Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Codiaum plant. Codiaeum petra care at home. The last method is done like this

Codiaum plant. Codiaeum petra care at home. The last method is done like this

Now it’s your baby’s anniversary - he’s 12 weeks old! It is already so good that only the details will improve further. All the main organs and systems have already been formed and are actively working. Dear mothers, just imagine: the baby’s top layer of skin is already being renewed - the epidermis, the “old” cells from which are exfoliating.

Fetus at 12 weeks of gestation: gender, weight and dimensions

In place of eyebrows, eyelashes, on the chin and on the upper lip, vellus hairs appear. The fingers and toes have already separated and are covered with marigolds; a skin pattern is formed on the pads - a unique “fingerprint”.

And although all organs have already been formed by this time, they continue their development. The intestines have “fallen” into place and contract periodically. The pituitary gland and thyroid gland produce hormones and iodine, the liver produces bile, leukocytes appear in the blood in addition to red blood cells, the kidneys and nervous system work, muscles become stronger, and bone tissue continues to mature.

The baby is growing quickly, and now its length is a more important indicator than its weight. The amount of amniotic fluid increases - at week 12 it reaches 50 ml. The uterus is growing at a rapid pace. Before pregnancy, the uterus is located in the pelvic area and has modest parameters: it weighs 70 g and holds no more than 10 ml. But as the fetus develops and grows in it, it goes beyond its previous location and fills the abdominal cavity. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, you can already feel and feel it. Interestingly, by the end of pregnancy the volume of the uterus increases to 5-10 liters, and the weight after childbirth is more than 1 kg!

The fetus is already very similar to a baby, it weighs about 14 g and has a length from the tailbone to the crown of the head of 6-9 cm. The baby is constantly moving, although the mother does not feel it yet: he tumbles, moves his arms and legs, his mouth, and even sucks his finger! Using a special device, you can already listen to the baby’s heartbeat.

Future mom

From the 12th week of pregnancy, you will begin to gain weight up to 500 g every week. Until this time, your gain, if the pregnancy develops normally, should have been 1.8-3.6 kg. If you have been tormented, you may have even lost a little weight. But from the second trimester, the expectant mother should feel noticeably better - the corpus luteum is obsolete, the placenta is actively involved in its work. However, if , then the “storm” may continue even further.

It's time to start controlling yourself in food: don't overeat, forget about unhealthy snacks, remember your and your child's body's need for calcium and iodine, as well as the risk of developing constipation. Drink compotes, eat dried fruits, vegetables, do exercises.


At week 12, the unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis gradually become a thing of the past. If the pregnancy is “traditional”, then nausea and vomiting, and with them irritability, emotional instability, moodiness and tearfulness - all the “intrigues” of hormones - will become only an unpleasant memory for the pregnant woman. True, if mommy is expecting twins or triplets, then toxicosis will make itself felt for some time - you will have to be patient.

You may have noticed that you are making fewer trips to the toilet compared to the beginning of your pregnancy. But all your internal organs are still working at an increased rate; due to the large volumes of blood, you may feel that your heart is beating faster.

The uterus continues to increase in size, but this does not yet affect the size of the abdomen; usually, by the 12th week of pregnancy, the tummy has not yet become rounded. However, if motherhood is a woman’s first, and depending on her body type, in some cases a “hint” of an interesting position may already appear in the form of a slightly protruding belly. In any case, a woman personally can already feel some “roundness” of shapes and physical changes, even if they are not yet visible to others.

The breasts are becoming more and more full, the mammary glands are preparing for lactation. As this preparation progresses, some itching of the skin on the chest is often felt. In addition to itching in the chest, itching on the stomach and thighs may be added - keep in mind that you are prone to the formation of stretch marks, and take preventive measures now. Don’t be alarmed if one morning you find vascular formations on your face - after childbirth they will disappear, but now you’ll have to be patient. Also a short-term phenomenon is a dark stripe on the abdomen, running from the navel down, which the expectant mother can acquire in the 1st week of pregnancy. This stripe is a consequence of the accumulation of the substance melanin, does not pose any danger, is not a defect, and after childbirth it will disappear on its own.

Now you can feel a certain relief associated with the disappearance of the need to go to the toilet often and little by little. The uterus rises higher and stops putting pressure on the bladder, which means it no longer requires frequent emptying. Instead, another problem may arise - increased gas formation and constipation: instead of the bladder, the uterus now begins to put pressure on the intestines, worsening its peristalsis.

