Home Grape Kvn bird day in elementary school. Kvn "all about birds". "Biryukovskaya basic secondary school"

Kvn bird day in elementary school. Kvn "all about birds". "Biryukovskaya basic secondary school"

Target: Pay attention to the problems of wintering birds in order to preserve numbers and maintain species diversity.


  • Expanding the horizons of students about the benefits of birds and their protection;
  • Promote the desire to independently observe and study birds; - Continue to develop respect for birds.

Equipment: 2 stuffed birds, a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of the voices of birds, various feeders, a sheet with written reference words, tokens, paper, pencil, mirror, 2 napkins.

Location: Assembly Hall.

KVN emblem- a flying bird with a letter, on the envelope the letters KVN.

Event progress

To the music of birds singing, two teams enter the stage and take their seats.

Lead 1: Today we are holding KVN, we called it the bird's one.

Lead 2: Guys! You know that from 12/01/08 to April 1, 2009 in Khakassia, on the initiative of the Khakassky State Nature Reserve, an action “Feed the birds in winter” is being held. We have timed our KVN to coincide with this action. We would like to draw your attention to the problems of wintering birds in order to preserve their numbers and maintain species diversity.

Lead 1: There are 2 teams participating in our KVN. The Woodpecker team and the Tit team. And these are our remarkable judges. (Introduce everyone, give a surname, name, patronymic).

Contests are evaluated on a 5-point system. If the competition is assessed differently, the presenters will inform about it.

  1. Contest "Greetings".

Lead 2: Traditionally, the competition between the teams begins with greetings. The Tit team, your greetings.

Lead 1: And now a greeting from the “Woodpecker” team.

Lead 2: We ask the jury to rate the greeting of the teams.

  1. Captains competition.

Lead 1: Let's start the captains competition. Please go to the middle of the stage. (The captains take the indicated places.) First of all, let's check your wits. 30 seconds to think it over.

  • Do birds hibernate in birdhouses? (No)
  • Why was the bullfinch named so? (Arrives with the first snow)
  • Where do crows winter and sleep in autumn? (In the gardens, in the groves)
  • Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)
  • Make a riddle about a bird wintering in our Khakassia.
  • Sing a verse of a song about birds.

We ask the jury to evaluate the abilities of the captains.

  1. Warm-up competition.

Lead 2: Now let's start the team competition. "Who knows the life of birds better and more." The first team to give the correct answer earns a token.

  • It might crash
    It can be cooked
    But he wants to - into a bird
    May turn into. (Egg)
  • "Gul - gul - gul", beckon them to you,
    Give me grain, pour water.
    White, gray and coffee
    You'll see......... (Doves)
  • This bird is not simple:
    You will not meet him during the day
    From the hollow he flies
    With the onset of darkness
    During the day, anyone will offend him:
    He does not see well in the light.
    And in the darkness he scares himself,
    Flying through the woods.
    Latecomers notices
    At the nest and at the hole,
    And his eyes sparkle
    Like green balls. (Owl)
  • What does it mean if crows croak over some place in the forest? (This means that there is carrion or a wounded animal in that place)
  1. Competition “Do you know birds? ”.

Lead 1: And now we will hold a contest "Do you know birds?"

"Birds are our friends - says one of the commandments." Do you know birds? Each team is shown a stuffed bird. You need to name the bird, briefly tell about its benefits.

The jury evaluates the team's responses.

  1. Homework.

Lead 2: Checking homework on the topic "What would happen if ..."

The first to show the homework is the titmouse command. Then the homework is shown by the “Woodpecker” team. (The jury evaluates).

  1. Amateur performance number.

Lead 1: And now each team is showing their own amateur performances. / The jury evaluates /

  1. Writing competition.

Lead 2: Now let's start a competition for young writers. Each team has 2 people.

You have to write a story based on the pivotal words of the bird content. You have 3 minutes to work. (Each group is given a piece of paper with written reference words, paper, pencil.)

  • 1 command:
Winter, hunger, feeder, grain, students, cold.
  • 2 command:
  • Feed, cold, bread, bacon, people, feeders.
    1. Competition for young artists.

    Lead 1: We are holding a competition for young artists. Artists from the teams, please come here. Your task is to draw a picture on the theme "More care for your feathered friends!"

    The main concern now is that the birds are fed. You must lay this grain in a pattern. "Draw" a butterfly with the grain on the feeder. (Team "Woodpecker"). And a dragonfly (Tit team). 3 minutes.

    1. Fan competition.

    Lead 2: While our artists and writers are doing the tasks, we will arrange a competition between the fans. 1 fan from each team is invited.

    Listen to the task: for each step (in turn) you need to name a bird wintering in Khakassia. Do not do the step without the name of the birds. The winner is the one who takes more steps with the name of the birds.

    The jury sums up the results.

    Lead 1: It's time to check out the writers. Writers, put an end to your stories and read your works to us.

    Jury! Grade.

    1. Competition "Sayings and Proverbs about Birds".

    Lead 2: We are starting a competition between the teams. "Who knows more sayings, proverbs about birds."

    Conditions of the competition: Sayings and proverbs are named by each team in turn, do not repeat. More points are awarded for more proverbs and sayings. Begin. (Leaders count)

    1. Contest of riddles.

    Lead 1: And now the riddles about birds.

    The fans of the opposite teams are guessing. One riddle - 1 point.

    Lead 2: Let's check the work of the artists.

    Artists, submit your canvases to be judged by the judges. Show it to the audience. Jury! Express your opinion about the paintings.

    1. Musical competition.

    Lead 1: A competition between the teams is announced. “Who knows more about bird songs”. Conditions of the competition: each team sing one verse from each song. Points are awarded for performing more songs. Of course, the performance of the songs itself is also taken into account. The “Woodpecker” team will be the first to try their hand, and then the “Tit” team.

    The jury will give the floor.

