Home Grape Nose ring has an esoteric meaning. Your piercing will tell everything about you. Does it hurt and how long does it take to heal

Nose ring has an esoteric meaning. Your piercing will tell everything about you. Does it hurt and how long does it take to heal

Piercing history

The history of piercing goes back many millennia. Since ancient times, a person has tried to decorate his body with punctures, sometimes punctures on the body symbolized a person's belonging to a particular caste, to a particular stratum of society.

In Egypt, women pierced their navels, unlike today, only those close to the pharaoh and priestesses were allowed to wear a ring on this part of the body. In ancient India, the fairer sex wore an earring in one of the nostrils, which was a sign of marriage. Ancient Roman wars preferred to pierce the nipples. For men, this meant that the owner of the nipple earring had a fair amount of courage and courage. Piercing was used in many rituals in which a person had to pass the test of pain and prove their masculinity. For many, piercing is associated with punctures on the body of the crucified Christ. continuation

By piercing certain places on the body, people pursue various goals. Or this desire to decorate your body, stand out from the crowd, attract attention, look more sexy (usually these are places available for general viewing). Either a person seeks to change his feelings or make them more acute, with punctures of the genitals, nipples, tongue and other places. With the help of piercing, a person sometimes proves to himself that he is able to withstand many tests.

Life was filled with tranquility and beauty. Naked beauty, but perfect. And all this would have continued to this day if Adam had not succumbed to the temptation of Eve, the first woman. Everything in this world is done for the sake of women. And sin appeared on earth. People began to put on robes, so as not to tempt each other with carnal sin. And, losing his natural attractiveness under his clothes, a person made up for it in with the same clothing or accessories. Despite the fact that the word itself (French mode from Latin modus - rule) - a short domination of a certain taste in any sphere - appeared on the lips millennia after the aforementioned events, a charming, unpredictable and capricious woman hiding her face under this name, began to disturb the human mind much earlier. It was she and, of course, the desire to attract the attention of the opposite sex that prompted people to change from mammoth skin to leggings, and then jeans, from Roman sandals to sandals. Thanks to fashion, duels, wars took place, bridges, temples, cities were erected and collapsed. Odes, symphonies, raves were written in her honor. gave way. It was fashion that stopped the eternally searching look of the 90s on its own body (back to the origins?), Or rather, on the introduction of foreign substances into it.

Body piercings

Body Piercings (English - body piercings) - a phenomenon that existed throughout the entire historical space, in recent years has been rapidly projected onto the bodies of young people, which caused hostility among the most conservative part of the population, perhaps due to ignorance or the ability of memory to forget manners and tastes previous generations. (Often more conservative.) Ear piercing is the most liberal manifestation. In American Indians, men's ears were pricked, and the punctures were made both in the lobes and in the cartilage. Among representatives of the Caucasian race, this prerogative remained for the female half for a long time. Although in tsarist Russia an earring a sailor who crossed the equator for the first time was inserted into the ear. (A major event in a sailor's career is a major mark of distinction.) In 70s Britain, the earring went through all the stages imaginable, but the preference was still given to the safety pin. (Though always conservative.) 80s rappers popularized both ear piercing among men. And if until recently our compatriot, the owner of the earring, doomed himself to accusations by the public of homosexual orientation, now, even with a myriad of rings in the area of ​​the hearing aid, you will least of all resemble an alien or some kind of hellish mechanism (perhaps - restless teenager) and you can calmly defile through the streets.

Nipple piercing

Nipple piercing among civilized nations was born in ancient Rome. Wealthy Roman centurions, Julius Caesar's bodyguards, wore nipple rings as a sign of courage and courage, and as dress accessories to support their short capes. Secular ladies of the Victorian era (late 19th century) defended their femininity in this way, increasing the size and giving a more graceful shape to their breasts. The current ravers, of course, do not even look like legionnaires, and the maidens, alas, have lost their manners, but this fact will in no way serve as an obstacle to the mechanical stimulation of the nipples, unattainable in other ways.

Belly button piercing

The navel piercing of the ancient Egyptians symbolized that the person had communal rights. Times have changed, and model Christy Turlington's pierced navel has become the sexiest place on the planet. True, in addition to the correct outlines of the navel, this lady is endowed with the correct facial features, casts from which were made for the museum. Therefore, it is not so easy to challenge this title.

Prince Albert

Prince Albert is the name of the ring, which is an attribute of Victorian haberdashery. Legend has it that Prince Albert wore such a ring inserted into the head of his penis for hygienic reasons. This puncture is made through the urethra at the base of the head. The procedure is fast, pain is minimal, healing is almost instantaneous, pleasure is long lasting.

Coccyx piercing

Coccyx piercing is one of the most difficult types of piercing. The complexity of the puncture lies in the exact coincidence of the hole punched in the skin and the horizontal hole passing through this bone, as well as in the subsequent, not always peaceful coexistence of your body and, for example, a bed.