It is quite possible that already at 12 weeks the expectant mother will experience occasional heartburn. True, this symptom is more often characteristic of later stages of pregnancy, but heartburn can still appear from time to time. The reason is the weakening of the septum between the stomach and esophagus under the influence of progesterone, due to which gastric juice moves down the esophagus, causing a burning sensation.

At week 12, you can already worry about choosing a new, “pregnant” wardrobe. Now you should definitely get enough sleep and rest, choose comfortable shoes with low soles, and indulge in good emotions more often. Think more about your baby, about your friendly happy family, give yourself over to spiritual thoughts, learn to relax and be in peace. The most fertile period of the entire pregnancy is approaching - the second trimester.

Belly at 12 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts

Pain of different nature and different localization is not uncommon for pregnant women. One of the most common complaints regarding painful sensations is a complaint of abdominal pain.

Experts reassure: if abdominal pain occurs from time to time, and at the same time “nests” on the sides of the abdomen, periodically radiating to the lower back or groin, it usually does not pose any danger. Such symptoms are usually explained by the “intrigues” of progesterone, or more precisely, by its effect on the ligaments supporting the uterus, which are now softened and increasingly stretched as the abdomen grows.

Anxiety should be caused by pain in the abdomen, arising in its lower part, aching and pulling, possibly cramping. If you have such pain, and even more so when it is aggravated by spotting brown or bloody vaginal discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, this picture indicates the danger of spontaneous abortion, which can be prevented by reacting in time and taking all the necessary medical measures.

Discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy

While progesterone “rules the show” in the pregnant woman’s body, the discharge remains slightly thick, of uniform consistency, light or milky in color, without any unpleasant odor, with a slight sour odor. Any change in the color of the discharge towards yellow or green-gray, the appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor, with admixtures of pus, foamy or curdled discharge indicates the addition of an infection.

Now, during pregnancy, when a woman’s immunity is weakened, genital infections are not at all uncommon. Most often, during pregnancy, women encounter thrush, or candidiasis, an infectious disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Changes in discharge can also be caused by the pathogenic effects of chlamydia, trichomonas, and cocci. And almost always, infectious diseases of the genital tract are accompanied, in addition to atypical discharge, also by discomfort in the perineal area - itching, burning, which intensify after urination. If you have the symptoms described above, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo specialized treatment to prevent infection from reaching the fetus.

The appearance of brown or bloody discharge should also be a “signal” to immediately consult a doctor. Bloody discharge accompanied by pain in the abdomen indicates an increased risk of pregnancy failure. If the separation of blood is not accompanied by abdominal pain, and is usually observed after a medical examination or sexual intercourse, most likely there is erosion of the cervix. In both the first and second cases, you cannot do without consulting a specialist. And if spotting is associated with the risk of miscarriage, you may also have to go to the hospital for preservation on the recommendation of a doctor.


The 12th week usually becomes the first meeting between parents and their baby: the first scheduled ultrasound, if the woman has disciplinedly registered at 6 weeks, falls precisely on this week. But if for mom and dad an ultrasound is a way to see the baby on the monitor and experience genuine joy from this, then for a pregnancy doctor, ultrasound is an invaluable method for assessing the condition of the uterus and the development of the fetus.

During an ultrasound examination, the doctor will examine the condition of the uterus and its tone, see the location of the placenta, and determine the estimated date of birth. The purpose of ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy is also the size and dynamics of fetal development. Already at this stage, ultrasound examination makes it possible to determine the risks of developing congenital pathologies or chromosomal abnormalities. Just remember that the results of an ultrasound cannot be regarded as a diagnosis: if after the session the specialist has any suspicions, the mother will need to undergo additional tests and undergo an in-depth detailed examination.

The doctor compares all the indicators obtained during the ultrasound with the indicators indicated in the table of normal values. Again, the results of the first ultrasound will be used in the future for comparison with the results of subsequent ultrasound studies - this way the specialist will be able to monitor the progress of pregnancy and monitor the development of the baby.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

12 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to mother and baby?

The first trimester is perhaps the most exciting for a woman who has only recently learned about the dramatic changes awaiting her in the near future. Soon her status will change: to the roles of wife, friend, daughter, worker, fashionista, “athlete and Komsomol member,” another role will be added - the most responsible in life - the role of mother.

The end of the first trimester - the 12th week of pregnancy - brings special sensations. We have passed the important stage when a new life was born from tiny cells - now you can relax a little. The 12th week of pregnancy is the first serious milestone successfully overcome by the expectant mother and child (now this is an almost formed child, not an embryo).

