Home Kitchen garden on the windowsill Homeland Sheffler houseplant. Proper care of the chefler's flower at home. Diseases characteristic of the sheffler

Homeland Sheffler houseplant. Proper care of the chefler's flower at home. Diseases characteristic of the sheffler

Shefler's flower is considered a home decoration. The genus of an exotic plant has more than 500 species, but not all species take root in our country. Origin from the tropics of Australia, Asia and the Pacific Ocean. With proper care, cultivation at home is possible.

The humidity of the air where Scheffler grows should be increased... In indoor conditions, the plant needs daily spraying with clean water, especially in the summer.

If dust appears on the leaves, they must be wiped with a damp cloth or bathed in the shower.

During winter dormancy, the plant is best placed on a pallet with expanded clay so that it is constantly moist.
Watering is carried out as the soil dries up... But do not overmoisten the soil too much, otherwise the roots will rot. But the soil should not be allowed to dry out either.

It is best to irrigate with warm water, with a temperature slightly above room temperature, 2-3 times a week. In winter, watering should be reduced to 1 time per week.

Temperature and lighting at home

Since Sheflera is light-loving, she is placed on a well-lit windowsill, avoiding direct sunlight, using a curtain or newspaper.

If there is little lighting in the house or in the room, it is not worth growing varieties with variegated leaves there.

Due to lack of light leaves will acquire a monochromatic color. In the summer he likes to be outdoors. It can be taken out to the balcony, in the garden, while creating partial shade, hidden from winds and drafts.

The temperature is able to endure in the summer the usual, like other plants. In winter, 15-20 degrees is optimal. But do not allow a drop below 12 degrees.

Soil and fertilizing

Sheflera actively grows only in fertile soils. You can buy store-bought soil for palm trees, or you can prepare a fertile mixture yourself from:

  • humus;
  • turf;
  • leafy land;
  • sand.

At the bottom of the pot must be done drainage layer of pebbles or expanded clay... The soil itself must be light and loose so that air can pass through.

Fertilizing the soil in which Sheflera grows is necessary every week, starting in early spring.

Fertilizers must be applied complex mineral and organic, constantly alternating. In winter, the plant does not require feeding.

What changes in flower care in winter

As with other indoor plants, Sheflera should be provided with optimal care in the winter. Consider what it consists of and how to care:

  1. It is necessary to provide more illuminated place... If there is not enough light, additional lighting should be made using lamps.
  2. The optimal temperature will be 15 degrees, you can not allow a decrease below 12.
  3. It is not advised to put a houseplant next to heating pipes, it loves high humidity.
  4. If the temperature in winter is more than 20 degrees, it is worth spraying it regularly.
  5. Watering should be significantly reduced.
  6. It is not recommended to feed the soil.
  7. Transplanting an indoor flower during winter dormancy is not allowed

How to properly trim and shape the crown

Pruning is an important step in caring for indoor flowers. In order to get a lush plant, form a beautiful crown, Shefler need to be constantly trimmed... If you cut off the top, then the plant will release side shoots and become lush. And the top can be rooted in a glass of water and planted as a separate new plant.

It is allowed to trim for formation, at the discretion of each grower, and side shoots and lower.

If new young shoots are to be obtained, the entire plant should be pruned.

Why does not it grow (possible reasons)

In indoor flowers, the growth rate may slow down, leaves curl or fall off, spotting appears on them. There are reasons for this:

  1. If the chefs have leaves fall, the reason may be the wrong room temperature.
  2. Foliage may fall off due to lack of lighting. Especially in variegated species.
  3. Blacken the foliage and dry tips can with insufficient watering and low humidity.
  4. If the leaves darken at the tips and fall off, excess moisture is possible. It is necessary to transplant the plant into another planter before the roots rot.
  5. The soil is not fed, it can cause a slowdown in growth and fall of foliage in a plant.
  6. A tight pot can cause stunted growth and a lean look.

Diseases and pests

Sheflera is very rarely exposed to diseases and pests. But if she is provided with the wrong care, such pests may appear:

  • scabbards;
  • spider mites;
  • thrips.

If insects are detected, the plant should be removed to a separate room so that the pests do not move to other indoor flowers. Then remove them with soapy water using a sponge. If they have filled the whole plant, it is needed spray with Karbofos solution... Re-spraying is allowed after 2-3 weeks.

From excess moisture rotting of roots is possible... If the cause is not eliminated in time, the plant may die. The plant should be transplanted, while removing the rotten roots. Provide moderate watering. Spotting on foliage is possible at low temperatures, lack of moisture.

With proper care, the chef will delight everyone with his beautiful appearance.

Flower transplant and reproduction

Rest period Sheflers

The dormant period for flowers, as usual, begins during winter... At this time, the plant stops actively growing, the temperature decreases, and flowering stops.

If the room temperature is high, the planter with a flower should be moved to another place with a more suitable air temperature. If he is provided with the right conditions and care, then the flower will begin to actively develop and gain growth with the onset of spring. Rest fertilizer do not contribute.

Transplant process

Sheflera's transplant is carried out early spring in March.

The planter should be selected in a special size, 5 cm larger than the previous one. It is necessary to place a drainage layer on the bottom so that water does not stagnate and the roots do not rot.

Pick up fertile soil. Place the plant in a new pot together with the soil on the roots. Then sprinkle it with earth and compact the soil around the plant. After planting, the flower must be watered abundantly and placed in a warm, lighted place.

