Home Grape Interesting spring crafts for children. Crafts on the theme “Spring” for kindergarten. Children's crafts on the theme "Spring": paper hyacinth flowers

Interesting spring crafts for children. Crafts on the theme “Spring” for kindergarten. Children's crafts on the theme "Spring": paper hyacinth flowers

Children's creativity and the ability to make things with their hands is one of the factors in the development of a child's abilities and skills. Spring crafts made from plasticine, paper, improvised and natural materials are necessary for acquiring skills, concentrating and developing a child’s abstract and logical thinking.

In kindergartens and schools, educators and teachers draw with children, work with plasticine, and make themed crafts. If your little one is at home, find time to create together. This will bring you closer, raise your authority, and bring many advantages for the child’s development, and will also be an excellent opportunity for self-expression.

How to make a spring-themed craft with your child?

Every season brings its own ideas for children's crafts, spring is no exception. The sun is shining, streams are flowing, the first spring flowers are coming to light, birds are flying in and all sorts of bugs and butterflies are appearing - all this is very interesting for a child, because unlike us adults, children look at the world with wide open eyes.

An unlimited amount of material is used to realize fantasies in children's crafts.

Material purchased from an office supply store:

  • colored paper of different types (thin for applications of different colors, corrugated, cardboard)
  • plasticine, polymer clay
  • paints (watercolor, acrylic, oil, gouache) with brushes
  • glue, glue gun

Waste material:

  • food boxes
  • containers
  • plastic bottles

Available material:

  • salty dough
  • starch
  • pop-corn
  • cereals
  • yarn
  • threads

Natural material:

  • nuts
  • seeds
  • bumps
  • branches
  • acorns
  • wood slices
  • driftwood

In order for the material for children's creativity to acquire form and meaning in children's crafts, it is necessary to decide on the type of work.

Paper crafts about spring for kindergarten

Spring is a colorful time of year that gives birth to bright and cheerful ideas. Children are happy to transfer their impressions onto paper - the most accessible and popular material for children's creativity. In specialized stores there is a large selection of colored, self-adhesive, fluorescent paper, as well as ornamental cardboard and foil, for children’s independent work and activities in kindergartens and labor lessons at school.

Paper is a natural material, the most popular and accessible for crafts using a variety of technologies.

Let's consider popular types of children's creativity that are based on paper:

  • origami
  • quilling
  • applique
  • modeling
  • cutting out the silhouette (vytynanka)

Spring origami “Bird on a tree”

Origami is a Japanese-style technique that does not require additional materials: only paper, which skillful hands turn into flowers, birds, and animals. A child can use a piece of paper to create interesting figures of animals, birds, and flowers at home or on a walk with friends.

Material for work:

  1. strips of colored paper 20 cm length, 3 cm width
  2. tree branch
  3. glue gun or PVA glue
  4. scissors

We work with paper:

  1. Take a strip of paper and make a voluminous knot (photo below)
  2. Leave the strip on one side longer
  3. Cut out the tail, body and head
  4. We fix the bird on a tree branch.

Origami “Bird on a Tree” for young children, does not require special efforts from the child - only accuracy and patience

Origami is fine, precise work of hands under the control of consciousness. Develops intelligence and creative thinking.

Spring panel “Lily of the valley flower” using quilling technique

Quilling is a technique of twisting paper into different modules using a special device or a simple toothpick. We draw pictures: we attach multi-colored ribbons twisted into spirals or other shapes to the paper base.

Work for children of older kindergarten and primary school age.


  • strips of paper blue, white, green
  • PVA glue
  • scissors, braid, two types of cardboard

Description of work:

  1. Cut out two rectangles from cardboard - this will become the basis for the craft.
  2. Using a pencil, draw the contours of the lily of the valley (leaves, stem, flowers)
  3. Glue strips of curled paper along the marked contours
  4. We decorate the panel with bright braid and make a loop out of it for a hook.

Paper crafts about spring made using the quilling technique develop a child’s attention, eye, accuracy and arouse interest.

Spring craft papier-mâché “Easter egg”

Papier-mâché, an old European technology, uses small pieces of paper mixed with glue and applied to a mold to preserve its contours.

