are not so many shade-tolerant horticultural crops - a striking example of one of them is periwinkle. A groundcover or small shrubs bloom in the midst of spring and spread quickly, rooting without difficulty upon contact with the ground.

Periwinkle cultivars create spectacular clumps of fresh greenery, spotted in all shades of blue, white, pink and purple. At the disposal of gardeners, specimens with simple and terry corollas, smooth and variegated foliage.


Many ornamental plants are associated with romantic legends. Dicenter is no exception, which, thanks to such a story, is better known not by its real name, but as a "broken heart".

Thanks to the powerful rhizomes of the dicenter, it tolerates winter cold without loss. Foliage dying off in autumn with the arrival of heat again rises above the ground, reaching a height of 30 to 100 cm in different varieties.

A spectacular plant in May is covered with white, pink or two-colored corollas of bizarre, heart-shaped, collected in racemose inflorescences.

Flowering lasts about a month, and under the transparent shade of young foliage, drooping inflorescences of an unpretentious plant for a summer residence and a garden look brighter and last longer.

The flowering plant is worthy of admiration in a single planting, and after the withering of the inflorescences, it will become an excellent background for other flowers.

Planting flowers in the fall: what flowers can and should be sown before winter

In spring, work is in full swing, and every minute counts. Whether it's late autumn - enough time and you can devote it to the design of the flower garden. Many annual flowers tolerate winter sowing well, so pick the plants and go to the country.

It is convenient to plant flowers before winter not only because you can do it slowly, thinking over and marking out future flower beds, but also because the seedlings themselves turn out to be stronger than those sown in spring. Young plants, warmed by the spring sun, choose the time to wake up themselves, sprout thickly and get sick less.

Planting flowers before winter

The autumn planting of flowers is practically no different from the spring planting, although it is not so pleasant due to the weather conditions. However, if everything is done on time, this process will not take much of your time, and next season you will be able to admire the flower garden earlier than usual.

Where to plant flowers in autumn

Sowing flowers before winter can be carried out immediately at the intended place of growth, or it can be carried out in a special seedling school.

If you don't like replanting annuals from place to place, prepare your flower beds in the fall. To do this, weed, dig up and loosen the allotted area, then level it with a rake.

On a flat area with the edge of a hoe or flat cutter, outline the drawing of the future flower bed. Try to make it deep and clear so it doesn't get washed out by the autumn rains.

When the pattern is ready, draw the holes for the seeds - they should be twice as deep as usual, since the earth will sag and cake over the winter.

Flowers can be sown immediately in the pots designated for them, but the pots themselves will have to be buried in the ground for the winter.

If you have not yet decided where your summer plantings will be located, sow flower seeds before winter on any dedicated ridge or greenhouse.

In the open air, it is advisable to use high ridges, or at least fence them with boards so that the seeds are not washed away by autumn-spring precipitation, you can do without this in a greenhouse.

Using polycarbonate, slate, plywood or curb tape, divide the bed into separate sections and stick into each a plastic plate with the name of the plant you are sowing here. Leave the prepared ridges until stable frosts are established.

How to prepare the soil for flowers

Soil preparation for the autumn planting of annuals begins in late September - early October in the middle lane, and in early November in the southern regions. If your fall is warm, dry, you can prepare the ridges whenever you want. Of course, it is advisable to do this while the outside temperature is dry and stable.

In addition to the garden bed, you will also have to prepare the substrate for backfilling the seeds. It is also worth doing this in the middle of autumn, before frost. You can mix garden soil with peat and sand (1: 2: 1), or you can buy a ready-made seedling substrate - it will also work. It is advisable to store the mixture indoors so that it does not freeze and harden.

When a stable negative temperature comes, and there are no thaws in the forecast at least for the next couple of weeks, start sowing. In the fall, the seeds should be sown twice as thick as in the spring planting. Spread them over the frozen wells and cover with the mixture prepared in advance.

Flowers planted in autumn always bloom a couple of weeks earlier than others, but if you want to bring the riot of colors in your garden even closer, in spring, cover your crops with arcs and tighten with foil or dense spunbond - this will give you another 1-3 weeks of head start.

What flowers are planted in autumn

Not all flowers will be grateful for the autumn planting, but only those whose sprouts are able to withstand light frosts and are resistant to soaking. Therefore, it will not be possible to sow all the annuals you like at once and it is worth approaching the choice of seeds wisely.

Annual flowers before winter

If you do not know what flowers are planted by seeds before winter, select several annuals from this table. All of them tolerate autumn planting well, take root on different types of soils and delight with their decorativeness for many weeks.

Plant Popular varieties and varieties Where to plant What are they suitable for? Agrostemma Milas, Milas Seris, Ocean Pearl On dry areas, on neutral soils For high flower beds, mixborders, Moorish lawns Adonis Ogonek, Scarlet, Chelsea On illuminated areas, on all types of soils For rocky hills, rockeries and mixborders, garden roadsides Galaktika, Roseanne, Dragon, Rose turm, Symphony On a dry area where asters, levkoi, tomatoes, potatoes did not grow in the previous 3 years Mixborders, rabatki, front gardens, container cultivation Field cornflower Blue Boy, Blauer Jang, Polka Dot, Bullfinch, Frosty Mix In a sunny place, with any type of soil For flower beds, ridges, mixborders, ornamental gardens, Moorish lawns Godetia Grace F1, Satin F1, Azalea Flower Mixt, Lilak Blossom In a sunny place, on fertile clay soils For flower beds, borders, rabatok, vases and containers Delphinium Race Kelsey, Koenigs-Rittersporn, hyacinthous mixture, variety mixture Summer On illuminated calm areas, on loose, non-acidic, nutritious soils vax For high beds, mixborders, groups Dimorphoteka Tetra Goliath, Sunshine Hybrids, Sommermod, Irisch Lainen On illuminated areas, on poor sandy loam soils For mixed flower beds, rock gardens, rabatok, containers Calendula Pacifica, Bons, Kabluit any types soils, in places with medium illumination For front gardens, borders, mixed flower beds, balcony containers Kosmeya Pikoti, Sea shell, Sonata, Sensation On illuminated areas, on poor soils For hedges, front gardens, decorating buildings Kohia Acapulco Silver, Sultan, Kipil , Green Lace On illuminated areas, on loose nutrient soils For flower beds, borders, as an accent plant Lavatera Silver Cap, Mont Blanc, Tanagra, Novella, Ruby Royal On illuminated areas, on light soils For flower beds, ridges, borders, mixborders, containers Nigella Damascus Miss Jekyll, Persish Juveren, Persish Rose, Cambridge Blue, Olsorts, Baby Blue In the lighted areas, in the lungs soils For flower beds, curbs, mixborders, hanging baskets Phlox Drummond Fireball, Tutti Frutti, Chanel, Spark, Joy, Blue frost On illuminated areas, on nutrient soils For beddings, rock gardens, foreground mixborders, flowerpots Echinocystis and soils Absent On any areas next to the support For decorating technical buildings, hedges, supports Eschsholzia Mandarin, Mikado, Toreador, Red Chief, Milkmaid, Chiffon, Sparkling Carpet On illuminated areas, on poor soils For flower beds, ridges, curbs, mixborders, containers, ornamental vegetable gardens, rockeries maned Absent In illuminated areas, on any type of soil For mixborders, rockeries, individual group planting

