Home Mushrooms Stress during layoffs at work. And there are only three of them left... How to survive layoffs. Comments on “Do they want to fire you? How to cope with downsizing and job loss."

Stress during layoffs at work. And there are only three of them left... How to survive layoffs. Comments on “Do they want to fire you? How to cope with downsizing and job loss."

The fact that during a crisis, a reduction in the income of the working class occurs not only due to a decrease in wages, but also due to a reduction in the number of workers, was already stated in the theory of Marxism. How to cope with stress if you are laid off and what to do after, says clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist Svetlana Kachalova.

Dangerous stereotypes

Ksenia Matveeva, SMOL.AIF.RU: Svetlana Viktorovna, tell me, is it true that middle-aged people have the hardest time dealing with layoffs at work?

Svetlana Kachalova: It is difficult to say at what age people experience contraction worse or better. That is, if the dismissal occurred in the so-called middle of life - middle age, this does not mean that such a person will endure stress more easily or more severely than a younger or more experienced employee.

Reduction at any age is like some kind of milestone that a person could not overcome, a road that he could not follow to the victorious end.

Retrenchment or dismissal from work is stress, a crisis for a person. As a rule, when laying off employees, the employer does not think about the psychological characteristics of the employee, because there are categories of employees who are not subject to layoffs. Accordingly, those who do not fall into these categories are fired due to reduction.

Everyone handles stress differently. Like a crisis, stress exhibits persistent demands for adaptation. Mechanisms of mobilization and anxiety are activated. This is a general tension that affects the mental and emotional sphere. Naturally, a person begins to rush about, he feels insecure. If this is a man, then the uncertainty can spill over onto a global scale: men experience such crises much more difficult than women.

The fact is that in our culture a stereotype of a male breadwinner has been formed, and if he stops bringing money into the house, then problems can begin within the family. Most often in such cases, the wife directly states: “You must bring money!” It is not right. Often, after scandals, a man gets two low-skilled jobs, and he does not have the energy and time not only to find a decent job, but also to take care of his family, and, what is very important, for self-development.

help yourself

- What happens to a person, his inner world, after a reduction?

After layoffs, a person who has not been adapted to life at all is inevitably forced to face problems that are unusual for him. Let's imagine that he worked for 10-15 years in one field, in one place, and is a narrow specialist. Compliance with the charter, specific rules, specific norms. If a person spends a long time in certain conditions, certain frameworks that are set by a program from the outside, he does not develop creatively and does not become flexible. The thinking of such a person becomes rigid - stiff. When this happens, a person “ossifies” within the designated framework. And it will be very difficult for such a person, for example, to retire, or, even more so, to be laid off. If a person has an “addiction gene,” then just at this time it can be realized - a man can, for example, start drinking to drown out the pain (many do this, especially for former military men).

On the one hand, stress mobilizes, but the thinking of such a person is rigid, and often there is nothing to mobilize - after all, the person is ossified within the usual framework.

- Why is this happening?

Thinking becomes rigid when we do not give the brain the opportunity to develop and do not fill thinking. A person who begins to master some new knowledge, new skills, after 40 years old, new social connections are formed in the structures of the brain, and he remains thinking and intelligent for a long time. This helps to “push back” senile dementia. Even from this point of view, it is very important to constantly learn and develop.

Previously, enterprises had hobby groups and shared trips. Now it all comes down to some kind of corporate events - essentially, drinking parties. Any such party, generously flavored with alcohol, means millions of nerve cells literally carried away down the drain. Today, managers are not interested in developing the personalities of their subordinates; in a commercialized society, profit, income come first, everything is done for show.

In these conditions, the person himself must work on personal development. When there is no such need or desire, problems arise. A person is laid off, and he, unadapted, unadapted, simply does not know what to do. Because of this stress, even serious depressive conditions can develop.

A matter of principle

- But there are other “scenarios”?

A creative person, working throughout his life and simultaneously developing, constantly expands his “area of ​​competence.” It is very important to develop, even if the position does not seem to allow for this - go to seminars, improve your qualifications, and undergo additional training.

