Home Fruit trees Romantic works of Gogol. The evolution of N.V. Gogol's work as a movement from romanticism to realism. Perhaps this will interest you

Romantic works of Gogol. The evolution of N.V. Gogol's work as a movement from romanticism to realism. Perhaps this will interest you

The idea of ​​a cycle of stories about Ukraine arose from N.V. Gogol, apparently, in 1829. By this time, his letters to relatives with a request to report "about the customs of the Little Russians" date back. The information sent to him was recorded by Gogol in the notebook "The Book of All Things" and then used in his stories. Work on "Evenings" continued for several years. First, the first book of stories "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka, published by the beekeeper Rudy Pank" appeared, and then the second part came out. Gogol's book was highly appreciated by A. S. Pushkin, which influenced the first critical reviews of "Evenings". Pushkin wrote to the publisher of Literary Supplements to the Russian Invalid: “I have now read Evenings near Dikanka. They amazed me.

Here is real gaiety, sincere, unconstrained, without affectation, without stiffness. And what poetry! What sensitivity! All this is so unusual in our present-day literature that I have not yet come to my senses. I congratulate the public on a truly merry book, and I sincerely wish the author further success.

For God's sake, take his side if journalists, as usual, attack the indecency of his expressions, bad taste, and so on. "The humor and poetry of Gogol's stories were also noted by Pushkin in a review in Sovremennik of the second edition of Evenings": “Everyone rejoiced at this lively description of a singing and dancing tribe, these fresh pictures of Little Russian nature, this cheerfulness, simple-hearted and at the same time crafty. How amazed we were at the Russian book that made us laugh, we who have not laughed since the time of Fonvizin! We were so grateful to the young author that we willingly forgave him the unevenness and irregularity of his style, the incoherence and implausibility of some stories ... "V. G. Belinsky in his reviews invariably noted the artistry, gaiety and nationality of "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka". In Literary Dreams, he wrote: “Mr. Gogol, who so cutely pretended to be a beekeeper, belongs to the number of extraordinary talents. Who does not know his "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka"?

How much wit, gaiety, poetry and nationality are in them!" In the article "On the Russian story and the stories of Mr. Gogol," Belinsky again returned to his assessment of "Evenings": "These were poetic sketches of Little Russia, essays full of life and charm. Everything that nature can have is beautiful, seductive rural life of the common people, everything that the people can have is original, typical, all this glitters with iridescent colors in these first poetic dreams of Mr. Gogol. It was poetry young, fresh, fragrant, luxurious, intoxicating, like a kiss of love. Having familiarized himself with Arabesques and Mirgorod, Belinsky spoke about realism as a distinctive character of Gogol's work.

Belinsky pointed out that krktika incorrectly drew the attention of readers only to Gogol's humor, without touching on his realism. He wrote that in Gogol's "Evenings on a Farm", in the stories "Nevsky Prospekt", "Portrait", "Taras Bulba" funny is mixed with serious, sad, beautiful and lofty. Comedy is by no means the dominant and outweighing element of Gogol's talent. His talent lies in the amazing fidelity of the depiction of life in its subtly diverse manifestations.

One cannot see in Gogol's creations one comic, one funny ... The realism of "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" was noted by Belinsky later: "The poet, as it were, admires the originals he created. However, these originals are not his invention, they are not funny at his whim ; the poet is strictly faithful to reality in them.

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  2. Loading... In 1831-1832 the stories were published in two collections under the general title "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka". And in the preface to the first...

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Lesson 19 Romantic works.

The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the life and work of N.V. Gogol; repetition of previously studied works of the writer; strengthening note-taking skills.

Lesson objectives.

  1. Continue acquaintance with the life and work of the great Russian writer; to show the originality and uniqueness, the significance of N.V. Gogol's work for Russian literature;
  2. Develop the ability to choose the main thing, keep a short note of the lecture, take notes.
  3. To educate moral qualities, aesthetic taste of students.

Lesson type: combined.


  1. multimedia installation.
  2. Presentation “N.V. Gogol”.


Gogol's influence on Russian literature was enormous. Not only all young talents rushed to the path indicated by him, but also some writers, who had already gained fame, went along the same path, leaving their former one.

V.G. Belinsky

He told us who we are, what we lack, what we should strive for, what we should abhor, and what we should love. And his whole life was a passionate struggle with ignorance and rudeness ... all was animated by one ardent, unchanging goal - the thought of serving the good of the motherland.

N. G. Chernyshevsky

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Learning new material.

Viewing the presentation is accompanied by a teacher's story and a conversation with students on the previously studied works of N.V. Gogol. (the presentation is prepared by the students)

During the teacher's lecture, the children make a brief summary of the lecture.

Childhood years were spent in the estate of parents Vasilievka, near the village of Dikanka, the land of legends, beliefs, historical traditions. In the upbringing of the future writer, his father, Vasily Afanasyevich, a passionate admirer of art, a theater lover, an author of poetry and witty comedies, played a certain role. .In 1818-19 Gogol, together with his brother Ivan, studied at the Poltava district school, and then, in 1820-1821, took private lessons.

In May 1821 he entered the gymnasium of higher sciences in Nizhyn. Here he paints, participates in performances - as a decorator and as an actor, and with particular success performs comic roles. He also tries himself in various literary genres (writes elegiac poems, tragedies, a historical poem, a story). Then he wrote the satire "Something about Nizhyn, or the law is not written for Fools" (not preserved).

