Home Grape Recipes for cakes with curd soufflé. Recipe: Sponge cake with curd soufflé - Sponge cake with lemon pulp, strawberry curd soufflé, pineapples in lemon jelly Cake with curd soufflé recipe

Recipes for cakes with curd soufflé. Recipe: Sponge cake with curd soufflé - Sponge cake with lemon pulp, strawberry curd soufflé, pineapples in lemon jelly Cake with curd soufflé recipe

A light, delicate sponge cake with curd fruit soufflé is very easy to prepare and is eaten quickly. For fruit soufflé, you can use berries or fruits. In summer, fresh berries can be used for the cake, and frozen in winter. Having prepared such a cake in winter, you can immediately remember the hot summer with its delicacies.


Recipe for sponge cake with curd and fruit soufflé

Dish: Baking

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour


  • 3 pcs. chicken egg
  • 200 g sugar
  • 75 g wheat flour
  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • 200 g raspberries
  • 0.5 cups sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. l. gelatin

Step-by-step recipe with photos

How to make sponge cake with curd soufflé and fruit

Sponge dough for cake

1. Prepare a biscuit. To do this, separate the whites and yolks.

2. Beat the whites with a mixer; as soon as a fluffy mass forms, add 50 g of sugar and continue beating. The mass should be motionless.

3. Pour another 50 g of sugar into the yolks and beat until it is completely dissolved.

4. Mix the whites and yolks, placing the whites in small portions into the yolk mixture.

5. Add flour little by little to the egg mixture and knead the airy dough with a spoon.

6. Cover the mold with paper.

7. Pour in the dough and smooth it out with a spatula.

Place the biscuit in the oven for 25 minutes. The oven should be preheated to 180 C.

How to prepare cottage cheese soufflé with fruits

Grind the cottage cheese in a blender bowl, add a little sour cream and the remaining sugar.

Set aside part of the curd mass and add chopped raspberries to the rest.

Pour jelly with water (0.5 cup) and heat until completely dissolved over low heat. Add a little gelatin to the white mass, and mix the rest with the raspberries. Place the white soufflé on the cooled sponge cake in the mold and put it in the refrigerator. As soon as it “sets”, place the pink soufflé on top.

Place the sponge cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Now you can cut it into small pieces and serve with tea.

This light French dessert, which was born at the end of the romantic 18th century, still enchants everyone with its taste and aroma. The recipe for a cake with curd soufflé will definitely enchant you too.

Soufflé, as a separate dessert, originated in France. And this is not strange, since the French have always strived to create light, beautiful and fashionable dishes. At the end of the 19th century, the recipe for its preparation was described in many expensive culinary magazines. Since then, soufflé has occupied one of the first places in the hierarchy of desserts. The main ingredient of this dish is whipped egg whites. They are the ones who give the finished dish a delicate, airy consistency.

Curd cake with soufflé is an amazing combination of soft dough with a delicate curd dessert. Variations in the preparation of this treat can be different: the soufflé can be chocolate, vanilla, milk and caramel, or banana or berry, decorated with jelly, glaze or nuts. The recipe depends on your experience, and, of course, the desire to please the people close to you.

This diet cake can be transferred from the photo straight to your table. The main thing is not to be lazy and follow the recipe exactly. The recipe for this wonderful delicacy can be adjusted according to your taste: if you don’t like peaches or jelly, you can easily replace them with a layer of chocolate cream. It takes a lot of time to cook because the cakes have to cool and the jelly and soufflé have time to harden.



  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Flour – 100 g;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Kefir – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.


  • White chocolate – 150 g;
  • Orange juice – 80 g
  • Cream – 300 ml;
  • Curd mass – 150 g;
  • Sugar – 60 g;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Gelatin – 4 leaves or 2 tsp.


  • Canned peaches (or any other fruit) – 1 can;
  • Fruit jelly – 1 package.

Preparation of the dough:

1. First separate the yolks from the whites. Using a mixer, beat the whites until the consistency of airy foam. Add sugar, yolks, flour and baking powder and vanilla in small portions and beat for another 2 minutes. The dough should be medium thick.

2. Place the mold with the dough in an oven preheated to 170-180 degrees. It must first be greased with vegetable oil so that the cake does not stick. Average baking time – 15 minutes. Make sure the cake is completely cool before layering the cake.

Soufflé preparation:

1. Melt the chocolate bar in a water bath. Stir it with a whisk until not a single clot remains.

2. Heat the juice to 40-50 degrees. If you use sheet gelatin, you need to fill it with cold water in advance so that it swells. Add gelatin to the warm juice and stir gradually until completely dissolved.

