Home Mushrooms Poppy leaf made of beads on a diagram line. Poppy beads: weaving patterns and step-by-step master class. Weaving an unusual poppy

Poppy leaf made of beads on a diagram line. Poppy beads: weaving patterns and step-by-step master class. Weaving an unusual poppy

With the arrival of spring and warmth, beautiful red poppies bloom in the fields. There are many different legends about them. In ancient Greece, the poppy was considered a symbol of silence, sleep and oblivion. It was dedicated to the gods of dreams and dreaming Hypnos and Morpheus. According to another legend, the poppy is dedicated to the fertility goddess Hera and the harvest goddess Ceres. It was from poppy seeds in combination with ears of grain that wreaths were woven that decorated the statues of this goddess.

An old Russian fairy tale, tells about the times of the war with the Pechenegs. One day, a horde tried to capture the most beautiful girls of one small village. The captives began to ask Mother Earth to save them and the rest of the villages and cities from the cruel massacre of the nomads. The earth heeded their pleas, and as soon as the Pecheneg tried to grab some beauty, she turned into a bright red flower, as beautiful as the girls themselves. They were never able to capture a single Pecheneg. But in this place there is a field with beautiful red poppies. And when the Russian soldiers came to the rescue the next morning, they saw that all the enemies were immersed in a magical sleep that the flower girls had sent upon them. The battle passed and the beauties became themselves again, and poppies have bloomed on that land every year since then.

No matter what fairy tales people came up with in ancient times, now the poppy is just a beautiful flower. And if in nature it decorates the earth with itself for only a few days, then, created with your own hands, it will delight you for a long time.

In this article we propose to weave beaded poppy. In nature, poppy flowers are not only red, so we will also weave yellow flowers.

You will need:

  • Beads 11/0 yellow, green and red;
  • Beads 10/0 black;
  • Wire;
  • Artificial stems;
  • Green paint (acrylic);
  • Heart beads (you can buy them in special shops or use any suitable one);
  • Green floss;
  • Transparent glue;
  • Artificial grass and spikelets for decoration.

The weaving of poppy petals will be done using the French arc axial technique. For each flower you will need 4 petals.

One petal requires approximately 1 m of working wire.

Leave about 10 cm of wire for the axle and tighten the loop. String 2.5 cm of beads (red or yellow) onto the axle. On the working wire, add 1 more beads and make a revolution around the axis so that the 2 beads are pressed tightly against each other. String the same number of beads onto the working wire and make a turn of the wire at the bottom of the axis. Now we will weave half-arcs. It is necessary to collect enough beads onto the working wire so that the wire does not reach the first half-arc by 2 beads. Fix the working wire not on the axis, but on the first half-arch so that the wire passes from the wrong side to the front. Again we string beads onto the working wire so that the low arc reaches the bottom of the axle. We secure it with a coil and begin to perform similar actions to create a half-arc on the other side of the axis.

Weave the first 3 half-arcs on both sides with an indentation of 2 beads, from the fourth to the seventh - with an indentation of 3-4 beads. In each such half-arc there will be 2 beads (one up the petal and one down).

Make all the petals. Hide a piece of wire on top of the petal in the upper beads. Bend them like a real poppy.

Now we begin to weave the black center of the poppies. It is performed using the needle technique as follows: string about 20 black beads onto a wire, leaving one end of the wire longer. Now thread this end of the wire into the first 19 beads you put on. It turned out to be a needle. Now string another 20 - 22 needles next to it. Leave a little wire between them so that you can later secure them around the core.

For it, you can use a bead purchased in a store or make a core yourself, for example, from polymer clay.

Glue the core to the stem. Place black beaded needles around it and wind it with several turns of green thread. Do the winding very tightly. The end of the thread must be glued to the very top of the stem in advance.

Now place the petals around the stem with the core and also wrap them with thread. In order to increase strength and prevent the petals from scattering, they can also be glued with acrylic transparent varnish.

To create buds you need to make 1 petal for each bud from red beads and 2 leaves from green beads.

The leaves are woven using the French arc axial technique. Using the same technique as we performed the first pair of arcs. In this case, the working wire must be positioned not perpendicular to the axis, but at an angle.

Attach a petal, rolled into a tube, to the stem and bend 2 leaves around it. Tie everything to the stem with green thread. In order for the bud to keep its shape well, you can glue it and wrap it with thread while the glue dries.

