Home Mushrooms Delicious pizza dough. Pizza dough, like in a pizzeria, is a thin thing, it loves men’s hands! Features of pizza dough from a pizzeria and the secrets of its strength. Pizza crust recipe

Delicious pizza dough. Pizza dough, like in a pizzeria, is a thin thing, it loves men’s hands! Features of pizza dough from a pizzeria and the secrets of its strength. Pizza crust recipe

When organizing a holiday or party at home, the question arises: how to please your guests without spending a lot of time and effort on preparing a special dish? On our website you will find a recipe for making pizza dough with detailed instructions. And rest assured, your guests will be satisfied.

The history of pizza

It is believed that the first pizzas were not a culinary delight, but a kind of industrial waste. Italian bakers tested how hot the oven was by using thin flatbreads made from simple dough, and then gave them to the poor.

Later, the Italians began to prepare pizzas using three main ingredients: tomatoes, basil, mozzarella cheese, but over time a huge variety of pizza toppings appeared. They have also adapted to using completely different doughs: yeast, yeast-free, curd, puff pastry, unleavened and many others.

Modern housewives have gotten used to making pizza using almost everything that is in the refrigerator, but the taste of the pizza only benefits from this and you can please both yourself and your unexpected guests with such a dish.

How to make pizza dough at home

If you decide to make pizza at home, then first of all you need to decide what kind of dough you will use to prepare the pizza base. Because it is already known that almost any type of test can be used.

Recipes for preparing pizza dough with detailed instructions can be studied in detail on our website. Here you will find many options and you can choose the one that suits you best.

Yeast dough

Housewives often use yeast dough. However, in order to prepare tasty and proper yeast dough, it is important to know some features:

  • There should not be too much yeast, as the dough will acquire a sour taste;
  • Excess sugar and salt slow down the fermentation process and the dough does not rise;
  • An insufficient amount of water or milk interferes with good fermentation and makes the products tough, while too much water causes the dough to spread out.

How to cook:

  • Dilute 1 packet of yeast (dry) in 1/3 cup of warm water;
  • Sift 2 cups of flour, add 2 tbsp. l. softened margarine, mix everything well;
  • Add 1 egg, salt on the tip of a knife and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • Then mix the flour mixture with the water-yeast mixture and knead the dough;
  • Cover with a towel and leave the dough in a warm place to rise;
  • You can knead the dough again before using it.

A more economical option is this:

  • 2 tsp. pour dry yeast with warm water according to instructions;
  • 400-450 g of flour in a heap;
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 chip. salt, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • Mix with yeast;
  • Knead the dough.

Yeast-free dough

  • Mix 2 cups of flour with 1 tsp. salt;
  • Mix 2 eggs with 1/2 cup warm milk;
  • Add 1 tsp to milk. olive oil;
  • Pour the milk mixture into the flour in small portions and knead the dough;
  • If necessary, stir in flour until the dough becomes elastic;
  • Wrap the dough in a damp towel;
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes.

Unleavened dough

  • 4 tbsp. mix flour with 1/2 tsp. soda;
  • Add eggs to sour cream (12 tbsp), 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1\2 tsp. salt and mix everything;
  • Mix 200 g of softened butter (margarine) with sour cream;
  • Add flour and quickly knead the dough.

You can use the following option:

  • Beat 1 egg with 2 tsp. mayonnaise;
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1/3 tsp. salt, the same amount of sugar, mix;
  • Pour in 1 glass of kefir and soda slaked with vinegar;
  • Gradually add 7-8 tbsp. l. flour, kneading a thick dough;
  • Leave the dough for 15 minutes and then knead it well;
  • While rolling out the cakes, prick them with a fork.

Sour cream dough

  • Mix 1.5 cups of flour with the same amount of sour cream;
  • Add salt;
  • Knead the elastic dough, adding flour if necessary;

You can use 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of sour cream and 200 g of butter. The resulting dough needs to be cooled.

Kefir dough

  • Mix 2 cups of flour with 2 cups of kefir;
  • Add 1 teaspoon of soda to kefir;
  • Add 1 tsp there. salt and 3 eggs;
  • Mix all;
  • Pour the batter into the baking pan.

Shortbread dough

  • Sift 1.5 cups of flour;
  • Add 1 egg, 1 tsp. salt;
  • Cut the butter and add to the flour, mixing everything;
  • Knead the dough, adding water if necessary;
  • Wrap in foil or paper and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Preparing pizza dough at home will not take you too much time if you follow all the rules and technologies. However, the homemade pizza you prepare will acquire exactly that unique and delicate taste that your family will remember for a long time. And believe me, they are unlikely to prefer store-bought pizza after they try your homemade pizza.

We learned how to make pizza dough at home. Now all that remains is to choose the appropriate option for yourself and bring it to life, giving yourself and your guests a lot of pleasure.

Despite the fact that pizza is a traditional Italian dish, it has become firmly established on the Russian menu. Today, without pizza, it’s hard to imagine a hearty breakfast, a youth party, a quick snack, an outdoor picnic, or friendly gatherings in a large company. If pizza was initially considered a food for the poor, today it is a dish that is eaten with equal pleasure by both ordinary housewives and millionaires.

You can order ready-made pizza in a cafe or buy it in a supermarket, but there is nothing tastier than homemade pizza made with your own hands. Classic Italian pizza has a thin crust and juicy toppings. The main components of this dish include tomato sauce and cheese, and the remaining components - mushrooms, meat, ham or seafood - are added as desired.

To ensure that the result does not darken your expectations, you should remember the basic rules for preparing authentic Italian pizza. Pizza dough should be prepared in advance so that it has time to rise well. Longer fermentation times help the dough expand in volume and also make it taste sweeter. You should not be fanatical about kneading the dough: this should be done only until it reaches the required consistency - it will no longer be sticky and will stretch well. Over-kneading the dough can cause the finished pizza to be very fragile.