In the 19th century, breast piercing performed during the ceremony was common among North American Indians. Two vertical cuts were made on the chest, through which a leather cord was threaded. On it, a person was hung from poles. In this state, he had to hang until the skin burst. Such rituals caused strong hallucinations in people, helped them with the One Above (as the Indians called the Holy Spirits.) And although we are not North American Indians, but outside the window is already the XXI century, only God knows what the next step of this extravagant woman will be. by the name of mod, and that tomorrow will replace the metal rod in Kid's nose. Will she make us call a crane a headdress, insert rings into internal organs, or punch our head. Therefore, thrill-seekers (I do not mean the fans of Leopold Sacher-Masoch and the Marquis de Sade), armed with the common sense of a civilized person and the appropriate advice from a professional piercer, do not waste a second of your pleasure. Tomorrow, body piercings will simply turn into archaism, and an earring in some strange place will only cause indignation in your beloved.

Nose piercing.
Nose piercings look attractive and accentuate facial features very well. Leonardo Da Vinci believed that the nose forms the character of the entire face.
For the first time nose piercing was recorded in the Middle East 4000 years ago, it is mentioned in the Bible (24:22) Abraham asked his employee to find a wife for his son Isaac, the employee found Rebecca. One of the gifts that Isaac presented to Rebecca was a "gold earring" - Shanf. Shanf, originally used in the Hebrew word, translates to "nose ring."
The practice of piercing the nose is present among the nomadic tribes of Africa Berber, Beja and Bedouins of the Middle East, the size of the ring indicated the degree of wealth of the family.
Nose piercing jewelry was brought to India in the late 16th century from the Middle East. In India, a stud (Phul) or ring (Nath) was usually worn in the left nostril, sometimes connected with a chain to an earring in the ear (piercing both nostrils was no exception). Piercing of the left nostril was the most common, it is associated with Indian acupuncture medicine (Ayuvedra). The left nostril is thought to be associated with the female reproductive organs, while piercing the left nostril is thought to reduce pain and facilitate labor.

In the west, nose piercings emerged in the 1960s among the Hippies who traveled to India. Later, it was taken over by the movement Punks in the late 1970s as a symbol of the uprising against conservative values ​​and conservative people.
Nowadays, nose piercing has become socially acceptable and many celebrities like Madonna, Lenny Kravitz, Sinead O "Connor, Slash from Guns & Roses have adorned their noses this way.

Tongue piercing.
Tongue piercing existed as a ritual among the ancient Aztecs of Central America and some tribes of the Northwest. Shamans pierced their tongues during rituals to achieve a certain change in consciousness and connection with the gods, and blood was used to calm the gods.
Tongue piercing is one of the most common piercings.

Earlobe piercing.
The earlobe was probably the earliest body piercing site due to the ease and safety of the piercing. The oldest mummy with ear piercings was found in an Austrian glacier in 1991, studies have shown that the mummy is more than 5,000 years old, and the earlobe was stretched to about 11 millimeters.
The ears of the mummified body were apparently originally pierced for ritual purposes. Many primitive tribes believed that demons entered the human body through the ear, and ear piercing and metal jewelry helped prevent demons from entering.
Sailors did ear piercings, believing that this would improve visual acuity, and in the event of the death of a sailor, if his body was washed ashore, the cost of the precious jewelry would be enough to organize a funeral. Along with this, in many nations, ear piercing is associated with puberty.

Lip piercing.
Lip piercing is widely used all over the world, however, only two tribes do lip piercing with a ring insert: the Dogon tribe of Mali and the Nuba tribe of Ethiopia.
In all other cases, lip piercing uses special labret made of wood, ivory, metal and quartz crystals. Among the tribes of Central Africa and South America, it is practiced to gradually enlarge the opening in the lip to extremely large sizes using special discs made of wood or clay. The Aztecs and Maya use pure gold lip piercing earrings with jade inlays, and the jewelry is shaped like a snake to represent high caste men.

We continue our conversation about body piercings. Now there is not much history. I will also tell you about the importance of body piercing. Everyone coming to a tattoo parlor often asks even a very frequent question about what this or that tattoo means, but why does it come to the studio to do a navel, ear, lip or any other piercing doesn’t ask what a navel piercing can mean, for example? So? Let's open the veil a little and talk about it. So what does ear piercing, lip piercing, navel piercing, tongue piercing, nipple piercing, nose piercing mean?

Ear piercing.

The simplest type of piercing is ear piercing. In the American Indians, the ears were pierced for men, and the ear piercings were made in the lobes and in the cartilage. But for representatives of the European race, ear punctures were made only for the female half for a long time. Although there are exceptions, the ear of a sailor who first crossed the equator was pierced. Ear piercings became more popular among men in the 80s thanks to the rappers of those years. Nowadays, a man with an earring in his ear or with earrings in his ears can safely move along the street and no one will look askance at him. Nowadays, piercing is no longer exotic, men and women make piercings not only of the ear, but also of the eyebrows, lips, noses, tongue and navel. In the modern world, ear piercings can indicate a person's sexual orientation.

Lip piercing.

In Africa, women of the Makololo tribe pierced their upper lip, and they did this in order to signal an alarm in time of danger, making a sound that was completely different from others. And the tribes of Central America and South America pierced the lower lip and pierced it with a wooden plate.

