Home Grape How to mold from plasticine step by step. Modeling from plasticine step by step, lessons on modeling from plasticine. Plasticine crafts for children

How to mold from plasticine step by step. Modeling from plasticine step by step, lessons on modeling from plasticine. Plasticine crafts for children

We sculpt your favorite cartoon characters “Smeshariki”. Detailed photo instructions will help you learn how to make Smeshariki toys from plasticine with your baby.

Sculpting figures from plasticine is not only fun, but also useful.

This activity contributes to the overall development of the child, his creative potential, and fine motor skills.

In the process of sculpting, the baby’s nervous system stabilizes, visual memory develops, coordination and imaginative thinking improve.

With plasticine Sovunya, Krosh, Pin, Losyash, Nyusha, Karych, the child will spend many pleasant and useful minutes.

Workplace. Naturally, it is convenient to sculpt figures from plasticine at the table. But in order not to get it dirty, it is better to first lay down an oilcloth.

Plasticine. It is better to choose sets of plasticine in bright, juicy shades, so that a child from an early age develops the correct idea of ​​beauty.

Another requirement for plasticine is that it must be soft enough. Plasticine that is too hard should be warmed up by placing it in a cup of warm water for a few minutes.

To mold your favorite cartoon characters from plasticine, it is better to put them in front of your eyes Images. Then it will be possible to more accurately recreate the figures.

If your child loves to sculpt, he will certainly be interested in this. Use our instructions and have fun creating with your child!

Ours will tell you how to make a car out of plasticine. Choose which one you like best: car, truck or racing!

Plasticine Sovunya

You need to break off a piece from a block of purple plasticine and roll it into a ball. It will be the basis of the entire figure.

You need to make triangular ears from the same color and secure them to the base.

In order to make Sovunya's eyes, you will need white plasticine; you need to roll two balls from it, to which you should attach the eyelids with a “visor”.

Eyes with eyelids are also attached to the body.

Now you need to make a beak from red or orange plasticine. It can be rolled into a small cone, and then the tip is cut in the place where it should open slightly.

Attach the finished beak to the base directly under the eyes.

If the kit contains black plasticine, then pupils can be made from it. But you can use small black peppercorns for this.

By rolling sausages from dark plasticine, you can get paws.

To make the wings, you need to roll out two plates of the main color.

Plasticine lamb

The base will be a ball of pink plasticine.

To make sheep's fur, you need to roll several small balls of the same color and attach them to the base.

Ears, arms and legs should also be pink.

The eyes are made, just like Sovunya’s, from white and black plasticine.

Brown color will be needed for Barash's horns, nose, eyebrows and hooves.

You can make two thin strips for the mouth from red plasticine.

The material for making the Hedgehog ball-body will be red plasticine.

Half of the base should be covered with spines made of black plasticine.

In the cartoon, the Hedgehog wears glasses that must be molded together with his eyes and secured to his body.

Ears, arms and legs should be red.

How to make a Losyash

This cartoon character should be sculpted from yellow material.

White eyes with pupils and eyelids need to be attached to the finished body.

Losyash in the animated series has a big nose; it should be sculpted from a brown piece of plasticine.

The character's legs and arms must be made of the main color.

From dark brown plasticine you need to roll sausages for horns and eyebrows.

How to make Krosh

The basis for the Krosh figurine will be a turquoise or blue plasticine ball.

The eyes, just like for all previous characters, will be two white balls with black dots.

To make Krosh’s mouth, you need to arm yourself with a knife for cutting plasticine. On the body of the ball, you need to make a shallow cut in the shape of a mouth and bend it down so that a smile is formed.

Now you need to place a piece of red plasticine into the resulting smile mold, and then, against its background, attach two teeth prepared from white plasticine.

Krosh's paws and ears should be turquoise.

Pink plasticine will be needed to mold Nyusha’s body ball.

You need to make round eyes from white plasticine, and pupils from black plasticine.

Red plasticine will be needed for the round nose, eyelids and eyelashes of Smesharik.

