Home Kitchen garden on the windowsill Why is one part of the lake balkhash. Balkhash is an amazing lake where fresh water meets salt water. Where is Lake Balkhash

Why is one part of the lake balkhash. Balkhash is an amazing lake where fresh water meets salt water. Where is Lake Balkhash

Balkhash is approaching the end of its 200 thousand year history.

In Central Asia, the number of foothill lakes is estimated at thousands. The largest of them (Caspian, Aral, Balkhash, Alakol, Ebinor, Lop Nor) are included in the list of the largest continental reservoirs of water on earth.

Satellite image of Lake Balkhash

In steppes and deserts surrounded by mountains, they lie like a crown of aquatic diamonds and collectively constitute a coherent, interacting system that softens the arid (arid) conditions of the surrounding areas.

This system of lakes, formed in its present form in the last 100 thousand years, has variable characteristics (water levels and salinity, bioproductivity, etc.), mainly depending on natural climate fluctuations: precipitation, evaporation, ice reserves.

The system began to change under the influence of human activity approx. 1000 years ago. Despite man-made hindrances, high population density and widespread agriculture in the 10-13th centuries AD, the water level of the lake and its general condition mainly depended on natural conditions. However, over the past 50 years, the stability of the lakes has been deeply disturbed by the inefficient use of water for irrigation, due to which the Aral Sea has previously dried up.

Nowadays, the entire lake system is under the threat of catastrophic destruction, since the use of hydro resources of all water reservoirs has increased to the limit. Lake Balkhash - the largest and most vulnerable of them - looks set to be the next candidate not only for significant reduction in size, but also for complete disappearance.

Lake Balkhash is over 500 km long and 10-60 km wide, which is the fifth of the largest water surfaces on Earth (Fig. 1). 80% of the water inflow comes from the river. Or. 80% of water gives p. Or (70% of it flows through the territory of China, 30% - through the territory of Kazakhstan). The western part of the lake, receiving water and sedimentary deposits from Ili, consists of fresh, but muddy and shallow water, with a maximum depth of 8 meters; the waters of the eastern part are salty, cleaner and deeper (up to 26 m).

The water level in Lake Balkhash in 1880-2008

During the last 2000 years, the water level of the lake has fluctuated from 338 to 346 m above sea level. Now it has stopped at 341 m and, depending on the season, changes by 20 cm. The peak falls in May and July, which coincides with the melting of snow and ice in the Tien Shan mountains (Fig. 2). In the last two years, the average annual water level has begun to fall and seasonal values ​​show a much higher amplitude. Why?

The main factor that threatens the existence of Balkhash today is the same as in the case of the Aral Sea - uncontrolled water intake. But, unlike the Aral Sea (1000 km³ of water at 67 m of average depth), Balkhash (100 km³ of water at 26 m of maximum depth) will dry up to several scattered ponds not in 40, but in 5-6 years.

Worst-scenario model for Lake Balkhash

In fact, a drop in the water level by 4-5 m (below 337 m above sea level) will lead to the drying up of the Uzinaral Strait between the western and eastern parts of the lake, which will mean the disappearance of the eastern Balkhash (Fig. 3). Such a development of events will certainly eliminate the entire lake system of Central Asia, dry up the local climate, and accelerate the processes of desertification and global warming in this area. Dust storms will reach the upper foothills of the Semirechye, and sand dunes will accumulate at the Almaty airport.

Once the lake was already on the verge of disaster due to the construction of the Kapchagai reservoir on the Ili River (completed in 1974). Its usefulness was questionable. The project assumed filling Kapchagai with water equal in volume to one and a half year flow of the river in 10 years, and in 1985 the reservoir reached its full volume. Negative consequences were already visible then - increased evaporation of water from the surface of the reservoir and high flow deviations along the course of the Ili River began to affect the Balkhash level.

Western Balkhash - ferry to Chiganak

The benefits of the reservoir in terms of hydropower production and irrigation were overestimated. Kapchagai was rescued by the actions of several scientists who convinced the management to cut the water surface of the new reservoir by half. But apart from Kapchagai, in 1969 - 1989. a whole network of large irrigation reservoirs was built: Kurty, Bartogay, Big Almaty Canal.

