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The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without a variety of objects, phenomena and substances, and almost all of them are united by a tool for obtaining these benefits - metal and paper money. Like it or not, it is almost impossible to survive without money in modern society. Of course, there are options, but they are suitable only for people of a very peculiar type of character and lifestyle. But the layman should not only be able to earn money and not spend too much, but also, in general, master the art of managing finances. Only this will give him a stable position, freedom and the opportunity to receive almost everything that is required. And if, of course, you can earn at work, then where and how to save? Keeping money at home, in a bank, in native rubles, in foreign currency - which is better? We will talk about this further.

Money is Opportunity

With a sufficient amount, you can afford self-development programs and do what your soul lies in, not to mention the satisfaction of the needs that make up the basis of the pyramid of needs. Having achieved financial well-being, a person raises the standard of living, discovers something new, often such that he had not even thought about the existence before.

Looking around carefully, evaluating the behavior of familiar people - friends, relatives - you can see that most of our contemporaries do not know how to manage wisely what they get at work with such difficulty. Management of metal, paper money requires responsibility and strictness to yourself. Agree, losing a lot of money just because you don’t know how to save it is very disappointing, it undermines confidence in yourself and your future.

The current economic situation both in the country and in the world is extremely unstable, and this complicates the task of preserving and increasing capital. But even in such a situation, you can figure out where to store large amounts of money safely and profitably.

Banks to help diligent workers

It's no secret that financial structures are characterized by different levels of reliability. Almost every day there is news about the revocation of licenses from another small bank. And yet there are organizations that have been operating for a long time. They are reliable, you can safely entrust them with your hard-earned money, without fear of anything. When choosing which bank to keep money in, pay attention to the lists of the best domestic financial structures compiled by reliable statistical, rating agencies. As a rule, the first rows will belong to those banks in which the government acts as the holder of part of the shares.

If the organization is completely commercial, the state does not own shares, then cooperation becomes risky. In the event of bankruptcy, the company has nowhere to wait for help. At the same time, it should be understood that a reliable bank will not offer super-favorable terms of cooperation. Many middle-aged and older people remember the call from their youth: “Keep money in a savings bank!”. As in former times, today this option is not the most profitable, although it guarantees the preservation of funds. State banks do not complain about the lack of customers, and there is no need to draw attention to themselves with too good offers, as they "take" with reliability.

Banks: Caution Can't Hurt

One of the main rules on how to properly store money in a bank says: if a financial structure offers very favorable conditions that stand out from the market average, there is a catch somewhere. As a rule, such proposals are made by commercial organizations with low sustainability ratings. Not having sufficient financial reserves to support their activities, they literally hysterically attract customers by promising mountains of gold. Of course, working with such a company is a big risk. Much more can be lost.

The most reliable, popular banks, part of the shares in which are owned by the state:

  • Sberbank.
  • Rosselkhozbank.
  • VTB.

Perhaps following the slogan “Keep your money in a savings bank!” today and will not give much benefit, but in cooperation with these structures it guarantees the preservation of money in the amount in which they were entrusted for storage (there are also small percentages, but inflation actually eats them up).

Eggs and baskets

One of the main wisdoms of people who know how to handle money is "You can't keep all your eggs in one basket." Funds need to be divided, evaluating the riskiness of various options. As economists say, the correct diversification of capital is the key to its preservation and increase over time.

  • cooperate with a bank where all deposits are insured;
  • keep no more than 1.4 million rubles on one deposit in one bank.

The fact is that when a financial organization is liquidated, an insurance agency can return 1.4 million. This balance is fireproof, but other money can be lost. Therefore, when deciding where to keep money, one should divide the available resources: put 1.4 million in one bank, in which all deposits are insured, and the rest - in another. For greater reliability, both banks should be from among the structures, part of the shares of which are owned by the state. This will minimize the risk of liquidation.

Beneficial or not?