    1. Fan competition.

    Lead 2: And now we are going to hold a fan contest.

    • Fans take turns guessing riddles about birds. 1 riddle - 1 point.
    • What birds spend the night buried in the snow at night? (Black grouse, partridges, hazel grouses)
    • What bird gouges a hollow for a nest with its beak? (Woodpecker)
    • What birds migrate to the human dwelling for the winter? (Great tit, magpie, crow)
    • The name of which migratory bird is consonant with the name of the writer? (Gogol)
    • Who is called a feathered cat. (An owl is a nocturnal hunter for mouse-like rodents).
    • Why do the carcasses of dead crossbills not decompose even in the heat? (The crossbills feed on the seeds of coniferous trees. The whole body is impregnated with resin. The resin keeps the body from decay).
    • What are the 6 species of birds wintering in our area? (House sparrow, field sparrow, magpie, crow, tit, woodpecker, bullfinch, dove)
    • How is a magpie's nest different from a crow's nest? (The crow's nest is flat / tray /, and the magpie is round with a lid)
    • Which of our forest birds has a very strong beak? (Woodpecker)
    • What birds dig holes for nests? (Shore swallows)
    • The name of which city is consonant with the name of the bird? (Eagle)
    • What bird has such a strong tail that it supports the bird in the tree? (Woodpecker)
    • Here there is din and birdsong,
      There is even a treat here:
      Bread crumbs and millet.
      Guess what it is? (Feeder)
    • To the name of which Russian river do you need to add one letter in front to get the name of the bird? (Oriole)
    • How do you know the age of birds and their flight paths? (Banding)
    • What birds of Khakassia are included in the Red Book?

    Lead 1: Guys! It is now the middle of winter. Of course, you know very well that winter is the most difficult time of the year for birds. Many birds die because they cannot find food for themselves. In winter, the bird is not afraid of cold, but hunger. So they settle closer to a person's dwelling, and he, in turn, shows a lot of care for feathered friends, arranging real bird canteens.

    You can make such feeders yourself, if you don't have them yet, then you need to make them. (The leaflet "Bird room" is read out).

    1. Competition "Bird's Dining Room".

    Lead 2: Now we are going to hold the "Bird's Dining Room" competition.

    Many birds visit them. So we want to find out which birds most often use the dining room. Each team is given paper and pencil. Write down the names of the birds that come to your birdhouse. This is given 3 minutes.

    While the guys are doing the tasks, the fans tell us who has the poultry canteens, what do you feed the birds with? How do they please you? Why is it necessary to protect birds?

    Lead 1: Checking the performance of the “Bird's Dining Room” competition; contestants submit your work. Woodpecker team, read your answers. Tit team, you have the floor.

    1. Mysterious Letter competition.

    Lead 2: Guys! We just received a letter, but it turned out to be mysterious and we could not read it. We were advised to seek help from you. Each team will now receive the text of this cryptic letter. Your task is to read it. This is given 3 minutes.

    In the meantime, the guys are decrypting the letter, let's hear what beautiful heads the birds have and how wonderful they sing.

    Having deciphered the letter, you understood that with the onset of warm days, we need to wait for birds from the south. And the birds that arrived from the south need housing - and now there is still time to remember what kind of housing the birds need.

    Lead 1: Jury. Summarize the results of our KVN.

    (Summing up, rewarding teams and the most active fans).

    I am very pleased that you took part in this KVN. There are no losers: everyone wins. I hope that you will love your native nature even more, show interest in it, and protect it. Our KVN showed that you know a lot, and after it you have enriched and expanded this knowledge, but the main thing is that you will be even more careful about birds and nature.

    And now the floor is given to the jury. Summarize the results of our KVN. (Summing up, rewarding teams and the most active fans).


    1. Bochkareva N.F. The system of environmental education and upbringing of students: A guide for teachers. - Kaluga, 1996 .-- 122 p.
    2. Prokofiev S.M. the nature of Khakassia: A guide. - Abakan: Khakass book publishing house, 1993. - 205 p., With ill.
    3. Khakassky Nature Reserve: scientific edition. Edited by G.V. Devyatkina. Abakan: “Journalist”, 2001. - 128 p.
    4. // Biology at school. - No. 1, 1999
    5. // Biology at school. - No. 2, 1989
    6. // Biology at school. - No. 1, 1993
    7. // Pedagogical Council. - No. 6, - 2002
    8. // Pedagogical Council. - No. 12, - 2003
    9. // Pedagogical Council. - No. 12, 2006
    10. // Pedagogical Council. - No. 1, 2005
    11. // Last call. - No. 12, 2003

    Scenario of the event "Winged KVN" for younger students

    Annotation: The event is intended for primary school students and is timed to coincide with the International Bird Day, which is celebrated according to the ecological calendar on April 1. The script can be useful for primary school teachers, teachers of additional education for conducting classes, lessons from the world around them, holidays dedicated to birds.
    Target: Raising the ecological culture of children through the deepening of knowledge about migratory and wintering birds of the native land.
    1. deepening of children's knowledge about the importance of birds in nature and human life, bird species, attitude towards them among the people;
    2. upbringing of an emotional-value attitude towards feathered friends;
    3. Development of creative, literary, artistic abilities of children.

    Event progress:
    Leading: Hello dear friends! We are starting KVN and today it is dedicated to our feathered friends. But first I would like to read you a wonderful poem by Frantisek Galas, about what? And you must answer this question yourself!