Agriculture is the largest consumer of water in the Ile-Balkhash basin, consuming water six times more than the combined demands of all other sectors (industry, utilities, enterprises, household needs and fishing) - and calculations show that irrigation water is used inefficiently.

In addition, the Saryshagan military training ground, which was built to test rockets and missiles, operated on the northwestern bank of the Balkhash. The tests were carried out for 30 years, and the waste accumulated on the lake shore.

Balkhash Mining and Metallurgical Plant

There is also the Balkhash Mining and Metallurgical Plant (built in the 1930s). It is the main source of pollution, producing 0.5 million tonnes of acid gases and dust per year, as well as waste water containing copper and zinc. Until 1995, these effluents were stored in a pond that empties into the lake, but even after this practice is banned, contaminated groundwater will continue to flow into the lake.

According to the classified Water Pollution Index (WPI), in 2001 the water surface in the bays of the western part of Lake Balkhash was counted in the IV and V pollution classes.

With the advent of the Kapchagai hydroelectric power station, the state of the Ili delta worsened - the mouth of the river at the entrance to Balkhash over the past 30 years has almost halved in the period 1970-2000, which greatly reduced the natural habitat and population of muskrat, heron and other animals. Of the 16 small lakes that existed in the delta, only 5 still exist. The salinity of their water has increased, as has the concentration of pesticides and heavy metals.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, fish stocks have been intensively manipulated, moving non-native fish species (faster growing and more commercially valuable) from other water bodies of the former USSR to replace native species that are now almost completely extinct. Exogenous fish also fell short of expectations - from 1941 to 2001. total fish catch decreased by 80%, incl. due to pollution, desertification, sediment accumulation and estuary salinity.

In the years of independence, the situation has become even worse - uncontrolled fishing and poaching are destroying the fish fauna of Balkhash, including the "Red Book" species.

Salinization of the lake also strongly affects its biosphere. In the 1980s, when the water level in Balkhash dropped sharply due to Kapchagai, the salinity of the eastern part reached the highest levels on record, and the average phytoplankton mass in western Balkhash decreased by more than 50%.

The anthropogenic influence of China, which has become a giant consumer of water, also negatively affects Balkhash.

Thanks to Beijing's policy of resettling millions of ethnic Han people from the inner provinces to Xinjiang, the number of people in the Chinese part of the r. Or, it already exceeds 1 million people, and in the coming years it should grow to 3 million people. This requires a sharp increase in the area of ​​irrigated land - and therefore new dams and reservoirs.

Northern part of Lake Balkhash

The monitoring and forecast of Kazakh hydrologists indicate that, under the given climatic conditions and irrigation schemes, another 20% of water leakage to the side of China in a few years will undoubtedly lead to the disappearance of Balkhash, and with this, to an irreversible crisis of the entire lake system of Central Asia.

Despite the bilateral agreement on the rational use of transboundary rivers (2001), the PRC does not follow international norms for the regime of transboundary water use.

How to resist the disappearance of the unique lake and avoid an ecological disaster not only local, but also Eurasian and global?

National and international communities of scientists, politicians and donors are still mainly busy with contemplation of the disaster of the Aral Sea, and do not see, do not raise the issue of the approaching catastrophe of Lake Balkhash. Despite the growing general concern about the problem, the concrete participation of international organizations in its solution is still very limited.

Although the main threat to the lake today is the activities of the Chinese side, a number of projects in the Ile-Balkhash basin are being implemented by the authorities of Kazakhstan.

There are still some chances for the salvation of Balkhash, however, the persistent ignorance, cynical indifference and a sense of powerlessness demonstrated by Kazakhstani and international politicians and scientists, as well as the majority of Kazakhstani people, regarding the catastrophic prospect of the disappearance of Lake Balkhash, are saddening.

Most likely, in a few years, the mass media will have another environmental disaster, about which they can shout loudly - and on which it will be possible to make money ...

Lake Balkhash, located in the east of Kazakhstan, is the largest body of water in the republic, stretching out into a crescent for 600 kilometers. Balkhash is the only lake on the planet with water of different composition: its western part is freshwater, and its eastern part is salty. Due to the narrow strait and the Saryesik peninsula, the waters of the lake do not mix.

Lake Balkhash basin

The salty waters of Balkhash and its mineralized hydrogen sulfide mud are curative and have a beneficial effect on human health.