What should be a wallet for money so that they do not “escape” from it? Safe, protected, supported. This is exactly what the bank becomes if you need to save a large amount. You can not be afraid of thieves, and with a good program and a fairly large contribution, it’s even possible to get a good amount from above in the form of interest (however, its value, taking into account inflation, is significantly reduced). Modern technologies allow you to track the status of the deposit at any time and have access to it via the Internet. It's comfortable. In fact, the money seems to be at home, but at the same time - in a safe place.

In any barrel of honey there is always a fly in the ointment. This rule does not bypass the situation with cooperation with banks. For example, if a person has little money at his disposal, then keeping it in a bank will not bring any real benefit. In fact, it will be like a money box - no inflation protection, no profit. Is that protection against theft, for which a person pays with limited opportunities to manage money. If you terminate the contract ahead of time, then the percentage reward will be extremely small money. And if the amount was small, and the contract was terminated ahead of time, then there is no profit at all.

Sending abroad

Having impressive funds and finding out where it is profitable to keep money, it is necessary to study the offers of foreign banking structures. Swiss banks traditionally inspire the greatest confidence, but this will only bring real benefits when managing an amount of a million rubles or more.

Collaboration becomes profitable if the money is invested for a long time. Such "money boxes" provide 99.9% reliability and safety. Almost all Swiss banks offer a high interest rate, which means that the profitability of the deposit will be high.

How it works?

Why are Swiss banks, unlike domestic ones, so reliable under favorable conditions? They work according to a different system than our Russian ones. Financial structures receive their money not through loans, deposits, that is, their main line of work is not at all servicing the population. Financial structures specialize in investing, supporting enterprises, which guarantees reliability and profitability.

But in Russia, most of the banking structures are focused on interaction with individuals. Loans are the main source of resource. Increasing the percentage of non-repayment of the loan undermines the very "foundation" of the bank, leading it to bankruptcy. But a Swiss bank, having received money from a private person, begins to manage it, directing income to the owner. Most Swiss banks operate with a commission that varies within 1%. Financial structures are independent of tax laws, the Swiss state system does not impose taxes on income. Summing up: the "money box" at a low cost is profitable and reliable.

Gold and platinum - an investment in the future

“Where to store money and how? Why not try precious metals? - if you have ever chosen a bank and a deposit, such questions must have come to mind. However, in practice, ordinary people rarely make a decision in favor of precious metals. But statistics show that this option, known for a long time, is effective and reliable to this day. The choice in favor of gold, platinum allows you to escape from inflation, the crisis. If over time you sell the metal at a higher cost than it was bought, you can “earn extra money” on this.

When choosing where to keep money, you need to remember that different metals provide different levels of profitability. In addition to the above, you can store money in palladium and silver. The nobility of these metals is due to the small number of deposits.

The practical side of the issue

In precious metals, you can save your money in one of the following ways:

  • buy coins, bars;
  • open a bank account in metal;
  • buy securities of a company operating in the field of gold mining.

Buying ingots, coins is easier through Sberbank. There is no doubt about the authenticity of the product. On sale there is gold bullion from a gram to a kilogram, silver - from 50 gr. up to a kilogram, platinum, palladium - from five to one hundred grams. The system is quite convenient, but it is important to remember the laws. In Russia, gold bars are classified as property, that is, transactions with them are subject to a 13% tax. You will have to pay this tax by selling the bullion back to the financial structure.

Buying coins

Many would like to know how to store money at home safely. Holding banknotes and coins, especially if the amount is large, is impractical, inconvenient and dangerous. In addition, such storage will not save them from inflation. It is quite another thing - coins made of precious metals. On sale there are not only investment, but also commemorative copies. All such moments are produced by the Bank of Russia in a limited edition. Some are produced in only a hundred pieces, others in the amount of several thousand.

Commemoratives are more valued by collectors, they are expensive, which is not only due to the price of the metal, but also to the numismatic component. Commemorative coins can be sold for great profit, but this is an investment in the distant future - years, or even decades, will pass before the price rises. The older the product, the higher the price. It looks tempting, but there is a possibility that the sale of an expensive coin will drag on for an unpredictable period in years to come. If, let's say, a crisis situation has developed in a country, in the world, it will not be so easy to find collectors with purchasing power.