In ancient Egypt, navel piercing meant that a person with a navel piercing had communal rights, special privileges. Time goes by and everything changes, and the pierced navel has now become the sexiest place. Today, almost any woman can become even sexier by having her navel pierced. And among the ancient Egyptians, the ring in the navel meant belonging to the nobility class.

Tongue piercing.

Among the Aztecs and Mayans, the piercing of the tongue was part of the ritual that connected shamans with the Gods.

It's the 21st century, and no one knows what fashion's next step will take. Nowadays, piercing is a new wave of fashion, the main purpose of which is to decorate the most attractive parts of the body.

Nipple piercing.

Nipple piercing is not uncommon these days, but it is not a general phenomenon, it is a rather intimate decoration that is not intended for everyone. We were a little distracted, so what does nipple piercing mean - for the first time in history, Roman centurions, Caesar's personal bodyguards, made their own nipple piercings, this immediately distinguished them from the general crowd of "guards", and it was a very functional thing. They hung capes from the nipple rings. Probably these were not very transferable feelings. A little later, nipple piercing was revived already in the Victorian era, women began to make it to improve the shape of their breasts, because at that moment they did not even dream of plastic surgery.

Nose piercing.

And now even more interesting, girls know when you do a nose piercing for yourself it means that you are married. Such a tradition originated from India, girls who made their nose pierced showed everyone around what kind of husband they were. True, in the modern world, almost everyone does not follow this tradition. But the fact is quite remarkable and little known.

... At night I woke up in cold sweat, lying on the ground, one hand was pressed to my stomach, and the other was convulsively resting in the bottom of the tent ... A second before I woke up, some black essence with tentacles emerged from the center of my stomach. A feeling of anxiety and fear, from which there was nowhere to get away from, seized me in this nightmare, the voice pursued me throughout the house, there was nowhere to hide from it, electrical appliances were out of order, and when I lowered my head down, I saw It ... With a scream, I clamped my stomach hands and Something grabbed me from behind and threw me face down. It was in this position that I realized myself at night, after having removed the piercing the day before, after 10 years of continuous wearing of the earrings in the navel.

After personal experience, there was an intention to write this article and talk about what piercing is, how it manifested itself in different cultures and eras, and what is its effect on our physical and subtle bodies.

Historical retrospective

Word "Piercing" comes from english piercing, which means "puncture" and is rooted in antiquity. In various cultures, people have subjected their bodies to modifications as a sign of belonging to a particular tribe or cult, status or hierarchical distinction. There was also a downside to such a "full of holes" medal: often a person of lower hierarchies, especially women, was branded with the help of piercings and forced into lifelong slavery, piercing their various parts of the body in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Let's turn to the sources and find out how piercing was treated in various ancient cultures. In the Vedas, it was said that the earring on the side of the nose symbolized the worship of the goddess Lakshmi, and since from the point of view of Ayurveda the nostrils have a connection with the woman's reproductive system, in India, adornments in the nose are still common, which are worn during the period of maturation of a girl or before marriage. “A woman's nose should be decorated on the left side in a curl. This allows you to connect the mind and body, gives a woman peace of mind, reduces lust, greed. " As for other parts of the body, some prescriptions favor large earrings in the ears with an ornament of flowers and leaves, without broken lines, so as not to cut the energy. But was it a real puncture or a safer alternative - clips? Other sources claim that punctures in any part of the body have a detrimental effect on a person as a whole, why we will find out a little later.

In the Middle East, as well as among many indigenous tribes in Africa, America and New Guinea, it was common to pierce the nasal septum and wear large bone jewelry, which was a symbol of masculinity and courage. To this day, tribal peoples living apart from modern society have preserved the tradition of piercing and stretching "tunnels" with the help of huge rings or plates, as a sign of high status, reaching 15 centimeters in diameter and changing the shape of the nose, ears and jaw.

Tongue piercing, which used the thorns of poisonous plants, was practiced for ritual purposes to achieve an altered state of consciousness and worship of the gods. Ancient cultures used all kinds of amulets and charms to connect with Nature and communicate with spirits, and some of these decorations were always with a person on his body, which protected him from dark forces.

As for our ancestors, the ancient Slavs did not use protective symbols as decorations. There is an opinion that the first "punctures" and the spread of rings, earrings and other adornments appeared as a result of a protest against the forcibly implanted religion of Christianity.

At the time of the birth of Christianity in Europe and the Middle East, rings in the ears, lips, nose, anklets and hand bracelets, neck rings were a sign of slavery or belonging to the lower class. Slaves, gentiles and heretics simply had to wear such insignia. Later, by order of the Church in 1139, it was forbidden to pierce the nose, ears and other places in order to insert iron rings or hang bells. It was said about man: "God created the human body perfect and the devil makes it decorate in order to try to correct what God created."

So, we see that the traditions of piercing various parts of the body have deep historical roots and conflicting meanings embedded in these customs.