Unfortunately, many people do not care about their personal development. After all, it is much easier to come to work, serve the allotted time and go home. And so every day, year after year, for 10, 15, 20 years.

Some people have a strong need for personal development. Such a person, even having a stable income in a reasonable position, strives to grow, receive additional education, and expand his horizons.

Additional education is generally very good. Even if it is never fully useful, it develops the brain.

- What exactly can you advise a person who has been laid off?

First of all, in no case should you panic and assume that along with your work experience at your previous place of work, your life ends. Here you need to maintain a positive attitude, believe in the best: there is no money now, but it will appear soon; there is no work - I will look and find it. Second: you need to remember what activities you liked once upon a time, maybe in your youth or even in childhood. It is quite possible that you dreamed of becoming an artist, or selling flowers, or collecting bicycles. Start small - fix the plumbing at home, figure out how and what works. Perhaps a half-childish hobby will become the basis for a profitable business. You need to set yourself a goal - to do something “perfectly” - simply out of principle.

Kick the Universe

- Today there are labor exchanges...

Often a laid-off worker, coming to the labor exchange, expects to be given the same thing - the same status, the same income. Not everyone wants to learn something new.

Here it is important not to be afraid of a low position, the “low prestige” of work, not to be afraid to start small, from the basics. And this is a big problem for many people. When a person considers some very modest, low-status job unacceptable for himself, he continues to slow down his personal development. But the spiritual development of a person is precisely characterized by the ability to overcome difficulties and endure the blows of fate; a person develops in a state of crisis.

- How long can such a crisis last?

As a rule, psychologists give several years to completely overcome a crisis. If we talk about a pause, then it is not important: you can switch: get some sleep, jump with a parachute. But the pause may drag on. Therefore, I advise you not to try, but to do: not to try to find yourself, but to search. You can advise your loved ones to be patient, wise, not to put pressure, but to lend a helping hand and help you realize yourself. The strength of a family is always tested by crisis situations from outside: and the loss of one of the family members is the best reason to unite, show cooperation, and mutual assistance. Unfortunately, many families do not pass this test.

It is important to understand that dismissal or layoff is a “kick from the Universe”, a signal from space that gives a person a chance to understand himself and re-evaluate his life, his purpose.

You've been laid off. Not the best news, especially if you are 53 years old. You can often hear that in Belarus no one needs workers of pre-retirement age. We asked health worker Alena how to survive the “kick” three years before retirement, cope with extreme stress and go looking for a new job - where instead of a personnel officer you find yourself in the world of the hitherto unfamiliar word HR.

Our department was cut because we were not needed. Progress does not stand still; the Internet and technology are replacing the workforce. Dictaphone centers have been removed from all clinics in Minsk. The management considered that filling out epicrises did not take much time (we had an eight-hour day), and decided to transfer these responsibilities to doctors: filling out diaries, outpatient records, prescriptions... There are about 15 minutes left for the patient. On the one hand, this solution is very good: paper media are lost and worn out. Plus, if the patient lived in Osipovichi and came to Minsk for treatment, you can track his entire medical history and treatment online. It's comfortable. On the other hand, until the system was introduced, we as a department were still needed. Doctors from my graduating class are generally on par with computers: they have neither speed nor skills. This is a complex process. And doctors (in their own words) spend a lot of time not treating the patient, but filling out piles of paperwork.

I felt like a first grade girl

I worked for 15 full years in one place: my children grew up here, I grew up here and practically retired - a comfort zone. First thoughts: horror. You don't see yourself anywhere else. You have worked for half your life in a hospital that you know by heart: the doctors, the management, who you can advise. You can’t go to the Tractor Plant and Kommunarka - you don’t have the necessary experience. I was offered the position of a nurse for 200 rubles a month: to wash floors, wards, clean up after patients, change diapers if necessary. I doubted for a long time and shed many tears. There is nothing left until retirement, and they throw you out onto the street. It seemed to us that they wouldn’t hire us anywhere else, that at that age the state didn’t need workers. But in reality it turned out to be completely the opposite: at this age they only hire people (I mean junior medical staff and other mid-level positions).

About this theme: "We're all call girls." What does the work of a local doctor look like from the inside?