Coins and investments

Such "money boxes" do not attract collectors, and are used only as investment instruments. The most famous issue was in 1975, when coins containing more than 7 gr. gold. The coins "Sable", "George the Victorious" are attractive. You can buy them at Sberbank, some other large banks. The main advantage is the absence of VAT on transactions with coins, with the exception of sales. This procedure is subject to a 13 percent tax.

Where to store money in metal, what other possibilities are there? The possibility of opening a metal account looks quite profitable, and this is what most of the people who decide to entrust their hard-earned precious metals resort to. Understanding what the banking structure can offer, it is necessary to find the CHI. The abbreviation stands for "impersonal metal account". Replenishment is available by transferring from another MHI account, depositing precious metals, purchasing additional volumes at the current exchange rate from the bank. Many MHIs have a "cherry on the cake" - interest. The value is small, from 0.1 to 4%, which seems (at first glance) a ridiculous amount. But it is worth remembering that inflation is not terrible for precious metals, and together with interest, this gives a good profit.

We buy housing

Where to keep money at home? Yes, in the house! Why not? It is real estate that is one of the most promising options for investing, storing, multiplying available cash. Real estate is not afraid of inflation and crises (if it has already been built), and over the years a square meter only becomes more expensive. By the way, if you buy an apartment in a house on the outskirts of the city (officially even outside the city limits) today, in 5-10 years you can find yourself the owner of excellent real estate in a good, ennobled urban residential area. This is especially true for Moscow and St. Petersburg, where they regularly announce the construction of new metro stations, and the borders are gradually moving apart.

In a crisis situation, when financial structures do not inspire confidence, real estate becomes the best object for investing money. The more expensive the housing, the higher the payback. Earnings during a crisis are unlikely to please the wallet, but you can wait out the “bad” times without loss. Well, then you can sell housing - and get a good "profit" on this. Do not forget about the possibility of earning through real estate, which is in possession, because it (if desired) is transferred under the arena agreement.

Where to invest?

Which property promises the most cash flow? It is believed that the most promising option is commercial space, for which a tenant can then be found. But this option is not easy, you need to know the law and be able to find a client, negotiate with him. Without specialized skills, it is better to purchase residential square meters, and fill your wallet through them. If there is a lot of money, preference should be given to a large city, the capital, a resort that is in demand.

In the center of a large city, the demand for housing is always high. All year round there are those who come to get acquainted with the city, to enter the university. Many of those who move in search of a better life are looking for work. It is worth counting on young families, companies of students. The cost of rent will depend not only on the number of square meters, but also on the condition of the dwelling, location relative to transport routes. When choosing a city, just look at the rankings of the best places to live in the country.

We exchange money for money

Finally, last but not least for this material, in principle a good way to save your hard earned money is to invest it in a foreign stable currency. However, this option is not suitable for everyone, because it is fraught with risk: the economy has been very unstable lately, currency fluctuations cannot always be predicted even by specialists with extensive experience. One thing is for sure: in the last year, the ruble began to steadily strengthen its position, that is, to grow, and the price of foreign currency is decreasing. The greatest benefit of placing funds in foreign currency can be achieved if you choose a period when domestic money falls in price. What currency should you keep your money in? Preference is given to stable options, whose rate from year to year maintains a positive trend.

A few years ago, the most promising option was the US dollar. Many people remember the crisis of 2015 and the collapse of the ruble, when the position of the dollar sharply strengthened. People who at that time had foreign currency won a lot. Analysts agreed that American money is the most promising type of commodity in the foreign exchange market. But today the situation has changed, the ruble has strengthened, inflation has weakened, and opinions differ. Some are still convinced that nothing is better than the American dollar, while others advocate keeping their savings in rubles.

How else can you?