    You need to thaw the ground
    So that the grass can sprout
    Make it so that they live together
    All living things.
    On a thin green leg
    Strengthen the flower bud,
    Go around the meadows with a comb,
    Birds return from afar.
    Right on time, but not in a hurry
    Choose music for birds.
    And make lazy people laugh
    Picked up units!
    Shores, fields, hills
    Sprinkle with dew in the morning
    And warmth in the forest mink
    It's high time to bring!
    Sweeten the flowers for the bee
    Water the gardens in time
    Sharpen a hedgehog's needles
    Insert seeds into fruits,
    For the plum to become a plum.
    Be hardworking too!
    Tell me guys, who are we talking about? Who does all these miracles? .. Well, of course, spring! And one of its brightest signs is the return of migratory birds, the revival of feathered people, cheerful bird chirping in the morning. It is about birds that we will talk about today.
    For almost a century now, bird watchers around the world have traditionally celebrated April 1 as International Bird Day. This holiday began in 1906, when the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed.
    In Russia, Bird Day appeared in 1926 at the initiative of young naturalists. In the 40s, this good tradition was interrupted, and in 1996 it was renewed.

    Since this year, the Union for the Conservation of Birds of Russia has been holding the "Bird of the Year" campaign, the purpose of which is to preserve the species diversity and number of wild birds. Every year, only one representative of the birds rules the ball. For example, in 2000 the great tit was named the bird of the year, in 2001 - a starling, in 2002 - a kestrel, in 2003 - a curlew, in 2004 - a white stork.
    The avifauna of our planet is very rich. Bird watchers count nearly 9 thousand bird species. They are all different, amazing, dissimilar: from a few centimeters, like a hummingbird, to several meters, like an ostrich. And we all need them. Why do you think birds are our friends? ..
    (children's answers).
    Of course, birds are our irreplaceable helpers, because they destroy harmful insects, rodents, are orderlies in nature, pollinate plants, distribute their seeds, maintain balance between predators and herbivores and delight us with their amazing songs, beauty of plumage, bring spring and joy on their wings ...
    During our event, we will check how much you know and love birds. And the first competition that awaits you is your homework.
    1. Homework.
    As we said before, birds have a special place in our lives. It is not for nothing that so many legends and songs have been composed about birds, and many writers have addressed them. For example, I.A. Krylov depicted many of the birds in his instructive fables, while each of his heroines or heroes was endowed with their own unique character.

    Tell me, friends, what fables of this writer, in which birds act, do you know? ..
    Well done! And whether you will be able to convey the habits with the same talent, the character of the birds will be shown by your performances - dramatization of fables, ecological fairy tales or stories.

    (Children's speeches).
    Thanks to the teams for interesting performances, artistry of performance and new details of the life of birds. Your participation in KVN is assessed by an independent jury. Let me introduce them to you ... And now I would like to see if you can recognize birds by riddles and solve charades. The next competition is called a warm-up.
    2.Warm-up: riddles and charades about birds.
    Each team is presented with a poetic description of the bird and several answers on the board. After listening to the riddle carefully, the team must choose the correct answer and write it down on the card.
    Riddles about birds.
    1.I'm over a field and a swamp
    I start singing early.
    And I love the helicopter
    Hang in the blue air (lark)

    2.I am a black pen
    And to the delight of the beet growers
    I catch weevils (rook)

    3. I sing loudly,
    Returning from the south on time.
    But I borrow songs
    Rooks or magpies (starling)

    4. I don't like to build nests
    And, as I fly from the south,
    That, without opening its beak,
    I scream loudest in the forest (cuckoo)

    5. I am the only bird, I confess
    In the heat and in the cold and in the blizzard
    Move along the trunks
    Head down I can (nuthatch)

    Answer options:

    Bird charades.

    1 I am deep and full of water
    And you, like everyone else, are proud of me,
    And if you add a letter to me,
    Then I will become a bird of the forest. (Volga - Oriole)

    2.My origin is in the steppe,
    And in silver, and in lead,
    And then name the number,
    Put a hissing one at the end:
    But in general, I am such a bird
    I fly faster than anyone else. (S-three-f)

    3.I will tell you my name:
    In my beginning I write
    That there is one thing in "man"
    And in the "team" twice,
    It will not be found in the "stream"
    And the "cuckoo" has three times;
    Love to walk in my midst
    For berries, for mushrooms;
    And in order to complete the word,
    We will put the letter "t" with you.
    I am a bird in general. I will tell you -
    In winter, I bring out the chicks. (Crossbill)

    4. With the letter "c" I live in a pond,
    All anglers know me.
    And with the letter "F" for beauty
    They call me the firebird. (Carp is a pheasant).

    5 you have seen me more than once
    On a tree, a bush and in a book.
    Now get down to business soon
    And change "l" to "a" boldly:
    You will guess the bird in me
    Which you know very well. (The leaf is a stork.)

    Well done boys! This competition turned out to be within your reach. Let's find out what results you have achieved in these two competitions. The jury will give the floor ... Thank you, and we continue to play. The next task is a competition of erudites. You probably know a lot of proverbs about birds. What proverbs and sayings do you know?
    (children's answers).
    You are true connoisseurs of folklore! Proverbs and sayings are short and precise sayings that very aptly reflect any features of a subject.
    3.Erudite Competition: Sayings about Birds.
    In this exercise, you are asked to give a biological explanation for a saying. Each team gets a proverb and one minute to think about it. Then you should read the proverb of your choice and explain why such a proverb was formed.
    Bird sayings.
    1.Grizzled like a harrier. (The males of this bird of prey turn gray with age).
    2. Deaf grouse. (The grousing black grouse or capercaillie do not hear).
    3.Stuck like a woodpecker. (The woodpecker hollows trees with enviable tenacity, sometimes sits on the same tree all day).
    4.Like water off a duck's back. (The goose comes out of the water dry, since its feathers are abundantly greased with the fat of the coccygeal gland).
    5. I got stuck like an owl. (For the day, owls huddle in secluded corners: in hollows, in attics and other places).