Perennial flowers before winter

Among perennials, there are also flowers that willingly sprout and bloom during autumn planting.

If annuals are sown in the fall in order to speed up the process of their flowering, then perennials are stratified in this way.

As a result of sowing seeds before winter, flowers grow resistant to diseases, lush and can often bloom in the first year, even if they have to do it only in the second.

Plant Popular varieties Where to plant What is it suitable for Aquilegia Alaska, Nora Barlow, Adonis Blue, Winky, Florida, Robin In partial shade, on any type of soil For flower beds, rabatki, curbs, mixborders Arabis Schneehaube, Rosabella, Variegata On illuminated areas, on loose sandy soils For rabatok, rock gardens mixborders, flowerpots Gaillardia Zone, Kobold, Arizona Sun, Primavera, Burgunder, Mandarin, Lorenza On illuminated areas, on well-drained soils For flower beds, rabatki, alpine slides, curbs, mixborders Gentian Hohenstein JP, Rannoch, Shade , on rich soils For rock gardens, rocky hills, rockeries Doronicum Spring Beauty, Gold Dwarf, Little Leo, Miss Mason, Gold Straus On illuminated areas, on loose soils For mixborders and rockeries Carpathian bell Blue Clips, Deep Blue Clips, White Clips, Pearl White, Karl Forster, Blaumeise In lighted areas, in well-drained soils For rock gardens, stone gardens, flower beds, foreground mixborders Lavender Mun stead, Hidcote Blue, Ellagance Ice, Lavance Purple, Blue, Isis On illuminated areas, on loose neutral soils For curbs, alpine slides, rockeries Hellebore Potter's Wheel, Présoch, Montsegur, Red Hybrids In partial shade, on loose moist soil For decorating tree trunks, for group plantings Aubrieta Enchanting Morocco, Cote d'Azur, Giant Falls, Carnival, Dr. Mules, Don, Gloriosa, Wanda, Blue King On illuminated areas, on poor soils For rock gardens, flower beds Yarrow, Fanal, Fanal Coronation Gold, Gold Plate In open areas, on all types of soil For mixborders, group plantings

Sowing seeds of annual and perennial flowers in autumn will relieve you of some of the spring worries and will help structure the space in the flower garden. However, if you did not manage to prepare the seed beds this year, and the frost has already hit, you can always start planning and drawing flower beds on paper, and only meet the next autumn fully armed.

Autumn flowers - names of late flowering plants, photos and pictures

After summer is over, the garden can still be decorated with lush vegetation.

Some of them remain on the site even before the onset of frost.

Therefore, if you wish, it is worth arranging autumn flower beds of continuous flowering, choosing for them various flower crops.

Autumn flower beds for landscape design

In the fall season, the garden is decorated with plants that bloom continuously or bloom after mid-summer. These include phlox, pansies, marigolds. With them, you can grow chrysanthemums, autumn crocuses, dahlias, asters.

In addition to standard autumn specimens, gardeners extend the life of summer ones. If you remove wilted phlox inflorescences, they will bloom much longer. Other similar species are restored in the same way.

Typical autumn flowers delight with their flowering from September to November, but depending on the climate, they manifest themselves in their own way. So, before disembarking, it is important to study the information on the label.

It is advisable to start thinking about what kind of autumn plants you want to have on your site in the spring. It is optimal to start growing them outside the flower bed, and after the end of flowering, transfer them to the flower garden.

All autumn species are not whimsical to growing conditions... They are resistant to temperature extremes and light frosts without special agrotechnical actions. For example, ornamental cabbage even tolerates frost. Autumn flowers can be propagated vegetatively and by seed.

Perennial autumn flowers

Perennial plants include those that can grow in one place for several years. Among the autumn perennials, there are various interesting species.


Late varieties of phlox bloom in September. But after the time in which they are actively blooming, you need to pluck the dried inflorescences.

These plants are very demanding in terms of care. Phloxes need a well-fertilized soil, deep loosening of the soil and sufficient moisture.

Flowers will be appropriate in autumn flower beds, as they develop well in partial shade, and therefore with a short daylight hours.


One of the most popular ornamental plants in autumn gardens. Depending on the variety, chrysanthemum flowers can be of different colors: white, lilac, burgundy, yellow, red and orange.

They also differ in the size of the inflorescences and bushes. The early varieties of chrysanthemums bloom from August to October, and the later ones only before the onset of frost.

Chrysanthemum is not whimsical to growing conditions, but it has some requirements. Shrubs prefer light soils, deeply loosened. Do not forget to fertilize them with organic compounds.

Although chrysanthemum loves moisture, it needs drainage in winter. For the culture, mulching must be carried out immediately after frost, which will save it from the effects of low temperatures.

Oak plants or Chinese chrysanthemums, which bloom until the very frost, are no less famous. Oaks are undemanding to the composition of the soil, but they need sunlight and good drainage.

Perennial asters

These flowers come in tall and short forms, with which gardeners often decorate flower beds from late summer to the beginning of frost. Perennial asters have different names and are known as septenins and octobrines due to their autumn bloom.

Asters come in a variety of colors, including purple, white, red, blue, and many more. In specialized stores on sale there is a wide variety of varieties of asters, where pictures, photos and descriptions of the species are presented on the packages.

Plants go well with annual crops and perennials. A wide variety of shades and shapes of inflorescences allows you to grow asters in many types of landscape design.