You need to make two round plates from red plasticine and attach them to your head. A pyramid of four small balls is laid out on them, imitating a braid. You need to secure a “tail” at the end of the braid.

A flower is cut out of white plasticine and attached to the end of the braid.

Handles and legs are made from pink plasticine, hooves from red.

Making a Pina

The main ball for Pin is made of black plasticine.

Large round eyes are molded from white plasticine, pupils from black.

You need to roll a cone out of a piece of red plasticine and cut the narrow part. Then stick it to the body in place of the beak.

You need to make a hat from a piece of brown plasticine. Using black and blue plasticine, you can recreate aviator glasses and attach them to the penguin’s hat.

Pin has a white belly. In order to mark it on the figure, you need to roll out a round plate from a piece of white plasticine and stick it to the body of the Smesharik.

You need to make wings from black plasticine. The character's paws should be red.

These are the main Smeshariki from the animated series of the same name. If the child shows interest in this activity, you can try to make other heroes: Kopatych, Munya, Mysharik. Or you can get creative and create your own new hero with your child.

Also try making more complex plasticine crafts with your child. Find out with our instructions.

This will help you make a dragon. You will see that there are different dragons and choose the one that your child likes best.

Not long ago I published an article about how you can organize your first classes in . In the article I talked mainly about educational games with dough, which will help the baby learn to pinch off, cut the dough, leave prints on it, and generally do a lot of interesting things with it :) Today I would like to continue the topic of modeling, but dwell a little more on modeling is no longer from dough, but from plasticine, and bring to your attention options for the very first plasticine crafts with your baby.

Modeling classes are known to be extremely beneficial for children. Even during such seemingly simple actions as rolling out a kolobok or sausage, the child’s imagination and creative thinking develop. The child learns to perceive three-dimensional images, and at the same time trains fine motor skills, which has a very beneficial effect on the development of speech and on preparing the hand for writing. In other words, modeling in general has a very beneficial effect on the intellectual and emotional development of a child, so it is very advisable to include it in regular activities with your child.

Often mothers think that it is too early to sculpt with a one-year-old baby, because... the child will most likely want to taste the plasticine. However, even if your child tries to try it, don’t give up on your creativity lessons right away! Try to demonstrate to your child what plasticine is capable of, show how many unusual things can be made from it. Even if the child persistently continues to “try” the modeling mass, then at first sculpt from. Firstly, nothing bad will happen if the child tries it, since it is absolutely natural, and secondly, after several tastings, the child will most likely refuse this activity, because... the dough tastes very salty.

All the crafts in this article can be made from either plasticine or dough (store-bought, Play Doh, or homemade). The only thing worth noting is that when you make stickers on paper, the plasticine will stick to the paper much better than the dough. If you do work with plasticine, then choose the softest plasticine for practice so that the baby is not disappointed after his first attempts to sculpt.

Always remember that creative activities should last no more than 5-10 minutes. Do not restrain or force your child to sculpt with plasticine if he does not want to or is naughty. Even slight pressure on the baby will lead to the fact that he will eventually lose all interest in creativity. Therefore, if a child refuses to sculpt, just offer him this activity after some time (in a day, a week, or maybe a month), most importantly, don’t force it!

Where to start modeling classes with a child 1-2 years old

Naturally, you shouldn’t sculpt complex crafts in your first lessons. Now our task is to master the basic and simplest skills of working with plasticine. So, what should you teach your child first:

  • Pinch off a piece plasticine with thumb and forefinger
  • Knead plasticine in the palm of your hand
  • "Flatten" small plasticine balls with your index finger. At first, the mother makes the balls for the baby, then gradually we learn to roll the balls together.
  • Roll the bun between two palms. It is preferable to use both hands (rather than rolling the bun on the table), since in this case both palms are massaged, which is twice as beneficial for the baby’s motor skills. If it is difficult to roll a ball with two palms, at first you can learn to roll the bun on your mother’s palm. Give the resulting ball different images, so your simple manipulations with plasticine will take on meaning. For example, by adding a leaf to a ball, you can turn it into an apple, and with the help of a match or a toothpick you can easily make a real bun that rolled away from grandma and grandpa!
  • Roll the sausage between two palms. An ordinary plasticine sausage can easily become a cucumber for a hungry doll Masha or a worm that will then crawl along a baby’s hand.

