Home Mushrooms What does a child do at 1 3. Skills and child development at a year and three months. Features of the development of motor skills

What does a child do at 1 3. Skills and child development at a year and three months. Features of the development of motor skills

At the age of about 1 year 3 months for the baby, the most interesting and most important are still object games, i.e. games during which the child twirls and twirls toys and other objects, feels them, gets acquainted with their purpose. Repeating many times the same actions with objects, the baby learns their physical properties, accumulates his own experience of interacting with them, and, of course, improves motor skills, hones skills and abilities.

I have previously published several articles with a selection of our games for developing sensorimotor skills. In today's article - a little more complex activities, approximately designed for babies older than 1 year 3 months. The division by age, of course, is somewhat arbitrary and is done only to make it easier to navigate in a variety of games. So do not wait until a certain age, but use the activities in this article when you feel that the child is ready.

I want to note that many games from the articles "Educational games for children 1 year old" are still relevant at the age after 1 year 3 months, in particular.

Well, now I present to your attention 10 more options for educational games:

1. Sort items

At this age, you can start offering the baby the first "analytical" games. Those. the baby will not only need to touch, press, open something, but also think it over thoroughly before doing it.

So, invite your child to sort any items with you into two boxes. For example, divide the cubes into red and green. You can sort not only by color, but also by size (large and small) or shape (circles and squares). In the first step, use only one sorting criterion! Besides, try to make the items completely identical in all other properties at first ... Those. for example, if you are sorting red and green cubes, it is desirable that they are the same size. This will make it clearer for the child.

What else can you sort? Nuts in shells are good for sorting: we put large (walnuts) in one bowl, small (forest, or pine) in another. In the kitchen, you can sort sweets into 2 varieties, separate beans from pasta, etc. Yes, in principle, you can sort almost any small things that come to hand.

Can also be crafted special cards for sorting ... On some cards, draw all large-sized objects, on others - exactly the same objects, only small ones. Alternatively, draw circles on some cards and squares on others. In our games, we used ready-made sets of the "School of the Seven Dwarfs" for sorting by color and by size... The sets, frankly, are nothing special, but if you are too lazy to make the cards yourself, then they will do.

To begin with, sort the items into only two groups, when the child grasps the essence of the game, you can add more varieties. Those. increase the number of colors, shapes or sizes involved in the game.

To maintain interest in the game, you can not just sort items into faceless boxes, but give boxes to your favorite toys and tell the kid that the Cheburashka, for example, loves only circles, but the bear only loves triangles, so we need to help them arrange everything correctly.

A separate layer is represented by games on sort by color ... In the article "" you can find several options for such sorting. For example, here's a sorter out of a tea box and colorful mosaic details. Sorters with designer details, multi-colored paper clips, buttons, etc. are no worse.

Of the non-homemade options, the best color sorter, in my opinion, is magic chest of drawers... Here, in addition to the fact that the child learns to distinguish between colors, he also trains fine motor skills - he learns to direct small details exactly into the hole, as well as to put them in insert frames. The task is not easy and very exciting. A child can sit for an hour for her

If you are already tired of the colored toilets, then you can take a closer look at the dressers " Forms" or " Animals"

And, finally, if you want to include more colors and shades in your game and at the same time are a lover of beautiful and environmentally friendly Montessori toys, then sorters in the form of colored gnomes, matryoshka and wooden bowls.

2. Play with water

According to my observations, games with water pouring become interesting to a child even earlier than at 1 year 3 months. The first steps that need to be mastered are pouring from a glass into a glass, filling one large container with another smaller dish (for example, we scoop water into a bucket in small cups). Once these steps are mastered, you can learn pour water into glasses from a small teapot or a jug ... We studied with a teapot 20 centimeters high.

During such a game, the main thing to teach the kid is to hold the kettle correctly. Explain to the child that the kettle must be held with the right hand (if he is right-handed) by the handle, and with the left hand hold it a little on the other side, while lifting the kettle so that it does not touch the edge of the glass, otherwise the glass will fall. Of course, at first you will need to hold the kettle with your baby, because this is not an easy task.

Pouring water from a teapot into glasses, of course, can be played in an interesting way. Sit down the toys and tell the kid that he is now facing a responsible task - to pour tea for all the toy guests.

3. Sift cereals through a strainer

Another educational game invented by the famous. This game is aimed at acquainting a child with a sieve and its interesting property - to separate large from small. For the lesson, you must first mix semolina and beans in a bowl. And then, together with the baby, you need to separate the beans from the semolina using a strainer with a handle. Put the sifted beans in a separate bowl.

During the game, explain to the kid that the beans remained in the strainer, because they are large and cannot go through the holes in the strainer, and the semolina is small, so it is sifted through the holes.