  1. Peculiarities
  2. Discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy
  3. Retrochorial hematoma
  4. Tests, screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Fetal development at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Further transformations and changes occur with the baby, which contribute to his development and improvement. He develops skills. A child at 12 weeks of pregnancy “can”:

  • move, move inside the uterus;
  • cover your eyes;
  • open your mouth;
  • suck your thumb.

The size of a child at 12 weeks of pregnancy is 6–7 cm, and the weight is approximately 13 g. This is no longer a cluster of dividing cells, but a tiny person. His heart beats strongly enough that the beat can be distinguished by ultrasound and Doppler diagnostics. If the doctor tells you, based on the results of the examination: “Heart rate is 148,” you can be sure: everything is fine with the child, the heart rate - heart rate - is normal.

12th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby?

By this time, the rudimentary organs of the nervous system continue to form in the baby, the skin of the feet becomes sensitive, and the liver begins to produce bile. , your own leukocytes begin to appear in the blood - round-shaped white blood cells responsible for protection against microorganisms.

The movements of the fetus at this stage, despite its activity, are still uncoordinated and chaotic: signals from the nervous system still arrive in the spinal cord, and not in the brain, as in a mature organism. Fetal movements will be noticeable closer to 14–16 weeks. The sex of the child at the 12th week of pregnancy can already be “spied” if the baby, of course, does not “close himself” from the experienced gaze of the doctor during an ultrasound. But presumably and not always definitively.

What happens in the mother's body during the 12th week of pregnancy?

The most acute and unpleasant sensations that tormented the woman at the beginning of expecting a child begin to subside. The development of the child at the 12th week of pregnancy occurs at a calmer pace, the hormonal storm in the body of the expectant mother gradually calms down: he comes to terms with the changes that have occurred and no longer resists them. At the beginning of the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman’s sensations lose their initial sharpness.

The size of the uterus at the 12th week of pregnancy increases by 10 cm. The ligaments holding it in place gradually stretch, which can cause slight discomfort or mild pain in the lower abdomen.

Nausea at 12 weeks of pregnancy, vomiting stops bothering you in the morning. This is due to the full inclusion of the placenta, which replaces the corpus luteum. This secretory temporary organ that produces hCG is the “culprit” of morning sickness in pregnant women. When the mature placenta “gets to work,” the woman feels an improvement in her health. Toxicosis at week 12 is already the “remnants” of the activity of the corpus luteum. Be patient, it will pass soon.

During the 12th week of pregnancy, breasts continue to enlarge and drops of colostrum may be released. For some, it grows so quickly that stretch marks may occur. It's time to buy special creams and start caring for the mammary glands so that the breasts do not lose their shape after childbirth.

Doctors usually record the first noticeable increase in a woman’s body weight by this time: from 1.5 to 3.5 kg. Appetite improves as there is no more toxicity. True, heartburn often appears, but it is easier to cope with than nausea. The safest thing is raw carrots. Its juice has an alkaline reaction and allows you to neutralize acidity and alleviate the condition.

The volume of the abdomen remains the same. Flatulence is not as pronounced, constipation and diarrhea occur and can be corrected with changes in the daily diet. The body adapts. Hair becomes thicker and stronger, skin glows. The famous peaceful “look into oneself” appears, which adorns a pregnant woman. The woman notices age spots on her face (they will disappear after childbirth). The linea alba, located from the lower part of the sternum to the pubis, darkens. The mood becomes somewhat smoother, although causeless tears and bouts of unexpected joy can still surprise others (and the expectant mother herself). Still, hormones work twice as intensely as in “normal” life.

Normal discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy and pathological

With the normal development of pregnancy, discharge at week 12 should not annoy the woman. Their physiological characteristics:

  • light;
  • sparse;
  • almost odorless.

Excessive white or yellow, greenish discharge is a sign of infection. You need to see a gynecologist. Brown discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy is a good reason to immediately contact a gynecologist. This is a highly likely sign of a threatened miscarriage.

Common causes of spotting at 12 weeks of pregnancy:

  • menstrual flow (if the body has not fully adapted to the pregnant state);
  • , which is easily corrected with progesterone drugs.

By addressing the causes of threatened miscarriage with your doctor, you can prevent fetal loss.

Retrochorial hematoma

If your stomach feels tight at 12 weeks of pregnancy and this is accompanied by discharge with traces of blood, you need to call an ambulance. A retrochorial hematoma may be diagnosed. During pregnancy, this condition is dangerous, since the formed blood clots, the actual blood between the uterus and the membranes of the fertilized egg, can cause a miscarriage. Retrochorial hematoma (RCH) can resolve on its own - like a regular bruise.