3. Whip liquid cream in a mixer. They should thicken and resemble whipped cream from a can.

5. In a mixer, beat the curd mass. Add sugar in small portions to the fluffy curd mass, then pour in the juice with gelatin. The mixer must beat the soufflé all this time. Add whipped cream and whipped egg whites. Mix all the ingredients with the curd mousse not with a mixer, but with a whisk. It should resemble thick sour cream in consistency.

Preparing the cake:

1. The resulting cake should be cut into two plates. Place one of them in a springform pan in which the cake will harden.

2. Fill the cake with curd soufflé. To make the surface perfectly smooth, tap the mold a little on the table. Leave the cake on the counter for two hours to allow the soufflé to completely harden.

3. Let's start decorating the cake and preparing fruit jelly. Place canned peaches on the frozen soufflé, use your imagination and creativity. Fruit jelly should be prepared following the instructions on the package. Pour the diluted liquid over the peaches, place the cake in the refrigerator and wait impatiently for the jelly to harden. As soon as this happens, you can call the family to the table and treat everyone to dessert.

Sponge cake with soufflé

The recipe for sponge cake-soufflé is amazing in its ease of preparation, and the cake itself will amaze guests with its divine taste. None of the guests will remain indifferent, and every friend will definitely ask for his recipe. It can be prepared with either fruit jelly or chocolate glaze.


  • Biscuit:
  • Chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 200 g;
  • Wheat flour – 1 cup;
  • Vanilla sugar – 20 g;
  • Baking powder – 30 g.


  • Cream (33% fat) – 300 ml;
  • Powdered sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Gelatin – 1 sachet.

Chocolate glaze:

  • Butter – 50 g;
  • Cocoa powder – 3 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 0.5 tbsp.

Preparing the biscuit:

1. Using a mixer, beat the eggs until fluffy. The recipe for the perfect sponge cake contains one trick: the eggs must be beaten to such an extent that when you run a spoon over them, there is an indentation. Gradually add sugar, flour, baking powder and vanilla to the eggs. It is better to continue beating the dough with a mixer: the fluffier it comes out, the softer and higher the sponge layer in the cake will be.

2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, the dough should be baked for about 20 minutes. But just in case, check its readiness with a toothpick.

3. The finished sponge cake can be soaked in syrup (stir 1 tbsp cognac + 50 g sugar in 100 g water). Refrigerate it for at least 10 hours before slicing.

Soufflé preparation:

1. The recipe for this dessert contains one secret: gelatin should be soaked not in water, but in milk. Pour it with 1 glass of cold milk, wait until the gelatin swells, then put it on the stove, but do not boil. It should completely dissolve in the milk.

2. Using a mixer, beat the cream to such a consistency that it looks like whipped cream from a can. Add powdered sugar to this foamy mass, then beat for about 1 more minute. After this, pour in the milk with dissolved gelatin and stir with a whisk to smoothly stir the mousse. This soufflé recipe is the easiest and fastest to prepare.

Preparing the glaze:

Melt the butter in a water bath, adding sugar and cocoa powder. The glaze will be ready when the sugar has completely dissolved and the mixture resembles hot chocolate. It can also be made from a regular bar of milk or dark chocolate. To do this, you will need to melt the chocolate in a water bath, adding 30 g of milk, sugar and a piece of butter.

Preparing the cake:

Cut the sponge cake in half. Place one plate in a springform pan, pour the soufflé on top, and cover with the second plate of sponge cake. After the soufflé has hardened (about 2 hours), you need to carefully cover the cake with glaze using a special brush, and, if desired, sprinkle with crushed nuts. Cake decorating is a space for creativity. If everything is done in accordance with the recipe, and even with love, then it will be impossible to tear yourself away from this delicacy.

The cake is very tender - the chocolate sponge cake is moist, and the curd soufflé is more like an ice cream than cottage cheese.
Preparing the cake is easy, but it requires quite a lot of intermediate time - for the cake to cool and for the two types of soufflé to solidify alternately.
The description turned out to be very long - I wanted to convey all the nuances of preparing and, most importantly, assembling the cake.
For more experienced housewives, the whole process can be described in a few words: bake the cake, cool; pour the white soufflé layer and let it harden; pour the dark layer of souffle over it and let it harden.

