Home Grape How much weight can a 65 cm fitball support? Everything you need to know about choosing a fitball (gymnastic ball). Experts advise choosing calm colors

How much weight can a 65 cm fitball support? Everything you need to know about choosing a fitball (gymnastic ball). Experts advise choosing calm colors

A gymnastic ball is also called a fitball, it is made of elastic rubber and it helps for various exercises of a physical and health nature, for example, for developing the desired muscle group, correcting the spine, as well as for aerobics and fitness. It is suitable for everyone - it can be used by both slim people and those who are overweight. The ball relieves the body very well during exercise, so it can be used even with sore joints or pregnant women, but all muscle groups are trained at the same time, this is the uniqueness of this sports equipment. But how to choose a gymnastic ball with a wide variety of shapes, sizes and manufacturers?

Types of fitballs

Based on the diameter, choose the correct projectile size as follows:

Pattern of size selection

How to choose the right fitball size based on your height:

  1. With a height of up to 155 centimeters, it is better to choose the diameter of the fitball in the range from 45 to 55 centimeters.
  2. For a person between 155 and 170 centimeters, the diameter of the gymnastics ball should be 55 centimeters.
  3. Height from 171 to 185 centimeters implies the use of a fitball with a diameter of 65 centimeters.
  4. With higher growth, the diameter should also be larger - from 75 to a maximum of 95 centimeters.

When choosing by height, you can approach the question of the size of the ball this way: subtract one meter from the person’s height - this will be the approximate size of the ball. But in principle, you can adapt to the existing ball, you can also choose the size for a specific exercise, which is especially important in therapeutic gymnastics, when a certain angle of inclination or a certain effort is needed. You also need to take into account weight - for people who are overweight, choose the right fitball from more durable rubber that can withstand up to 300 kilograms.

How to choose the right size based on the length of the arm from the shoulder joint to the tips of the extended fingers

  • up to 55 centimeters - size from 45 to 55 centimeters
  • from 56 to 65 centimeters - respectively, the diameter of the fitball is 55 centimeters
  • length from 66 to 75 centimeters - ball diameter 65 centimeters.

Newborns are given different balls 45 - 75 centimeters in size, but, not surprisingly, it is better to choose a larger ball; it is safer for the baby, because it has a “flat” surface and is more stable, making it easier to hold the child on it.

Other properties

There are many manufacturing companies, but the most professional among them are the following:

  • Gymnic (Italy)
  • Ledragomma (Italy)
  • Torneo (Italy)
  • Togu (Germany)
  • Spokey (Poland)
  • Alex (Taiwan)
  • Azuni (Taiwan)

These manufacturers make excellent balls. Of course, Italian and German ones are the most expensive, Polish ones are in the middle price category, the cheapest ones are from Taiwan, but they are also quite good, made by professionals.

Fitballs sometimes have an anti-burst ABS system, which helps to avoid explosion when the shell ruptures; the ball will slowly deflate. Of course, such equipment costs a little more, but it is much better, because if you need safe exercises for pregnant women, those who are overweight, or those who have limited movements, this property is a must.

This simple rubber ball is better than other exercises - it uses all muscles, makes a person more flexible, improves posture, helps to relax and even relieve stress. It also helps in the recovery of various human organs - hips, back, legs. Fitness, aerobics, and strength sports cannot be practiced by everyone, but exercises with fitball are available to almost everyone.

- a convenient, simple item for gymnastics. Exercises with it allow you to strengthen your back muscles, improve coordination, and relieve stress from the spine. Experts have developed a number of exercises that allow you not only to improve physical health, but also to quickly lose excess weight.

Exercises with a ball are quite simple and suitable for everyone, regardless of age and body condition. In addition, a fitball is an inexpensive exercise machine, which allows anyone who is interested in simple physical exercises to purchase it. But in order for exercises with such equipment to deliver the expected results, the training process must be correctly structured.

Very often, novice athletes, wanting to purchase such a simulator, do not know what the fitness ball is called. Therefore, if you decide to buy this product in a store, you should ask for “fitball”.

How did the fitness ball come about?

This gymnastic apparatus was invented by the doctor Joseph Pilates. A large rubber ball was used as exercise equipment for those recovering from serious injuries. The European doctor suggested that patients do simple exercises with a fitness ball to restore the proper functionality of the body.

The patient lay down on the object and simply jumped on it. According to Pilates, such actions allow you to create the necessary physical activity without affecting injuries in any way. In addition, exercises with a fitball provide a positive mood, which is very important in the post-traumatic period.

Modern supporters of Joseph Pilates believe that ball exercises can:

  1. improve the condition of knee joints (very important for older people);
  2. strengthen muscles (useful for children);
  3. create an ideal figure (essentially for young people).
Based on this, we can say that large fitness balls are the best option for those who care about the health of themselves and their loved ones.

Types of fitness balls

There are several types of large rubber balls. All of them differ not only in external characteristics, but also in the method of influencing the body. Therefore, before choosing a fitness ball, you need to accurately determine your goal and desire, and get an idea of ​​the expected result.

If you decide to do this kind of fitness, you should buy the “right” ball. There are several varieties of these rubber exercise machines.

  1. Big round ball. This product is perfect for both adults and children. Choose this item based on body size.
  2. Oval ball. This item performs the same functions as a round projectile. But it is much more stable. This allows beginners and people with poor coordination to successfully practice gymnastics.
  3. Ball with bumps. This device is perfect for those who want to improve blood circulation. It shows good massage qualities and has proven itself in the fight against cellulite and excess weight.
  4. Ball with handle. This projectile is best purchased for children and pregnant women. The presence of a comfortable handle increases safety during exercise.

