Home On the windowsill Mackerel in the oven - the best recipes. Mackerel in the oven - simple recipes for luxurious fish Mackerel baked in pieces

Mackerel in the oven - the best recipes. Mackerel in the oven - simple recipes for luxurious fish Mackerel baked in pieces

Mackerel most often appears on our table in salted or smoked form. But you can cook this fatty fish deliciously in other ways. The following are the best recipes for mackerel baked in the oven.

Ingredients: about half a kilo of fish carcass, a handful of cherry tomatoes, soft cheese, table salt, pepper.

  1. To begin with, the fish is washed under running cold water, cleaned, and gets rid of the head, fins and entrails. Next, it is rubbed with salt and freshly ground pepper.
  2. To prepare the filling, you need to wash and cut the cherry tomatoes into thin half rings. Their quantity in the recipe can be adjusted to your taste.
  3. Soft cheese is placed inside the prepared fish carcass. It can also be salted if necessary. Tomato slices are placed directly on top of the cheese.
  4. Stuffed fish is wrapped in foil. It is better to use 2 layers of coating at once.

Cook in a well-heated oven for 40-45 minutes. It is delicious to combine the resulting fish with boiled potatoes or white fluffy rice.

Sleeve baking option

Ingredients: 2 large fish, 3 onions, a pinch of seasonings, bay leaf, salt, a pinch of cumin.

  1. Fish carcasses are thoroughly washed and cleaned. They get rid of the fins, rub them with salt and selected seasonings.
  2. The onions are cut into thin half rings and sprinkled with caraway seeds.
  3. Chopped vegetables are poured into a baking sleeve. Prepared fish carcasses are laid out on the onion. Be sure to make a couple of punctures on the sleeve with a toothpick to allow steam to escape.
  4. The dish is prepared for 35 minutes in a well-heated oven.

To get a golden brown crust on the fish, the sleeve needs to be cut and opened approximately 10-15 minutes before the treat is completely ready.

Recipe with potatoes

Ingredients: 2-3 medium fish, a kilo of quickly boiling potatoes, 2 onions, rock salt, a mixture of ground colored peppers.

  1. The first step is to process the mackerel. To do this, fish carcasses are washed, fins are cut off, and heads and tails are removed. All that remains is to thoroughly gut the fish, rinse the inside and dry slightly.
  2. Deep vertical cuts are made across each carcass with a sharp knife. The lines are located nearby - 3-4 cm from each other. After this, the mackerel is rubbed with salt and pepper.
  3. The potatoes are peeled, washed well, and then cut into slices. You can chop it into slices or in any other way to your liking.
  4. The onion is peeled, washed and cut into thin half rings. Parts of the vegetable are inserted into the cuts made on the fish.
  5. The baking sheet is greased with any fat. First of all, salted potatoes and onions are laid out on it. Products are also peppered to taste.
  6. There is fish on top of the vegetable bed.

Mackerel with potatoes will be baked in the oven at 200-210 degrees until golden brown. The treat is served hot with any sauces.

With lemon and herbs

Ingredients: half a kilo of fish carcass, a bunch of various fresh herbs, 1/3 fresh lemon, table salt, pepper.

  1. The fish is washed, cleaned, and gets rid of its head and entrails.
  2. For the filling, combine finely chopped salted herbs, pepper and thin slices of citrus fruit. These components are laid out inside the mackerel.
  3. The fish is wrapped in foil. It is better to use 2 layers of coating at once.

Prepare mackerel baked in foil in an oven preheated to 190 degrees.

Bake in sour cream with vegetables

Ingredients: large fish carcass, a bunch of green onions, carrots, 4 potatoes, 2 meaty tomatoes, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream, fine salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. The fish is first washed, cleaned, gutted and removed from the head. Next, you need to carefully cut it into portioned pieces. If mackerel is completely defrosted, it may fall apart when cutting. Especially if you take not the sharpest knife. Therefore, you need to start chopping the carcass even before it is completely defrosted.
  2. The potatoes are peeled, washed and cut into very thin slices. Wide pieces will take too long to bake. To remove excess starch from potato wedges, place them in a bowl of ice water for 10-12 minutes and then drain in a colander.
  3. Peeled carrots are also cut into slices.
  4. First, pieces of fish are rubbed with salt, aromatic herbs and lightly fried in any fat until golden brown.
  5. Boil the potatoes in salted water for 5-7 minutes.
  6. In the fat remaining in the frying pan, tomatoes, cut into small pieces, and carrots are fried.
  7. All that remains is to place pieces of fish in layers in the mold, all the vegetables one by one, chopped herbs and pour sour cream over the food. If there is not enough liquid in the container, you can add a little hot water.
  8. The form is covered with a “lid” of foil.

Prepare mackerel baked in the oven with vegetables for about half an hour at high temperature.