Material for work:

  • balloon
  • colored corrugated paper
  • unnecessary paper, good use of old newspapers
  • flour for paste

Description of work:

  1. Inflate the ball and cover it on all sides with small pieces of paper soaked in paste.
  2. The first and last layers are lined with colored corrugated paper
  3. Let dry for at least 10 hours
  4. We deflate the balloon and take it out
  5. Use scissors to cut a hole in the egg
  6. Pour pieces of paper, chopped straw or dry hay inside
  7. We put a bird or chicks in the house, you can sculpt figures from plasticine

Children are waiting and enjoying the Christian holiday “Easter” with beautiful rituals, colored and painted eggs and an unusual atmosphere. They will be happy to take part in the festive preparations, make papier-mâché eggs together with their parents, you can put real eggs painted with patterns in them

The papier-mâché technique is distinguished by precise, painstaking work, and teaches the child perseverance - after all, the result will have to wait some time.

Application panel "Bird's nest"

Applique is the creation of a picture or drawing by gluing pieces of paper or cardboard onto a base.

For work you will need:

  • thin paper of different colors
  • brown wool threads
  • PVA glue
  • scissors
  • felt-tip pen

Making panels:

  1. We cut out individual fragments of the picture using ready-made templates
  2. Draw the veins on the leaves and mark the middle of the flower
  3. We knit an air chain of woolen threads and lay out branches and a nest with them
  4. We put together a picture from individual fragments, preferably based on a finished drawing

Spring crafts - appliques, a favorite activity of children. Combining different types of activities (working with a stencil, scissors, glue) forces the child to switch, which does not cause fatigue from the monotony of work.

Three-dimensional modeling: spring craft “Birdhouse”

Three-dimensional modeling is a fascinating activity that develops children's logical thinking and initial design skills. With the help of drawings and templates, the child designs and assembles geometric shapes, houses, cars.

Birds arrive in the spring, and high school children can make their own birdhouse out of wood. This kind of work is beyond the capabilities of children, but very young children can make a birdhouse out of paper, preferably under the guidance of adults.

For kindergarten children, parents and teachers make a template, which the children carefully cut out and join along the protrusions (flaps) into a single composition.

We select paper with a cheerful spring pattern for the birdhouse, decorate the house with rhinestones and appliqués, and plant a cardboard bird in it.

Modeling is a complex mental work that involves the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logical thinking. This birdhouse will decorate and enliven your child’s room or a playroom for children in kindergarten.

Spring craft card-postcard: “A nice gift for mom on March 8th”

Delicate work - cutting out a silhouette on paper with scissors. To better understand this technique, let’s remember how a snowflake is cut out from napkins or thin paper.

Let's take for work:

  • cardboard
  • pieces of paper of different colors and sizes
  • buttons
  • curly scissors

We do the work:

  1. Cut along the outline of the flower without cutting all the way through
  2. On the back side we glue small pieces of paper of different colors
  3. We cover the reverse side with a white sheet so that it is neat
  4. Attached buttons matched to the color of the colored paper.

Plasticine craft on a spring theme “Chicken”

The word plasticine can be used to combine all the plastic materials from which a little sculptor can make a craft on the theme of spring - on his own or with his parents.

To easily navigate the types of plastic material, we divide it into groups:

  • Ordinary plasticine: ball, imported, floating, wax
  • Modeling mass
  • Conditional plasticine: salt dough, clay, modeling paste

Plasticine is an ideal material for spring crafts. To make the chicken we use a container from a kinder and decorate the clearing with applique.

Spring craft “Sunflower” using plasticineography technique

The essence of the work is to create a template along which plasticine is smeared, then the excess is removed, and the finished part of the picture is transferred to the base.

Spring craft-panel for the garden “Spring has come”: drawing from plasticine

Each detail of the picture is made separately and attached to a base, the role of which is played by rough paper. For such work, a template is purchased or prepared in advance - a base with a contour pattern.

Easter eggs made from salt dough

  • Shape the kneaded salted dough into the shape of an egg.
  • Leave a hole for the lace
  • Bake in the oven
  • Painting in bright colors

This craft can be used to decorate rooms, as well as as an exhibit for a children's exhibition of handicrafts.

Working with plasticine promotes the development of speech, imagination and motor skills of the child’s hands. To make modeling from plasticine bring joy, choose plasticine; you must take into account the age of the child so that the material is easy to work with and safe for health.

DIY spring flowers

Children love to draw flowers, sculpt from plasticine and make them from paper. Therefore, educators often give parents and children the task of making spring flowers - a craft for kindergarten. We choose the craft we will do together with the children, then the work will be interesting and exciting.