Dahlias in the garden look good next to peonies, irises and annuals. Against the background of the lawn, these bulbous flowers look spectacular in single plantings.

Their bloom lasts from July until the onset of frost. In autumn, the aboveground part of the dahlias disappears, and the lower part of the stems and tuberous roots must be dug up and preserved.

You should choose a permeable soil rich in nutrients for growing plants.


This ornamental flowering plant, also known as montbrecia, gets along well on many types of soil, requires moderate moisture and abundant lighting. Crocosmia blooms in July, and ends flowering in late August - September.

If the flowerbed has poorly drained, heavy soil or little snowy weather, then it is better to dig up the tubers of the plant before winter.

Some specimens can grow up to 1 meter. The light green leaves are sword-shaped. The color of the flowers depends on the variety and is orange, yellow, red. Will be the perfect companion for lilac and purple asters.


Some goldenrods are weeds, as they quickly multiply by self-sowing. But these ornamental plants can really be called representatives of flowers.

Their unique inflorescences can be spike-shaped, paniculate, umbellate in shape, and as they develop, they change their appearance. Goldenrod is an unpretentious specimen, as it tolerates drought, high humidity, but they are not grown in the shade.

Depending on the variety, these plants begin to bloom from mid-June to early winter. In the garden, goldenrods will take place in various compositions. It can be tapeworms, curbs, mixborders, use in rock gardens and even for hedges.

Echinacea or rudbeckia purpurea belongs to the Aster family and has large flowers with reddish-purple petals.

There is also another type of plant - beautiful rudbeckia, in which the inflorescences look like yellow-orange baskets with a large brown core.

Echinacea is unpretentious and has a long flowering, up to real frosts.

Although rudbeckia are frost-hardy, they are demanding on growing conditions. Flowers are not suitable for cutting, so they are used to decorate the natural environment.


This unpretentious flower that looks like a chamomile blooms from July until frost.

Terry yellow inflorescences of coreopsis on high stems perfectly enliven the autumn landscapes in the areas. It is necessary to feed it during flowering. To make the coreopsis bloom even more actively, the buds should be removed.

Coreopsis bushes are also undemanding to the choice of neighbors on the site. They can be delphiniums and sage. Low-growing varieties can be used to decorate curbs and containers placed on windows or terraces.


An exotic flower from the lily family is gradually spreading to garden plots. Tricyrtis, associated with an orchid, is highly decorative, but at the same time it requires careful maintenance.

It is optimal to grow this unique plant on chernozem soils, in partial shade conditions, as well as to avoid drafts and use a drip irrigation system. Fresh manure is not suitable as fertilizer. For the winter period, the flower needs to be covered.

Tricirtis is a spectacular and rarely used specimen in culture. Beautiful flowers will be appropriate in group plantings of rockeries. Orchids, hosts, ferns, and arizem will be ideal partners in flower beds for tricyrtis.

Annual flowers for the autumn garden

Annual representatives of flowers reach rather large sizes, in contrast to perennial plants.

Their choice for the garden is varied - it includes varieties of annual asters, zinnias, delphiniums and many others.


These annuals often grow not only in street pots, but also in containers on the windows.

Zinnias love light and tolerate drought, bloom before the start of frost, that is, until mid-September.

In damp weather conditions, the plant can quickly wither, but if you find a suitable place on the site, large zinnia inflorescences of bright colors will decorate the garden for a long time.

Ornamental cabbage

These autumn flowering plants are two years old, but are grown as annual crops. The ornamental cabbage, known as brassica, reaches its peak in early fall.

Tall leaves of a plant can have different widths, and are also straight or wavy. Also, depending on the variety, their edges are trimmed with teeth, cuts of different depths.

Cabbage foliage can be of the same color or multi-colored, including shades of green and even red and purple. Usually, on the outside, the sheet is painted in one color - green, and several tones can be combined in the outlet.

To care for brassica, it is enough to remove weeds and loosen the soil. The amount of watering is influenced by the amount of precipitation in summer. Cabbage tolerates temperatures down to -10 ° C, because in summer it accumulates a large amount of nutrients. Thanks to this, the plant blooms not only until November, but even in winter it will continue to decorate flower beds.

Delphinium (larkspur)

The plant, depending on the species, can be annual or perennial. Its height varies from 0.4 to 2 meters. White, purple and blue delphinium flowers are collected in pyramidal inflorescences.

Larkspur should be planted in sunny areas and protected from drafts. On too hot days there is a risk of burns, so it is advisable to place the plant in a windless place, where it will be in the shade for at least 2-3 hours a day.

Flowers for a flower bed are the best

All flower lovers try to create a constantly blooming garden, but if the land plot is not very large, then a gorgeous flower bed will be enough.

For her, you can pick up decorative crops that bloom alternately, during the warm period, from early spring to late autumn.

The choice can be stopped on both annual and perennial crops, as well as textured conifers or unusual cereals.

Flowers for a flower bed of continuous flowering

The flowerbed will become dazzled in early spring, if primroses are planted on it: forest tree, chionodoxa, muscari, fragrant hyacinths and various crocuses, as well as bright hellebores. These first flowers will be very long-awaited after winter and will decorate the first spring days with their colors.

Primroses will be replaced by anemones, primroses and blue periwinkle.

As well as beautiful, diverse and very effective petunias and viols.

Not a single flower bed can do without daffodils and tulips, the choice of which is so great that it will satisfy the tastes of even the most picky grower.


Recently, more and more often, free corners of the garden are decorated with miniature botanical tulips. The most popular varieties are Urumiyskiy, Hegera "Little Princess", Tarda. It should be noted an excellent tulip, which releases 3 bright red flowers with pointed petals from one stalk.


It is imperative to provide a place for an odorous peony bush, root or tree. Both representatives are famous for their huge double flowers.

At the same time, the imperial hazel grouse, lilies of the valley and bearded irises begin to flaunt.

Lilies of the valley

Closer to hot summer days, poppies, snapdragons and dicenter with its broken flower hearts will bloom.


The neat islets of the gargan bell, which can be planted at the very foot, near stones, a curb or other fence of a flower oasis, will also look good on a flowering flower bed. For the same purposes, you can use all kinds of sedum, obrietu, alissum rocky and subulate phlox.

Alissum phlox subulate

The flowering rugs of these groundcover plants are the perfect backdrop for any large plant, giving the soil a fabulous look.