How to choose the right fitness accessory

Any physical training should bring a person pleasure and benefit from the activity. Otherwise, achieving the desired result will be difficult not so much physically as psychologically. And first of all, for a successful fitness training, the right rubber ball must be chosen. It is selected individually based on the novice athlete’s build and the characteristics of the product itself. There are a number of criteria that help you choose the right gymnastic equipment
  1. Weight. A fitness ball can be of different diameters. On sale you can find such products ranging in size from 45 to 85 cm. Depending on the size, the weight that it can withstand varies. A small object can withstand three hundred kilograms, a large one - about a thousand.
  2. Height. To successfully select a fitball based on this criterion, you should test the ball itself. To do this, you should sit on it and check the position of your hips. If the product fits, then the hips will be at the same level as the knees, or slightly higher. Feet should touch the floor, knees bent at right angles. Otherwise, it is worth considering other options. For people whose height does not exceed 150cm, a ball with a diameter of 45cm is suitable. For those who are about two meters tall, it is better to buy an 85cm exercise machine.
  3. Ball hardness. This criterion is selected according to personal preferences. The stiffer the object, the more resistance it will provide during exercise. Soft sports balls for fitness are usually recommended for beginners, as they provide less stress and are suitable for introducing this sport. You can check the elasticity of an object by simply pressing your palm onto the surface. If the hand bounces off easily, does not encounter excessive resistance and does not sink in very easily, excellent indicators of elasticity.
  4. Material. The main thing is to choose a very durable and elastic projectile. This point is very important, because if the ball is accidentally punctured, with great elasticity it will not explode, but the millet will deflate. This quality makes the rubber product safer. To check whether the material is very thin, you should “pinch” the ball. If there are many small wrinkles, the quality of this product is very low, which means it will not last long.

    Also, on high-quality material, the numerous “seams” that are formed during the manufacture of the ball should not be noticeable. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the nipple. It must be inside. Otherwise, this part will interfere with sports activities and may injure the skin. A good fitness ball material has antistatic properties, is made from environmentally friendly raw materials, and is hypoallergenic.

How does the projectile affect the body?

At first glance, it may seem that fitness with a ball cannot lead to great results. But many studies in the field of therapeutic exercises have revealed interesting points.
  1. While sitting on the ball, a person's back always remains straight. This feature is due to the fact that this object does not have any support, while it is movable. Thus, the spine is aligned and the spinal muscles are strengthened.
  2. When this gymnastic apparatus rolls, all groups of spinal muscles are used alternately to maintain balance. This allows you to fight pain in muscle tissue and the spine.
  3. Also, during classes, the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, and legs are perfectly strengthened, which allows you to correct your figure.
  4. Since during exercise you need to work your whole body, it helps to quickly get rid of cellulite and extra pounds. If used during training, you can know exactly how many calories are lost in one session.

Simple exercises with a fitball

It helps not only to develop excellent balance, but also to strengthen the buttocks, hips, shoulders, arms, and abs. Each exercise should be done for one minute. There is a ten second break between them. You need to complete tasks one after another at least four times. At the end of your workout, you should stretch a little. This complex should be performed three times a week.
  1. Exercise one. You need to lie with your lower back on the ball and pick up dumbbells. Next, you need to extend your left arm to the side, and raise your right arm up so that the dumbbell is directly above your shoulder. Then you need to pull your stomach in, lift your left leg off the floor and stretch it forward. This position must be maintained for thirty seconds of fitness training, after which the positions of the legs and arms should be changed, but the lower back remains in place.
  2. Exercise two. You need to lie on your stomach on the ball, dumbbells in your hands, palms down. Next, you need to “raise” your shoulders, relax your neck, and pull your shoulder blades as close as possible to each other. Then the body should be raised a little, arms up, and back to the starting position. You need to repeat these movements for one minute. To avoid injuring your back, your stomach should be pulled in.
  3. Exercise three. You should sit on the ball and pick up dumbbells. You need to push off with your feet from the floor and your buttocks from the ball at the same time. In this case, your arms should be pulled to the sides, your shoulders should be away from your ears, and your abs should be pulled in. Jump lightly and land within sixty seconds

How to care for a fitness ball

The pump for the fitness ball is not always included with the gymnastic equipment. If it is not possible to buy a special device, you can get by with any other one, but you will need an adapter attachment.

Very often the fitball simply deflates. In this case, you need to establish the cause of such trouble. If there is no damage, and the air has deflated from frequent use, it will be enough to just inflate the ball.

In the event that it is blown away due to an accidental puncture, you will need to make a patch. It is best to make this from rubber, since this material stretches well during inflation and shows good elasticity during further use. You can install the rubber flap using any superglue. Place a heavy object on the restored area and leave it for a day.

Where to buy a fitness ball

You can purchase such a product at many retail outlets. But it is best to do this in a special sports store. In this case, there is more guarantee that the price will justify the quality. When purchasing, you should definitely pay attention to the material and the presence of design defects. You also need to make sure that you have a needle and a pump so that there are no problems with pumping later.

A fitness ball is a universal equipment. It is suitable for men and women, adults and children, the elderly and the very young. This gymnastic equipment improves posture, strengthens large and small muscle groups, improves the functioning of ligaments and joints.

Fitball is a gymnastic ball that is designed to improve posture, figure and well-being. This original colored projectile came to us not so long ago from Switzerland, but has already won thousands of fans thanks to its amazing results and ease of use. Today, girls, women, and grandmothers know what a fitball is, but you should know that half the success when practicing on a ball is the right choice of fitball.

What is fitball

Initially, the Swiss ball was created for people with cerebral palsy to do gymnastics. Its creator is doctor S. Kleinvogelbach, who proved that if you choose the right fitball diameter, the results for patients are simply amazing. Over time, exercises with a fitball began to be used to treat people with injuries to the musculoskeletal system and spine.

The rubber trainer contributed to rapid recovery, improved metabolism, and improved regeneration in the intervertebral discs and muscles. Nowadays, not a single gym can do without this product, which is used as a component of advanced fitness techniques and independently. Buying a fitball in an online store will not be difficult, because the prices for the ball are very affordable.