Spring craft “Flowers” ​​made from pompoms

To work you need to take:

  • skein of white or colored yarn
  • piece of cardboard
  • burlap rope
  • glue gun

Completing of the work:

  1. Making a pompom, description in knitting instructions
  2. We attach a pompom (bud) to a branch using a glue gun.
  3. We tie a bow with a burlap rope

Spring composition “Roses” made of paper

We will place red roses originally packaged in a bouquet in a box decorated with burlap.

  • Instructions for making a rose bud

Beautiful and original work, done easily and quickly with a minimum amount of material.

Video: Spring craft flower “Tulip” using origami technique

Crafts made from natural materials in spring

Spring walks bring joy to children. The cold winter has passed, the buds on the trees have swelled, but there are still no leaves or flowers. You can get ahead of your time and, together with your children, decorate a plucked branch of a fruit tree with flowers made from colored corrugated paper. If you put a branch in water, then in a few days leaves and real flowers will appear.

Craft-decoration for Easter “Chicken”

This craft can be made from beans: you can take a multi-colored one, you will get a brighter color of the plumage.

  1. Glue the beans onto the finished template with glue or soft plasticine
  2. make eyes from peppercorns
  3. beak grain of corn
  4. legs with sunflower seeds

Craft a raft from tree branches

Spring streams are flowing, the time has come for children's boats and rafts. A walk with children can be active and fun if you set homemade boats made of walnut shells or a raft made of twigs sailing along the creek.

You can make a raft craft from knitted ones with wire or coarse threads and a sail made from a piece of paper.

Spring composition “Snowdrop”

Material for work:

  • blue paper
  • green marker
  • plasticine
  • pumpkin or squash seeds

We draw a snowdrop and use plasticine to attach pumpkin seeds to the cup of the flower. You can decorate a wall with this flower panel or give your mother a great gift.

Spring is a great time for walks, games, and excursions. Nature itself provides ideas for creativity and natural materials.

Spring crafts from scrap materials: photos

Teachers do a lot of work with children from material that has served its purpose, giving it a second life. Boxes of various shapes and sizes from things purchased for the home, food containers, old buttons, disposable tableware, and plastic bottles are used to create original children's works.

Children's spring crafts, help your child grow older and smarter. Work with your children - childhood is a great time for developing the character traits necessary for later life: responsibility, accuracy, diligence.

Video: Spring crafts with dragonflies

Useful tips

To create a spring mood you need the Sun, green grass, trees and flowers.

But besides this you can give spring colors and some things.

2. Decorate electrical wires and cords with colorful tape or washi tape.

When there are a lot of wires at home, decorating them not only makes the house more beautiful, but it will also make it easier for you to distinguish which wire goes where.

You will need:

Colored tape or washi tape


Cardboard (if desired)

A piece of leather or leatherette (if desired)

Button and thread (if desired)

1. Cut colorful tape into several small pieces.

2. Start gluing pieces of tape in any order. Choose a color scheme that suits you.

* If you wish, you can cut out several labels from cardboard and attach them with thread or tape to the wires, writing on them the device from which the wire comes.

* If you wish, you can also make a fastening for the cord from a piece of leather and a button - this is useful when the cord is very long and it will be more convenient to fold it.

3. Decorate flower pots with bright and cheerful flowers.

You will need:

Plain ceramic pots (preferably a light shade)

Ceramic, acrylic or fabric paint.

Water and container.

1. Prepare the paint. If you have acrylic or ceramic paint, then just take a brush and start painting the pots as you like.

* If you decide to use fabric paint, you need to dilute it in water.

1.1 Immerse the pot halfway in a container of colored water and hold it for about 5 seconds.

1.2 Immerse the pot deeper and hold for 10 seconds.

1.3 Dip a third time and hold until you get the desired shade.

1.4 Leave the pot to dry.

* Paint several pots this way, using different colors.

4. Decorating the house: paint ordinary jars with spring patterns

You will need:

Thin cloth



PVA glue

Small cup.

1. Measure the height and circumference of the jar and cut strips of fabric approximately 1 cm wide.

2. Pour PVA glue into a small cup and dilute it with water (ratio 1 to 2). Stir well.

3. Dip the first strip of fabric into the cup, remove it and run your thumb and forefinger over it to remove any excess glue.