An interesting legend about the appearance of the lake

The origin of Lake Balkhash has its own secrets. If you believe an old legend, then in these places once lived a rich magician Balkhash, who really wanted to marry his beautiful daughter. The sorcerer Balkhash was looking for the strongest and richest groom for his daughter Or. To do this, he summoned from different parts of the best applicants for the girl's heart. It should have gone to a strong, handsome and rich guy. Of course, the sons of the Chinese emperor, the Mongol khan and Bukhara merchants could not lose this opportunity. They came to visit with numerous generous gifts in the hope of good luck. But one young man, a simple shepherd, did not hesitate to come penniless, and, as luck would have it, it was he who liked the bride.

Karatal, that was the name of the young man, took part in the battle and won the battle honestly. But the girl's father was not happy about this and, very indignant, expelled him. The bride's heart could not stand this, and at night Or left her father's house with her chosen one. When her father found out about the escape, he cursed both and they became two rivers. Their waters rushed along the slopes of the mountains. But, not wanting the lovers to unite, even being rivers, Balkhash turned into a huge lake between them.

Lake Balkhash never ceases to amaze with its mysteriousness - until now, scientists cannot explain the geographic paradox of the appearance of a semi-freshwater closed water body among the steppes, in an area of ​​dry climate and low precipitation.

Where is Lake Balkhash

The sights are located in the east of Kazakhstan, 400 km from Karaganda. The lake occupies 3 regions of the country at once - Karagadinsky, Almaty and Zhambyl. The reservoir is surrounded by two large sandy massifs. On the south side it is surrounded by the low Chu-Ili mountains, and in the west there is a picturesque steppe with small hills. There are several towns and villages on the shore - Balkhash, Priozersk, Lepsy, Chubar-Tyubek. Desired coordinates: latitude - 46 ° 32'27 "s. sh., longitude - 74 ° 52'44 "in. etc.

The most convenient way to get to the place is from Karaganda and Astana. From these cities there are buses and trains to the station. Balkhash. Travel time is about 9 hours.

The word "Balkhash" originated from the word "balkas", which from the Kazakh, Tatar and Altai languages ​​means "bumps in a swamp", "a swampy area covered with bumps".

The lake has a natural origin, it appeared as a result of uneven subsidence of the Turan plate and the flooding of the formed depressions, presumably in the second period of the Cenozoic era. There are many small islands and two large ones - Basaral and Tasaral. Referring Lake Balkhash to waste or endless, it is more correct to choose the second option, because it does not have a water drain.

According to scientists, the basin is characterized by an uneven bottom with large elevation differences. In the western part, between Cape Korzhyntubek and Tasaral Island, the deepest depth is 11 m.In the east, this figure rises to 27 m.On one side of the coast, rocks with a height of 20-30 m protrude, and on the other, they are relatively uniform, no higher than 2 m Because of this, water often flows out of the basin. So many small and large bays were formed.

Balkhash ranks second after the Caspian Sea in the list of persistent salt lakes in the world. It is also the largest in Kazakhstan.

Lake Balkhash from space

Characteristics of the reservoir:

  • the total volume does not exceed 120 km²;
  • the area is approximately 16 thousand km²;
  • height above sea level - about 300 m;
  • dimensions of Lake Balkhash: length - 600 km, width in the western part - up to 70 km, and in the east - up to 20 km;
  • there are 43 islands, of which it grows over the years due to a decrease in the water level in the basin;
  • the coastline is very uneven, at least 2,300 km long;
  • rivers flowing into the lake - Lepsi, Aksu, Karatal, Ayaguz and Ili;
  • the salinity of water in the east does not exceed 5.2%, and in the west it is fresh;
  • food is provided by groundwater, glaciers, snow and rain.

The Balkhash lands are deserts and steppes covered with stones, clay and rubble. However, some plants have adapted to survive in difficult conditions. A kind of decoration of the lake is about 60 species of rare plants that do not have roots and grow directly from the water.

The main source feeding Balkhash is the Ili River, which originates in the glaciers of the Tien Shan and flows into the reservoir from the western side. From the east, the lake is replenished with the less full-flowing rivers Karatal, Aksu, Lepsy and others.

