Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill What a well-groomed girl looks like at 30. Plan anti-aging care

What a well-groomed girl looks like at 30. Plan anti-aging care

Good day, dear friends! They say that a woman's age does not matter as long as she is well-groomed.

You begin to pay special attention to this quality after you cross the thirty-year mark.

At 20, you don’t need to make any special efforts to look fresh and good. But after 35 years, you need to devote sufficient time to self-care every day.
Don’t be alarmed right away, being well-groomed does not mean spending a lot of money and visiting expensive beauty salons.

This can be achieved at home, but you will have to work hard, especially at first.

If this topic is close to you, just like me, let’s find out together in more detail: what are the signs of a well-groomed woman after 30. Let’s try to find out the opinion of real experts.

Looking well-groomed and expensive is not only an art, but also a lot of work. Knowing the basic rules, you can become more attractive and stylish at any age.

Well-groomed skin

A woman who does not take care of herself is identified by overgrown cuticles and flaky skin on her face. To create beautiful skin, make sure that there are no dry areas on the surface.

To do this, you just need a scrub, a pumice stone and a washcloth with a massage effect.
While showering, massage your body with a washcloth. This will renew the top layer of skin and saturate it with oxygen.

Skin after 50 years requires special care.

Hair color

An unkempt look creates a dull and inexpressive tone. Overgrown hair roots look ugly.

If you are brown-haired, then the shade should be expressive. And a blonde should not have dryness and yellowness in her strands.

Brunettes should wear it more often. After all, bright colors wash out faster and lose their shine.
Ungroomed hair will not save beautiful outfits.

Mandatory clarity of lines

The image should consist of clear lines. This applies to eyebrows, nails, arrows on the eyes and hair. In a stylish manicure, all nails should be evenly filed, and the polish should lie beautifully on the nail plate.
Regularly so that it always has clear edges. As your hair grows, the ends become brittle and untidy.

Makeup should be perfectly clear. Especially when using eyeliner and bright lipstick.

Clean and free of excess hair

Remember that there should be no excess hair on exposed areas of the body. There are many ways to cope with such a problem - from a standard machine to an expensive one.
Purity must be evident in everything. This includes a pleasant body aroma, absence of bad breath, cleansed skin and clean nails. The smell of perfume should not be strong.

Taste and style

A competent combination of colors in clothes is a guarantee of a stylish look. A well-groomed woman is distinguished by the absence of bright colors in her makeup, stylish shoes and the right handbag.
Carefully think through your image to the smallest detail. It is important to be able to choose a harmonious combination of top and bottom in clothes, as well as to focus on a certain part of the face.

Don't forget to differentiate between daytime and evening makeup. You can see the difference between these types in the video.

Excellent health

An important sign of a well-groomed representative of the fair sex is excellent health? Which should be noticeable.
The absence of oily shine and matte skin indicate a fresh and problem-free skin. Hands should be well-groomed, without peeling nails.
Remember to eat a healthy diet and drink enough clean water.
A comprehensive annual examination is required after 45 years of age.

There are specific care options for women of different ages. Up to 30 years of age, when the skin is elastic and fresh, sometimes high-quality cleansing and moisturizing is enough for a well-groomed appearance.
But from 35 to 40, it is important to carefully select caring cosmetics and take into account the needs of more mature skin.
10 tips from Evelina Khomchenko will help you always remain feminine and beautiful:

  1. Don't advertise your age.
  2. Don't be shy about your beautiful legs and skillfully highlight them with clothes.
  3. No need to get carried away with huge bags. Instead, declutter your belongings and decide what you really need.
  4. Correct your height wisely with shoes and suitable trousers.
  5. Don't get carried away with nail art. Such nails often look tasteless.
  6. Wear the right jeans. They should be dark blue. Jeans should be strict without rhinestones or embroidery.
  7. Get a basic wardrobe that includes tailored jeans, a white shirt, a little black dress, and a white and black turtleneck.
  8. Don't wear excessive makeup. N should look as natural as possible.
  9. Avoid vulgar items such as leopard prints, midriff-baring tops, long-toed shoes and pink blouses.
  10. Don’t skimp on yourself: on good cosmetics, perfume and beautiful clothes.