Reproduction methods

Sheflera easily multiplies at home using the following methods:

  • cuttings;
  • air layering;
  • seeds.

Propagation by cuttings

The simplest and most common propagation method is cuttings. To do this, you must cut off with a sharp object lignified shoots.

Cuttings are planted in containers with prepared soil and cover with foil to create a greenhouse effect. It is necessary to put them in a bright place, with a temperature of 20 degrees.

Water the soil with a spray bottle every day and remove the foil for ventilation. When the cuttings take root, the film is removed from them and the temperature is lowered.

After the roots fill all the empty space in the pot, they are transplanted to a permanent place, providing a temperature of 15 degrees, and a lighted place.

Air layering

Larger plants should be propagated better by layering. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Cut the stem of the plant vertically.
  2. Notch location roll with moss, on top of the package.
  3. Make sure that the moss is constantly wet.
  4. The roots should appear in about 1-2 months.
  5. Need to be careful separate layers so as not to damage the roots.
  6. Plant the layers in separate pots.

This breeding method is more effective and always achieves positive results.


Shefler's seeds begin to sow in January according to the manufacturer's description. Distribute seeds in a box with fertile soil and sprinkle with a layer of soil 0.5 mm.

Place the box in a bright place with a temperature 25 degrees... It is necessary to open the box with the foil for watering and airing. After the first leaves appear, the film must be removed from the box. In autumn, the seedlings should be transplanted into separate pots as independent plants.


Shouflera has many varieties, but the most common types are:

Schefflera arborescent has a straight trunk, long green leaves, about 20 cm in size.This variety is more resistant to diseases and pests.

The Nora variety attracts with its beautiful foliage... It has narrow long green leaves, serrated along the edges. They have specks of yellow tint.

The Bianca variety has short foliage up to 6-7 cm in length. In bianca, each leaf has white stripes along the edge.

Louisiana is the most graceful view. Has openwork leaves with white or yellow spots.

Most popular variety among Shefler. It is small in size. When buying flowers, you can see the names on the Mix plant pots.

This view is most common at home... There is a brown trunk, on it there are petioles with dark green leaves, wavy at the edges. In this type of foliage, it is similar to oak leaves.

This species is easy to distinguish from others. It has long leaves can reach up to 50 cm in length... From one petiole, from 8 to 15 leaves can form.

Small tree with palm leaves... The leaves are divided into several parts, pointed at the tips. Blooms with flowers collected in inflorescences up to 10 pieces.

This species is distinguished by its leaf beauty. There are few stems on the plant. Each petiole forms up to 12 leaves of different shapes needle-edged... In home content, it is capable of reaching 2 meters in height.

Has an oval elongated foliage shape ribbed... Young plants are red in color, while adults are dark green.

Signs about a flower

There are some signs regarding the Schefler flower:

  • absorbs bad and negative energy;
  • helps to end discord and quarrels in the family;
  • absorbs stress, neuroses, highlighting pacification and vigor;
  • promotes better assimilation of knowledge;
  • promotes predict the future by coloring foliage;
  • helps people with zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

If the leaves of the Flower darken, then there is a lot of negative energy in the room. Falling foliage, a sign of illness or loss. The leaves are curled, which means that a scandal is brewing. If you have stopped growing, you should expect failure. Sheflera is gaining momentum, there will be an addition to the family.

With proper care of a plant with its homeland from the tropics, in indoor conditions, it will delight everyone with its appearance. They also have a distinctive characteristic, with the help of its color of leaves, you can predict your future in order to prevent bad action.

Sheflera (or shefflera, from Lat. Schefflera) is a very beautiful plant. Due to its decorative appearance and lack of capricious care, it has become a very popular home flower.

Sheffler looks like a small bush or tree, whose leaves resemble a palm with fingers apart. The sheet is divided into 4-12 parts. To many, such a leaf resembles an umbrella, so the chef is often called a tree umbrella.

At the shefler's home almost never blooms however, its tentacle-like flower is still not as spectacular as the leaves. In addition, such a disadvantage as the absence of flowering and an uninteresting flower, the cheflera is fully compensated for by the sheffler's ability to ozonize and humidify the air, as well as neutralize the effects of nicotine and tobacco smoke tar, and at the same time - by simple care.

The plant got its name from the name of the German botanist Scheffler, who lived in the 18th century and was a friend of the famous K. Linnaeus. It belongs to the Araliev family, and this family is distinguished by the variety of both names and appearance. In nature, there are about 200 species of sheffler, they grow in the tropical part of the Earth, are presented in the form of shrubs, trees and even lianas. Their photos are striking in size, color of leaves and their interesting shape.

At home, about a dozen species are grown.

  • radiant,
  • finger,
  • tree-like,
  • eight-leafed.

All of them look quite attractive and neat at the same time, so they are often found both at home and in offices. If you want to decorate the room with a plant and at the same time maintain the style, the sheffler will perfectly cope with this role. Photos of how to decorate an apartment or office with this plant will help not only to choose the appropriate type, but also to "fit" this flower into the design of the room in the best way.

The radiant, or star-leaved, sheffler differs in the number of leaves in adult leaves - there are 16 of them, at first they are ovoid, then they become oblong, dull at the end, reaching a length of 15 cm and a width of 5 cm. the species grows very quickly and can even reach a height of 3 meters!

The finger shefler has 8 leaves per sheet, they have an elliptical shape, pointed at the end. The leaves are decorated with bright veins. This cheflera is more compact than radiant.