For those who are well versed in exchange rates and the economic situation on the market, regularly study the news and follow the development of major powers, there is an alternative option. You can exchange the finances at your disposal for the currency of Japan or China. At the same time, it should be remembered that the Japanese economy is built on the weakening of the yen, and this must be taken into account when investing money here.

China is one of the most rapidly developing powers on our planet. For many, the yuan seems to be the currency of the future, just like Chinese is the language of international communication. It is not yet known exactly whether these forecasts will come true, but with a careful attitude to the task, it is also possible to earn money on the exchange rate of the yuan and the ruble, so this still exotic currency can be a good direction for investing hard-earned money.

The economic situation in the country is unstable, we do not know what awaits us tomorrow and how this may affect our savings. Most of the population of Russia due to the fall of the ruble has already lost about half of all savings. How can we insure against circumstances and what strategy to use in order to still accumulate, and not lose? This immediately raises many questions: Where to store money? Put money in a savings account or is it better to hide money under a mattress? In what currency is it better to make savings? figured out what to do.

Where is it better to keep savings: in a savings account, under a mattress, or start investing?

According to a survey conducted by the National Financial Research Agency (NAFI) in July 2015, the popularity of bank deposits has grown. Today, about a third of Russians (32%) prefer to keep savings in banks and only a quarter (25%) chose cash as a form of savings. Let's take a closer look at each of the options:

Storage "under the mattress"

It seems to us, out of old habit, that this is the most reliable way of storage. Our money is under the mattress, we know exactly how much is there and it is always next to us. In fact, today this way to store savings is far from the most reliable. Why?
Firstly, this money can be easily stolen from you. No one is immune from intruders who can enter the apartment and deprive you of almost everything.

Secondly, this money is slowly depreciating due to inflation. If you put 50 thousand rubles under the mattress, then in a year there will be exactly the same amount, but life will become more expensive and your savings will already have less value. Thus, you not only risk not saving money, but also losing it, not to mention the fact that this money will not bring income.

Thirdly, you yourself are a danger to the accumulated money, because the temptation to spend it on impulsive purchases and then regret it increases. Therefore, it is better to keep money in a less accessible place, away from yourself.

Bank deposit

Not for nothing, the popularity of this particular method of storing money is growing. In times of crisis, he is one of the most win-win. For those who are not going to make huge returns on their savings and are looking for reliability, this is a great option.

What are the advantages of a bank deposit?

After a certain period, you will receive a percentage of the amount entrusted to the bank. Your income will depend on which deposit you choose. The interest received will be added to the amount and the next time the income will be higher.

You do not risk losing money. Even if the bank goes bankrupt, your money will be returned. Thanks to the system, the state guarantees to pay at least amounts up to 1.4 million rubles. Not to mention that if the bank is robbed, then your savings under the contract must be returned.

In addition, having a deposit in a bank makes it easier to get better loan terms, which will also help you spend less in the future.

Investments in stocks, bonds and mutual funds

Without a doubt, investing in stocks is a great way to make money, but it is not so easy to do this, and if you are far from financial topics, then it is almost impossible. Although you can be sure that the price of the purchased securities will go up, it is more difficult to guess when this will happen.

Bonds, unlike stocks, are attractive with a fixed circulation period on the market and a fixed interest income, which allows you to accurately predict the amount of profit from such investments. But here no one is immune from default on the company's debts. And in a crisis, the risk only increases.

If you still decide to take a risk and invest your savings, you need to keep in mind that:

  1. you will need knowledge in the field of finance;
  2. a huge amount of time to monitor the market, analyze the situation and respond quickly;
  3. in order to effectively operate your deposit, you will need a fairly large amount - at least 50-100 thousand rubles.

Mutual funds (mutual funds) can make things easier. In fact, in this case, many small investors pool their money and entrust their placement to a management company. And there is no need to follow the markets. The manager will do this for you, to whom, however, he will have to give his honestly earned commission. And everything seems fine, except that mutual funds do not guarantee you income: the market grows - savings grow, the market falls - your savings turn into losses.

What is the best currency to keep money in?