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In the time of our grandmothers, a 30-year-old woman was an “adult aunt” and looked the part; distinguishing a girl of about 20 from a young lady 10 years older was not a problem. Now a young girl, showing her passport, can greatly amaze her interlocutor: “What, are you already 30?” So why do modern 30-year-old girls look no worse, and sometimes better, than 20-year-olds and are so different from those 30-year-olds who were before?

While today's 30-year-old girls were growing up, they constantly heard that the age of female beauty and attractiveness ends as soon as we cross the threshold of our 30th birthday - goodbye to ease, entertainment and cheerfulness. But as we grow older, the stereotypes have been critically assessed, and now we understand that 30 years is a wonderful age, we worry less about these numbers and have the courage to feel young, which has a positive effect on our appearance.

Have freedom of choice

Previously, from the age of 25, bright colors, tight or short clothes gradually disappeared from a woman’s wardrobe, because “you’re too old for that.” Nowadays, girls in their 30s can wear bright clothes, ripped jeans, dye their hair all kinds of colors or get piercings - whatever they want. Youth style helps you look fresh and youthful—befitting your age.

Treat cosmetics differently

When we were growing up (and the author of this article is also a 30-year-old), there were no beauty bloggers, highlighters, glitters, etc., and the choice of cosmetics in stores left much to be desired. But over the past 15 years, everything has changed a lot, and the abundance of high-quality decorative cosmetics has instilled several makeup rules: we began to lightly tint our eyes and lips every day, and even out our complexion. Correctly emphasizing the advantages of their appearance has made modern women brighter and more attractive.

Has a stable financial situation

Modern 30-year-olds are also well versed in skin care cosmetics, which also benefits their appearance. Moreover, at this age, you usually already have your own stable income, stores offer a wide selection, there are sports complexes everywhere, and strengthened self-esteem gives confidence and courage to spend money on yourself. As a result, women now have the habit of exercise and self-care, as well as opportunities that previous generations did not have.

Benefit from the developed cosmetology industry

A little more about the possibilities. In the time of our mothers and grandmothers, cosmetology was less developed and practically inaccessible. Nowadays, at any age, you can carry out self-care procedures - cosmetologists are everywhere, and the prices for their services are no longer so high. And we're not talking about plastic surgery - cleansing, massages, masks and other ways to pamper yourself always have a beneficial effect on your appearance.

Found your style

Shopping now is pure pleasure. For those who devote a lot of time to it and like to go shopping, there are large shopping centers, for those who don’t like all this, there are online stores with delivery. A wide selection allows you to experiment and find your own style, wear original things and combine them interestingly. It would have been difficult to even imagine such a wardrobe just 40 years ago, when there was practically nothing on the shelves, and things were not bought, but “obtained” through acquaintances or from speculators.

Gain inner harmony and self-confidence

Social stereotypes greatly influence a woman’s life goals, and in many ways, the generation of our mothers imagined self-realization in the family - rarely did anyone want a specific career or creative fulfillment. And women had much fewer opportunities for advancement at work. Today, by the age of 30, women usually already have an education, a profession and more goals in life, including not only a role in the family, but also recognition in a profession or creativity. Self-confidence and fulfillment add attractiveness and that inner fire that makes a woman so attractive.

Responsible for health

Medicine during the USSR was free, but not as accessible as it is now - a visit to a doctor required an appointment in advance, and there was no culture of regular medical care, except for a couple of specialists. Now, at 30, you come to the understanding that the body also requires “maintenance”; money and time are available for this. We have the opportunity to get an appointment with any specialist, and health is directly related to beauty.

Few women would not like to look young and beautiful. After the first age-related changes appear, many people have to seriously think about how to look younger at 35 years old. It is generally accepted that maintaining beauty is an expensive pleasure and not everyone can afford it. Actually this is not true. Anyone can maintain their attractiveness with minimal time and financial costs.

In order to have a youthful appearance and look fresh, you should follow a number of rules:

Emotional condition

Frequent smiling leads to the formation of nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the eyes, which are called “crow’s feet.” However, this is not a reason to stop smiling. During a sincere smile or laugh, almost all the muscles of the face work, which allows you to keep them in good shape. A cheerful, cheerful person ages much more slowly than a gloomy and gloomy person.