Well, now there are various options for plasticine crafts that you can create even with a one-year-old toddler.

The simplest crafts from plasticine

For all crafts, you will need to draw or print a picture template in advance. In the article I added the ability to download the simplest b/w templates. If you wish, you can pre-color them, or, if you have a color printer, find more interesting color analogues of the templates. I think the baby will like any option, even black and white.

Try to ensure that when creating a craft, the child plucks off each piece of plasticine himself and, if possible, rolls it into a ball.

  • Ladybug

  • Chicken grains

  • Snowflakes

  • Watermelon with seeds

  • Specks on the fly agaric

  • Tree with leaves

Crafts made from plasticine with the arrangement of elements in specific places

  • Beads

  • Rungs for stairs . Invite your child to help the girl climb a palm tree to get coconuts - there’s no way to do this without a ladder. –

  • Train wheels

  • Flower

  • Zebra stripes

  • Plasticine hide and seek . Hiding the bun from the fox -

You can also use ready-made manuals in your classes. This is very convenient, because... does not require any additional preparation before class. Here are the manuals we used:

  • (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

  • (Ozon, My-shop)

Traditionally, modeling from plasticine is perceived as an activity for children, but in this hobby people of all ages can find not only pleasure, but also benefits.

If you still think that only short-lived trinkets are made of plasticine, look at this material in a new way. You can sculpt souvenirs, decor and even paintings. After studying the theory, be sure to move on to practice. The cost of a box of multi-colored plastic bricks is more than reasonable; you won’t lose anything if you don’t like it.

The benefits of modeling for children and adults

In many countries, modeling classes are compulsory in the programs of kindergartens and schools. It has been proven that working with plasticine:

  • promotes the development of fine motor skills;
  • improves coordination of movements;
  • teaches both hemispheres of the brain to work simultaneously;
  • develops imaginative thinking;
  • reveals creative abilities;
  • makes an active child more diligent;
  • increases attentiveness;
  • introduces colors and the possibility of obtaining new shades;
  • normalizes the emotional state, which is especially important for;
  • improves speech;
  • helps in the future to quickly learn to write and draw.

Creative experiments with plasticine do not reduce self-esteem, since any failed craft can be easily corrected or turned into a new, no less beautiful figurine. Modeling teaches you to achieve goals and achieve results.

There are also indirect benefit– children are distracted from TVs and computers, which means their eyes are rested during classes. If you teach your child to sculpt with plasticine in the evenings, he will calm down before bed and sleep peacefully at night.

For adults, modeling is no less useful. Doctors recommend kneading plasticine and sculpting simple figures for people who have suffered a stroke and have noticed memory impairment and impaired coordination of movements. It is known that there are many reflex zones on the fingertips, massage of which improves the condition of the body and the functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

Adults automatically begin to fiddle with something in their hands during stress, crumple paper or clench their fists. To combat outbursts of anger, they came up with “chewing gum for hands” - an alternative that does not stain your palms.

Types of plasticine for children's and adult creativity

Don’t rush to go to the store for a package of plasticine, so as not to get confused in front of the display case, study what types there are and how they differ.

What is classic plasticine made from?

Classic plasticine, well known to the older generation, appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. As often happens, the material for modeling was invented at the same time by different people in Germany and Great Britain. The composition of the mass was based on natural clay, wax and fats.

The composition of classic modern plasticine for children includes:

  • kaolin (white plastic clay);
  • paraffin or wax are natural plasticizers, thanks to which the mass softens from the warmth of the hands and hardens into the craft;
  • fats of animal or mineral origin (hence the greasy stains on paper and clothes);
  • ceresin – a waxy substance from a mixture of solid hydrocarbons;
  • coloring pigments.

