Home Mushrooms How to draw the planet Saturn with a pencil. How to draw planets? Image of Saturn against the background of the starry sky and the lunar landscape. We decorate the landscape. Lack of variety

How to draw the planet Saturn with a pencil. How to draw planets? Image of Saturn against the background of the starry sky and the lunar landscape. We decorate the landscape. Lack of variety

Reading and pronunciation of German words is quite simple and does not cause any difficulties for a Russian-speaking person. The main thing here is to know a few solid rules for reading the German language, since in some combinations not all letters are read in the same way as they are written. We present them in the form of a visual table.

Rules for reading individual German letters and their combinations

letter combination


Russian reading

Word examples

Sound features



der M ai n - Main (river)



der H Ah n - crane; rooster

long low sound



das C yklon - cyclone

before e, ö, i, y, ü




die C ouch - couch

in words borrowed from other languages, more often at the beginning of a word




die Bu ch e - beech

when placed after vowels u, o, a




das Ch lor - chlorine

sometimes at the beginning of a word




die Bu ch er - books

die Mon ch e - monks

after ä, i, ö, e, y, ü, and also after m, r, l, n



die Cou ch- sofa, couch

in loanwords



der La ch s - salmon, salmon




der Zu ck er - sugar




h e ll - light

short vowel sound in a closed syllable



Das M eh l - flour

long vowel



leise - quiet



die W ie ge - cradle

long vowel



die L eu te - people


der L Oh n - salary

long vowel

oi, oi


der B oy kott boycott




j awohl - yes, that's right




l eer - empty

soft sound



nasal [n]

si ng en - to sing



nasal + spirant [nk]

si nk en - fall, sink, decrease




die Ph ysik physics



der Q ark - cottage cheese




der Rh ytmus - frequency, rhythm

at the beginning of a word




der Ka s e - cheese

süchtig - possessed by some kind of passion

before a vowel or between two vowels




der Sp echt [ʃp әçt] - woodpecker

das Statut [ʃtatu: t] - charter

at the beginning of a word/part of a compound word if followed by p or t




sch on [ʃon] - already

as an indivisible combination of letters within one syllable




der Po s ter - poster

in other cases, except for the three listed above




die Th eorie - theory



der Deu tsch e - German



der Uh u - eagle owl

long vowel



die R ui ne - ruins, ruins




die V ariante - variant

in foreign loans




die Vögel - birds

in other cases




w ellig - wavy



der Lure x- lurex




rh y tmisch - rhythmic ps y chisch - mental

something in between Yu and at can be long or short



die Z erbe - cedar



die S au le - column




der Bor Schtsch- borscht (soup)

there is no such sound in German, this combination of letters is used to convey the sound [u] in foreign words


[ʒ ]


Sh ukow [ʒukof] - Zhukov (surname)

there is no such sound in German, the combination of letters conveys [g] in foreign words

ß = ss



la ss en - leave, leave

bei ß en - to bite

In conclusion, it is necessary to note a few general, typical points for the German language:

    all German double consonants, when read, convey one sound, while indicating the brevity of the preceding vowel sound, for example: re nn en - rush, rush;

    all doubled German vowels convey one long sound, for example: der aa l [a: l] - eel;

    if letter h stands after vowels, it is never read, but only indicates the length of the previous vowel; letter h usually heard only at the beginning of a syllable/word, for example: se h r - very (not pronounced), h ier - here (pronounced);

    to transfer Russian letters i, yo, yu combinations of German letters are used in the letter ja, jo, ju, for example: Yura - Ju ra, Yasha - Ja scha;

    in German there are several variants of reading the letter r: at the beginning of words - burry [r], which is pronounced like a long Russian sound [x], but only with the participation of the voice; at the beginning of words, a rolling front-lingual [r] is also possible; in the middle of the words [r] is noticeably quieter, but quite distinguishable, but at the end of the letter r conveys a sound that is completely different from the previous two in its essence, since it is vocalized [α], that is, closer to a vowel sound. Example: der R abe - raven (loud [r]), leh r en - teach, teach (muffled, but quite distinguishable [r]), der Zuschaue r- spectator (voiced [α]);