With rosemary

Ingredients: 2 medium fish carcasses, lemon, 4-6 sprigs of rosemary, 1 teaspoon of table salt, a pinch of ground black pepper, 3 pinches of ground nutmeg. How to bake mackerel according to this recipe correctly and for how long is described in detail below.

  1. First, the fish is washed well and gets rid of the head. Its insides should be gutted, and the fins should be carefully cut off with scissors.
  2. The lemon is cut in half and then crushed into thin slices.
  3. Salt and spices stated in the recipe are mixed. They rub the carcasses both inside and outside.
  4. Citrus slices are placed in the belly of the mackerel. Well-washed sprigs of rosemary are also sent there. There is no need to disassemble them into needles; you can use them entirely.
  5. The fish is transferred to a baking sheet covered with oiled foil.

The treat is baked for about half an hour at 200-210 degrees in the oven.

With capers and herbs

Ingredients: 4 medium fish carcasses, 4 stalks of petiole celery, 60 g of capers with liquid, a bunch of dill, 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, zest and juice of a whole lemon, a mixture of spices to taste, salt.

  1. Fish carcasses are defrosted in advance, then cleaned, washed and dried.
  2. For the filling, mix finely chopped greens and stalked celery, crushed capers along with liquid, citrus ingredients, salt, olive oil, and seasonings. If you don’t have capers on hand, you can replace them with regular pickled cucumbers. True, this will change the final taste of the dish.
  3. Each fish is coated with the resulting mixture on all sides. Most of it goes inside the carcasses.
  4. Next, the mackerel is wrapped in foil and sent to the oven.

The treat is baked for 20-25 minutes.

With mushrooms and cheese

Ingredients: 2 mackerel, 2 pre-cooked eggs, half a bunch of fresh herbs, salt, 130 g hard cheese, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, lemon juice, a sprig of rosemary, 8-9 fresh champignons, 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, aromatic herbs.

  1. The head is cut off from each carcass, and the entrails are removed.
  2. The fish is placed on its tummy and pressed along the spine with the palm of your hand. This way the housewife will have the fillet in front of her without much difficulty.
  3. Mackerel is sprinkled with lemon juice. Next, the carcasses are salted, sprinkled with herbs and greased with oil.
  4. Mushrooms are cut into thin slices. The greens are finely chopped.
  5. Fish preparations are greased with sour cream and sprinkled with herbs. Grated cheese and mushrooms are laid out on them.
  6. Thin circles of boiled eggs are distributed last over the carcasses.
  7. The fish are placed on foil next to each other. There is also a sprig of rosemary nearby. The foil is wrapped.

Cook in the oven at medium temperature for 35-45 minutes.

Mackerel stuffed with vegetables and baked in the oven

Ingredients: 3 large mackerel, 1 sweet bell pepper, onion, a glass of defrosted green beans, a mixture of spices, salt, carrots, a little lemon juice.

  1. All vegetables are randomly chopped. It is best to grate the carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into half rings, and cut the pepper into thin cubes.
  2. The prepared ingredients are poured into a frying pan, green beans are added to them. The components are fried in a small amount of oil for 7-8 minutes. Immediately add salt and spices to the container.
  3. While the vegetables are being prepared, you need to gut the fish, rid it of bones, head and spine. Each carcass is salted and sprinkled with lemon juice.
  4. Fish preparations are stuffed with a vegetable mixture and secured with toothpicks. On top you need to grease the mackerel with a small amount of vegetable oil.

The carcasses, tightly wrapped in foil, will be baked in a well-heated oven for about half an hour.

Pieces in mustard sauce

Ingredients: 2 fish carcasses, onion, 3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise and the same amount of soy sauce, 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard, salt.

  1. The fish is gutted, washed and cut into portions.
  2. The onion is chopped into thin half rings.
  3. To make the sauce, mix all the remaining ingredients stated in the recipe. It is important to remember that soy sauce is already salty. The mixture may not need additional salt.
  4. Pieces of mackerel are sprinkled with onion rings and poured with the prepared sauce.
  5. All components are mixed well and sent to a baking dish. The container must first be coated with a small amount of oil.

My family really loves mackerel, and basically like any other fish. The main thing is to cook it correctly and tasty. Today I have mackerel baked in the oven for you. And I baked mackerel in mustard sauce.

It prepares very quickly and very easily. The result is baked mackerel that is not dry at all, very tasty, tender and simply melts in your mouth. Try cooking this mackerel for dinner, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

Be sure to check out these recipes:

Oh, now let's see what we need for mackerel baked in the oven.

Oven baked mackerel recipe

Products used:

  • fresh mackerel - 2 pcs.,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • salt - to taste,
  • greens - for decoration.