In the tree-like sheflera, the leaves are complex, consisting of 7-16 leaves on long petioles. Leaves reach 9-15 cm in length and 5-8 cm in width, dense leathery, shiny, pointed at the end. This species can be variegated. It grows up to 1.2 m.

Eight-leafed is not very common, although it is also quite decorative. It has 8–12 elongated leaflets pointed at the apex of leaves up to 30 cm long and up to 10 wide with light veins.

Often, beginner growers can get confused in the types of this plant and find it difficult to choose, however, a photo sheffler will help you choose the most interesting type.

In addition, the shefflers many specially bred varieties, which are often found at home and at the same time are equally unpretentious to care.

Popular varieties

  • Hayata has light green oval-elongated leaves that are tapered at the tips.
  • Geisha Girl is distinguished by dark green leaves, rounded at the end.
  • Janine is attractive with its striking rounded dark green leaves, which are forked at the ends and covered with cream spots and stripes.
  • Variegata has dark green leaves with yellow spots.

Shefflera care

Sheflera is a fairly easy plant to care for. She is unpretentious and, subject to simple rules, will delight you with lush bright foliage. For the home, such a flower is a real find! If you want to have a beautiful plant in your house and at the same time not spend a lot of time caring for it, then the best choice is a sheffler.Care at home, a photo and video about which can be found on the network, will not burden almost anyone.


Special attention should be paid to lighting. Sheflera likes diffused light, but feels good in partial shade. It can also tolerate direct sunlight for some time, but it is still better to shade it from them in order to avoid burns on the leaves. It is best for the chefler to grow on the western and eastern windows, with green leaves on the northern ones. In winter, it is worth putting the plant in a well-lit place at home and lighting it up, especially if the room is warmer than 17 ᵒС. In the summer, you can take the chefler out of the house into the fresh air, protected from the direct sun.


The preferred temperature for keeping cheflers at home is 20 ᵒС. If the temperature exceeds 20 ° C, the cheflera may shed the leaves. Therefore, if it gets cooler at night, then it will not damage the flower. It also sheds leaves if there are drafts or temperature changes.

In winter, the optimum temperature is 14–17 ᵒС. Never place the plant near heaters and indoor radiators!

The home chef needs to water regularly, she does not tolerate overdried soil. Usually, the flower is watered about once every two days, when the soil surface is dry. But it is not worth pouring, the bay harms her no less, since leads to acidification of the earthy coma... Watering is less frequent in winter than in spring and summer. The water must be soft (it must first be defended) and always warm so that the soil temperature remains at least the ambient temperature.

Caring for a chefleur assumes humid air, so the cheflera will feel comfortable in a pallet with wet expanded clay. You need to spray the flower every two days. Humidity is especially important in winter, when the room temperature may be too high.

Shefler need to be fed once a week in spring and autumn, once a month in winter. It is best to alternate complex mineral and organic fertilizers for the care of indoor ornamental plants.


Shefler is planted several plants in one container, then it takes on a spectacular look of a bush.

Every two years, it needs to be transplanted into a pot much larger than the previous one. Sheflera prefers a slightly acidic soil, consisting of two parts of sod and one part of leafy, humus soil and sand, as well as drainage.

Pests and diseases

Despite the unpretentiousness of the sheffler, like other house plants, it is susceptible to certain diseases.

First of all, she can suffer from the cold. Sheflers in nature are evergreen thermophilic perennials, they are on sale at any time of the year, which means that when purchased in cold weather, the flower may freeze.

As already mentioned, at high temperatures and some other factors, including overflow, excessive humidity and too low temperatures in winter, drafts and sudden changes in Scheffler temperature can shed leaves... When the cause is eliminated, the leaf fall will stop.

Also, with excessive soil moisture, roots may begin to rot. You can save the plant by taking it out of the pot, removing all affected roots and transplanting it into a new pot. If watering or moisture is insufficient, the edges of the leaves will turn brown.

Leaves become faded if the flower does not have enough light; if there is too much light, light spots appear on the leaves.

Most often, the sheffler is damaged by:

  • shield,
  • spider mite.

When caring for a sick flower, it is quarantined so as not to infect others. For treatment, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air and treat the chefler with soapy water or insecticide.


You can propagate the chefler cuttings, layering or seeds.


For reproduction, apical or semi-lignified stem cuttings are taken. A mixture of equal parts of peat, sand, leafy and humus soil is best suited for rooting. The cuttings are treated with a root stimulant and heated underneath at 20–22 ° C. When the cuttings are rooted, the temperature should be lowered, and the cuttings should be transplanted into larger pots.


For reproduction by air layers at home, only large specimens are used. To do this, in early spring, a small incision is made on the trunk, then wrapped with sphagnum moss and film. The moss must be kept moist.

After a few months, roots appear at the site of the incision. After another couple of months, the trunk must be cut below the roots and planted in a permanent place.

Schefflera is poisonous... To avoid unpleasant skin reactions, you should wash your hands after handling it.


Pre-soaked seeds are sown in January - February in a wet disinfected mixture of equal parts of peat and sand. Seeds germinate at 20–24 ° C. When the first leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into pots. For the first three months, they need temperatures of 18-20 ° C. When the roots are entwined with an earthen ball, the plants are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7-9 cm and the temperature is reduced to 13-15 ° C. In the fall, the plants can be transplanted into even larger containers and then take care of it like a normal plant.

Sheffler's flower

Schefflera (sheflera) is one of the most beautiful plants on the planet. It is also among the common among indoor. The name is attributed to the surname of the botanist Scheffler from Germany who studied one of its species. In this review, I will talk about the common types of this flower, the features of care and breeding methods of the chefler at home.

