Home Grape How to cut pike perch into aspic. Jellied pike perch: recipe, cooking features. Ingredients for jellied pike perch

How to cut pike perch into aspic. Jellied pike perch: recipe, cooking features. Ingredients for jellied pike perch

Many housewives will be interested in a step-by-step recipe for preparing jellied pike perch. Pike perch meat is completely white, very tender, has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste, and most importantly, contains virtually no bones.

Cooking jellied pike perch will not take too much time - just like jellied pink salmon. The calorie content of the finished dish is very low - only 89 kcal per 100 g.

Any aspic is prepared in two stages. First, a strong broth is boiled, to which swollen gelatin is added.

And then the whole mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured over the fish, vegetables, herbs and other ingredients, and the dish is put in the refrigerator so that it has time to harden. In the case of jellied pike perch, the whole process goes very quickly, because the flesh of the fish is tender and does not need to be cooked for too long.

For preparation we will need the following components:

  • 1 carcass of pike perch (calculated to weigh 1 kg);
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 60 g gelatin (that’s 2.5 tablespoons);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • greens for decoration;
  • 10 quail eggs also for decoration;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of green peas;
  • 1 lemon;
  • salt and spices - at your discretion.

To prepare we will proceed as follows:

Step 1. Prepare all the ingredients, gut the fish, wash the vegetables. If the pike perch was frozen and not chilled, it needs to be thawed by simply keeping it at room temperature for 5-6 hours.

Another option is to put the fish in cool water (2 liters per kilogram of carcass) and add 2 tablespoons of salt to it. Thanks to this, the meat is well salted and all the beneficial minerals remain in it.

Step 2. Now you need to cut the carcass into portioned pieces of the same size.

Step 3. Fill the fish with 2 liters of water, also add the peeled vegetables and cook for 15-20 minutes after boiling. At the same time, remove all the foam and add spices.

Step 4. It is very important that the pieces remain intact - pike perch meat is very tender and can easily fall apart into its component parts. To do this, you need to cook them for no more than the specified time, and then carefully remove them onto a plate.

Step 5. Meanwhile, soak 60 g of gelatin in 2 glasses of cool water or completely cooled broth. It is important to stir it very well and wait from half an hour to 60 minutes.

At the same time, you can cut carrots into flowers and hard-boiled quail eggs in half. They also cut the lemon into thin slices, chop the greens and lay out the green peas.

Step 6. Add the swollen gelatin to the cooled broth and strained through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, then heat it over medium heat and stir again. Under no circumstances should you bring it to a boil - otherwise the pike perch aspic simply won’t work.

The broth is allowed to cool, after which the ingredients carefully laid out on the dish are poured over it. Next, the jellied pike perch is cooled in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. The result is so delicious (the red berries are cranberries).

Jellied pike perch with gelatin and shrimp: step-by-step recipe

The recipe described above can be considered as a basic option, since from it you can learn all the basic principles of preparing fish aspic. All other options are created on its basis.

Let's try to reproduce a kind of seafood cocktail based on fish aspic. This is a festive version of the dish, which is best served in special cocktail glasses.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg pike perch;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 60 g gelatin;
  • carrots, onions and lemon - 1 piece each;
  • several olives;
  • several large or medium shrimp (8-10 pieces);
  • herbs and spices - at your discretion.

How to make jellied pike perch with gelatin according to this step-by-step recipe with photos:

Step 1. First, we get the broth again - cook the fish and vegetables for 15 minutes after boiling. Add some salt, add spices and strain the broth, after removing meat and vegetables from it.

Step 2. Dissolve gelatin (3 tablespoons per 2 cups of cool water). Meanwhile, cook the shrimp (10 minutes from boiling in salted water) and peel them.

Step 3. At the same time, cut the olives into circles, the carrots into flowers, and the lemon into thin slices.

Step 4. Add gelatin to the strained, cooled broth and dissolve it, slightly heating the pan (but not bringing it to a boil).

