Home Garden on the windowsill Proper time planning for a working woman. Time management for a business woman. Motivation: how to overcome reluctance

Proper time planning for a working woman. Time management for a business woman. Motivation: how to overcome reluctance

The wise distribution of time is the basis for activity.

Jan Amos Comenius

I will take the liberty to continue the aphorism, saying that the wise distribution of time is the basis of peace of mind - when everything necessary is done and there is time left for rest and communication, a person receives tremendous satisfaction and lives in harmony with himself and others.

However, you are among the readers of this book, which means that things are not going smoothly for you. At work, hundreds of unfinished business hang like a sword of Damocles, and at home, like the famous heroine of Korney Chukovsky, Fedora: “Would a woman cook cabbage soup, but go look for a pan!” At night, instead of sleeping, you intensely remember what you didn’t have time to do in the past day: “I sent faxes, bought sausage, cooked dumplings, was late for a meeting with a client, but got there, stroked my husband’s shirt, checked my son’s lessons ... Oh my God! My son's birthday is tomorrow, but there is no present! You begin to compose excuses in the morning (one for your son, the other for your husband, because the faithful will reproach you not only for being behind family life, but also for two folds on the sleeve of your shirt). After an almost sleepless night, having somehow coped with family troubles, you rush to work, naturally, late, which causes indignation among the boss, and at the same time you need to manage to persuade him to let you go early today for your son’s birthday.

Even if the story is different from yours, it probably isn't by much. Sighing, you will complain about the bitter woman's share. However, you can change any situation. Tried - didn't work? You may have chosen the wrong path.

Do not look for a panacea for all misfortunes. Stop and think: are you in control of time or is it over you? Are you building your life or is it managing you? Are you manipulating circumstances or vice versa? Surely you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and no one appreciates or even notices this, and the reproaches of others do not let you sleep at night. It is in your power to change everything. In this book you will find the answer to the question of how to do it. Be patient and call upon willpower when you decide to put into practice the theory described here, and the result will not be long in coming.

You will get acquainted with the concept of "time management", learn how to succeed at work and not deprive your family of attention, comprehend the secrets of a successful business and delicious dinners prepared on time. Finally, you will learn the most important thing: how not to suffer yourself, restoring the balance between work and family. The main weapon of a woman is her charm, which must be preserved, as well as the foundation of everything - her own health. You will learn how to properly relax, take care of yourself and at the same time do everything.

You are a woman, therefore, just as there is female logic, female psychology, there is also a female model of time management, which differs from the generally accepted one. The task of a man is to organize mainly working and free time. The woman also has a kitchen, laundry, cleaning, checking the lessons of children, as well as a solarium, massage, a beautician and a hairdresser. Your task is to learn not to rush about, but to cope with all these things in time.

After reading this book, you will learn how to learn how to properly manage an invaluable capital called "time".

Motivation: how to overcome reluctance

Time management - the art of managing time

Time management today is not just a buzzword. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and laymen. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. At the same time, not many people know that they are engaged in scientific work, and even more so they are aware of how this science is called, so first we will deal with the terminology.

Time management is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time spent in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use the time of a person’s life in accordance with his goals and values.

Time management is a whole system of organizing time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only to set goals, but also to achieve them, properly managing work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results at the same time, as they often act haphazardly.

For successful time planning, first of all, you need to learn how to properly manage it and make it a habit.

Of course, someone can say that time is not subject to people and life often brings surprises that destroy all plans. This statement is correct. No wonder there is a wise saying: do not make plans - do not make God laugh. However, the surprises of life are somewhat predictable. Agree: even if something planned was not done, at the end of the day, along with remorse, there is also a sense of satisfaction from the fact that part of the plans has become a reality.

This happens when a person has made every effort to do everything in time. It’s another matter when you haven’t implemented anything planned, because all the time at work is spent on coffee breaks, conversations with colleagues and smoke breaks.

Time management will help in both the first and second cases, if you approach the issue with all responsibility.

First, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. It is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health, and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need. Not many people do this, as a result of which people mismanage their time, then regret it.

This feeling has been familiar to man since ancient times. Time management is far from the only attempt to learn how to properly plan your own time. One of the first to be puzzled by this was the man whose portrait took its rightful place on the hundred-dollar bill, Benjamin Franklin. It was his system of distribution of goals and tasks that became the basis for the development of modern time management.