The plant is common in the tropics and subtropics, in South and Southeast Asia. Under natural conditions, it can reach a height of more than 15 meters, and at home, the graceful chef Melanie does not exceed 50 cm.

A flowering plant looks very beautiful, it throws out a fountain of reddish flowers at the top. Of course, you can admire this spectacle either in the homeland of the shefflers, or in the picture, since it does not bloom at home.

Shefflera has beautiful dissected leaves. They look especially impressive with more than twelve leaf plates. The sheet can be simple, smooth, wavy and with a jagged edge. The color of the leaf can be light green, deep dark, variegated.

Variety of species

There are several hundred types of shefflers. Each of the species has several varieties. Some of them, such as the Charlotte (a species of woody sheffler), are very recent. The variety of variegated species does not leave indifferent any of the indoor floriculture lovers.

Spots on the leaves can be from pearl white to golden yellow. Sheffler looks especially impressive in offices because of the shape of the sheet.

The only drawback is that it has poisonous leaves, which forces it to be kept away from children and pets.

Now in the flower departments there are such forms as the Sheflera Compact intertwined. Three or more plants are planted in one pot, gradually braiding their trunks.

Shefflera bonsai has become another popular form. Dwarf plants look great in any interior.

Arboreal or woody

It grows in its homeland, in Taiwan, like a 3-4 meter bush. The leaf has 7-9 "rays". In nature, this unpretentious and evergreen shrub is distinguished by a huge variety of species. Among them there are large specimens reaching a height of 1 meter in indoor conditions. and "babes" like Caster.


Named so for the number of leaf plates, most often there are eight of them. Although, it happens that this species also has seven or nine leaves in a rosette. In the wild, in the countries of Asia, it grows into a huge tree up to 16 meters. In indoor conditions, its dimensions are limited to 70-90 cm. It is sometimes called eight-leafed.


Another name is star-leaved, because its leaves can simultaneously resemble a palm with spread fingers and a star with many slightly serrated ends. The homeland of this wonderful species is Australia. There it grows like an epiphyte, entwining a tree with its roots.

Height can be 9-12 meters and the huge leaves reach 60 cm in length. The leaves of the star-leaved sheffler have a jagged edge. It looks decorative, and in combination with the elongated leaf shape and slight variegation around the edge, it is simply amazing.


Veitch's sheffler leaves form a rosette of collected leaf plates. Each leaf has a slight waviness and a jagged edge, which looks very impressive. At a young age, the leaves have a slightly reddish tint, over time it changes to green. The plant looks very unusual due to the shape of the leaves.

The most graceful

There is another name for this species - Elegant Dizigoteka. It differs from other sheffler in narrow leaf blades. This looks really elegant: waterfall of jagged leaves 1 cm wide and 20-30 centimeters long... Although there are other varieties in which the leaf is wider and shorter.


Homeland - New Zealand, where is she grows more than 3 meters in height... Like all species, the sheffler is very fond of the sun. The name comes from the similarity of this sheffler with the fingers of the hand. Although there can be not only five leaves, but also 7, 9 and more.

The edge is feathery, while the plant is young, then pronounced teeth are formed. One of the varieties of the finger shefflera is Amate, the most shade-tolerant, as it grows in the homeland in the shade of dense forests.


This species only grows in Western China. In nature, in wild forests, it grows up to 2-3 meters. This species is interesting in that the leaves are similar to our oak leaves, although they are connected in the same way as the rest of the sheffler.

His homeland is the forests of Western China. Height in nature 2-3 meters... The leaves are very beautiful, the plate resembles an oak leaf. Prefers slight shading, otherwise this species is grown in the same way as other shefflera species.

Plant care at home

When caring for a shefflera, you need to remember that this is a poisonous plant.

Therefore, it is better to put it in the hall or office, in a word, where children and pets will be under control. It is desirable that this was not the north side. It is best that the windows face south-east or south-west.

Depending on the species, conditions close to natural are created for it. Do not forget that all extremes are fatal for the sheffler:

  • too hot, above 30 ° C;
  • draft (cannot stand);
  • cold (below 10 ° C);
  • damp;
  • dark;
  • direct sunlight.

In such conditions, the sheffler begins to get sick, and then dies. To prevent this from happening, create a comfortable environment for her and spray daily.

Features of temperature and light conditions

One of the most important features of shefflera care is the temperature regime. Create an optimal temperature for her, 16-22 ° C, then all other problems (overflow, illness) will be easier to cope with. A strong plant carries diseases much more easily than a sick and weakened one.

The lowest threshold for shefflera is 10-12 ° C, otherwise the roots will rot. If you want to create a comfortable environment, then don't forget about the light.

Schefflera loves light. If it is not enough, the leaves become pale, this is especially noticeable on variegated forms.


Sheflera can shed her leaves if it is not watered enough, but she does not like bays either. Moderation must be observed in this matter.

The water temperature should be at room temperature. Better to water with filtered or settled water. Cold water can speed up root decay.


Fertilize the sheffler from March to October, and let the plant rest for the remaining 4 months. You can fertilize a little everything, including ash. But the central preparations should be mineral complexes, which are usually diluted in water in a certain proportion, and then watered. The procedure is performed approximately once every 2 weeks..