The composition of different manufacturers differs depending on the brand: M(soft) and T(solid). To obtain the desired properties, zinc white, sulfur, rosin, and machine oil are added to the mass.

Modeling clay sets come in a different number of colors. To begin with, you can buy a package containing twelve multi-colored bars. For complex crafts, you need kits that include at least sixteen shades.

Clay-based plasticine is relatively hard. To make the mass plastic, the piece needs to be kneaded in your hands for some time. It is at this stage that modeling brings the most benefits, but it is difficult for children and people with poor health to achieve results.

Wax mass for modeling

For children's modeling from plasticine, it is better to choose soft and safe wax-based materials. Plastic wax plasticine does not require long kneading and is ready for use almost immediately. It is also easier to fasten parts made of wax mass together; just press them against each other.

In addition to wax, the composition includes paraffin, stearin, dyes, plasticizers, and other additives. If the manufacturer did not use harmful substances, such a product will not cause allergies or skin problems.

However, wax plasticine is capricious in storage and is afraid of warm air and sun. Such crafts are less durable. For kids it is an ideal choice, but for adults it is better to take a different type of plasticine so that the painstakingly created beauty will please you for as long as possible.

Sculptural plasticine for durable crafts

Sculptural plasticine for modeling is chosen not only by amateurs, but also by professionals, including art school students and future sculptors. The main difference between the material is its plasticity; it can be used to create miniature parts with high precision and clarity.

This type of product is created on the basis of beeswax, natural clay, talc, and plasticizer oils. As a rule, the mass is not painted in bright colors, but natural shades are left. Thanks to this, you can sculpt realistic sculptures, masks, and figurines. If you need bright crafts (culinary miniatures, toys, decorations), it is not difficult to paint them.

Bright balls for children's creativity

Plasticine balls look like small multi-colored peas or millet groats. The material is based on miniature foam balls glued together with invisible polymer glue. During the sculpting of the figure, the ball structure is preserved. Children really like to sculpt with bright balls. The mass easily takes the desired shape.

Ball plasticine can be fine-grained and coarse-grained(diameter of one ball is more than 1 mm). Depending on the adhesive, the material is divided into hardening and reusable. The first one gradually hardens and is suitable for souvenirs and decorations. If desired, a figurine with non-hardening glue can be easily disassembled and created something else.

Foam balls can be used in combination with other types of plasticine. The result is original toys, delicious miniature food and much more.

Unusual new items with different properties

Manufacturers continue experiments, as a result of which new materials for modeling appear on the shelves:

  • Fluorescent plasticine crafts glow in the dark, gaining light during the day. This material makes interesting figurines for the interior of a children's room and New Year's toys.
  • Mother-of-pearl plasticine is convenient to use for highlighting individual details. For example, for sculpting a dress for a doll or a parrot's tail.
  • Rubber plasticine is very elastic, stretches and bends in any direction without breaking. But if you bake the finished craft, it will become durable and monolithic. Suitable for practical toys and decorations - not afraid of water and does not break. You can make flexible and monolithic crafts - the question is baking.
  • The polymer mass for modeling is created on the basis of polymers and plasticizers. The material does not require baking; the products harden in air and become durable.
  • Plasticine soap was invented for creative people. Essentially, this is a soap base from which you can sculpt using the usual technique. Water is used to connect parts. The finished soap can be used for its intended purpose.

  • Edible plasticine is ideal for children's creativity, as it is absolutely safe. Main ingredient – ​​confectionery marzipan. This is the best material for sculpting culinary miniatures, fruits, and exotic food.
  • Self-hardening gypsum-based plasticine is a professional modeling mass from which you can create sculptures, souvenirs, panels, stucco moldings, and decorative dishes. The products do not need to be baked; they harden in air.

If you want to try different types of clay in modeling, look for kits that include several materials and tools for working with them.

How to make modeling mass with your own hands

If you don’t have the opportunity to buy plant-based plasticine, make your own modeling clay. Available homemade material is salt dough. Hardening of crafts takes a long time; to speed up the process, use oven drying at low temperatures. Dough recipe and process basics.