    Well done, did an excellent job. I am sure that if you know bird habits and features so well, then you can easily write sayings about them yourself. Let's try! It is known that sayings are already composed according to the given templates and standards. I offer you one of them: for example, the proverb "the further into the forest, the more firewood" is built on the pattern "the more ... the more ...". Now, relying on your knowledge of the avifauna representatives, fill this template with content and try to give your dictum a biological or ecological justification. For example, "the larger the mice, the more satisfying the owl." You are given one minute.
    (The teams complete the task).
    Thank you, dear writers. Is the jury ready to rate this competition? .. Please, your marks to the participants ...

    And we continue. The people composed not only proverbs, poems and songs about birds, but also legends. I suggest you listen to one of them. Perhaps, so many beliefs among different peoples are not connected with one bird as with this one. Some nations exalted her, others cursed her. The Chinese considered her to be a symbol of prosperity, the Polynesians - a nightly evil god, and among the ancient Greeks she personified wisdom. In the Middle Ages, the church declared this bird an unclean animal, a servant of the devil, and it was mercilessly destroyed. This bird is still considered mysterious today. Unusual appearance, silent flight, scary voice, nocturnal lifestyle - all this disturbed the imagination of people. And at the same time, it renders a person an invaluable service: the predator alone kills from 1000 to 1200 mice per year. This means that it saves at least a ton of grain. Did you recognize this bird? Of course, this is an owl, a bird of 2005.

    Each team had to prepare its own legend and offer it to the audience, and the latter, having listened to the legend, should guess which bird it is talking about.
    4. Captain's Competition: Legendary Birds.
    (Speeches of the team captains).
    I thank all the teams for interesting legends and correct answers. Let me remind you that the told legend brings the team from up to 5 points, and the team that gives the correct answer gets 1 point. In the meantime, our jury sums up the results of this competition and calculates the total points, I would like to remind you once again that birds are our friends, take care of them!

    April 1 - International Bird Day. Scenario for younger students

    Birds are our friends (KVN in 3-4 classes for familiarization with the environment)

    Leading... Dear boys and girls! I invite you to take part in our KBN. Who knows what KVN is?

    (Answers of children.)

    Leading... That's right, KVN is a club of the cheerful and resourceful. The theme of our KVN is “Birds are our friends”. During your studies at school, you have already gained a lot of knowledge about birds, our friends. And today we will test your knowledge, as well as learn a lot about birds and see who is the most cheerful and resourceful in our country.

    Leading... 2 teams take part in our game: "Swallow" and "Titmouse".

    Leading... I present to you the jury: the chairman of the jury is an intelligent, wise, reasonable owl, and her assistants are finch and lentils.

    Leading... Everyone is ready, the game begins.

    Contest "Greetings"

    Swallow team.

    Greetings to you, titmouses!

    Little titmice.

    You are little birds

    And your flight is cheerful.

    In winter you held out

    Everyone shrank from the cold.

    Bring the spring to us

    Chirping through the woods!

    Titmouse team.

    Hello swallows!

    Spring birds.

    Bring the spring to us

    On little black wings.

    Bring us joy

    Fun and laughter.

    We will be in the world

    Happiest of all!

    Warm-up competition


    In a gray feather coat,

    And in cold weather he is a hero

    Rides, frolics on the fly,

    Not an eagle, but still a bird? (Sparrow.)

    Coloring - grayish,

    By her habits - thieving,

    Hoarse screamer,

    Famous person.

    Who is she? (Crow.)

    He is dressed like a worker

    Convenient, simple, dexterous,

    He is wearing a crimson beret

    And motley overalls. (Woodpecker.)

    He builds his nest in the field,

    Where the plants stretch.

    His songs and flight

    We entered the poems. (Lark.)

    Who jumps there, rustles,

    Cleo! cool! cool! - sings with a whistle.

    Who is this bird? (Crossbill.)

    On a winter day among the branches

    The table is set for guests. (Feeder.)

    Never builds nests for himself

    Leaves eggs for neighbors

    And he doesn't remember the chicks. (Cuckoo.)

    Guess what kind of bird -

    A dark little girl?

    White from the belly

    And like two tails. (Martin.)

    Leading... Which birds arrive earlier in the spring: swifts or swallows? Why? (Swallows, as they can catch insects near the ground; high in the sky where swifts live, insects will appear later.)

    Leading... Which bird skillfully imitates the voices of many birds? (Starling.)

    Professional competition

    Leading... How many people on our planet and how many professions. People are engaged in various jobs: they work in hospitals, schools, shops, factories ... Birds also keep up with their older brothers, each bird has its own profession, which it loves and performs with pleasure.

    Leading. A little light - birds on the wing. The starling works 17 hours a day, the swallow -18 hours, the swifts -19 hours, the redstart - 20 hours. And for people, the working day lasts only 8 hours.

    This is how our feathered friends conscientiously keep watch, working more daylight hours. Yes, they cannot work less. Indeed, in order to feed its children, the swift must bring food at least 30-35 times a day, the starling - 200 times, the swallow - 300 times, and the redstart more than 450 times. Work tirelessly ... wings.

    Leading... What are the professions of birds?

    Swallows - ... (builders, they build nests from twigs and clay without a hammer and ax).

    Rooks - ... (discoverers, they are the first to arrive; and orderlies - they destroy everything unnecessary, cleanse our planet).

    Nightingale -... (singer, artist - he pleases people with a beautiful song).

    Woodpecker - ... (blacksmith - in the forest you can hear his measured tapping; orderly - destroys insects, bugs, spiders and prolongs the life of mighty pines, spruces, oaks).

    Captains competition

    Leading. And now our captains will take turns guessing riddles.

    If he wants, it will fly straight

    He wants - it hangs in the air,

    Falls like a stone from the heights

    And in the fields sings, sings. (Lark.)

    In the summer he follows a plowman,

    And before winter, he leaves with a cry. (Rook.)

    I've been catching bugs all day

    I eat bugs, worms.

    I do not fly away for the winter,

    I live under the cornice. (Sparrow.)