How to bake mackerel in the oven:

If your fish - mackerel - is frozen, then first defrost it. Then we clean the insides, rinse thoroughly, dry and cut into portions.

We take onions, we like a lot of onions, so either 1 large head or 2 smaller ones. Peel and cut into half rings.

Prepare the sauce for baking mackerel in the oven. In a bowl, mix soy sauce, mayonnaise, mustard, add salt to taste, pepper if you want and like it spicy. The sauce should be homogeneous, without lumps.

Take a deeper plate or dish, put mackerel cut into portions there, add onions, pour in the sauce, mix thoroughly and leave to marinate for half an hour.

Turn on the oven to heat up. Preheat to 170 degrees. Place the mackerel along with the sauce on a baking sheet and bake for 25-35 minutes. Look at your oven for yourself, it’s browned, you can take it out.

Mackerel baked in the oven with mustard sauce turns out very tasty and tender. Serve this wonderful fish garnished with herbs and with any side dish.

How to bake mackerel in the oven deliciously

I would also like to give you a couple of recipes for mackerel baked in the oven, not many other ways. But that doesn’t make us any less loved by our family. Perhaps more familiar to you, but perhaps not. In a word, read, choose any recipe you like.

This is also a simple and very tasty recipe for baked mackerel with vegetables and cheese. And my name for this recipe is awesome mackerel with vegetables, baked in the oven. Let's see what we need to make this recipe.

Products used:

  • fresh mackerel - 3 pcs.,
  • onions - 3 pcs.,
  • carrots (medium) - 2 pcs.,
  • sour cream - 100 gr.,
  • mayonnaise - 100 gr.,
  • cheese (your favorite) - 70-100 gr.,
  • dill - to taste,
  • vegetable oil - for frying,
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.,
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Bake mackerel in the oven with vegetables:

Defrost the fish, clean the insides, rinse well, and dry. Here we fillet mackerel. Cut along the spine. We throw away the bone, we don’t need it. Cut the fillet into 3 parts, quickly fry on both sides over high heat to form a beautiful crust.

Peel onions and carrots. Cut the onion into half rings, carrots, if desired, you can grate them on a coarse grater, you can cut them into cubes, into rings. Fry in another frying pan until almost done.

Take a baking sheet and place the fried onions and carrots in it, leveling it all over the bottom. This way we create a vegetable bed for the fish. Place the fried mackerel on top, skin side up.

Make a filling or sauce for baking. In a bowl, mix mayonnaise with sour cream, add water, grated cheese, salt, pepper to taste, finely chopped dill (can be fresh or dried), mix everything well. Pour over the mackerel, leveling as much as possible.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees to bake for 20-25 minutes. Again, look at your oven, it’s browned, take it out, cool it a little and serve it with your favorite side dish.

Finger-licking delicious! Try it and bon appetit!

Recipe for delicious baked mackerel

I couldn’t ignore this wonderful, tasty and very simple recipe for mackerel baked in the oven. And you, the hostess, choose which recipe your loved ones will like. And, perhaps, all three recipes will become favorites in your family.

Products used:

  • fresh mackerel - 3 pcs.,
  • onions (large) - 5 pcs.,
  • mayonnaise - 4-5 tbsp. l.,
  • ketchup (Maheev lecho) - 4-5 tbsp. l.,
  • salt, pepper and other spices - to taste.

How to cook delicious baked mackerel in the oven:

Defrost the fish, clean the insides, wash it thoroughly, and cut it into portions.

We peel the onion, cut it into half rings if it’s large, and into rings if it’s not very big. Personally, I use a lot of onions, since everyone loves them here. And you take it to your liking.

Take a deep bowl (dish) and put the chopped mackerel in it. Add mayonnaise, ketchup, salt, pepper and your favorite spices, mix. You can also use ketchup according to your taste, whichever you like.

Now we take out a baking sheet, put baking paper on it, grease it with butter (not a lot). We start laying out the mackerel, and between the fish we put onions cut into half rings (rings).

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, set to bake the mackerel for 40-45 minutes. I determine doneness by looking at the onions. Open the oven, take out the onion ring, if it is soft, then the mackerel is ready, and even browned. So you can safely take it to the table and help yourself. Bon appetit!

Mackerel is a delicacy fish with soft and tender meat, and it is quite affordable and easy to prepare. Its popularity among housewives is also explained by its beneficial properties. The meat of this fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, it contains many vitamins (which is only vitamin B12!) and minerals important for health (phosphorus, sodium, chromium).

In addition to baking in the oven, this fish can be fried, salted, stuffed, marinated, grilled, and even cooked yourself. It makes excellent soups and salads that fall into the dietary category, since it contains only healthy fats and proteins that are absorbed incredibly quickly.


Oven-baked mackerel is a universal dish that is suitable for a daily family lunch and can easily take center stage at any holiday feast.