After graduating from high school in 1828, Gogol went to St. Petersburg. Experiencing financial difficulties, unsuccessfully fussing about the place, Gogol makes the first literary tests: at the beginning of 1829, the poem "Italy" appears, and in the spring of the same year, under the pseudonym "V. Alov", Gogol prints "an idyll in pictures" "Hanz Küchelgarten". The poem evoked very negative reviews from critics, which increased the heavy mood of Gogol, who throughout his life was very painfully experiencing criticism of his works.

In July 1829, he burned unsold copies of the book and suddenly went abroad, to Germany, and by the end of September almost as suddenly returned to St. Petersburg. At the end of 1829, he managed to decide on a service in the department of state economy and public buildings of the Ministry of the Interior. From April 1830 to March 1831, he served in the department of appanages (at first as a clerk, then as an assistant clerk), under the supervision of the famous idyllic poet V.I. rich material for future works, depicting bureaucratic life and the functioning of the state machine.

In 1832, Gogol's book "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" was published, based on Ukrainian folk art - songs, fairy tales, folk beliefs and customs, as well as on the personal impressions of the author himself. This book brought Gogol great success. The appearance of Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, according toPushkin, was an unusual phenomenon in Russian literature. Gogol opened to the Russian reader the amazing world of folk life, imbued with the romance of folk legends and traditions, cheerful lyricism and fervent humor.

At the end of 1832, Gogol arrived in Moscow as a well-known writer, where he became close to M.P. Pogodin, the family of S.T. Aksakova, M.N. Zagoskin, I.V. and P.V. Kireevsky, who had a great influence on the views of the young Gogol. In 1834, Gogol was appointed adjunct professor in the department of world history at St. Petersburg University. The study of works on the history of Ukraine formed the basis of the idea of ​​"Taras Bulba".

In 1835 he left the university and devoted himself entirely to literary creativity. In the same year, a collection of short stories "Mirgorod" appeared, which included "Old World Landowners", "Taras Bulba", "Viy" and others, and a collection of "Arabesques" (on the themes of St. Petersburg life).
In the autumn of 1835, he set about writing The Inspector General, the plot of which was prompted by Pushkin; the work progressed so successfully that on January 18, 1836, he read the comedy at the evening at Zhukovsky's (in the presence of Pushkin, P. A. Vyazemsky and others), and in February-March he was already busy staging it on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The play premiered on April 19. May 25 - premiere in Moscow, at the Maly Theatre.

Also in 1935, the work “The Nose” was completed - the top of Gogol's fantasy (published in 1836), an extremely bold grotesque that anticipated some trends in art of the 20th century.

Soon after the production of The Inspector General, harassed by the reactionary press and "secular rabble," Gogol went abroad, settling first in Switzerland, then in Paris, and continued to work on Dead Souls, which had begun in Russia. The news of Pushkin's death was a terrible blow to him. In March 1837 he settled in Rome.

In September 1839, Gogol arrived in Moscow and began to read the chapters of Dead Souls, which caused an enthusiastic reaction. In 1940, Gogol again leaves Russia and at the end of the summer of 1840 in Vienna, he suddenly suffers one of the first bouts of severe nervous illness. In October, he comes to Moscow and reads the last 5 chapters of Dead Souls in the Aksakovs' house. However, in Moscow, censorship did not allow the novel to be printed, and in January 1842 the writer sent the manuscript to the St. Petersburg Censorship Committee, where the book was allowed, but with a change in title and without The Tale of Captain Kopeikin. In May, "The Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls" was published. And again, Gogol's work caused a flurry of the most controversial responses. Against the background of general admiration, sharp accusations of caricature, farce, and slander are heard. All this controversy took place in the absence of Gogol, who went abroad in June 1842, where the writer is working on the 2nd volume of Dead Souls.

The whole summer of 1842, Nikolai Vasilyevich spent in Germany and only in October moved to Rome. It takes him a lot of time to prepare for the publication of the collected works, but he manages to work on the second volume of Dead Souls. "The Works of Nikol Gogol" began to appear in 1843, however, there was also some delay (for one month) due to censorship nit-picking. The beginning of 1845 is marked for Gogol by a new spiritual crisis. He begins to move from resort to resort in order to find peace of mind. At the end of June or at the beginning of July 1845, in a state of sharp exacerbation of his illness, Gogol burned the manuscript of the 2nd volume. Subsequently (in "Four Letters to Different Persons About Dead Souls" - "Selected Places") Gogol explained this step by the fact that the "paths and roads" to the ideal were not clearly shown in the book. And starts working again.

In subsequent years, the writer often moved from one place to another, hoping that a change of scenery would help him restore his health. By the mid-1940s, the spiritual crisis deepened. Under the influence of A.P. Tolstoy Gogol was imbued with religious ideas, abandoned his former beliefs and works.

In 1847, a series of articles by the writer in the form of letters was published under the title "Selected passages from correspondence with friends." The main idea of ​​this book is the need for internal Christian education and re-education of everyone and everyone, without which no social improvements are possible. The book was published in a heavily censored form and was recognized as a weak artistic work. At the same time, Gogol also worked on works of a theological nature, the most significant of which is Meditations on the Divine Liturgy (published posthumously in 1857).

Religious feeling remained his refuge: he decided that he could not continue work without fulfilling his long-standing intention to bow to the Holy Sepulcher. At the end of 1847 he moved to Naples and at the beginning of 1848 sailed to Palestine, from where he finally returned to Russia via Constantinople and Odessa.

Spring 1850 - Gogol makes a marriage proposal to A. M. Vielgorskaya, but is refused. 1852 - Nikolai Vasilievich regularly meets and talks with Archpriest Matvey Konstantinovsky, a fanatic and mystic.