For the first time in a long time, I had to go to interviews. I was scared, ashamed, I came up with a thousand reasons not to call someone. My daughter helped me with my resume on the Internet, I even applied to interesting vacancies, but I was afraid that the selection process in private clinics would be very tough. I lied to everyone and myself that I called employers with vacancies. And then I actually started calling because I realized that I didn’t want to sit at home.

I felt like a first-grader. But it was easier for me, because we were looking for a job with a “downsized” friend. On the first day after the layoff, we visited almost all clinics in the city of Minsk. They simply came, knocked on the HR department, and asked if workers were needed. We thought that they would look at us like we were empty space. But this is absolutely not true. We were greeted with respect, in some places even as family. Only in one clinic they didn’t even look up at us, as if a stray dog ​​had walked into an office where cakes were baked for the elite: “There’s no room.” But we tried and calmly left this institution.

It turned out to be no shame at all to come somewhere. Despite the fact that it was very awkward and you expect a turn from the gate. They took our phone numbers, there were few open vacancies, but they were planned in the future (some were planning to retire, others were simply quitting).

The most terrible interview was in a private dental clinic. They called me themselves through the website with a resume, and they called me three times. The first two I simply couldn’t come, but on the third I thought that since they were calling me so actively, I should probably try.

It seems to me that going through a casting for a modeling agency in Paris would be easier than an interview at a clinic where they promise 400 rubles for an ordinary receptionist.

I go to them, I think that the interview will be one on one with the authorities. And there are eight more people sitting there. A woman came out with questionnaires - they were not too lazy to print them! They describe personal information in detail, as if it were recruitment to some kind of agency: who and where does the husband work, who are the children, what kind of education, what religion am I. You would think that if I said that I was a Muslim, I would immediately be doused with water and thrown out of the office or asked to wear a hijab.

This didn't happen before. In my youth, I worked for a long time at the Ministry of Statistics (CSO), you just came, asked if workers were needed, if so, you gave them a work book, a diploma, and the next day you started work. All. No stupid questions or dust in the eyes. Do you want to work? Work. There were no internships either.

About this theme: “I realized that if I don’t leave Belarus at 49, I will never leave.” The story of Tatyana, who moved to Poland

There are young “stars” at work who don’t even say hello to you

They started calling us one by one through the glass door. We, like chickens, sit on our poles and see how the victim comes out to 12 dressed-up people. 11 women with voluminous hairstyles and one modest intellectual man. With an arrogant look they began to ask me: “Ha-ha, did you graduate from college?!” To which I asked angrily: “Why is this not an educational institution? You read my resume, invited me three times, took my day, and now you mockingly ask me what I’ve finished?” Then there were nasty questions. There was some question about children that infuriated me. Thank God, I don’t remember him anymore. I left the interview with a clear decision that I would not return here again. We chatted with the women in line and it turned out that this vacancy had been open for four months. And some girls come again.

After that, I didn’t respond to any vacancies for commercial structures - the desire was lost. Because we live in the city of Minsk, look at the people in transport, in the store - this is an ordinary city. And how can a woman come to the position of receptionist with the keys to a Porsche in her pocket? And this is the impression I got. All this is a little divorced from reality. I’m applying for a regular position, I know my job, I have experience and knowledge... It’s unpleasant.

Then I toured all government institutions for the second time. It turned out that one clinic (on the other side of the city) needed a registrar. I decided to try it since I didn't really have a choice. The new responsibilities were scary: here it was necessary to work with a large flow of people, in the previous place we sat separately and worked only with doctors.

People at this age cannot be laid off. This is crazy stress, and not every person can cope with it. It’s difficult both mentally and physically. It’s easier for young people to adapt – I know, I was young too. This is not growth, but walking through torment. At least for the first time. I haven’t gained much self-confidence, but I’m learning to communicate with new people, solve new problems, and study. Therefore, dementia, bypass me!

I went to a free internship for two weeks. At first it was not even possible to go to the toilet: people were sick, often angry, and in a hurry. There was no talk of any mischief at all. I ate at home in the morning and when I returned in the evening. The girls offered me tea or coffee, it was nice. In any team there are very sincere people who will help and lend a shoulder. There are also stars who may not even say hello. Although you are one team, in theory you help each other cope with the workload faster, but it looks like you are taking something away from this person. Moreover, he may be much younger than you. At first I was very upset, I even cried, and then I decided not to react, just to work.