Benefits of training on a miracle simulator:

  • the load on the legs is reduced, which makes it possible to effectively exercise for people with varicose veins, obesity and pregnant women;
  • any exercise helps improve coordination;
  • a large number of calories are burned due to constant tension of the muscles of the whole body;
  • Metabolism and blood circulation improves, which promotes weight loss.

Types of Swiss balls

There are different forms of covering for Swiss simulators:

  1. Fitball with horns. These are special handles for maintaining balance. Suitable for inexperienced users. Children's fitballs are also equipped with handle horns.
  2. Fitball with spikes. Has the qualities of a massager. The model perfectly fights cellulite.
  3. Smooth gymnastic ball. It is universal, so it is used even by pregnant women. Used for both stretching and active training.

All fitness balls can withstand up to 300 kilograms of weight, and in diameter vary from 45 cm to 85.

How to choose the right gymnastic ball

There are several types of gymnastic balls; how to choose a fitball, let's figure it out. Products differ in terms of hardness (type of coating) and diameter.

How to choose a gymnastic ball according to your height:

  • If your height is less than 152 cm, then it is advisable to choose the smallest fitball size – 45 cm.
  • If you are 152-165 cm tall, choose a product with a diameter of 55, and if you are 165-185 cm tall, then it would be correct to choose a 65 cm fitball.
  • For people 185 -202 cm, the diameter of the orthopedic ball should be 75 cm.
  • If a person’s height is 202 cm or higher, then we take the largest rubber exercise machine - 85 cm in diameter.

The second option for choosing a size is according to the length of your outstretched arm. To do this, measure your arm from the tips of your outstretched fingers to the shoulder joint. If the arm length is:

You can finally make sure that the fitball suits you by sitting on the product. If the angle between the thigh and body, thigh and lower leg, thigh and foot is 90-100 degrees, then your aerobics with a fitball will produce good results. For beginners in fitness, experienced trainers advise choosing a gymnastic ball of the smallest diameter in order to quickly adapt to the simulator.

We learned how to choose a fitball by size, but gymnastic balls are also selected according to the type of coating. As a person's weight increases, the load on the ball increases accordingly. If you are overweight, purchase gymnastic equipment equipped with an anti-burst anti-burst system. The cost of a fitball labeled ABS will be slightly higher, but you will avoid the risk of unwanted injuries. To check the strength of the selected projectile, sit on it right in the store, you can even jump on a ball.

Characteristics of a quality product

High-quality Swiss exercise equipment is made from environmentally friendly hypoallergenic material and has antistatic properties. Modern technologies do not allow dust and small debris to stick to the product, and fitballs do not contain hazardous impurities for human health. A high-quality Swiss ball will be warm to the touch, while a fake ball will have a cold, slippery surface.

Branded products always come with a fitball pump, while cheaper analogues do not come with anything, so pumping up the ball after purchase is problematic. They produce high-quality exercise equipment in different colors: dark, light, natural shades, as well as with pictures, metallic colors or completely transparent. The norm is when the seams on the products are imperceptible and unnoticeable. On cheap fakes it is easy to notice hangnails, fibrous structures, and scars. The leaders in the production of quality products are Germany (Togu), Italy (Ledraplastik), USA (Reebok).

Common mistakes when choosing a fitball

Before you go to a sports store, find out what mistakes customers make when choosing gymnastics equipment. The price range is quite wide: from 200 to 3000 rubles per unit. But even an expensive projectile can be of poor quality, so it is better to purchase them from the above-mentioned manufacturers. In case of mechanical rupture, rubber exercise equipment from leading manufacturers do not burst, but deflate safely and slowly.

Gymnastic balls are sold in a deflated state, so assessing the elasticity in an online store from a photo can be a problem. If you purchase a product in the sporting goods department, ask the sales assistant to inflate the ball so as not to detect defects at home. If you want to keep the exercise machine in perfect condition for a long time, then after purchasing, take care to store the ball correctly.

Give it a place away from heat sources, flammable substances, cutting and prickly objects. Use the product not only for training, because if you sit on it at the computer or regularly use it instead of a chair while watching TV, you will forever forget about problems with the spine, forcing the muscles of the hips, abdomen, and back to constantly work.

A fitball is a large gymnastic ball made of elastic latex, used for training various muscle groups in all kinds of sports: fitness, aerobics, Pilates, as well as for rehabilitation physical education and gymnastics for pregnant women and infants. Modern ball manufacturers offer a wide selection of models of various sizes, appearance and purposes, therefore, in order to choose a fitball, you need to correctly take into account several factors, which will ensure the greatest effectiveness of your training with such sports equipment.

A miracle invention with medicinal properties

Fitball is a unique development that allows, with minimal load on the legs, to develop all muscle groups of the human body as carefully as possible. Due to the elasticity and absence of sharp corners, the possibility of injury is reduced to zero, and the round shape and instability, forcing you to maintain balance during the entire training process, perfectly keeps all the muscles of the body in good shape.

Training with such a sports “companion” is allowed even if you have diseases of the leg joints and varicose veins.

Exercises with the miracle ball are suitable for people of any age and size. Fitball aerobics will help:

Improve posture and strengthen back muscles;

Develop flexibility and endurance;

Improve the vestibular apparatus and develop coordination of movements;

By constantly balancing on the ball, it is good to massage the internal organs, stimulating their work;

Put your nerves in order, improve your cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Fitball exercises for weight loss

Aerobics with a miracle ball allows you to fight excess weight without tiring exercise in the gym or riding an exercise bike. If you don’t want to put on sneakers and run miles on a treadmill or constantly go on a diet, you should try to get rid of excess weight through special training with a miracle ball.