And, of course, one cannot ignore the queen of flower beds - the rose. Decorating a limited piece of land, you can opt for standard representatives or spectacular climbing roses.

You can use a less common shriveled rose, better known as a variety of large-fruited rose hips. Its flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter, are not only beautiful, but also have a wonderful aroma.

And in the fall, this bush will delight you with huge fruits, up to 3 cm, very noticeable against the background of fading crimson foliage.

Lilies are no less original. Currently, breeders can please both with complex specimens with huge odorous flowers up to 20 cm in diameter, and with completely unpretentious oriental or Asian hybrids.

The flower garden will not fade if phlox, mattiola, fragrant tobacco are planted on it. Their rich colors and pleasant smells fill the air until autumn.

Scented tobacco

On cooler days, asters, autumn marigolds, dahlias and chrysanthemums, which bloom until the first frost, will start to delight.


Having planted several unusual plants in the flower garden, such as the cylindrical impera, Chinese miscanthus, eternally green oat or sedge, in combination with juniper or western thuja, it will be possible to admire the flower bed even in winter, when the first snow or frost decorates these plants.

Perennial spring flowers for a flower bed

Snowdrop (Galanthus)

This flower is popular with flower growers due to flowering when there is still snow around. The plant has a small height of 12-15 centimeters with two leaves. The wild species blooms early in April, as soon as the snow melts and even against the background of snow. There are also garden species that can be successfully grown; the plant loves areas that are not exposed to direct sunlight.


It is not whimsical to soils, but does not like excessively humid places. Since the garden snowdrop species originated from wild plants, they are very hardy plants.

Reproduction takes place in two ways:

  • Seeds that are sown in the summer without pretreatment after being harvested from the plants. But this path is long, due to the fact that the first shoots will appear only in the spring of next year. After the young plants have strengthened, they are transplanted to a permanent place.
  • Bulbs: they are dug up in the second half of summer, the baby is separated, dried and planted in a permanent place at the beginning of autumn. The planting distance for large bulbs is 7-10 centimeters from each other, and small bulbs are planted at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from each other.

Scylla (blue snowdrop)

A plant of the lily family, for the earlier flowering and blue color of the flowers, it got its name. The plant has bright green and wide leaves, which are arranged in rosettes of 3-4 pieces and several beautiful blue flowers.

Flowers prefer loose and semi-darkened soils. They tolerate winter well, reproduce like a snowdrop (seeds and bulbs). When sowing seeds, seedlings appear only in the 3-5th year. Great for forcing for early flowering in mid-winter.

Muscari (Mouse Hyacinth)

A beautiful plant from the lily family. Flowers of different colors: blue, white, lilac-blue. Frost-resistant, grows in one place for 4-5 years. It propagates like all bulbous plants by a baby, less often by seeds, since seedlings appear only after a few years.

Bulbs are planted at the end of summer, flowers appear on the plants the next year. It is widely used in forcing.


It is one of the most common early flowering plants. There are crocuses that bloom in early spring, and there are crocuses that bloom in late autumn. Plants are small up to 14 centimeters, flowers have different colors (from white to yellow).

A rare feature of the plant is its leaves, which only grow after flowering ends. For reproduction, corms, baby and seeds are used. It lends itself very well to forcing and blooms profusely in winter.

For obtaining fresh and beautiful flowers in winter, late autumn into a prepared mixture consisting of two parts of sod land and one part of leaf humus and river sand. After about two months, the crocus blooms.


Widespread among flower lovers for early flowering and beautiful, pleasantly smelling flowers. For these flowers, a richly fertilized and well-loosened soil is prepared. The bulbs should be planted in autumn (September-October) at a shallow depth (about 10 cm) and mulched with humus. Bulbs overwinter and bloom profusely in spring.


It mainly reproduces by children (small bulbs), they are taken from large ones at the end of summer, dried and planted in September. Also, like crocuses, they are suitable for winter forcing, it is important not to forget to keep the soil moist at all times.


Bulbous plant of the lily family. Currently, more than 120 wild types of flowers have been studied and several thousand varieties and hybrids have been bred as garden flowers. Tulips are divided into 4 groups: early blooming, medium blooming, late blooming and wild.

Propagated by seeds or vegetatively. But in practice, propagation by bulbs and babies is used, for this, at the end of summer, when the leaves of the plant are already dry, they dig up the bulbs. They dry well and separate small from large.


Bulbs larger than 2 centimeters in diameter can already be used for flowering, smaller ones require one or two years to grow.

Tulips love loose, well-fertilized soils with normal light. These flowers do not like dimly lit places and acidic soils, on which plants will grow poorly and often get sick.

Tulips are the best flowers for indoor distillation. At the end of September, they take the best bulbs and plant them in pots, one bulb each. A soil mixture is prepared from turf soil mixed with humus and sand.

The soil in pots is watered abundantly, and sprinkled with sawdust to retain moisture. Then they are placed for 1.5-2 months in a room with a temperature of no more than 3-7 degrees. After that, the pots are placed on a warm windowsill, and after 25-30 days the plants will bloom. Cut tulip flowers are stored in fresh cold water for a long time, for which they are especially popular in the flower industry.

These flowers for a flower bed are unpretentious both to soil and to care, so even a novice amateur florist can cope with their cultivation.

Perennial iris for flower beds

This flower is distinguished by its special grace. It is impossible to look away from its royal beauty and surprisingly sophisticated form. Translated from Greek "iris" means - rainbow. According to legend, the goddess Irida came to earth to people precisely by the rainbow. These flowers received this name in the 4th century BC.

Perennial iris for flower beds

There is a very interesting legend about how the flower spread throughout the earth. Initially, irises grew only in ancient Asia, but the birds that inhabited forests and gardens there spread the seeds of this plant around the world.

The well-known city of Florence received this name only because all its borders were planted with blooming irises.

Today there are more than 250 types of irises. They grow on all continents. Only in the latitudes of modern Russia can be counted about 60 species of this flower. Iris is a distant and more ancient relative of gladiolus.

Among all the variety of irises, the most popular are: Siberian, bearded and Japanese species. The marsh type of bright yellow iris is also very popular.

The bearded iris is a very interesting flower. Along the edge of its petal are delicate, colored hairs, which in their appearance very much resemble a beard.