Transplanting is carried out in early spring, late autumn, or at the moment when a clod of earth in a pot is braided by roots. On average, this procedure needs to be done once a year. Before transplanting, the plant should be thoroughly shed and carefully pulled out. You need to transplant into a pot with a diameter of 5-7 cm larger than the previous one... If this is not done, the roots will lack nutrition and moisture, and the plant may become sick.

Scheflera in winter

In winter, the cheflera rests from active growth. At this time, it is not recommended to feed it so that it does not stretch out. The exception is rare top dressing with ash at the rate. Nitrogen fertilizers should be eliminated.

The temperature must be reduced to +16 o C.

The plant is removed from heating appliances. It is necessary to spray occasionally and always with water at room temperature.

Breeding Sheffler


This is the most common type of breeding. For him, semi-lignified shoots, about a pencil thick, are chosen. 2-4 buds (leaves) are left on prepared cuttings... The lower sheet plate is removed, the upper ones are cut in half. Some growers make an oblique cut to increase the rooting surface.

You can dip the bottom cut into Kornevin powder or another stimulant. Plant the cutting obliquely in a pot with a loose and damp substrate mixed with sand. Dug in a bag to create a humid atmosphere. But be sure to remove the bag from time to time to ventilate the plant.


Amateur flower growers propagate the sheffler by seeds to get a rare variety or for the sake of experiment. The seeds are sold in specialized flower shops. The best time for planting is February-April.

Seed propagation begins at the end of winter.

They are planted in a prepared loose substrate with the addition of river sand. Moisten the seeds with the shefflers from a spray bottle so as not to wash out the seeds.

For germination, a temperature of at least 25 ° C is needed, preferably bottom heating.

After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the plants can be cut down.


It is very interesting to propagate by layering. This method is used not only for reproduction of shefflers, but also for horticultural crops. A small incision is made on the selected shoot, its semi-lignified part, or just a little bark is removed.

It is necessary to free the area where the roots will grow, but the branch itself is not cut off. A little sphagnum moss is wrapped around the shoot and polyethylene is wrapped over it, which will fix the moss and prevent moisture from evaporating.
After a while, small roots will appear. Once they reach a length of 1 cm, you can carefully separate the stalk and transplant it into a glass. The first time the glass is kept covered. You can close it with a plastic bag, or with another glass.

Diseases and pests

Schefflera is considered a non-capricious house plant. It does not require supernatural efforts, it is enough not to overcool it and spray it daily.

Scheffler pests can come from infected plants brought into the home or office.

If you have a lot of indoor flowers, then you need to make a small box. Diseased plants or new items brought from the store can be planted there. A separate window sill or other place away from healthy flowers can serve as a box.

Yellow spots

Leaves can turn yellow due to pests. In order to identify the disease in the early stages, carefully examine the sheffler at least 2 times a week. If something is wrong with the leaves: they turn yellow, dry and curl, then try giving your plant a warm shower.

To do this, cover the ground with a film so that there is no excess moisture. Then send a strong stream to the leaves and wash them on both sides. Then wipe each sheet with a cloth soaked in soap solution to remove pests.

If the physical method does not help, then try the chemical one. To do this, dilute Actellic or another agent according to the instructions and spray your sheffler. It is necessary to spray when no one is at home, wearing a mask and gloves. After spraying, the room needs to be ventilated.

Leaves fall

Most often, shefflera sheds leaves due to dryness. Check if the soil in the container is dry. Perhaps the roots are already in contact with the pot and are absorbing water faster than before. So, you need to transplant the plant.

The reason for the leaves falling off can be a high temperature (more than +30 o C) and dry air.

The same consequences can be the other way around, with rotting of the roots.

The crown turns black

When the crown turns black, this can be called a very alarming symptom. This means that the plant is dying. Usually black spots appear when the shefflera has been in a draft for some time or at low temperatures. If you have filled it in, it will speed up the process.

Roots start to rot and to stop the death of a plant, you need to remove it from the pot, dry the roots. Then transplant into a new, larger one, or plant back, changing the soil. Do not water for several days and keep at a temperature of at least 15 degrees.

Scheffler- an amazing plant in its beauty. Prefers plenty of sunlight.

Can grow in pots, deep containers or wide bowls. Brings good luck and removes negative energy from the room.

general description

Scheffler's plant was named after a botanist Jacob Christian... The flower is decorative due to its unusual leaves, resembling finger-like branches.

They look like small umbrellas, have a smooth shiny surface. One such umbrella includes 6-10 leaf segments... The plant is a small tree or shrub with branched flexible stems.

Forms a large number of intertwining boles. Schefflera can be seen as a tropical liana or bonsai tree. In the wild, the plant reaches several tens of meters.

In greenhouses, garden plots, winter and botanical gardens, this representative of the flora grows up to 3-4 m.And at home, the height does not exceed 2 m.The plant blooms with chestnut inflorescences, releasing "Candle flowers"... Shades of flowers can be different - from amber or snow-white to brown or burgundy.

In the photo below you can visually familiarize yourself with the Scheffler plant:

Schefflera: views and photos

At the moment it is known more than 300 different subspecies Scheffler. They grow in the tropics all over the planet. They perfectly adapt to home conditions. Most of Scheffler's subspecies are epiphytes. They are used as supports for boles of large trees or shrubs.

- one of the most beautiful subspecies. It has rosette leaves of a light emerald-amber hue. Forms snow-white spots and stains as a pattern. Prefers warmth and high humidity.

- has shortened leaves, reaching a length of no more than 7-8 cm. Each leaf is endowed with a snow-white edging. Creamy tones are present at the base. Thanks to the contrasting colors, the jagged edges are almost invisible.