There are a huge number of ways to bake it in the oven: mackerel can be cut into pieces or put in the oven whole, formed into rolls and steaks, added vegetables and cheese to a baking sheet, stuffed with some goodies - prunes or lemon, poured with all kinds of sauces, use a sleeve or foil, bake with sour cream. In general, additional ingredients can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that the fish itself is fresh.

If you decide to bake the whole carcass, then you don’t have to cut off the head, but be sure to remove the gills completely and very carefully. Mackerel is usually stuffed with herbs, garlic and lemon; another recipe is also very popular - stuffed with onions, carrots and tomatoes. Dishes that do not require full opening of the abdomen are especially tasty - they retain fat better, and this adds juiciness to the dish.

It doesn’t take much time to cook mackerel in the oven - the fish can be eaten in 35–40 minutes. Another huge advantage of mackerel is that it does not need to be cleaned; it has no scales. When choosing spices, give preference to white and black pepper, allspice, mustard seeds, garlic, or use a special mixture of seasonings for fish dishes.

Whichever recipe you choose, be careful not to overcook the mackerel in the oven - too much time can make it dry. The likelihood of avoiding such a problem will be higher if you cook the fish with lemon juice, mayonnaise or sour cream, or some other sauce will do.

The usual recipe for baked mackerel with lemon

Sea fish baked with lemon is a classic dish, very tasty and easy to prepare. Citrus gives mackerel an aristocratic sourness and enhances its noble aroma; the fish will be very soft and juicy. To make the taste even more piquant, you need to add onions.

This dish looks very appetizing and beautiful - no worse than in a restaurant.


Don't overdo it with lemon! Otherwise, the fish may end up with an overly sour taste.


  • 1 large or 2 small fish carcasses
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.
  • hard cheese - optional
  • vegetable oil

Cooking method

Mackerel must be defrosted properly. Do this gradually, avoiding sudden changes in temperature. Defrosting on the bottom shelves of the refrigerator will be quite enough.

  1. The first stage is preparing the fish. It needs to be gutted by cutting along the line of the abdomen, removing the head and fins.
  2. Next, we wash the fish under running water, not forgetting to pay attention to the internal cavity: we completely wash off the black film from the mackerel ribs.
  3. Rub the fish with salt, pepper and seasonings (dill, fennel, parsley, rosemary are suitable), if desired, you can add just a little mayonnaise. Leave the mackerel to marinate for 25–30 minutes in a cool place.
  4. After marinating, you can make cuts on the fish (deeply and diagonally) - we divide it, as it were, into portions 2.5–4 cm thick, but do not cut it completely.
  5. Cut the onion and lemon into half rings. Lemon skins can taste a little bitter in a dish. If you don't like it, you need to clean it off.
  6. Now we put onion half rings of a suitable size into the cuts, and fill the belly of the mackerel with lemon slices. As an option, we place the onion inside and simply place the lemon on the fish.
  7. Grease a baking tray or baking dish with oil and place the fish there.
  8. Place everything in an oven preheated to 180° and bake for 35–45 minutes until fully cooked and golden brown.
  9. Place the baked mackerel on a large plate and garnish with herbs, lemon slices or garnish.

The dish can be served either hot or completely cooled. It is recommended to cool the fish if you want it to taste like hot smoked mackerel.

Bake mackerel with tomato sauce

This option would be a great dish for lunch or dinner. Even someone who has never cooked can make this fish - even frying an egg is more difficult than baking a mackerel carcass in foil.

Despite the simplicity of preparation, the fish turns out to be truly tasty, with tender and juicy meat and an appetizing aroma. Any side dish will suit it - boiled rice or potatoes, fresh or stewed vegetables, etc.

Recipe Information

  • Type of dish: fish dishes
  • Cooking method: baking
  • Servings:1-2
  • 30-40 min


  • fresh frozen mackerel – 1 pc.
  • coarse table salt – 15 g
  • mayonnaise, 60-70% fat – 30 g
  • tomato sauce – 30 g
  • lemon seasoning for fish – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

We clean the fish: remove the head, entrails and simply rinse the belly with water. I lightly blot with a napkin to remove excess drops of liquid. This way we get a ready-made semi-finished product for baking.

Sprinkle with salt on all sides. But be careful not to over-salt the fish. Since mayonnaise and tomato sauce already contain salt. In this case, you will need a little salt.

Cover the fish with tomato sauce. I pour it with a spoon and distribute it on top and inside. We help with our hands to open the abdomen.

I also grease the fish with mayonnaise so that the fish turns out more juicy and tender. I don’t add additional fat - mackerel itself is not dry.

Sprinkle with lemon seasoning. Just outside is enough. The fish soaked in sauces and seasonings should lie for a while and marinate for 15 minutes.