When all the glued parts have dried, you can place them in a suitable vase and arrange them with spikelets and artificial grass. Poppies are ready to decorate your interior.

Many people associate a bouquet of poppies with summer and sunshine. And it is not at all necessary that this bouquet be real. You can make poppies from beads, and they will look very similar to real flowers. The bouquet can be placed at home as a decorative element or given to someone for a holiday.

Although it is quite easy to weave a poppy from beads, it is better for beginners to choose an easier master class. For weaving you need to prepare the following materials:

  • beads in three colors (red, black, green);
  • wire for weaving (diameter 0.3 mm);
  • thick wire for the frame;
  • green threads, PVA glue.

You need to take beads No. 10 and 12. At the same time, it can be Chinese - not very smooth. This will not be suitable, for example, for mosaic techniques or embroidery, but in such colors this flaw will be almost invisible.

A poppy bud consists of a poppy box of 4 petals and stamens. Naturally, red beads are best suited for the petals, but options are also possible. Threads are required to wrap the flower stem.

Weaving petals

They usually start by weaving poppy petals from beads; the pattern is suitable even for beginners who have just decided to learn beadwork. Proceed as follows:

The twisted wire is passed between the loops located in the middle. Lightly press the petal inward to get the desired shape, and turn the edges slightly inside out. One flower requires four identical petals.

Creation of stamens

You will need two types of stamens. There is nothing complicated here either:

All that remains is to take the end of the wire and push it down through the middle of the product. It turned out to be a nice poppy box.

The second type of stamens is woven from black beads. Needle weaving is already used here. Take a wire 110 cm long and collect 14 beads. Place them near the edge, pass one end of the wire through 13 beads (reverse direction). You will get a needle. As a result, 18 needles are woven.

Poppy leaf

Weaving leaves is also very easy. To do this, take a wire about 80 cm long. The step-by-step creation looks like this:

The number of sheets depends on the idea of ​​the needlewoman. You can get by with one for one flower or make three of them to make the bouquet more colorful and bright. You can randomly combine green and yellow beads in the leaves.

Flower assembly process

When all the components of the flower are ready, the most interesting thing remains - putting them together. It's very simple, and even a beginner in beading can do it. Step by step process:

  1. To create a rod, take a thick wire and wrap the previously created poppy box around it.
  2. Below, the stamens are wound in a circle.
  3. Then they begin to wind 2 petals, followed by the remaining 2. Screw the elements crosswise.
  4. Threads are wrapped around the wire stem, then they begin to wrap a leaf or leaves if more than one has been created.

After this, the process of building the Mac is considered complete. If more poppies are created for the bouquet, then they are collected in the same way and then placed in a beautiful vase.

Mosaic weaving

Beadwork is distinguished by its versatility; even ordinary poppies can be created using different techniques. You can create rope-like stems, embroider poppies on a black background, or use mosaic techniques. Mosaic weaving is somewhat more complicated and it is better to master it first on simpler products.

To create a poppy you will need beads of three colors. They choose any, but they always choose black for the stamens and the middle. A poppy petal is woven like a leaf from 2 parts - first one half, then the second. Start with the following steps:

The second half of the leaf is woven in the same way. Then you need to create a third petal and sew them all together, using the outermost three beads on each petal. The stamens are made in random order by sewing long black threads into the middle of the flower. The stem is created in the same way as in the case of the first option. Then you can stop at one flower or create a whole bouquet.

Weaving beaded poppies is interesting and exciting. The process is equally exciting for adults and children. Based on these instructions, you can weave other flowers by changing the size of the petals and choosing beads of other colors. Here a person is limited only by his imagination. Having mastered simple techniques, you can turn beading into an exciting hobby.

Dear beadwork lovers, today we will tell you how to make poppies from beads. A step-by-step master class with photos and weaving diagram will help us with this. Remember the little girl Ellie from The Wizard of Oz? How did she and her friends end up in a huge poppy field? So you can make the same thing yourself only from beads. Well, or at least one small bouquet. Moreover, our poppies will be even more beautiful somewhere else.

Tools and materials Time: 3 hours Difficulty: 6/10

  • red cabin No. 10-11;
  • black and green beads;
  • thin and thick wire;
  • green iris threads.

As you can see, depending on the color you choose, you may get visually different poppies made from beads.