4. Collect puzzles in 2 parts

Show your toddler how two pieces work together to create a single picture. For this, the most suitable simple puzzles or cut pictures (Maze, My-shop, KoroBoom). At this age, Taisia ​​and I played like this: I took one half of the animal and began to substitute different versions of the second halves for it, Taisia ​​showed which half, in her opinion, was suitable and which was not. My daughter really liked this game, but she didn’t want to collect pictures on her own at this age, the real "" started at 1.5 years old.

5. Cut vegetables and fruits

For this game you will need set of cut vegetables or fruits (Ozon, KoroBoom, My-shop). Typically, these vegetables consist of two halves (and sometimes more pieces), adhered to each other with Velcro. Also included is a wooden knife.

The game is very useful because in it the child learns to coordinate his actions. It is not so easy as it would seem - to direct the knife exactly along the cut, and even hold the vegetable with the other hand. And it is imperative to teach the baby to hold the vegetable with the second hand, this is how we develop in him the ability to do different actions with both hands at the same time. And the child also learns to be independent, and the harder he is, the faster he will amaze you with his “culinary” skills.

6. Collect the pyramid by selecting a suitable size ring

Because at this age, the baby is already quite good at distinguishing small objects from large ones, you can slowly teach him how to assemble a pyramid by stringing rings in the correct order. To do this, you need to explain to the child that when collecting a pyramid, you always need to focus on the largest ring. We found the largest ring - put it on the rod, we are looking for the largest of the remaining ones again. At first, it is better to use small pyramids of 3-4 rings, or if the pyramid is large, you need to limit each baby's choice to 3-4 rings.

Similarly, you can learn to collect the pyramid in and out. In addition, the caps can also be assembled in the reverse order - starting with the smallest one, and then sequentially covering with the larger caps, as if hiding the previous ones.

Taisia ​​and I regularly practiced building pyramids and towers from caps. At 1 year 4 months, she was already building them (from 6-7 rings or caps) practically on her own, with a minimum amount of my help. I offered my daughter a choice of 3-4 parts, from which she chose the suitable ones. But most of all, Taisia ​​loved to consistently hide the caps one under the other.

7. Collect the matryoshka, picking the half by yourself

The essence of the lesson is similar to the previous one - the game teaches the child to navigate in size and select suitable ones. Naturally, until the baby is fully assembled matryoshka (My-shop, Maze, KoroBoom) without your help, at this stage he needs to constantly prompt, explain and clearly demonstrate why one half is suitable and the other is not.

When we were just learning to assemble the nesting dolls, we played like this: I put all the "heads" in one direction, and the "legs" in the other. Then she took one "head" and offered several "legs" to choose from. The understanding that not every “legs” will fit one particular “head” came to Taisia ​​somewhere in 1 year 2 months, since then we have begun slowly but surely to learn the art of sizing.

8. Collect mushrooms / berries

Another interesting game was born with us by itself, when in our house appeared counting set "Mushrooms" (Maze, My-shop, KoroBoom). The essence of the game is as follows: the kid needs to find mushrooms placed in advance in the room (instead of them there may be other identical objects, for example, berries, small balls, leaves).

The mushrooms need to be placed in advance while the child is not in the room. Some mushrooms must be placed in the most prominent places so that the kid feels interest in the game and understands that everything is working out for him. And some need to be placed so that you have to look a little, for example, behind a chair leg, under a typewriter, etc. But don't overdo it! The game develops attentiveness and observation well.

9. Dress up dolls by putting on clothes

The baby is still unlikely to cope with dressing ordinary dolls, but on flat dolls he will be able to fully realize his design endeavors. On sale you can find different sets (Ozon, My-shop, KoroBoom) (usually for playing in the bathroom), consisting of dolls and a rich assortment of clothes and accessories for all occasions - put on whatever your heart desires.

Taisiya fell in love with this game at the age of 1 year and 3 months. And to this day we periodically return to her, swimming in the bathroom. There are two dress-up characters in our set, so there is plenty of room for story games as well.

10. Study opposites on real objects

The older the baby becomes, the more things begin to interest him, the more concepts he is able to understand. You can study various concepts from books, but the baby will learn everything much better if you show him the essence of certain things in reality. For example, it is very interesting to study opposites. What exactly to study?

    Take two plastic bottles and fill them with water, pour a little into one and a lot of water into the other. Let the child lift each bottle, explaining that one is heavy and the other light.

    Take two plastic bottles, pour hot water into one of them and cold water into the other. Feeling the bottles, the baby will learn these concepts well.

    Lie down with your baby first on the pillow and then on the floor. Explain that it is pleasant and comfortable to lie on the pillow - it is soft, but not so on the floor - it is hard!