Before rolling out the dough, let it sit in a warm place until the dough becomes soft and pliable. Some professionals believe that the pizza base should be partially prepared in advance. In this case, you need to lightly bake the rolled out dough in the oven, then put the filling on it and bring it to readiness. This is done in order to avoid overcooking the filling and burning the cheese, since the dough takes much longer to prepare.

To achieve the perfect crispy crust, it is best to use high protein bread flour. If your goal is a pizza with a soft, fluffy base, you'll need to add more water to the dough or use less flour. Wetter dough will result in a softer crust. In this case, it is better to use low protein flour.

Avoid using expensive ingredients - always use easily accessible ingredients for the filling, such as ham, minced meat, sausages, mushrooms, vegetables, etc. To save more money, use ingredients you already have in the refrigerator, such as leftover sausage from breakfast. The ingredients for the filling must be fresh. Remember that canned and wet foods tend to make the pizza soggy. To prevent this from happening, try to remove excess water from such products.

Never skimp on the sauce, as it determines the final taste of the pizza and helps make the toppings juicier. A sauce made from tomato paste, which is almost always on hand, is undoubtedly very quick and convenient, but take the time to prepare a sauce from fresh tomatoes and spices, which can really enrich the taste of the pizza. If you have good quality Mozzarella cheese, don't bury it under other ingredients, but place it on top. Remember that not every filling is suitable for different thicknesses of dough. Thus, thin, crispy dough is best suited for meat and vegetable fillings, while for making pizza stuffed with several types of cheese, it is better to use fluffy dough, which will well support the melted cheese mass.

If you like your pizza juicy, you can add some chopped onion to the topping. Pizza should be served as soon as it is cooked, before the cheese hardens. Chilled pizza can be reheated in the oven or microwave, but freshly made pizza is best served as nothing beats the aroma of fresh baked goods. Watch the pizza as it bakes in the oven from time to time, especially towards the end of the cooking time. It can quickly go from half cooked to overcooked in those last few minutes.

Cutting a pizza with a bad knife can destroy the toppings and make the pizza unappealing, reducing the overall pizza experience. In this case, it is best to cut the pizza with special sharp scissors as soon as you take it out of the oven. It is better not to delay with this matter, since as the pizza cools, the dough will harden and will be more difficult to cut. Thanks to cutting with scissors, the cheese will stay in place and the filling will not fall apart.

The secret to delicious homemade pizza also lies in the drinks you serve with it. Remember that overly sweet drinks, coffee drinks, and carbonated drinks can overpower the flavor of the pizza. The best options in this case are green tea, mineral water, tomato or orange juice, dry wines and beer. By following all these simple tips, be sure that all your culinary efforts will not be in vain and will be rewarded with compliments and admiration from loved ones and guests.

This yeast pizza dough recipe calls for active dry yeast. Make sure the yeast is fresh and the expiration date on the package has not expired. You can use all-purpose flour to make the dough, but specialty bread flour contains more gluten than regular flour, which helps create a crispier pizza crust.

1.5 glasses of warm water,
1 package of dry yeast,
3.5 cups flour,
2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
2 teaspoons salt,
1 teaspoon sugar.

Pour the yeast into warm water and leave for 5 minutes to dissolve. Add flour, salt, sugar and butter. Knead the elastic dough by hand or using a mixer fitted with a dough hook. If the dough seems too sticky, add more flour.
Brush the dough with oil, cover with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place until it has doubled in size. Usually it takes 1-1.5 hours. You can leave the dough for more time - this will only improve the taste of the pizza. Alternatively, you can heat the oven to 65 degrees, turn it off and place the bowl of dough in the heated oven, allowing the dough to rise.

Making pizza dough the traditional way using yeast takes some time, during which time the dough needs to rise in volume. Yeast-free pizza dough is perfect when you don't have time to wait for the dough to rise. This dough is very simple to prepare, and homemade pizza based on it turns out incredibly tasty.

2 cups of flour,
2 teaspoons baking powder,
1/2 teaspoon salt,
2/3 cup milk,
6 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

In a large bowl, mix all ingredients until the dough no longer sticks to the sides of the bowl. Place the dough on a greased baking sheet and form thick edges that will hold the filling. Add the toppings and bake the pizza at 220 degrees for about 15 minutes.

The key to great pizza, of course, is delicious dough. While some people prefer a soft, fluffy base, just as many people love a thin, crispy crust. Thin pizza dough means it doesn't need extra time to expand, so it's ready in minutes. The dough prepared according to the recipe below has a crispy crust, but at the same time is quite plastic.

2 cups of flour,
3/4 cup warm water,

1.5 teaspoons salt,
2 teaspoons Italian herbs.

Dissolve yeast in water. Add flour, salt, Italian herbs and stir. Place the dough on the table and knead into a smooth, elastic dough for about 5 minutes. If the dough sticks too much to your hands and countertop, like chewing gum, add additional flour, 1 tablespoon at a time. Place the dough in a bowl and cover with a clean kitchen towel while you prepare the filling.
When ready, divide the dough into two parts and form each part into a large disk. The dough should have a thickness of no more than 6 mm. To obtain a very thin base, the dough must be rolled out with a rolling pin. If the dough starts to shrink back, let it sit for 5 minutes and then continue rolling.
Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at 220 degrees for 4-5 minutes. Remove the dough from the oven, add the filling and bake for another 6-8 minutes.

Pizza with sausage, cheese and tomatoes is a classic recipe familiar to many. If you have practically nothing on hand except a piece of sausage, tomatoes and cheese, this recipe will be a real lifesaver for you. Using this recipe as a base, you can create your own version of this wonderful treat by adding mushrooms, olives, bell peppers or corn to the filling.

For the test:
1.5 cups flour,
2 teaspoons dry yeast,
1 teaspoon sugar,
0.5 teaspoon salt,

1 glass of warm water.
For filling:
5-7 tomatoes,
200 g cheese,
200 g sausage.