Recently, according to a survey conducted by NAFI in July 2015, an increasing number of Russians, or rather, 60% choose ruble accounts. A few years ago they were no more than 55%. As for cash, 59% of Russians also prefer to keep it in rubles. 11% have savings in foreign currency, and only 10% of the population are interested in foreign currency accounts. What are the advantages and disadvantages of rubles and currency? And are we doing the right thing by keeping money in rubles?

One of the reasons for the increased interest of Russians in the ruble can be explained by the fact that banks currently offer rather high rates for ruble deposits. This is very tempting, but keep in mind that the ruble is subject to higher inflation and its value largely depends on the state of the economy in the country, which does not yet promise active prosperity.

If you decide to keep money in a currency, the question arises in which one?

The position of the dollar depends on the world economic situation and on the state of affairs in the United States, and this currency is quite strong. The position of the euro, in turn, on the situation in Europe. Although nothing can be predicted 100%, according to experts, the dollar is expected to strengthen against other currencies, including the ruble. Almost all large investors prefer to keep most of their savings in dollars. The economic situation in Europe is still unstable, which affects the euro. Nevertheless, according to experts, it is possible that in 2016 the position of the euro will change for the better.

What to do? If you are going to keep money for a long time, the best advice from financial experts is to pay attention to multicurrency savings. Store part in dollars, part in rubles, part in euros or other currencies (Swiss francs, British pounds, Japanese yen or yuan). In this case, if one currency loses in value, as a rule, another will grow and you will not lose your savings. But it is better not to jump from one currency to another. You are unlikely to be able to predict the exchange rate and, most likely, you will simply lose on the exchange.

A lot of advice can be given, but we must also not forget that everyone's economic situation is different and the best way to store savings is individual for everyone. It is worth remembering that "investing in yourself" will never depreciate. The exchange rate and interest on deposits may change, you may lose money, but education and knowledge will always remain with you!

at home, and not on a bank deposit or in a safe deposit box.

As a rule, in such cases, people look for the most reliable places where they can put money, so that they are not easy to find, and they can not worry about their safety.

There are many hiding places in the house where you can hide money, but there are also those places where you should not hide your savings. The main thing is to keep money in the most inconspicuous things and places.

What is money kept in?

Many try to come up with extraordinary ways to hide money, such as:

* behind the wallpaper;

* in a toilet tank (inside a waterproof bag);

* in the piano, guitar or other instrument;

* in old shoes;

* in an old tin can buried in the ground (if a person does not live in an apartment, but in a house on the ground).

Where is the best place to keep money?

And yet, if you really want serious protection of your financial resources, then it is better to use a safe equipped with a high level of protection (physical and intellectual).

Such protection makes the safe strong, and a reliable code is a serious obstacle for intruders.

It is better, of course, that the safe has multi-level protection, which could reduce the chance of opening it to almost zero.

Where to hide money

Here are some more interesting and reliable places in the house where you can hide money:

1. In an envelope taped to the bottom of a kitchen cabinet.

2. In foil placed in the freezer among the products.

3. In a sock at the bottom of the drawer where socks are stored.

4. In an empty container for aspirin or other medicines (with opaque walls) in the bathroom.

5. In the pocket of a certain shirt in the closet.

6. If you have a lot of folders on your desk, you can store in one of them.

7. In one of the books (or several books) on the shelf. Only choose books that you can easily remember and that are not in plain sight.

8. Inside a large cup, standing at the back of the kitchen cabinet.

9. Inside an empty soda bottle (with a cap) placed in the far corner of the refrigerator.

* It is worth noting that the refrigerator, coffee maker, microwave oven and other kitchen electronic appliances are a popular storage place, so thieves will check everything in them, which means you need to be smart.

10. In an envelope placed inside the disc case.

Where else can you hide money

11. In a curtain rod.

12. In an old toy, which children do not play, and which can be placed deep into the toy cabinet.

13. In a plastic bag inside lettuce or cabbage leaves. It may seem strange, but if someone looks into the refrigerator in search of money, he will definitely not look inside the food.