If the accumulation of blood continues to grow with continued bleeding, the fertilized egg is rejected from the wall.

Causes of RCH:

  • stress
  • colds (ARVI or flu);
  • maternal malnutrition;
  • activated herpes on the lip and other places (most often multiple painful rashes indicate a weakening of the body).

To prevent this condition, try not to ignore any symptoms of a cold: cough, runny nose, sore throat. Often a temperature of 37 is the norm for a pregnant woman in the first trimester, but if it rises a little higher, ask the clinic for a sick leave. The main thing is not to panic: retrochorial hematoma is not a death sentence for pregnancy; it can often be dealt with, even if scarlet blood has already started to flow.

Tests at 12 weeks and screening

Regardless of whether you are bothered by bleeding, your lower abdomen is tight, your back hurts, or you feel absolutely normal, you need to undergo an ultrasound screening and a biochemical blood test at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

The screening procedure consists of 2 parts: a blood test from a vein and a simple ultrasound examination.

How is an ultrasound performed at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

This is a common transvaginal examination, which is prescribed from time to time to all women - both at the stage of expecting a baby and in “normal life”. Using an ultrasound machine, the sonologist sees how the baby is developing and determines:

  • child's weight;
  • fetal heartbeat;
  • the presence or absence of uterine hypertonicity.

The doctor can immediately determine which indicators are normal and where there are deviations. An ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy pays attention to the type of placentation - the placenta insertion. Low placentation during pregnancy requires monitoring and limiting physical activity. Ultrasound screening is important for assessing the condition of the child and mother, since minor non-physiological changes are not always noticeable. With this diagnosis, the pregnant woman is carefully monitored, because if the placenta is attached too low - at a distance of less than 6 cm from the internal os of the uterus - there is a risk of spontaneous abortion or the introduction of toxic substances through the mother’s bloodstream to the fetus. Most often, over time, the uterus “pulls up” higher, and the diagnosis is removed - the location of the placenta returns to normal.

After the ultrasound, you may observe a small yellowish discharge or a little brownish discharge - this is not scary. These phenomena are caused by increased blood circulation in the reproductive organs and especially the cervix.

What tests do I need to take at 12 weeks?

Mandatory tests for screening:

  • general blood and urine analysis, coagulogram;
  • tests for AIDS, syphilis, group B hepatitis;
  • glucose level;
  • Rh factor.

They will help to exclude or confirm pathological conditions.

A woman who has “stepped” into the second trimester should be attentive to her state of health and well-being. Toxicosis has passed, heartbeat is normal, appetite has increased, is your mood good? Great! You and your baby have successfully passed the first tests: he has settled in the uterus, your body no longer rejects him, but protects him. And yet, take care of yourself: at the slightest discomfort, even if it is slight bleeding (or a hint of it), or you have lower back pain, or you feel the onset of a cold, call a doctor immediately. You will be examined, left at home with an obligation to follow a certain regime, or sent to a hospital, depending on the situation. The doctor will issue a certificate of incapacity for work for a maximum of 15 days, and then the medical commission, if necessary, will decide on an extension.

Remember: now the most important thing for you is the health of your unborn child, and it depends on you. Take care of yourself, tune in for the best. The first stage of a difficult but interesting path has already been completed.

The 12th obstetric week of pregnancy (not to be confused with embryonic) is a good time for the expectant mother. And here’s why: now my health is already significantly improving, unpleasant toxicosis is receding, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, mood swings, drowsiness and constant fatigue are almost forgotten.

The end of the first trimester of pregnancy is a significant milestone in the entire period. The formation of all organs and systems of the baby has already been completed, the mother’s hormonal levels are gradually returning to normal. Most women already have a noticeable tummy. You can spend hours twirling in front of the mirror, looking at your rounded figure, plump breasts, which by the way remain very sensitive.

Now you can fully enjoy positive thoughts about your future baby, listen to new sensations in your body, dream and plan.

The mood of pregnant women ceases to be terribly changeable. Irritability goes away. But sentimental feelings, on the contrary, clearly manifest themselves. A touching scene in a film, a photo of a small child, or the sight of a kitten or puppy can evoke tears and sadness.