Knead the dough by mixing warm water with butter, sugar, salt and yeast and adding flour at the end. Form the resulting dough into a ball, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. When the dough increases in size, divide it into two parts - you will get two pizza bases with a diameter of 25 cm. Roll out the dough and place it on a baking sheet.
Cut two tomatoes into slices and chop the rest with a knife or using a blender. If you add a little hot pepper or adjika, the tomato sauce will be more piquant. Brush the resulting sauce onto the dough.
Divide the grated cheese into two parts. Sprinkle one part of the cheese over the base with tomato sauce. Place sliced ​​sausage and tomato slices. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and bake the pizza in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 10 minutes.

It is rare to meet a person who refuses homemade pizza, because homemade pizza is always a tasty and original treat every time, the toppings of which can be constantly varied depending on preferences and the contents of the refrigerator. We invite you to prepare a juicy pizza with chicken filling.

Pizza with chicken, tomatoes and ketchup

For the test:
2.5-3 cups flour,
1 glass of warm water,
1 teaspoon dry yeast,
50 ml vegetable oil,
1 teaspoon sugar,
0.5 teaspoon of salt.
For filling:
200 g boiled chicken fillet,
2 tomatoes
1 bell pepper,
1 onion,
150 g cheese,
2 tablespoons of ketchup,
greens to taste.

Dissolve the yeast in warm water with sugar and salt. Mix well. Gradually add flour, the amount of which depends on its quality and type. Knead soft yeast dough. Leave the dough in a warm place until it doubles in size.
Roll out the dough into a thin layer, the thickness of which should not exceed 3-4 mm. Coat the surface of the dough with ketchup using a spoon or your hands. Place chicken cut into thin strips, onion sliced ​​into rings, chopped bell peppers and tomatoes cut into slices or cubes. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
Bake the pizza in an oven preheated to 190-200 degrees for about 10 minutes, until the cheese is melted and lightly browned.

The right pizza is the perfect combination of dough and toppings. The recipe for pizza with mushrooms and tomato sauce is just that case. This pizza has a thin, crispy crust, just the right amount of mushrooms, and a great combination of spices - all of which turn an ordinary snack into a delicious Italian pizza that deserves compliments. It is worth noting that no store-bought tomato sauce can compare with homemade sauce made with your own hands. Try making the sauce according to our recipe and you will be delighted.

Pizza with mushrooms and tomato sauce

For the test:
3 cups flour,
25 g fresh yeast,
1 glass of warm water,
1 tablespoon sugar,
1 tablespoon salt,
8 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
For filling:
2 medium champignons,
6 olives,
1/4 cup canned corn,
100 g Mozzarella cheese.
For the tomato sauce:
3-4 tomatoes,
1 tablespoon vegetable oil,
1 clove of garlic,
1 teaspoon sugar,
1 bay leaf,
1 teaspoon dried oregano,
1 teaspoon dried basil,
0.5 teaspoon paprika,
salt and ground black pepper.

In a large bowl, mix flour, salt and sugar. Add yeast dissolved in water to flour along with butter and mix. Cover the hand-kneaded dough with a towel and leave for 1 hour to increase in volume.
Meanwhile, make the tomato sauce. Remove the skin from scalded tomatoes. Rub the vegetables through a fine sieve, pass through a meat grinder or chop using a blender. Fry the minced garlic in oil for a few seconds and then stir in the paprika and mashed tomatoes. Add sugar, spices, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and cook for about 10 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Form each piece into a ball and then roll it out into a circle about 30cm in diameter. Place the dough on a greased baking sheet and brush with tomato sauce. Add chopped mushrooms, chopped olives and corn kernels. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and bake for 15-20 minutes.

As you can see, homemade pizza is not that difficult. If you follow our simple tips and use only fresh ingredients, your homemade pizza is sure to be a culinary hit. Experiment!

Undoubtedly, every housewife has ever tried to make pizza at home. Unfortunately, it very often happens that achieving the desired result ends in failure, since not everyone knows how to make classic thin pizza dough. This article will help you prepare the perfect meal correctly and thereby please your loved ones, as well as amuse your “I”.

How to make thin pizza dough - top rules

The most important thing to start preparing the dough with is a good mood. By the way, this applies not only to this dish, but also to the whole process of cooking. The absence of a stressful state will definitely have a positive impact on the final result.

  • Olive oil is an ideal substitute for sunflower oil, which will give the dough good elasticity and unsurpassed taste.
  • To make the dough “airy”, the flour must be sifted before cooking. It is also worth knowing that when kneading, the first half of the flour is used first, and a little later the second.
  • The dough needs to be kneaded until it stops sticking to your hands. If it does not tear when stretched, then the dough is prepared correctly. For elasticity, many advise adding vinegar or citric acid, and sometimes even cognac, to the dough. An acidic environment increases the viscous protein matter found in flour.
  • In order for the texture of the dough to retain its tenderness, it must be rolled out with your hands and very carefully. Sprinkle the surface with flour and stretch the dough from the middle to the edges. Be sure to make the edges thicker to create sides.
  • It is advisable to mix salt for dough with flour.
  • To make the dough crispy, the water in which the yeast will be diluted must be heated to 38 C.
  • It is recommended to combine all the ingredients of the dough about ten minutes after the yeast has been sufficiently saturated with oxygen.
  • To prevent the pizza from sticking to the pan, it is pre-greased with olive oil and sprinkled with flour. But the baking sheet itself must be heated.
  • Also, you need to know that there should be no drafts in the room.

For a golden and crispy dough, the oven should be preheated and the baking time should be about 10 minutes.

Thin pizza dough - Italian dough recipe

To prepare a classic Italian dough, you will need the following ingredients (for one base with a diameter of 30 cm):

  • 250 g flour
  • 200 ml water 15 g fresh yeast
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. sugar without a grain

Before you start cooking, you need to take care of choosing the right flour. Naturally, real Italian flour would be an ideal option, but if that is not available, then domestic flour with a higher protein content of at least 12% will serve as a replacement. Using regular flour will ensure that the pizza is fluffy, but in this case the goal is to make a classic thin dough.