The methodology is based on four main principles.

1. Plan, otherwise you will be planned. You can manage only if you have a specific plan, a vision of your future.

2. Time is the most valuable resource. Since it cannot be stretched, accumulated, or added on, the only solution is to organize it intelligently so that, as Rudyard Kipling said, "fill the inexorable minute with sixty full seconds."

3. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the main from the secondary. Time management implies the distribution of working time into strictly regulated (must be done) and soft (it is desirable to do it, but if urgent matters appear, you can postpone it).

4. Only methodical adherence to a given course can lead a person to the goal.

Remember these principles and try to follow them at all costs. It should not be assumed that time management involves rigid planning. The philosophy of time management is different: people cannot be free in everything: if a person wants to get freedom in one thing, he must limit it in another. For example, if you want to be able to quit your job at any time and hide from the hustle and bustle - go to the countryside, closer to nature, then first you must make your business process perfect, running like clockwork. Time management allows you to free up time for what you would most like to spend it on. This is a tool for setting life goals and spending time to achieve them. Time management is the doctrine of making time for the most important things in life, and the sooner you comprehend its secrets, the richer and more interesting every day will be.

The wise distribution of time is the basis for activity.

Jan Amos Comenius

I will take the liberty to continue the aphorism, saying that the wise distribution of time is the basis of peace of mind - when everything necessary is done and there is time left for rest and communication, a person receives tremendous satisfaction and lives in harmony with himself and others.

However, you are among the readers of this book, which means that things are not going smoothly for you. At work, hundreds of unfinished business hang like a sword of Damocles, and at home, like the famous heroine of Korney Chukovsky, Fedora: “Would a woman cook cabbage soup, but go look for a pan!” At night, instead of sleeping, you intensely remember what you didn’t have time to do in the past day: “I sent faxes, bought sausage, cooked dumplings, was late for a meeting with a client, but got there, stroked my husband’s shirt, checked my son’s lessons ... Oh my God! My son's birthday is tomorrow, but there is no present! You begin to compose excuses in the morning (one for your son, the other for your husband, because the faithful will reproach you not only for being behind family life, but also for two folds on the sleeve of your shirt). After an almost sleepless night, having somehow coped with family troubles, you rush to work, naturally, late, which causes indignation among the boss, and at the same time you need to manage to persuade him to let you go early today for your son’s birthday.

Even if the story is different from yours, it probably isn't by much. Sighing, you will complain about the bitter woman's share. However, you can change any situation. Tried - didn't work? You may have chosen the wrong path.

Do not look for a panacea for all misfortunes. Stop and think: are you in control of time or is it over you? Are you building your life or is it managing you? Are you manipulating circumstances or vice versa? Surely you are spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, and no one appreciates or even notices this, and the reproaches of others do not let you sleep at night. It is in your power to change everything. In this book you will find the answer to the question of how to do it. Be patient and call upon willpower when you decide to put into practice the theory described here, and the result will not be long in coming.

You will get acquainted with the concept of "time management", learn how to succeed at work and not deprive your family of attention, comprehend the secrets of a successful business and delicious dinners prepared on time. Finally, you will learn the most important thing: how not to suffer yourself, restoring the balance between work and family. The main weapon of a woman is her charm, which must be preserved, as well as the foundation of everything - her own health. You will learn how to properly relax, take care of yourself and at the same time do everything.

You are a woman, therefore, just as there is female logic, female psychology, there is also a female model of time management, which differs from the generally accepted one. The task of a man is to organize mainly working and free time. The woman also has a kitchen, laundry, cleaning, checking the lessons of children, as well as a solarium, massage, a beautician and a hairdresser. Your task is to learn not to rush about, but to cope with all these things in time.

After reading this book, you will learn how to learn how to properly manage an invaluable capital called "time".

Chapter 1
Motivation: how to overcome reluctance

Time management - the art of managing time

Time management today is not just a buzzword. Its topic is actively discussed by both professionals and laymen. In particular, women who are busy with family and work try to manage time. At the same time, not many people know that they are engaged in scientific work, and even more so they are aware of how this science is called, so first we will deal with the terminology.

Time management is a branch of science and practice devoted to the study of problems and methods for optimizing time spent in various fields of activity, that is, a technology that allows you to use the time of a person’s life in accordance with his goals and values.