At present, which can well be called the beginning of the “golden time” of pregnancy, some signs and changes are noted:

  • Toxicosis subsides. If morning sickness still persists, it is much easier to tolerate. A good appetite appears, the body itself seems to dictate what, how much and when to eat.
  • The emotional state returns to normal. Relatives can breathe easy and forget about the sudden mood swings of a pregnant woman that were observed before.
  • The belly at 12 weeks of pregnancy is quite noticeable. Especially in the summer, when the pregnant woman wears light clothes. The enlargement of the tummy is due to the growing uterus, which is already putting quite significant pressure on the internal organs.
  • There is a rapid heartbeat. Blood volume has increased, and the heart has to work harder.

Perhaps the most vivid sensation now will be that a woman can feel the faint movements of the embryo inside herself. During the first pregnancy, this period is still too short for such signs. But if the child is not the first, then the expectant mother may well feel weak tremors of the fetus. At this stage he is already moving intensively, he’s just not strong enough to kick mommy from the inside properly.

Fetal development at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At the obstetric gestational age of 12 weeks (it differs from the embryonic period by 10-12 days shorter), the unborn baby has already developed all the internal organs and systems. Now the embryo can only grow and gain weight in preparation for birth.

In the meantime, your baby can be compared to a lemon fruit. The weight now reaches 8-13 grams. The fetus gains half a centimeter in growth in just a week. Its length from the crown to the tailbone (and this is how the growth of the embryo is measured) will normally be from 52 to 60 mm.

What does the fruit look like now:

  • The baby's face has already formed: there is a nose, eyelids, cheeks, earlobes have formed, the embryo moves its lips, swallowing amniotic fluid.
  • The fetus is already excreting urine, in other words, peeing.
  • Fuzz appears on the face in the area of ​​eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • The unborn baby moves very actively, but for now these movements are still involuntary. Already, some mothers even feel stirrings inside themselves.
  • The embryo's intestines begin to contract.
  • Unique fingerprints and nails appear on the fingers and toes on the correct side.
  • The diaphragm begins to make training movements so that after birth the baby can begin to breathe.

The fetal nervous system develops very quickly. This is expressed in the fetus's reaction to various external stimuli. For example, during an ultrasound, the embryo may turn away and not show its sexual characteristics.

What factors influence fetal development

The placenta, which protects the baby from all negative influences, is already formed at 12 weeks. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to minimize the risk of possible harmful factors affecting the fetus. After all, the placenta is not the armor of a tank.

Therefore, the expectant mother should take care that the fetus is safe and not exposed to “bad influences.” And although all the internal organs and systems of the baby are already formed, it is important to provide all the conditions for normal growth and development.

Alcohol, nicotine, and drugs will lead to a child being born with low birth weight and significant developmental delays. Moreover, the baby will lack all those harmful substances that you “fed” him during pregnancy. Such children often cry continuously for several days after birth - this is a kind of “withdrawal” after the body has stopped receiving alcohol, nicotine or drugs.

If mommy is not familiar with bad habits, then that’s just wonderful. But we must keep in mind that there is still a lot of harmful things around us in everyday life: household chemicals, air pollution, city smog, ionizing radiation.

Constant stress, both at home and at work, can have a very negative impact on the fetus.

What complications may arise at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

At this time, there is practically no risk of miscarriage. After all, the body of the future baby is already formed and growing. But a lack of vitamins and nutrients is extremely dangerous for normal development. Now the fetus is actively taking calcium from the mother, because the embryo’s bones are getting stronger. But for the mother, a lack of calcium is dangerous with such troubles as leg cramps and the formation of varicose veins.

Vitamin D is extremely important, and its deficiency can lead to the development of rickets in a baby.

Changes in a woman’s body at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The hormonal storm subsided, the sun came out. The end of the first trimester is called the “golden time”, because now you can fully enjoy the sensations of your “interesting situation”.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the production of hormones that suppressed the mother’s body’s immunity stops. This was necessary so that the fetus would not be rejected as a foreign body by the immune system. Therefore, the hormones stopped raging, and the expectant mother began to feel much better and calmer.

Want more positivity? Go shopping, do some shopping, because you definitely won’t fit into your old things anymore.

There are, of course, negative aspects. So to speak, a fly in the ointment. Since the body begins to function in an enhanced mode, the load on almost all internal organs increases significantly. If you had any chronic diseases before pregnancy, now there may be a period of exacerbation.

Blood volume increases, the heart begins to beat faster, pumping an unusually large amount of this vital fluid. Therefore, it is not surprising that blood pressure will increase. Too frequent and large jumps in blood pressure are a reason to consult a doctor.

The growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines, so almost all pregnant women experience digestive problems. These are heartburn and constipation.

If the skin is prone to pigmentation, then now the spots can become very noticeable and large. But don’t worry – after giving birth, your skin color will even out.