    the combination of two or more consonants indicates the shortness of the previous vowel sound, even in cases where these consonants denote one sound, for example lö sch en - go out, fade out, erase;

    vowels that are at the beginning of a root or word are always pronounced much sharper, with a so-called hard attack, for example: der Alter [ `a ltәα], this gives German speech a more abrupt and clear character compared to smooth Russian speech;

    all German consonants are hard, all voiced ones are muffled and pronounced semi-voiced, and at the end of words they are always completely stunned, for example: der D ie b thief (the consonant d is semi-voiced, and b at the end of the word is completely muffled);

    The stress in German words mostly falls on the first syllable. Exceptions are:

  1. words with unstressed prefixes ( be-, ge-, er-, ver-, zer-, ent-, emp-, miss-). In this case, the stress falls on the second syllable;
  2. borrowed words (der Comp u ter); and the suffix -tion is always stressed and is read, while the stress falls on about(die Kontribu tio n);
  3. some other exceptions (war u m).
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German letters with dots on top are of great importance for the whole language. A large number of words have them in their composition, and therefore you need to know how and where to use them.

What is an umlaut

Translated from German, the word "umlaut" means "permutation". In principle, this definition can convey the meaning of the term. Umlaut is a sign indicating a phonetic change in articulation, as well as in the timbre of vowels. These include the letters “a”, “o”, and “u”. In writing, they look like this: ä, ö, ü. If we translate German letters with dots on top in transcription, we get the following combinations: ä = ae; ö = oe; ü = ue. Depending on which word a particular letter is used in, the pronunciation will also differ. However, not much. Mostly “ä” is pronounced close to “e”, “ö” - like “ё”, and “ü” - like “yu”.

Typing on the keyboard

Being engaged in the study of the German language and corresponding with someone from the native inhabitants of Germany, there is a need to type the notorious umlauts on the keyboard. And the letter “escet” (looks like the usual “beta” - ß) as well. Where can I find German letters with dots on top of the keyboard? This question worries many, but here it is necessary not only to change the settings and layout parameters. You will also need to purchase an appropriate keyboard - for convenience. If this is not possible, then you can simply replace the letters with the combinations that were mentioned earlier - ue, ae, oe. And "escet" usually means the same as double "s". Such a spelling will not be considered a mistake, any German will be able to understand such a word (for example, football: “Fußball” = “Fussball”).

Set Tricks

However, if such a spelling “cuts the eyes” of a person, or he simply loves literacy and does not want to appear in front of the Germans as a dunno, then there is a little secret that can be used when typing a message or text. You can simply enter in the search bar of any browser a query called “German alphabet” and click on search. After that, what you need will appear to your eyes. That is, the alphabet. You need to open it and copy the German letters with dots on top. In order not to do this every time, you can save them either in a separate file or as a bookmark. But it is better, of course, to install the German layout. This is not so difficult to do, you just need to go to the control panel through “Start”, then find the “language and regional standards” item and add the required language to the settings through the installed services. Usually, on the Russian keyboard, the letter “Ä” stands in place of “E”, “Ö” - in the same place as “Ж”, “Ü” - “X”, and “beta” (escet) is transferred to the “dash” key. Over time, you can get used to this layout, especially if you often use umlauts.


And, finally, about the role played by German letters with dots on top. Uppercase and lowercase umlauts are very important. The meaning of the word depends on whether a letter with or without a dot is placed in the word. A parallel can be drawn between German umlauts and Russian stress. So, for example, only one intonation turns us into an antique castle. And in German, two dots can turn “already” into “beautiful.” We are talking about the word “sch(o/ö)n”. “Schon” is translated as “already” (“already working” - “arbeite schon”), and “schön” - as “beautiful” (“Dubist sehr schön” - “you are very beautiful”). It is also important not only to write such words correctly, but also to pronounce them. For better assimilation of such specific material, it is recommended to listen to audio recordings if it is not possible to go to a German teacher. Of course, you can also read words from transcriptions, but often students begin to pronounce letters with umlauts too clearly. That is, these are pronounced “yo”, “yu” and a characteristic “e”. It should not be so, such sounds are pronounced delicately and softly. Today there are a huge number of video and audio lessons. After several training sessions on pronunciation, the result will already be heard.