Then I cut the fish into portions 3-4 centimeters thick, so after baking the fish will be harder to cut.

I place the pieces of mackerel on a baking sheet, which I traditionally line with foil. If desired, you can make a base of onions. This way the fish won’t stick and the onion can be eaten. I don’t even add vegetable oil. Although, if you don't use an onion pillow, add a couple drops of oil to the foil.

I bake mackerel in a hot oven set at 160-180 degrees. Time - no more than 25 minutes. I take the hot, finished fish out of the oven.

I leave it to come to its senses at room temperature for 10 minutes, and at this time I begin to set the table.

Note to the owner:

  • I recommend calculating the number of mackerel based on the number of those who will feast on it. Small carcasses - 1 per person, and large ones - half.
  • You can bake such mackerel not only in the oven - on a grill over coals it will turn out no less tasty. Only then should the fish be properly “packed” in foil so that all the juices remain inside.

Let's bake mackerel with potatoes

According to this recipe, the fish and potato side dish are cooked at the same time. This method of cooking greatly simplifies the task for the housewife - there is no need to look for several recipes or spend extra time. This dish can be enjoyed by the whole family; even children love it.


  • mackerel – 2-3 pcs.
  • potatoes – 8–10 pcs. (approx. kg)
  • onions – 1–2 pcs.
  • salt, seasonings
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive)

It is prepared in several stages:

  1. Standard preparation of fish: clean it from the entrails, cut off the fins. Wash thoroughly and dry with paper towels.
  2. Season with salt and pepper on all sides and the inside, make several cuts and leave to marinate.
  3. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into slices.
  4. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  5. We place part of the onion into the cuts of the mackerel.
  6. For this dish we need a baking sheet or mold with high sides. Place the potatoes and remaining onions there, mix and add spices. We place the fish together with the potatoes, freeing up some space for them.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200° and bake for about an hour.

The finished dish is served hot; for added beauty, you can sprinkle it with parsley.

Baked mackerel with vegetables

This recipe is popular due to its ease of preparation and cost-effectiveness. Mackerel goes well with almost all vegetables, but it tastes best with tomatoes, carrots and onions.

We will need the following products:

  • mackerel - 2–3 pcs.
  • large carrots - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • onions – pcs.
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying vegetables.

A simple step-by-step recipe will help you prepare:

  1. We clean the fish from entrails and fins, and rinse thoroughly under running water.
  2. Rub with spices and put in the refrigerator to marinate.
  3. At this time, prepare the vegetable filling: pass the carrots through a coarse grater, chop the onion.
  4. Fry onions and carrots. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut them into cubes.
  5. Place the carcass on a sheet with its back down, lay vegetables on top, and sprinkle with spices.
  6. Bake in an oven preheated to 180–200° for 35–40 minutes.

We treat our family or guests to the finished fish.

Mackerel in sour cream

Another way to cook mackerel in the oven is definitely worth a try. The fish turns out fatty and satisfying - sour cream will give an appetizing crust and make the meat even softer and juicier.


  • mackerel - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1–2 pcs.
  • lemon, salt, spice mixture - to taste
  • sour cream - 0.5 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil

Follow the following pattern:

  1. We cut off the head, take out the entrails, and remove the fins. After this, thoroughly wash the fish and dry it with a paper towel.
  2. At the same time, turn on the oven so that it has time to warm up to 200°, and marinate the fish in spices. Be sure to sprinkle the carcass with lemon juice several times.
  3. We fill the belly of the fish with onion and lemon, which we first peel.
  4. Grease with sour cream and place in the oven for 30-35 minutes. Mix the remaining sour cream with finely chopped herbs.
  5. Serve the finished fish with a potato side dish or as a separate dish. And don’t forget to generously pour sour cream sauce over the fish!

Mackerel stuffed with cheese and mushrooms

Such a spectacular dish can be served as the main dish for a holiday table. The food looks very interesting, and the taste is simply amazing!

We buy the following products:

  • mackerel - 1 pc.
  • hard cheese - 100–150 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • mushrooms (preferably champignons) - 150-200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lemon - to taste
  • mayonnaise, seasonings, herbs - to taste

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour oil into a hot frying pan and fry finely chopped mushrooms and onions.
  2. We cut the fish, remove the ridge, wash the carcass and grease the inside with a little mayonnaise.
  3. We fill the carcass with mushroom frying and also coat it with mayonnaise on top.
  4. Sprinkle the fish with grated cheese, carefully wrap everything in foil and place in the oven for 40 minutes.
  5. We take the dish out of the oven and enjoy the delicate taste.

It is easier to cut the fish into pieces when it has cooled down.

Mackerel with rice

Juicy mackerel and rice go well together and complement each other in taste. The dish does not require the preparation of additional side dishes and turns out very satisfying.