Step 5. Place all the ingredients in glasses and fill with liquid. Cool first to room temperature, and then in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Options for serving jellied pike perch according to this simple step-by-step recipe are shown in the photo: with lemon, olives, herbs.

Another option for serving jellied pike perch is in the form of a fish tail. To do this, you just need to place 2 shrimp overlapping each other. In this case, the shrimp tail itself should be preserved during cleaning.

Pike perch jellied without gelatin: a simple step-by-step recipe

But what if you want to prepare pike perch aspic without gelatin and are worried that the fish will not harden? The secret is very simple: there is enough natural gelling substance in the head and spine of the fish.

Therefore, you need to cook a strong fish broth from pike perch - definitely with the head and spinal bone, and then you won’t need gelatin. But if you only have pike perch fillet, be prepared for the broth not to solidify.


To prepare jellied pike perch without gelatin, you can take fish heads and tails of other river fish (pike, carp, carp). Sea fish is not suitable for this aspic.

This time let's take the ingredients:

  • pike perch carcass with head and tail - 1.5-2 kg;
  • additionally fish ridges, tails and heads of other river fish: cupid, bream, carp;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • celery root- 1 PC.;
  • parsley root - to taste;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - to taste;
  • parsley and celery for decoration;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Recipe for jellied pike perch without gelatin step by step:

Step 1. Thoroughly wash and clean the fish carcass, remove the fins, tail, head, from which we must cut out the gills. We don’t throw away everything except the gills.

Place the tails, fins, heads and ridges of pike perch and other fish in a saucepan and fill with water. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and then periodically remove the resulting foam during the cooking process.

Step 2. Peel the vegetables and roots, chop them coarsely or grate them and fry them in a frying pan without adding oil. Now add the fried carrots, onions, celery roots and parsley to the pan with the fish by-products. We turn the heat to minimum, lightly salt and pepper the broth and cook it for 1.5-2 hours.

Step 3. By the time all the gelling substances from the fish ridges and heads have boiled down and the broth has reduced in volume, remove the broth from the stove.

We take cheesecloth or a sieve and strain the broth, and throw away the onions, roots, bones, ridges and heads of the fish. Leave the carrots for decoration.

Step 4. Add bay leaf, spices and salt to our rich fish broth (by then its volume will have reduced by half) to taste, and put the pan on the fire again. When the broth boils, add the chopped pike perch fillet and simmer for no more than 20 minutes.

Step 5. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool slightly. Remove the fish from the broth, place it in a dish for aspic or in portioned forms and decorate.

Here we give full scope to imagination and creativity: carrot slices, eggs (chicken or quail), lemon, olives and fresh herbs. A special chic option is to decorate the pike perch aspic with red caviar (as in the photo).

Step 6. Strain the broth again (you can also lighten it with egg white) and pour it over the prepared fish. For the pike perch aspic without gelatin to completely harden, it will take a day in the cold.

What do you eat pike perch aspic with?

Options for serving aspic can be very different, regardless of the specific recipe: our inspiration photos will certainly give you some interesting thoughts.

What’s better to serve jellied pike perch with? You can follow the classic recipe - with horseradish. Can be with garlic or soy sauce. Or you can use it with mayonnaise sauce.


A good addition to aspic would be homemade mayonnaise sauce. To do this, take a couple of fresh egg yolks, a little olive or sunflower oil, mustard powder and mix well in a blender.

Then you need to add some chopped pickles, green olives or capers, lemon juice - and a delicious thick sauce for aspic is ready!

Jellied pike perch can be prepared not only for New Year's, but also for the everyday table. It is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, but it is very tasty and healthy.

And also beautiful and original. And if you keep all the proportions correctly and have a good mood, then “this jellied fish of yours” will not seem so “disgusting” at all!

Bon appetit!

© Depositphotos

Today tochka.net offers to your attention a tender, beautiful, transparent cold appetizer - pike perch aspic.