- is one of the most unpretentious varieties. Has gained wide popularity thanks to its unusual variegated leaves. Light and dark tones are arranged in a chaotic manner. Grows well in partial shade.

Fingered- one of the most common subspecies. In common people it is called the "emerald star". It is an evergreen tree reaching a height of 8-15 m.

The tree is intertwined with several boles. Propagated by seed... Forms elegant toothed leaves, reaching a length of 30-60 cm. One large leaf can have 7-16 toothed leaves.

The plant blooms with miniature fragrant flowers growing in inflorescences. After wilting, a large purple or violet fruit is formed at the site of flowering. It is suitable for eating insects and birds.

Gerda- is one of the varieties of tree species. Has gorgeous emerald or amber leaves. Grows poorly in indoor conditions. Loves bright diffused lighting. Grows well in greenhouses, botanical, winter gardens, closed light balconies or glazed balconies.

Grows indoors just next to bright large windows... It reaches a height of 0.5-2.5 m. The growth rate depends on the conditions of detention. Gerda prefers slightly acidic soil with a lot of fertilizers. Prefers frequent spraying with room temperature water.

Radiant- is an evergreen tree, reaching a height of 10-12 m. It has several main boles growing from their aerial roots. The shade of the bark is different, depending on the growing conditions. The stem can be silver, brown, gray or emerald. Leaves are alternate, growing on elongated petioles.

Reach more than 60 cm in length... On palpation, glossy, oblique lanceolate. Young leaves have a serrated surface. One leaf has from 10 to 17 pronounced leaf plates. In good conditions, the plant forms miniature flowers of a bright burgundy hue. They grow on branched inflorescences on the apical stems. After wilting, a fleshy fruit with a drupe appears.

Arboricola - one of the most common subspecies. It grows well both in the wild and at home. It can reach a height of more than 1.2 m. It has elongated leathery leaves of an emerald hue.

It has several boles growing from the aerial root system. It has a spreading structure. It lends itself well to crown formation.

Requires careful care... Loves a lot of sunlight, does not grow well in the shade. The recommended temperature is 18-20 ° C. Experienced growers recommend pinching young shoots.

Charlotte- one of the largest subspecies. It is an evergreen shrub. It reaches a height of 2-3 m. In the wild, it grows up to 20 m. It has a beautiful color and leaf shape. Openwork leaves are endowed with pronounced leaf plates. The main shade is dark emerald.

On top there may be decorated snow-white spots. They are very palpable on palpation and have a slight corrugation. The shape of the shrub resembles an open rosette. The plant is used to decorate offices, office premises.

Melanie- is an evergreen plant with a spreading root system in the form of aerial roots. It has small leathery leaves of a dark emerald hue. The leaves are endowed with a serrated edge and a pronounced center vein. The tree forms several boles.

Grows well at home. Likes moderate watering, spraying with water at room temperature. Grows well with a lot of sunlight. Grows poorly in the shade. Negatively affects sudden temperature changes. In poor conditions, the leaves may fall off the plant.

Nora- one of the rarest subspecies. It takes root poorly in indoor conditions. It reaches a height of no more than 2-3 m. It has a spreading crown and several main boles. Grows from aerial roots.

Therefore, the aboveground root system is like a small rosette. The plant has glossy leathery leaves emerald hue. A bright streak of a lighter shade is visible on them.

In good conditions, the plant blooms with miniature fragrant flowers. After wilting, a fruit with a drupe appears in their place. It is suitable for consumption by animals, birds and insects. The bone is used for planting and further breeding of the subspecies.

Schefflera is great for indoor cultivation. The plant can grow in hanging pots or wide bowls. With good care, it can bring down with amazing "candle flowers". Includes about 300 different subspecies. Responds well to top dressing.

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Scheffler, this unusual plant with large leaves resembling a human palm, was domesticated not so long ago, but despite this, its decorativeness and ease of care managed to fall in love with flower growers who prefer unusual pets from the world of flora.

General information

There are more than 200 varieties in the Sheffler genus. Not all representatives of the sheffler are suitable for growing at home, since many of them in nature can grow up to 40 meters. Houseplants are much smaller, but with good care they can easily grow to the ceiling.

The flower tolerates shaping pruning well, so the grower can give his plant absolutely any shape. Caring for a shefflera is quite simple, so even novice growers can cope with this unusual plant, growing a beautiful specimen to the envy of everyone.

Schefflera species and varieties

- is a cultivated form of a tree-like sheffler, grown as a houseplant. Shefflers of this species are native to Southeast Asia. The plant is a small tree with a straight trunk that resembles a palm tree. The height of the flower reaches 120 centimeters. It has lush, bright green foliage with golden spots.

- is an indoor plant variety, which is distinguished by an elegant foliage and unpretentious care. The flower has long and narrow leaf plates of a green hue with bright yellow dots. The edges of the leaves are decorated with even teeth. Schefflera has a lush crown and dense foliage.

- has all the advantages of its kind and is as unpretentious in care as the rest of the shefflers. Among others, it is distinguished by elegant, variegated foliage. Dark green leaf plates are diluted with light specks and stains. Janine normally treats the shade and does not lose the variegation of the color of its leaves.

- is easy to clean. The plant will be comfortable on a windowsill with diffused lighting. It reaches a height of 50 centimeters to 2.5 meters. He needs moist and fertile soil. The leaf plates of the plant are variegated, having a pale green or yellow-green color.