14. In an additional pipe, which is not part of the bathroom, but at the same time creates the illusion of a single design.

15. In the foam of the sofa. First you need to remove the cover and pull out a small part of the foam rubber, making a hole in the sofa where it will not be visible during a quick inspection. The upholstery can be fixed with a stapler.

16. Inside the magnetic tape in the refrigerator door. First, bend the rubber base, then carefully make a small cut with a blade and take out a few magnets, instead of which you can insert banknotes.

17. In a cactus. If you have a cactus growing in a pot at home, you can make a small hole in it. But first you need to soak the soil, after which it is worth cutting out the core of the cactus in its lower part.

How to hide money at home, office and hotel

If you ask the question, where is it easier to hide money: in a private house or in a hotel, in an apartment and in an office, then most people will probably answer the first, but this is not so.

In the office or in the hotel there are many hiding places where you can hide money. Here are a few such caches that experts advise:

* Socket.

Every sane person will not endanger his life, which means that he does not intend to climb into the outlet.

You just need to turn off the power, unscrew the plastic cover from the outlet and find a hole where you can hide jewelry and money. It is advisable to wrap everything with a rubber sheet.

Of course, such a cache should not be used by those who do not understand electrical engineering well.

* Fake outlet.

Put your money and/or jewelry in a small box and stick it into a wall or behind a broken outlet.

* Float in the toilet bowl.

This part of the toilet is in a barrel and is made of plastic, and its size is about the size of a fist. If you carefully twist the banknotes, then they can be hidden in the tank. First, turn off the water, then unscrew the toilet part.

Banknotes will have to be inserted one at a time. If you find it troublesome to do this, then you can cut the float, then put money into it, and glue the seam with a lighter or superglue.

The disadvantage of this method is that it will not be easy to get savings. In addition, there is a risk that by your actions you can interfere with the normal operation of the toilet.

* Tabletop.

If you remove the sides of the tabletop, then with a drill it will be possible to make several holes on the side. Next, using a file, make a small rectangular hole to hold the money.

Should you hide money at home? Pros and cons.


Quick access to money (you can quickly get it, count it, add it and hide it again);

You can change the storage location at any time.


Money quickly depreciates;

Under certain influence, you can spend your savings without thinking;

At home, the risk of intrusion by intruders is higher than in a bank.

Where can't you hide money?

In these places, thieves will look first of all:

1. Wardrobes, chests of drawers and bedside tables.

2. Books, especially those that are in plain sight.

3. Different containers where cereals are usually stored.

4. Under the mattress and inside it.

5. If you decide to hide your money in a refrigerator or microwave oven, then do it smarter than just putting the money in some container and in the refrigerator.

6. Vases, caskets and other little things that decorate the interior and have cavities for storing jewelry and money.

7. Pictures and mirrors.

Psychic Marilyn Kerro on her official website talked about where it is best to keep your money in the house, in order not only to save it, but also to increase it. According to a participant in the Battle of Psychics, there are certain places in the house that activate monetary energy and help increase profits. There are also places in the room where you absolutely cannot keep money. So, where to keep money in order to attract financial flows into your life?

Where not to keep money

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro claims that there are unfavorable places in the house where money should not be left under any circumstances.

Bedroom. This room is designed for sleep and relaxation, so money with its complex energy has no place here. Money stored in the bedroom will lose the ability to grow and multiply. They will lie idle, their energy will die out after a while, which will eventually lead to their complete loss or useless spending. You can be robbed, or you will spend them on something that will not bring you any benefit or moral satisfaction. It turns out that not only does the bedroom have a negative effect on money, but money also has a negative effect on this room. Money energy will interfere with your rest and sleep. You may start to suffer from insomnia, migraines and bad mood in the morning.

Bathroom. According to Marilyn Kerro, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, nothing of value, especially money, should be stored in the bathroom. There is a lot of water in the bathroom, the energy that tends to purify. According to the psychic, the money stored in the bathroom will flow away from you like water.