Most often, this dish is prepared for a festive table. But what’s stopping you from preparing pike perch aspic on a regular weekday or weekend, without waiting for a special occasion?

Preparing pike perch aspic is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. But if you tinker with the fish and prepare everything correctly and carefully, you will be rewarded with an excellent result.

Pike perch aspic - ingredients:

  • 700 g pike perch,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 white root (parsley, celery, parsnip),
  • greenery,
  • 0.5 pcs. lemon,
  • vegetables for decoration,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 3 black peppercorns,
  • 2 peas of allspice,
  • 30 g gelatin,
  • salt to taste,
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Pike perch aspic - preparation:

Wash and peel the onions, carrots and white root. Wash the greens too.

Clean the fish, gut it, remove the gills and rinse thoroughly. Separate the head, tail, fins, bones, skin from the pike perch and place in a saucepan along with whole root vegetables, peppers and bay leaves.

Pour cold water into the pan, bring to a boil, reduce heat and carefully skim off any foam that forms. Cook the fish broth for 1 hour over very low heat so that it does not boil, but only stirs a little.

Cut the pike perch fillet into portions. Place the fillet in the broth, add salt and simmer until cooked for 30 minutes. Then carefully remove the pieces of fish fillet from the broth with a slotted spoon so that they do not break.

Remove the carrots from the broth and cut into beautiful shapes for decoration, and strain the broth itself through several layers of gauze. Dissolve the gelatin in the warm broth until completely dissolved and pour the gelatin mass into the broth.

Place the pike perch into serving bowls. Pour broth over the fish, garnish with boiled carrot figures and herbs. You can also decorate the aspic with other vegetables and olives. Cut the lemon into slices and garnish the pike perch aspic when it has cooled slightly so that the dish does not become bitter.

Place the pike perch aspic in a cool place to cool completely, and then in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, or preferably overnight.

Serve pike perch aspic with horseradish.

Bon appetit!

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The most delicious aspic is made from pike perch. It's not difficult to prepare. The main thing is that the pieces of fish do not fall apart and maintain their appearance and structure.

Pike perch jellied with gelatin

After reading the recipe, you will learn a little trick that allows you to easily prepare pike perch for aspic.

Let's look at a step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish.

Step 1

Remove scales from the pike perch, starting from the tail. Open the belly and remove the entrails. Cut out the gills and fins.

Step 2

Separate the fish head from the carcass, remove the spinal part with the ribs. If you can't cut out the ribs right away, you can remove them separately. This is convenient to do with tweezers. The output will be two fillets, a head and a lot of bones.

Step 3

Fill the pan with cold water (1.5 liters), put the head, fins, and bones in it. Place the onion head and parsley root there. Place on the stove. Add bay leaves and pepper to boiling water.

Do not cover the pan with a lid; cook for 1 hour. The resulting foam must be removed. During cooking, the amount of water will decrease to approximately 1 liter.

Step 4

Place gelatin granules in a glass and fill with chilled water. You can add an ice cube. While the aspic is cooking, the granules will increase almost 3 times.

Step 5

Strain the finished broth through cheesecloth into a regular saucepan (do not use aluminum dishes). Add swollen gelatin granules to the strained liquid. Mix well. The jelly is ready.

Step 6

Add 8 grams of salt to the jelly. Leave on the counter to cool to room temperature. To speed up the process, you need to spread the ice on a flat surface and place the pan on it. If the broth is cold, you can heat it in a water bath.

Step 7

Little tricks: place the pike perch fillet on kitchen paper, skin side down. Add a little salt and pepper. Cover the top with paper. Place in a hot oven, cook at 100 degrees for 60 minutes. Of course, the fish can be boiled in the usual way, but then its taste will be reduced.

Step 8

Pour the first layer of jelly into the bottom of the filling mold and put it in the refrigerator. Remove the fillet from the oven and cool. To prevent the fish from crumbling when slicing, put it in the refrigerator (you can overnight). Then divide the fish into portions.