Time management is a whole system of organizing time, including your own. It is suitable for everyone who has time, and especially for those who do not have enough. Time management allows you to learn not only to set goals, but also to achieve them, properly managing work and personal time. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves results at the same time, as they often act haphazardly.

For successful time planning, first of all, you need to learn how to properly manage it and make it a habit.

Of course, someone can say that time is not subject to people and life often brings surprises that destroy all plans. This statement is correct. No wonder there is a wise saying: do not make plans - do not make God laugh. However, the surprises of life are somewhat predictable. Agree: even if something planned was not done, at the end of the day, along with remorse, there is also a sense of satisfaction from the fact that part of the plans has become a reality.

This happens when a person has made every effort to do everything in time. It’s another matter when you haven’t implemented anything planned, because all the time at work is spent on coffee breaks, conversations with colleagues and smoke breaks.

Time management will help in both the first and second cases, if you approach the issue with all responsibility.

First, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. It is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health, and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need. Not many people do this, as a result of which people mismanage their time, then regret it.

This feeling has been familiar to man since ancient times. Time management is far from the only attempt to learn how to properly plan your own time. One of the first to be puzzled by this was the man whose portrait took its rightful place on the hundred-dollar bill, Benjamin Franklin. It was his system of distribution of goals and tasks that became the basis for the development of modern time management.

The methodology is based on four main principles.

1. Plan, otherwise you will be planned. You can manage only if you have a specific plan, a vision of your future.

2. Time is the most valuable resource. Since it cannot be stretched, accumulated, or added on, the only solution is to organize it intelligently so that, as Rudyard Kipling said, "fill the inexorable minute with sixty full seconds."

3. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the main from the secondary. Time management implies the distribution of working time into strictly regulated (must be done) and soft (it is desirable to do it, but if urgent matters appear, you can postpone it).

4. Only methodical adherence to a given course can lead a person to the goal.

Remember these principles and try to follow them at all costs. It should not be assumed that time management involves rigid planning. The philosophy of time management is different: people cannot be free in everything: if a person wants to get freedom in one thing, he must limit it in another. For example, if you want to be able to quit your job at any time and hide from the hustle and bustle - go to the countryside, closer to nature, then first you must make your business process perfect, running like clockwork. Time management allows you to free up time for what you would most like to spend it on. This is a tool for setting life goals and spending time to achieve them. Time management is the doctrine of making time for the most important things in life, and the sooner you comprehend its secrets, the richer and more interesting every day will be.

Here is a simple example. My friend is 32 years old. She is the editor of her own magazine. Entering her office for the first time, people are surprised, because they expected to see a woman at least forty years old. She has written three books, completed her PhD, and set up a business on her own, with a pool every day, at least an hour of fiction reading, and time for her personal life. In her years, she managed to achieve a lot thanks to the use of time management, and this is the best proof that this system works.

However, not all of her life goes according to plan. She has six or eight days off a month, which she spends at her own discretion; when she realizes that she is tired, she says: my affairs are rolling on reliable rails, I can afford to disappear for a couple of days. She likes to go to a remote village - nature, fresh air, a bathhouse ...

Someone may say: I don’t believe it, time management is an ideal technique, it is almost impossible to apply it in life. However, you just need to raise the bar as high as possible and strive to reach it. One wise man accurately expressed it: demand the impossible and you will get the maximum. This also applies to you. No need to strive to achieve the ideal, try to at least get as close to it as possible by adapting the time management system to the conditions of your life and work.

Why are you not doing anything

Happy is the one who finds the right answer to this question, because then there is a chance to correct the situation. However, what if the opposite happens? Let's try to figure this out.

First you need to define main reason. She lies on the surface. As a rule, it is not possible to organize oneself due to unwillingness to do so. Admit that you just don’t want to organize your time, because if a person wants to, he does it, and if he doesn’t want to, then he comes up with excuses for this. Try to explain this phenomenon to yourself in order to change your life.

The second reason for failure is one's own laziness and lack of concentration, especially when it comes to unpleasant things that sooner or later will have to be done anyway. It often happens too late...

Third follows from the second: lack of interest. Even if you are busy doing what you love, sometimes you have to deal with tasks that, if they are done, then according to the principle: put off until the day after tomorrow what you can do today, and you will have two free days. In other words, even if there are motives and desire, the habit of putting everything off until later destroys.