With the advent of modern world religions (let's call this period "religion"), the attitude towards piercing has largely undergone changes under the influence of the Bible, the Koran and other sacred texts. Now that a person has become a "servant of God", he should not "desecrate the Temple of God, in which the Holy Spirit dwells": " For the deceased do not groove on your body and do not write on yourself... I am lord”(Leviticus 19:28). " And Jacob said to his house and to all that were with him: Cast away the foreign gods that are with you, and purify yourself, and change your clothes; And they gave to Jacob all the foreign gods that were in their hands, and earrings that were in their ears And Jacob buried them under the oak that was near Shechem”(Genesis 35: 2-4). So, the Bible says that the cuts and tattoos on the body are the same as the inscriptions on the wall of the temple. They do not decorate the temple, but desecrate both it and the God who dwells in it. And since any independent bodily changes contradict the concept of a perfect body in God's image and likeness, they all belonged to pagan occult manifestations and were under the strictest prohibition.

According to the Qur'an, piercing is also a change in the appearance created by Allah, therefore wearing jewelry in various parts of the body is strictly prohibited. "What Allah has done cannot be changed."(Quran, 30:30),

« Do not plunge yourself into ruin with your own hands. "(Quran, 2: 195). Therefore, no Muslim who realizes his belonging to Islam should do this. A retreat is seen here only for jewelry in the ears of women - in order to delight the gaze of her husband.

In Eastern religions, we will not see prohibitions from above on wearing jewelry on our body, since a person in the system of the universe does not take the position of a slave in relation to God. Many argue that the most striking example of "ear tunnels" is Gautama Buddha, who is usually depicted with sagging lobes - a sign associated with human spirituality - the more and more pronounced it is, the more independent the spirit and the desire for liberation. But it should be added that the earlobes of Tathagata Shakyamuni have nothing to do with the "ear tunnels", since due to certain circumstances, the bodies of the Awoken have long earlobes, one of them.

In the religion of the peoples inhabiting the Indus Valley, Lord Shiva was most often depicted with rings in his ears in the form of Kundalin and in the formidable form of Bhairava, symbolizing His all-pervading nature. Goddess Durga has huge tunnels, and yogis and siddhis also often appear with numerous "accessories" in the ear area.

But, returning to the realities of today, we understand that piercing has become a common attribute of the younger generation and no longer carries any symbolism, but only the spirit of resistance and the desire to stand out from the crowd, which turns into adherence to the “pierced herd”. The second argument in favor of wearing earrings on the body is a tribute to fashion, which is formed and controlled by quite specific structures.

Unfortunately, few who pierce the most important energy points on the body, realize what consequences await them over time.

Of 100% of people who do piercings for themselves, 93% do it only in the earlobes, 4% add another navel and 1% each fall on the nose, lip and intimate parts of the body. From a physical point of view, punctures in the body can lead to infectious infections, disruption of the respiratory tract (tongue piercing), festering and more serious diseases - hepatitis, AIDS, etc. Injury to the vessels of sensitive parts of the body such as the mouth or genitals can lead to the development of severe bleeding, and dangerous microorganisms that accumulate inside often lead to inflammation and interfere with the natural hygiene of the body.

From the point of view of health sciences - Acupuncture and Ayurveda, in the human body there are many important energy points or marmas (among them there are 108 death points), in which prana is concentrated. Marmas are important for life and are responsible for certain processes and organs in the human body. By stimulating these points, we can get a certain positive effect on the body, but long-term wearing of an object at such points leads to constant irritation of one or another organ, which gradually becomes ill. Even the most experienced piercing masters cannot determine with 100% accuracy the location of the most important points on the human body, and when the disease manifests itself, the person begins to treat the consequence, not realizing that the first stone of the cause was laid in the piercing salon.

From the energy level, any damage to the gross shell - the human body, leads to a violation of the integrity of the subtle body, which prevents the correct harmonious flow of energy through the body, and, as a result, such a violation will also affect the internal organs. So, in the case of eyebrow piercing, vision is impaired, the earlobes interact with the kidneys, and due to a puncture in the navel, the bowel and pancreas may deteriorate.

If you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, engage in spiritual practices and follow the Path of self-development, then it will be natural for you to strive to control the work of energy channels (nadis), which, according to various sources, number from 72,000 to 3 million in the human body. Blocking the channels with foreign objects leads to the interruption of the free flow of energy, and, as in the case of the navel, its accumulation in the lower centers or chakras. In turn, disruption of the chakras will inevitably lead the wearers / prostrates of the jewelry to concentrate on the lower and basic needs of a person - food, sex, pleasure. Their energy will not rise to the higher centers, which will entail a stop in spiritual development.

By the way, the navel is our physical and energy center - the “door” to the subtle body of a person, a place for balancing the whole organism, a place of power in all manifestations. There are 84 energy channels and the connection of a person with his mother, and through her - with the family. The piercing cuts through all these channels, cutting off the ancestral roots, and as quickly as possible makes a person an easily controllable soulless creature. It was the navel piercing that was an attribute of concubines in harems, which thus blocked the most powerful energy channels.

So, piercing is nothing more than an effective means of controlling a person, which, like "fashion", is introduced into society with delicate tools, making people life slaves.