At 3 o'clock in the morning from Monday to Tuesday, February 11-12, 1852, Gogol woke Semyon's servant, ordered him to open the oven valves and bring a briefcase with manuscripts from the closet. Taking out a bunch of notebooks from it, Gogol put them in the fireplace and burned them (only 5 chapters related to various draft editions of Dead Souls have been preserved in incomplete form). On February 20, the medical council decides on the compulsory treatment of Gogol, but the measures taken do not give a result. On the morning of February 21, N.V. Gogol died. The last words of the writer were: "Ladder, hurry, let's take the stairs!".

  1. Remember what works of N.V. Have you read Gogol before?

"Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", told by the beekeeper Rudy Panko

"Mirgorod" ("Taras Bulba", "Old World Landowners", "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich")

Can these works be called romantic? Justify your answer.

4. Summing up the lesson.

1. What new did you learn today in the lesson from the life of N.V. Gogol?

2. How did you imagine the writer after listening to the story?

3. What personality traits of N.V. Gogol struck you, surprised you?

5. Explanation of homework.

talk about the cycle "Petersburg Tales"; the image of a little man; read Nevsky Prospekt..

The writing

The romanticism of “Evenings…” is, first of all, a manifestation of a deep interest in the peculiarities of the national mentality, spirituality and originality of Ukrainian history, national artistic thinking, drawing the original characters of individuals, which determined the Christian-philosophical concept of human existence. The mystical romanticism of Gogol, from the origins of which the fantastic realism of many writers of the 20th century (O.Dovzhenko, G.Bulgakov, Ch.Aitmatov, Garciamarques) will be determined in the future, crossed out the idyllic ideas about Ukraine that had developed in literature by that time.

Gogol's attention will focus on socio-ethical, spiritual, historical problems that will not leave the writer until the end of his life: this is the intervention of evil spirits in the fate of a person, who often makes it helplessly tragic, brings the seduced sinner a cruel retribution for the perfect step, for excessive gullibility and the temptation of curiosity, the desire to equip earthly life with ghostly luxuries, often obtained on the blood and grief of others.

The story of Basavryuk, associated with evil spirits (namely, the “evil spirit”, which insidiously harms a person, leading to the death of the soul, shows excessive attention to the author), known in “Evenings ...” under the title “Evening on the Eve of Yvan Kupala”. The work, built on a mythological plot, conveys the romantically tragic story of the farmhand Peter Bezrodny, handsome and helpless, hopelessly, it would seem, in love with the daughter of a wealthy Cossack Korzh Sidorka. The girl responds to the young man in return (the love of a poor farm laborer for daughters from wealthy families was often a leading theme in folklore, with time T. Shevchenko will turn to her in his poems, Marko Vovchok in “Folk Stories”, etc.), but they cannot connect destinies, and Sidorka's father drives Peter away.

The catcher of the wandered soul appears quickly - Basavryuk, connected with the devilish evil spirits, who offers the young man to find the treasure on the night of Ivan Kupala, when the fern is in bloom. Further, a mystically terrible scene crosses on blood: in order to receive a treasure covered with a dream with golden gold pieces, Petro, at the behest of an old witch, is forced to bring it in, than over the head of an innocent child, who turned out to be Sidorka's six-year-old brother Ivan stolen by gypsies. It was this boy who transmitted the tearful frank stories of Peter's older sister.

Yesterday's laborer becomes rich, acquiring a treasure in the blood, but loses the memory of that ominous night. Life with Sidorka, wealth does not bring happiness. Petro suffers from forgotten and unsolved secrets - the secrets of torment and confusion. Lost in search of happiness, the sinner learns the cause of his mental illness in the old healer, who turned out to be that ill-fated witch who once turned the boy over the cross.

The denouement is tragic and philosophically metaphorical: the house, and all property, and treasure ooze blood, going to dust, since a person cannot create well-being in compromise with the devil, nevertheless, on the suffering and grief of others (the idea of ​​\u200b\u200brational evil, so inspired by Goethe's "Faust" and interpreted by the brilliant German poet as an excuse, never brought good in life: by the way, the real doctor Faustus, an alchemist and occultist-sorcerer, was found in a ditch lying prostrate, with a knife in his back).

Gifted with the talent of a great satirist in drawing contemporaries disfigured by devilry, a society actually deformed by sin, in separate stories from “Evening ...” (“Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “Terrible Revenge”) Gogol is deeply tragic in reproducing the struggle between good and evil, the devil’s attempts to captivate the soul of a person.

Unlike Goethe, who in Faust to some extent embodied the idea of ​​fear of the power of an invisible enemy and therefore reworked the tragic ending of the story of the alchemist and warlock from folk legends, apparently calming not so much the reader as himself, the young Gogol his romance and mysticism focuses on the terrible danger of devilry, which obviously, aggressively, covertly insidiously harms at all stages of human history, embodying, as a rule, the anti-national, predatory aspirations of alien, anti-Orthodox worlds (in the works of the writer, evil spirits are associated with infidels, Catholics, Jews, etc.).

It is characteristic that in the “Terrible Revenge” (almost the strongest story of the cycle, which outlines the author’s mystical fantasy in comprehending good and evil on the tablets of the Cossack history of the struggle for faith, family, national Christian values), the author, perhaps, has not yet reached the Orthodox understanding of the Highest - God's Judgment, since God appears in him as the executor of aspiration, vindictive and sadistic, the Cossack Ivan, who became a victim of his own brother Peter, seduced by wealth and envy. And the Supreme Judge, who embodies love and mercy, is able to forgive even the greatest sinners, however... if they rest, they realize their temptation to break in: so was the thief forgiven by Christ, crucified on the right side, the thief who recognized God's truth.