Let's say you made up your mind and made a schedule of the main things for the day. Some of them are good and some are not so good. It’s just these not very pleasant ones that you put off as much as possible, and in the free time you find, paint your nails, read fashion magazines, or just lie on the couch. Because of this, the next day, plans are shifted, schedules are violated, all efforts are in vain, and life returns to normal ...

The fourth reason is the waste of time rocking before work. For example, you can drink morning coffee, already immersed in work, or you can - before getting down to business, and during an idle conversation with colleagues. In the first case, your working day will start on time, in the second, much later.

All of the above can be expressed as lack of motivation. Ladies and gentlemen, let's get started. To begin with, learn to convince yourself that even the most unpleasant task is worthy of close attention and speedy implementation, and immediately proceed to it. Fill unpleasant activities with motivation and interest. Next, you will learn how to do this.

Life is not a swing

It is a rollercoaster and only moves forward, so there is no time to build up in it before work. Remember how many times you put off the main thing for later, doing all sorts of nonsense instead of it. The associative method will help you learn how to get down to business right away.

In psychology, there is such a thing - "anchor". This is a material attachment, an association with a certain occupation or state - music, action, color, silence, the taste of food or drink, etc. If you need to do something, use the appropriate "anchor" that will put you in the right emotional state.

Here are some examples of anchors.

Elena, journalist:“Even in my student years, a ritual appeared in my life: I started self-study in the hostel with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. I thought better that way. This is still going on. I come to work, turn on the computer, make coffee, light a cigarette and start writing. The same is true when working from home. This environment sets me up for productive work.”

Irina, economist:“Working with numbers requires a lot of concentration and attention, but without the sound of unobtrusive music, I cannot start counting. This habit appeared after a year of being in the same office with a senior economist-music lover, who, when she came to work, first turned on the radio, and then hung her outer clothes in the closet.

Svetlana, housewife:“I don’t like cleaning, but you can’t get away from it. Much faster and morally easier, I cope with household chores under the voices of popular pop artists who can sing quite loudly in my apartment all day long. Anchor was born in my youth - then I just loved listening to music, no matter what I did in parallel, and now I do it mostly while cleaning the apartment.

If there is nothing to become attached to, but you need to work, you can start with something that does not require much effort. Do any mechanical prep work: as the artists say, sharpen your pencils before sketching.

Remember: if you have an "anchor", use it only for its intended purpose. For example, if a cup of coffee next to the computer sets you up for work, it is better to drink tea during rest so as not to put your mind into a state of confusion, in which coffee is already associated with intellectual work.

"Anchors" allow you to tune in to rest. For example, I spend the summer in a remote village almost without people, roads, telephones, radio and TV. Reading is the only thing I load the brain with. During this time, I fully recover. In those places there is wonderful nature: everything is green around, and the freshness of the air just makes you dizzy. The "anchor" of the rest was the greenery and the evening sounds of nature, namely, the chirping of crickets. As soon as I just close my eyes and remember this wonderful picture during a break between tasks, my consciousness automatically switches to off-line mode. After 10 minutes, I start working again with a new supply of strength and energy.

Housework, unlike office work, cannot be completed. This routine can kill the woman in any woman. The daily turmoil of homework in the 24x7 mode sometimes not only knocks you out, but also does not leave time for elementary personal care, for your favorite activities, for attention to your family. So close to depression. To help housewives, the basic principles of time management. In other words, rational time management, which allows you to do much more, getting tired an order of magnitude less (this is especially true for women on maternity leave, because they have many more worries!). Oddly enough, there is nothing complicated here, just follow simple tips.

The main thing is the correct "dosage"

The first thing to learn when rushing to the “high society of ideal housewives” and comprehending the basics of time management for women is that it is important to do everything gradually. So, the apartment should not shine with perfect cleanliness by tomorrow, because the woman firmly decided from tomorrow to change the approach to planning her time. You need to “rake up the rubble” gradually, over a certain period of time every day. Then there will be no feeling of Cinderella, all day long scrubbing everything right and left.

So where to start?