  1. 250g of flour is mixed with ¼ teaspoon of salt, pour it all into a heap on the table, and make a hole in the center.
  2. A teaspoon of yeast and the same amount of sugar are poured into the water. In order for the yeast to begin its process, this mixture is infused for 10 minutes.
  3. After infusion, pour it into a hole made in flour, and after adding 1 tbsp. spoons of oil, you can start to slowly mix it all. You need to move carefully and from the center of the slide to the edge.
  4. If the dough no longer sticks to your hands and does not tear when stretched, then you can safely leave it to rise for one hour.
  5. If the dough has doubled in size, you need to start cutting the pizza. A cake is formed with a diameter of 10 cm and approximately 3 cm thick.
  6. After which it can be stretched, but only with the help of your hands. The ideal flatbread will be dough 30-35 cm in diameter with a thickness of 3-4 mm. This will become a classic Italian dough.

By the way, the Italian ritual, in which the tortilla is thrown into the air and twirled on one finger, is carried out to saturate the dough with oxygen.

Pizza dough “like in a pizzeria”

To prepare this recipe you need (including 2 servings with a diameter of 30 cm):

  • Flour – 500g
  • Yeast – 12g
  • Sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Salt – ½ tsp.
  • Olive oil – 1-2 tbsp.
  • Dry herbs – a pinch of basil and oregano
  • Warm boiled water – 250 – 300 ml


  1. First you need a small bowl into which you pour the yeast and sugar. Pour water over it all, stir and cover with a towel, leave in a warm place for 10 minutes.
  2. For flour, you need a larger bowl, into which, in addition to the main ingredient, dry herbs are added. As in the previous recipe, a depression is created in the middle into which the mixture is poured, steeped to the desired consistency. A fork or whisk is used in the first stage of kneading.
  3. Afterwards olive oil is poured in and the dough is transferred to a wooden surface. Next, kneading continues by hand for approximately ten minutes.
  4. Having obtained an elastic and non-sticky dough, it is sprayed with olive oil and divided into two parts, which are placed in different bowls, covered with a towel and left in a warm place for thirty minutes.
  5. After the allotted time, the dough is laid out on the table and stretched by hand to the required size. When moving the pizza into the pan, pierce the dough several times with a toothpick.

Thin pizza dough without yeast

The best thin pizza dough without yeast

This recipe is my favorite and my family loves pizza with this dough. It turns out thin, but soft and with crispy sides. It compares favorably with other yeast-free recipes. Try it yourself!


  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons;
  • eggs - 1 piece;
  • flour - 1-2 cups (it all depends on the consistency of the sour cream);
  • salt - 1 tsp. without slide;
  • baking powder or soda.

Preparing the dough for pizza with sour cream:

  1. First of all, put sour cream in a bowl and add soda or baking powder, salt. Beat in the egg.
  2. Now it’s the flour’s turn - first add half a glass and mix. Next, add flour and mix until the dough becomes suitable for kneading by hand.
  3. Pour flour onto a work surface, turn out the resulting dough and knead with your hands until it reaches the consistency you need.
  4. For those who like thinner dough, knead it like dumplings (dense and tight dough). In this case, roll out the resulting dough with a rolling pin to the desired thickness.
  5. Those who like loose, slightly fluffy and soft dough and at the same time thin - knead it until it is not difficult to spread it with your fingers on a baking sheet (it should be soft, pliable, very elastic).
  6. Pizza with this dough should be prepared on greased parchment paper. The dough is quite soft and sticks to your hands, so when spreading it, your hands will also benefit from oil. Spread the dough in a thin layer, place the filling on top and place the pizza in the oven at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes. The dough should become golden brown. If it is pale, leave it for another 5-10 minutes and raise the temperature to 200 degrees.

That's all, you will definitely get thin dough for pizza with sour cream, I have never had a case where this recipe failed!

Yeast-free thin pizza dough - recipe No. 1

To diversify the methods of preparing pizza, this option is extremely good, since it is often used in Italy itself.


  • 100 ml water
  • 1.5 cups flour + flour for kneading (how much dough will take)
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. After sifting the flour, add salt and baking powder.
  2. In the old fashioned way, we make a hole into which we pour water and olive oil. Mix the ingredients with a spoon.
  3. Pour flour onto the table, lay out the resulting dough and begin to knead. You also need to knead the dough with your hands until it becomes tight.
  4. Roll it into a ball shape and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. Next we follow the method described above.

Making this kind of dough is quite simple. It must be thin, crispy and incredibly tasty.

Thin and crispy pizza dough without yeast - recipe No. 2

Another interesting recipe without yeast dough will require two chicken eggs and half a liter of milk.


  1. In a separate bowl, mix flour and salt. Next, take a container for milk, eggs and 2 tbsp. sunflower oil. Under no circumstances should this mixture be beaten, only mixed.
  2. Gradually pour the resulting mass, stirring, into a bowl of flour. You need to pay special attention to ensure that the eggs are well absorbed into the flour and there are no puddles.
  3. After ten minutes of kneading, the dough should be perfect.

One of the features of the recipe is that the resulting dough is wrapped in a wet towel for fifteen minutes. Next is the standard rolling ritual.

Recipe No. 3

The following recipe for yeast-free dough is no less simple, but still delights with its mouth-watering results.

This requires:

  • Any vegetable oil - 1/3 cup
  • Low-fat kefir – half a glass
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Flour - one and a half cups
  • Soda - half a teaspoon


  1. Kefir is mixed with soda and left for 5-10 minutes.
  2. After which, salt, sugar and vegetable oil are added to them.
  3. While stirring, gradually add flour (a food processor can come to the rescue). When the dough does not stick and has sufficient elasticity, its introduction should be stopped.
  4. It is worth remembering that too much flour will not make the dough crispy, but will make the crust very crumbly.
  5. After all of the above has been done successfully, the dough, under the “cover” of cling film, is moved to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Recipe for pizza dough with yeast - thin and crispy

To achieve the desired thin and crispy dough, you must follow the recipe below.

