Home Kitchen garden on the windowsill Fortune telling aza 4 kings house of the sun. Women's free online fortune telling "On the King. Diamonds suit values

Fortune telling aza 4 kings house of the sun. Women's free online fortune telling "On the King. Diamonds suit values

Girls often use a number of ways to learn about the feelings of the young people caring for them. One of the most popular card layouts is “4 Kings”. It will need a new deck of 36 cards or an old divination deck that no one has ever played. This ancient gypsy fortune telling makes it possible to find out the intentions of the fans for sure.

Finding out relationships through maps

The deck needs to be shuffled, removed with the left hand anywhere, then select four kings and prepare them for fortune telling. Under each king, a specific man or young man must be conceived. It is desirable that there is an external and internal similarity. The more the card image conveys life, the more accurate the result will be. As a rule, under the king of hearts is meant a womanizer, a superficial young man, and under a tambourine - a reliable calm man. The king of spades always sympathizes with the fortuneteller, but can be dangerous for her. A fan of the club suit is one who constantly revolves around a woman and tries to accelerate the development of a relationship. When the kings are hidden, we put the cards face down in a horizontal row, mentally asking the question at this time: "How does he treat me?"

We start fortune telling. Face up, lay out cards on each king in turn. If on one of them in a row two identical ones come across, we remove them to the side and in this place we put two others from the general deck. The procedure is performed three times. By the number of couples and their value, the ratio of specific men to the fortune-telling girl is determined.

Interpretation of the cards:

  • Sixes warn of treason.
  • Sevens say that a young man dreams of meeting a fortuneteller.
  • Eights mean a desire to communicate.
  • The dropped pair of nines symbolizes love.
  • A couple of tens - interest.
  • Jacks inform the fortuneteller that the man wants to kiss her.
  • If ladies have fallen out, wait for an offer of friendship.
  • Aces indicate that the fan is bored.
  • If 4 cards of the same value fell under one king, then they should be interpreted with a vengeance.

What did the man like?

After the interpretation, we collect the deck, leaving the kings in place. To tell fortunes again, we shuffle the cards, mentally asking the question: “What does he like about me?”, And again lay out the cards, as we did the first time.

Interpretation of the cards:

  • Sixes mean that the young man is frivolous and, most likely, paid attention only to beautiful legs.
  • Sevens indicate that the man liked the eyes of a fortuneteller.
  • Eights are what a good heart.
  • A pair of nines says that the fan is pleased with the initiative from the woman.
  • Dozens report that the chosen one is conquered by your behavior in society and communication with other people.
  • Did you hit a pair of jacks? Do not hesitate, your beautiful figure did not go unnoticed.
  • Ladies assure that a young man cannot forget your face.
  • Aces symbolize endless sympathy. A man is in love, and he likes everything in a fortuneteller, without exception!

What desires do fans have?

The third question of our alignment for 4 kings: "What does he want from me?" Fortune-telling occurs in the same way as in the first two times. Let's explain the meaning of the dropped pairs.

  • Two sixes in a row means that the young man wants to invite him to a movie or cafe, a restaurant.
  • Got sevens - wait for an invitation to a date.
  • Eights predict a long, soulful conversation.
  • The nines who made their way into this gypsy fortune-telling say that the gentleman wants pure and mutual love,
  • A couple of tens reports an intimate desire.
  • Jacks warn of an imminent kiss.
  • The two ladies in the king's retinue indicate his desire for sincere and devoted friendship.
  • Aces mean that the enigmatic man always wants to be with the fortuneteller.

What is the future of the couple?

And the last, 4th question included in this gypsy fortune-telling: "What will happen between us?" The layout is performed using a method similar to the first three.

Interpretation of the cards:

  • Sixes mean that the young man is not very faithful and will cheat.
  • Sevens talk about a quick date.
  • Eights report that nothing will go beyond ordinary communication with this man.
  • But nines symbolize deep feelings and mutual love.
  • Two dozen promise a stormy intimate life,
  • Jacks are just a kiss.
  • Ladies point to a strong friendship without romance.
  • Aces mean a quick separation, in which the fan and the fortuneteller will miss each other.