Play dough can easily be colored by adding food coloring or the juices of colorful vegetables and fruits, such as beets and spinach. Finished products are painted and varnished, making them durable and resistant to moisture. Salt dough makes beautiful toys and refrigerator magnets.

Another simple homemade plasticine can be made from starch and hair balm. Just mix half a cup of potato starch with ¾ cup of balsam, knead well, add coloring. Of course, it’s not worth spending an expensive conditioner on this, and if the new balm doesn’t suit your hair, then dispose of it.

Modeling technique and tools

If you just give your baby a package of plasticine, a miracle will not happen. You will have to spend a little time for the young master to fall in love with creativity that is unfamiliar to him.

Basic techniques and general rules

Experts recommend introducing children to modeling from the age of one and a half years, but only under adult supervision and choosing safe plasticine. For the smallest sculptors, wax is suitable - it is on a natural basis and is easy to knead without requiring effort.

Don’t rush to show your child crafts - even the simplest ones will seem difficult to him. Start by mastering the basic techniques. Show how to tear off pieces, roll sausages, balls, buns and flat cakes. Tell me how to connect them. Learn how to get a different shade from two different colors.

Later, move on to recognizable figures, choosing the simplest ones. Let it be the simplest flower, the sun, grass, a donut, a ladybug. Gradually complicate the task, teach how to use molds and tools for reliefs. At this stage, step-by-step lessons with photos will be a good help. Take our or as a basis.

Adults and elderly people who have forgotten with age how to sculpt from plasticine should also not immediately take on complex work. If we are talking exclusively about the therapeutic effect, for example, after a stroke, then let the person simply work with the mass, kneading it in his hands.

If you decide to learn a new hobby not only for benefit, but also for aesthetic pleasure, start with simple figures or panels. After practicing with children's instructions, try creating. There is no shame in hanging this one in the living room.

What tools are needed for sculpting?

To create beautiful crafts from plasticine, just your hands are not enough; you need special tools. The most necessary manufacturers can be included in the kit, but additional ones must be purchased separately.

Modeling board protects the table from soiling materials and simplifies flattening, rolling out sausages, and forming various shaped parts. The boards are made of plastic and silicone. Some are completely smooth, and some have a partially corrugated surface to create texture. A regular cutting board will not work, as the material does not stick to the special one.

Knives for working with plasticine, they are designed to separate the block into pieces and remove excess. You can also use them to give reliefs to crafts and apply simple patterns. Knives are made of plastic, wood, and metals. The blades are smooth and curly, linear and disk (like for pizza). Sharp blades are not needed here, the main thing is that nothing sticks to them.

Ruler useful for measuring parts. Not everyone can determine proportions by eye. A regular plastic ruler 10-20 cm long is suitable for the job. You may need a compass and a protractor to get an even circle and the desired angle.

Stack– an important assistant, without which it is better not to start modeling from plasticine. Reliefs and recesses are formed in stacks, material is applied to surfaces (for appliqués), and designs are created. Stacks come in different forms:

  • for pinpoint dents you need a tool with a ball at the end;
  • for smoothing the surface - with a spatula;
  • for patterns - with a thin sharp tip;
  • for relief - with saw-type teeth.

For children's creativity, it is better to purchase plastic stacks; although they can break, they are safer and lighter.

rolling pin– a very useful tool for sculpting in more complex techniques. A rolling pin is needed to roll out the plasticine into an even and smooth layer. Such details are relevant when creating panels, paintings and postcards. To start, you can use a small glass bottle. If you pour warm water inside, the material will soften faster.

Molds- These are tools that make it easier to create textures. By pressing the mold onto the plasticine blank, it is easy to get a neat figure. Molds are convenient for modeling small flowers, leaves, and berries from plasticine in large quantities. To make the perfect tree leaf by hand, you will have to not only painstakingly remove the veins, but also study the structure of the leaf.