Balkhash has no drains, the water level in the lake fluctuates significantly at different times of the year and depends on the amount of snow in the mountains and on the intensity of evaporation from the surface of the reservoir.

The fauna of the lake is diverse, 20 species of fish live here. For industrial purposes, they catch carp, bream, pike perch and asp. These places have been chosen by about 120 species of birds, some of which are listed in the Red Book. The flora that attracts botanists is also quite diverse.

What makes the place unique

Of interest is the fact that the lake consists of two basins, radically different due to the characteristics of the water. Since they are separated by an isthmus 4 km wide, they do not touch each other. Because of this, difficulties arise in determining the type of reservoir, salty or fresh, therefore Lake Balkhash is referred to as semi-freshwater. No less interesting is the fact that in the two parts the degree of water mineralization differs sharply.

Geographers and botanists are also surprised by the geographic location of the reservoir, because the continental climate, dry air, low rainfall and lack of drainage did not contribute to its emergence.

Weather features

The climate in this area is typical for deserts; it is very hot in summer, in July the air can warm up to 30 ° C. The water temperature is slightly lower, 20-25 ° C, suitable for swimming. In winter, the time of frost comes, sharp cold snaps up to -14 ° C are possible. Water usually freezes in November, and the ice melts closer to April. Its thickness can be up to a meter. Due to the low amount of precipitation, droughts are quite common here. Strong winds often blow here, causing high waves.


The first data on Lake Balkhash were found in Chinese written sources. This is due to the fact that the Chinese were the only developed civilization that lives nearby and has the opportunity to get to know this area. They called the region west of the Great Wall of China "Xi-Yu", which means "Western Land". They knew about its existence already in 126 BC. By 607, the Chinese had already made maps of 44 countries that were at that time in Central Asia. But these descriptions have not survived to this day.

According to some reports, Lake Balkhash was known to the Chinese under the name Si-Hai, that is, the Western Sea. It is marked under this name on the atlas of 1855. In the same period, the lake had another name given to it by the Kalmyks and Dzungars “Balkhash-Nor” (“Lake Balkhash”). And the eastern peoples, such as the Turks and Mongols, who marked all geographic objects to the west of their dwellings with white color, named it "Ak-Dengiz" ("White Sea"). And after the borders of their countries moved to the west, the lake became "blue" (eastern) - "Kukcha-Dengiz". The Kazakhs called the lake "Tengiz", which means "Sea".

In the 18th century, the lake was marked on several maps: the 1716 map, which was published by the Swedish officer Renat, and the Russian map, which was compiled by Captain Stralenberg in 1730.

During the reign of the Qing dynasty of China (1644-1911), the lake stretched along the northern border of the Chinese state. In 1864, in accordance with the Russian-Chinese agreement concerning the northwestern border, Balkhash and the adjacent territories were ceded to the Russian Empire.

In 1903-1904, the lake and the adjacent territories were studied by the expedition of L.S. Berg. As a result, it was established that Balkhash is located outside the boundaries of the Aral-Caspian basin, and that they have never united in their geological past. It is interesting that Berg, studying the reservoir, came to the conclusion that the lake does not decrease and the water in it is fresh. He also noted that there was a period when Balkhash was completely dry, but then it was again filled with water, and since that time its water has not yet had time to become salty.

Currently, Balkhash is attracting everyone's attention with the find that the helicopter pilots discovered. While flying over the isthmus, which divides the lake into salt and fresh waters, they discovered the outline of the protective ramparts with watchtowers. Another confirmation has appeared that a thousand years ago there were two autonomous lakes on the site of the present lake. Today you can wade the lake along this isthmus. The city found at the bottom was the center of the Great Silk Road to Sary-Arka.


Arriving at Lake Balkhash, travelers discover its charming nature, unusual flora and fauna and other beauties. Since this area is considered an excellent recreational center, it will provide positive energy.

Numerous sandy beaches of Lake Balkhash are perfect for a beach holiday. You can swim in the reservoir from late May to mid-September.

Since the reservoir is prized for its recreational opportunities, there are many places on its shore where you can stay in comfort.

Recreation centers on the lake provide an opportunity to use natural healing factors for human health. Lake salt and mud, which are found in springs near the reservoir, have special properties. Swimming in clear water and bright sun promotes recreation. A recreation industry is developing around the lake at coastal bases.