A large wide container is filled with warm water, in which the yeast is mixed until it is completely dissolved. Then add half a teaspoon of salt and sugar, as well as 20 grams of olive oil. Stir all this until the sugar dissolves.

Sifting flour through a sieve will not only remove excess, but also enrich it with oxygen.

If, while kneading the dough, it doesn’t want to become perfect, you can add a little more flour. But if the dough is too steep, a small amount of water and further kneading will save the situation. Having rolled the required amount of dough into a ball, wrap it in a plastic bag and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place.

Naturally, if you don’t have the ability to roll out dough with your hands, you can use a rolling pin, but it’s better to learn how to do it in the generally accepted way. Don't forget that the sides of pizzas should be about 2-3 cm.

How to make crispy thin pizza dough?

For the dough, mix yeast, warm water in the form of two tablespoons and the same amount of flour. After mixing thoroughly, cover this “creation” with a towel and leave in a warm place for half an hour. Sometimes the dough is ready after ten minutes, so it’s worth monitoring its condition.

The workpiece is poured into a hole made in flour in a separate bowl, salted to taste and about 125 ml of water is added. It is necessary to knead according to the same principles: the dough should not stick and tear when stretched. Leaving it in a warm place for about an hour, it is worth remembering that it should double in size.

The most basic goal is a crispy, delicious result. To do this, preheat the oven to about 200 degrees, and grease the mold with olive or sunflower oil. Next, the dough is laid out and rolled out, brushed with tomato sauce and placed in the oven for five minutes. After this, you can add the filling, with which the pizza remains in the oven for another twenty minutes. Due to the fact that the dough without filling has already baked a little, it will undoubtedly crunch pleasantly in your mouth.

Soft Pizza Dough Recipe

It happens that there are not many crispy lovers in the immediate environment. Or another situation: the classic dough is already a little boring and you want something a little different. A huge number of recipes are more useful than ever, because it is quite possible to make the same favorite pizza with soft dough.

For this you will need:

  • Flour – 500 grams
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Milk – 300ml
  • Dry yeast – 12g
  • Sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.


  1. A mandatory ritual is to heat the milk to forty degrees, to which yeast is added. After mixing well, leave it alone for thirty minutes. If the milk froths, then the process is proceeding correctly.
  2. It is imperative to remember the ritual of “saturating” the flour with oxygen. The prepared milk and egg are poured into a hole made in flour. Salt, sugar and butter are also added.
  3. The dough is kneaded and then covered with cling film. By the way, a warm place in which the dough should rest for about an hour may be a place next to the radiator. In this case, the dough should triple in size.
  4. The oven should be as hot as possible (at least 250 degrees Celsius). The iron sheet is greased with oil and also sprinkled with flour.
  5. After that, we place the molded large cake of dough on this sheet. With a given amount of ingredients and a small oven, this amount of dough is enough for two servings. To prevent air from escaping, the edges are not pressed.
  6. For the dough, a sauce is made from one teaspoon of tomato paste and one tablespoon of mayonnaise, which is used to lubricate its surface.
  7. For such a dough, the filling is laid out in several layers, which have a layer of grated cheese between them.
  8. It is baked for 6 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees. It should be located on the top shelf. If the oven does not have such a high temperature mark, then the baking time should increase accordingly. The pizza turns out incredibly soft and filling.

As for the filling itself, there are no special rules or recommendations, since everyone makes their own ideal pizza. In this case, experiments and flights of fancy are encouraged. The key to success is the properly prepared dough itself, but what the filling will be is not so important. After all, the main thing is what? To make it delicious!

Hello culinary friends!

Guess what is the most popular dish in the world today? That's right, Italian pizza! Let's talk about it (and cook it) today.

Pizza is a delicious Italian dish, which is a flour tortilla stuffed with vegetables, meat or seafood, baked with cheese. Some of the main ingredients are dough and cheese.

This dish appeared in ancient times: the Greeks and Romans served food on bread. But this was not yet an Italian dish. Only at the beginning of the 16th century, in connection with the appearance of tomatoes, real pizza began to be baked in Europe. At first it was the food of simple peasants. Local pizzaioles kneaded the dough with their feet and baked flatbreads with filling and cheese for their own people. For kings, this dish was considered plebeian precisely because of the mechanism of its preparation.

Only King Ferdinand II contributed to the appearance of pizza on the tables of royalty. He forced the royal chefs to prepare a large tomato and cheese pizza in honor of his wife Margaret of Savoy's birthday. According to legend, the most famous pizza, Margherita, is named after her.

At the king's request, they began to knead the dough with special mortars, and began to eat the dish itself with forks with four teeth - so that the monarch's fingers would not get dirty.

Since then, the popularity of the Italian dish began to grow in giant leaps. In the 19th century, Italian settlers brought recipes to the United States. In the 50s of the 20th century, a boom in pizza production began in America: all kinds of pizzerias appeared with home delivery; You can buy semi-finished products in stores and bake the dish yourself at home.

Despite the fact that today you can only eat an Italian dish by calling a delivery service or buying it at a nearby store and heating it in the microwave, cooks and housewives value their baked goods. Because such baked goods are prepared with love and inspiration.

The filling for a homemade dish can be very varied - everything that can be found in the refrigerator at home. But the base - the dough - must be unsurpassed. Some people like pizza with fluffy dough, others with thin dough - for every taste, you will find your recipe in my selection below.

The secret to making good Italian pizza dough

  • Flour is used of the highest grades from durum wheat.
  • You can add bran, Provençal or Italian herbs to the dough to complete the taste.
  • Olive oil is added to the base if the recipe calls for vegetable oil. Olive oil must be of high quality, cold pressed “Extra Virgin”.
  • Yeast can be used dry or wet. But in Italy it is wet yeast that is used.
  • Purified water should be added, or preferably mineral water.
  • Sea salt works well. The same one used in all Mediterranean cuisine.
  • You should not add more salt than indicated in the recipe - it prevents the dough from rising, especially yeast dough.
  • The flour is sifted 2 times to better saturate it with oxygen.
  • The dough must be kneaded very vigorously. This is exactly what all Italian pizzaiolos do.
  • The finished base should be allowed to lie under a damp towel for 20-30 minutes. The dough will become elastic and soft.
  • No rolling pins for rolling out - the pizza base is pulled out by hand.
  • A baking tray or baking dish should be greased with olive oil and sprinkled with flour - this way your dish will easily separate from the surface when ready.
  • If you are preparing fluffy pizza dough, then you need to bake the base a little, and then add the filling and let it finish baking in the oven.