Here are excerpts from the sites of piercing services for an illustrative example:

  • “Among the most aesthetic and feminine places for piercing, the upper lip takes the first place (we don't take ears into account, it's banal). The names of the punctures speak for themselves: Monroe (artificial front sight on the right), Madonna (front sight on the left), Medusa (front sight in the center under the nose). "
  • “Piercing is often associated with a certain amount of aggression and the scent of inappropriateness. The secret of piercing attraction is in striving to be different from others. It's worth a lot to be different. "
  • "Navel piercing is quite widespread and attracts by its ease of execution, beautiful aesthetic appearance (provided a tight elastic tummy)."

I hope you draw your own conclusions based on these descriptions.

The purpose of this article is not to condemn people who wear jewelry on their bodies, but to once again open our eyes to what tricks we are being pulled into the net of ignorance, if only we are comfortable, led and easily controlled.

Continue to develop, do not stop on the Path of self-knowledge, go beyond the proposed, and then humanity has every chance to awaken, breaking free from the shackles of sleep.

As Nicholas Roerich wrote: “The last war among people will be a war for truth. This war will be in every single person. War - with one's own ignorance, aggression, irritation. And only a radical transformation of each individual person can become the beginning of the peaceful life of all people. "

For the benefit of all living beings!

One of the most common face jewelry is nose piercing. It has a huge number of supporters and opponents, which is confirmed by a variety of opposing reviews on the Internet, and expresses the individuality of its owner, can be done on different parts of the nose. The term "piercing" refers to both the piercing process itself and the jewelry that is inserted into the resulting hole.

Types of nose piercing

Since a piercing is a piercing of the nose in a certain place and placing earrings of the desired shape into the hole, there are several options for what the piercing in the nose is called:

  1. piercing of the wing of the nose (one or both), which is also called a nostril piercing or side nose piercing;
  2. septum is a piercing of the septum of the nose;
  3. septril - a puncture of the underside of the tip of the nose, the decoration is removed from the nasal septum in the downward direction;
  4. a bridge is a puncture of tissues between the eyes on the bridge of the nose or between the eyebrows;
  5. piercing the tip of the nose from the nostril upwards without damaging the nasal septum;
  6. Austin Bar (named after the first man to wear such a piercing) horizontal nose tip piercing;
  7. Nasallang - nasal septum and wing piercing.

The listed types of piercing can be combined with each other, depending on the skill level of the specialist.

nose wing piercing




Austin Bar style

Nose piercing jewelry

Piercing Earring Requirements

Nose earrings and other jewelry that are installed at the puncture site must meet certain requirements. This is important because they interact with the skin wound and are designed to reside permanently in soft tissues or nasal cartilage.

Among them:

  1. the possibility of sterilization;
  2. hypoallergenic material;
  3. simple removal mechanism;
  4. ease of care;
  5. comfort to wear;
  6. aesthetic appearance.

Types of jewelry

Piercing jewelry is varied in shape and material. You can distinguish:

  1. classic rings, often used for the wings of the nose or septum - piercing in the nose like a bull;
  2. nostrils for the wings of the nose;
  3. half rings for septum;
  4. tunnels for the wings of the nose (round piercings) and combined wing and septum piercings;
  5. labret and microlabre for the wing of the nose, reminiscent of carnations;
  6. bananas and barbells, circulars for all types of piercings.

kinds of earrings for nose

earrings for nose

earrings in the nose

women's earrings in the nose

After the piercing canal has healed and formed, you can use gold piercings, as well as:

  1. silver;
  2. wood;
  3. platinum;
  4. bone.

Jewelry piercing can be decorated with precious or semi-precious stones (for example, a piercing with a diamond).

ring and earrings with stones

Imitation piercing

If you do not like the punctures of soft tissues or the cartilage of the nose, but you still want to add a highlight to the image, then you can use a faux piercing. Attach such a decoration:

  1. on the clip;
  2. on a magnet;
  3. on a suction cup;
  4. on glue;

As a rule, at first glance, it is not possible to distinguish a real piercing from an imitation.

Where to buy nose piercing?

Nose piercings can be purchased at many regular jewelry and online retailers. It is very important to make sure of the quality of the offered jewelry, especially if it is purchased for primary use. On precious metals, it is imperative to check the fineness and brand.

the silver earring must have a test

How much does a nose piercing cost?

Salon piercing costs from 500 rubles with a simple wing puncture. The price rises depending on the complexity of the puncture.

Who is nose pierced for?

The fashion of decorating ourselves with piercings came to us from the Middle East, because Indian nose earrings are a thousand-year tradition. Today, some women associate the concept of beauty with a piercing of the nose, because even a small carnation gives individuality and zest to any image. It is impossible to say that piercings are selected according to the type of appearance, most likely, this happens on the basis of the girl's style itself.

It should be noted that experimenting in this way with your appearance is more suitable for young women under 30 - 35 years old. After this age, you need to either choose more restrained jewelry or another way of self-expression, although there are always those who like to shock the audience.

Girls with piercings in their nose invariably attract attention. For this reason, it is worth considering whether it is permissible to adorn yourself in this way if, for example, you have a strict dress code at work or it is associated with visiting government offices.

suitable for women under 35

a great way to stand out from the crowd

The value of piercing

Even 4000 years ago, Africans decorated their noses with rings, believing that this would bring them good luck. Later, only women began to wear jewelry; it played an important role as a symbol of marriage.