    You can explain the concepts of "empty" and "full" to your baby using the example of an empty and full glass, or a bucket of sand.

Well, stuff like that, you can come up with a lot of such examples in life!

11. Play with simple mosaics

And another 1 year 3 months is a great time to start joining mosaics! But only, of course, to the simplest, baby ones. The main task of a mosaic at this age is not to teach a child to create pictures and not to develop imagination, but to teach a child to work with small details and learn colors.

It is not at all necessary to immediately insert the parts "correctly" when playing. As a rule, at first, children are too keen on the process to pay attention to the color of the details. First, let the child simply insert parts into the holes, training unyielding fingers. Well, you pronounce the names of those details that the child takes so that this information is slowly deposited in his head. And only when the kid gets comfortable with the game and you realize that your information “did not go unheeded”, offer to insert the blue part into the blue hole, and the red part into the red one.

Here are examples of very nice, baby mosaics. From wooden (and quite budgetary) - this is " Butterflies"(as in the photo just above)," Toy cars". From plastic -" Funny buttons".

That's all. If everything from this article has already been mastered, proceed to the next collection -!

By 1 year 3 months. the baby already walks more confidently, and by 1 year 6 months. can move relatively freely in different directions without the help of an adult. It should be noted that its walking is still far from perfect. She will be "honed" throughout the 2nd and even 3rd year of a child's life.

Another indicator of early childhood stage is speech development... The kid continues to master speech. At 1 year old, the baby had about 10 words in the active vocabulary: "mom", "dad", "baba", "give-give", "tik-tok", "am-am", "ko-ko" ), "La-la" (doll), "ha-ha" (duck), "av-av" (dog). This "reserve" has been preserved and expanded, and some words have been filled with new content. For example, if at the age of one year old the baby called the cat "khi-khi", now in his vocabulary this word can mean all fur and fluffy things: a hat, mittens, mother's hair, even grandfather's gray beard.

Therefore, in speech practice, crumbs appeared first generalizations , for now on insignificant grounds ... What does this mean? First, that the child continues to observe and learn about the world around him attentively and even biasedly. Secondly, the child makes attempts to understand the abundance of information that life provides him, and most importantly, he already knows how to compare and find common and different. Thirdly, it becomes clear that situations that “characterize” the surrounding objects emotionally, impressively, sensually are especially significant for the baby: the child "responds" to purely external signs .

And yet by 1 year 6 months. the child is able not only to highlight a new or the most catchy, bright object, but also notice different and similar signs ("like this" and "not like that"). The kid even makes attempts to verbalize his impressions, that is, to reflect them in words. And it does it at the level at which it is formed thinking, namely, - visual and effective ... Visual situations, visual impressions are necessary for a child in the first half of the 2nd year of life. During this period, the baby "lives with his eyes", accumulating information about the world around him.

Understand me, mom!

Developing intensively understanding adult speech, which even with great difficulty passes into the active plan, that is, into colloquial practice. Indeed, by 1 year 6 months. in the child's active vocabulary, about 30-40 words. But the child understands 10 times more. The kid freezes, peering into the face of mom or dad, when they say something to him, read, sing or tell. The child is ready to listen to adults! What needs to be done in order for a son or daughter to develop an understanding of speech in a timely manner and to a sufficient extent? This is very important, because the development of understanding is a necessary stage in the acquisition of colloquial speech. We list basic pedagogical conditions for the development of understanding speech of an adult by a child I year. 3 months-1y. 6 months:

  • speech addressed to the child should not be verbose and quick. The fact is that the latent (hidden) period of understanding information conveyed to a child is much longer than that of an adult. Hurried speech of an adult is not perceived by a child. adult speech should be accompanied by pauses. It is better to build speech constructions from 2-3 words, i.e. simple sentences.
  • the situation described by the word is supported by the demonstration of the object or actions with it. The situation is emphasized in slow motion, synchronously coinciding in time with the comments of the adult. For example, mom says: “The doll is riding a horse! (Show for 30-45 sec.) Clink, clink, clink! Lala bang! Fell! (Show). The doll sits on the horse (Show). Let's go (Show). Tsok! Tsok! "
  • the attitude to the observations of the child himself must be attentive. Situations of spontaneously arising keen interest should be encouraged. Support them with a word. For example, a mother draws the baby's attention to the sky: “The plane is flying! Oooo! " Or: “The car is going! BBC! "
  • motivation of actions on the part of an adult is necessary with brief explanations in regime moments, for example, "Take a spoon - we will eat porridge." Or: "My hands will be clean."
  • babbling words should be introduced and present in the vocabulary of an adult in combination with common words. For example, "Let's take a swim, a duck-eider." So the adult not only introduces clarification in understanding the situation, but also encourages the baby to active reproduction.
  • a situation of lively interest is created with the wide use of visual aids: pictures, illustrations, toys. As mentioned above, the mother provides a slow-paced execution of the action itself with the displayed object. Everything that happens is commented on during the show. The result of the action is emphasized.
  • allowed "surprise" moments, that is, sudden appearance or disappearance of an object, an unexpected turn of the plot. All shows are synchronously matched with the word of an adult. If the child does not understand, everything is repeated in full (order of actions, verbal accompaniment).
  • the method of questions addressed to the child is widely introduced, not only about finding a particular object (toy), but also about actions with it, based on its purpose. For example, "Where is the comb?" (Lies nearby). We comb the hair of the Lala - doll ”(Demonstration).