Fitbolaerobics for weight loss is a set of simple and at the same time effective (due to intensity) exercises for weight loss, allowing you to burn up to 300 calories per day without putting strain on your legs and spine. You can train in the gym, at home, in the country - half an hour a day is enough for you to see the results of your efforts after a month of gentle training.

Exercises for slimming thighs and buttocks on a fitball

1. Slender hips. Starting position – sitting on the ball with your hands behind your head. You need to move your hips back and forth, your feet should be firmly on the floor, and your torso should be motionless. Do 15-20 approaches. Then perform ten rotational movements of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise.

2. No to the stomach, yes to good posture! The starting position is with your stomach on the ball, resting your palms and toes on the floor surface. Rotate your torso in different directions, fixing one arm and lifting the other. Then lean on your hands and lift both legs. Perform 15-20 approaches.

Exercises for arms and chest with fitball

These and other special exercises on a gymnastic ball will be enough for you to see the results of your efforts after a month of gentle training.

What types of fitballs are there?

Gymnastic balls are available in various sizes - the diameter generally ranges from 45 cm to 85 cm, and are designed for a certain load. The surface can be smooth or pimply, depending on the type of latex material of the product. Sometimes a fitball comes “with horns” - special comfortable latex handles will help you sit more comfortably on the exercise machine, adding comfort when performing a certain set of exercises.

The fitball, designed for increased loads, is made of materials with an “anti-rupture” function, guaranteeing protection against sudden damage to the product and is supplied with a special repair kit.

What are the criteria for choosing a fitball?

To choose the right gymnastic ball, you need to consider several main factors:

1. Human height. Fitballs are mainly available in several standard diameters: 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 cm. To select the optimal size, it is better to “try on” the exercise machine - just sit on it. If the angle between the thigh and shin tends to 90 degrees (the feet should be firmly placed on the floor), this is your ball. If this condition is not met, it is impossible to achieve correct posture when sitting on a fitball, which can lead to an unacceptable increase in the load on the joints.

Usually, with a height of 155-170 cm, the optimal diameter is 55 cm; for people with a height of 171 to 185 cm, it is better to purchase a ball with a diameter of 65 cm. Taller people need a fitball with larger diameters, and for children, products with a parameter of 45 cm are suitable.

2. Reliability and individual characteristics of the fitball. It is necessary to know the level of load for which the ball is tested - a high-quality product is made of rubber or silicone and is always equipped with a passport, which indicates the main characteristics of the gymnastic ball. Fitballs are available in a load range from 300 to 1000 kg - the choice must be made depending on the purpose of the exercise machine and the weight of the future owner.

3. Quality and appearance of the ball. The fitball should be elastic to the touch. When you lightly press the surface of a quality product, your palm springs back, bouncing off the ball. The shape of the product, the type of surface (smooth, with a relief or pimpled, with or without “horns”) must be chosen depending on the planned use of the simulator.

The pimply fitball is intended for massage and rehabilitation gymnastics. A fitball – a jumper with a bracket or “horns” – is popular among children, helping to increase the child’s interest in training or medical procedures, turning a sports activity or rehabilitation process into an exciting game.

The round model with a smooth surface has a universal range of applications - it can be used as a training device for fitness, aerobics, Pilates in the gym or at home, for outdoor sports exercises, for physical therapy in groups of patients with various diseases and for post-traumatic physiotherapy.

The choice of the color of a gymnastic ball depends entirely on the taste of the buyer - you can choose either a strict gray or blue fitball, or a product of soft pink or acid green color. If you wish, you can choose a whole set of balls of different diameters in the same color scheme.

How to choose a fitball for pregnant women?

Exercises with a miracle ball are allowed for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy only after consulting a doctor. The choice of fitball for pregnant women must be approached with maximum responsibility. In addition to the obligatory fulfillment of the “90 degree angle” criterion, it is important to carefully study the material from which the ball is made - latex should be smooth and pleasant to the touch.

“Horns” or a bracket on an inflatable ball can give confidence to the expectant mother and diversify the exercises on the simulator (especially in the last months of pregnancy). Oval balls are a great choice for a variety of exercises; they are more stable and distribute weight better. It is desirable that the fitball has an anti-burst surface treatment to ensure that in case of unexpected damage it will not burst, but will gradually deflate.

Fitball exercises for pregnant women

How to choose a fitball for babies?

In addition to all its wonderful properties, the gymnastic ball is a lifesaver for young parents - it will help massage the infant and easily perform gymnastics with the baby. A round or oval ball made of high-quality, odorless, non-toxic latex that is soft and silky to the touch is perfect for these purposes. Exercises on a gymnastic ball for infants

There are no nicks, seams or irregularities on the surface of the fitball that could damage the baby’s delicate skin. The diameter of the ball for infants should be in the range of 6-75 cm; balls with “ears” are only suitable for children over 4 months old. It is better to choose a bright color - it will attract the child’s attention and lift his mood.

It is necessary to buy a fitball for an infant in a specialized store, where you can be guaranteed to purchase high-quality products from a reputable manufacturer that are reliable and safe for the baby’s health.

How to inflate a fitball?

Fitball is an inflatable sports equipment. To inflate the ball, a pump of any design with a nipple of the appropriate size is used: manual, foot or electric. If there is no pump, the fitball can be inflated through the hole like a regular inflatable toy: using your mouth. How to pump up a fitball

Most high-quality fitballs are equipped with a pump and instructions, which provide recommendations on how to properly pump air into the product. To achieve the highest level of elasticity of the ball, it is better to inflate it 5 cm more than normal, and then slowly deflate some of the air, reducing the simulator to the required diameter. The editors of uznayvse.ru hope that our article will help you choose the right fitball and always be in shape.

Fitness classes with special rubber balls are effective and safe for muscles and joints. In addition, such training is more fun and interesting. This sports device is a real find for training both in the gym and at home.