  • Make a plan of large-scale affairs that are important to complete on the way to the ideal (understand the pantry, dressing room, kitchen, etc.). Then allocate no more than 40 minutes daily to these chores. Leave the rest for tomorrow. Yes! Need put off until tomorrow a part of what can be done today, so that the monotonous fuss does not completely exhaust! The remaining volume must be returned daily for 40 minutes, until it is all completed. And only then - go on the path of maintaining cleanliness.
  • The same applies to traditional things that are postponed for the weekend: washing, cleaning the entire apartment. If you divide these chores into parts (and cleaning into zones), while doing as needed daily for 30-40 minutes, then a lot of time will be freed up on the weekends for relaxation, communication with family and friends.
  • With the same goal (not to get bogged down in a routine), daily tedious, but necessary things should be tried to be dispersed among others, and not dumped all of them for the evening one after another. For example, ironing clothes, cooking dinner, washing dishes should not be collected in one big emergency. They can be done between other things.
  • If you imagine yourself as the buyer of your apartment, it will immediately become clear what needs to be “brought to mind” in it (replace the handles on the lockers, move the shelf to a more convenient place, plaster the crumbling corner in the hallway). The list of these cases should also be carried out gradually, but systematically, until it is completed in full.

Don't be afraid to put your washing machine on a delay cycle so that your wash is finished by the time you get up in the morning. It remains only to put things in their places (by the way, you can do this at any free moment). This will save you from having to kill your entire weekend running around the big wash.

The right daily attitude

The following time management rules will help the housewife to be "working" all day. To do this, it is important to perform a series of actions that in this context will seem strange to many.

  1. In the morning, put yourself in order, do your hair, make-up (even if you plan to spend the whole day at home!).
  2. Wear comfortable shoes with laces. Simple slippers are easy to throw off. And this is the temptation from time to time to "lie down for 5 minutes." If you correctly distribute the forces and time, you can do without these "lying down". In addition, they are great to discourage, taking much more than 5 minutes!
  3. Selecting a place in the house for yourself where it is not difficult to do a quick cleaning. At the same time, a corner sparkling with cleanliness will cause a feeling of pride in oneself, and will give strength to act further. For example, let it be a sink in the kitchen or a corner in the hallway.

Arrange household appliances and furniture in the kitchen in such a way as to minimize the time for running around between them, because it takes energy! Once to conduct a “control measurement” of the number of steps between the stove, sink and cutting table, and then fool around with the correct location of all important items - much less damage to a woman’s health than daily unjustified running around between them!

Prevention of "clutter"

Another important point in the search for an answer to the question of how to keep up with everything is the prevention of clutter. It occurs imperceptibly, sometimes it is difficult to keep track of it. But you can if you follow it right. How? Here are some simple time management rules for housewives.

  • At the first stage, you need to immediately get rid of everything that no one uses (broken souvenirs, expired medicines and groceries, things that have stretched or become small, as well as everything that is not needed, but it is a pity to throw it away). Order among the trash is impossible! You need to take out all these “useless things”, and then immediately throw them ruthlessly into the trash can in the yard so that there is no temptation to leave something.
  • Don't get into the habit of buying something new to replace something old that hasn't been thrown away or used yet. For example, when buying new slippers, it is important to throw out the old ones first. The same applies to cosmetics, bedding, groceries, linen…
  • Try to constantly maintain order in places of "special danger" of accumulation of garbage (shelf in the hallway, bedside table, children's desk). After all, you don’t have time to look back, as a mountain of candy wrappers, bags, and other garbage is already piled on them.
  • Get into the habit of cleaning up after yourself. Washing the dishes after cooking, wiping the stove, kitchen apron, washing the bath after yourself - it requires much less effort than spending hours at the end of the week peeling off greasy deposits, dried splashes or drips.

Do not purchase figurines, vases or other complex-shaped decor - it is difficult to keep them clean all the time: dust is constantly clogged into all hard-to-reach bends or recesses.

No bigotry

Learning the basics of time management isn't just about looking like the perfect housewife. Rational use of time will help the hostess to remain a woman, loved, desired, who has the strength to communicate with children, husband, friends, go to beauty salons, cinemas, parks or cafes with them. This is the secret of women's satisfaction with life: not to feel like a prisoner of a "domestic concentration camp". Therefore, it is important to focus on a few more points of time management for women, whose motto is to love yourself. How to achieve this?