Care products

It is necessary to take care of your face and body at any age. After 30, you should choose your products more carefully. Experts recommend choosing products that are designed for older people. Optimal option + 5 years. Particular attention is paid to the skin around the eyes. It becomes thinner over the years, and the first expression wrinkles appear. To prevent the situation from getting worse, creams, serums and other products based on hyaluronic acid, snail extract, collagen and elastin are used. A number of ingredients moisturize well and retain moisture in the cells, which leads to the preservation of elasticity and firmness, helps to visually rejuvenate and look 2-3 years less.

To prevent dryness and hyperpigmentation, it is necessary to use cosmetics with sunscreen filters at any time of the year. This does not mean that in winter you need to apply cream that is usually used for the beach; it is enough to use traditional decorative and skincare cosmetics containing SPF.

Full sleep

Lack of sleep negatively affects your appearance at any age. Normal sleep is 7-8 hours. You need to sleep on a pillow, in a supine position. You can't lie face down. Otherwise, creases, swelling, and bruises under the eyes will form on the skin. The same applies to sleeping on your side. In this option, there is a risk of swelling on only one side and the formation of significant asymmetry.

Eliminate bad habits

Alcohol and nicotine are the main enemies of youth and beauty. Abuse leads to vasoconstriction, loss of moisture and poor circulation. As a result, the skin acquires an unhealthy grayish tint, wrinkles form, and the face looks wrinkled and tired. To avoid this, alcohol consumption must be reduced to a minimum, and smoking cigarettes must be completely abandoned. The maximum dosage is no more than 1 glass of wine every 2-3 days.

Healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition helps provide the body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein and other essential substances.

To improve your shape, you need to exercise regularly, use physical activity or take long walks. This will help get rid of excess weight, which few people find attractive, and saturate the blood with oxygen. As a result, a woman will look and feel good, her skin will become tightened, regardless of how many years are indicated in the passport.

Appearance After 31 years or more, you should not refuse to use cosmetic products.

The face needs protection and camouflage of defects. To do this, you can use various modern devices and products. Particular attention is paid to clothing. You don't have to blindly follow fashion trends. It is important to have your own individual style, emphasizing the strengths of your figure and hiding flaws.

Perfume will help complement the look. When choosing, you should take into account your color type and taste preferences. It is better to avoid using overly sweet cloying aromas. They are more suitable for women over 60 years old. Excessive freshness will also not be age appropriate. The best option is to find the middle option.

Facial rejuvenation after thirty

After 25-30 years, the first age-related changes appear. Each passing year is involuntarily reflected on the face. You cannot close your eyes to this and let it take its course. When talking about how to look younger than your age at 30, you need to pay special attention to care and rejuvenation. To do this, it is not necessary to resort to the help of plastic surgeons and use expensive manipulations.

  • thorough cleansing 2 times a day;
  • nutrition;
  • hydration;
  • protection from external factors.

A sufficient number of cosmetic products on the market makes it possible to take care of yourself.

The substances provide nutrition, hydration and have a tightening effect. As a result of regular use, the skin looks fresh and well-groomed. Peeling, redness, enlarged pores, rashes are eliminated, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. You can ensure quality nutrition by using traditional refrigerator foods.

For this you can use eggs, lemon, cucumbers, honey and other products. When using allergens, the composition is first applied to a small area of ​​skin. If there is no reaction, you can use it fully.

You can prepare cubes using mint leaves, strawberry or lemon juice, green tea, etc. They can be kept in the freezer for many months, allowing them to remain fresh at any time of the year. At this age, you can use products with an anti-aging effect.

The products are widely represented on the shelves of specialized stores. It is recommended to purchase products that contain plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, snail mucin, etc.

The compositions are applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté area.

  • When performing procedures, you should take the advice of cosmetologists:
  • Before applying decorative cosmetics, you must use a day cream. For winter, products with high fat content are chosen to protect against low temperatures and wind.
  • In such years, special attention is paid to foundation. It shouldn't be too dense. Otherwise, the product will not hide, but, on the contrary, will emphasize skin imperfections, adding several years of age.
  • For skin with vascular, clear and frequent redness, preference is given to products that contain a sufficient amount of yellow pigment. If your skin already has a yellowish tint, you should avoid using such cosmetics.
  • To hide dark circles under the eyes and eliminate puffiness, you can use special patches, concealer and other products.
  • Night cream should contain hyaluronate and retinol. Apply the product 30 minutes before bedtime.