About this theme: How a clothing designer at 47 retrained to become a tester

These same women encouraged the management to make a decision on the person they were looking for more quickly. They called me and offered to fill out documents. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have stayed there: the work is unfamiliar, it’s hard to figure things out on my own. You learn everything new, ask again several times. On my first working day I wanted to pick up my documents. The flow of people is unbearable. But you get used to everything.

The most scandalous patients were not grandmothers at all - they are God's dandelions - but young people 25+.

Many of them come looking as if they are owed everything. And they are waiting for the same reaction - for everyone to cave in to them. They publicly ask to call the administration, raise their voices, and attract attention. The administration knows this type of people: and it’s easier for them to just play along. They are visible immediately, even audible over the phone.

There was a case when, on one of the first days of my internship, I filled out a patient’s card, but I was very nervous, forgot my glasses, and couldn’t make out the name in my passport. And the document was still very faded. I'm asking:

Tell me how to spell the last name correctly?
- It is written there!
- Hard to see.
- So if you can’t see well, why the hell are you sitting here?!

The man was clearly drunk, so you can’t argue with people like that at all, you just need to continue your work. Well, why am I sitting here - I really don’t know! Then they are immediately satisfied with everything and like it. Some, of course, leave complaints, but this is an extreme case.

I learned not to take things to heart not here, but at my previous job. There were really seriously sick people there. We heard and saw so much... We kept their entire medical history. And I know very well the names of diagnoses that are not voiced, but hidden. For example, if relatives do not want a person to know that he has cancer, then doctors do not openly write this. Only relatives will be told about the disease, and in the discharge document the patient will be written RETI (the name has been changed), he doesn’t know what this set of letters means, but I do. And if you are also young... It’s all very difficult to let it all go through. There were also posthumous epicrises.

About this theme: “We are cynical scum with a good heart.” Monologue of an ambulance paramedic in the regional center

Changing jobs at 50 feels like five years of my life have already been taken away

I used to go to work as if it were a holiday, I calmly got ready in the morning, without nerves or panic. Maybe in six months something will change here too. But this is wild tension. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. You feel like a child in a kindergarten, and everyone around you is a teacher. And you tug at their sleeve: “Please tell me!” Tell!" And you are an adult without the knowledge this place needs. It's not easy, but I look forward to the future positively. Where would we be without positivity? I'll learn everything! But I won’t look for work anymore (laughs).

I regret the only thing: that I did not receive a normal human education, a higher one. In a way, this is a guarantor. And the fact that they say about Belarusian things that they are bad... In any case, there should be education. This is development, horizons. Maybe in some ways it’s even better here than in Spain, we just don’t know about it. You have to try to love the country in which you live.

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Hello, Valeria! Need your advice. Until recently, everything was great for me: work in a good organization, stable salary, good team. I have been in this job for more than 15 years, started here as an ordinary employee, and rose to become the head of the department. And then suddenly I received a notification that my position was being cut. I understand everything: the crisis, no orders, our company is no longer the same. But how can I continue to live? I am 53 years old, it is unlikely that I will find a job with the same salary and a similar position. I just don't know what to do. These 2 months required by law will pass, so what? Early retirement? But I still have so much strength, so many desires... Should I go to the employment center? What can they offer me there? A cleaner at a shopping center? Yes, I will be ashamed to meet people I know. And living on a tiny pension - I know what it’s like. Yes, I also need to help my mother, she’s old. And the grandchildren are used to coming to their grandmother on weekends and receiving gifts. But this is not actually the reason for my appeal to you. It hurts me to be left behind in life. As if they dropped me off the liner, it moved on: music, lights, people, fun. And I’m standing alone on the shore of a desert island with tears in my eyes... And it seems like I’m still alive, but my “train” has already left. And I can’t accept this, and I don’t see a way out.