When I got ready to make this cake, I bought white chocolate in advance the evening before. But in the morning, instead of chocolate, there were two neatly folded candy wrappers on the shelf. My daughters have a habit - to eat a chocolate bar and roll the piece of paper from it into the same shape as it was. And no matter how much I quarrel with them, so that they don’t touch the chocolate intended for baking - it’s like peas against a wall. Moreover, on the table there is a vase with a variety of sweets and chocolates. So they don’t eat from there - it’s not interesting. But they keep diving into my locker.
So. I ran to a nearby store. And there is only porous chocolate. I bought it, especially since I once used it very successfully in the same case.
I’m making a cake - I melted the chocolate, mixed it into the cottage cheese; I'm trying... horror, horror. It smells like some kind of chemical. I already covered this smell with vanilla and lemon zest - I could barely manage it.
It turned out that this chocolate was simply similar in packaging to our porous chocolate from the Rossiya factory. The name is "Aerial". And the manufacturer is the confectionery factory Kraft Foods Rus LLC.

2 eggs, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 tbsp cocoa, 2/3 cup flour, 1 tsp baking powder, vanillin
800g cottage cheese, 0.5 cups milk or cream, 200g white chocolate, 200g milk chocolate, 20g gelatin, 1 can (400g) condensed milk, 500g 20~25% sour cream
1/3 cup water, 1.5 tsp sugar, 1~1.5 tbsp cognac

First of all, you need to select two cake pans.
The first form for baking the cake. It should be as close as possible to the main shape in diameter so that you don’t have to cut off too much excess from the cake.
The second form is for hardening the soufflé.
It should have high vertical walls.
It is convenient to use a regular pan as this form.

Preparing the biscuit
Beat the eggs with a mixer with sugar into a fluffy foam. Stir in vanilla, flour, baking powder and cocoa. The result will be a thick, poorly flowing dough.
Lightly grease the bottom of the baking dish with oil and place the dough into it.
Bake at t=200~220°C until done (approximately 13~17 minutes).
Remove the cake from the mold and cool.
Measure the diameter of the mold to harden.
Cut a circle from the cake with a diameter 2~3 centimeters smaller than the diameter of the second mold.
Thinly cut off the top crust of the cake and dry it in the oven.

Preparing white curd soufflé
Soak 1 sachet of gelatin (10g) in 3 tablespoons of cold boiled water.
Heat the cottage cheese and sour cream a little so that they become thinner and easier to whip. You can reheat in the microwave or oven or in hot water.
Place 300g of cottage cheese and 200g of sour cream in a blender. Beat.
Pour 1/4 cup milk into a small saucepan and add chopped white chocolate.
Heat over low heat with constant stirring until the chocolate is completely dissolved.
Pour the melted chocolate into the blender with the cottage cheese and beat.
Add condensed milk (from 150 to 200g), focusing on your taste - the mass should be slightly sweetened.
To add a slight sourness, you can add a little lemon juice if desired.
Place the cup of gelatin in a bowl of boiling water and bring until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
Pour gelatin into a blender and beat.

Pouring the first layer of soufflé
Place the trimmed cake on a flat plate.
Dissolve sugar in boiled water and pour in cognac (or rum or brandy).
Pour the resulting syrup evenly over the cake.
Tear off a sheet of foil 2.5 times the diameter of the cake. Fold the foil lengthwise 3 or 4 times. Use the resulting ribbon to tightly wrap the cake so that the edges of the foil protrude above the cake, forming sides.
Pour the white soufflé onto the crust and place the crust in the refrigerator for 1~3 hours until the soufflé is completely set.

Preparing dark curd soufflé
The dark soufflé is prepared in the same way as the white one - melt dark chocolate in milk; dissolve gelatin; beat cottage cheese (500g) with sour cream (300g), condensed milk (150~200), melted chocolate and gelatin.

Pouring the second layer of soufflé
Make a circle out of foil that completely matches the size of the bottom of the filling mold.
Remove the limiting tape from the cake.
Measure the resulting cylinder again - it should be 2~3 cm smaller than the diameter of the second mold. If, when pouring the first layer of soufflé, the diameter of the cake blank has increased slightly, then trim the sides.
Place a piece of plastic film on the top of the workpiece (on the frozen white soufflé). Turn the soufflé over onto the palm of your hand. Remove the plate and place the prepared circle of foil on the crust.
Place the mold directly on the workpiece (the bottom of the mold is at the top). Turn the mold over and remove the film from the soufflé.
Align the workpiece so that it is at the same distance from the edges of the mold.
Pour the dark curd mixture over the white soufflé.
Lightly tap the mold to release air from the gap between the workpiece and the walls.
Place in the refrigerator overnight.