Ancient fortune-telling for kings

In addition to the described alignment, there is another fortune telling using 4 kings. Russian girls often used it during Christmas time. Before going to bed, the fortuneteller put four kings from her deck under her pillow and thought about how her personal life would develop. Imagining yourself in love and happy with the man of your dreams, you need to say the phrase: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, I will dream in a dream." In the morning, without getting out of bed, you should get the first card that comes across from under the pillow. If the king of spades is caught, most likely, the husband will be older in age, with a harsh and irritable character. The cross card means a spouse associated with the army or business. King of Diamonds - the husband will be loved and suitable for age, and if the husband of hearts has fallen out, then the married life of a fortuneteller will flow in love and great prosperity.

Fortune telling by four kings is a classic fortune telling on playing cards, which allows you to understand the thoughts and feelings of the chosen one for you. Fortune telling on our website is free and online.

Fortune telling instructions:

  • If you are guessing at 4 guys at once: choose your suit for each king, enter the name and press successively the buttons "Fortune to the king"
  • If you are guessing for 1 king: choose the most suitable suit for the chosen one, enter his name and click "Fortune Telling"

You can repeat the fortune-telling in 5-10 minutes.

In order for fortune-telling on the four kings to give a correct prediction, some rules must be followed. Here they are:

  1. You must be as focused and focused as possible. Try to expel all extraneous thoughts from your head during fortune-telling.
  2. Practice visualizing the images of men that you will begin to guess. You must be able to clearly imagine their images. If you cannot do this during fortune-telling, practice in advance
  3. Believe that the cards will tell the truth. Skepticism and doubt are not the best companions of magical rites. The more you believe in the power of fortune telling, the more truthful the result will be.
  4. Ask a specific question, avoid vague wording. Maps should "understand" you correctly, so formulate the question clearly

And do not guess for the sake of entertainment, games. Cards do not tolerate frivolity - remember this always.

How to guess the king correctly?

Each king of cards symbolizes a man with certain qualities. This must be taken into account when fortune-telling.

King of Diamonds:

  • A bachelor or a man with no experience of a long-term relationship
  • A man with potential: perhaps this is still a young and poor guy, but in the future he will definitely “shoot” and become a successful person

King of Hearts:

  • Light-haired, fair-skinned and light-eyed man
  • Often married or divorced with a long history of relationship
  • Patron saint, a man who is ready to provide any help he can. But you can become addicted to it

King of Clubs:

  • Brown-eyed and dark-haired man, temperamental and "hot"
  • A very fair person, honest, with high moral principles
  • Can provide patronage without asking for anything in return
  • Great friend, comrade, ally

King of spades:

  • Often a military man or a man who holds a high position in the civil service, an official
  • The man with whom you are in opposition, the enemy, the ill-wisher, the rival
  • Dark-haired and dark-eyed, but fair-skinned, "cold" type

Fortune telling on the 4 kings of the gypsy woman Aza

Traditional gypsy fortune telling, like nothing else, helps to get reliable predictions. For a magical ritual, you will need either a special divination deck or a new deck of playing cards that no one else has used.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Take out four kings from the deck and think about which of them will correspond to each chosen one
  2. As a rule, the kings of diamonds and hearts are young boys, unmarried guys who have not yet taken place in life, but, possibly, with great potential.
  3. Cards of a dark suit - clubs and spades kings symbolize mature men who have taken place, possibly married or have already been married to another woman
  4. Place the four kings in a row, and carefully shuffle the remaining cards from the deck. During the shuffle, clearly formulate and mentally say the question, the answer to which you are interested in
  5. Then start sequentially laying out cards from the deck for each of the four kings. There will be four stacks of eight cards in total.

The most important king is the one in whose pile of cards a queen will appear, symbolizing you. Most likely, it is with this man that a relationship will develop.

Also note the meaning of the cards under each king:

  • Sixes predict treason. Most likely, the chosen one is a real Casanova, who is still unable to start a serious relationship and experience deep feelings.
  • Sevens promise a romantic date with the chosen one, which can get to know him better and understand how much he suits you.
  • The forecast for eights is as follows: in the near future, an important conversation will take place, the outcome of which depends only on your female wisdom and cunning
  • Nines indicate that a man has sincere and deep enough feelings for you that can develop into true love.
  • Jacks give an exciting prediction: with a secret man you will kiss, physical attraction will arise between you
  • Ladies predict only possible friendship, you should not count on romantic relationships
  • Aces say that a man yearns for you, wants to be around and keep company in a romantic relationship.