Liliya Petrovna

Good afternoon, Liliya Petrovna! Of course, layoffs are extremely stressful. And even at pre-retirement age. We know how difficult it is for young people to find a job, and people after fifty have virtually no chance. But we also know that nothing is impossible in this world. It is important to understand: what do you want? And approach the situation adequately. Taking into account age, abilities and desires.

Liliya Petrovna, first of all, you need to pull yourself together. You're just losing your job. Your life doesn't end there. You yourself said that your company has few orders, that it is barely staying afloat, and, most likely, you will not have to count on a decent salary in the near future. So why worry so much?

Believe in yourself, in the labor market you have your own “price” and your own advantages. Many companies prefer older employees who will not go on maternity leave and who do not require advanced training courses. You have a large store of knowledge and experience. You are already a professional in your field, and it doesn’t matter how old you are. Focus on this in your resume. And if you keep repeating that at the age of 53 no one needs you anymore, this is exactly the answer you will hear from employers.

Decide for yourself what you want in the future. Do you absolutely want to get a job? Is a professional job or any job with decent pay important to you? Or is a prestigious job important to you so that you don’t feel embarrassed in front of your friends? Or is it still the most important thing: the salary level?

Or maybe you've secretly dreamed of the time when you finally retire and start living for yourself? Will you take care of your grandchildren, handicrafts, or your dacha? Grow orchids or cacti? Or have you always dreamed of learning to draw, but didn’t have enough time? What's stopping you from doing this now? In fact, it’s not your train that has left, but your hired job has simply ended. And a new stage of life begins for you. Another. Different from the last 15 years. And it depends only on you what it will be like. With music, cheerful people around you or loneliness on a desert island.

Decide for yourself and do everything to get what you want.

Believe in yourself and also in the fact that a lot is available to you.

If you were denied a job in 10 cases, this is not a reason to give up. Perhaps for the 15th time they will gladly hire you. In the meantime, while you are looking for a new job, do not waste time: study. Study for these 2 months while you receive your salary at your current place. Learn something new: improve both your professional skills and those that may be useful in the near future.

Don't regret your past job. Yes, it was a wonderful period of your life. Perhaps even the best. Thank your colleagues for their joint work and leave pleasant memories of yourself. Support those who have also been laid off.

And believe me, there are still so many interesting and new things ahead of you. Just let it happen. Good luck!

They want to fire me. The likelihood of losing your job is high. There are cuts everywhere. There is a crisis in the country and in our heads. How to cope with layoffs at work? How to cope with dismissal or job loss? What stages does a person go through when experiencing an emotional crisis as a result of losing a job due to layoffs?

Can they fire you? What is a layoff at work?

Do you feel that they want and can fire you? Are layoffs expected due to the economic crisis? You need to clearly understand that in the event of a layoff, it is the job that is being cut, not your skills.

A job is considered downsizing when the amount of work to be done in a particular area has decreased or dried up.

Do they want to fire you? Prepare emotionally for the downsizing.

This happens when a company or part of it closes or moves to another area, or when, as a result of a crisis, a manager decides to save by increasing the workload per employee and reducing the number of these same employees.

If you are aware of layoffs and are affected by them, try not to put off reading this article and take appropriate steps to prepare for your layoff and find a new job.

In the meantime, set yourself up for success and treat potential layoffs as an opportunity to build a new career or change your work experience altogether.

How to survive the crisis of layoffs and job loss

When something changes in life. a crisis of change arises and a person is subject to cyclical emotions and reactions, which you can trace in the diagram.

  • MOVE FORWARD: engage in analysis - who I am, what I love/hate, my skills, qualifications, experience, need for training and learning new skills, values, priorities and family obligations. Stop looking back at your lost job, reorient your view of the future - prospects, looking for a new job, organizing sources of income, studying, traveling. To stay motivated, seek support from a friend, a mentor, a counselor, or even an entire group—such as a job-seeking social media group or discuss new perspectives on the psychological forum by asking a question to the experts.

  • Now that you understand your reactions to job loss, start and manage them with the tips below.

    Say goodbye to your old job wisely and move on

    It is important to understand that layoffs are a kind of bereavement. You lost your job. There is something to grieve about.

    As in any situation of loss, loss of self-confidence and denial are typical reactions in this case.