Texture sheets needed to quickly add texture to plasticine pieces and rolled out layers of different sizes. With the help of textured surfaces it is easy to obtain both a small detail for appliqué and the background of a painting. For example, sea waves or a sandy shore.

In addition to special tools for modeling plasticine, you can and should use improvised means. Look at home for beautiful textured buttons, perfume bottles with a grooved surface, and coins. Cookie cutters, stencils and other unexpected things will come in handy.

Subtleties of modeling and useful tricks

Classic plasticine is tricky to work with. Its plasticity depends on ambient temperature and freshness. Before sculpting, the piece must be kneaded well in your hands until the mass can be molded and sticks well.

To soften plasticine that is too hard, place it in a waterproof container and place it in warm water. For example, you can put the pieces in a glass jar, which you then place in a pan of hot water.

Another problem is that it is difficult to cut out small parts from a plasticine sheet that is too soft. Here you need to do the opposite - place the bar in the refrigerator for a short time or put it in cold water in a waterproof bag.

Despite all their plasticity, plasticine parts cannot always be firmly connected to each other. To prevent the head of the puppet theater toy from falling off, use matches or toothpicks to secure it. If the part is curved, you can strengthen the fastening with thread or fishing line. Only don't use needles! Is it dangerous!

Plasticine goes well in crafts with other materials, including natural ones. Add pine cones, acorns, pasta, small toys. See what you can make with your own hands from sea stones.

Most types of plasticine are afraid of contact with air. To prevent drying out, store leftover product from the master class in tightly closed plastic boxes. Stores sell boxes with compartments for different colors.

Even if your hands seem clean after sculpting, they must be washed with warm water and soap. Do not forget that the composition contains not only plant components.

What to mold from plasticine: step-by-step MKs for children and adults

So that you don’t have time to “cool down”, we suggest that you immediately move on to our master classes on plasticine modeling for children of different ages and adults. We have prepared instructions of varying levels of complexity so that everyone can find a craft that suits their strengths and talents.

From a very young age, plasticine modeling plays a decisive role for children. This is not just an interesting activity, it is a powerful tool for thinking, memory, and creativity.

If you want your baby’s talents and skills to develop to the fullest, often sculpt animals, food, houses and everything else you can with him.

If you have long forgotten what and how you sculpted in kindergarten and school, just use ready-made diagrams. Step-by-step modeling from plasticine for children - these are detailed descriptions of the steps, as a result of which you will get cute figures. If you love Smeshariki, this video of plasticine modeling for children will help you easily make a Hedgehog:

What to sculpt from plasticine with children 2 years old

Basically, modeling from plasticine for children 2 years old consists of making balls and long sausages. You can make a lot of fun shapes based on these elements:

    • snowman – take white plasticine, roll 3 balls (one smaller) and connect them with a column, add eyes and nose;
  • pretzel and bagel – take brown and yellow plasticine, roll a sausage, then connect the edges of one, and cross the other like a pretzel.
  • candy – roll the sausage and two small balls, attach them along the edges (or roll the sausage and wrap it in a paper wrapper).

We sculpt from plasticine with children 3 years old

When modeling from plasticine for children 3 years old, the task can be complicated by adding various objects to the material. For this, cereals, beads and any little things that can be pressed into a plasticine figurine will be useful.

  • pizza we make a ball, flatten it and, pressing it, lay out star pasta, rice, buckwheat and any “products”;
  • pyramid we repeat the structure of a multi-colored pyramid, laying rings of different shades in layers;
  • hedgehog roll a brown ball, take an open pine cone and attach a muzzle to its tail, pulling it out with your fingers, then add eyes and a nose.

How to sculpt with plasticine for 4 year old children

Modeling from plasticine for children 4 years old is a task for complex compositions. They should contain several subjects united by one theme. For example, you can make a clearing with fly agaric mushrooms. For it you will need red, white, green and brown plasticine, as well as a screw cap from a jar.