We will need:

  • mackerel - 1 large
  • rice - 0.5 tbsp.
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • olive oil - 2-3 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper, parsley, curry - to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. We clean the fish, rinse well, season with spices and leave to marinate.
  2. Cook the rice, but not until fully cooked, add salt, herbs and curry to it. Add lemon juice and olive oil to the rice.
  3. Fill the belly of the fish with the filling, grease the baking sheet and bake it for 25–30 minutes.

Recipe up your sleeve

There are a lot of solutions up your sleeve for preparing mackerel. With this method, the fish is baked well, remaining soft and juicy. We offer the simplest recipe for delicious and aromatic fish.

The list of products is minimal:

  • mackerel - 1-2 pcs.
  • salt, pepper, lemon - to taste
  • vegetable oil

A very simple step-by-step diagram:

  1. We cut the fish and wash it thoroughly - if the mackerel is not washed well, it can taste bitter.
  2. Grind with spices, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Place the mackerel in a baking sleeve and place in the oven for 35–40 minutes (temperature – 200°).

It is best to serve fish cooked in a sleeve with rice or a potato side dish.

  1. For cooking, use fish that is not completely thawed, but slightly frozen - the mackerel will additionally marinate in its own juice and acquire a particularly piquant taste. You can cook when the mackerel begins to yield to the knife.
  2. It happens that mackerel is prepared for future use - this is very convenient. The fish is rubbed with spices, lemon slices are placed in the cuts, left for 15–20 minutes and placed in the freezer. When you need to cook, the mackerel is placed directly in the oven, frozen. In this case, the baking time increases by 10–20 minutes.
  3. It is better to open the mackerel from the dorsal part, since the main fat deposits are collected in its abdominal cavity. Otherwise, at high temperatures, the fat will melt through the slot.


Mackerel is a very healthy fish; hundreds of dishes can be prepared from it in combination with a wide variety of products. It contains a lot of protein, which is easily digested - 2-3 times faster than beef or chicken meat. To replenish the daily level of protein, a person only needs to eat 200 g of mackerel.

This fish is perfect for dietary complexes - the product is low in calories and rich in vitamins. Mackerel is a natural source of vitamin D; it contains almost all B vitamins, vitamin A, phosphorus, calcium, fatty acids and other microelements, which are responsible for our beauty.

Impact on our body?

It is simply necessary to introduce mackerel dishes into your diet, as it has a positive effect on our health:

  • prevents the risk of cancer;
  • gives elasticity to blood vessels;
  • maintains normal hormone levels;
  • improves blood properties, thereby protecting the body from premature heart attacks and strokes;
  • keeps blood pressure in good shape;
  • regulates memory and brain function;
  • good for joints, strengthens bone tissue and teeth;
  • improves vision;
  • Omega-3 acids increase the level of serotonin in the body, and this has a beneficial effect on our mood and well-being

Prepare delicious fish dishes in the oven and be healthy!

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Mackerel in the oven is a simple and fairly quick way to cook a delicious fish that your loved ones, friends and guests will appreciate. Mackerel is very common in our country, but it is usually bought ready-made, smoked, salted or pickled. Whereas frozen fish can be used to prepare an excellent dish for lunch or dinner. You can make mackerel in the oven in various ways: bake whole or cut into pieces, make in the form of steaks or rolls, cook with vegetables, in foil, in a sleeve, in pots. Stuffed fish is very tasty - with champignons, cheese, pieces of vegetables, prunes, lemon. You can use various sauces for baking, for example, based on sour cream, tomato paste, mayonnaise. There are a lot of cooking options. The finished fish is served with plenty of herbs, fresh lemon slices and vegetables. Boiled potatoes or fluffy rice are suitable as a side dish.

Mackerel is considered a healthy fish, it contains important microelements. The most valuable component that mackerel has is fat. At the same time, the calorie content of fish is relatively low and varies from 150 to 200 kcal per 100 g of product. It is believed that fish caught in the northern seas are less fatty than those found in southern latitudes. Also, the calorie content of fish depends on the processing method and the use of additional ingredients. Mackerel baked in foil will turn out to be dietary. Whereas fish cooked with mayonnaise will become a very high-calorie dish and those who are watching their figure should refrain from eating it.

Secrets to cooking perfect mackerel in the oven

Mackerel in the oven is a universal dish that is suitable for a quiet family dinner or for entertaining a small company. This fish will look great on the holiday table. Its preparation does not require either long preparation or long baking. Everything is very simple and fast. About, how to deliciously cook mackerel in the oven, experienced chefs will tell you.

Secret No. 1.

Secret No. 2.

It is better to marinate the fish before cooking. The simplest way is to mix a little lemon juice, salt, pepper and olive oil. Coat the whole carcass well with this mixture and leave for half an hour.