Weaving pattern

So, let's start weaving poppies. Below is a step-by-step weaving diagram:

Step 1: Petals

First, let's make 4 petals like this.

Click to enlarge

We make a 2.5 cm long red hem, then make one arc as in circular weaving.

Further weaving is carried out with return arcs. In this case, we weave the first 2 arcs from the indents by 2 beads, then up to the 7th row - by 3-4 beads. Let's give the petals the necessary bend.

Click to enlarge

Step 2: make a box for the grains

Now we’ll make that very “box” where the small black seeds of our poppy are stored. To do this, you can use hardening plastic, salt dough, clay, etc. We sculpt a figure of the required shape.

Click to enlarge

Step 3: Making the Poppy Stem

Use a thick stem wire to make a hole at the bottom of the resulting figure. Let it harden. Then we place the “box” on the wire, using glue. When the glue dries, paint the “box” green with acrylic paint.

Click to enlarge

Step 4: Stamens

Let's take care of the stamens. We will weave a chain of 20-23 stamens from black beads.

Click to enlarge

Step 5: Assembling the Poppy

Now we can collect our flower.

  • We wrap the “box” around a chain of stamens.
  • We secure the ends of the wire to the stem.
  • Then we attach the petals sequentially.

It is advisable to glue the petals together at the points of contact.

Click to enlarge

Then we wrap the stem tightly with green thread. Here, our poppy is ready!

Step 6: decorating a bouquet of poppies

You can also make poppy buds to decorate a bouquet. To do this, you need to weave one petal and a couple of green leaves.

Poppies are incredibly bright and beautiful flowers. It is impossible to see them and remain indifferent. Fiery flowers are eye-catching, but a bouquet of poppies cannot last in your home forever. The scarlet petals will fall, the leaves will wither. But if you weave this flower from beads, then this incredible beauty will remain with you forever. We offer you a master class; photographs with step-by-step instructions can be found below in the article.

Bead poppies: step by step tutorial

Today we will tell and show you how to weave a poppy from beads: the master class is quite detailed and even not the most experienced craftswomen will be able to cope with the work. You just need to be patient, because the work is painstaking and very time-consuming, as a result you can make an amazing bouquet of poppies, as in the photo:

We will need the following materials:

  • Beads No. 10 (red, green, black, light green);
  • Wire of different thicknesses: 0.3mm, 0.6mm, 1mm;
  • Floral ribbon or thread (green).

Instructions for weaving poppies:

1) We will start the work with the petals of the flower. We use French weaving with red beads, three arcs on each side and two unfinished arcs (they need to be placed a couple of beads below the previous one).

We need to weave only 6 petals for the 1st flower.

2) After the petals are woven, we weave the black stamens. The needle technique is used to weave them.

Each “needle” should consist of 9 beads, and 9 such “needles” are needed. After which they need to be twisted.

3) What is a poppy without a poppy box? To weave such a box, we need light green beads. It is woven using a loop technique. We string 13 beads onto the wire and twist them into a loop, then weave loops on the free ends of the wire. Only 6 loops per 1 box. Then this box needs to be closed using black beads (see photo).

4) Next we weave the leaves. In order for them to be strong and hold well, they need to be stitched. It is best to do this with 0.1 wire (it will not be visible and the leaf will look more elegant. The number of leaves is at your discretion.

5) So, we have woven the flower petals, stamens, poppy box and leaves - now we need to put it all together to make our poppy flower.

Using a thick fishing line, you need to combine all the parts of the needlework one by one.

Our poppy is ready! If you have the desire and time, you can weave a whole bouquet, because now you know how to make poppy seeds and beads. We also invite you to watch a video with a master class on weaving these beautiful flowers.

Beaded jewelry with poppies

Poppies look great as jewelry motifs.

For example, this bright bracelet:

Or this incredibly stylish harness:

To weave a strand of Poppy beads, we will need:

  • Beads No. 10 (white, red, black, yellow);
  • White bobbin thread No. 10;
  • Hook 0.7 or 1;
  • Beading needle;
  • Accessories for jewelry.

You need to weave a tourniquet according to this pattern:

The main thing is not to get lost when threading the beads, otherwise the design will not work. After all the beads are put on, the length of the thread will be about 5 meters.

And then the knitting of the tourniquet begins:

It is necessary to leave a free tip of about 30 cm; the lock will be attached to it. Then, 15 air loops are crocheted, which need to be wrapped in a ring using a post. All the following rows are knitted with beads in a single crochet stitch. It is a loop - one bead.