Men in India have always pierced only the left nostril in order to preserve masculine strength and protect themselves from impotence, and women - for easy childbirth without consequences. Depending on which side the nose is pierced from, a conclusion is made about some of the qualities of a person. A pierced right nostril is a sign of a desire for narcissism and selfishness.

Hindus pierce their noses in honor of the goddess Parvati, who keeps the marriage bond. In addition, for them it is a sign of a high social status.

It is very difficult to talk about the significance of a girl's or a guy's nose piercing in the modern world, because the origins of the tradition of wearing earrings in the nose go back to ancient times and not only in India. Most likely, the answer can be given by the people themselves who choose this type of jewelry. In most cases today, this is done for beauty or to emphasize belonging to a particular subculture.

Nowadays, a piercing of the nose is not only a woman's, but also a man's jewelry. Guys with nose piercings are quite common.

has no deep meaning, just decoration

How is nose piercing done?

When is the best time to get pierced?

One of the most common questions is whether piercings can be done in winter. It is better to prefer the cold season for the procedure, because this will prevent many complications associated with excessive sweating, dirt and dust, etc.

In winter, you should be very careful not to touch the earring with sweaters and scarves, otherwise it will injure your nose.

Needle or pistol?

Many people think that a nose piercing is done by analogy with piercing the ears with a special gun. In fact, this is not the case. It is better to choose a needle for piercing, because a gun that easily pierces a delicate lobe may not at all cope with a thick enough skin of the nose.

Occasionally, a nose piercing with a gun is used for the nostrils.

The needle is not as dangerous as it seems at first glance. The piercing site is disinfected and anesthetized in advance. The puncture is done one-time and very quickly. At the same time, you will not have time to feel almost any pain. It is important to fix the earring well so that it does not squeeze soft tissues.

Nose piercing procedure

Universal piercing technique

The technique of performing any puncture followed by putting on an earring consists of several stages in a salon:

  1. disinfection of hands and instruments by the master;
  2. marking after choosing a place for decoration and processing;
  3. pain relief (optional);
  4. introduction of previously selected jewelry;
  5. disinfection of the puncture site.

Technique for performing a puncture of the nostril

The procedure consists in:

  1. placing a steel receiver in the nostril of a needle, which will pass through the soft tissue inward;
  2. puncture of the nostril from the outside;
  3. removing the tube after removing the needle;
  4. the introduction of jewelry through a needle.

Technique for performing a puncture of the nasal septum

A retaining clip is used for the septum. The puncture is made using a needle with a catheter, through which the decoration is installed.

If the cartilage is pierced, then anesthesia is mandatory.

Septril execution technique

Using a fixation clip, a needle with a catheter is used to pierce the lower part of the bridge of the nose from the outside into the middle of the wing of the nose. The decoration is introduced through a catheter.

Technique for performing a puncture of the tip of the nose

The master pierces the tip of the nose with a needle and takes it into the nostril. The use of a clamp is mandatory in this case. The piercing is performed on soft tissues without affecting the cartilage.

Bridge puncture technique

If a horizontal bridge is performed, then after fixing the skin fold with a clamp, it is pierced with a needle with a catheter horizontally. When vertical - vertically.

Puncture Technique Austin Bar

The cartilage of the nasal septum is not affected. It is fixed, but the horizontal puncture is carried out only through the soft tissues of the apex of the nose.

Technique for performing a puncture of the septum of the nose and wings

Puncture of the wings and the septum of the nose is carried out simultaneously with the use of a clamp and fixation of the nose by the hands of a master.

Usually, any kind of procedure does not take more than 15 minutes.

Piercing at home

At home, you can do the piercing yourself, but you should choose the wing of the nose as a puncture site - this is the safest option. To do this, you will also need a piercing needle with a catheter.

The procedure goes as follows:

  1. you need to disinfect the puncture site, needle, hands and earring;
  2. turn the nostril outward with your hands, trying to do it as high as possible so that the earring clasp is not visible in the future;
  3. pierce the wing of the nose with a quick and confident movement;
  4. place the jewelry in the hole of the catheter and remove the needle;
  5. process a puncture with an earring and secure the jewelry.

Be sure to pay attention to the presence of skin irritations, moles at the puncture site. If they are available, then you need to choose a different option.

nose wing puncture

insert of an earring into the wing of the nose

piercing the wing of the nose with a special tool

Piercing care

The answer to the question of how long it takes for a piercing in a nose to heal depends on the type and complexity of the piercing.

The nose wing piercing is likely to heal in about 4 weeks. Other types of puncture require a longer period - from 6 to 8 months. At the same time, it is important to know how and with what to handle a nose piercing.