Fresh without yeast

At first glance, it seems that such a foundation is difficult to make. Because it takes a lot of ingredients. But this is only at first glance. The recipe turned out to be easy and tasty. Let's cook!

We will need:

  • Flour - 9 tbsp;
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp;
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp;
  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt -0.5 tsp;
  • Soda - 1 tsp.


Break the egg into a bowl and beat with sour cream, salt, sugar and mayonnaise.

Stir soda in kefir and add to a bowl.

In this recipe there is no need to quench the baking soda with vinegar. Kefir already has enough acid. When you add soda, the kefir will foam a little.

Add flour to a bowl and knead into a thick unleavened dough. We send him to rest and breathe under a damp, clean towel for 15-20 minutes.

Thin base without yeast on olive oil

I liked the recipe for another thin base - without yeast and olive oil. The pizza came out thin, crispy and very tasty. Let's see!

Pizza dough according to Jamie Oliver's recipe - step-by-step method with photos

Jamie Oliver is a famous British chef. He has already published many books on cooking. His recipes are distinguished by their ease of preparation and the simplicity of ordinary products.

In one of his books, I read a recipe for a tasty, crispy and easy-to-prepare dough - with yeast and olive oil.

We will need:

  • Flour - 500 gr.;
  • Warm water - 325 ml;
  • Sea salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Dry yeast - 7 g;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.


Sift the flour a couple of times onto a clean, dry surface, such as a kitchen table.

In a jug or other container, dissolve sea salt, powdered sugar, yeast and olive oil in warm water.

Make a depression in the center of the flour mound.

Gradually pour the liquid from the jug into the hole and knead the dough using a tablespoon. We try to ensure that the liquid does not go beyond the walls of the slide. To do this, carefully rake the flour inside the hole.

Having used up all the liquid, we continue kneading on the table. Knead well, vigorously, with both hands for 15-20 minutes.

Place the finished dough in a warm place under a towel for 1 hour. It will increase by 2 times.

This semi-finished product can be divided into bags and frozen in the freezer. And then defrost as needed.

Pizzeria-style yeast dough recipe

We all like pizza from famous Italian cafes and pizzerias - Pizza Hut, Dodo, Sbarro and others. Their base is all thin, crispy, and does not become soggy from the sauce. Eating such an Italian dish is simply a pleasure.

The secret to delicious pizza bases from pizzerias is that the dough is not frozen, but is prepared immediately. The second secret lies in the highest quality flour from durum wheat. Well, the products must be at a certain temperature. For example, flour should have a temperature no higher or lower than 21°C, and water should have a temperature of 33°C.

It may not be possible to adhere too strictly to these rules at home. But, moving away from them a little, I still got an airy, thin, porous dough and no worse than in a pizzeria.

We will need for 2 servings of pizza up to 22 cm in diameter:

  • Durum flour - 250 gr.;
  • Warm water - 250 ml;
  • Fresh yeast - 10 g;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Sea salt - 1 tsp;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp.


Prepare the dough: mix 2 tbsp in a bowl. warm water, sugar, yeast. Then add flour and leave under a towel for 25 minutes.

Sift the rest of the flour several times onto a clean table in the form of a slide. Make a hole in the center.

Pour the suitable dough into the center of the slide, add salt. Also add the remaining warm clean water and knead the elastic dough. It is considered ready when it stops sticking to your hands.

Place the finished mixture under a towel in a warm place for 60 minutes. It should increase in volume by 2 times.

Knead and divide into 2 parts. We prepare a pizza base from them without a rolling pin, simply stretching the dough in different directions under the mold. Transfer the tortillas to a baking sheet greased with olive oil, add the filling and bake.

Kefir dough without yeast

I suggest you watch an interesting recipe in this video. This kefir base without yeast is convenient because you have made the dough, and you can immediately bake the dish in the oven.

Milk and egg base - step-by-step recipe with photos

We will need:

  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp;
  • Milk - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • Salt - 1 pinch.


In a medium bowl, whisk together milk, eggs and olive oil.

Sift the flour into a separate larger bowl.

Add a pinch of salt to the flour and mix with a spoon.

We begin to slowly pour the mixture of milk, eggs and butter into the flour. Pour in with a spoon at the same time.

Pour out all the liquid and mix with flour. Transfer the resulting mass to a table dusted with flour and knead into a dough.

Place the finished mixture under a damp towel for 20 minutes. The resting dough can be immediately used for baking products.

How to make the sauce

What's pizza without sauce? Add to your repertoire a classic version of the Italian delicious tomato and basil sauce.

We will need:

  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Olive oil - 5-6 tbsp;
  • Basil - 0.5 bunch;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.


Place the tomatoes in boiling water for 1 minute and remove the skins. Grate the tomatoes.

Pour olive oil into a frying pan, heat it and add grated tomatoes. Fry with the lid open for 5 minutes.

Finely chop the basil and garlic and add to the tomatoes. Simmer until the water evaporates for 15-20 minutes, stirring the sauce occasionally with a spoon.

A few minutes before cooking, add salt and pepper to your taste.

The delicious sauce is ready. You can cool it and grease the pizza base.

The most famous pizzas in Italy

Pizza Margherita Pizza Margherita. Ingredients: mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, tomatoes, basil and olive oil.

The filling in the "Four Seasons" "Pizza Quattro Stagioni" is divided into 4 parts: 1 part - summer - salami and ground black pepper, autumn - tomatoes and mozzarella cheese, winter - mushrooms and boiled eggs, spring - artichokes and olives.