Emotionality of an adult as a condition for understanding: Gesture and facial expressions of an adult play a special role - the language of emotions, the first "language" of the baby himself in the period of pre-verbal, that is, pre-verbal communication. The foregoing allows us to notice that verbal communication with a baby 1 year 3 months. - 1 year 6 months requires some preparedness of adults. Parents must learn to talk to the baby so that he not only understands them, but also enjoys their interaction. And one more important conclusion: for an adult to come into contact with a baby, he himself must become a little child for a while! Why do babies love adults who retain their childhood traits? They are distinguished by gullibility, curiosity, a desire to respond and be surprised at everything that surrounds them, the ability to see the extraordinary in the ordinary; they believe in a fairy tale, and, therefore, see the beauty of the world and its inexhaustibility. Such people give the baby the most important thing - basal , that is, fundamental trust in others. A child with such an adult is calm and comfortable, because he is able to somehow play with a baby in a special way, laugh contagiously, play a little naughty, and emotionally support him. What does the baby learn? Is it really only the understanding of loved ones, and then other people? No, he learns to love and be kind to the world around him.

Not pranks, but acquaintance with the world!

Object games, games with didactic toys and aids are still of great importance at this age. It is already clearly noticeable that the child's attention has become more stable, and actions with objects have a new "pattern", they have acquired a pronounced search character. The kid, playing, as if "scoops out" all the properties of the toy, wanting to know not only "what is this?" but also "what can you do about it?"

Scientists, calling the search actions of kids an introductory game, have experimentally confirmed that a child can be engaged with an object (toy) for quite a long time, without being distracted, if in the process of actions it reveals something new in it. For example, if each turn of the toy gives it a “new” vision (color changes, some image or sound appears). A chain of orienting reactions arises, following one after another. This is how the stability of games with objects appears in the child's behavior, which is of great importance in the formation of the child's mental abilities. Of course, this is not yet a willful effort of the baby. Everything is built on involuntary interest, that is, on the basis of an unconditional orienting reaction, or, simply, on curiosity. That is why the child is unrestrained in his actions: he climbs into all the boxes, boxes, bags, everything - “give it here!”. It is impossible to persuade him to "not indulge", because such behavior is the command of his age, and the genetic program of this period of childhood is the practical accumulation of sensory experience, sensory information about the objective properties of the material world.

The kid must learn to live in this world, having felt on himself the law of gravity (mastering through and closed space), and the constancy of color perception regardless of the time of day, and the dialectics of changing phenomena (morning-evening, warm-cold, joy-sadness). We can say that a small child is a born "researcher" because he is a human born. The beginning of early childhood is the "star" hour of the formation of his human capabilities, the foundation of a high-rise building called "life". That is why a child should be treated with due understanding, he should not be deprived of the joy of knowing the world around him, wisely leading this process by leading.

Living "mirror"

Age 1y. 6 months - a special stage in a baby's life. Scientists have found that it is by this time that the child's resistance to the presented toy increases by 3.5 times in comparison with the baby 1 year-1 year old. A "jump" in the development of actions with objects is associated with the intensive development of the cerebral cortex, that is, the department responsible for the formation of intelligence. New in the behavior of the child by the first year of 6 months. we can consider the appearance of functional actions with objects. The kid no longer manipulates the machine, but rolls it on the floor, loads it with cubes; lulls the doll, feeds, applying a plate to her face. This is not yet a role-playing game, but only display actions ... Fragments from his own life: the child does not take on any role, for example, a mother, a doctor, a driver, but reflects the action he has seen, imitating an adult. That is why it is difficult to overestimate the importance of communication between an adult and a child.