Important: the prediction will come true if there are two or more identical cards from the listed ones under the king.

Listen to the opinions of the cards, but do not try to shape your future for them. This is just an indication, a hint in which direction and with whom it is worth developing relations, and which of the guys should be treated with caution.

Watch a video about divination by 4 kings:


4 kings under the pillow: divination for the betrothed

There is another, very simple fortune-telling, which will help you decide which of the fans to choose.

Prepare a new deck of cards, get four kings out of it and ask the men that each card will symbolize. Holding the king in your hands, imagine the man for a few minutes and think about how you feel about him at the present time.

Take a shower, comb your hair, put the cards under the (kings) pillow and go to bed. Do not forget to ask the question that worries you. For example: "Which of the four kings is my destiny?"

You should have a dream that will help you decide.

Women's free online fortune telling "On the King" got its name thanks to the special technique of this alignment. Previously, this love fortune-telling on playing cards was used by gypsy fortune-tellers to answer the question about the attitude of a beloved man to a woman in love with him. In this way, they wondered about a husband, a guy, a man they liked, a partner in a love union, a person of interest.

To tell fortunes on the king and find out if your loved one loves you, you need to take a deck of 36 playing cards and mix it, after setting aside 4 Kings (King of Spades, King of Clubs, King of Diamonds and King of Hearts). On one of the postponed kings cards, they think of a loved one and memorize the card. After that, the "Kings" are put back into the deck and carefully shuffled again.

After such preparation for fortune-telling "On the King", the cards in turn (starting from the top) are taken out of the deck, saying the following words for each: “My dear King - answer, dear - do you love me? - I love you - with all my heart - and with all my soul ... - Probably there is better than you. - My dear King - answer, dear ... "... So the cards are removed from the deck until the king card is revealed, on which the beloved was guessed.

As the name suggests, women's free online fortune telling on playing cards "On the King" is intended exclusively for girls and women who want to find out if a loved one loves and get an answer to the question: "How he treats me?"... This card fortune-telling for love is known to many, but probably only some fans of virtual layouts know about it.

To start online fortune telling, think of a person and choose one of the 4 Kings by clicking on the card with the mouse.

Fortune-telling on cards is one of the most interesting, popular, and most importantly, accessible and understandable ways to find out the future. People knew about fortune telling on cards in ancient times, but it does not lose its popularity in our time. Especially often they ask questions to cards during the New Year holidays or Christmas, and one of the most famous ways to find out your betrothed is to divine the king.

The essence of divination for the king

Fortune telling on the king on playing cards is one of the most famous and popular. There are several types of such fortune telling, and a wide variety of decks can be used for it. A girl who finds it difficult to decide on the choice of a young man can resort to using cards and tell fortunes on the four kings. Fortune-telling itself is very simple and you should not be afraid that something will not work out. But as in any fortune-telling of the gypsies, the meaning of the alignment will always be deeper than it seems at first glance. It is for this reason that many fortune-telling girls misinterpret the dropped values.

Such fortune-telling is a gypsy magical tradition that is transmitted only within one clan, however, some methods have become more widely known. Fortune telling on 4 kings on cards may not work out completely correctly, but the general meaning will be clear even to beginners.

Fortune telling on 4 cards answers only 4 questions, and kings are used to find out about the relationship of 4 specific men. Gypsies very often resorted to using this arrangement, because it is light, simple and reliable. The advantage is that the cards will reveal the truth about a person without unnecessary interference in his life.

There are several types of king layouts. Each of them gives answers to a certain range of questions.

Values ​​of cards by suits

When fortune-telling, it is not enough to know what the fallen queen, jack or any other card means. The interpretation should always be carried out in conjunction with the suit.

What the worms point to

Worms symbolize the return of life, its dawn, the right time of the year - spring, this suit is a symbol of childhood, love and friendship. Worms are the suit responsible for personal relationships, home, family, etc.

Diamonds suit values

Tambourines are a symbol of a mature person who knows life. The right time of the year is autumn.

What the clubs talk about

Knowledge and the flow of new ideas- this is the true embodiment of this suit. Youth and college time are the right time.