- the most graceful representative of her kind. It has openwork, leathery, shiny leaf plates that have an unusual decorative effect and a motley green-yellow tint.

This variety differs from the rest in shorter leaves, which reach up to 8 centimeters in length. Each leaf plate has a white edging and beige blotches at the base. Due to the contrast of dark and light shades, the decorative notches that adorn the edges of the leaves become almost invisible.

Schefflera tree (Scheffler arboricol ) - is a flowering shrub, the homeland of which is considered to be China. In nature, it has a straight trunk and reaches a height of up to 4 meters. The plant has complex, finger-like, large leaf plates of a light green hue.

- the plant has decorative dimensions, so it will be ideal for growing in an apartment. It reaches a height of up to 120 centimeters and has medium-sized, dark green, leathery, shiny leaf plates.

Schefflera Radiant (Schefflera star-leaved ) - is the most common type of plant. In nature, the sheffler reaches a height of 15 meters and can have one or two trunks. When growing a tree at home, it will grow up to 2.5 meters in height. It has dark green, leathery, shiny, large, jagged leaf plates. Shefflera blooms with small red inflorescences.

It is one of the smallest species. It is home to Asia, China and Australia. The plant has several trunks, on which are palm-compound leaves with a green color and yellowish or white spots.

- the plant can grow up to 2.5 meters in length and has shiny, large, feathery, waxy leaf plates of a dark green hue. The flower is resistant to pests and tolerates shade well, therefore it is suitable for apartments with windows facing north.

- belongs to the genus treelike sheffler. It can reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. It has a lush crown with olive, shiny, large leaf plates with dark green stains. The plant is unpretentious in care, therefore it is suitable for beginner flower growers.

- this plant grows up to 1.5 meters in length and has dark green feathery leaf plates with olive streaks and intersperses. It is unpretentious to care for and is practically not susceptible to attack by pests.

The plant of this variety is distinguished by its unusual decorative leaves, which are large in size and a dark green shade with yellow spots and serrations along the edges. The flower is easy to care for and is suitable for growing in apartments and offices.

- this species was bred relatively recently. The plant has unusual leaf plates, the outer part of which has a light shade, the edges are decorated with a dark green edging, and the reverse side of the leaf plates has a rich dark green hue. The plant resembles a palm tree, is easy to care for and has high decorative qualities.

- This plant species grows in the wild in China, India and Japan. The height of the tree reaches up to 2 meters. Its leaves are covered with small, light-colored needles that fall off over time. Each leaf has eight large oval-shaped green leaf plates.

- the birthplace of the plant is New Zealand. In nature, it grows in tropical forests, where it reaches a height of 8 meters. Its leaf plate is divided into 7 parts, which resemble the fingers of a human hand. The leaves have pointed edges and a dark green tint.

The inflorescences of this sheffler variety have a paniculate shape. They are quite large and reach a diameter of up to 40 centimeters. After the plant fades, fruits appear in place of flowers, which are eaten by tropical birds. Schefflera is listed in the Red Book, as local residents sell young shrubs to tourists, thereby reducing its number.

Schefflera home care

Schefflera is very light-requiring. At the end of autumn, the plant should be moved to a windowsill facing the south side of the house. There it should be until spring. In summer, the plant needs shading so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

If there is little light in the apartment or house, then it is better to choose those varieties of shefflers that tolerate shade well and have green foliage. Variegated varieties in this case will not work, since they require a lot of light to preserve decorativeness. In the summer, the plant must be taken out into the street, placing it in a shaded area.

Sheffler will be comfortable if the grower in the room provides her with high humidity, although she can adapt to normal humidity. The plant needs regular sprinkling, which is carried out with warm, settled water.

The tree will grow and thrive at room temperature. In the winter season, temperature indicators should not drop below + 12 degrees. There should be no drafts in the room with the shefflera, and it should not be placed next to the battery. However, small temperature drops will benefit the plant.

Heptapleurum is also a member of the Araliev family. It is grown when nursing at home without much hassle, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. All the necessary recommendations can be found in this article.

Watering shefflers

The tree should be watered systematically, not overwetting the soil too much. Standing water at room temperature is best suited for watering. Care must be taken to ensure that the ground does not dry out.

In winter, when the plant has a dormant period, watering should be reduced. It is impossible to allow waterlogging of the mixture to the ground, its acidification and stagnation of water, otherwise the sheffler will die.

Soil for shefflers

The soil for the plant should be nutritious and light, only in such a substrate will it feel comfortable.

The mixture can be prepared on your own or you can buy ready-made land in the store, giving preference to the soil for growing ficuses. To prepare the soil at home, you need to take sod, humus and river sand in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.

Sheffler pot

Having prepared the soil mixture, you should choose the right pot for the plant. Everything here will depend on the age of the plant. For example, small pots or even plastic cups are suitable for seedlings.

But, when the roots grow, they should be transferred together with a lump of earth into pots with a diameter of 9 centimeters, and in the fall, transplanted into pots 12 centimeters in diameter. With each subsequent transplant, the diameter of the pot must be increased by 3-5 centimeters.

Sheffler transplant

A young tree should be replanted in the first year of its life. This is extremely important for proper growth and development in the future. Before transplanting, you should choose a pot that is suitable in size and prepare the soil.

Then on the bottom of the pot it is necessary to put a drainage layer of gravel or expanded clay. A layer of soil should be poured on top of the drainage and the root system of the plant should be placed on it, slightly shaking it off the ground. After that, carefully fill the remaining space in the pot with soil with the mixture and tamp lightly to eliminate the void formed in the pot. After transplanting, the sheffler needs to be watered abundantly.