    Wears a gray vest

    But the wings are black.

    See twenty pairs circling

    And they shout: “Kar! Kar! Kar! Kar! " (Crow.)

    Greenish back,

    Yellowish tummy,

    Little black hat

    And a strip of scarf. (Tit.)

    No hands, no ax

    A hut was built. (Nest.)

    He heals trees:

    If he knocks, it’s easier for them. (Woodpecker.)

    A gray bird, a small bird,

    You always twirl your neck

    Is there a need for this? (Wryneck.)

    Dreams of a spider at night

    Wonderful yudo on a bitch.

    Long beak and two wings

    Arrives - things are bad

    Who is the spider afraid of?

    Have you guessed? This is ... (bird).

    Finally flew to us

    Our best singer.

    There are no more tender songs in the world

    Those that give ... (nightingale).

    On the sixth is the palace, in the palace there is a singer. (Starling.)

    Whose tree house is there?

    My brother and I built it.

    The door is a circle, there is no window,

    There is still silence in it. (Birdhouse.)

    The brothers got up on stilts,

    Looking for food along the way.

    Whether on the run or on the move

    They can't get off the stilts. (Crane.)

    Not a crow, not a tit -

    What is the name of this bird?

    Perched on a bitch -

    It sounded in the forest: "Ku-ku". (Cuckoo.)

    He stands on a long leg

    To keep the cats out. (Birdhouse.)

    Motley fidget,

    Long-tailed bird,

    Talkative bird

    The most talkative. (Magpie.)

    The hut is new

    For all the dining room,

    Calls to dine

    Taste the crumbs. (Feeder.)

    Let me be a small bird

    I have a habit, friends.

    How the cold begins

    Straight from the north here. (Bullfinch.)

    Crying in the swamp

    But it doesn't come from the swamp. (Sandpiper.)

    Flies to us with warmth,

    Having traveled a long way,

    Sculpts a house under the window

    From grass and clay. (Martin.)

    Leading... It seems to me - living on our planet without birds would be oh, how boring! How the wondrous colors of their plumage amuse the eyes! How their wonderful singing pleases the ear. And how light, free flight lifts your spirits! And their magical art of nesting “without hands, without a hatchet”. Guys, have you ever listened to what the birds are talking about? Let's listen. I invite you to the Bird Council.

    Apprentice 1... It amazes me why people pay so little attention to us - birds ?! They deprive themselves of so many subtle pleasures, they lose so many beautiful joys! Especially the townspeople. In the villages, people are looking at the birds. Often, bird nicknames are given to people.

    How many Orlovs, Sokolovs, Petukhovs, Kurochkins, Lebedevs, Sorokins, Galkins, Grachevs, Vorobyovs — can you name them all?

    Someone bears a bird's surname, but he himself does not know which bird his surname came from, how this bird lives, is it good, what does it feed on? Ashamed straight!

    Student 2. Somehow I began to figure out in my mind if people know how interesting we are: the biggest and the smallest, the most beautiful and the most skillful in nest-building, the most useful and the most harmful, the sweetest, the funniest.

    The largest bird in the world was two human height. Lived in Australia. It was exterminated by people. And now there is no more African ostrich bird. And there are no birds smaller than hummingbirds.

    Student 3. I began to ponder about the masters of building nests - and I was completely at a loss. Remember the Ivole's nest! A light cradle of blades of grass, flexible stalks, birch peel hangs in the air. If you look at the swallow's nest, it's also a surprise: how cleverly it is woven from earth and clay somewhere on a rock above the abyss! And the blackbird has such a nest! A deep bowl inside of amazing cement: wood dust and your own saliva! And the titmouse! A real, fabulous teremok! A mitten made of plant fluff is suspended from the reed! These are the craftsmen among us!

    Apprentice 4... Well, what about the cutest and funniest of our birds? You look at a bullfinch when it sits on a branch and, all puffed up, hums its melodious song to itself with iodine nose - you cannot help laughing. True, some birds are very funny, in our opinion: one has a nose at the sky, the other - into the ground, the third - to the side, the fourth - the top and bottom are crossed, the fifth - legs with stilts, the sixth - the tail in divorces ...

    Think about who is the cutest and who is the funniest. That's how interesting we are.

    Competition "Artist"

    Leading. I invite 3 representatives from each team.

    (Children on the blackboard with their eyes closed are trying to depict various birds (sparrow, ostrich, peacock, woodpecker, etc.).)

    Leading... Our KVN has come to an end.

    (Summing up. Awarding of medals to teams. Awarding of prizes to captains and the most active participants.)

    Prepared and conducted by I.A. Belonogova, teacher of biology and chemistry at MBOU
    "RusskoAktashskaya sosh" of the Almetyevsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan
    Objectives: To increase cognitive interest in biology, creativity
    students; broaden the horizons of students; foster a love of nature,
    sensitive and careful attitude towards her; develop the ability to work in
    team, foster responsibility and respect for comrades.
    The game involves two teams of 6 people.
    Equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, posters,
    drawings with images of birds, envelopes with tasks, phonograms with
    recordings of bird voices.
    Form of conduct: a game with elements of the KVN TV show.
    Venue: assembly hall.
    Epigraph: What a boring place the world would be without birds ...
    A phonogram sounds with recordings of the voices of birds, the murmur of a stream.
    Host: A warm south wind is blowing,
    The sun is shining brighter and brighter.
    The snow grows thin, withers, melts,
    The throaty rook arrives,
    The river roars violently
    And breaks the ice.
    The starling returned to the house.
    The forest came to life, the stream woke up.
    There is a trill in the sky,
    April has come to us again!
    Look around: the sun is shining tenderly, from its warm
    kiss, the first flowers open, the spring breeze playfully caresses
    delicate braids of birches and weeping willows, lungs float in the blue sky
    clouds, and around the birds flood with happy chirping. Spring, by
    On the thresholds of our ancestors, it was the birds that brought them on the wings. March 30,
    when Warm Alexei was celebrated, the hostess baked ceremonial cookies
    - larks, children with songs carried them around the village. April 1, 1906 Day
    birds are celebrated as an international holiday. It was on this day that
    the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed.