In Terrible Revenge, there is no repentance of sinners (they are involved in the tenth generation of the cursed generation and seem to be programmed for sin: often playing imaginary repentance with an insidious purpose, these messengers of hell, by deceit of the gullible, bring another, even more disaster), therefore the representative of the last damned generation is the father Catherine (she appears in the work as a zealous Christian, a faithful wife and mother) in fact, and deprived of the right to choose between good and evil: even the hermit is forbidden to pray for him ...

A sorcerer from a cursed family disappeared for a long time in foreign Busurman lands and turns to his once abandoned daughter (he once treacherously killed her mother) to Ukraine to bring trouble to the family, and the people, and the Cossacks, the defender of the faith and the Fatherland. He hates and seeks to get rid of his son-in-law Danil, a real defender of faith and honor, inclines his daughter Catherine through a soul called in a dream by witchcraft spells to the unloved, and this is one of the biggest crimes. The sorcerer, by an insidious deceit, causes the mercy of his own daughter to himself (she releases the criminal from prison) and leads the enemies to Ukraine.

The Cossacks, led by Danil Burulbash, courageously defend themselves, who still vilely and dishonorably kills the sorcerer-in-law with a shot. Over time, the unrepentant sinner, unable to achieve the love of his own daughter by deceit, slaughters both her little child and herself. And then he will be thrown down by a powerful horseman, as a performer of the Highest Providence, into the abyss ...

Actually, the insidious sorcerer in the “Terrible Revenge” is a certain measure of the personification of the hostile native Christian land, clan and people of forces, the embodiment of the diabolical idea of ​​betrayal, the origins of which are directly hidden in an explicit way of mercantilism and envy. Gogol rejects Goethe's optimism in the interpretation of evil, which can be used, beyond the assertions of the German classic, and for the good. Basavryuk from “The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, the father of the sorcerer from “Terrible Revenge”, various evil spirits in insulting witches, characterists from other stories bring troubles under the guise of good intentions. Even the devil, saddled by Vukol, fulfills the will of the blacksmith only out of coercion (in hagiographic retellings, there are tales about how the holidays could force the unclean to transfer them to other places; by the way, the bursak Foma Brutus proves panna the witch to death, although later, tempted by curiosity, she dies and myself).

He wants to force the holy elder to call for mercy for himself God the sorcerer in the “Terrible Revenge”, but, committing another blood feud, he himself collapses, since he is not capable of saving the soul by his own repentance. And it is characteristic that much later, not without the influence of Gogol, combining mythological-legendary motifs with specific historical collisions, the Ukrainian writer Oleksiy Storozhenko created the story (unfinished) “Mark the Damned” - actually an adventurous tale about the great sinner Mark, who committed a terrible crime: he lived with his own sister, who gave birth to a child from him, then killed his own mother, a sister with a child, for which he was forced to carry the heads of close people behind his shoulder as a difficult burden - the burden was lightened when the sinner did good deeds, primarily protecting his native land from the Polish-gentry enslavers. So the hero of the adventurous story Storozhenko mitigates his past sins by valor in honor of his homeland, bearing the burden of a kind of Ukrainian “Eternal Jew”. Gogol's sorcerer from "Terrible Revenge" is always in solidarity with the enslavers, whom he brings to his native land, being associated with anti-national, anti-Christian forces.

It is characteristic that in the "Terrible Revenge", covered with a romantic halo of holiness, there are real uncompromising patriots of Ukraine. This is the Cossack leader-winner Danil Burulbash, his faithful jura Stetsko, brother captain Sparrow. They oppose the satanic destructive power of evil that enveloped their native land: Gogol always associates patriotism with the defense of the Orthodox faith from alien expansion.

Other writings on this work

Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka Historical, everyday and moral element in "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" Mysticism in "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" by N. V. Gogol My first reading of Gogol Folk character in "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" The image of Oksana in the story of N.V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas" ("Evenings on a farm near Dikanka") Analysis of Gogol's works "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka" Romance of Ukrainian fairy tales and legends Romance of Ukrainian fairy tales and legends in the works of N. V. Gogol (Based on the book "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka")
Despite the fact that the writer's creative life was short-lived, and some periods of his life are completely shrouded in mystery, everyone knows the name of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Having quickly become famous, the young author surprised his contemporaries with his talent. It surprises the current reader as well.

Those fifteen years that the writer devoted to writing showed the world a genius of the highest standard. A distinctive feature is the versatility and creative evolution. Poetics, associative perception, metaphor, grotesque, intonational diversity, alternation of the comical with pathos. Novels, plays, even poetry.

Housewarming (1826)

The whole life of the writer was full of struggle and inner experiences. Perhaps, while still studying in Nizhyn, the young man felt that he would have many questions about the meaning of life.

There, as a high school student, Kolya wrote a verse for the school handwritten magazine, the name of which is considered to be "Housewarming". But it is known for sure that in a final design with the author's autograph it was called "Bad Weather".

The young poet, already at the age of seventeen, had doubts about the correctness of the title of his poem. These doubts about a correctly chosen style, a correctly inserted replica, and even a word, the author will carry through all his work, mercilessly cracking down on texts that, in his opinion, failed.

The young man seemed to prophesy to himself:

Is it light, is it dark - it's all the same,
When there is bad weather in this heart!