A feature of Siberian irises is their special resistance to low temperatures and not whimsical to growing conditions.

Japanese irises retain their decorative appearance and flowering for the longest time. You can separate them once every seven years, in early autumn or spring.

Swamp iris is a wild plant, but it attracts people with its bright yellow color. Swamp iris reproduces by seeds, which, when in the water, are easily localized in new places of growth.

Perennial peony for a flower bed

This amazingly beautiful flower can rightfully be called the king of plants. In addition to its bright color, the peony has a special, very delicate aroma. It cannot be confused with other colors.

Peony perennial

Few people know that the peony is endowed with a deep philosophical meaning. According to the oldest records of Chinese scholars, peonies symbolize the fundamental positions of any person - love and family.

These light, seemingly weightless plants attract with their bright and large flowers. Some types of poppy have different color buds. Shades range from pure white to rich purples and violets.

The peculiarity of the poppy is the quickly falling flower petals. Also, the poppy boll gives the largest amount of very small seeds. Their number can reach more than 300 thousand pieces in one flower.

Poppy is widely used both for medicinal purposes and in cooking. Therefore, poppies can very often be seen in personal plots, orchards, vegetable gardens. Due to their unique beauty, poppies are planted in flower beds with a purely decorative function.

Poppies create wonderful compositions with other flowers. Floral arrangements of poppies of various color shades look interesting.

Poppy has become widespread not only due to its decorative, medicinal and practical properties. Poppies are very unpretentious to care for. It can be planted in any soil, it will delight you with bright flowers for more than one year.


These perennial, herbaceous plants are not often found in flower beds or in the garden. However, with their flowers, they are able to decorate any site. Anemones look especially impressive against the background of stones in combination with other plants.

Anemone belongs to the buttercup family, and has more than 120 different species. As a rule, this thermophilic plant grows well in the southern temperature zone.

The ancient Greeks called anemones "the daughter of the winds". They believed that the wind helps the flower bud open or close. But of course it is not. In fact, the flowers of the anemone are so delicate that under the influence of the wind, large, but rather fragile petals curl up.

Anemones are quite long plants. Thin stems reach up to 50 cm in height. Depending on the type of flower, the color of the petals and sepals of the plant changes.

Anemones gained popularity due to their long flowering. All summer and autumn, they will delight with their color. Anemones create wonderful compositions with shrubs and trees.

Approaching creatively, with love and knowledge of the matter, you can turn any piece of land into a piece of paradise, which will delight with its unfading beauty, color change and vibrant texture. The main thing to remember is that you should not plant everything, choose only what is closer in spirit and mood.

Read about annual flowers here.

Photo gallery of flowers for a flower bed

What garden plants bloom in autumn

Autumn fills the garden with bright but sad colors. The greenery of the foliage is replaced by red, orange, and yellow. And what about the flower beds? Exuberant flowering ends when summer leaves, and many flower gardens look very deserted ... But knowing which flowers bloom in autumn, you can revive the garden and, as it were, delay the onset of winter.

There are significantly fewer plants that bloom in autumn than those of summer and spring blooming, but still enough species are known to be able to create any composition.

Autumn flowers

No matter how different the autumn flowering plants are, they all have one thing in common - they need a short daylight hours to set buds and bloom. The most common garden flowers are discussed below.

Callistephus chinese- this is the well-known one-year-old aster, which has been captivating gardeners for many years with its various inflorescences.

There are more than 3000 varieties that differ in the shape and color of flowers, their number and size of the bush.

There are dwarf varieties with cushion-shaped bush outlines, as well as medium and tall specimens that form columnar or spreading forms.

Flowering times may vary, but, as a rule, most varieties bloom at the end of summer and continue to delight the eye until mid-autumn, and in the southern regions without frost, flowering continues in winter.

Callistefus is unpretentious in care and can grow on any soil, the main thing is to choose a sunny place for planting. He also tolerates partial shade, but this affects the number and size of flowers. It is best to grow this bright flower in a seedling way.

Aster Is a perennial herb that is also known to many. Represents
strongly branched shrub with many medium-sized flowers. The leaves are similar in shape to the leaves of an annual aster, but slightly smaller.

Among this culture, there are also dwarfs and giants with various forms of bushes. The color and size of flowers also varies. Autumn asters bloom in early September and are covered with buds until mid-November.

The plant as a whole is unpretentious, but the place for planting, as in the case of other perennials, needs to be thought out in advance.

Croxomy is a magnificent bulbous flower native to Africa. This relative of the iris blooms until late autumn with bright orange or red inflorescences of large flowers. The whole bush looks very decorative - tough xiphoid leaves and a branched peduncle strewn with buds.

The plant is quite large and reaches a height of 70 cm, and also grows significantly in width.

Croxomia is unpretentious and grows in any place where moisture stagnation does not form. It is planted in the spring to a depth of 7-10 cm, depending on the size of the corm. Frost resistance depends on the variety, but most survive our winters with a shelter in the form of a thick layer of sawdust.

Chrysanthemums are another usual fall flowers; these bright bushes adorn almost any area.

Chrysanthemums form dense, highly branched bushes with a height of 20 to 150 cm. The shapes and sizes of inflorescences are also different - there are simple, double and semi-double varieties, varieties with needle, feathery, tubular petals. The colors are very diverse.

The flowering times are also very different, the earliest ones are covered with flowers in June, and the autumn ones can bloom until snow falls. Actually, thanks to this variety, you can create a flower bed from chrysanthemums alone.

The best place for a chrysanthemum is a well-lit hill or slope. Any land is suitable, but the bush grows most magnificently in light fertile soil.

Gelenium- another beautiful perennial flower for a flower bed. It is a rather dense and tall (70-150 cm) bush with small lanceolate leaves and bright flowers. The inflorescences range in color from yellow to red-brown, depending on the variety. The timing of the blooming of buds also depends on it - in addition to autumn flowering, there are both spring and summer varieties.

Actually, a helenium bush is not a bush at all, but a colony of single specimens. Flowering shoots live one season, but by winter, many new leaf rosettes are formed, which will give out flower stalks the next year.

Gelenium loves sunny locations and moist soil. You don't have to worry about close proximity to other representatives of the flora - this species grows well in densely planted flower beds.

Colchicum- a small bulbous perennial that is very similar to a crocus. Its large flat leaves appear in the spring, but die off by the middle of summer. Delicate bluish-lilac flowers appear in September-October.