Secret No. 3.

The head of the fish does not need to be cut off - such mackerel looks even more “solemn” if served at the festive table.

Secret No. 4.

Do not place the mackerel directly on the foil - this will cause the delicate skin of the fish to burn. You can make a pillow from vegetables, for example, from onion rings and carrots.

Secret No. 5.


  • If the fish is cooked in foil, then there should be no holes in it, otherwise all the juice will leak out and the mackerel will turn out dry, and the burnt juice will give the fish an unpleasant taste.
  • Secret No. 6.
  • When preparing mackerel, use a small amount of oil or mayonnaise, as this fish itself is quite fatty and juicy.
  • Secret No. 7.
  • Mackerel baked in pots turns out very tasty. To do this, the fish is cut into pieces, placed in ceramic pots, chopped vegetables are added: potatoes, onions, carrots, salted to taste and seasoned with spices. Bake in the oven for about an hour. This fish languishes in vegetable and its own juice and turns out incredibly appetizing, juicy and tender.
  • This fish will be the highlight of any dinner or lunch party. Everything is done very simply, the main thing is to prepare the fish well. You can stuff mackerel with any filling. For example, champignons with onions or prunes with cheese.
  • fresh frozen mackerel - 1 piece;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp;

Cooking method:

  1. seasoning for fish;
  2. garlic - 3 cloves;
  3. carrots - 1 pc.;
  4. onions - 2 pcs.;
  5. canned peas - 2 tbsp;
  6. salt, pepper, olive oil.
  7. We defrost the fish, remove the gills, fins, and leave the head. We cut the fish along the back, carefully cutting out the ridge. We clean the abdomen from entrails, bones, and black film.
  8. Rub the prepared carcass with salt, pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave to marinate for half an hour.
  9. Remove the foil, sprinkle the fish with lemon juice, garnish with fresh herbs, slices of tomatoes and serve.

Interesting from the network

Many people are accustomed to salted or smoked mackerel, and do not suspect that this healthy and inexpensive fish is excellently baked in the oven. The great advantage of mackerel is the absence of small bones, so it can be offered to children quite easily. To prepare the dish we will need fresh frozen mackerel, some seasonings and foil.


  • mackerel - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper;
  • dried parsley or dill;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. We defrost the fish, remove the fins and entrails, and dry it.
  2. Let's prepare the marinade. Squeeze the garlic into a small bowl, add freshly ground black pepper, juice of half a lemon, salt, olive oil. Stir the mixture.
  3. Rub the fish thoroughly with the resulting marinade and leave for half an hour.
  4. Place the prepared mackerel on a sheet of foil. We make several cuts on the abdomen, into which we insert lemon slices. Sprinkle the fish with dried herbs; you can use fish seasonings.
  5. Wrap the mackerel in foil and bake in the oven (200 0 C) for about half an hour.
  6. This dish goes well with boiled potatoes.

This recipe is a quick and easy way to prepare a complete lunch or dinner. Baking in a sleeve makes the fish incredibly tender, aromatic and tasty. This dish can also be served at a holiday table.


  • fresh frozen mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Thaw the mackerel, thoroughly remove the entrails and rinse. We don't cut off the head.
  2. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small slices.
  3. We also peel the onion and cut it into rings.
  4. Salt, pepper and season the mackerel with spices. We make several cuts on the fish, insert a slice of lemon and an onion ring.
  5. Mix potatoes in a bowl with mayonnaise, salt and your favorite spices.
  6. Carefully transfer the fish into a baking bag and add the potatoes.
  7. We tie the sleeve securely and place it on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake in the oven (200 0 C) for 30 minutes. Shortly before the end of baking, cut the sleeve and leave the dish for a few more minutes to obtain a ruddy appearance.
  9. We check the readiness of the dish by checking the potatoes - if they are ready, then the food can be removed from the oven.

Now you know how to cook mackerel baked in the oven according to the recipe with photo. Bon appetit!

The oven is rightfully considered the successor of the Russian stove. And a stove with an oven is the most common item. There are many recipes for deliciously baking mackerel in the oven, and today you will learn the best recipes in this topic.

This method of cooking fish in the oven allows you to preserve maximum nutrients in it.

In addition, all dishes prepared this way have an attractive appearance and are worthy of use not only on the daily menu, but also at holiday feasts.

Mackerel baked deliciously with potatoes, tomatoes and onions

Find out how deliciously you can cook fish with tomatoes and potatoes, with pieces filled with onions and sprinkled with lemon.


Preparing the recipe

  1. We clean both fish, remove the insides, wash them, cut them into pieces, add salt and pepper.

2. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place pieces of fish, as in the photo. We cut the onions into rings, cut the tomatoes into slices and place them between the pieces of fish. Place potato slices on the edge, layered with onions and tomatoes.