  • Learn to allocate at least 40 minutes daily for rest and self-care. During this time, you can take a bath, make a face mask, read your favorite book.
  • Learn to delegate part of the "powers" to the household. Very often, a housewife who does not have enough time for anything dumps on herself a bunch of work that households could well do without her, but use her mother's kindness, care or pity. For example, children can make their own beds, pack their bags for school, and wash their own shoes or dishes. By the age of 9-10, they may well learn how to iron their school things. A husband can be instructed to take out the trash, walk the dog, sometimes pick up children from school, kindergarten, section instead of mom, periodically take them for walks. Purchases can also be divided: let a woman buy something that does not have a lot of weight, and entrust a man to buy, for example, potatoes, onions, sugar - something that is usually bought in large volumes. And a couple of times a week he could cook dinner. If children are involved in the process, it will be very useful from an educational point of view. Give the woman time to rest.
  • Don't try to do everything at once. No one has been able to break yet. And the simultaneous execution of several important things can ruin them all, while exhausting all the forces.
  • Do not do what you can do without today. For example, it is not necessary to cook dinner every day - it is quite normal to do it once every two days with a margin.
  • No need to try to embrace the immensity, trying to remake absolutely everything. This is an impossible task. Time management is needed for a housewife in order to learn how to do more, while getting tired less, and not to make a programmed non-tiring robot out of a woman.

So, by applying the simple rules of time management, a housewife can not only keep the house in order, but also learn how to find time for rest, communication with family, favorite activities. And also - much less tired by the end of the day. After all, tomorrow she will need strength again. Housewives do not have days off, they need to learn how to cut them out. Proper management of your time will help with this task.


Time management for women is very different from time management for men. Women have many feelings, many fears and anxieties, while it is easier for women than men to seek help from relatives and other people around them.

Here is an article from agulife.ru, obviously written for women.

Psychological preparation

The basic principles for doing everything are as follows:

  1. No need to rush anywhere. The more calmly you will carry out the task you have set, the sooner you will finish it.
  2. Don't be afraid to fail. We spend too much time on fear and procrastination, we decided to do it - do it, we decided not to do it - don't start.
  3. Delegate responsibilities. Reach out to your loved ones more often for help. Use the services of relevant organizations and individuals.
  4. Remember, the sharpest mind is dumber than the dullest pencil. Discuss your problems in writing, write down your goals, tasks and tasks.
  5. Don't try to do everything at once and at the same time.
  6. Manage your attention. The basic principle: large cases should be organized in such a way as to ensure maximum switching between them, small ones should be grouped in such a way that attention is switched to a minimum.
  7. Make it a rule to rest. Do not spare time for sleep, breaks and rest. Plan your leisure time the same way you plan your business. How seriously you take your vacation will depend on your performance.

Technical aspects

We need paper and colored pens.

  1. On a piece of paper, write down absolutely all your affairs, tasks, plans and problems. The goal is to say as much as possible about what needs to be done.
  2. Break down all the cases written in the previous step into several key areas of your life - for example, "Family", "Work", "Study", "Sports". Highlight each area with the appropriate color.
  3. Ask yourself why you are going to solve certain problems. Write down on a separate sheet your basic motives-values ​​that you would like to be guided in life.
  4. Match your to-do list with your value list. If certain things don't align with your values, consider whether they are worth doing. In the future, always check your plans against the list of your values ​​and adjust them.
  5. From the list of cases, select the most important and large. Break them down into simple subtasks. Arrange the results in a table or tree-like list, signing subtasks under each goal. Now check which of the subtasks can be delegated to others. Check your list of goals from time to time and adjust as needed.
  6. Set your priorities. Being able to separate important things from unimportant ones is one of the main rules of time management. Organize your tasks according to their importance and urgency and keep them in front of your eyes.
  7. On a sheet of paper or in an Excel spreadsheet, make a plan for the year (counting from now). Arrange all tasks on a timeline, from the most important and large to the smallest. If there are more cases than time and resources allow, reconsider the goals, weed them out, delegate them. Review this plan every month and make adjustments to it.
  8. Plan for the week. Similar to the plan for the year, make a plan for the week. Break the week into days. From the plan for the year, write out the tasks for the next week. Don't try to plan everything in great detail. Leave time reserves for unforeseen circumstances. Prioritize important tasks and try to do them first. If necessary, review and adjust the plan for the week, writing out all the tasks for tomorrow in a separate sheet or diary.