To maintain well-groomed skin, it is worth periodically exfoliating, cleaning, massage and other manipulations.

Hand rejuvenation

When discussing the topic of how to look young at 35, it is necessary to talk about your hands. They are more susceptible to the influence of chemicals, temperature fluctuations, etc. than other parts of the body. It is the hands that often give away a person’s true years. It is important to provide them with quality, timely care.

For this purpose, special creams, masks, and baths are used. Creams are used daily. For the cold season, fatty products with plant extracts in the formula are chosen. Paraffin masks have proven themselves well.

You should be careful with baths. If abused, you can achieve the opposite effect.

Experiment with hairstyles

When performing skincare procedures, you should not forget about your hair. Numerous dyeing, poor ecology, low-quality products lead to a deterioration in the condition of the curls. Excessive dryness or, conversely, oiliness occurs, hair loss increases, and the strands look thin and lifeless.

Recommendations from experts will help restore attractiveness to your hair:

  • When choosing a hairstyle, it is important to take into account the shape of the face, the length of the neck, and the woman’s figure.
  • Backcombed hairstyles should be reserved for older ladies; they visually add years to the look.
  • At this age, you can wear curls of any length, including long ones, of course, if they are beautiful, thick and well-groomed.
  • In case of active hair loss, dryness and lifelessness, it is better to cut the braid down to the waist. In this version, it is recommended to wear a hairstyle of medium or short length.
  • When choosing a haircut, you can follow fashion trends. Slight dishevelment, asymmetry, angled bangs, etc. - all this can make a woman visually younger.
  • Coloring and other modern techniques will help make your hair visually more voluminous.

At 30-35, you can and should experiment with your image. The main thing is that the hair allows you to do this and is well-groomed and healthy.

To maintain good condition, it is recommended to use masks after each wash. The ends must be treated with oil.

The use of styling devices that apply high temperatures should be kept to a minimum.

As the strands grow, the roots need to be tinted in a timely manner, and dry ends need to be cut off.

Hair color matters

To make your curls look attractive, you should use several shades when dyeing. The right hair color will make your hairstyle more vibrant and modern.

Nowadays various coloring techniques are in fashion. To look stylish, you can use ombre, balayage and others. Such techniques add attractiveness to the image. They are used by numerous show business stars. The choice of technique depends on individual preferences.

If you have experience and knowledge, you can carry out the manipulation yourself. However, in order not to harm your hair and do everything correctly, you should contact a specialized salon.

Be careful with makeup

To look attractive under any conditions, girls over 30 are recommended to use a minimum of decorative cosmetics.

The exception is evening time, when makeup should be bright.

For lips, you can use lipstick of several tones or glosses. A light shade is applied to the central part. Thus, lips look fuller.

Light-colored shadows are applied under the eyebrow. Thanks to this, the eyebrow looks raised and the face itself looks young.

The inner corner of the eye also needs highlighting.

To visually correct the shape of the face, blush of various shades and other products are used.

Eye makeup is done using pencil, eye shadow, and mascara. For daytime make-up, it is better to abandon the now popular “smoky eye” technique. Also, it should not be used by those who do not know how to do this.

Wardrobe after 30 and 35 years

  • The wardrobe is of no small importance. In order not to visually add extra years to yourself, you should take the advice of stylists: The length of the skirt can be any.
  • From mini to maxi. In this case, it is necessary to avoid shapeless products. Preference is given to dresses that fit the figure. There are no restrictions on the colors of clothes.
  • Years allow you to wear wardrobe items of any color, from bright to pastel or neutral. Those whose figure allows it can wear short shorts.
  • The main thing is to put on clothes at the right time. In the office, such products will look ridiculous and inappropriate.
  • For work, preference is given to a business suit, formal dress, skirt, trousers, blouses, etc.

For an evening out, your wardrobe should have several elegant outfits.

In years like these, you can experiment with style - wear leather trousers with a biker jacket, a retro outfit, etc. By thirty-five, it is necessary to fully develop an individual style.