The surroundings of the lake are divided into several dozen zones, each of which has tourist centers, rest houses and hotels. The tourist cluster has catamarans, scooters, boats, boats, water skis, tennis tables, sports and playgrounds. The banks and buildings have been landscaped, they have dance halls, bars, restaurants, and health services are provided. Almost any sanatorium or hotel accepts guests with children, for whom there are children's rooms and animators.

The list of services and specialization of tourist centers, hotels, health resorts may differ. There are places where only fishermen are welcome, and there are places where only a beach holiday is possible. Therefore, before the trip, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the full list of basic and additional services, and choose the place of rest that meets all the requirements.

Entertainment and leisure for guests

Fishing is very popular here, which is allowed at specialized bases.

In the warm season, people come here mainly for beach vacations and scuba diving to take beautiful photos. Among the entertainment available are jet skis, catamarans and boats. Snowmobiling and skiing are popular in winter.

You can sit with a fishing rod in specially designated areas of the fishing bases of the Balkhash region, which provide guests with accommodation and the necessary equipment. No fisherman, not even a beginner, leaves without a good catch. The best time for fishing is spring and July-September. In April, the spawning run of the famous Balkhash roach begins. As soon as the lake has warmed up, crucian carp, carp, catfish and asp wake up. If you are lucky, then snakeheads may fall for your bait - a predatory fish of a frightening appearance, very tasty and does not have a specific smell.

Be careful - the local fish marinka (kara-balyk) is primarily poisonous, you should not eat its caviar and milk. Before cooking, the marinka must be well gutted and the black abdominal films must be carefully removed. Fish meat is fatty and very tasty.

Curly pelican

It is allowed to hunt in the Balkhash region for duck, goose, black grouse, hare, wolf, fox and pheasant. The hunting season opens in mid-September, when there are a lot of waterfowl on the lake. Specially trained individuals help to hunt birds, luring their wild counterparts. But the shooters need to be careful - there are several species of birds on the lake, which are prohibited to hunt. they are listed in the Red Book: pink and curly pelicans, white-tailed eagle, whooper swan, spoonbill. For those looking for a larger trophy, a wild boar hunt is offered, open from October to the end of December. Specially trained dogs hunt down the animal and drive it out of the impenetrable reed thickets. Since January, it is allowed to shoot a fox, a wolf and a hare.

Recently, spearfishing has become popular, for which a special gun and a mask with a snorkel are quite enough.

Vacationers will find a varied and exciting vacation on the water: boating, yacht, scooter, swimming, surfing and diving. Sports competitions in rowing and fishing are often held on Balkhash, in which everyone who is confident in their abilities can take part.

If you come to the lake in winter, skiing, windsurfing on ice, and snowmobiling are waiting for you.

Horse and camel rides in the surroundings of the reservoir will be unforgettable.

If you want to admire the beauty of Lake Balkhash from above, you can take part in a helicopter excursion. Flight prices vary depending on the type of aircraft. You can sign up for an excursion at recreation centers and hotels.

Rocks of Lake Balkhash

The picturesque tract Bektau-Ata is a natural landmark in the vicinity of Balkhash, towering over the Kazakh steppes, 70 km from the lake. Bizarre rocks alternate with deep gorges. Many cliffs have names: "Mushroom", "Turtle", "Trunk". In one of the gorges there is the mysterious Ausliye cave with clear water, which the locals consider to be healing.

Bektau-Ata tract

Around Lake Balkhash there are many archaeological sites protected by the state and open to the public. Ancient burial mounds and sites give an idea of ​​the life and customs of the ancient settlers. The most impressive sights: Aktasty and Klysh mounds, groups of mounds near Karasu wintering and in the Ken Dara gorge, Dermen and Dongal camps, Aydagarly cave.

The place of pilgrimage for tourists is an example of the cult architecture of Mazar Ak Beket of the 18th century. Mazar is a construction at burial sites in the form of a round yurt.

Mazar Ak Beket

Vacationers interested in the culture and history of the local people can visit the Local History Museum of the city of Balkhash.


Balkhash- an endless semi-freshwater lake in the eastern part of Kazakhstan, the second largest undying salt lake (after the Caspian Sea), the thirteenth largest among all lakes in the world. The lake is located at an altitude of 340 meters above sea level, the surface area of ​​the lake is over 18,000 km2, and the length is more than 600 km. Like all lowland lakes, its depth is small and averages only about 5 meters, the greatest is 26 m.