In this lesson I will tell you how to draw our solar system, the planets of the solar system in stages with a pencil.

Look how big our star - the Sun is compared to the planets, in particular ours. Each planet in the solar system revolves around the sun, each has its own rotation period. We are at such a distance from the sun that we do not freeze and do not burn, this is the ideal distance for the development of life. If we were a little closer or a little further, we would not be here now, we would not rejoice at every minute of our lives and would not sit near computers and learn to draw.

So, on the left side of the paper we draw a small sun, a little higher than the planet, which is very close to it - Mercury. Usually they show the orbit in which the planet moves, we will do that too. The second planet is Venus.

Now our turn has come, the planet Earth is the third, it is slightly larger than all the previous ones. Mars is smaller than Earth and farther away.

A very large distance is occupied by the Asteroid Belt, where there are many, many asteroids (a celestial body of the solar system that does not have an atmosphere) of irregular shape. The Asteroid Belt lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

The sixth planet from the sun is Saturn, it is slightly smaller than Jupiter.

Then come the planets Uranus and Neptune.

At the moment, it is believed that there are 8 planets in the solar system. There used to be a ninth called Pluto, but relatively recently similar objects have been found, such as Eris, Makemaki and Haumea, which are all combined into one name - plutoids. This happened in 2008. These planets are dwarf.

1. Saturn, was named after the god Saturn from Roman mythology.

2. Today, 62 satellites of the planet are known that revolve around it. In the foreground is the Titan satellite, which is considered the largest of them, and the second largest satellite in our solar system. Tethys is located behind Titan in the image. The photo was taken on November 26, 2009 by the Cassini spacecraft. The distance from Cassini to Tesis is 2.2 million km, but to Titan? 1 million km.

3. Titan is the only body in the solar system, except for the Earth, on the surface of which the existence of liquid has been proven, it is also the only satellite of Saturn that has a dense atmosphere. During the study of Titan, hypotheses were put forward that there are primitive life forms on it. Natural titanium color.

4. One of the images that proves the presence of liquid on Titan. Scientists believe the photo, taken on July 8, 2009, reflects light from one of the moon's many lakes.

6. The diameter of Titan itself is twice that of the Moon and is equal to 5,150 km. In addition, Titanium is 80% heavier than it. The pressure at the surface of this satellite is 1.5 times higher than the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere. In the photo, a comparison of the sizes of the Moon, Titan and Earth.

7. Titan's shadow? the largest moon of Saturn on its surface. The distance from which the photo was taken is approximately 2.1 million km.

8. Rings of Saturn, Titan and Mimas.

10. Photo of Tesis? icy moon of Saturn, taken on October 14, 2009. It was discovered in 1684 by Giovanni Domenico Cassini. In diameter, the dimensions of the satellite are 1,000 km.

11. Mimas? small satellite of Saturn, with a diameter of only 396 km.

13. Another photo of the Mimas satellite from a distance of 9,500 km. You can see the huge crater Herschel, its diameter is 130 km.

14. Calypso? small satellite. Named after a nymph from ancient Greek mythology. Its shape is wrong, dimensions? 30×23×14 km.

15. On average, the distance between the Sun and Saturn is approximately 1,434 million km, and between the Earth? 1,300 million km. Saturn revolves around the Sun in 29.5 years, that is, in 10,759 days. Saturn is 95 times heavier than Earth, but its average density is only 0.69 g/cm³, it is the only planet in our system whose density is less than that of water. Earth's equator is 10 times smaller than Saturn. In a photo taken in September 2009, from a distance of approximately 2.7 million km, is a white dot visible at the bottom left? Mimas satellite.