And so on until the very end of the tourniquet.

After which we need to leave about 30 cm of free thread. Now we attach the clasps.

The tourniquet is ready!

Embroidering poppies with beads

Poppies can not only be woven from beads, they can, of course, also be embroidered with beads. Now you can find almost any pattern, and manufacturers, knowing about the love of needlewomen for these real hot colors, are saturating the market with a variety of materials.

In order for you to get bead embroidery: Maki MK is not required. You just need to follow the diagram, and you will be able to “draw” real masterpieces with beads:

Or, for example, this incredibly beautiful triptych “Poppies”:

Happy beading!

Video on the topic of the article

Poppies can also be embroidered with beads. You can find different patterns for quick and easy weaving of bright poppies, materials and an embroidery master class. It is not necessary to follow exactly the pattern; you can get creative with bead embroidery.

Triptych of poppies on a black background:

Here are some patterns that are suitable for weaving poppies of different sizes from beads:

Petal weaving patterns.

The first version of weaving poppies from beads with patterns

In this master class on creating poppies we will need:

  • Beads in green, black, red colors.
  • Galvanized wire 60 numbers.
  • Hard rod.
  • Semi-rigid rod.
  • Silk thread.
  • Vinyl glue.
  • Wire cutters.
  • Round nose pliers.

We create four rounded petals on the main axis (1.5 cm) and make seven pairs of arcs around it using beads. We try to keep the petals in a round configuration as in the photo.

Then we make several leaves on the main axis (approximately two centimeters). We create four pairs of arcs near the other axis using beads. You need to create a jagged edge in the last row, like a real poppy.

Now let's create a bud. First, we create a petal by stringing it in arcs, bending it three times around the axis (two centimeters).

We make the middle of six loops with the same number of beads each. Let's combine them by rounding a strand of beads.

To create the stamens, we make large loops of 2.5 centimeters.

We collect poppies. We attach two leaves to a semi-rigid rod. We attach the bud to the second rod, immediately attach the core of six loops to the end of the wire with leaves, then the stamens. Then we wrap it with silk thread and attach four leaves. Stepping back 4 centimeters from the flower, attach the branch and wrap it until the stem is complete.

Our poppy is ready!

Master class on creating wildflowers with your own hands

Poppies are wildflowers in Central Asia. This type of poppy does not form a capsule, during their flowering the valley becomes bright red and in some places bright yellow, because poppies there are red, pink and yellow - this is an unforgettable sight. These poppies begin to bloom in May.

We will learn how to make a poppy from beads.

We will need red beads with different shades for each flower No. 10 (50 gr.), greenish-gray transparent beads No. 10 (40 gr.), faceted black beads No. 12 (2 gr.) and wire.

A poppy flower has 4 or 5 petals, 2 or 3 leaves, and 5 stamens. There are many shades of poppy in nature. This way we can create a flower of different shades: from red to yellow.

We begin to weave poppy petals in a circular weave of red beads on a sixty-meter wire. Let's take the following diagram:

  • Five beads in nine rows.
  • Let's create four or five rounded petals for each flower.
  • To weave stamens, take a wire 45 centimeters long and put 12-15 faceted black beads on its center. We create a loop of beads and twist the ends of the wire twice. We make three more loops at each end. We should have 5 loops in total. We twist the ends of the wire under the stamens two or three times.
  • On a wire 60-80 centimeters long we create a sheet with two pairs of teeth. We use the parallel weaving technique according to the guiding pattern:
  • We create poppy leaves from gray-green beads. Each flower may have a different number of teeth. Each product should have several different leaves, since in nature there are no absolutely identical objects.
  • We weave a poppy from the details. To do this, we place five petals evenly around the center of the stamens, twist the ends of the wire under the flower 5-6 centimeters. Then we add the first sheet and twist the wire two or three more times. Then we attach the next second sheet, twist the wire into the third sheet as well and twist it to the end. We create only two sheets for individual colors.
  • We collect and weave the remaining poppies in the same way.