Where to save money to become rich and successful

There are places in the house that have a positive effect on monetary energy and activate it even more. According to Marilyn Kerro, to attract money, it is better to keep all your savings in the kitchen and in the living room.

The kitchen is a symbol of family wealth. This room contains a large amount of strong energy that can attract money. In the kitchen, it is best to store your savings in a jar of cereals. According to an old belief, cereals are a symbol of wealth. If you put at least one bill in a jar of cereals, then soon it will attract money to you.

However, there are certain places in the kitchen that are not intended for storing money. Don't hide your savings in the oven. The gas stove is endowed with the energy of fire, which will negatively affect your financial situation. Money will “burn out” or “dry out”.

You can also store money in the living room. According to psychic Marilyn Kerro, money in the living room must be kept out of the reach of prying eyes, otherwise they will lose their cumulative power.

How and where to keep money to increase profits

Marilyn Kerro recommends keeping your savings always in the same place. You should not constantly change the location of your piggy bank, otherwise your income will be unstable. Money should "know" only one place.

It is best to keep money in a red envelope. Red color activates monetary energy and contributes to the growth of your savings. If you do not have a red envelope, then any box, box or jar of red color will do.

If you keep money in a piggy bank, then it must be made of porcelain. This material has a positive effect on the monetary energy in the house. We wish you financial success and do not forget to press the buttons and

05.04.2014 12:50

Often, housewarming can turn into mourning: the joy of moving into a new apartment can be overshadowed by bad energy...

A famous actor from a famous movie recommended that citizens keep in a savings bank, if they have one. But if at the time of the release of this film, people had money that was enough not only for current expenses, but also to put them in a savings bank, now it is more difficult to save money, and even more difficult to decide: where and how best to store savings. We will try to answer this question with the help of the advice of financial experts.

The content of the article:

Where to store savings

You have accumulated or decided to accumulate money and are thinking what is the best way to store the accumulated? - This is a very interesting question, since not only the preservation of savings, but also the possibility of increasing them depends on it. If you have “extra” money, then it is better to invest it in something or spend it on the necessary goods, since the accumulation of money is always, albeit small, but a risk.

First you need to determine how much you plan to accumulate, the frequency and size of replenishment, as well as the purpose of accumulation. If you are saving for the long term and do not plan to withdraw your savings soon, then experts recommend keeping money in gold. Gold is a “currency” that is not afraid of fluctuations in exchange rates, and besides, it is the storage of funds in gold that will help you not only not to lose what you have accumulated, but also to increase it somewhat. But this is all provided that you plan to save this money for the long term. If you have the purpose of any purchase for these savings, and you will save for several years, then gold is not your option.

If you live in abundance, you have an amount of money for a “rainy day” and for any emergency unplanned expenses, then it is best to invest your savings in something, so they will not only accumulate, but also bring profit. This can be either opening a deposit account in a bank or investing in something: investing in your own business or in someone else's, buying shares or securities, etc. Another option is the purchase of real estate, which can later be sold or rented out and receive a monthly profit.

And, of course, the most common way to store your savings is money. The advantage of keeping savings in cash is that you can spend them at any time, without the need to cash out.

What currency to keep money in

What is the best currency to keep money in? It is very difficult to say exactly what to store money in, since the political and financial situation in the world is so unstable that if you name one currency today, it may start having problems tomorrow. Of course, you need to choose the currency in which to keep money from world or national.

Before deciding which currency to keep money in, you need to look at: the dynamics of the exchange rate of a certain currency, world news and news of the country to which the currency belongs. If everything is stable in the country, exchange rate fluctuations are insignificant, and there is even a trend of increasing the value of the currency, then choose it.

Rubles, dollars, euros?

Most often, Russians choose one of the following currencies to store their savings: rubles, dollars or euros. Let's look at each of these currencies and look for even more profitable options.


As a currency for storing savings, rubles are a pretty good option, especially if you receive income in rubles, since you will not incur expenses in the form of interest on foreign exchange. The situation in the country is stable, and oil and gas reserves will last for a long time ...