3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon with your hands directly onto the fish.

4. Use a brush to lubricate the surface of the fish with vegetable oil.

5. Place the baking sheet with fish and vegetables in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

6. We take out the baked fish with vegetables and admire the beauty of culinary creativity.

7. Carefully place the pieces with vegetables on a dish and serve.

Bon appetit!

Mackerel stuffed with vegetables and baked in the oven in foil

Baked fish is very healthy and tasty and looks appetizing.


  • Potato
  • Carrot
  • Mackerel
  • Seasoning for fish, salt, pepper

Cooking delicious whole fish

  1. The fish is cleaned, gutted, washed and ready for stuffing.

2. Bring the onions to a golden color in a frying pan and add grated carrots for frying.

3. The filling for stuffing the fish is ready.

4. Place the foil on a baking sheet and grease it with vegetable oil.

5. Place sliced ​​potatoes in layers.

6. Salt and pepper the mackerel on top and inside, then stuff it with carrots and onions.

7. Place the stuffed fish on the potatoes and apply fish seasoning on top.

8. We seal the fish, not completely, but half-open. We make cuts on top, stick in lemon slices and bake for 20-30 minutes at 200 degrees C.

9. Unwrap and check readiness.

10. Place the finished fish on a dish with potatoes and invite everyone to try the seafood.

Enjoy eating!

Appetizing mackerel rolls with filling

Rolls made from such fish are delicious to eat hot or cold; they are excellent as an appetizer.


Preparing rolls

  1. For the filling, cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots and take the frozen peppers out of the freezer into cubes.

2. Fry the vegetables until slightly soft and slightly golden.

3. Place the vegetables on a plate and let cool.

4. Cut the washed and cleaned mackerel into two halves and remove all the bones.

5. Add grated garlic to the filling, salt and pepper, mix.

6. Salt the mackerel fillet, add the filling and roll it into a roll.

7. Secure the roll with a wooden stick.

8. Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil and the surface of the fish too.

10. Bake in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees C.

Have a nice feast!

Video on how to deliciously prepare prune and cheese rolls

Fish in the oven turns out tasty and juicy.

Baked fish pieces in mustard sauce - tasty and fast


  • Mackerel - 3 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Soy sauce - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon (heaped)

Preparation of the recipe: mackerel in mustard sauce

  1. We clean the fish, wash them, cut off the tails.

2. Cut the fish into 3 parts.

3. Cut the onions into half rings and add them to the pieces of fish. Preparing ingredients for the sauce.

4. Mix in one cup: mustard, soy sauce, mayonnaise and sour cream. The sauce is ready.

5. Pour mustard sauce over the fish and onions.

6. Mix the fish pieces with the sauce and leave for 30-40 minutes.

7. Stir the fish periodically. and after the time has passed, place it in a heat-resistant baking dish.

8. Bake fish pieces in mustard sauce in the oven for 30 minutes. Then we take it out and absorb the smell of delicious fish.

9. Place the fish along with the sauce on a serving dish and sprinkle with green onions.

Bon appetit!

Mackerel baked in the oven with vegetables and rice

Preparing the recipe

  1. We will need 4 mackerel fish, which need to be cleaned, the tail and head cut off and washed.

2. Cut each fish into 2 parts.

3. Fry onion cut into half rings and carrots chopped into strips in oil. Let's add salt and pepper.

4. Place 4 bags of coarse grain rice into boiling and salted water and cook until tender.

5. Mix boiled rice with vegetables.

6. Grease a baking tray with sunflower oil and lay out a layer of vegetables with rice (reserve some).

7. Place fish pieces on top of rice with vegetables.

8. Grease each piece with butter.

9. Place the remaining rice and vegetables on top of the fish pieces.

10. Cover the baking sheet with foil and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

11. Then remove the foil, place the fish with rice and vegetables on a plate and eat with pleasure.

Eat for your health!

Fish stuffed with mushrooms and cheese - video

Make 3 fish like this and place them on the festive table - guests will eat with pleasure.

The dish is festive and elegant.

Whole mackerel in foil with lemon and onion

This is the easiest recipe for baking in foil with lemon.


  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Mackerel - 2 pcs.
  • Salt and spices for fish

Cooking method

  1. We clean the fish from the entrails, cut off the head and tail and wash it.

2. Cut the onion into half rings. Cut the lemon into rings (slices).

3. Fill the belly of the fish with onions and lemon, as in the photo.

4. Fill all 3 fish with lemon and onion in the same way.

5. Wrap each fish in foil and bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

6. Place the fish on a plate, decorate and add your favorite side dish.

Enjoy eating!

Mackerel in the oven, baked in a sleeve with potatoes - video

All the recipes are simple and tasty and you are now convinced of this.

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