But fitness is not the only purpose of such balls; they are widely used for other purposes:

for activities with children, they help develop coordination and balance;
to prepare pregnant women for childbirth;
in physical therapy.

Most often, people have three questions related to this miracle simulator:

What is the name of the fitness ball? Fitball. The name comes from a combination of two English words: “fit” (figure) and “ball” (ball);

where to buy fitball? Now this is a very popular device, so you can buy it both in specialized stores and in regular megamarkets in the sporting goods department;

how much does a fitness ball cost? The price of such sports equipment is affordable, ranging from 500 to 1000 rubles.

1. First of all, decide for what purpose you need a fitball. If you want to purchase this exercise machine for training with a child, then choose a children’s fitness ball accordingly - 55 cm in diameter. What size fitball to choose for adults depends on the person’s height. For people with a height of more than 170 cm, a large fitness ball is suitable - 75-85 cm. If you are not that tall, choose a medium ball diameter - 65 cm.

These recommendations should not be neglected, since to obtain the best effect and maintain health, the angle between the torso and thigh, as well as at the knee and ankle joints, while sitting on the ball should be 90 degrees. Compliance with these parameters is possible only if the height and size of the sports equipment correspond.

2. Pay attention to the surface of the fitball. The fitness ball can be completely smooth, which is very convenient for training with the smallest children (the possibility of discomfort from contact of delicate skin with unevenness is eliminated).

A fitness ball with spikes or horns also has its purpose. Convexities in the form of long horns or arms are necessary for children so that they feel more confident during classes. According to reviews from women, a ball for pregnant women should also have devices for holding. Large inflatable fitness balls covered with spikes make excellent massagers.

3. When choosing in a store, give preference only to those fitballs that come with instructions for use. It should contain information on how to inflate and how to seal the fitness ball in case it gets damaged. Please remember that unauthorized experiments may damage the product. And in order not to buy a fake, pay attention to how much the fitness ball costs. A branded fitball cannot be very cheap.

Follow the tips above, exercise and stay healthy!

I’ll start with a detailed description of the culprit of the review and below I’ll describe what you should pay attention to when buying a fitball.


Many people complain that most gymnastic balls have too strong a smell. I was ready for this, but when I received the parcel I was surprised - the ball itself had practically no smell of a “Chinese product”. Even when I brought it closer to my nose I DIDN'T FEEL ANY STRONG SMELL.

Another plus for me is that the kit comes with a pump with two nozzles. I always use only a nozzle with a wide spout (the wider the spout, the more and faster the air enters the ball). It takes 8-9 minutes to inflate the ball.

The diameter of my ball is 65 cm. I’ll also touch on this topic later =)

Maximum weight - 100 kg. My mom and I use this ball every day. Over time, under various loads, the ball deflates by 5-8% and periodically you have to take out the pump and “pump up” the ball.

Another disadvantage I discovered is brand name, or logo that the Chinese forgot to stick on. There was room left for the logo, but there wasn't enough money for a sticker or paint.

Not a big problem!!! For me this is not such an important point.

I just thought for a long time, to be honest, why there are stripes all over the circle, and a rectangle in the center of the ball: DD The Chinese are giving me a reason to have fun.

The material is really thick to the touch. At first, my mother (weight 60-63 kg) was afraid that as soon as she sat down, the ball would burst.

But I still persuaded her to do a couple of exercises (bridge, sitting on the ball, moving her hips smoothly) and she liked the effect so much that in her free time the ball is always occupied either by me or my mother.

The price in this IM is 659 rubles, with delivery by Russian Post it was 965 rubles with prepayment. The ball took 6 days from the moment of ordering. On the 6th day the parcel reached the point of delivery and I received my order.

This is my first gymnastic ball. And I can say one thing - the ball is definitely worth the money!!! If you are looking at budget options, this fitball will not let you down.

Let me note once again that We use the ball EVERY DAY.

Since my job is mostly sedentary, and my mother has osteochondrosis - fitball helps to relax muscles, disperse blood in the pelvis so that there is no stagnation, strengthen the muscles of the back, abs... Overall, we are more than happy with the purchase!!!

_________________________________♛BooByMavliya ​__________________________________________

General points (nuances of choosing and purchasing a FITBALL)

1 - Decide on the size of the ball:

up to 155 cm - fitball diameter 45-55 cm

from 155 to 169 cm - fitball diameter 55 cm

from 170 to 185 cm - fitball diameter 65 cm

from 186 cm - fitball with a diameter of 75 cm

My height and my mother’s are different - 160 cm, and my mother’s is 152 cm. In principle, for the two of us we should have purchased at least a ball with a diameter of 55 cm (if we rely on these standards described above).

Personally, I wanted a fitball with a diameter of 75 cm. But, as you know, the larger the diameter of the ball, the more the buyer pays. At that time, I was not ready for such expenses because of the ball.

And the 45-55 cm fitball seemed too small and childish to me. As a result, we chose a golden mean.

2 - The smaller the ball, the MORE LOAD.

I have something to compare with and it really is! Relatives have a fitball with a diameter of 85 cm. When making a bridge, my hands can barely reach it. The bridge turns out to be “flattened”.

On a 65 cm fitball, the bridge turns out to be more “elongated”, that is, the spine receives more load than in a ball with a larger diameter.

But in general ideal option It will happen if you buy 2 balls with different diameters so that there is a different load.

Just don’t think that one fitball N cm has an effect, the muscles relax, but a fitball NN cm has zero effect.

In any case, you will receive a certain load. In both cases, your muscles will make themselves felt.

3 - The material from which the ball is made is also IMPORTANT.

The main materials used in the manufacture of fitballs are PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and silicone.

When I was looking for a gymnastic ball, I periodically came across balls made of silicone. Silicone is not a dense material. I was afraid that at the slightest load the ball would explode.