The toddler needs to show actions with household items and toys, it is necessary to engage and play with him, interact more often, putting him in a partnership situation. For a baby, there is nothing more interesting than observing the actions and deeds of the "big man". It would be a mistake to think that a child accumulates information kaleidoscopically, without putting "order" in those impressions that he gets from communicating with an adult. Even at a tender age, the baby makes attempts at active orientation, social practice and not only how adults use this or that object, but also what feelings they experience - which causes them special joy, which upsets, which causes direct protest.

The "element" of cognition - under control

Parents should definitely pay attention to how their son or daughter looks at their faces. The better adults learn to understand their baby, the better, according to the law of "feedback", he will learn to understand them. And this is especially important, because it is very difficult to cope with him in this early period of childhood: the child does a lot in spite of prohibitions.

“The hellish period of parental life!” - say many. How to get out of situations of direct disobedience of the child? Let's turn to a small sketch. Mom says to her son or daughter: “See, a puddle? Do not go! Your feet will be wet! " The child looks at mom and ... goes straight into the puddle! Naturally, an adult perceives such "feats" of a baby as exceptional harm and hooliganism. And this act has a completely different nature. The disobedience of the kid here is akin to the elements. Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done is to prepare for her arrival, which means to take control of the situation; the second is to prevent negative consequences, the third is to resist; fourth, in spite of everything, to turn in the right direction. It is not easy, but possible if you know the peculiarities of the child's psyche.

Let us explain what has been said. The little one hears perfectly well that his mother does not allow him, but he cannot say to himself: “You cannot!” In order to keep within the “bounds of decency”, he is not yet able to. The situation tempts him with its ignorance, and the baby kicks in the water, rejoicing in the splashes. In such cases, it is better to predict the behavior of the little person and avoid undesirable, and even more so, dangerous situations in which the forbidden word of the mother may not work, yielding to curiosity. After all, if a child ends up on the edge of a subway platform, at a cliff, at an open hatch, everything can end in tragedy. If the obstacles could not be avoided, it is better to take the baby in your arms and go around the dangerous place.

It is forbidden? Then you need to try to distract the child's attention, turning the situation in a useful direction. So, you can just play with a puddle: put churkas ("boats") into the water, throw pebbles there. Thus, it will be possible to take control of the situation and distract the baby from direct contact with the object. It's good if at the same time an adult jokes, laughs, composes some kind of rhyme or song:

The ball floats in a puddle
You don't need a dirty ball
A clean ball will dry out
Jump high!

A puddle in front of us
I will not run into a puddle
I stand on the shore

No matter how impulsive the child is 1 year. Zmes.-1g. 6 months, he gradually begins to learn the rules of behavior if all family members make demands on the crumb that do not contradict each other. Situations when, for example, everything is possible with a grandmother, but with a dad nothing should be! In order to preserve the healthy nervous system of the baby, it is advisable to organize his life during this period of childhood in such a way that the child receives about 2/3 of the permissions from the adults and only 1/3 of the prohibitive influences. It entirely depends on the internal routine and lifestyle of the family, the behavior of adults, and their pedagogical readiness.

No physical punishment! No lectures, reproaches, shouts and groans! An adult should wisely take the child out of all undesirable situations, use distracting and "roundabout maneuvers", gradually shaping the child's behavior, making him manageable "from the word". This does not come immediately. But if parents manage to get along with the baby during this difficult, but very interesting period of his childhood, then such a child by the age of one and a half becomes more organized and balanced. He is losing the anxiety characteristic of the beginning of the 2nd year - the "dramatic" period of the first joys and sorrows in the development of the surrounding space. Even more can be said: by the 1st year of the 6th month. the child has basal trust in the outside world is the fundamental principle of all subsequent achievements of an early age.