As a result, this is what we got:

We are exploring the third method of assembling bright flowers into a bouquet

Poppies are very beautiful, their fiery and bright flowers attract the eye. But the poppy cannot stand in a vase forever; the red petals will quickly wither and fall off. If you create a poppy from a material such as beads, then this beauty will be with you for a long time. Even not very experienced craftsmen can cope with this. You just need a little patience, as this work is labor-intensive and painstaking. You should end up with a stylish bouquet like this:

In this master class we will need:

Beads No. 10 of different colors (light green, black, green, red),

Wire of various thicknesses (1mm, 0.6mm, 0.3mm),

Thread or floral tape.

  • Let's start working with the petals. We weave French weave with red beads, three arcs on each side and place two unfinished arcs a couple of beads below the previous one.

  • We will weave only six petals for the first product.

  • When the petals are created, we begin to weave the black stamens. Here we use the needle technique.

Each “needle” contains nine beads. There are nine of them to be made. Then we twist them.

  • In order to create a poppy box, you need light green beads. It is created using the loop technique. We string thirteen beads onto a wire and twist them into a loop. Next, we make loops on the free ends of the wire. You need six loops per wire. Then close the box using black beads.

  • Let's start weaving leaves. They need to be stitched so that they hold well and are strong. 0.1 wire is suitable for this. This wire will not be noticeable and the leaf will look elegant. You decide how many leaves you need.

  • We have the petals, stamens, poppy box, and leaves ready. Now let's collect everything to create our flower.

Let's connect all parts of the product with strong fishing line.

Our flower is ready! If you have time and desire, you can make a bouquet of such poppies.

An interesting tutorial on how to create a purple poppy from beads

This product can be made on a thread and a needle, rather than on a fishing line. It's much easier than using fishing line. For this you need a special beading needle. The beads fit well and the product turns out more elegant, you can change the shape of the product in the required place, or increase it. We will need:

  • purple beads No. 10;
  • soft yellow beads No. 10;
  • light green beads No. 5 3 pieces;
  • bead needle and thread;
  • copper wire 0.2 mm;
  • copper wire 0.8 mm;
  • green wire 0.4 mm;
  • soft green floss thread;
  • PVA glue.

This product used a mosaic weaving technique. You need to take a thread one meter long. We start weaving with six yellow beads and five purple ones. We start work from the middle, after finishing one side, we begin the second. In this case, ordinary Chinese beads are used.

The main flower should consist of 5 petals, absolutely identical in size. Along the edge, each of the petals is intertwined with beads so that the edge is smooth. First you need to make a knot, and then go through five beads and cut the thread.

We will sew two at once, and then the remaining three petals after we have created the petals. Let's assemble the product and insert both parts into each other. Carefully sew them together by the bottoms.

Everything is easier with buds! The half-opened bud contains the usual petals that you previously wove, rolled into a pipe and sewn with threads so that they are not visible. To create a bud, we need to make small leaves using green wire and beads. You need to pick up one bead, move it to the middle of the wire, pick up two beads and cross them with both ends. Then we collect 3, 4, 6, 4 beads and cross the wire after each set of beads. The sheet is ready. Now let's create the second one.

The green bud contains three leaves, which we weave in parallel, collecting beads in the following order: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2. Then mix them, creating a bud.

Wire leg

Let's cut 35 centimeters 0.8 mm. We string a large number five bead onto it, move it to the center of the wire, and tie both ends of the wire. We need three of these legs. Then we put two buds and a flower on it.

Green leaf and stamens

It is necessary to dramatically change the number of beads so that the leaf has teeth. You can dial in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 6, 5, 7, 5, 3, 1.

Let's insert the legs into both buds. A large bead should secure them. We fix the green leaves in the required places and begin to wrap the legs with floss threads.

Now we need to create the center of the main flower. This can be done using yellow bead stamens and a fairly thin 0.2 mm wire. Put one bead on and twist the wire. Repeat these steps until you have the required number of stamens approximately three centimeters long. Let's take the stem and attach all the stamens with a large light green bead.

Place the prepared stem along with the stamens in the prepared flower. In order for it to hold tighter, it can be supported with small greenish leaves, made in the following order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 3, 2. We attach both of these leaves to the leg and wrap it with green floss threads. Fix with PVA glue. The lower leaves of our poppy were created as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 6, 8, 6, 4, 3, 2 - with both cloves on the edges. And again we wrap these leaves to the legs and wrap them with floss threads.

We have made three flowers. Let's collect them in a bouquet and make a composition. It is good to take an example from real poppies, wrapping the buds in the way that is typical for them. In this case, beaded flowers look more real.

I wish you good luck in your creativity!

Detailed video for beginners

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