After all, not all balls have the ABS (anti-burst system) function. Silicone also collects all the dust. This material is electrostatic. Our PVC ball does not collect any dust.

Therefore, there are much fewer problems with a PVC ball than with a silicone one.

4 - ABS - balls with anti-burst function, or in other words anti-explosion.

Balls with a similar function are, of course, a little more expensive. This option is suitable for families with small children.

If suddenly the ball decides to explode, he will not dare to do so, since balls explode.

You won't hear the dreaded bang. The ball will simply begin to deflate.

In general, balls with the ABS function can withstand more than 100 kg.

_________________________________♛BooByMavliya ​__________________________________________

An inflatable springy ball for sports training and health promotion is called a fitball (exercise ball, swiss ball). It relieves excessive stress from your back and allows you to diversify your workouts at home and in the gym. The effectiveness of the exercises depends on the quality of the miracle simulator and its size. In order not to harm your health, you need to know how to choose a fitball taking into account individual parameters. Let's analyze how the various properties of a ball affect its service life, find out how to choose a fitball based on height and weight, learn how to inflate a fitball and store it correctly at home.

People of all ages, pregnant women, and even small children are allowed to train with a fitball. In evening workouts, it relieves nervous and muscle tension, and in the morning you can do exercises with it to wake up quickly, increase metabolism and improve brain activity. A fitball will help you pump up your abs, restore tone to your arm muscles, and make your legs and buttocks toned. Of course, you can train without a fitball, but this inexpensive and lightweight ball will bring something new to training and will allow those people who are contraindicated for heavy physical activity to engage in sports.

Fitballs may differ in shape:

  • Round: Classic fitballs are suitable for most workouts, improve flexibility and develop the vestibular system.
  • Oval: they are characterized by increased stability, help to concentrate on the technique of performing exercises and not be distracted by maintaining balance.
  • "Peanut": an elongated roller with a small depression in the middle is more used in physical therapy and rehabilitation programs.
  • Donut ball: the ball is stable, used during activities and games with children, it can be installed flat or sideways to perform complex exercises from Pilates, yoga, and fitness.

There are two types of surface:

  1. smooth: fitballs are intended for fitness and therapeutic and preventive training.
  2. with spikes: balls are more stable than smooth ones, but they roll worse and are not suitable for fitness, but are ideal for exercise therapy and evening relaxation.

Handles and horns help to rationally distribute the load and reduce the risk of falling. Such models are preferable for beginners and children. Some products have legs at the bottom for better stability.

How to choose the fitball size?

They work out on an inflatable exercise machine in fitness centers with professional instructors and on their own at home using a video. A ball made of dense rubber allows you to train your muscles without putting stress on your joints. It is recommended for older and overweight people suffering from osteochondrosis and varicose veins, people with injuries to the ankle or knee joints. To appreciate all the advantages of the ball, choose the optimal size.

Using the table, let's look at how to choose the right size fitball according to your height:

Height, cm Ball diameter, cm
130-150 45
151-165 55-65
166-185 65-75
>185 75

Selecting the size according to arm length (you need to measure the distance from the shoulder to the tip of the middle finger with a centimeter):

Important: when you sit on the ball, your thighs must be parallel to the floor (the angle at the knee is straight), otherwise the joints will receive a large load and the sport will cause harm. Before such a check, make sure that the ball is not deflated or overinflated.

When purchasing, you must also take into account the weight of the athlete. For dynamic jumps and intensive training with barbells, dumbbells and other weights, you need to choose balls with a load capacity of at least 600 kg.

Which fitball is better and of higher quality?

Cheap gymnastic balls from unknown brands are slippery, flimsy and too soft. When choosing a simulator, remember that the price is affected not only by brand popularity, but also by size, design features, and components. Trying to save money, you can spend three times more: a high-quality ball is harmless, but a bad fitball is very dangerous.

Signs of a quality inflatable fitness ball:

  • Durable material: high-quality fitballs are made of elastic plastic (different quality latex 6 mm thick).
  • Anti-burst systems: thanks to the ABS and BRQ systems, if the integrity of the ball is broken, the ball does not explode - air is slowly released through the puncture.
  • Antistatic properties: harmless additives prevent dust from sticking to the surface of the projectile.
  • Environmental friendliness: absence of harmful impurities (confirmed by a certificate) and unpleasant odor.
  • Seams and valve closing the air hole should not be felt during training.
  • The trainer inflates evenly, and the circumference corresponds to the size declared by the manufacturer.
  • Equipment: the best models are equipped with a good hand pump and special pads that can be used to seal holes.
  • Good material warm to the touch.

It’s bad when the shell of the ball is too flexible, but strong resistance is also unacceptable. When pressed, the deflection should be up to three centimeters, and the surface should easily spring back and recover. A bad simulator is revealed by small folds that form when you try to pinch it. If an inelastic projectile is deflated and re-inflated, it will develop cracks and fine wrinkles.

Balls made from the best materials in compliance with all technological requirements are produced by the brands Reebok, LedraPlastic, Bradex, Indigo, Togu. They do not contain harmful substances and are very durable, which is important for pregnant women and parents who are looking for a fitness ball for their child.

How to choose a fitball for pregnant women and infants?

During pregnancy, the joints and spine receive enormous stress. Exercises on an elastic fitball will relieve this tension and help a woman prepare for childbirth. But not every ball is suitable for the expectant mother. Particular attention should be paid to load capacity, anti-explosion system and texture. Smooth balls with handles are best.

Even children from one month old can do exercises and stretching on a fitball. Little athletes also need balls without tubercles with a diameter of 65–75 cm. Handles will not be superfluous, which will add stability and help coordinate movements. Using inflatable equipment, you can train the vestibular apparatus and relieve increased muscle tone.

The right ball will strengthen the child’s musculoskeletal system, calm the nerves, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevent colic.