Improve independent walking. Create a favorable subject-spatial, developing motor environment.
Continue to improve the coordination of the child's movements in space (stability when changing body positions: turns, bends, squats, etc.). Complicate situations that encourage independent walking, changing directions of movement, based on everyday or game tasks.
Continue to improve spatial orientation using the demonstration technique with a brief explanation. Encourage the performance of a motor task consisting of one action(for example, "Come to me!" or "Bring the cube from the table!")
Continue to improve the child's vestibular apparatus (sense of balance). Learn to walk on a limited surface in a forward direction (along a path, "footprints", a board laid on the floor).
Continue to develop hand coordination and fine motor skills in the fingers. Conduct classes with special manuals that develop manual skills ("lacing", "beads", "chains" of objects).
Pay special attention to development understanding speech... Expand the passive vocabulary of adult speech addressed to and understood by the child. Enrich the child's passive vocabulary (name the objects surrounding the baby and actions with them).
Promote the development of active speech in the child. Continue to introduce into the child's lexicon lightweight words - “substitute” words, consisting of two identical syllables and onomatopoeia (“ko-ko-ko” - chicken).
Form the need for verbal communication with adults. Encourage the baby to communicate. Create "dialogue situations" with an adult; verbal communication by all means available to the child (facial expressions, demonstration, expressive gestures, vocalization, “substitutes” words).
Continue to develop visual-action thinking. In the process of playing shows, form in comprehensible speech the first generalizations of subjects on essential grounds.
Expand the child's sensory experience in objective activity (play). Perform the first simple didactic tasks for choosing objects by identity ("like this" and "not like that"), consisting of one action: size ("big - small"), shape ("ball-cube"), color.
Continue to improve auditory orientation responses, to promote the development of hearing. Introduce game exercises for searching for objects by sound (musical modules, toys, instruments).
Expand the child's acquaintance with the world around him. To enrich the child's sensory experience when acting with objects, making it possible to practically cognize the objective physical laws of the surrounding world: the length of distances, hollow and through spaces, the ratio of quantities (small and large can be inserted, and not vice versa), the dependence of actions on the form (from cubes - to build , balls - roll).
To develop imitation as one of the ways of knowing the world around. Contribute to the formation of reflective game actions with a bear doll, a bunny ("Feed Lyalu", "Put Lyalu bye-bye-sleep").
Use the age-related stimulus "I myself!" for the formation of elementary independence. Teach the baby to use a spoon independently, not only when taking the 2nd, but also the 1st dish.
Create a microclimate in the family of benevolence and love for all family members. Protect the child's nervous system from stressful and negative situations.

The first serious birthday of the baby is already over, his growing up and development continues. In the second year of life, the child becomes more and more curious, his skills and abilities are developing at a rapid pace.

Physiology of a child of one year and three months

After a year, the baby will grow a little slower, and the weight gain will also slow down. Don't worry, this is normal. The baby now moves a lot, and almost all of the energy is spent on providing physical activity. Most likely, you have already completely switched to an adult table and a one-time nap.

Child psychology at one year and three months

In a year and three months, the actions of the baby are still governed by emotions (the will is also present, but the initial impulse still comes from a specific emotion), consciousness is also included in the work. At fifteen months, the child begins to understand what it means to play together. At this age, the child begins to show the first interest in peers. Now, for a while, children can fill the same bucket together or dig the same hole until the attention of one of them switches to something else.

At 1 year and 3 months, you can already start reading before bedtime. Just three months ago, books were of interest, first of all, as an object that must be looked at, touched and tasted. By the age of one, the child had learned to turn the pages and learned many of the objects depicted in the book. And now he is ready to listen and perceive stories with an unpretentious plot. Reading in the evening can be a wonderful laying down ritual and build love for books in the future.

Skills and abilities of a child at one year and three months:
- improves the walking skill: holding the hand of an adult, the child can go up and down the steps, step over small obstacles, maintain balance;
- with pleasure he learns new sounds and words, tirelessly repeating them after adults;
- is engaged in "research" activities, understanding cause-and-effect relationships: if you build too high a pyramid of cubes, it will fall; if you push the glass off the table, it will also fall; if you walk with your eyes closed, you will fall yourself.

In a year and three months, you can begin to develop the first good habits - through frequently repeated conscious actions. Cleaning the room before going to bed, stacking clothes, washing and combing in the morning - all this the baby now perceives in the context of his life. In addition, he is already able to remember that after playing, you need to put the toys in a box, and after dinner, put the plate in the sink. This is how inner organization is brought up.

Tips for parents of a one year old and three month old baby

The entire second year of life will be marked for parents by the ever-increasing research activity of the baby. Be condescending and remember that his instincts are still in control. How else do you know what happens to a cup if it falls to the floor if you don't throw it off the table? It is quite difficult to explain anything to a child in a year and three months, although it must be done. But the kid cannot keep your parting words in his memory for a long time, so do not be too lazy to once again take care of safety and check that the iron is turned off and that the plugs are inserted into the sockets. Knowledge of the world should not be traumatic.

Source - https://deti.mail.ru

    I will note that at 1 year and 3 months, the child began to sleep at night without waking up, and during the day, sleep was reduced to two hours. We finally got away from breastfeeding, the menu became more varied, there were less mashed potatoes, mashed products.

    My son began to play not only hide and seek, collect a pyramid and add cubes, as written in the article, but we abandoned the walker and fell in love with the home swing.

    The child not only drew doodles, but scribbled all the walls and, where he could, with enthusiasm tore off the wallpaper. Favorite books appeared, favorite toys, which were preferred. Half-head - yes! All the drawers and cupboards were interesting, the sharpest pleasure was knocking a spoon on a saucepan, the louder the better.

    In general, at this age, the personality is already hatching and the character is manifested, a surprisingly interesting age.
    To answer

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    A very interesting period in the development of a child. My son is already confidently running, jumping, playing with toys himself.