In addition to the poem "Housewarming", Gogol wrote four more poems and the poem "Hanz Kühelgarten".

Ganz Küchelgarten (1827-1829)

The first publication did not live up to Nikolai's expectations - it was a cruel disappointment. The hopes placed on this story were not justified. The romantic idyll in pictures, written back in the Nizhyn gymnasium in 1827, received negative reviews, and forced the author to reconsider his creative possibilities.

At this time, Gogol was hiding behind the pseudonym A. Alov. The writer bought up all unsold copies and destroyed them. Now Nikolai decided to write about what he knows well - about beautiful Ukraine.

Evenings on a farm near Dikanka (1829-1832)

The book aroused the keen interest of readers. Historical tour of Little Russia, depicting pictures of Ukrainian life, shining with cheerfulness and subtle humor, made a great impression.

It would be perfectly logical if the narrator used the Ukrainian language for his creations. But in Russian, Gogol seemed to erase the line between Little Russia and Great Russia. Ukrainian folklore motifs, where the main language is Russian, generously strewn with Ukrainian words, made the entire collection of "Evenings" completely exquisite, absolutely unlike anything that was at that time.

The young writer did not start his work from scratch. Even in Nizhyn, he kept a notebook, which he himself called "All sorts of things." It was a four hundred and ninety-sheet notebook in which the schoolboy wrote down everything that seemed interesting to him: historical and geographical references, statements by famous writers, proverbs and sayings, sayings, songs, customs, his own thoughts and writings.

The young man did not stop there. He writes letters to his mother and sisters, and asks them to send him various information on the topic: "the life of the Little Russian people." He wants to know everything. Thus began the great work on the book.

"Evenings" had a subtitle: "Tales published by the beekeeper Rudy Pank." This is a fictional character. He needed to give credibility to the stories. The author seems to go into the shadows, passing forward the image of a simple, good-natured, cheerful beekeeper, allowing him to laugh and joke about his fellow villagers. So, through the stories of a simple peasant, the flavor of Ukrainian life is transmitted. This character seems to wink at the reader, slyly reserving the right to fiction, but presenting it as pure truth. And all this with a special elevated intonation.

The difference between fiction and the stories of the writer is that magical characters act in fairy tales, while Gogol has religious ones. Here everything is saturated with faith in God and in the power of the devil.

The action of all the stories included in the collection is connected with one of the temporary chronological layers: antiquity, the recent legendary times of Catherine the Great and the present.

The first readers of the "Evenings" were printing workers, who, seeing Gogol who came to them, began to laugh and assured him that his "tricks" were very funny. "So! thought the writer. “Cherny liked me.”

First book

And here is the debut. The first book is out. These are: “Sorochinsky Fair”, “Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”, “Drowned Woman”, “Missing Letter”.

And it became clear to everyone around - this is Talent! All famous critics unanimously expressed their delight. The writer makes acquaintances in literary circles. Published by Baron Anton Antonovich Delvig, learns the opinion of Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, already a recognized critic at that time. Having become friends with Zhukovsky, Nikolai falls into the literary and aristocratic circle.

A year has passed and the second part of the collection came out. The simplicity, diversity, diversity of the nationality splashed out with stories: "The Night Before Christmas", "Terrible Revenge", "Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his Aunt", "The Enchanted Place".

The festive, colorful side has another - night, dark, sinful, otherworldly. Truth side by side with lies, irony with seriousness. There was a place for love stories and unsolved mysteries.

Even at the dawn of cinema, Gogol's works began to attract directors. At the beginning of the 20th century, the film adaptation of The Night Before Christmas, The Terrible Revenge, Viy, were received by the public with a bang, despite the fact that the poetics and imagery of the plot that the narrator so diligently invested disappeared on the screen in silent films. in every phrase.

Films based on Gogol's "Evenings" were released later, and "Viy", in fact, is the first Soviet horror film.

Arabesque (1835)

This was the next collection, partly compiled from articles published in the 30-34 years of the XIX century, and partly from works published for the first time.

The stories and literary texts included in this collection are little known to the general reader. Here Gogol talked about Russian literature, looked for its place in history, and outlined tasks for it. He spoke about art, about Pushkin, as about the greatness of the people's poet, about folk art.

Mirgorod (1835)

This period was the peak of Gogol's fame, and all his works included in the Mirgorod collection only confirmed the author's genius.

For editorial purposes, the collection was divided into two books, two stories each.

Taras Bulba

After the release of Taras Bulba, Belinsky immediately declared that this was a "poem of great passions."

Indeed: war, murder, revenge, betrayal. In this story, there was a place for love, but such a strong one, for which the hero is ready to give everything: comrades, father, Motherland, life.

The narrator created such a plot that it is impossible to unequivocally assess the actions of the main characters. Taras Bulba, so thirsty for war, eventually loses two sons and dies himself. The betrayal of Andriy, who fell in love with the beautiful Polish woman so much and was ready to do anything for the sake of this fatal passion.

old world landowners

This work was misunderstood by many. Few people saw a love story in a story about an old married couple. The kind of love that is not expressed by stormy confessions, sworn assurances or betrayals with a tragic end.

The simple life of old landowners who cannot live without each other, because they are one whole in this life - that's what the narrator tried to convey to the reader.

But the public, having understood the story in its own way, nevertheless expressed its approval.

Contemporaries of Nikolai Vasilyevich were surprised to get acquainted with the Old Slavonic pagan character. There is no such character in Ukrainian folk tales; Gogol “brought” him from the historical depths. And the character took root, frightening the reader with his dangerous look.

The story has a huge semantic load. All the main action takes place in the church, where there is a struggle between good and evil, faith and unbelief.