Interestingly, you can now see a light stripe appearing in the lower abdomen. The closer to childbirth, the darker and more noticeable this strip will become. And it will also disappear some time after birth.

The breasts remain as sensitive and increase in size.

If you're a stiletto lover, then it's time to forget about high-heeled shoes. Already, the growing uterus is shifting the center of gravity in the pregnant woman’s body. Such shoes can cause falls and injuries and significantly increase already quite noticeable back pain.

Many pregnant women say that at this stage they began to get motion sickness in transport, although this had not been observed before. This is also temporary and not worth worrying about.

Tests and medical examinations

12 weeks is the deadline to register for pregnancy at the antenatal clinic. You can, of course, do this later. But then you will lose the right to receive a one-time social benefit.

Now the gynecologist will examine you and measure objective data (height, weight, abdominal volume, blood pressure). Further, such examinations will be done regularly and entered into an exchange card - a kind of passport for a pregnant woman, which will be with her until the birth.

The set of tests is standard: blood, urine, vaginal smears. The number of laboratory tests may vary slightly depending on several factors - the medical institution or the presence of any risks and pathologies. In this case, studies related to the determination of genetic and chromosomal abnormalities are prescribed.

The level of hCG from now on begins to gradually decrease. Now the norm is 20900-291000 mIU/ml.

Ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is considered routine and is prescribed to everyone. An ultrasound will help the doctor measure the nuchal region of the embryo. This is perhaps the main task now. Deviation from the norm in this part of the body indicates serious genetic abnormalities. For example, a specialist can already determine whether a future child has Down syndrome.

In addition, the doctor looks at the condition of the uterine pharynx. This way, cervical insufficiency is detected, which leads to miscarriage.

Using ultrasound at the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy, the position of the placenta is assessed.

Since your belly has already grown noticeably in the twelfth week of pregnancy and is noticeable not only to you, but also to those around you, it’s time to change your wardrobe. Of course, the choice of clothes for pregnant women is very large. But give preference not only to beautiful clothes, but also to comfortable ones. Loose fit and natural fabrics are the best option. Do not wear tight or tight clothing. Impaired blood flow can lead to serious problems.

Be very responsible about your nutrition. In moderation and healthy foods. Even if you were a vegetarian before pregnancy, now you still have to give up your ideological principles. Of course, no one forces you to eat huge steaks with blood. But fish, lean meat, and chicken are quite suitable for replenishing the extremely important amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

There is no need to talk about giving up bad habits again. If a future mother takes care of her baby and wants the child to be born and grow up healthy, she will give up everything negative.

Most of all, you need to pay attention to your diet and food culture: what products, what quality, and in what quantities you consume. It is clear that food fads may not go away yet. If you really want it, then you can allow yourself quite a bit of salty, smoked, sweet delicacies, etc. But don’t get carried away with “unhealthy” food. Remember, at present, normal growth and development of the fetus must be fully provided with vitamins, microelements and nutrients.

There should be moderation in food: if your appetite is “brutal”, fill yourself with fruits and vegetables. Rapid and excessive weight gain is undesirable for a pregnant woman.

You should not choose a sleeping position on your back now. At this time, the uterus has already increased so much that it can press on the veins and cause fainting in the expectant mother and oxygen starvation in the fetus.

Often expectant mothers are interested in whether it is possible to dye their hair during pregnancy. Agree, it’s not very nice to go to work with overgrown roots.

Doctors advise against coloring your hair. After all, the chemicals in their composition penetrate through the scalp into the woman’s body, and therefore are transmitted to the embryo.

But painting your nails and doing a manicure during pregnancy is not forbidden. The varnish does not penetrate the nail plate. You just have to be careful: when performing a manicure, there is a high risk of infection from unsterile instruments through wounds.

Sex at 12 weeks pregnant

Intimate relationships are not only not prohibited, but also desirable. During sex, blood flows to the pelvic organs and activates blood circulation. Positive emotions are also important.

However, do not choose positions with deep penetration. Do not use intimate toys that can damage the mucous surfaces of the genital organs.

Sports and physical education

Moderate physical activity is necessary and important at any stage of pregnancy. Here the emphasis is on the word “moderate”. No overwork. Physical education is now needed to maintain the body’s activity and for positive emotions.

Choose what you like best: fitness, swimming pool, yoga. The main thing is that you don’t get tired, but have fun.

Vitamins and medications at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnant women should not take any medications without consulting a doctor. Only a specialist will determine the drug that can be taken without harm to the fetus for the treatment of, for example, colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or infectious diseases.