    Today we will also celebrate this holiday in the form of a KVN game, in which
    two teams of the most cheerful and resourceful will compete. We will find out
    which of them knows more about our feathered friends, has great erudition
    and resourcefulness ... And our game will be judged by members of the jury ...
    (represents the members of the jury).
    The first competition "Meet us!"
    Participants present their teams, motto and emblem.
    Second competition "Warm-up"
    Questions for the 1st team:
    1. Who are called birds? (Those who have feathers, birds.)
    2. The first bird. (Archeopteryx.)
    3. Feathered cat. (Owl.)
    4. Winged postman. (Pigeon.)
    5. A self-winding alarm clock. (Rooster.)
    6. A bird with a reputation for being a bad mother. (Cuckoo.)
    7. Bird drummer. (Woodpecker.)
    8. What decorates the head of a rooster? (Crest.)
    9. Carrier of babies. (Stork.)
    10. When does crossbill hatch chicks? (In winter.)
    Questions for the 2nd team:
    1. The science of birds. (Ornithology.)
    2. Messenger of Spring. (Starling.)
    3. Feathered champion in running. (Ostrich.)
    4. A diver with fins, but without a mask. (Goose.)
    5. Feathered journalist. (Magpie.)
    6. What is the name of a person experiencing an increase in activity in the morning
    watch? (Lark.)
    7. What decoration is under the beak of domestic chickens? (Earrings.)
    8. Crocodile toothbrush. (Lapwing.)
    9. Little bird. (Hummingbird.)
    10 a worm hunter in arable land. (Rook.)
    Third Competition "Poetic Mood"

    Beautiful melodic birdsong evokes poetic thoughts. Total
    in one minute, the participants in the game will have to compose poems dedicated to
    to our feathered friends.

    Words for rhyme: The singer is a starling;
    Spring is red.
    The fourth competition "The Rooks Have Arrived ...."
    In the spring they return to their homeland from warm countries
    migratory birds. Arrange the proposed birds in the order of the dates
    their return to their native places: starling, wagtail, rook, nightingale,
    oriole, swallow.
    1st wave (March) - rook.
    2nd wave (end of March, beginning of April) - starling.
    3rd wave (mid-April) - wagtail.
    4th wave (end of April) - swallow.
    5th wave (early May) - nightingale.
    6th wave (end of May) - Oriole.
    Fifth Competition "Marriage Union"
    With the arrival of spring, many birds form married couples. Have
    some birds, for example, storks, cranes, swans
    union "lasts forever, most songbirds have only one season. V
    for this competition it is necessary to find a partner or a partner
    corresponding bird, forming the so-called "marriage union".
    1. Quail -… (quail).
    2. Dove - ... (dove).
    3. Goose - ... (goose).
    4. Turkey - ... (turkey).
    5. Starling - ... (bird).
    6. Eagle - ... (eagle).
    7. Black grouse - ... (grouse).
    8. Capercaillie - ... (wood grouse).
    9. Peacock - ... (pava).
    10. Duck - ... (drake).
    Sixth competition "Battle of tongue twisters"
    Spring is the time for mating games. Among the males of some birds they settle down
    real mating fights. But we will not fight today, but the fight
    we can arrange tongue twisters.
    Each team is offered one tongue twister that they need
    will speak with the whole team in a friendly and harmonious manner.

    1st team: Mallard groaned: “Mallard!
    How clumsy is my Krakowiak!
    Courses in Krakow, but how
    Are they learning mallards in Krakowiak? "

    2nd team: Sang quail outside the village.
    The black grouse sang among the trees.
    Quail pelpel
    Black grouse quail.
    Seventh Competition "Poultry Kitchen"
    Birds are very voracious creatures, because the digestion of food in
    them happen very quickly: from 15 minutes to 23 hours (depending on
    the nature of the food). To feed birds, you need to know their diet well.
    Make a "menu" for birds such as cuckoo, hummingbird, bullfinch,
    jay, crossbill, owl, stork, osprey, starling, vulture.
    1. Cuckoo - caterpillars.
    2. Hummingbird - flower nectar.
    3. Bullfinch - juicy rowan fruits.
    4. Jay - oak fruit - acorns.
    5. Crossbill - spruce and pine seeds.
    6. Eagle owl is a mouse-like rodent.
    7. Stork - frogs.
    8. Osprey is a fish.
    9. Starling - insects and their larvae.
    10. Vulture carrion.
    Eighth competition "Literary drawing room"

    Many literary genres are simply unthinkable without animals.
    Birds also took a worthy place in the literary genre.
    1. Name the bird from whose pen many
    literary masterpieces? (Goose, with his feathers they wrote these
    2. What was the name of the goose in the story in AP Chekhov's story "Kashtanka"?
    (Ivan Ivanovich.)
    3. Romeo and Juliet noticed that their date was delayed when
    heard a bird singing. Whose singing did they hear? (Singing lark.)

    4. What is the most famous representative of the fauna from the heroes of Edgaro Poe?
    5. What bird did Finist turn into from a Russian folk tale? (V
    6. What a bird in S.Ya. Marshaka dined at the zoo at
    beasts? (Sparrow.)
    7. From whom did the Nightingale learn to sing Donkey from a fable
    I.A. Krylova? (At the rooster.)
    8. Who ate the Cockroach Korney Chukovsky? (Sparrow.)
    9. Who served as Malvina's hairdresser in A. Tolstoy's tale “Golden
    key "? (Hoopoe.)
    10. The list of characters in Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet"
    no. However, his voice can be heard in the first act of the play.
    Please reproduce his only line.
    (To the crow.)