When creating an image, you should pay attention to detail. The right shoes and handbag help complete your outfit.

Years are not a reason to give up on yourself, wear shapeless clothes, walk around with an unwashed hair, overgrown roots and a complete lack of makeup. To look young and attractive, it is enough to devote 20-30 minutes a day to yourself. It is necessary to approach the issue holistically.

You can learn more about how to look younger than 30 for a woman from the following video:

There are many signs that distinguish a woman between the ages of 20 and 30. Undoubtedly, the ideas, thoughts, actions and outlook on life of a 20-year-old girl are very different from those that appear when she turns thirty. Although it's not often talked about, women experience many changes once they cross the 30-year mark. The source of the beauty they radiate is hidden deep within. And only the one who can understand this depth will become a truly dear person. Let's learn more about the power that 30-year-old women have.

The ability to say “no”

30-year-old women understand that you can get a lot more in life if you say no. For example, staying in shape means saying no to other activities that might interfere with your workout. This means that you have learned to better understand what is right for you. You have your own taste, and you definitely know the kind of life you would like to lead. What others think? You undoubtedly have your own.

Complete self-understanding

A woman at 30 already knows exactly who she is and accepts whatever she likes. Other people will do the same if they truly value you. Unlike what happened in your 20s, you now know the cost of dealing with energy vampires. Now you understand that there is nothing good in people who are close to you but do not appreciate you.

You start spending your time only on those people who respect true values. In turn, others love spending time with you because they know how deeply you value them. This does not mean that you like to be with those who only respect your appearance. You want to be with people who appreciate who you are.

No panic in bad times

Something went wrong. But you've experienced this before. And when problems arise, you are much stronger than you were before. It took a lot of strength and emotion to get to 30 years old. And now you are more prepared for stressful situations.

Perhaps because you are now more confident in your ability to make good decisions, you have the strength to think about times when you were under stress and not become too emotional about what happened.

Knowing your body

You are wise enough to add to your knowledge as you get older. There are many benefits to knowing everything about your body. You understand exactly how much sleep you need, how often you should exercise, and what foods you should avoid. Achievement in life is partly related to how you take care of yourself emotionally. The third decade of your life beckons you with the opportunity to discover what feeds your soul and what you pay the most attention to.

Striving for your own unique style

You started paying attention to fashion trends because they had happened before, rather than blindly following them. They entertain you. But first of all, you want to express your individuality through clothing. So you create your own trends and experiment with who you are.

Experience from your own mistakes

For the most part, gone are the days when you make a lot of mistakes and don't learn anything from them. Now you try to get as much as you can out of any experience. You have gained a certain level of self-awareness and awareness from your surroundings.

Victory of strength over weakness and reduction of doubts

You achieved success because you made the right choices. At some point, a shift occurred and you realized that sometimes things may not go as planned. You know that doubt can paralyze you. This doesn't mean that you never have doubts anymore, it's just that you don't allow this feeling to stay with you for very long. Feelings give impetus to your thoughts, and you can't let doubts cause your failures to snowball. This doesn't mean you throw all the negativity aside, but you learn to focus on the positive things so that you can take the fall when necessary.

Such effective changes that a woman experiences by the age of 30 help her become stronger. But at the same time, they help her stay flexible. Everything gets better with age, but only if you think so. You learn to cope with pain much easier, but you also feel happy moments more keenly. At 30, a woman finds something that requires more attention and strength from her. She understands that it is much better to create the wave herself, rather than go with the flow.

And finally, relationships become more fruitful because you know what you want and are not afraid to say no. You're also not afraid to say yes when the situation calls for it and to deal with things you haven't dealt with before. And it is all these features together that give you a special attractiveness that twenty-year-old girls lack.

A woman at 30 is at the apogee of her prime, beauty and charm. This age has everything - youth, vitality and desire for success, self-confidence. But many representatives of the fair sex may have a question about how to look beautiful, how to dress so as not to be funny and ridiculous. Fashion stylists and designers of women's clothing have thought about how a woman should dress after 35. As a result, they all came to the conclusion that the most important thing for those over 35 is to abandon teenage style and give preference to femininity in all its manifestations.


Usually any woman can learn how to learn to choose outfits that will successfully highlight the advantages of her appearance and age. It’s easy to find out how to dress after 30. To look good in any outfit, you just need to follow a few rules.