Making a clearing with 2 fly agaric mushrooms

We take a lid that will be like a sandbox with sides. We distribute green plasticine along the bottom, and brown plasticine along the sides. We sculpt white legs for two mushrooms, and attach red caps on top. We put the mushrooms in a clearing and add white dots to the caps.

Ideas for modeling from plasticine with children 5 years old

Fascinating modeling from plasticine for children 5 years old can already change its shape and become, for example, a way to create postcards. By preparing watermelon seeds in advance, you and your baby can make a very beautiful tree on a flat surface.

Creating a postcard “Autumn tree”

You will need a sheet of cardboard, a handful of watermelon seeds, brown, green and yellow plasticine.

First, prepare the base: spread green plasticine over the cardboard, and make a frame of thin yellow sausages around the edges. Now stick brown plasticine in the center in the shape of a wide trunk and narrower branches. The most interesting thing remains: you need to stick seeds on all the branches and paint them with yellow and red paints to make it look like leaves.

Topics for modeling from plasticine with children 6 years old

Schoolchildren are the most experienced children in the field of creativity. You won’t surprise them with hedgehogs and trees. Therefore, modeling from plasticine for children 6 years old should be more difficult. With them you can make a three-dimensional plasticine image on a plane.

Making a three-dimensional composition “Roses”

You need green, pink and red plasticine, colored cardboard, stacks. First, we place the stems - thin green sausages - on a sheet of colored cardboard. We attach leaves with veins drawn in a stack to them. And for the tops of the stems we make buds: we roll up sausages and roll them into a spiral. You should get a large bouquet of large and small roses.

Modeling from plasticine on the themes: autumn, vegetables, food, animals

If you need step-by-step modeling for children when they have been given homework - to make a plasticine craft on a certain topic, then instructions on popular motifs will help you.

Easy modeling of animals from plasticine for children:

  • snail made of white and brown plasticine

  • cute pig made from pink plasticine

Original plasticine modeling, vegetables and fruits:

  • delicious banana made of white and yellow plasticine

  • mushrooms, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots

Delicious plasticine modeling, food:

  • almost like a real hamburger

In general, modeling for children has a comprehensive positive effect on the formation of the psyche of the growing personality, suppressing such negative psychological qualities as aggressiveness and capriciousness. At the same time, in order to engage in modeling, you do not need to enroll in any courses and spend your family budget on them. Every parent can do modeling with their child, which will only require a little time at least several times a week.

Plasticine modeling for children

The first question that arises for every parent who has decided to engage in modeling with their baby at first glance sounds very simple - what to mold from plasticine with the child. In fact, the first steps in this hobby should be careful and unhurried, because if a child does not like working with this material from the first lesson, then no effort can make him fall in love with this type of needlework.

You can start modeling with your child from the age of two or three, when children begin to form an idea of ​​the world around them, and the skeletal and muscular systems allow them to perform simple actions. At the same time, in the first steps it is worth completely abandoning the production of complex crafts consisting of many elements. Figurines of your favorite cartoon and fairy-tale characters and complex compositions should be put aside for the future, opting for easy crafts. They may be:

Then, gradually, taking into account the child’s success, you can move on to more complex crafts, which can be representatives of flora and fauna, and then cartoon characters.

Sculpting with children

During modeling classes with a child, it is very important not to overexert him or give him all the work of creating crafts. To begin with, it is better to make all the small and complex geometric parts yourself, allowing the child to sculpt simple figures (balls, cubes, sausages, etc.), and then move on to sculpting using examples 6, making the same elements of crafts together with the child. This is how the child can gradually and comfortably learn to make complex elements and figures in general.

In addition, it is important to choose the right material for sculpting with a child, which should knead easily and not harden within several tens of minutes. The best choice in this case would be a mass made in the shape of thick fingers. It is this that, as a rule, has a special softness, and the classic material in the bars is most often too hard for children's hands. And, of course, the material should not contain toxic substances.

Also, if you have the desire and opportunity, make homemade edible mass for creativity according to the principle of ordinary dough with the addition of natural dyes. Crafts made with it can be eaten.

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