Remember, self-medication can lead to irreversible negative consequences. However, one should not underestimate the harmlessness of traditional methods of treatment or dietary supplements. Many even natural natural components can have an undesirable effect on the condition of the fetus.

I am currently continuing to take folic acid. The doctor may also recommend special vitamin complexes for pregnant women (for example, Elevit). Sometimes medications are prescribed to replenish the body's reserves of some microelement - calcium, magnesium, iodine, etc.

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo has already formed a unique pattern on its fingertips.

During this period, your future baby can make faces, yawn, wrinkle his nose, open his mouth, and clench his fists. And some children even manage to suck a finger or toe.

Fruit size: 8-10 cm.
Fetal weight: 15-20 mm.

At the 12th obstetric week of pregnancy, the first trimester is almost completed. It would seem that only yesterday you learned about a happy event in your life, and almost three months have already passed from conception. During this period, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced. Since week 12 ends the first trimester.

And accordingly, you can tell your acquaintances and friends about your condition if they do not yet know about your pregnancy. What to expect in the twelfth week, what changes will occur in your body and how will the baby develop? We'll tell you in this article.

12 weeks, how many months is that? At the 12th obstetric week, the first trimester ends (12 weeks = 2 months and 24 days).

What happens to the fetus at 12 weeks?

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, fetal weight about 15-20 grams, height 8-10 centimeters.

The baby pushes off the walls of the uterus and moves actively. His eyes, still closed, are already reacting to light. He feels touch. Responds with spontaneous movements to any irritation of the uterus, vibrations of the mother’s body, screaming, coughing. The baby can tumble, suck his fists, make faces, and open his mouth. He learns to swallow and breathe, tastes the water, which is constantly renewed, and even expresses his attitude towards this taste. His face is constantly changing, facial muscles are developing.

At week 12, the thymus gland, the thymus, is also formed, which is responsible for the production of leukocytes. It independently produces iodine-tyrosine, regulates metabolic processes, and ensures tissue growth and development.

The baby’s brain is already a copy of an adult: it consists of two hemispheres, has a pituitary gland and a cerebellum. The heart has two ventricles and two atria; it beats with an intensity of up to 160 beats per minute, propelling its own blood throughout the small body.

The baby has almost real bones, the bone substance continues to mature, develop and become stronger, the body enters a period of ossification. The limbs and fingers on them were formed, the membranes between the fingers disappeared. Marigolds have appeared and even an individual skin pattern of future “fingerprints” begins to form, just like vellus hairs - in the place of future eyelashes, eyebrows, and on the chin.

The photo of the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy already shows how it looks like a tiny child. The intestines have ceased to be outside the body, they have taken their place, are actively working, contracting, and are preparing to move food. The pituitary gland and thyroid gland function, hormones and iodine are produced, the kidneys work, the baby learns to urinate while in the amniotic fluid.

The liver begins to secrete bile. This important organ accounts for a tenth of body weight at week 12. The nervous system develops, muscles strengthen, salivary glands and vocal cords, lips and earlobes gradually appear, the shell of which continues to form.

The baby is still very thin, disproportionate, his head is still larger than his body, but he is actively growing and gaining weight. He diligently raises his head from his chest, tries to straighten up and makes his first attempts to breathe, still with the help of amniotic fluid. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the baby already definitely feels the mother’s pain and emotions. The placenta has formed, its thickness by this time is more than 15 cm, the fetus receives all nutrients through the circulatory system, and all changes in the mother’s condition and her emotions are also felt through the placenta.

How does the expectant mother feel at 12 weeks?

Most expectant mothers stop suffering from morning sickness and vomiting. The uterus, which is still located in the pubic area, enlarges, and now its upper part is located above the pubic area. The growth of the uterus strains the blood vessels of the pelvis, as a result of which the woman may notice a significant dilation of the veins. If there are varicose veins, the expectant mother should wear specialized tights or wrap her legs with bandages, which in turn prevents the veins of the legs from overflowing.

Due to increased blood flow, headaches and dizziness may occur. Slight swelling of the face may appear, caused by fluid retention in the body. If outwardly the changes are still barely noticeable, then internally the body is fully prepared for gestation and the upcoming birth, but at the same time, it will continue to change.

By the twelfth week, the symptoms of toxicosis gradually disappear, although in the case of a multiple pregnancy, toxicosis will still make itself felt for some time. Your internal organs are working harder, and you may feel your heart rate increase due to increased blood flow.