4. Glue the strip to the jar anywhere. Use a brush to smooth the strip well and get rid of any air bubbles.

5. Glue a few more strips in the same way.

*The strips may touch or overlap slightly.

*You can place a candle inside the jar.

5. How to decorate a chair with spring flowers

You will need:

Chair (wooden in this example)

Spray paint (you can use regular wood paint)

Masking tape.

1. Cover some areas of the chair with masking tape.

2. Start painting the uncovered areas of the chair.

* If you decide to use spray paint, you need to paint it outdoors or in very well-ventilated areas, wearing a special mask and preferably wearing safety glasses.

3. Leave the paint to dry.

4. When the paint is dry, carefully remove the masking tape.

6. Decorating cups: emotional cups and bowls

You will need:

Ceramic light container

Black marker for ceramics


Cotton pads

Lettuce seeds

*You can use regular tea cups and draw cute faces on them. After this, place the cups in the oven based on the marker instructions.

You can complicate the task:

1. If you decide to go the hard way, first draw faces on the bowls and place the bowls in the oven, after carefully reading the instructions for the ceramic marker.

2. Place the cotton pads in a cup or bowl and fill them with water so that they are completely immersed in it.

3. Sprinkle some lettuce seeds on top of the cotton pads and place the cup in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight.

4. Lettuce leaves should appear soon - they grow quickly. Don't forget to water the plants.

7. How to make bright key rings

You will need:

Wood beads

Nail polish (can be old), wood paint or acrylic paint

Thick thread, jute or strips of leather or leatherette


Masking tape (if desired).

1. Color each bead however you like.

* If you want to make even stripes or evenly paint the halves of the bead, then each one needs to be partially sealed with masking tape, and the open part should be painted over with paint or varnish. After this, remove the masking tape.

2. Thread a thread through several beads and make a loop on top of the last bead.

3. Thread the key ring through the loop and you're done!

8. DIY crafts for spring: cones with flowers

You will need:

White construction paper (watercolor paper was used in this example)

Floral decorations (artificial flowers, greenery, etc.)

PVA glue or hot glue

Paint (if desired)

Double sided tape.

1. Cut a square out of paper.

*If you want to draw a pattern on your future vases, then you should start this process now.

2. Roll each square into a cone and secure the ends with glue.

3. If you didn't draw a pattern, you can make a small pompom and glue it to the cone. Instead of a pompom, you can use ribbons, strips of fabric or colored paper.

4.Using double-sided tape, glue the cones to the wall or wallpaper.

5. Create a bouquet of your choice and place it in a decorated cone on the wall.

9. Children's crafts on the theme "Spring": paper hyacinth flowers

You will need:

Thin paper (papyrus or corrugated)


Straw (cocktail) or skewer

Scotch tape (preferably green).

1. Prepare a sheet of paper, cut out a long rectangle from it (in this example, the size of the rectangle is 8 cm x 14 cm).

2. Prepare 2-3 more of these rectangles.

3. Stack all the rectangles and fold them in half.

4. Start making cuts on the fold side, leaving a distance between them of about 0.5 - 1 cm.

5. Using tape, attach one end of one rectangle folded in half to a tube or skewer and begin to twist it, going down in a spiral.

6. Also secure the other end with tape. You can add a leaf if you wish.

* Make a bouquet of these paper flowers and place it in a vase.

Spring crafts for kindergarten provide a wide scope for creativity, because nature itself offers many interesting topics. Starting from the main thematic ideas and using imagination, you can come up with many original compositions on the theme “Spring” that are easy to make with children. Here are the main ideas for an original spring craft for kindergarten. Based on them, you and your child can create your masterpiece with a spring mood.

The first association with spring is the awakening of nature. A spring craft for kindergarten on the theme of the first harbingers of spring - snowdrops or crocuses - offers a wide range of interesting options for its creation. With kids, you can create a beautiful applique in the form of small and fragile harbingers of spring - snowdrops - breaking out from under the snow in a forest clearing. Colored paper, scissors, glue as the necessary tools, combined with imagination and a willingness to help the child create his spring craft for kindergarten - all that is required for this purpose.

With older children, you can create more complex variations of spring crafts on the theme of primroses. A simple but beautiful spring craft for kindergarten will be possible if you complement flower arrangements made of paper with a beautiful vase sculpted from plasticine. Entrust your child with the opportunity to show his imagination and create an original vase in which you will place paper crocuses and snowdrops.