The ending is sad. The evil spirits won, the main character died. Here's something to think about. Man did not have enough faith to be saved.

The story of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich

This is the closing work of the Mirgorod collection, in which all the passions are ironic.

Human nature in the person of two landlords, who, having nothing to do, started a long-term lawsuit, is shown from all sides, exposing their worst features. The elite secular society is shown in the most unattractive pictures: stupidity, stupidity, stupidity.

And the ending: "It's boring in this world, gentlemen!" - food for deep philosophical reasoning.

Notes of a Madman (1835)

The first title of the story is "Scraps from a Madman's Notes".

This story about madness, sustained in Gogol's style, had no analogues. Here Nikolai Vasilyevich added a good portion of pity to his wit and originality.

The hero did not suffer in vain. In this strange grotesque, many saw both the poetry of the word and the philosophy of thought.

Nevsky Prospekt (1835)

The writer lived in St. Petersburg for many years and he simply could not describe the place that was central in the lives of many citizens.

What just does not happen on Nevsky Prospekt. And the narrator, as if making Nevsky Prospekt the main character, shows his life, using the example of two characters, completely randomly snatched from the crowd.

Examiner (1835)

An immortal play that brought Nikolai Vasilievich great fame. He created the brightest authentic images of provincial bureaucracy, embezzlement, bribery and stupidity.

It is believed that the idea of ​​this play was born in Pushkin's head, but the elaboration of the plot and the creation of the characters' characters are all Gogol's merit. Behind the farce and naturalism lies a philosophical subtext, because the impostor is punished by the officials of the county town.

It was not immediately possible to achieve the production of the play. The emperor himself had to convince that the play was not dangerous, that it was just a mockery of bad provincial officials.

Comedy Business Man's Morning (1836)

Initially, the work was conceived as a great work, which was to be called "Vladimir of the third degree", and "Morning" is only part of a big idea.

But for various reasons, including due to censorship, the great work was not destined to take place. There is too much "salt, anger, laughter" in the comedy. Even the initial name "Morning of an official" was replaced by the censor with "Morning of a business man."

The remaining manuscripts of the large work that did not take place were revised and used by Gogol in other works.

Litigation (1836)

Unfinished comedy - part of the play "Vladimir of the third degree". Despite the fact that "Vladimir" fell apart and did not take place, and "Litigation" remained unfinished, individual scenes received the right to life and were staged in the theater during the author's lifetime.

Extract (1839-1840)

The first title, Scenes from Social Life, is a dramatic passage. He was not destined to see the light - so decided the censorship.

Nikolai Vasilievich included this passage in Dramatic Fragments and Separate Scenes in his edition in 1842.

Lackey (1839-1840)

Another dramatic excerpt from the failed play "Vladimir of the Third Degree", self-published in the "Works of Nikolai Gogol" in 1842.

Nose (1841-1842)

The absurd satirical work was not understood. The Moscow Observer magazine refused to publish it, accusing the writer of stupidity and vulgarity. But Pushkin found in it a lot of unexpected, funny and original, posting it in his Sovremennik magazine.

True, it was not without censorship, which cut out entire pieces of the text. But the image of an empty ambitious person striving for statuary and admiration for higher ranks was a success.

Dead Souls (1835-1841)

This is the most fundamental creation, with a difficult fate. The conceived three-volume book could not see the light, in the version in which Nikolai Vasilyevich wanted - hell, purgatory, paradise (many philologists think so).

In 1842, the first volume was published, strictly edited by the censors. But the semantic load remained. The reader could see everything: temptation, evil, dynamic beginning. And to recognize the devil in the one who buys souls - in Chichikovo. And all the landowners are a whole gallery of various types, each of which personifies some property of the human character.

The book has been well-received. It was translated into other languages ​​already in 1844, and very soon it could be read in German, Czech, English, Polish. During the life of the author, the book was translated into ten languages.

The ideas of the third volume remained ideas. For this volume, the writer collected materials, but did not have time to use them.

Theatrical tour after the presentation of the new comedy (1836-1841)

The writer spent his whole life looking for genuine feelings, analyzed spiritual qualities, put a certain philosophy into his creations.

In essence, The Theater Journey is a play about a play. And the conclusion suggests itself. The number of jesters that society needs is disproportionate to all kinds of money-grubbing and the desire for profit. “There are many opinions, but no one understood the main thing,” the author complains.

Overcoat (1839-1841)

It is believed that this story was born from an anecdote. Mixing compassion with irritation, Akaky Akakievich suddenly came out. And a sad funny story about a small, insignificant person suddenly turned out to be interesting.

And having laughed at Gogol's character, it's time to think about whether the biblical meaning is embedded in this story. After all, the soul wants to love one beautiful thing, and people are not so perfect. But Christ calls everyone to be kind and meek. In Greek, "doing no evil" - Akaki. So we get Akaky Akakievich, the image is soft and vulnerable.

"Overcoat" was understood in different ways, but fell in love. She found her place in the cinema. The film "The Overcoat", released in 1926, and enthusiastically accepted by the public, was banned by censorship in 1949. But on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the writer's birth, a new film "The Overcoat" directed by Alexei Batalov was shot.

Portrait (1842)

In the first part, the writer touches on the attitude of others towards art, scolding the monotony and short-sightedness. The author condemns the deceit on the canvases, which the public likes so much, calling to serve real art.

In the second part, Gogol dug even deeper. Explaining that the purpose of art is the service of God. Without insight, the artist simply makes soulless copies, and in this case the triumph of evil over good is inevitable.