A mature tree should be replanted every five years. If the plant is very large, then the transplant is carried out very carefully, by moving the shefflers into a new pot along with an earthen lump.

Fertilizer for shefflers

In order for the plant to grow beautiful and healthy, it must be fertilized. Top dressing is carried out with liquid fertilizers for indoor flowers. The frequency of fertilization will depend on the season. During the dormant period from late autumn to early spring, the plant is fertilized once a month, the rest of the time - once every 15–20 days.

The concentration of ready-made dressings may not always meet the needs of the plant. For this reason, experienced flower growers recommend playing it safe by diluting the fertilizer in a lower concentration and fertilizing the tree twice as often. Dry fertilizers for shefflers are not suitable.

Flowering shefflers

Domesticated specimens of the plant bloom extremely rarely, but if inflorescences appear, then they have a paniculate shape with small flowers of red or yellow shades.

Flowering time is in the middle of summer.

Scheffler pruning and shaping

Flower pruning is carried out in order to form a lush crown and reduce the vertical size in fast-growing plant varieties. The first pruning should be done when the young plant is slightly older. For this purpose, it is necessary to shorten the apical branches by 4 internodes. It is best to cut branches with a sharp pruner. Sections must be treated with activated carbon.

After the lateral branches have grown, you can begin to form a spherical crown, cutting off the tops of the branches. Cuttings obtained by pruning can be used for propagation. It should be noted that pruning greatly weakens the sheffler, so it must be carried out in several stages.

Scheffler in winter

The dormant period for the plant begins at the end of autumn and lasts until spring. At this time, all processes of the sheffler slow down and it stops growing. Accordingly, the care of her is changing.

During this period, it is better to transfer the tree to a bright room with a temperature of at least + 12 degrees. Watering and sprinkling should be minimized, as well as top dressing.

Propagation of shefflers by cuttings

For grafting, shoots are selected from which the stems are already partially stiff and cut off. Then they are treated with drugs that stimulate the growth of the root system. After processing, the cuttings are placed in a mixture of peat and sand.

In order for the planting material to take root, the temperature in the room where it is located should not be lower than + 22 degrees. When the shoots take root, the temperature regime is changed, reducing it to +18 degrees.

After the root system has grown enough, gets stronger and takes up the entire pot, young plants can be transplanted. You can also germinate the root system on cuttings using water. For this purpose, the shoots are placed in cups of warm water and wait until they take root.

After the root system is sufficiently developed to be planted in the ground, the plants are transplanted into separate pots for permanent cultivation.

Scheffler from seed at home

The procedure should be started in the second half of winter. Seed material is placed in peat to a depth of 3 to 5 centimeters. After planting, the soil must be watered, covered with foil and the temperature must be from + 22 to + 24 degrees.

From time to time, the film must be removed by airing and spraying crops. When the first leaves begin to appear, the sprouts are transplanted into separate cups and left in the room at 19-20 degrees.

Reproduction of shefflers by air layers

To use this method of reproduction, a small incision is made in the outer layer of the trunk, the resulting scar is covered with moist sphagnum, which should be constantly moistened. Then the barrel is wrapped in polyethylene.

After two months, roots appear at the site of the incision. The cut is carefully trimmed and transplanted into a separate pot.

Scheffler leaf propagation

This breeding method is suitable for experienced growers. To obtain planting material, you should tear off a large leaf plate from an adult plant and place it in a growth stimulator solution. Then the workpiece must be placed in a warm place and covered with polyethylene.

After three weeks, the polyethylene layer should be gradually removed, reducing the temperature to 20 degrees. When the leaf adapts, it must be transplanted into a prepared pot with drainage and substrate.

Which of the breeding methods to choose, each grower will decide for himself.

Sheffler diseases and pests

The most common sheffler ailment is rot ... It infects the plant if the grower floods it, keeps it cold and draughty, or overfeeds the tree. All of the above reasons lead to the fact that the plant sheds leaves, withers, black spots appear on the leaf plates. .

To get rid of rot, the plant must be transplanted into a new pot and substrate, after first sorting out the root system and removing the damaged areas. To finally kill fungal spores, the roots should be kept in a weak solution of manganese for 20 minutes, after which the plant can be transplanted into the prepared soil.

  • If Sheffler leaves start to turn yellow it means that they were hit by direct sunlight and the plant was burned. You can help the tree by removing it to a slightly shaded place.
  • The sheet plates of the shefflers darken with a lack of light, therefore, to avoid this problem, the plant must be moved closer to the sun.
  • If leaves fall, the shefflera dries, grows poorly or does not grow at all - the reason is improper care of her. Only by creating a microclimate favorable for growth and development can you eliminate all of the above problems.

In addition to diseases, the plant is susceptible to attack spider mite , thrips and scabbards ... The first signs of damage by these pests is the stickiness of the leaves. By releasing its poisonous juice, the Schefflera tries to protect itself from harmful insects on its own.

To destroy pests, the plant can be sprayed with a soda solution and wiped with a soapy solution. Also, the sheffler should be treated with Actellik insecticide according to the instructions on the package.

As you can see, caring for an exotic green pet is a snap. Observing all of the above recommendations, you will get a beautiful and healthy plant that will delight you with decorative leaves and rapid growth, eventually turning into a luxurious tree with a dense and luxurious crown.

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