Removing the cake from the mold
Take a long narrow knife. Heat it in boiling water (you can use running water from a tap or pour water into a large plate). Wipe dry with a towel or napkin and run a heated knife along the sides of the mold. The tip of the knife should touch the bottom of the pan.
To make a full circle, the knife has to be heated 3~4 times.
Take a round flat object (for example, a pan lid or plate) that is smaller than the diameter of the mold. Cover it with film and lower it into the mold directly onto the soufflé.
Hold the lid (plate) with one hand, and with the other turn the mold over and shake - the cake will begin to smoothly slide down.
When the cake is completely out of the mold, it will be upside down on the lid.
Place a plate on top, turn the cake into the correct position and remove the lid from above.
Decorate the cake as desired.
For example, you can sprinkle the sides with crushed dried cake scraps.

You can make the cake simpler - put the cake in the mold and pour two types of soufflé in turn. But in this case you will get an ordinary striped cake.
And the presented cake has a twist - the cake and white soufflé are enclosed on all sides in a shell of dark soufflé. And the cut produces a very interesting pattern.

Calorie calculation for this dish on the page:

Cakes and pastries with curd soufflé:
- curd and cherry cake "Charm"
- Easter egg cake
- cake "Gypsy"
- cake "Tender Cloud"
  • Chicken egg 4 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar 240 g
  • Wheat flour 80 g
  • Vanilla extract ½ tsp.
  • Cottage cheese 5-9% fat 250 g
  • Cream 30-33% 500 ml
  • Gelatin 10 g
  • Blueberries 200 g
  • Blueberries 150 g
  • Powdered sugar with vanilla 40 g


1) The cake begins with the preparation of a sponge cake. To do this, the yolks must be separated from the whites. At the same time, choose a larger container for the yolks, because... All ingredients for the dough will be mixed in it. Place the whites in the refrigerator.

2) The next stage is whipping. Add 4 tablespoons of warm water to the yolks. Warm, i.e. body temperature, not hotter. Beat with a mixer into a light, fluffy foam for 2-3 minutes. Then add half of all the sugar and continue whisking until it is completely dissolved. The result will be a dense, almost white foam; the stages of beating the yolks are shown in the photo in the top row - first at the end of beating without sugar, and then whipped with sugar. As you can see, relief marks from the mixer remain on the surface. Set the yolks aside.

3) Take the whites out of the refrigerator. There is a lot of debate now about what temperature they should be for whipping, but in my opinion they whip up perfectly both warm and cold. I always whipped them cold, so I put them in the refrigerator. I also add a pinch of salt and a couple of drops of lemon juice. Beat the whites gradually increasing the speed and the same as the yolks, first without sugar, until a stable white foam (first photo in the bottom row). This takes 3-4 minutes. Now gradually add the rest of the sugar and continue beating for several minutes until it is completely dissolved (it is better to use fine sugar). With sugar, the whites become denser and more airy, like cream. At the end of whipping, very prominent marks from the mixer remain on them and they adhere well to the whisk.
It is very important to beat the eggs well for the sponge cake; take the time to do this. The main ingredient of this stage is our patience.

4) Now sift the flour into the container with the yolks, mix carefully at low speed, then add the whites and mix in the same way. Here you need to act carefully and quickly so that the whites and yolks do not lose their airiness. Pour the dough into a round pan and bake in an oven preheated to 180°.

5) Bake the biscuit for about 30 minutes. During this time, you do not need to open the oven door. To make sure that the cake is ready, lightly press on the top crust; if the indentation remains, then you need to keep it in the oven a little longer, but if it immediately recovers, the sponge cake is ready. Turn off the oven and leave it there for another 5 minutes. Now you can take it out, cool it and leave it for several hours, or better yet, overnight.

6) The finished biscuit can be soaked. Mix three tablespoons of sugar with half a glass of water and cook the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup and mix with vanilla extract (you can also mix with vanillin, vanilla essence or a tablespoon of cognac, rum). Cut the sponge cake into two layers and soak each thoroughly with the resulting syrup. Be sure to thoroughly saturate the edges.

7) For the filling, mix the cottage cheese with a couple of tablespoons of sugar (the filling is not very sweet, so that the taste of the berries is better felt), leave for a minute, then grind more thoroughly. During this time, the cottage cheese will dissolve the sugar and mixing will be more convenient.

8) Whip the cream in a tall container. Because They whip up much better in the cold, it’s better to put the container in another, larger one, where you pour cold water and put ice from the freezer. The cream itself can also be placed in the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping.

9) While whipping, increase the speed of the mixer gradually so that the liquid cream does not splatter everything around. Do not stop until the cream becomes very thick.