Post-puncture care rules:

  1. do not touch the wound and decoration with your hands if you are not going to process them;
  2. the wound is treated with a cotton swab, washed with salt water with it (1 tbsp. l salt per 1 tbsp. warm water), until the crust is removed;
  3. it is recommended to drip drops into the nose, those varieties that contain sea water in the composition (Otrivin, Aqualor);
  4. gently blot the puncture site with the earring with paper napkins, because, for example, a nail can catch on a terry towel;
  5. lubricate the wound with lavender oil after treatment, this will accelerate healing;
  6. you cannot peel off the crust, otherwise the introduced infection will cause complications;
  7. it will be possible to remove the piercing from the nose only after complete healing;
  8. do not apply cosmetics to the piercing site.

A very common question is whether a nose piercing is overgrowing. It is not recommended to remove the jewelry for more than 1 day for the first 6 - 8 months. The hole in the nose after the piercing is tightened after 24 hours or even earlier, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Complex jewelry, such as a hook nose piercing, should be worn as late as possible so that the wound has time to heal and form completely.

any earring and puncture site must be properly looked after

constant disinfection and care is required for safety

Consequences of nose piercing

All types of piercing can have complications after the procedure if the technique or the rules for its implementation are violated.

The most common complications are:

  1. excessive bleeding or bleeding if there is a bleeding disorder;
  2. inflammatory process in the cartilage, which leads to its destruction;
  3. damage to the nasal septum with complex punctures;
  4. inflammation of the soft tissues;
  5. the occurrence of chronic otitis media;
  6. trauma to the mucous membrane with straight nostrils;
  7. nerve damage.

Inflammation of soft tissues is accompanied by edema, induration at the puncture site, throbbing pain, and local fever. In any case, you need to seek medical help and treatment.

sometimes causes complications

if the puncture is performed by a non-professional, then the risk of infection is high

can provoke inflammation in tissues

fraught with various complications and hazardous to health, especially if done at home

Many centuries ago, wild tribes were fond of body punctures. But they were made not only for beauty, but also with meaning.

Let's look at some examples:

  1. In Egypt, only priestesses could pierce the navel.
  2. Some tribes used piercings in rituals so that a man could prove his courage while enduring pain.
  3. In India, married girls wore a nose ring.
  4. For ritual purposes, the Indians made a puncture of the tongue.

Nowadays, piercing is considered an adornment. It does not carry any semantic meaning.

What is piercing?

Industrial. It can be horizontal or vertical. It consists of several punctures in the upper part of the ear. They are connected by one decoration.

Tunnels. The earlobe is pierced and expanded. Diameter over 10 mm does not overgrow.

Tragus (tragus). The puncture is located at the level of the ear canal. An earring in the form of a ring or a stud looks beautiful.

- Earlobe. The most painless way. It is done even for small children.

Helix. It is done on the curl of the auricle in the cartilage area.

2) The navel (popular among the fair sex). Emphasizes the beauty of a toned tummy. Consider some types of navel piercings:

Multiple center navel piercings.

Standard (done vertically). To avoid discomfort, the top bead of the jewelry should rise slightly above the puncture site.

3) Coccyx (a very rare and painful type of piercing). Healing takes a long time, it is impossible to sit for about 2 months. The puncture is done horizontally in a strictly designated place, therefore it is recommended that a professional do it.

4) Language (extravagant way to stand out). The earring is completely hidden in the mouth. The healing of the puncture takes a long period.

5) Nipples. Quite a dangerous type of puncture. Not recommended for women. Must bypass the mammary glands. Types of punctures: horizontal, diagonal, vertical, multi-piercing (several holes are made in one nipple).

6) Nails (the most painless). It is done on artificial or your own nails of medium length to emphasize the beauty of the manicure. Decorate with a variety of earrings (rings, with pebbles or beads, carnations, pendants with chains).

7) Corset (extreme piercing). At a certain distance, punctures are made in several rows, rings are inserted and the tape is pulled in. This is a very rare species. It is done on the back, arms and legs, hips, neck.

1) Eyebrow. With this procedure, bleeding opens. A swelling may appear under the eye, it will come off after healing.

Parallel, the most difficult puncture (done by a professional). Curved rod ornaments are used.

Vertical (perpendicular to the eye). The earring sticks out strongly, this type is not popular.

Opposite (under the eye in the area above the cheekbones). Straight rods are used. The upper part of the jewelry is closer to the ear.

Diagonal (common and more secure).

2) Lips. To prevent the jewelry from destroying the enamel, the fastener must be comfortable and not touch the teeth.

Monroe. It is done on the cheek, the puncture looks like a mole. The plug on the decoration should be small.

Underlip. The earring is inserted at the junction of the chin and lip.

Lateral part (upper and lower lip amenable to piercing).

3) Nose (septum or wing pierced). Not recommended for people with narrow nostrils. Let's take a closer look at what types of nose piercing exist.

Septum puncture (most painful). It is carried out perpendicular to the nose. Jewelry in the form of a ring or a horseshoe looks great.

Bridge - piercing (deep). Above the nose below the eyebrow.

Wing of the nose (most popular). Healing takes place quickly, without bringing discomfort to the owner.

Extreme piercing

Split tongue. It is a bifurcation of the tongue, like a snake, surgically. Heals for about a month.

Brain piercing (most dangerous). Several fine holes are drilled in the skull with a drill. Decorated with carnations, rings, thorns.

Plane. It is done on any flat areas in the form of paintings.