The uterus is steadily increasing in size, but this does not yet affect the volume of the abdomen, however, a slight hint of your pregnancy may appear in the form of a slightly protruding tummy. Under the influence of prolactin, the breasts become more and more engorged, and the mammary glands are actively preparing for lactation. It's time to start preventing the appearance of stretch marks; special creams that are sold in pharmacies will help you with this. It is quite possible that heartburn will occur, although this symptom is typical for later periods. Heartburn is caused by a weakening of the septum between the esophagus and the stomach, causing stomach acid to move into the esophagus, causing heartburn. Relaxation of the septum occurs under the influence of progesterone.

Ultrasound and screening at 12 weeks of pregnancy

If you have not had an ultrasound scan before this time, now is the time for your scheduled examination. Ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy, the indicators of such a study provide important information about the condition of the mother and the unborn child.

Right now you will have the opportunity to see your baby on the monitor for the first time! You can ask your doctor to take an ultrasound photo for you at 12 weeks of pregnancy.

During an ultrasound, the doctor examines the condition and tone of the uterus, the location of the placenta, and calculates the estimated date of your birth. Using ultrasound, the size of the fetus and the dynamics of its development are determined. Ultrasound 12 weeks of pregnancy: decoding data allows you to determine the risks of developing chromosomal abnormalities or congenital pathologies.

The results of an ultrasound scan for an expectant mother cannot be regarded as a final diagnosis - the doctor may be wrong! If there are any suspicions after an ultrasound examination by a specialist, to clarify them, the woman must undergo an in-depth and detailed examination and undergo additional tests.

Screening study allows you to identify the risk of a child developing various congenital defects. Screening testing will show any hormonal abnormalities during pregnancy. The result is determined by a comprehensive study, which includes: ultrasound readings and a blood test from a vein. In a woman’s blood, the levels of several hormones are determined, which are indicators of a successful pregnancy and appropriate fetal development.

A biochemical blood test is taken twice (double test and triple test): from the 11th to the 14th week and from the 16th to the 20th week. The results make it possible to recognize fetal development abnormalities as early as possible and identify genetic abnormalities.

In early pregnancy (from the 11th to the 14th week), biochemical screening makes it possible to identify genetic abnormalities and severe congenital diseases of the fetus. The test determines the amount of two substances significant for pregnancy in a woman’s blood:

  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG);
  • Plasma pregnancy-associated protein A (PAPP-A).

HCG is a hormone produced by one of the components of a fertilized egg. After implantation to the wall of the uterus, it stimulates the development of the placenta, preparing the woman’s immunity to accept the fetus. By comparing hCG levels at different stages of pregnancy, the doctor will promptly identify deviations:

  • If an elevated level of the hormone is detected, then diabetes mellitus in the pregnant woman and Down syndrome in the child can be suspected.
  • If the level of hCG is low, this may signal an ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, delayed fetal development, or placental insufficiency.

As for determining the sex of the unborn child by ultrasound, at 12 weeks the data may be unreliable, and the error rate may be 60%. However, there are other ways to find out the gender of your baby. We talked about reliable methods

Sex at 12 weeks pregnant

Sex at 12 weeks is allowed unless there are strict contraindications. Sex is contraindicated only if there is a threat of miscarriage, if the placenta is low, or if there is a multiple pregnancy. If this has not been detected in you, then you should not refrain from intimacy; it will only cause harm. To some extent, sex at this stage will contribute to the release of the “happiness hormone,” and this will have a great effect on the health of the expectant mother. You just need to choose comfortable poses that do not compress your stomach.

Dangerous symptoms and threat at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Particular attention should be paid to acute pain that may suddenly arise in the lumbar region, to a feeling of pressure on the rectum, as well as to increased secretion of mucus from the vagina. If any of these unpleasant symptoms appear, you must immediately go to bed and call an ambulance. The described condition can become quite a serious threat to miscarriage, and therefore will require immediate medical intervention.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, many mothers complain of the periodic appearance of scanty bleeding. This may be a sign of cervical erosion. Also, such discharge may appear due to trauma to the loose vaginal mucosa during this period. Blood actively flows to the internal genital organs, so the mucous membrane becomes very vulnerable. This is why after a visit to the gynecologist or after sex you may observe such discharge.

If spotting bothers you for quite a long time, it becomes profuse, accompanied by nagging pain in the abdomen and back - this may be a sign of a miscarriage, you should immediately go to the hospital. Also, the appearance of green, yellow or cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor should cause concern - various infections can also threaten your baby, they need to be treated in time.

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