Spades Suit

Peaks are responsible for mature years, health of body and mind ... Season - winter.

To define a connection

This fortune-telling on the king is suitable for those people who doubt the loyalty of their chosen one. If you have a feeling of distance from each other, and you want to catch connections with a young man, then this fortune-telling is perfect. Fortune-telling uses kings from a regular deck:

  • tambourine;
  • heart;
  • peak;
  • cross.

Communication will help you learn more about the relationship that reign in your couple, and also predict the development of relationships in the future. The fortune-telling itself takes place as follows:

Choose a king according to the conditions:

  • tambourine - young and unmarried;
  • heart - aged, married;
  • of clubs - aged, divorced;
  • the king of spades is an old man, a widower.

A suitable king is laid out on the table, and the remaining deck is shuffled. After that, obeying your intuition, you should pull out 8 cards you like at random. Turn them over and lay them out in the following sequence:

  • the first and second are located to the left of the king;
  • 3 and 4 - at the top;
  • 5 and 6 cards - to the right of the king;
  • And the last two cards are from the bottom.

Now it's time to start interpreting the dropped values:

You can tell fortunes not only for 4 kings. Fortune-telling on jacks is no less popular.(it is called jack-up).

Fortune-telling of this kind comes true very often, but people rarely pay attention to it. But if you take a closer look, you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself and those around you.

A simple deal for the king

This simple fortune-telling can be easily carried out on an ordinary deck, and the cards will tell you what your chosen one thinks about, what is in his heart. For fortune telling, you do not need to have special skills, everything is very simple. It only takes a deck and imagination.

Shuffle the deck, representing the face of the chosen one. Shuffling the cards, you need to mentally ask a question - what awaits me with this person. After that, gradually begin to lay out the top cards and turn them over. At the moment when the cards will be laid out, say - six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace. Cards that match the spoken words are put in a separate pile. The entire deck must be sorted out in this way. The values ​​dropped out are the same as in the previous fortune-telling.

Old Slavonic fortune telling at night

In ancient times, girls resorted to the help of fortune telling for 4 kings on Christmastide.

It was done like this: a fortuneteller before going to bed chose 4 kings from the deck and hid them under the pillow, representing the future life. She called her future spouse to sleep. The next morning, she took out one card from under the pillow, without getting out of bed:

Layout on playing cards

To carry out this fortune-telling, one new deck of 36 cards is needed, which has never been played. The deck should be touched only by your hands and no one else's. Otherwise, the fortune-telling will be wrong.

Shuffle the cards and remove the top with your left hand, guess the suit of the king and gradually lay out one card on the table. During these actions, you need to say the following words:

If, during the first pronunciation, the envisioned king did not fall out, you should continue the same actions further. If the king coincides with the phrases "tell me, dear" or "do you love me" - this means that the chosen one has not yet decided on his feelings for you. When a card falls on the pronunciation of a suit (diamonds, spades, clubs, hearts) it means that he is not indifferent to you.

For the situation in pairs

You must choose a king and a queen from the deck.

Unmarried girls need to choose a suit of hearts, married girls - clubs. When pulling out the card, you need to mentally pronounce the name of the chosen one.

After shuffling the deck, place it face down. After that, start shooting from the top of the deck. You need to take cards and lay them out one by one on the king, then on the queen. Pairs of cards with the same values ​​(for example, seven fell on seven, ace on ace, etc.) must be removed and folded next to the king or queen (depending on what the paired cards turned out to be).

The layout must be repeated 3 times, before each shuffling the deck. At the end, the face-down queen and king are turned over and analyzed.

The cards that happened to be next to the man tell about his feelings for the woman. They also warn about events that will happen in his life in the near future. The same means the cards that were next to the lady.

Divination for love

For this fortune-telling, you need a new deck, from which you need to take one king and a queen and put them on the table. The remaining deck is shuffled and moved with the left hand, and the removed part is shifted down.

After that, you need to shoot one card at a time and lay them out clockwise from four sides of the king and queen. They talk about the feelings that the chosen one has for you, as well as about the future with him.

Anyone can tell fortunes, but it will not hurt to remember one simple truth: the cards will not give an exact answer to questions, so you should not blindly trust only them. People themselves create their own destiny and should not depend on the dropped card values.

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