Rules of use: how to inflate and store a fitball

The ball must be protected from any mechanical damage. It is not so easy to pierce it, but if the floor is uneven or there is something sharp on the surface that can pierce the product, place a mat under the fitball. The damaged trainer is repaired as a bicycle inner tube. Sometimes a special glue and repair instructions are supplied with the product. You can also buy a whole repair kit with patches separately.

You can pump up a fitball with a regular hand pump, bicycle pump, or car pump. The main thing is that the needle fits or there is a special adapter. You can inflate it without additional funds, like a simple inflatable ball. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this process is quite lengthy.

Adjust the degree of inflation to suit yourself: the projectile should not be half-deflated or over-inflated. Focus on the angle of your knee when sitting on the ball (it should be straight). You can determine whether the fitball is sufficiently inflated by simply pressing with your palm: the surface should be dented by 2–3 cm.

It is not recommended to deflate it after each workout - it is better to store it inflated. Keep it in a dark place away from heaters and hot sunlight. Do not leave it on the balcony overnight, as temperature changes have a negative effect on the material. For the same reason, during the cold season, the ball is transported in the passenger compartment of the car, and not in the trunk.

You can not only train on the gymnastics apparatus, but also sit in front of the TV or at the computer. This way the spine will receive less load, and maintaining balance will have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the whole body. Choose the right ball and don't forget to practice regularly. This great machine will improve your flexibility and increase muscle strength!

Fitball or “fitness ball” is one of the most popular and affordable exercise equipment that is used both at home and in gyms. The ball allows athletes with any level of training to conduct training, regardless of experience, age and other conditions.

What is a fitball and what is it for?

A gymnastic ball is the simplest type of universal exercise equipment. It is suitable for many exercises and can be used as a main element or as a simulator that complicates the movement. Made from durable rubber material that can withstand enormous loads. The fitball is inflated with ordinary air, which, with the exception of incredible strength, makes it similar to balloons.

The main directions in training with fitball:

  • Strength training (only with your own body weight, no weights).
  • Gymnastic movements.
  • Yoga exercises and static positions.
  • Recovery and rehabilitation.

This wide range of capabilities makes the large fitness ball a completely versatile exercise machine that is suitable for any training purpose.

The benefits and harms of exercising on a fitball

In terms of benefits and contraindications, a gymnastic ball is the best exercise machine. It has virtually no flaws.

Main advantages:

  • The ability to vary the load from incredibly simple to complex (complication of ordinary strength and gymnastic movements).
  • Development of flexibility, coordination of movements and balance.
  • Effective burning of calories and fat burning.
  • Natural development of aesthetic muscles.
  • Working out all the muscles of the body (including the deep layers).

Thanks to such advantages, a fitness ball is called one of the safest and most useful exercise equipment. It can be found in most rehabilitation centers. Also, a fitness ball is the best exercise machine during pregnancy. However, the only limitation is the first trimester. When any load is contraindicated. In other periods, such training (under the supervision of a specialist) will be useful.

Types of fitballs

There are several types of simulators. Therefore, before choosing a fitball, you need to understand the characteristics of each type. Initially, all simulators are divided into categories of diameter, stiffness and type of construction.

By type they distinguish:

  • With spikes or gymnastic massage ball.

  • With horns (handles) - for additional balance. Basically, such models are considered for children.

  • Smooth is a universal type, the most popular in sports.

  • "Peanut" - suitable for strength sports and for recovery from injuries.

In most cases, a smooth ball is suitable as it is the most versatile. A gymnastic massage ball is better during rehabilitation (it creates an additional massage effect during work) and also when fighting cellulite, when you need to tighten the skin and break down fat deposits.

How to choose a fitball

Once you have decided on the type, you need to choose the size of the fitness ball. For this, a universal table of the relationship between height and diameter of the simulator is used (weight is usually not taken into account, since almost all fitballs can withstand a load of up to 300 kg). The arm length ratio can also be used, although this calculation does not take into account individual characteristics (for example, long arms with short stature).

How to choose a fitball based on height and weight

Standard mesh:

Height (cm) Diameter
150-160 55
160-170 65
170-180 75
180-190 (and above) 85

There is also a way determining size by arm length. It is less correct and is used as an additional method. To calculate, take the length of the arm from the shoulder to the nails.

  • For example, with a length of 66-75 cm, a 65 cm fitball is suitable.
  • If the arm length is higher than this value, the gymnastic ball is 75 cm.

What else to pay attention to

In general, there is a huge selection of different balls on the market, both from expensive and well-known brands, as well as budget models from unknown manufacturers. There is no particular difference between the balls, if you do not take into account different technologies (for example, the design of massage-type spikes).

The most important condition when choosing a model is presence of a pump. It is necessary to pump up the fitball. If it is not included in the kit, then you need to buy the pump separately. Without it, you won’t be able to pump up a fitness ball.

Top brands

  • Starfit GB-102– has anti-explosion technology, does not slip, a pump is included in the initial package.
  • Togu MyBall Soft- a simple and durable ball. Thanks to anti-explosion technology, it is protected from sudden deflation even if damaged.
  • Bradex SF 0171– “peanut” class model. It is used both in strength sports and for recovery from injuries. Designed for heavy people, it can withstand up to 150 kg of direct load.
  • Indigo IN004– a popular model with a mustache for children. The surface does not slip, and the elastic material allows it to withstand loads of up to 150 kg.

How to pump up a fitball

You can inflate a fitball at home; all you need is a pump. Many manufacturers add it to the kit, otherwise you will have to purchase the pump separately.

After connecting the pump to the special hole on the ball, inflate it to a volume of 80-85%. Never inflate the ball completely.

  1. Firstly, this increases the risk of damage during intensive work.
  2. Secondly, it will reduce softness and increase the shock-absorbing load on the muscles during use.

How to inflate a fitball without a pump

How to deflate a fitness ball

Can a fitball burst?