The climate in the area of ​​the lake is desert, precipitation is about 130 mm. The lake belongs to the Balkhash-Alakol water basin and is located in three regions of Kazakhstan: Almaty, Zhambyl and Karaganda. To the north of the lake stretches the wide Kazakh Upland, to the west stretches Betpak-Dala, and in the south are the Chu-Ili mountains, the Taukum and Saryesik-Atyrau sands. The Saryesik-Atyrau Desert, together with Balkhash and Lake Alakol, make up the Balkhash-Alakol depression.

Balkhash is unique, and its uniqueness lies in the fact that it semi-freshwater, in other words, the eastern half of the lake is salty, and the western half is actually fresh. They are separated by a narrow isthmus of Uzinaral, only 4 kilometers wide, because of which the water practically does not mix and has such a catchy salinity contrast.

A huge number of rivers flow into Balkhash, the largest of them is Libo, one of the largest rivers in Asia, the largest river of the Semirechye, carrying its waters for almost one and a half thousand kilometers from the Tien Shan ridges. Or - the second factor that determines why the western half of the lake is fresh. Other rivers are small, the largest of which are Lepsy, Karatal and Aksu.

The fauna of the lake is very diverse. First of all, like all the steppe lakes of Kazakhstan, Balkhash amazes with a variety of birds, the snow-white swan is the visiting card of the lake. There is also an opportunity to meet snow-white pelicans, pheasants, golden eagles and others. There are 20 species of fish in the waters of Balkhash. Among them, 5 species are commercial. Thanks to this abundance, fishing and hunting tours became widespread in Balkhash.

The shores of the lake are gentle, so it is virtually impossible to see the panorama of the lake from the ground. It is possible to do this only from the adjoining Bektau-Ata mountain range (up to 1000 meters above sea level), in clear weather the lake is visible for 100 km around.

At the current time, Lake Balkhash is rapidly becoming shallow and polluted. There is more salt water as the volume of the lake is miniaturized. The reason is an increase in water intake from the Libo River by users, while the main drainage part of the basin is located in the PRC. As a result, Balkhash began to receive half the previous volume of water and, according to ecologists, it is threatened by the fate of the virtually disappeared Aral Sea. Despite the huge number of agreements signed by the Central Asian countries, the difficulties of transboundary watercourses are not being resolved. After a long 10 years of continuous consultations between Kazakhstan and China, the contours of the forthcoming process of water allocation for transboundary watercourses have only been outlined.

The region of the Ile-Balkhash basin is home to about 3 million people, in this regard, water difficulties can lead to severe socio-economic consequences. Analyzing how the decisions of the international forum "Balkhash-2005" are being implemented, specialists are obliged to admit that only part of the advice has been fulfilled: namely, the Ile-Balkhash Natural Park was not created, and the program for solving environmental problems of Balkhash for 2006-2009 was not received sufficient funding, turned out to be very short in terms of time and has nothing to do with regional and district development programs.

Primary sources:

  • bse.sci-lib.com - material from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia;
  • great-asia.ru - Balkhash;
  • shimkent.info - Lake Balkhash quickly becomes shallow and polluted;
  • shareapic.net is a lake map based on photography from space.
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    • Why is half of the water in Lake Balkhash fresh and half salty?

      Balkhash is an endless semi-freshwater lake in the eastern part of Kazakhstan, the second largest undying salt lake (after the Caspian Sea), the thirteenth largest among all lakes in the world. The lake is located at an altitude of 340 meters above sea level, the surface area of ​​the lake is over 18,000 km2, and the length is more than 600 km. Like all lowland lakes, its depth is shallow ...

    Main -> Encyclopedia ->

    What Kazakh lake, the only one in the world, is half fresh, half salty?

    Lake Balkhash

    Balkhash - closed, semi-freshwater lake in the eastern part of Kazakhstan, one of the largest in the world.

    Coordinates: 46-32'27 ″ s. NS. 74-52'44 "in. etc.

    The large river Ili (80% of the total inflow of water) flows into the western part of Balkhash, the small rivers Karatal, Aksu, Lepsy, Ayaguz and others flow into the eastern part.