After 30 years, you need to get rid of clothes with children's prints and too short lengths. After 35 years, it is better to replace a miniskirt with a universal pencil skirt. Thus, you can not only hide some figure flaws, but also emphasize feminine elegance and seductiveness.

A woman aged 35 is recommended to choose good quality clothes and shoes made from expensive materials. Even if your budget is limited, you can get dressed with just a few items. But if they are of decent quality, they will always look great and will only emphasize the girl’s taste.

✔ Clothes color

When determining how to dress a 30-year-old woman, you need to pay attention to the color scheme that prevails in. After 30 years, you need to give up acidic colors, which hurt your eyes and look defiant. A 30-year-old woman should choose calm shades that will highlight her individuality, but will not be flashy. However, this does not mean at all that the 30-year-old beauty needs to dress in everything gray and nondescript. There is a wide palette of colors that can be bright without being provocative. After 35 years, you can choose blue, gray, black, green, red, beige colors. When choosing a color palette, you should pay attention to fashion trends, as well as your type of appearance. After all, some girls suit warm shades, others – cold ones. And no matter how beautiful a blue jacket might look on a model, if this shade does not suit the beauty, it is better not to choose it. But a well-chosen shade for those over 35 can even shed several years off their biological age.

✔ Choosing accessories and shoes

When thinking about how to dress after 30, you need to remember about accessories. A few successful accents can significantly refresh the image, giving it originality and individuality. Along with learning how to choose things, you should also ask yourself how to choose accessories to go with them. At thirty you need to give up cheap jewelry, especially in large quantities. It is best to use precious jewelry - a chain with a pendant, a string of pearls, a bracelet. Wristwatches look good with different styles.

You can use a handbag as an accessory. This item is allowed in bright colors, with different outfits of both business and casual styles. To always look good, it is advisable to have at least three bags:

  • Over the shoulder for every day - for walks, meetings with friends, excursions,
  • With regular handles, a classic option - for the office,
  • Clutch - for parties, going to a restaurant, theater, opera.

You can purchase other models of bags, but this is at the discretion of the lady.

Shoes need to be selected more carefully than before. It is best to avoid sporty style for every day. It is better to wear sneakers only for jogging and cycling. It is recommended that at age 30, you should buy classic high-heeled pumps (beige) and black stilettos. These two pairs of shoes can be combined universally with different outfits and always look neat and elegant.

✔ Basic wardrobe at 30 years old

You can dress stylishly and correctly after thirty without spending a lot of money. It is enough to buy a few basic things, which, if properly combined with each other, or with previously purchased things, will always look interesting and good.

First of all, every lady at this age should have the legendary pencil skirt in her arsenal. This model will be relevant in the office, at a business meeting, or in a cafe in the evening. To create a different look, you just need to choose blouses or shirts. So, for the office it could be a white cotton shirt, and in a cafe you can wear a silk blouse.

The white shirt itself is also part of the basic wardrobe. It goes well with a business skirt and trousers, your favorite jeans. This thing is suitable for strict and everyday wear, it fits well on thin girls and beauties with curvy figures.

True ladies should not forget about the classics of the genre - a classic black dress, preferably a sheath dress, should be in a woman's arsenal. This outfit does not require much decoration or additions, as it is complete in itself. But if you wish, you can wear pearl beads or a watch. The main thing is to choose the right style. It is absolutely not necessary to choose tight-fitting models - it is recommended to leave freedom between the fabric and the body, especially in the waist and hips.

It is still fashionable to combine formal blouses and jackets with classic jeans. After 30, jeans are allowed, you can even try high-waisted models.

✔ What not to wear

Speaking about how a young woman should dress, we need to discuss what absolutely should not be worn after thirty.

Prohibited things at this age include the following:

  • Short tops that expose the midriff
  • All outfits with prints in the form of animals, hearts, bears, etc.,
  • miniskirt,
  • Boyfriend jeans, badly torn.

And all outfits that vaguely resemble teenage style should remain a thing of the past.

To find your image, you can also look at photos on the Internet or women's magazines. Every beauty will definitely be able to find an option that suits her personal preferences and will always allow her to look at the highest level.

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