Repeated testing has shown that the balls are incredibly durable and require conscious effort (such as being placed at a certain angle and high pressure) to damage them. During normal work with the simulator, damage to it is possible only if the ratio of the athlete’s weight and the class of the ball is incorrect (for example, a children’s simulator for a man weighing 120 kg or more).

Also, almost all fitballs are equipped with anti-explosion technology, which eliminates the risk of the ball bursting. Even if the integrity of the chamber is compromised, the fitball will deflate gradually. This allows you to avoid getting injured and not jumping off a burst machine during the exercise.

A fitball is a large elastic ball that is used in sports and recreational training. It will be especially useful when doing exercises for the abs, back and buttocks. Its advantage is that it allows you to diversify home exercises, removing unnecessary stress from the spine. Having gained an idea of ​​how to choose a fitball, you will greatly increase the effectiveness of your exercises. After all, it will be tailored to your individual wishes, taking into account factors such as weight and height.

Tear resistance and ball types

The first thing to consider when choosing a home exercise machine is its safety. A high-quality fitball should have a built-in anti-burst system. If damaged, such a ball will not burst, but will gradually begin to deflate. This system is designated ABS, anti-explosion or BRQ (technologies for the manufacture of projectiles with increased safety).

Beginners should pay attention to the presence of holders - horns, handles and staples. They are also relevant for children and pregnant women, as they simplify the training process and reduce the risk of injury. There are also fitballs with a stand in the form of legs. They help maintain balance.

The fitball can have a smooth or massage surface.

  • The smooth ball is suitable for sports and fitness training, fitness for pregnant women and exercise for babies.
  • A massage ball dotted with special tubercles is intended for relaxation and exercise therapy. If you choose and use it correctly, it will be an ideal way to relax after a working day and will serve as a preventive measure for various spinal diseases. Keep in mind that it is not suitable for fitness, as it is difficult to move across the floor.

Suitable size

Now it’s time to decide on the main parameters of the fitball and choose the size that suits you. The diameter of a standard fitball ranges from 45 to 90 cm and is selected according to height. It is important that the angle between the shins and thighs of the person sitting on the ball is 90°. This way the body weight is distributed correctly and the joints are not overloaded.

  1. For a child 5–10 years old, a diameter of 55 cm is recommended.
  2. For adults with a height of 150–170 cm, the diameter should be 65 cm.
  3. With a height of 170–190 cm – 75 cm.
  4. For taller people, it is correct to purchase a larger size - 85 cm.

There is another technique that allows you to choose the correct diameter of a football. It is based on the size of the hand, starting from the shoulder joint to the tips of the outstretched fingers.

    1. If the arm length is less than 55 cm, a diameter of 45 cm is required.
    2. If the measurement falls in the range of 56–65 cm, buy a fitball with a diameter of 55 cm.
    3. At 66–75 cm, a 65 cm ball is suitable.
    4. When the length is more than 75 cm, a larger size fitball is selected (from 75 to 90 cm).

Does a person's weight influence the choice of fitball?

The ball can withstand a load of 300 kg, so the maximum permissible weight of the trainee, taking into account his active movements, is 130 kg. If your weight exceeds this mark, training with the ball on your own may not be safe. In this case, it is correct to use the services of a trainer. A ball that can support more weight can be ordered online or found at a large store. Its diameter is also selected according to the rules described above.

If you have any doubts when choosing a piece of equipment, contact a consultant and try out the fitball you like. Pay attention to whether you can sit on it with a straight back. Beginners should choose a smaller size, as it is easier to perform exercises on.

Selecting the color

If you plan to store the ball inflated, be sure to pay attention to its color. The exercise machine can either fit into the color scheme of your interior or act as a bright accent.

If a fitball is purchased for relaxation and yoga, choose the color according to your emotional state:

  • red increases energy levels and strengthens the immune system;
  • orange eliminates internal discomfort and charges with positivity;
  • blue gives a feeling of calm;
  • brown helps to find harmony.

Quality control

How to make sure that the selected fitball is of high quality?

  1. The seams of the ball are invisible when inflated and do not cause discomfort when in contact with the exercise machine.
  2. The ball inflates evenly and when finished corresponds to the stated size.
  3. The material contains an antistatic agent and dust does not stick to its surface.
  4. Good material is warm to the touch.
  5. The nipple covering the inflation hole is completely pressed into the surface and cannot be felt.

How much does a fitball cost? The price is affected by its diameter, configuration and color. A ball for home training can be purchased for an average of 600–1200 rubles.

How to inflate and store

Before first use, the fitball must be inflated. To do this, you can use a regular hand pump, which is included in the kit. Keep in mind that the inflation process will be quite long.

If necessary, the fitball can be inflated with your mouth like a balloon or an inflatable toy, but it is better to use a bicycle pump. With it you will inflate the fitball in a few minutes. This method has another advantage - it greatly simplifies the storage of the simulator. You can simply deflate it after class and put it away in the box.

For those who prefer to store the ball inflated, it is recommended to put it in a closet or on a rack away from radiators and direct sunlight. It is also not recommended to store the fitball on a darkened balcony. A sharp drop in temperature at night can affect the condition of the tires.

If the ball is still damaged, use rubber glue. If possible, it is better to purchase special glue produced by the manufacturer of your fitball. After repair and pumping, you can use it again for sports activities.

Use the ball on a smooth surface. If you are not sure that the floor will not be damaged by the projectile, use a yoga mat. Fitball is designed not only for training and massage. You can replace your chair with it and use it when watching TV or working at the computer.

In winter, transport the ball in the passenger compartment of the car, not in the trunk. Otherwise, it may freeze and subsequently be damaged.

The right fitball will make your workouts effective and increase the number of exercises available. When purchasing, you need to take into account a number of factors, but the main thing is to choose the right ball according to your height.

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