America is a superpower, and its currency, the dollar, is the currency on which the entire world economy rests. Despite the economic problems in the United States and the colossal public debt, the dollar does not give up its positions, although it is a "soap bubble". It is best to keep savings in dollars for a short time, and then navigate according to the situation. Savings for the long term to invest in dollars is somewhat dangerous, but still possible.


Euro is the currency of the European Union, the most unreliable currency for keeping your savings. First of all, the unreliability of the currency lies in the poor economic situation of some EU member states. Surely you have heard about the difficult economic situation in Greece, which has long been in a state of bankruptcy. There was a large number of assumptions, and even European politicians expressed an opinion about the exclusion of Greece from the European zone, but they do not let go and keep it through loans. If Greece nevertheless leaves the EU zone (whether on its own or by exclusion), then this can cause a chain reaction and threaten the existence of the entire eurozone. Italy and Spain are not far from Greece. The second reason why you should not keep savings in euros is conflicts within the EU itself, between member countries. Based on this, we do not recommend that you keep your savings in euros.

Yuan is the currency of China, where all the world's production is now concentrated. China is indeed a grandiose country, which produces the absolute majority of goods supplied to almost all countries of the world, and it is on China that the world economy is de facto tied. A large number of companies have invested and will invest in assembly shops in China. In addition, the United States itself has debts to China. Based on this, the yuan is a very good currency to store your savings.

What is the best currency to keep money in?

Experts advise keeping your savings in several currencies, for example, in rubles and dollars, or in rubles and yuan. Due to the fact that savings will not be concentrated in one currency, you will not be afraid of fluctuations in the exchange rate.

Many people think about whether to store money in digital currency or not. For our part, we do not recommend doing this, because if you do not have direct income in digital currency, then you will lose a large percentage of your savings on their deposit and withdrawal.

Where is the best place to keep money?

Once you have decided where to keep your savings, you need to decide where it is more profitable to keep money. Today, three options are most often used to store money: an apartment, a bank, and a safe deposit box.

An apartment is the easiest way to store money, because you know that the money is at your fingertips and therefore many people are so calm. But this is the most unsafe way, because if intruders get into your apartment, then there is a high probability that they will be able to find and steal savings if you do not have special means to store them safely.

In a bank, your money savings will be safe, and at the same time you will be able to increase your savings, but there is still a small chance that something can happen to the bank where you keep your savings.

A safe deposit box is a cross between keeping savings in an apartment and in a bank. You pay the bank to rent a cell and keep your money in it. The only downside is the payment for the rent of the cell, the likelihood that something will happen to the bank's vault is very low.

Where and how to keep money at home

Options for storing money: under the mattress, behind the picture, in the sideboard, in the box, etc. - the most wrong option. It is best to keep money at home in a very secret place or in a safe that cannot be moved or opened. The cost of the safe is not so high, but you will secure your savings, and besides, you can store valuables and documents in the safe. Pay special attention to the location of the safe and its locks.

Where to store money according to Feng Shui

But, for example, Feng Shui recommends saving money for a reason, but for certain and specific purposes: the purchase of household appliances, furniture, repairs, an apartment, a car, a vacation, etc. Also, Feng Shui advises to keep money not under the mattress, not in the closet and in other places loved by people, but in special red envelopes. In general, it has long been recommended to keep money in red boxes, but in view of their inconvenience, red envelopes are a more practical option.

These envelopes may contain their own hieroglyph, which will help in matters of accumulating funds. For example, if you are saving money to pay off debts (a loan or a mortgage), then it is best to use an envelope with the hieroglyph for “fairness” for this. If you are saving money for a specific purpose, then for this it is best to put the “wealth” symbol on the envelope. If you decide to save money for certain expenses, such as a trip to the sea, then an envelope with the “prosperity” symbol is suitable for this.

Feng Shui also recommends keeping money in a certain sector - in the southeast or east. As for the place of storage, the Feng Shui philosophy recommends choosing either a safe or a drawer or cabinets that are lockable.

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