This strange flower prefers light soil and sunlight, although it can grow in partial shade. Looks spectacular when planted in groups. It is worth remembering that all parts of the crocus are poisonous.

Autumn cereals

Ornamental cereals are another group of species for decorating an autumn garden. As a rule, such plants retain some beauty in winter. Last year's leaves and inflorescences are usually cut in early spring, before growth begins, unless, of course, shelter is required for the winter (in this case, pruning is carried out in the fall).

White reed reed- a fairly tall perennial, its fluffy-looking bushes grow up to one and a half meters in height. The leaves of the cereal are rather narrow and tough. Loose panicle inflorescences appear in July and last until the cold weather, although they can stand the winter.

Reed grass is unpretentious, it grows best in dry, sunny places. In the spring, the leaves and peduncles remaining after winter are cut off almost at the very ground.

Moliniya blue- a compact perennial up to 60 cm high. It forms a spherical loose bush, which is especially decorative in autumn - panicle flowers grow on yellow peduncles, and long narrow leaves acquire a bright yellow color.

In summer, a bush of moths of a uniform bluish color, but there are also variegated varieties. Inflorescences appear in August and last until the cold weather.

Molinia prefers moist, acidic soil and plenty of sunshine. Shelter is required in regions with harsh winters.

Broad-leaved flat grate is a herbaceous plant with wide, bamboo-like leaves. It grows up to a meter in height. It is interesting because it changes its color during the year.

The leaves grow light green, and by autumn they gradually acquire a golden color. The inflorescences of this cereal are also remarkable - in some way they resemble hop cones, but flat, as if ironed.

They bloom green, but then turn bronze or pink-yellow.

For full color development and abundant flowering, the flat grate needs a well-lit location. Loves abundant watering.

Boutellois graceful is a small annual cereal native to Mexico. Forms compact loose curtains. The leaves are very thin, but tough and curved at the ends. Of particular interest are boutellois inflorescences - they appear from July to September, at first red, and then brighten and become straw. They resemble miniature brushes in shape and are arranged horizontally.

Boutellois grows on any soil and tolerates drought well.

Shrubs blooming in autumn

With all the variety of herbaceous flora representatives, one should not forget about shrubs.

Hydrangea is a shrub that brings variety to the autumn garden. And all because the inflorescences-balls of hydrangea are painted in colors unusual for this time of year. Pink, white or blue, they look contrasting against the background of the yellow-orange foliage of the surrounding plants. There are hydrangeas that bloom in summer, and there are varieties that run from late summer to mid-autumn.

This shrub loves fertile soils and abundant watering. Winter hardiness depends on the variety; large-leaved forms are less resistant to cold weather and require shelter. Often the color of hydrangea inflorescences depends on the acidity of the substrate.

Erika and heather- undersized evergreen shrubs with unusual scaly leaves. These two species are often confused, but they can be distinguished by the timing of flowering. Heather blooms in the summer, but its flowers remain on the bush for the entire autumn period, already dried up, but not losing their color.

Erica is blooming in the middle of autumn. Bushes and thickets of heather during flowering look like pink, lilac or white clouds.

Both species are unpretentious, grow even on poor soils. A mixture of coniferous soil and sand is ideal for them.

the Rose- the well-known queen of the garden. Many of its varieties bloom until late autumn.

Features of use in landscape design

Many plants that bloom in autumn have no decorative value in other seasons of the year, while others, on the contrary, are beautiful from spring to the onset of cold weather. When planning a flower garden or any other arrangement, this must be taken into account.

It should also be remembered that perennials tend to grow significantly.


Autumn flora is often used in continuous flowering beds. For these purposes, stunted grains, chrysanthemums, asters and crockworms are perfect. There is a place for autumn flowers and alpine slides.

Large-sized ones look great singly or in small groups. Beautifully flowering specimens look interesting against the background of higher cereals or a mixture of different types of cereals.

Autumn-flowering species, along with others, decorate lawns and the banks of reservoirs, tall ones are planted along fences or outbuildings.

Kosmeya (65 photos): description and photos, planting and care in the open field, types and varieties, growing from seeds, in landscape design

In autumn, when there is so much lack of bright summer colors and aromas in the garden, perennial autumn flowers will save the situation with their splendor. They also have spectacular colors and can transform a garden or cottage into an amazing colorful flower garden.


Autumn flowers are unpretentious to care for and are highly resistant to diseases and different weather conditions. They have a different appearance and flowering time, but they mainly belong to perennial crops and have a bright, pleasing to the eye colors.

Overview of species and best varieties

For more convenience, florists separate autumn perennials by flowering time:

    blooming in September;

    in October;

    In November.

In September, summer-flowering plants are replaced by early-flowering autumn flowers, which are cold-resistant and resistant to changeable weather, unlike summer ones.


Probably the most common and popular among autumn blooming flowers. There are quite a few varieties of this plant, they differ in height, flower parameters and their color. Varieties with large buds are not characterized by special frost resistance, although they bloom until the end of autumn, but varieties with small inflorescences overwinter well.

Among the varietal variety of chrysanthemums, Korean ones are most popular with flower growers due to their unpretentiousness and numerous small buds:

    "Alyonushka" with simple pink flowers;

  • Altgold with a rich yellow color of pom-shaped inflorescences;

  • "Snow White" with beautiful terry buds of a snow-white tone;

  • "Hebe" possesses simple pinkish-yellow flowers, is characterized by lush flowering;

    "Lada" has pinkish-lilac double buds;

  • "Summer" with large semi-double red inflorescences;

    "Orange Sunset" It differs in double large flowers of an orange-brown tone.

Due to the multitude of varieties and bright color, chrysanthemums have firmly taken their place in the TOP of autumn flowers.


They are also extremely popular and widespread, as they are characterized by long and violent flowering for the first two autumn months. Asters have quite a few varieties that differ in size and color palette. Plants are attracted by resistance to mild frosts, ease of reproduction and splendor of buds. The most famous varieties:

    "New English" belongs to tall bushes, can reach up to 2 m in height, the color of the buds is different (white, white-purple);

  • "Novobelgiskaya" grows in the form of compact small bushes, reaching 0.5 m, the buds are of average size and the same color as the previous variety;

  • "Alpine"- a miniature variety with dimensions of 10-30 cm, blooms lilac, yellow, pink or white, you need to thin out regularly, otherwise they will cover the entire area with a thick multi-colored carpet.