10) Prepare gelatin. Look at the instructions, usually one sachet is for 500 ml of liquid. We will take half the bag for filling and leave half for decoration. Pour half a packet of gelatin with two tablespoons of cold boiled water, leave for 10 minutes, then dissolve over low heat, without bringing to a boil. Cool, but be careful not to let the gelatin harden.

11) Use a mixer to mix whipped cream with cottage cheese and cooled gelatin.

12) After this, carefully stir in the berries with a spoon so that they do not bruise. Rinse the berries in advance and dry with a napkin. Blueberries paint everything around with a lilac color, so you can make beautiful stains.

13) Before the gelatin sets, assemble the cake. Place the crust in a baking dish, carefully spread the filling on it and cover with the second crust. Place the structure in the refrigerator to completely harden. This may take a couple of hours. Remove the finished cake from the mold. You can carefully trim the edges.

14) For decoration, whip the remaining cream and secure it with gelatin as for the filling. Soak the remaining gelatin in three tablespoons of water (take more water so that the cream becomes fluid and forms a beautiful cap on the surface), heat over low heat.

Hello, dear readers! Today I will share another cake recipe, it also turned out delicious and cute like the previous one.

The cake consists of 3 layers: 1) sponge cake, 2) curd soufflé and 3) jelly, prepared in the sequence as written.
Products for biscuit:
* 3 eggs,
* 150 g sugar,
* 100 grams of flour,
* 1 tsp. slaked soda with vinegar,
* lemon zest and pulp of half a lemon without juice,
* 3 tsp. coconut flakes,
* vegetable oil - for lubricating the mold,
* springform Ø 26 cm.

2. Products for curd soufflé:
* 450 g of drinking yoghurt (I used strawberry),
* 1 or 1.5 packs of cottage cheese (200-300 g of cottage cheese 9% fat),
* pack of gelatin (I used 20 g of instant),
* 2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
* 1 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

3. Jelly:
* 1 pack of lemon jelly / glass of water,
* canned pineapple rings for garnish.

Preparing the cake begins with baking the sponge cake. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar using a mixer.

The resulting dough was poured into a springform pan, greased with vegetable oil, and baked in the oven for 20 minutes at 180°C.

The finished biscuit is browned. I did not remove it from the mold, I left it to cool - this allowed me to maintain the tightness of the mold at the junction of the bottom and walls.

The baking time for the biscuit is enough to prepare the curd soufflé. To do this, dissolve a packet of gelatin in half a cup of hot boiled water. In a separate container, with a mixer at minimum speed, beat the cottage cheese and yogurt with sugar and powdered sugar until smooth.

Pour completely dissolved gelatin into the resulting mass and beat with a mixer at maximum speed until air bubbles form.

The soufflé was poured onto the cooled biscuit and placed in the refrigerator for an hour.

To decorate the cake, I dissolved a bag of lemon jelly in a glass of hot boiled water and set it on the loggia to cool for 15 minutes, but do not freeze until it hardens. Cut the pineapple rings into slices. I grated the lemon zest on a fine grater.

Placed pineapple pieces on top of the frozen souffle, poured cold lemon jelly and sprinkled with lemon zest.

Now the cake is almost ready, the jelly hardens quickly, the layer is thin, and the jelly has cooled down, but since it was in the evening, they decided to leave the cake until the morning, so it froze 100%.

The most important point is removal from the mold. Fortunately, the form is detachable, you don’t need to turn it over and get tricky, but still, you need to act carefully and carefully. It is advisable to let the cake stand for a while at room temperature or run a hot knife along the walls of the mold with the outer one, then the cake will more easily “move away” from the walls of the mold. The video shows the moment of removal from the mold; there was a camera in one hand; in several places the jelly did not stick perfectly to the walls. Be careful, don't rush.

The cross section of the cake is no less beautiful than the outside.

Selection of shades in layers in light sunny tones, you can combine jelly and soufflé options in a more contrasting range, with other fruits and berries to your taste, there are many combinations.

The cake turned out nice and light, the sponge layer adds a little richness, the soufflé and jelly are almost weightless airy layers.

This was my first time making a sponge cake with curd soufflé and it turned out right the first time, so I consider the recipe to be personally tested and very easy to prepare.
Cake with soufflé is a dessert, an easy option for breakfast, dinner, or a holiday. It went off with a bang, instantly giving us a pre-holiday New Year's mood.

Thank you all for your attention! Delight your loved ones with delicious treats.

Here is a New Year's version of the cake, instead of lemon I added 2 teaspoons of coffee to the sponge cake, did not add jelly, and on top of the sponge cake 2 servings of curd soufflé. The cake turned out richer and taller.

Delicious cakes for you and your loved ones!

Cooking time: PT00H20M 20 min.

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