16. Saturn? it is a gaseous planet, which consists mainly of hydrogen, it does not have a solid surface. In the photo, a comparison of the sizes of the Sun and planets. From right to left: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter (these are 4 giant planets), then Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury (terrestrial planets).

17. Photo of Enceladus? another satellite of Saturn (diameter? 500 km), made on July 26, 2009. On the surface of this wicker, it is much colder than on the other satellites of Saturn and the temperature reaches -200 ° C. With Cassini? space automatic vehicle, in June of this year, scientists found that in its ocean the water is close in composition to the earth? she is salty. These discoveries increase the likelihood of life on Enceladus.

18. Rings of Saturn and moon Enceladus.

19. The surface of Enceladus is covered with ice. Cassini is 2,028 km away, taken on November 21, 2009. Is Enceladus named after Enceladus? giant from the mythology of ancient Greece.

20. The surface of Enceladus.

21. The ratio of the sizes of Enceladus and the Earth.

22. The surface of Enceladus.

24. Part of Helena and clouds in the atmosphere of Saturn

25. Prometheus? another natural satellite of the planet Saturn, which has an elongated irregular shape.

26. The second largest moon of Saturn is Rhea. It was opened in 1672.

27. Rhea and Epimetheus? small inner moon of Saturn. The photo was taken from a distance of 1.6 million km from Epimetheus, but from Rhea? 1.2 million km. Saturn is in the background.

28. The planet Saturn and its dark side, and Enceladus. Mysterious rings? it is a solid solid body in orbit around the planet, which consists of billions of very small particles. The rings themselves are very thin. Their thickness is only 1 kilometer, with a diameter of 250,000 km.

29. Rings were formed from a large number of rings, which alternate with cracks. Outwardly, they look like the tracks of gramophone records.

30. Another natural satellite of Saturn called Dione, which was discovered in 1684 by Giovanni Cassini. He looks a lot like Ray.

32. Dione against the background of the largest satellite of Titan.

We will be studying how to draw planets with a pencil. But first, a few facts. Suddenly come in handy in astronomy lessons:

  • Our solar system is a "star called the Sun" and assorted objects revolving around it.
  • We also have VTsIOM. Study and study public opinion. And that's what they investigated: they found out that a third of Russians believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth. No comments =) I hope there are no such people among you?
  • The Sun appeared 4.6 billion years ago. At least that's how it's supposed to be. You understand that there are no witnesses left.
  • The sun warms us with an ulterior motive. The temperature of the prominence is like a mini outgrowth of a star, 6000 Kelvin. And inside the luminary is hot right up to 13,500,000 Kelvin. It’s hard to even imagine, and there’s nothing to compare with. - Brain explosion!
  • Planets in their sequence from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. We live on the third planet from the Sun. Congratulations!
  • There is another large object in the solar system. Pluto. If you ask your parents, they will unanimously say that this is another planet. And they will be partly right. Since its discovery in 1930, Pluto was indeed considered a planet, but since 2006, the definition of “what is a planet” has been adopted. And Pluto didn't fit in. So now we have a double dwarf planet Pluto-Charon.

The astronomy demo lesson is over, let's try it now draw the planets of the solar system with a pencil.

How to draw the planets of the solar system with a pencil

Step one. Draw the orbits of the planets. Their shape is an ellipse close to a circle. But, if you look from one point, then visually we see not circles, but arcs, parts of ellipses. Such as in the picture. On the lines we outline the positions of the planets.
Step two. We draw circles - planets. We start with small Mercury, then Venus and the Earth are larger, again a small circle is Mars and further, as in the figure. In the lower left corner we show the edge of the Sun.
Step three. Erase the auxiliary lines - the axes of the circles. Let's make the orbits brighter.
Step four. Let's add other celestial bodies: comets, asteroids. Let's draw "rings" to the major planets.
Step five. Let's do the shading. With it, we must turn our circles into a sphere. Remember that we have the Sun in the center, and light falls from its side. But the opposite side of the planet will be darkened. The result should be something like this:
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