    Ninth Contest "Jokingly and Seriously"
    From the names of birds it will be necessary to form verbs and explain them
    1. Rooster ... (to cock - to behave cocky and passionate).
    2. Goldfinch ... (to flaunt - to show off something, smartly
    3. Dove ... (to take a little - to caress).
    4. Crow ... (to miss - to miss the profit, to play around).
    5. Nightingale ... (become drowsy - become sleepy, lethargic).
    6. Parrot ... (to parrot - to imitate someone).
    Tenth competition competition of captains "Show-off"
    The captains pull out the envelopes containing the cards with
    drawings of birds and gestures, facial expressions depict them, and the teams guess,
    whom their comrade is trying to portray.
    Envelope # 1: Penguin, heron, peacock.
    Envelope number 2: Owl, woodpecker, duck.
    Eleventh Bird Philharmonic Competition
    Spring without birdsong is not spring. Players do not need to sing "birdie",
    but to guess the names of birds missing in song texts, and then
    you will have to perform the verse of the proposed song.

    Lyrics for 1st team:
    1. Rack with us ... (quail quail)
    Once a needle, two needles - there will be a Christmas tree,
    Once a plank, two planks - there will be a ladder,
    One word, two word - there will be a song.
    2. There, on thin pink branches,
    In the thickets of fragrant bird cherry
    ... (Nightingale) Russian, glorious bird,
    He opens his song with a whistle.
    3. ... (Robins) hearing a voice,
    I will remember forgotten dates
    Three-perch birch bridge
    Over a quiet stream without a name.
    4. It sometimes seems to me that the soldiers,
    From the bloody fields that did not come,
    Once upon a time they did not fall into our land,
    And they turned into white ... (cranes).
    5.In Antarctica, ice floes
    The earth was hidden
    The ice floes in Antarctica were covered with a blizzard.
    Here alone (penguins)
    We used to live
    Jealously guarding their snows.
    Lyrics for the 2nd team:

    1.Top, top,
    Stomping baby
    With mom along the path - dear ... (swift)!
    Little feet are in no hurry
    Just know they are repeating to themselves:
    Top, top, top, top,
    Not very easy
    Top, top, top, top,
    The first steps.
    2. Black ... (raven), black ... (raven),
    What are you hovering over me?

    You will not wait for prey
    Black ... (raven), I'm not yours!

    3. ... (Swallow, swallow,) you say hello
    This boy is 18 years old.
    On his birthday, let him know about
    That in this city someone is sad about him.
    4. Shaggy bumblebee - for fragrant hops,
    ... (Heron) gray - in the reeds,
    And the gypsy daughter - for her beloved in the night,
    By kinship of a vagrant soul.
    5 ... (Bird) the happiness of tomorrow
    Flew, ringing wings,
    Choose me, choose me
    … (Bird) of tomorrow's happiness.
    Twelfth competition "Experts are conducting the investigation ..."
    Identify the feathered owner by the description of the beak.
    1 command:
    1. Chisel-shaped beak of this bird tirelessly hollows wood.
    2. This bird has a beak equipped with a device resembling
    "whalebone". Dropping her beak into the water, she clicks:
    filters the water, leaving small aquatic organisms in the mouth.
    3. Its beak works like a large fish hook - zipping
    above the water, this bird picks up fish with it. (Cormorant.)
    4. This bird has a serrated beak reaching 23 cm in length equal to
    torso. The beak is very light and strong, brightly colored. (Toucan.)
    5. According to old folk beliefs, this bird in its long beak
    brings babies. And then his beak bursts with joy. (Stork.)
    2 command:
    1. This wading bird has a beak similar to tweezers. (Sandpiper.)
    2. The beak of this bird is rather large, and on it is also incomprehensible
    growth is a horn. This "horn" can reach up to a tenth of its weight
    birds. (Hornbill.)

    3. The strongly curved beak of this bird replaces its hammer, pincers,
    screwdriver. With its beak, the bird can easily unscrew the nuts.
    4. The beak of this bird is cruciform. Its upper half is bent down,
    and the bottom up. It is easier to get seeds from scales with such a beak.
    spruce cones. (Crossbill.)
    5. This bird uses its beak as a landing net: the lower part of the beak
    consists of flexible bones on which a leather bag is stretched.
    Thirteenth competition "Ornithological auction"
    Teams take turns to demonstrate their knowledge of the role of birds in nature
    and human life.
    Answer options:
    1. Destroy harmful insects.
    2. They eat rodents.
    3. Increase the natural regeneration of the forest.
    4. Dispose of various waste - sanitary role.
    5. Are an important link in the food chain.
    6. Plants are pollinated.
    7. Destroy weed seeds.
    8. Spread the seeds of the plants.
    9. Give meat, fluff, eggs.
    10. Bird droppings are an excellent fertilizer.
    11. Used in scientific experiments, for biological
    12. Aesthetic value.
    The jury calculates the points and announces the winner.
    Host: This is our meeting in the club of funny and resourceful
    completed. I think that now that we have learned so much about birds,
    you will try to treat them carefully and carefully. Thank you
    for your attention.

    Riddles made by proverbs.
    1. Against a hundred of them, one hawk is enough. (Sparrows.)
    2. She's scared and afraid of the bush. (Crow.)
    3. He has no nose that a wolf has no legs. (Woodpecker.)
    4. She praises him because he praises her. (The cuckoo praises the rooster for
    what he praises the cuckoo.)
    5. He is not a pig's friend. (Goose.)
    6. Give her a bed - it will grow the whole garden. (Hen.)
    7. He does not need a golden cage, a green branch is better. (Nightingale.)
    8. There is no bird wiser than she - everyone in the forest is a head. (Owl.)
    9. Overseas and she is a bird. (Tit.)
    10. And he knows his watch. (Rooster.)
    "Recognize the proverb"
    Recognize the Russian proverb by the phrase set out in almost scientific language.