The story has been criticized for being too instructive.

Play Marriage (1842)

The play with the full title "Marriage, or an Absolutely Incredible Event in Two Acts" was written back in 1835, and had the name "Grooms".

But Nikolai Vasilyevich made adjustments for another eight years, and when, finally, the performance was staged, many did not understand him. Even the actors themselves did not understand what they were playing.

But time put everything in its place. The idea that marriage is a union of two souls, and not the search for an illusory ideal, for many years makes the audience go to this performance, and the directors put it on different stages.

Comedy Players (1842)

In tsarist Russia, the topic of gambling was in the air. It has been touched upon by many writers. Nikolai Vasilievich expressed his vision on this matter.

The writer twisted the plot so much, flavoring everything with chic turns, including slang expressions of gamblers, that the comedy turned into a real intricate matrix, where all the characters pretend to be someone else.

The comedy was an immediate success. It is relevant even today.

Rome (1842)

This is not an independent work, but an excerpt from the unfinished novel "Annunziata". This passage quite clearly characterizes the author's evolution in creativity, but he did not receive a worthy assessment.

Selected passages from correspondence with friends (1845)

A spiritual crisis pushes the writer to religious and philosophical topics. The fruit of this work was the publication of the collection "Selected passages from correspondence with friends."

This work, written in an edifying preaching style, caused a storm in critical circles. In all literary circles there were disputes and excerpts from this book were read.

Passions were serious. Vissarion Grigoryevich Belinsky wrote a critical review in the form of an open letter. But the letter was banned from printing, and it began to be distributed in manuscript form. It was for the distribution of this letter that Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was sentenced to death. True, the “death penalty by shooting” did not happen, the sentence was commuted to punishment in the form of hard labor.

Gogol, on the other hand, explained the attacks against the book as his mistake, believing that the chosen edifying tone ruined everything. Yes, and those places that censorship did not initially miss, finally ruined the material presented.

All the works of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol are pages of the amazing beauty of the Russian word, when reading you rejoice and are proud that you can speak and think in the same language.

Class: 10

Presentation for the lesson

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The purpose of the lesson:

  • generalize and expand knowledge about several pages of the life and work of the writer;
  • to deepen knowledge about romanticism and romantic works of N.V. Gogol;
  • to form a steady interest in Russian literature, the ability to draw independent conclusions.

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson structure:

  1. Teacher's word.
  2. Essay on the life and work of N.V. Gogol (student's message).
  3. Repetition of knowledge about romanticism and its main features.
  4. Conversation on works from the collection "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka".
  5. Conclusion from the conversation.
  6. Computer testing.
  7. Conclusion on the topic of the lesson.
  8. Reflection.
  9. Homework.
  10. Grading a lesson.

Methods and types of educational activities, techniques:

  • method of creative reading (techniques: conversation, expressive reading; activities: listening, looking at illustrations);
  • heuristic method (techniques: building a system of questions for self-acquisition of knowledge, posing a problematic issue; activities: selection of material from a work of art, retelling with elements of text analysis, episode analysis;
  • reproductive method (activities: recording basic concepts, testing).

Forms of work: frontal, group, individual.

Equipment: presentation “N.V. Gogol. "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"; N.V. Gogol's collection “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”; computer testing.

During the classes

1. teacher's word (acquaintance with the topic of the lesson, setting goals).

- Today we are talking about, perhaps, one of the most famous and mysterious writers of Russia, whose 200th anniversary we celebrated in 2009 - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

The purpose of the lesson:
- to generalize and expand knowledge about several pages of the life and work of the writer;
- to deepen knowledge about romanticism and romantic works of N.V. Gogol;
– to form a steady interest in Russian literature, the ability to draw independent conclusions. ( Slides 1, 2, 3. Students write the topic of the lesson in their notebooks.)
Everyone has their favorite books and writers. For me, one of these writers is Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol: perhaps the most unusual and mysterious writer, a man with a tragic fate, passionately in love with Russia until the end of his days, believing in his great destiny, dreaming of dedicating all his work to serving the people and the fatherland. Gogol is one of the most controversial writers of Russian literature. Being once cheerful and cheerful, by the age of forty he turned into a black melancholic, and after all, A.S. Pushkin, having read his stories from “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” in 1831, appreciated that writers with such a sense of humor rarely come into the world.
- What is the unusual and dramatic nature of N.V. Gogol? We will try to answer this question by referring to some pages of his life. By the end of the lesson, try to answer the question: why did the cheerful, life-loving writer turn into a gloomy, black melancholic?
- Let us recall some pages of the life of N.V. Gogol, reflecting the writer's love of life and inconsistency.

2. Implementation of individual homework: a student's report on the life and work of N.V. Gogol.(Slides 4-15).

Teacher: As you can see, the life of N.V. Gogol from the end of the 30s was tragic. But today we are talking about the earliest works of the writer, when Gogol is young, full of strength and creative ideas. These are funny and scary stories told by beekeeper Rudy Panko. The writer puts into his mouth the idea that true poetry is created by the people. In the world of “Evenings…” good triumphs over evil, love triumphs over hate, beautiful triumphs over ugly.

3. Repetition of knowledge about romanticism and its main features.
– Early Gogol is a romantic. Recall what romanticism is, what are the main features of romanticism. (The definition is given in the presentation, Slide 19):

Teacher: What attracts romantics?

(Students' answers.) (Slide 20).

Teacher: We have already met with the works of romanticism. Recall and name the works of romanticism.