You can also use an ordinary glass or tin jar as an original vase. All it takes is a little creative transformation. A spring meadow background is created from colored paper. It can be either plain paper or colored strips of different shades. You need to apply glue over the entire outer surface of the can, and then stick on this background. You can paste additional decor directly onto the background surface in the form of multi-colored buttons, beads, or small figurines of birds and ladybugs.

Original volumetric compositions

Flowers can be created either in a simple flat form (for example, using drawn plant templates or making them from felt), or in a 3D version. Three-dimensional floral arrangements can be created using the quilling technique, using twisted colored paper specially designed for such creativity. Cocktail straws can be used as flower stems. A sakura branch will look especially beautiful using this technique.

Beautiful voluminous dandelions can be created from yellow woolen threads. The same tubes can be used as stems. But in order for the composition to look harmonious, they should also be wrapped (previously covered with glue) with green woolen threads.

Another, no less interesting version of the 3D composition is flower buds made of corrugated paper. If you decide to create voluminous tulips or daffodils for a flower arrangement, then you can arrange a flower-candy bouquet. Chocolates will become the core of flowers created from corrugated paper.

An original flower arrangement on the theme of spring primroses can be created not only from paper, but from an unusual base - disposable plastic spoons. They make beautiful bouquets of snowdrops and tulips. In addition to spoons (you need up to 5 of them for one bud), to create such a spring craft you will need corrugated paper, glue and tape. If a bouquet of tulips is being created, then the upper parts of the spoons are neatly packed in red corrugated paper, and the lower parts (which will play the role of stems) - in green.

The resulting blanks are collected into a bouquet. Leaves are cut out of corrugated green paper, which are then attached to the bouquet using tape and a beautiful ribbon on top of it. Similarly, you can create bouquets of snowdrops or daffodils. The result of this creativity is a luxurious flower arrangement. Disposable plastic spoons can also be used to decorate the vase in which the bouquet will be placed.

The birds have arrived

Flower arrangements are not the only option for interesting spring crafts for kindergarten. The return of migratory birds from a warm region is another vivid association with spring, which can be depicted in creativity with children. You can create a beautiful spring panel on this theme. To do this, you first need to think through all the elements of the picture (the sun in the sky, trees and bushes, flowers in a clearing, birds and a nest in a tree), and then cut them out of paper. The picture will be more expressive if all the figures are cut out of paper, and the bird’s nest is made of woolen threads.

Funny birds, ideal for placing on compositions of flowering branches, are made from ordinary wooden clothespins. It is best to pre-paint each clothespin with some bright paint, which will add positivity. To create cute birds from such blanks, just paint the eyes and beak with paints or a marker. You can also simply glue ready-made funny eyes, which can be easily purchased at any craft store. The finishing touch to creating this spring craft is gluing a tail of feathers to the blank. For these purposes, you can use ordinary poultry feathers. To make the composition bright and positive, it is also advisable to paint the feathers with bright colors.

Colorful bird houses can be an interesting spring craft. With older children, you can try to make a real wooden birdhouse. For creativity with kids, creating colorful houses from colored cardboard would be more relevant. A birdhouse template is first cut out, which is then connected along the protrusions into a single house. A simpler option is to use a ready-made box of dairy products, which can be pasted over with a beautiful background. The finished craft can be decorated with bright buttons glued to its surface, and inside the house you can even put a nest made from threads or small dry branches.

The starling is usually considered the first harbinger of spring. But the harbingers of real spring warmth are the storks returning from warmer climes. You can make beautiful crafts of these birds from simple and affordable materials - plastic plates and spoons. First you need to carefully cut the plate into pieces. How exactly to do this is clearly visible in the photo. The edges of the plastic parts that will play the role of wings should be painted with black paint or painted with a marker.

Red spoons are intended to serve as stork legs. To make these legs look beautiful, it is advisable to pre-cut the edges of the spoons, reducing their area. Further work consists of gluing together all the parts that will make up the stork figurine. Wings, legs and a head (from a white plastic spoon) are glued to the main part - the body - onto which the eyes and red beak are glued (you can take this piece from scraps of a red spoon).

Blooming garden, bugs and ladybugs

Another association with spring is flowering trees. A hand-made sprig of cherry or peach blossoms will be a wonderful spring-themed craft. With the support of parents, such a composition will be easy to complete even for little ones. The simplest option is to draw a tree branch on paper, supplementing it with glued leaves and flowers made of paper or felt.