    1. Shocked member of the raven family
    fears any plant with tree branches
    without the main trunk. (Burnt child dreads the fire.)
    2. Female reproductive cells in a hard shell are not eligible
    teach a domesticated bird of the order of chickens that has hatched them.
    (Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.)
    "Bird Talk"
    Determine who "talks" how.
    Crow ... croaks
    Duck ... quacks
    The dove ... coos
    Owl ... hoots
    Goose ... cackles
    The crane ... is chirping
    Sparrow ... chirps
    The turkey ... chills
    Capercaillie ...
    Dove ... coo

    Egorova Irina Vladimirovna
    Position: chemistry and biology teacher
    Educational institution: Staro-Semenkinsky branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School with. Old Maclausch
    Locality: with. Yerilkino
    Material name: synopsis of extracurricular activities in biology
    Theme:"Bird KVN"
    Date of publication: 14.06.2016
    Chapter: secondary education

    Originality 55.46%


    "Bird KVN"

    KVN stroke

    Organizing time.
    (music "Birds in the forest" sounds) Introductory speech of the teacher. Representation of teams and jury. The teams take their places.

    Competitive stage.

    1 competition

    Command Representation

    2nd competition "Warm-up"
    Each team is asked in turn 5 questions that require an exact answer. Questions: 1. Which bird has yellow males and green females? (Oriole) 2. What birds have no voice? (Storks) 3. Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (Pigwins) 4. Where do starlings nest, besides birdhouses? (Hollow) 5. What bird hunts for insects at dusk? (Nightjar) 6. Whom do I call a feathered cat? (Owl) 7. What color is the largest woodpecker? (Black with a red cap) 8. Which songbirds have red males and green females? (Cross) 9. Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift speed is 160-170 km / h) 10. What is the heaviest and largest bird in our area? (Bustard)
    3. Competition "Seeker"
    One savvy is called from each team. Assignment: "Write the names of the birds with two letters" O ""
    Riddles for the fans
     Bird of prey with ears Hoots loudly at night. (Owl)  The bird knows a lot of words,
    Everything in the world repeats! The frock coat on the bird is motley, The beak is curved and sharp! (Parrot)  The yellow bird is freezing, Feed her, poor thing. Give both seeds and bacon, So that it becomes easier for her in winter. (Titmouse)  In the sky, blue and high, a bird hovers, but not a falcon. The mice scattered: "Ah! What kind of wings, that's the span! The bird's eyes are very sharp-sighted, We'd better hide in burrows!" (Eagle)  On a May evening, in the cool, And in June and in the heat I bring out my roulades In the park, in the grove and in the forest. These trills, overflows are Melodic and beautiful. (Nightingale)  In the courtyard I am the queen. There is my house, on a branch to the left. A bird with gray-black feathers,
    I am smart, cunning, agile. (Crow)  Look at the balcony: He coos here in the morning. This bird is a postman, Will fly any route. (Dove)  Here is a feathered city, Everywhere hugs people. We will share in hungry winter With him, Asks the gray mischievous man: "Give me some bread! I'm tired, tweet-tweet, And I froze a little!" (Sparrow) The jury will give the floor to the results of 3 competitions.
    4. Competition "Crossword" Bird's Dining Room "

    According to the initial letters in the cells, you need to enter the names of the birds that most often fly to the feeders in winter (Answers: nuthatch, tap dance, titmouse, siskin, bullfinch, chaffinch, muscovy, woodpecker, goldfinch, jackdaw, sparrow, blue tit, jay, oatmeal.)
    5 competition "Homework"
    Write a story describing something interesting from the life of birds.
    6 competition "Captains"

    A letter has arrived, the captains need to decipher and read the letter. Answer: “Hello kids and schoolchildren from the far south from birds! We will arrive soon. ”) The word is given to the jury on the results of 4,5,6, competition. Total.
    7 competition "Artists and Builders"
    Each team is divided into 2 groups "Artists" in A3 format must draw a bird in color using paints, pencils, felt-tip pens. The "builders" must assemble a picture of a bird from puzzles and give a name to the bird.

    8 competition "Do you know birds"
    Each team is given a stand with birds. Team members should guess as much as possible in 2 minutes.
    9 competition "Bird

    The teams take turns to determine the voices of the birds.

    10 competition "Story-riddle"
    This year I lived in the village. The winter was harsh. One frosty February day, I walked along the river. There were no birds to be seen. Suddenly, in the vicinity, a quiet chirping was heard. A white-breasted bird the size of a starling was jumping along the edge of the ice-hole, right next to the water. She twitched her tail and fell in every way with a cheerful song. To get a better look at her, I took a few steps towards her, and suddenly the bird rushed headlong into the hole with a swing. It was so unexpected that I froze in place in surprise. Standing over the ice-hole, I saw her wings thundering under the water, like a swimmer's hands. Then she ran along the bottom, clinging to all its irregularities with curved claws. In one place she even lingered a little, turned over a pebble with her beak and pulled out a water beetle from under it. Under the water she shone like a silver fish; I was later explained that the feathers of this bird are smeared with a thin layer of fat. When a bird submerges in water, air bubbles on its fat feathers. After half a minute, the bird jumped out of a nearby hole. Before my eyes, she dived several times into the ice-cold water, and then, alive and well, she reappeared at the edge of the ice-hole. What a bird! A real diver! Later I learned the name of this bird.
    This is ... .. (Deer or water sparrow)

    That's all there is to it.
    And now the jury will announce the winners of our Bird KVN (presentation of diplomas). Let's hear a goodbye poem
    "Let's save"
    We live in one family, We sing in one circle, Walk in one formation, Fly in one flight. If we are destined to breathe the air alone, Let us all forever unite, Let us keep our souls Together, Then we are on Earth And we ourselves will be preserved.

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