There are quite a few varieties of asters, each of them deserves a place of honor in the autumn flower garden.


This flower belongs to a very numerous genus. These are mainly tall plants with voluminous leaf plates and lush inflorescences, which are of several types: peony, spherical, anemic, needle-like, collar or nymphaean. The color of the flowers is different: one-color, two-color or with several shades. Dahlias bloom until frost, then wither, as they are thermophilic plants. The most spectacular and popular perennial varieties: Everest, Grand Duke, Tropic Sun, Eternal Flame, Ankres, Rotbal.


The plant is distinguished by bright yellow and orange inflorescences with a dark brown center. In appearance, the flower resembles a large chamomile. The stems of the plant reach 45–65 cm in height and have a rough surface, like the leaf plates. Keeps buds until frost. Common varieties:

    "Cherry Brandy" with cherry petals and an almost black core;

    "Shiny" with bright yellow flowers;

    "Golden ball" with strongly dissected yellow buds;

    "Purple" resembles a chamomile in appearance.

Zinnia graceful

Another name for the flower is Majorians. The shoots of the plant are erect, covered with hard short villi, the inflorescences are simple, semi-double or double. The shape of the buds, like the color, depends on the variety. The most common:

    Short staff refers to low bushes (up to 25 cm) with double buds of cherry, white, red or coral tones;

    "Polar bear" differs in white double inflorescences with slightly curved petals, in height it can reach 65 cm;

    variety mixture "Carousel" represented by a mix of bright and colorful buds, the height of the flowers is about 60 cm.

Marigolds (or black shavers)

The plant is distinguished by a multitude of species and varieties, the size of the plant is 20–120 cm in height. Simple or double inflorescences-baskets are yellow, orange or brown. Marigolds bloom until frost. This plant differs in medicinal properties. Some of the most popular and widespread varieties: Antigua, Snow White, Prima Gold, Tiger Eyes, Lemon Queen.


The plant has flexible shoots with green leaf plates that have reddish veins. The flowers consist of a long calyx and a tubular corolla, the color is different, but bright colors prevail. Flowering is long, up to the first snow. The most spectacular varieties: Cecile, Blue Angel, Ballerina.

October flowers are more resistant to frost and temperature differences, they can also withstand light frosts.


Flower height can vary from 10 to 160 cm. Basket-type inflorescences can be orange, reddish-yellow or orange-brown. The most famous varieties of autumn helenium: "Eldorado", "Flamenrad".

Colchicum (colchicum)

With their beautiful appearance, the buds of the plant will add a spring touch to the autumn landscape. The flower has rather large parameters and white-pink or light lilac petals, in appearance they resemble a crocus. The height of the plant is on average 20–25 cm. Depending on the species, the tone of the inflorescences, as well as the height of the bush, may differ slightly. Beautiful varieties: "Waterlily", "Autumn", "Purple".


Usually low-growing species of this plant (from 15 to 30 cm) are grown, they fit beautifully into any flower garden. The flowers are very similar in appearance to the violet, but the difference is in color. The petals can have up to five shades, but one or two contrasting spots are always located in the middle:

    "Snow Maiden" with white buds;

    "Little Red Riding Hood" with large bright red flowers;

    "Winter sun" with a bright yellow color and dark brown spots on the lower petals;

    "Evening heat" with brownish-red petals, on the lower ones there are darker spots.


The plant stands out for its bright, funnel-shaped buds, consisting of 5 petals. Their colors can be different, but the most common types are yellow or red, as well as multi-colored. Nasturtium buds give off a pleasant aroma. The brightest varieties: "Ladybug" (the only variety with peach-toned petals, with spots on them), "Bright Flowerbed", "Cherry Rose".

Perennials blooming in November do not stand out in numbers, but decorate the garden up to the first snowfall and are highly frost-resistant.


The plant is distinguished by a variety of species and forms, there are both erect and ampelous, in addition, it is distinguished by different sizes of buds and a variety of colors. The buds can be white, pink, lilac, burgundy, as well as two-colored. Most beautiful varieties: Lavender Morn, Mystic Pink, Royal Magenta, Priscila.


The plant, depending on the species, has a different height. The buds are tubular or funnel-shaped, forming lush inflorescences. Phlox colors are very diverse, can be either monochromatic or with several shades. The most popular varieties:

    "Anna" with white flowers;

    Bornimer Nachsrmmera with a light salmon color;

    "New" with white and blue petals;

    "Margri" with tricolor buds.

the Rose

The queen of flowers also pleases with her flowering during the cold autumn period. A large number of varieties have frost-resistant characteristics, winter well even in harsh climates and bloom at fairly low temperatures. The most resistant to cold climatic conditions are park varieties, which, in turn, are divided into English and American. Such varieties bloom even before the first snow. The color of the buds is very diverse (depending on varietal characteristics).

Some of the most frost-resistant varieties:

    Paul "s Scarlet with crimson-red semi-double inflorescences, giving off a slight purple tint;

    New dawn with aromatic pearl-pink buds of a classic shape;

    The fairy differs in small, but numerous flowers of a pink tone;

    Angela with carmine-red inflorescences with a light pink center.


The plant belongs to perennial shrubs. The inflorescences have a beautiful spherical shape. Due to the arrangement of the peduncles in rows, the crown of the bush looks very dense. The varieties differ not only in color, but also in the shape of the inflorescences, the height of the shoots and the presence of the edge:

    "White ball" differs in white inflorescences, may have a light blue tint;

    Pink ball has a compact size and loose pink flowers;

    "Cloud Nine" with a graceful blue color;

    Kalinka with blood red buds.

The autumn garden will also be decorated with other, no less beautiful flowers: snapdragon, verbena, panicle hydrangea, heratum, kobea, pelargonium.

How to place in the garden?

Autumn perennials are placed in flower beds mainly in height, in which case all varieties will be clearly visible. You can plant plants according to the color palette or according to the flowering time.

But the main rule is this: when placed correctly, taller plants should not overshadow the lower ones.

Therefore, low, ground cover species are planted in the foreground, behind them - a little higher, and then in the same way.

Different varieties of the same perennial can be placed in the same flower garden, since it can have both short and tall forms. In this case, tall flowers are planted in the background, and low flowers are planted in front.