    The coastline is rather winding. The shores are dissected by numerous bays and bays. There are few islands, the largest are Basaral and Tasaral.

    The climate in the area of ​​the lake is deserted. Average temperature in July is about 24 -C, January is about -8-C. Average annual precipitation is 120 mm. Relative air humidity 55-60%. The average annual wind speed is about 4.5-4.8 m / s. The water temperature on the surface ranges from 0 -C in December to 28 -C in July, changes little at depth (the temperature difference is no more than 3.3 -C). The lake freezes every year, ice usually stays from November to March.

    The currents are windy, in the western part they are constant circular.

    The fauna of Balkhash is quite rich: benthos is represented by mollusks, larvae of aquatic insects and crustaceans; plankton is also quite abundant, especially in the western part.

    The lake is inhabited by 20 species of fish, of which 6 are characteristic of the lake itself (Ili and Balkhash marinkas, Balkhash perch, spotted and monochromatic sloth and minnow), the rest are acclimatized in it by humans: carp, thorn, eastern bream, Aral barbel, Siberian dace, carp , tench, pike perch, catfish, osman and others

    The main commercial fish are carp, pike perch, Balkhash perch, marinka, bream.

    To the question Why in Lake Balkhash half of the water is fresh and half is salty? given by the author FORGETTING the best answer is Balkhash is an endless semi-freshwater lake in the eastern part of Kazakhstan, the second largest undying salt lake (after the Caspian Sea), the thirteenth largest among all lakes in the world. The lake is located at an altitude of 340 meters above sea level, the surface area of ​​the lake is over 18,000 km2, and the length is more than 600 kilometers. Like all lowland lakes, its depth is shallow and averages only about 5 meters, the maximum is 26 m.
    Balkhash is unique, and its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is semi-freshwater, that is, the eastern half of the lake is salty, and the western half is practically fresh. They are divided by the narrow isthmus of Uzinaral, only 4 kilometers wide, because of which the water almost does not mix and has such a bright contrast of salinity.
    Many rivers flow into Balkhash, the largest of them is Ili, one of the largest rivers in Asia, the largest river of the Semirechye, carrying its waters for almost one and a half thousand kilometers from the Tien Shan ranges. Or - the second factor that determines why the western half of the lake is fresh. The rest of the rivers are small, the largest of which are Lepsy, Karatal and Aksu.
    There is a legend about the origin of the lake, according to which the rich sorcerer Balkhash had a beautiful daughter, Ili. When the time came to marry Or off, Balkhash announced that he would marry her off only to the richest, handsomest and strongest. Among the suitors who arrived were two sons of the Chinese emperor with caravans loaded with expensive goods, the sons of the Mongol khan with herds of horses and silver, as well as young Bukhara merchants with carpets and ivory products. However, among those who wished to try their luck was the poor shepherd Karatal, who immediately liked the bride.
    After the competitions, from which Karatal emerged victorious, Balkhash indignantly kicked him out. However, Eli ran away from her home at night and rode off with the chosen one from her evil father. Upon learning of his daughter's escape, Balkhash cast a spell on his beloved, and they turned into two rivers, rapidly carrying their waters from the mountains. And so that the rivers never merge, Balkhash fell between them and became a lake gray from the foamy waves.

    At present, Lake Balkhash is rapidly becoming shallow and polluted. There is more and more salt water as the volume of the lake decreases. The reason is an increase in water intake from the Ili River by users, and the main drainage part of the basin is located in the PRC. As a result, Balkhash began to receive half the previous volume of water and, according to ecologists, it faces the fate of the practically disappeared Aral Sea. Despite the large number of agreements signed by the Central Asian countries, the problems of transboundary watercourses are not being resolved. After long ten years of continuous consultations between Kazakhstan and China, the contours of the forthcoming process of water allocation for transboundary watercourses have only been outlined.
    The fauna of the lake is very diverse. First of all, like all the steppe lakes of Kazakhstan, Balkhash amazes with a variety of birds, the white swan is the visiting card of the lake. Also here you can meet white pelicans, pheasants, golden eagles and others. There are 20 species of fish in the waters of Balkhash. Among them, 5 species are commercial. Thanks to this diversity, fishing and hunting tours have become widespread in Balkhash.

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