“Four cheeses” “Pizza Ai Quattro Formaggi” and its composition: mozzarella cheese, parmesan, cheddar and dor blue.

"Pizza Napolitano" or Neapolitan style consists of tomatoes, mozzarella and parmesan cheese, basil, oregano, olive oil and anchovies.

With seafood “Pizza Ai Frutti Di Mare” - filling from various Mediterranean seafood.

Hawaiian Pizza Hawaii was invented in the USA and consists of ham and pineapples.

Diabola "Pizza Diabola" includes hot capsicums and salami sausage.

“Pizza Marinara” Marinara filling contains tomatoes, anchovies, garlic, capers and black olives.

Here are perhaps the most famous fillings. You can use the recipe to make one of these or put the ingredients on the pizza according to your taste and preference.

I am sure that you will now prepare a masterpiece and your guests will definitely ask for the recipe as a note!

Enjoy your meal!

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It's quite difficult to meet a person who doesn't like pizza. The thing is that such a simple dish can be a delicious option for a snack and variety in your daily diet. This Italian delicacy can become a real lifesaver when guests are already on the doorstep.

Some housewives prefer pizza from a pizzeria, fearing the troublesome work in the kitchen. But if you remember the basic nuances of preparing delicious homemade pizza, then you will easily pamper yourself and your loved ones with many options for this yummy.

The main thing in the article

Homemade pizza dough recipe without yeast

There is a misconception that only the toppings affect the final taste of pizza. Putting the same ingredients on a pizza with a different dough will result in completely different dishes. It is this flavor accent that can be added to the dough, which will certainly affect the final result.

The easiest pizza dough is yeast-free dough. This cooking option is used by chefs from the homeland of pizza – Italy. This type of dough takes much less time to bake than yeast dough, and the flatbread acquires a light, crispy texture.

Recipes for thin dough for homemade pizza

The recipe for “your” most delicious pizza dough can only be determined by trying many of its varieties.

Pizza dough with milk


  • 1 tbsp wheat flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup warm milk
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 0.5 tsp salt.


  • Combine salt and flour.
  • In a separate container, smooth out the eggs, milk and butter.
  • Then gradually pour the liquid egg mixture into the flour, stirring continuously.
  • When the dough reaches a sticky consistency, start kneading it, adding flour if necessary.
  • The dough should become smooth, place it in a bowl and cover with a clean cloth for about ten minutes.
  • Roll out the dough thin using a rolling pin. To do this, sprinkle the table with flour in advance.

Pizza dough using olive oil


  • 1 tbsp wheat flour
  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 0.5 tbsp baking powder or regular soda
  • 0.5 tsp salt.


  • Sift the flour through a sieve and combine with all the dry ingredients.
  • Gradually add water, and then olive oil.
  • Knead the dough until elastic. This will take about ten minutes.
  • Form the dough into a ball and then roll it out to the desired size.

There are a huge number of yeast-free dough options. This can be the most delicate dough, kneaded with sour cream or with the addition of cottage cheese. You can add airiness to the dough by adding fermented milk products, beer, or mineral water.

Pizza dough like in a pizzeria

In a pizzeria, pizza dough is crispy and thinly rolled out, but at home, on the contrary, it is often fluffy. But what if you want to make pizza at home, like in a pizzeria? Today's ovens are in no way inferior to the professional units that food industry establishments are equipped with. Therefore, it comes down to the most important thing - the test.

So, the main points for preparing thin dough:

Proper rolling out plays an important role in preparing thin dough. The basis for the dough is yeast, and its components can vary depending on the availability of such in the housewife’s kitchen arsenal.

To get classic pizza, stock up on:

  • slightly warmed water – 200 ml
  • dry yeast – 1.5 tsp
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 tsp
  • salt – 0.5 tsp
  • flour - 300 gr
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp

  1. Make a dough. To do this, in a separate container, mix yeast, sugar, salt and dissolve a tablespoon of flour in warm water.
  2. Cover the dough with a clean towel and leave to rise for 20-30 minutes. The fermentation process will begin, and the emulsion of the ingredients will become foam. This will be the signal to start kneading.
  3. In a separate bowl, add all the remaining ingredients to the dough and knead the dough. The main thing is not to “fill” the dough with flour too much; it should turn out elastic, but not tight, and not stick to your hands.
  4. The number of ingredients in the recipe is calculated for two thin pizzas. The most important moment has come - roll out the thin dough. Divide it into two parts and roll it out using a rolling pin.

In the homeland of pizza - Italy, the dough for its base is not rolled out with a rolling pin, it is formed with finger bones, and rolled many times on the palms. This makes it thin in the middle and thicker at the edges.

When the final thickness of the dough suits you, brush its surface with sauce and start making the filling.

How to make homemade pizza?

Choosing pizza toppings is very easy, because there are a huge number of varieties. This can be meat, seafood, mushrooms, as well as vegetables for vegetarian pizza. You can safely experiment in this matter, because no matter what combination of ingredients you choose, it is quite difficult to spoil the pizza. This dish will turn out delicious even for housewives with little culinary experience. Here is one of the many options for this delicious delicacy.

Pizza “Homemade”

Required Products:

  • flour – 300 g
  • eggs – 1 pc.
  • milk - 0.5 tbsp
  • butter – 1 tbsp
  • salt - a pinch
  • ketchup or tomato sauce - 1/4 pack
  • mayonnaise – 1/4 pack
  • smoked sausage – 250 g
  • canned cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 150 g
  • seasonings to taste

  1. Mix the dough: first beat the eggs, add salt and flour to slightly warm milk.
  2. Knead the dough thoroughly, then roll out with a rolling pin to the desired thickness, depending on whether you want thick or thin dough. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  3. In the meantime, make the filling, cut all the products chosen for it. Mix ketchup with mayonnaise, add your favorite spices to this mixture. Brush the dough with the sauce and place the filling on it.
  4. Place the pizza in the oven; cooking time varies depending on the degree of readiness of the dough. The approximate baking time is 20 minutes, but everyone’s oven is different, and the thickness of the dough will play an important role. So once your pizza is browned, remove it from the oven, sprinkle it with cheese and put it back in for a few more minutes. Once the cheese has melted, you can serve the dish.