Student responses: Early lyrics by M.Yu. Lermontov, his poems “Mtsyri”, “Demon”, ballads by V.A. Zhukovsky "Svetlana", "Lyudmila", etc.

4. Conversation on works from the collection “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”.

Teacher: Gogol, a romantic, knows well that the bright world he painted is a fairy tale, a beautiful dream of the people, embodied far from being as beautiful as it is depicted in the book. In reality, talented people are oppressed, deprived of their freedom. The writer sees his enemies put to shame only in a dream, but not in reality. That is why sad notes burst into the upbeat tone of “Evenings…”.

In each story, Gogol makes one feel that a dark and terrible power of power stands over the people. An example of this is the words:

“... an assessor with a devilishly woven whip, from whom not a single witch in the world can escape, he knows without a doubt how many pigs every woman has pigs and how many canvases lie ...” (Slide 21).

- And in “May Night, or the Drowned Woman”, each of the officials can “shackle an ordinary person and punish approximately. Let them know what power means. From whom is the head set, if not from the king? (Slide 21).

- These are the real conditions of life of the people. But in “Evenings…” Gogol speaks of this dully, in allusions. While he is creating a poetic fairy tale, taking readers into the world of a beautiful dream, showing that this is how a person's life should be. This is another feature of romanticism: dual world (Slide 22):

Two worlds - a gap between worlds: one world, the best, unearthly, true spiritual kingdom - in the soul of the hero, the other - empirical reality - around him (students write the definition in notebooks).

- The collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” includes several stories.

(Slides 23, 24). Students write down the titles of the stories.

Teacher: You got acquainted with the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” while still in the middle link. Look at the illustrations for the stories from the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, recognize the heroes of N.V. Gogol. (Slides 16, 17, 25-28). (Student answers.)

Our task is to recall the plots of the stories and the features of some of them and consider these stories as romantic works, using their example to consider Gogol's romanticism.

- In groups, you were given the task to read the stories and prepare answers to questions.

Questions of the 1st group:

– Tell us about the idea and history of the creation of Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.
- On whose behalf the story is told in the stories included in the collection "Evenings ...". Why did N.V. use this technique? Gogol? (Describe Rudy Panka.)
– How does fantasy intertwine with reality in the story “Sorochinsky Fair”?
– What folk legend is reflected in the story “Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala”?

Questions of the 2nd group:

– How did the writer's skill manifest itself in describing the Ukrainian night?
- With the help of what language means did Gogol manage to poeticize the May night?
– The legend told by Levko to his beloved Hanna miraculously intertwines with the real life of the heroes and has its continuation. How did Levko manage to get permission to marry Hannah?
(Demonstration of a fragment from the film “May Night, or the Drowned Woman”.)
– What picture of the Russian artist resonates with the episode you watched from the film “May Night, or the Drowned Woman”? Tell us about the history of the painting. (Picture by I.N. Kramskoy “Mermaids”. Slide 18, Appendix 2).

Questions of the 3rd group:

- One of the most remarkable works is the story “The Night Before Christmas”, which captures the amazing, special state of the human spirit during these holidays, conveying the national flavor.
How does the fantastic in the story intertwine with the real?
- The boys and girls caroled on the night before Christmas. Do you know the origin of the words “carol”, “carol”?
- Look how people in the old days celebrated Christmas, caroled.
(Demonstration of a fragment from the film “The Night Before Christmas.”)
– In the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” there are not only funny stories splashing with humor, but works that are more serious in their content and touch on acute social and political issues. One of these works is the story “Terrible Revenge”.
What real historical events are reflected in the story "Terrible Revenge"?
- In his story, Gogol gives beautiful pictures of the Dnieper. For what purpose did the writer include a description of the Dnieper in the story “Terrible Revenge”?

Questions of the 4th group:

- What is the ideological and thematic content of the story "Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt"?
- What is the comic of the story "The Enchanted Place"?
- We examined the plots and some features of the stories from the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. What do you think Gogol's romanticism is based on?
– What explains Gogol's interest in folk customs and legends?

5. Conclusion on the conversation.

- Let's go back to the beginning of our lesson and remember the main features of romanticism.
(Slide 29).
- Prove that the stories from "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" are romantic works.
- As a consolidation and verification of your knowledge, you are offered computer testing.

6. Computer testing(8 minutes) (Appendix 1).

(Testing is performed on 4 options.)

7. Conclusion on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher: Today we remembered a few pages from the life of N.V. Gogol, talked about the features of his romantic works. At the beginning of the lesson, I puzzled you with the question: why did the cheerful writer, who created beautiful pictures of Ukrainian life, portrayed the brave, noble, beautiful inhabitants of Dikanka, turn into a gloomy, black melancholic?

Student response: Gogol in "Evenings ..." drew a beautiful fairy tale about what life should be like and what people should be, he believed in his high destiny, in his great mission: with the help of his creativity to fix society, make life better, but reality is rough, ugly . Gogol realized that he would not be able to fix this world, he became withdrawn, tormented himself with religious posts, fell into despondency and, indeed, turned into a black melancholic.

8. Reflection:

- What new did you learn today? (Slide 30).
– How do you see N.V. Gogol after our conversation today?

Teacher: No matter how controversial the work of N.V. Gogol, for us he will remain a great writer, who glorified Russia with his talent, in which he was passionately and ardently in love until the end of his days. For me, he is one of the most significant, beloved writers. I want you to love and understand his work in the same way.

9. Homework. In the next lesson, we will continue to work on the work of N.V. Gogol. You should read the story from the collection “Mirgorod” for the next lesson.

10. Grading a lesson.

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