    There was an interest in books. Increasingly he asks to read to him, tell him what is drawn in the pictures.

    He talks little by little, but the sentences cannot be put together yet. And so, in principle, you can make out what the child requires at a given moment. Every day he utters more and more new words.

    Learn to draw, hold pencils correctly. But so far only works well on the walls. We, of course, sometimes scold him a little for this, but he is stubborn, constantly showing his character.

    But the most important thing is that we will not miss a single locker. Everywhere the child needs to look, touch objects that are, as it were, “impossible”.
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    And we just went to 1 year and 3 months. It seemed to me that it was a bit late, but our pediatrician did not see a problem in this, he said that everything was within the normal range, so there was no reason to worry.

    As for memory, the article correctly noted that during this period it seems that they remember all the pictures. And there were no problems with body parts at this age, he even showed a navel.

    But the love of opening nightstands and cabinets, fortunately, bypassed us. I was noticed at this occupation only once, but I was given work for an hour: I dumped all the cereals from the cabinet, sprinkled it with vanilla sugar on top and “decorated” with lavrushka. No more attempts were made to "make life difficult for mom".
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    In a year and 3 months, my daughter has changed dramatically, has become more independent. We learned to walk a little late in a year and 2 months, and as soon as her legs got stronger, she began to confidently move around the apartment. She immediately had a lot of additional activities. She is already more For some time she played alone, fed her toys, put them to bed, sat in her house (tent) and talked with soft toys.

    At this point, we had only 6 teeth, but then the teeth began to climb in several pieces at once.

    I still could not eat on my own, but I constantly took a spoon and tried to eat from the plate.

    There was an interest in drawing, otherwise we gnawed at them before.
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    We are in this glorious age right now. All the standards from the article were fulfilled with a bang, both psychologically and physically, he began to walk confidently in a year and a month, but the "bun" is so plump that even now, almost running! - waddles from foot to foot. He really requires a spoon and tries to eat on his own, likes to sit at the desk and draw, twists and checks all the cabinets, plays very hard with cars and is madly in love with books, freezes over them, it seems like he’s not even breathing. The only thing that darkens this happiness is that threes and fours climb, it seems, all together, and he became capricious and demanding.
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    During this period, I finished breastfeeding. At this stage, I clearly understood that the child already understands a lot, his character began to appear.

    It was such that he could cry and snuggle up to me at the sight of strangers who came into the house. I was very worried, but over time it passed.

    Opening of cabinets also took place. I had to follow, remove dangerous and sharp objects higher.

    This age is interesting in that the child is still, as it were small, but does not cause so much trouble, because understands a lot, he can already be asked for something.

    Around this period, I could already sleep all night without waking up.
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    In my opinion, this is the most wonderful age. The child begins to actively explore the world, my daughter at that time was already walking confidently, playing with toys with interest, began to talk and repeat all my actions like a monkey. It was so funny to watch her. She had not yet begun to show her character, she was an agreeable child, obedient, which I cannot say about her after six months.

    In a year and three months, the child very actively absorbs all the incoming information and here it is important to pay as much attention to him as possible, to study, to use educational games, even if the mother is tired.
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During his first year of life, your wonderful baby has changed significantly. He grew by 20-25 cm, his body weight tripled, he learned to drink from a cup on his own, put it on the table, use objects while playing, perhaps he can walk. In addition to all this, your child probably understands the names of many objects, knows his name and the names of the people around him, knows how to communicate using simple words, understands your "no", fulfills simple requests, memorized actions ... How many achievements in such a short period ! Feel proud of your baby?

The second year of your amazing life has started

In the first half of the second year of life, the improvement and consolidation of those skills that arose at the end of the first year of life mainly take place. First of all, walking is improving.

By the age of one and a half, the baby can step over obstacles with an attached step, begins to run. At this age, the child is very mobile - he runs several kilometers per day. And at the same time he does not get tired! The baby develops ideas about the distance and location of objects in space. And increased physical activity enhances interest in everything that surrounds him. The young researcher wants to touch everything, to taste it.

Each child develops at his own individual pace. For different children, the development of their own capabilities occurs at different times.

However, there are age norms: how and when a child should start walking, running, drawing, talking, reading, writing ...

All these frames show the parents, no later than what period should this or that function develop. If it is not formed by the required age, it is customary to talk about developmental delay. This usually happens if the baby is seriously ill or when no one is working with him.

Get to know the skills that a child should acquire by a certain age. Do not be upset if your little one is not yet coping with something. This is a hint for you - what he needs to practice.