Homemade pizza recipe with step-by-step photos

Pizza dough consists of:

  • 0.5 cups slightly warmed milk
  • 1/3 tsp salt
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • 1-2 tbsp sunflower or olive oil
  • 1 tbsp flour (a little more if it turns out runny)
  • 0.75 packets of dry yeast

Cooking steps:

  • In a separate bowl, first mix the flour and yeast thoroughly.
  • Pour milk with vegetable oil into another bowl, add salt and pepper.
  • Combine dry ingredients with liquid and prepare dough.
  • The dough should be a little sticky; don't add too much flour. In this recipe the dough should be like this.
  • Leave the dough to rise, covered with a towel. This process will take about an hour.
  • Once the dough has increased in size, knead it a little with your hands on a floured surface.

  • Carefully transfer the dough into the baking pan and use your hands to spread it over the entire surface. The dough will be quite liquid for this dish, so you won’t be able to roll it out with a rolling pin.

  • Brush the surface of the dough with a little oil.
  • The first layer of filling will be tomatoes, then sausages, and grated hard cheese.

  • Place the pizza pan in the oven, preheated to 180°C for half an hour.

  • The result is a delicious pizza with a crispy soft dough. Consolidation!

This pizza can be varied not only with sausage, but also with eggs, olives, herbs, mushrooms, canned pineapples, garlic, and even herring.

Pizza with sausage and cheese at home with photo

It is pizza, which includes sausage and cheese, that is the most commonly prepared. It turns out delicious using any type of dough, but each prepared dish will be filled with its own unique flavor notes.

Smoked sausages are often used, so the pizza turns out with some spice, but boiled sausage is also suitable. You can also combine sausage varieties, add mushrooms, chicken or olives.

What is the secret to making pizza with sausage and cheese?

This recipe is an example of a pizza with four main ingredients: yeast dough, tomato sauce, hard smoked sausage and hard cheese.

For the test you need:

  • 400 g flour
  • 150 ml water
  • 1 egg
  • 5 g yeast
  • salt, sugar
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil

  1. First, make the dough by stirring yeast and sugar in slightly warmed water, add about half the flour. The dough should rise for about 20 minutes.
  2. After the dough forms a foamy cap, add salt with the egg and the remaining flour, knead the dough.
  3. At the very end of kneading, brush the dough with vegetable oil and give it a smooth structure. Leave the dough to rise for at least an hour, and ideally two hours, it should have increased significantly in volume.
  4. After the specified time, sprinkle the surface with flour and thoroughly knead the dough again, roll it out into a flat cake to fit the size of the baking pan (which you have greased in advance), and transfer it there.

For the filling you need:

  • 250 g sausages
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • tomatoes
  • 50 g butter

  1. Cut the sausage and tomatoes into rings, grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  2. Grease the dough with butter at room temperature, and place the filling in the following order: sausage, tomatoes, hard cheese. To add some spice to the pizza, add grated garlic after the tomatoes.
  3. Heat the oven to 200°C and bake the pizza for 30 minutes.
  4. Garnish the finished dish with a sprig of herbs and serve on a round dish.

Homemade pizza: the most delicious recipes

Pizza with seafood

Test composition:

  • 200 g premium flour
  • 0.5 tbsp heated water
  • 0.5 tbsp dry yeast
  • 1.5 tsp sugar
  • 0.75 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

The filling consists of:

  • 250 g shrimp (you can add other seafood)
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 5 tomatoes
  • 0.5 tsp dried oregano
  • 0.5 tsp dried basil
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper

  1. Sift the flour and knead the dough, initially preparing the dough. The technology of this process is described a little higher.
  2. Meanwhile, start preparing the sauce. Peel half the tomato from the skin and seeds, pass through a meat grinder or puree in a blender. Add olive oil and dry herbs to them, add salt.
  3. When the dough increases in size, roll out a layer of about half a centimeter, brush with sauce and place in a preheated oven for five minutes.
  4. Thaw and peel the shrimp. Place the filling on the base: shrimp, cheese, tomatoes, cut into rings. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil.
  5. Place the pizza in the oven for another ten minutes and season with dry basil.

Pizza in the oven: quick recipes

To prepare delicious pizza dough, you can use the recipes given earlier. For example, rolled out yeast dough can be stored in the freezer so that you don’t have to waste time kneading it at the right time. If you are a busy person, you can purchase ready-made dough in the supermarket, the range of which is growing every day. And don’t worry, no one will consider you a bad housewife, because in choosing just such a test, you will show resourcefulness and creativity.

The main thing in preparing pizza is to take into account the taste preferences of those who will try it, and they are different for everyone. Therefore, below we have selected a variety of filling variations to satisfy any taste preferences.

Quick pizza in a frying pan with photo

One-minute pizza in a frying pan

Required ingredients for pizza:

  • ham – 300 g
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • hard cheese – 100 g
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 4 tbsp sour cream
  • 1 large egg
  • 7 tbsp flour

Pizza preparation technology that will not take more than ten minutes:

  1. Knead the pizza dough, it should be liquid. First, combine mayonnaise, sour cream and eggs, and then add flour.
  2. Grease a frying pan with oil and pour the dough into it.
  3. Cut the ham into large slices and place evenly throughout the dough.
  4. Place tomatoes cut into rings and grated cheese on top.
  5. Place the pan on the stove and cover with a lid, cook for about ten minutes. The readiness of the dish is determined by the melted cheese and golden brown dough, which easily leaves the pan.

In order for the pizza to bake evenly, pour a not very thick layer of dough into the pan.

That's all ready, enjoy the incredible aroma and taste of pizza!

Easy and quick video recipes for homemade pizza

Try a wide variety of pizza preparation options to find out exactly which ones you like the most! Bon appetit!

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