Step 9

Place pike perch (pieces) on a plate with frozen broth. Pour three ladles of jelly on top. Thus fix the fish in this position. Place the plate with the dish in the refrigerator;

Step 10

Vegetables (pickled cucumber, sweet pepper), cut quail eggs for decoration. Dip each piece into the jelly mixture and place on a plate with pike perch.

Step 11

Pour the next thin layer of jelly over the fish. Place it in the refrigerator to harden. Serve the jellied pike perch with horseradish, pickles, red cabbage, and vegetable salad.

Fish aspic without gelatin

To prepare broth for jellied fish without using gelatin, you will need small and bony fish (ruff, perch).


  • 1 pike perch;
  • 800 g of small fish (ruff, perch);
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 30 grams of vodka;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • salt - to taste;
  • large head of onion.

For decoration:

  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • half a can of green peas.

It will take 2.5 hours to cook. One serving of aspic contains 90 kcal.

  1. Boil fish broth. It is prepared in the same way as for regular fish soup;
  2. In addition to small fish, you need to add fins, the head, bones and tail of pike perch, an onion and a bay leaf. Don’t forget to cut the gills out of the pike perch’s head; if you don’t remove them, the broth will taste bitter;
  3. Rinse small fish, wipe with salt or paper towel;
  4. Take a suitable pan, place washed and gutted small fish, tail and head on the bottom, pour 3 liters of water, season with a little salt and put on fire (medium);
  5. When the broth boils, remove the foam from the surface, turn the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid, and cook for 1.5 hours. The result is a very strong and rich broth;
  6. Remove the finished broth from the heat, cool slightly, remove the boiled fish and bones from it, and then strain. Place a colander on the pan, cover it with two layers of gauze and pour the fish broth into it in a thin stream;
  7. Then everything is simple. Place the purified broth on the stove; when it boils, place the peeled onions, bay leaves, and whole pike perch fillets into it. After the next boil, pour in vodka;
  8. After 15 minutes you can remove the fish; you should not cook the pike perch for a long time. Remove the fish pieces with a slotted spoon and place in a plate to cool;
  9. After another 10 minutes, remove the broth from the heat, remove the leaves and onions. Taste for salt and adjust seasoning to your liking if necessary. Cool the broth slightly;
  10. Before laying out the fish, pour a little cooled jelly into the bottom of each mold. Cut the fish into portions, arrange them in molds, add a spoonful of canned peas and half a boiled egg. Pour the last layer of jelly and put the dish in the refrigerator;
  11. Jellied pike perch is traditionally served with sauces and horseradish.

If you are going to put pike perch aspic on the festive table, start preparing it two days before the gala dinner. The main thing in preparing pike perch aspic is not to overcook the fish pieces. It is necessary that they retain their appearance and structure.

You will need fish and a packet of granulated gelatin. The jelly around the fish will turn out to be tender and will not interfere with the fishy taste if the amount of gelatin is slightly reduced. It is important to know that if you pour gelatin with warm water, it will stick together and cannot be diluted.

You should not add lemons to fish aspic, they add bitterness to the dish. You can put a few circles on top of the finished jelly.

Cooking jellied pike perch: how to prepare ingredients

A step-by-step recipe for jellied pike perch will help you quickly and easily prepare this magnificent New Year's treat. Simply follow the recommendations below.

Before preparing pike perch aspic, you need to prepare all the necessary ingredients: fish, egg, gelatin, carrots and onions.

The fish must be cleaned: gutted, heads and gills removed, tail and fins cut off. Even if you bought already gutted fish, you will need to rinse it well in running water.

Separate the fillet from the prepared fish - set it aside for now. Place the cut tail, fins, and ridge into a saucepan, add carrots and onions and cover with cold water.

Look at the recipe with a photo of jellied pike perch and you will see how easy it is to prepare this wonderful dish. If you cut up the fish yourself, don’t throw away the head - it will make the broth even more aromatic and richer.