After all, it is worth giving a child at least a little attention, teaching him through the game, telling something, showing him pictures, reading books, how he begins to grow wiser, grow up by leaps and bounds. But if your anxiety does not go away, the baby does not know much of what is supposed to be at his age, be sure to consult with a pediatrician and a psychologist.

Physical development of the child:

  • Makes attempts to get off a high chair.
  • Creeps well; overcomes several steps of a staircase on all fours with the same ease up and down.
  • He walks up the stairs with support.
  • He walks without support.
  • Travels through living quarters: from crawling to walking, from walking to back to crawling.
  • Knows how to move backwards.
  • Can climb furniture.
  • Sits well in a child's chair.
  • Deftly throws the ball, kicks it (although often misses), rolls the ball.
  • Uses various household items: toothbrush, cup, saucer, spoon, comb, etc.
  • Can eat independently.
  • Opens the doors of cabinets and cabinets available to him, pulls out the objects found there.
  • Helps an adult when dressing: he looks for a sleeve with his hand, puts his foot in the shoe himself.

Indicators of a child from 1 year to 1 year and 3 months

Growth chart and

And the weight graph


74.78-75.78 cm

10.045-10.665 kg

Head circumference

Chest circumference

Child mental development:

  • The kid loves ball games.
  • He is very interested in the contents of the cabinets: he opens the doors, pulls out the drawers, throws the contents of the cabinets out and examines it for a long time.
  • Uses dishes, toiletries.
  • Likes to "talk" on the phone.
  • Loves walking; in a hurry to walk, helps with dressing.
  • He actively demonstrates his feelings: hugs and kisses his favorite toy, the person he loves.
  • If he is obliged to do what he does not want, he gets angry and demonstrates independence with his whole appearance.
  • He knows close people not only by their faces, but also by their names; understands who they are talking about when they say the name.
  • Correctly follows instructions such as "Take a spoon", "Gimme a toy", "Throw a ball", etc.
  • Shows interest in objects that are more complex than toys, is interested in their structure.
  • Likes to put items out of the box and put them back; closes the box with a lid.
  • He enjoys playing with cubes: he puts them one on top of the other.
  • Can play with household items available to him: shoes, casket, box, cups, saucepan, mom's cosmetic set, hat, etc.
  • “Talking” with the objects with which he plays.
  • Tries to paint.
What kind of gymnastics is recommended at this age?

Children should not be forced to do exercises. Therefore, try to turn gymnastics into an exciting game that you can play both at home and while walking. You can also do the exercises with music for more fun.

Classes are held daily or once every two days, 30-40 minutes after breakfast or immediately after a nap for 10-12 minutes.

Put on shorts, a T-shirt and socks for your baby. Perform exercises with an open window or in a ventilated room.

Before you start your fun gymnastics, get everything you need ready. You will need: funny toys, a hoop, a large ball, a stick or board, a box, a rug.

First independent steps

An adult is standing on the floor holding on to an object such as a table, sofa, chair, or leaning against it. Lure the child with a bright toy, then bringing it closer, then moving it away from the baby. Repeat 2-4 times.

Squat holding on to the hoop

The kid holds with both hands for the hoop, which is in the hands of an adult. At the command "Let's sit down!" the child crouches without releasing the hoop. Squat with him. Repeat 5-6 times.

Crawling through the hoop

An adult holds a hoop through which a toy is visible, attracting the baby's attention. The child crawls through the hoop and straightens up. You can place the toy higher, for example, on a table. This will make the child reach for her. Repeat 4-6 times.

Crawling under an obstacle (stick or board)

Place the obstacle at a height of 30-50 cm. After crawling, invite your child to take out a toy placed on a stool 40-45 cm high. Repeat 3-4 times.

Flexion and extension of the trunk

Place the child on your lap. Pinch his shins with your thighs. Flex and extend the baby's torso. Repeat 3-4 times.

Ball rolling

Sit with your child on the floor opposite each other, legs wide apart. Roll a big ball in any given direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

Climbing on an object (box, sofa)

First, invite your baby to climb onto a box 10-15 cm high, and then onto a sofa 40 cm high. Repeat 2-3 times.

Toy squat

Place 2-3 toys at opposite ends of the room. Encourage your child to crouch to pick up toys. Repeat 2-3 times.

Throwing the ball

The child stands unsupported, holding a large ball with both hands. Have him throw the ball with both hands in any direction. Repeat 4-6 times.

Raising your legs

The child lies on his back on the rug. Hold the stick firmly over his legs at a height of 50-60 cm. The kid should raise his legs, trying to reach the stick with them. Repeat 3-4 times.


The kid stands without support. Encourage him to walk around the room at a distance of 5-8 meters, giving him the necessary support. Repeat 2-3 times.

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