Eyeball. The platinum plate is implanted into the mucous membrane.

Piercing Jewelry

It will be extremely difficult to choose a piece of jewelry, since the huge assortment of earrings is simply amazing. They come in different sizes and shapes, with precious stones and rhinestones, from expensive metals, in the form of flowers or animals, etc. They are made from a variety of metals, which makes it possible to make the right choice for a person prone to allergies.

There are the main types of piercing earrings:

1) Bar - there are balls at the edges, the base is a rod. Decorate the tongue, eyebrows and lips.

2) Horseshoe - similar to a barbell, but there is a difference in the form of a bend.

3) The ring is a versatile piece of jewelry, since it can be used on any part of the body.

Name of popular earrings:

  1. Navel (banana pier, pointed).
  2. Lips (banana labret, ring).
  3. Language (twists).
  4. Nose (nostril).
  5. Ear (tunnels).
  6. For intimate places (barbell, rings, horseshoe).

Intimate piercing

Nowadays, more and more people resort to this type of puncture. This way of showing your originality is very painful. And the puncture heals for a long time. Divided by gender:

Male. The piercing is done in the area of ​​the scrotum, penis and foreskin. For decoration, use the "Prince Albert ring" or a metal pin.

Female (clitoris or labia).

Careful care is required during the healing period. What are the types of intimate piercing? Let's look at some examples.

1) Female.

Inner Labia. Labia minora and labia majora (heals rather quickly). The decoration looks like a ring with a ball.

Christina (clitoral hood puncture). Long-lasting species.

Ciltoris. Clitoris (center or base).

Nefertiti. A deep puncture is made along the clitoral nerve.

Hood. The puncture is made on the skin under the clitoris (very painful).

Superficial (pubic).

2) Male.

Frenum. The procedure is done at the base of the head and the ring is inserted.

Ampallang (horizontal through the head).

Dypoes (the head is pierced from 2 sides).

- Prince Albert (the puncture is made through the urethra).

Apadravya (vertical).

How is the procedure going?

Piercing is the piercing of a part of the body with a special needle. Its diameter can vary. How is the piercing procedure performed in the salon?

1) The workplace and instruments must be sterile clean, for this the master prepares them in advance.

2) Before the puncture, a place on the body is treated with a special antiseptic. And a mark is put where the piercing will be.

3) A needle with a cap is inserted into a special piercing device, where the selected decoration is attached.

4) When the needle is withdrawn, the earring remains at the puncture site.

5) After the procedure, all types of piercing are processed by a master.

6) The specialist is obliged to provide instruction on the care.

Nowadays, modern puncture methods are used. But there are a number of restrictions that prohibit this procedure:

Allergy to pain medications or materials used;

Colds, including fever;

Skin rashes, poor blood clotting;

Minors (you must have written permission from the parents);


Weakening of the immune system;

Especially serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, HIV).

How to take care of it properly?

The puncture is washed with a special disinfectant solution that can be purchased at any pharmacy (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin). All types of piercings are processed for about 2 weeks (until complete healing) twice a day. Take a cosmetic stick, moisten it with a solution and clean it around the jewelry with gentle movements. Dried blood can be removed with a moistened cotton swab (the compress is applied for 10 minutes). Experts categorically prohibit removing dried crusts.

It is important to know: do not stretch or turn the jewelry until the puncture has completely healed.

To care for your mouth piercing, you need to purchase rinsing solutions (Stomatidin, Peridex). The antiseptic effect of such drugs minimizes pain and prevents infections from developing. Pat about 5 times a day. Do not use: alcoholic beverages, salty and spicy foods. During the healing period, refrain from kissing and oral sex to avoid infection.

When can I change my jewelry?

Each organism is individual and deals with healing in different ways. If the puncture no longer bothers, this does not mean that you can change the decoration. It all depends on proper care.

Approximate time for the puncture to heal:

On the face - about 2 weeks;

Navel - up to 6 months;

Nipples - up to 2 months;

Labia - up to 1 month. Clitoral piercings take longer to heal (horizontal - about 3 months, vertical - up to 2 months). Only after complete healing can the earring be changed.

Possible complications

  1. First of all, all types of body piercings are accompanied by painful sensations, as evidenced by reviews. But more serious complications are also possible.
  2. The puncture violates the structure of living tissues, and the wound heals more slowly due to a foreign body. If the procedure or care is not followed correctly, inflammation, blood poisoning, and an allergic reaction may begin.
  3. Poor intimate piercings on the clitoris can cause frigidity (loss of the ability to experience orgasm).
  4. Some adornments, while in the body, bring discomfort.

1) Before decorating your body, you need to think carefully about the place.

3) Heat slows down the healing process, so the optimal period for a puncture is the cool season.

4) First, choose the lightest earring made of medical steel so as not to burden the wound.

5) The procedure is performed only with disposable instruments.

6) Scrupulously choose the master and the salon.

7) If the sensitivity to pain is increased, a pain reliever is suggested.

8) The master must tell about all the shortcomings, about the right choice of decoration, about the consequences, answer all questions of interest.

9) Correct piercing takes place with minimal blood loss.

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