While the broth is boiling, boil a chicken egg separately, cool, peel and cut it into rings or any other shape as desired.

Prepare gelatin in a cup or small bowl - pour cold boiled water over it and let stand for 25-30 minutes.

You can use instant gelatin.

How to cook pike perch aspic: step-by-step recipe

A simple recipe for pike perch aspic is perfect for a novice housewife who is just learning the basics of culinary art.

Pour boiling water over the lemon and cut into thin rings or half rings.

Strain the broth through several layers of gauze.

Place the prepared fillet in the purified broth, place on the stove and cook the fish until tender - 25-30 minutes. A few minutes before cooking, add salt and spices to taste.

The finished fish must be carefully removed from the broth, cooled and cut into small pieces.

Heat the gelatin slightly and pour it into the broth and let it cool slightly.

Prepare a convenient dish for the finished treat and carefully place the egg, lemon and pieces of fish into it. Carefully pour the warm broth over the ingredients.

Look at the photo of pike perch aspic - this is just one of the possible options for decorating this dish, you can decorate it to your taste.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking pike perch, you can also diversify this basic recipe. To decorate it, you can use not only eggs and carrots, but also olives, green peas, and corn.

The preparation of the jellied pike perch is complete - put it in the refrigerator for several hours to completely harden.

Before serving, carefully cut the aspic into portions with a sharp knife.

The jellied zander fish is ready. Place it on the table and enjoy its surprisingly delicate taste and delicate aroma. Bon appetit!

In order to prepare pike perch aspic with gelatin without hassle, it is important to immediately create a work schedule for yourself. On the first day, prepare the fish (pike perch or pike), and the next day collect the aspic. It is important not to throw away the fish skin; it will keep the pieces of fish intact (the fish will not disintegrate into fibers). It turns out very tasty. If you are making aspic with stuffed pike, when cutting, be sure to remove all the meat from the skin using a stocking so that the fish does not crack during cooking.

The secret of transparent pike perch aspic

How to prepare pike perch aspic with gelatin so that the broth is clear? Remember, the broth on pike perch may turn out cloudy. It has a delicate protein, which immediately disintegrates when boiling strongly. So cook this broth over low heat. If you don’t want to suffer with pike perch, boil the broth using salmon trimmings. Although they will give the broth a more pronounced, rich fishy taste.

To prepare the pike perch, cut off the fish's head and, moving from head to tail, cut off the fillet. Cut out the spine. Cut off the second fillet, cut off the belly and fins. Place baking paper in one layer on the bottom of a large pan or fireproof dish equal to the length of the fillet, place two fillets on it, cover with water with the addition of black peppercorns and bay leaves. Cook over low heat, covered, for 20-25 minutes. Place fish on a large platter or baking sheet and refrigerate.
If you want to be original, mix fish broth with brut champagne - the combination is surprisingly good.
Cooking time: 2 hours + 4 hours
Quantity: 6 servings


To prepare jellied pike perch, you can use powdered gelatin instead of sheet gelatin.

  • 1 pike perch weighing approximately 1 kg
  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 medium onion
  • half a small celery root
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 50 g light raisins
  • 1 small lemon + juice of half a lemon
  • 20-25 g sheet gelatin
  • 1 bay leaf
  • Pike perch jellied with gelatin - recipe

      Pour 200 ml of hot water over the raisins. Stir. Cook for 3-4 minutes over low heat. Then leave on the edge of the stove for 20 minutes.

      Soak gelatin in cold water. It is better to look at the packaging for soaking instructions.

      Cover carrots, celery and onion with water and bring to a boil. Add salt and bay leaf. Boil vegetables until soft.

      We clean and gut the pike perch. Fillet with skin, cut into small pieces and cook with vegetables for about ten minutes.

      Transfer the fish to a plate. Strain the broth, add the squeezed gelatin, stir until dissolved. Pour in lemon juice. Stir.

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