A little more creative work will be required to create a realistic flowering tree branch. As a basis for such a craft, you can take a real dry tree branch, which can be wrapped with woolen threads for overall attractiveness. Flowers can be created from paper or fabric. Plastic spoons are also suitable for these purposes. The created tree branches can be decorated with birds cut out of paper or felt. Flowering branches with bird figurines hanging on strings will look beautiful.

You can create an interesting spring-themed panel using crafts made from natural materials. For example, you can use pebbles to create insects for a spring meadow. Pebbles of the right size, bright colors and a little imagination are all you need to create bugs, spiders and ladybugs that crawled onto the ground warmed by the spring sun.

By painting pebbles with black and brown paint and gluing wings to them, you can get funny spring bugs. Likewise, using red and white colors you can create cute ladybugs. To create spiders, chestnuts and acorns are suitable, to which thread-legs are glued. You can cut out large leaves from green fabric on which you can place this whole group of insects.

Streams gurgle, sails fly on the waves

Boys will be interested in creating an original spring craft for kindergarten in the form of a boat or raft. You can even test such a toy while walking in the park. The simplest option, which even very young children can master, is a boat made from a walnut shell. The bottom of the future sailboat can be covered with plasticine, which will allow you to attach a mast (made of a toothpick) with a sail made of a piece of burlap.

From such simple boats you can create a whole composition (both a paper applique and a plasticine fairy tale). A beautiful spring meadow with flowers and a babbling stream flowing through it is the basis of the picture, which will be “revived” by sailboats made of walnut shells.

From dry twigs collected during a walk in the park, you can fold a raft, securing the resulting structure with glue or strong threads. This simple spring craft is almost ready. All that remains is to add a mast with a sail in the center of the raft. To create it, you can use the same dry twig. A piece of tarpaulin serves as a sail, and the raft is ready to withstand the water elements.

An equally interesting version of a spring raft can be made from wine corks by gluing them into a single structure. There are a lot of ideas. A little imagination - and you can create real miracles.

Flowers made from different materials are the most common type of DIY crafts. Needlewomen use not only paper, but also plastic bottles, buttons, caps, and much more to turn a flower into a real work of art. If your child needs to bring a spring-themed craft to kindergarten or school, then try making flowers with him. Step-by-step master classes with photos will help you make beautiful spring flowers with minimal time and money.

Flowers from plastic bottles

Do not rush to throw away the bottle itself, as its upper part can turn into a convenient stand. To do this, make holes in two lids into which to insert the stem. Place the second cover on the stem from below so that the flower does not bend or fall. Cut leaves from the bottle and glue them using hot glue.

Spring flowers made from corks look creative. To make them, you will have to select plugs of different diameters. Make holes in each of them so you can thread the wire through. Collect several lids, insert a wire, which you then begin to twist in half. Attach green leaf covers to the bottom of the wire. A large lid can be used as a stand.

Master class: tulips from plastic glasses

All children love yoghurt, however, cups are most often thrown away because drinking from them is not very convenient. We invite you to make flowers from these cups.

You will need:

- three glasses of different colors

- balloons of different colors

- scissors

- wooden stick

- glass jar.

Don't forget to make a hole in the bottom of the cups so that you can insert a skewer into them. The leaves can also be made from a plastic cup or some other material.

Place your bouquet of tulips from plastic cups into a vase and give it to your mother or grandmother.

How to make snowdrops from scrap materials

You can cut out snowdrop leaves from paper or a green plastic bottle. Stick them together with the wire into a large plasticine ball, which you then insert into the cap of a plastic bottle. In a similar way, you can make an applique with snowdrops from pumpkin seeds.

Spring flowers made from pompoms

Mimosa is one of the common spring flowers that are usually given as gifts for the holidays. If you make small pompoms from threads, you will get an original bouquet. To do this you will need the following materials:

- wire

- green corrugated and office paper

- bamboo skewers

- scissors

Original spring crafts - flowers made from buttons

You can make flowers of different heights and combine them into one bouquet. These flowers are also often used to decorate indoor plants.

Spring flowers easy to make with your own hands from scrap materials. Fantasize, then you will get creative bouquets that you can give to your mother, teacher or educator. Simple master classes are a great opportunity to teach your child how to make flowers and combine bouquets. Spend interesting leisure time with the site, because handmade crafts will always be more valuable than store-bought souvenirs.

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