By following these simple rules, you can get rid of the daily time pressure.

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The million dollar question for most working women: Is it possible to work full time, raise children, maintain a home, socialize with friends, and stay healthy and sane? Many will hope that there will not be enough time for everything. And someone will say: salvation is only with the help ( from English. time-management - "time management", technologies for organizing time and increasing the efficiency of its use). Of course, time management, so popular at the present time, is a powerful assistant in organizing life.

Bestsellers on time management for men are many times thinner than the same books for women. Only the paradox of gender difference is most visible here. And here comes the understanding that for a man to organize his activities at work, bring a child to kindergarten and not be late for work, these are trifles that are lost in the life schedule of an average woman. And if a woman is raising a child alone?

Then time management for moms and working women is not a book, but a means to survive. A few tips on how to keep up with everything - this is a simple interpretation of the big word time management. How to find time for half an hour of gossip with a girlfriend, lounging, wandering around the city with a camera, while not losing your quote in the eyes of your boss and husband, virtuoso time management tips will help. Here are a few simple rules that will allow you to effortlessly overcome life's troubles.

1. Do the work you love

Do not force yourself to suffer if you are not able to master the profession. After all, only specialists are valued in the labor market. Assess the possibility of finding a new job.

2. Create your priority, write a to-do list A…Z

There is too much to do and too little time to do everything. Ask yourself what is more important to you? Write a to-do list for one day in order of importance. And do all the things on the list from top to bottom.

3. Set reasonable achievable goals

Do not overwork yourself, do not set goals that you cannot achieve a priori. If you constantly fight and lose the battle in an attempt to realize yourself both at home and at work, this can only lead to an urgent crisis in a very short time. And your children will appreciate a mother who reads fairy tales to them more than a mother who hates the whole world.

4. Don't waste your money

Arm yourself with a calculator and consider that it is more profitable to run several projects in parallel or take the children to dances or clean the house. Perhaps you will win more if a nanny takes the children to mugs several times a week, and you calmly finish your business.

5. Train yourself to be a morning person

Get up early and cheerful. Even if you are an owl by nature, after 21 days the body develops a habit. And you can easily turn into a lark. The more time, the more you get done.

6. Get practical

Choose a haircut or clothing that requires the least amount of effort to maintain a good look. Prepare simple meals. Firstly, simple food is much healthier, and secondly, it takes less time and attention in the cooking process. And leave complex culinary masterpieces for the holidays.

7. Fundamentals of logistics

If several things can be done at the same time, then do so. When taking the children to school, do not forget to bring shoes with you that need to be repaired if the workshop is on the way. Calculate how quickly you can get to your place of work, what transport is more profitable to use, and in which store it is more convenient to shop.

8. Use technology

Try to be on "you" with technique and technology. Will it be a modern washing machine, tablet or new software. The most important thing is that this will undoubtedly allow you to cope with the work an order of magnitude faster.

9. Learn to say "no"

Don't waste time solving other people's problems. Don't try to do things that you can't do and that you don't understand. You will spend more time and energy than you will get in the end.

10. Let the weekend be the weekend

Do not leave the solution of domestic household problems for the weekend. Laundry, grocery shopping and cleaning must be done during the working week. Share household chores with your husband or children. But be sure to try to have at least one day off per week.

11. Work in a team

Don't be afraid to give your family and co-workers some chores to take the pressure off your schedule.

12. Three no for monitor/TV/unnecessary travel

You should not make an appointment if the issue can be resolved by phone or email.

You should not engage in every second viewing of e-mail, for this it is enough to allocate 5 minutes a day.

Don't watch TV all the time, let it run while you cook dinner or breakfast.

13. Try not to procrastinate and always set deadlines

It's human nature to want to put off doing unpleasant, routine, or difficult duties. But try to avoid this as much as possible by always setting a deadline for the task to be completed.

14. Start every day with prayer

Know how to maintain balance. Don't let time control you. Remember that the better you manage your time, the more interesting and better your life will be. You don't have to be superwoman. The best goal will be to implement all the tasks set without compromising health and well-being. Remember more often the passage from Friedrich Etinger's prayer: “Lord, give me the peace to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change. And give me wisdom to distinguish one from the other.

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