When creating a composition, it is also worth alternating varieties with different color palettes so that a monotonous spot does not form.

The bright colors of autumn are not limited to flaming foliage - there are perennials that decorate the garden until frost. These late flowers reconcile us with the fact that another summer is over ...

These late flowers reconcile us that another summer is over

1. Akonit Arends

Aconite Arends (Aconitum carmichaelii "Arendsii") will decorate the garden with blue flowers. But do not forget that, like other aconites common in summer cottages, it is as poisonous as it is beautiful. You need to work with them with gloves.

Left: Arends' aconite. Right: perennial asters

Read about other types of aconites in the article Aconite will decorate your garden.

2. Perennial asters

For late flowering, autumn asters are called octobrines. The choice of varieties is large: from 20 to 180 cm in height, colors ranging from white through pink and purple to purple. It is only important to remember that not all of them manage to bloom in our conditions, so you should not choose late varieties. The articles will help to understand the variety of octobrines:

Perennial asters - the stars of the autumn garden

Perennial asters - beautiful and unassuming stars

Lilac clouds: the most beautiful varieties of autumn asters

Perennial aster varieties you will surely like

3. Colchicum

From August to October, crocus flowers provide bright pink or purple spots in flower beds. Double-flowered varieties such as ‘Waterlily’ are especially effective. It is important to remember that this corm is very poisonous!

Left: Colchicum. Right: Vernonia arkansana

4. Vernonia of Arkansas

Vernonia arkansana is an excellent late autumn nectar supplier for bees and butterflies that have not yet calmed down. A beautiful structured plant up to 2 m tall, suitable for the background of sunny flower beds.

5. Japanese anemones

Left: Japanese anemone. Right: dahlia

6. Dahlias

Dahlias meet the first frost in full bloom - with numerous inflorescences and buds. A huge number of varieties of different shapes and colors allows you to choose options for any sunny flower garden. And, of course, do not forget to dig up root tubers for the winter and store them at a low positive temperature. ^ hide You can choose dahlia seeds and seedlings on our market, where products from various online stores are presented. ^ category Read about the cultivation and care of these bright flowers in the publications:

Dahlias - planting and growing

Pros and cons of dahlias

What to plant dahlias with?

Do you have to dig up dahlias?

Preparing dahlias for winter (video)

7. Highlander stalk embracing

Highlander (Persicaria amplexicaulis) can fall in severe winters, but winters quite well if mulched in the fall.

Knotweed (Persicaria amplexicaulis) winters quite well under a layer of mulch

No other plant has such bright narrow inflorescences - "candles"! The palette of varieties includes white, pink, red, magenta colors.

8. Geranium 'Rozanne'

Geranium is a plant for all occasions of garden life. Geranium hybrid "Rozanne" (Geranium x hybridum "Rozanne") has large (up to 5 cm in diameter) bell-blue flowers with only a slight admixture of violet and a white center. Each petal is adorned with about five radial purple strokes. The blueness is especially pronounced in the morning and evening, as well as in cool weather.

Geranium Rozanne

This variety blooms early, blooms very abundantly and without interruption until frost. In a good good season, early spring and late autumn, it can bloom from early June to October.

9. Dubrovnik Hirkansky

Hyrcanic Dubrovnik (Teucrium hyrcanicum) is similar to sage and Veronica, but it blooms from mid-summer until frost. A bush with a height of 40-60 cm is decorated with narrow pinkish-purple inflorescences - "candles".

Left: Hyrcanian Dubrovnik. Right: catnip shower

You will find other types of Dubrovniks in the article Garden vintage is back in fashion: the return of beautiful Dubrovniks.

10. Catnip shower

A haze of white or pale purple small flowers of the catnip (Clinopodium nepeta) are good both in the foreground of flower beds and in the herb garden. This fragrant plant attracts butterflies to the garden until late autumn.

11. Willow sunflower

Willow sunflower (Helianthus salicifolius) can freeze out in severe winters, but mulching makes the chances of a successful wintering quite high.

Willow sunflower (Helianthus salicifolius)

In October, it only begins to bloom, if small yellow flowers even manage to bloom before frost. But even without flowers, it is good - majestic tall shoots with thin willow-like leaves are absolutely monumental.

12. Kirengeshoma palm-shaped

Light or deep yellow flowers of Kirengeshoma palmata are collected in inflorescences on the tops of peduncles and in the axils of the upper pairs of leaves. They look like bells, and in texture they are as if sculpted out of wax.

Kirengeshoma palmata (Kirengeshoma palmata)

Flowers reach 2.5–4.5 cm in length. It should be noted that rather quickly they begin to brown at the edges, which is a little upsetting for especially picky gardeners. In general, this alignment fits well into the overall picture of the end of summer and autumn.

13. Clematis hogweed

Bush clematis hogweed (Clematis heracleifolia) does not know how to cling to a support, but it can fall apart beautifully in a flower garden, giving it a "natural" image.

Clematis hogweed (Clematis heracleifolia)

Bell-shaped flowers - depending on the variety, blue, purple or dark purple - appear at the ends of the shoots in September.

14. Black cohosh (black cohosh)

Despite the unprepossessing name, black cohosh (Cimicifuga) has very spectacular silvery-white long candle inflorescences. There are varieties that bloom before frost.

Left: Black cohosh (Cimicifuga). Right: Canadian Burnet (Sanguisorba canadensis)

Black cohosh grows well in partial shade, some cultivars also tolerate a sunny location.

15. Canadian Burnet

The Canadian Burnet (Sanguisorba canadensis) is one of the latest cow beetles. In her dignity, you can write both white color and a special become: unlike many other tall species, she never falls to the ground. You will find the most interesting species and varieties in the article The most unusual plant in your flower garden is a modest and graceful burnet.

16. Macedonian barker

The Macedonian Korostavnik (Knautia macedonica) blooms in June and does not stop until frost.

Macedonian Korostavnik (Knautia macedonica)

Bright red "buttons" flowers gracefully sway on tall thin peduncles. Be vigilant: the plant is sown abundantly. ^ hide Find many of the listed plants with a marketplace where you can compare offers from different online stores. View the selection and choose perennials that bloom until the very frost. ^ collection

17. Goldenrod

Goldenrod (Solidago) blooms in August, and it seems that this sun has descended into the garden - so these yellow flowers are radiant. The show goes on until the frost.

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