    "This shouldn't have happened to me!"

    “This is just a nightmare and I just need to wake up.”

    “If I continue to live as before, perhaps everything will sort itself out”

    Say goodbye to your old job by dealing with denial

    But everything has already happened and the phrases listed are normal reactions and thoughts that deny what is happening to you during contraction. We need to let go of the old reality and move on, towards the new one.

    An important part of the “liberation” process will be the following steps:

    • REMEMBER EVERYTHING= list in writing everything important - good and bad - that you can remember in your work history; start with hiring and add to the list as you remember;

    • THINK POSITIVE= take a list of good things and think about it: perhaps the most vivid memories will be of when you were especially good at work or when you felt like you were interacting with other people; in other words, time associated with your personality and skills, which means that you can experience similar things in the future, in a new job;

    • WISH YOU HAPPINESS= look at the list of good things again: remember the happy times, enjoy them again, wish yourself the same positivity in the future, in a new job;

    • ERASE THE PAST= then throw away or burn both lists, they are now a thing of the past;

    • LOOK TO THE FUTURE= think about making a new list - a list of what you want to get from a new job in the future and make it, add to the list of future positives as you search for a job.

    About, how to competently go through other stages of emotional reactions to contractions I will tell you in other articles. Subscribe to blog updates to be among the first to know about it (subscription form in the right sidebar, under the search form on the happiness psychologist’s blog).

    Share the survey and article with those who have already been laid off at work!

    Write in the comments what ways you know or see today to “lay a straw” against layoffs and job loss. Share your stories of finding a new job.

    Request support from the blog author - if you have just been laid off!

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    Comments on “Do they want to fire you? How to cope with downsizing and job loss."

    02/24/2016 at 23:51

    They also wanted to lay me off 3 years ago, but it didn’t work out because I was pregnant at that time. Still, the feeling was unpleasant.


    Elena Udovchenko

    02/24/2016 at 21:30

    Common situation.
    2011 began with the threat of layoffs. First, in January they cut my salary as deputy director. In order to complete the academic year, I was paid for this position from the incentive portion. The whole of 2011 was extremely difficult. The salary was halved, it was only enough to pay the necessary payments, after which only 2,000 rubles remained. for life. I had to live without going to the store) At first I lost heart, because in a small town it is extremely difficult to find a job. I’ve never done this before, but now I’m looking for a new job. An old colleague helped. At her suggestion, 2012 began with an acquaintance with the prospective future employer. It has grown together. It was difficult, but it worked out.
    The period of searching for a job did not develop into depression for only one reason - the ex-husband suddenly took it upon himself to help his daughter, who was already a student, with her studies. I am grateful to him for this. I'm afraid to imagine how I would cope without outside help.
    I don’t like to think about my previous job. She left without looking back. There were certainly pleasant moments there, they remained in my memory, and I simply crossed out everything else.


      Alexander, happiness psychologist Then they just started putting pressure on us. Rude, cruel, merciless. Because the local authorities could not close us due to numerous complaints from parents to all possible authorities, high officials from the Ministry, from the governor’s administration, all sorts of authorized representatives, etc. came to us over and over again. We were unashamedly humiliated, insulted, and compared to the ground. The emphasis was that we would recognize our own worthlessness and quietly give up. At this stage there was a storm of negative emotions. Very strong. There was a powerful feeling of disgust towards these “people”. Endowed with high power and great powers, they should have been a kind of standard, example, a saving haven, but in reality they showed themselves to be an example of baseness, meanness, rudeness, there was a feeling as if we had looked into a bottomless stinking pit - we wanted to recoil and move away. A feeling of disgust and deep hostility (this still remains in relation to all bureaucratic gentlemen).
      I wrote this now and clearly felt a surge of anxiety, a strong heartbeat and shortness of breath began. Although everything is long ago.
      Finally, the governor himself came to us. We were lined up along the wall one at a time, as if to be shot. They talked like cattle. I looked at it as if from the outside, and then the thought came: “What am I doing here?? This is all not for me! I'm leaving!" I even remember how I shuddered, as if I was shaking off dirt.
      I came home with a different attitude. There was no anxiety. I just started looking. No work in my town? Let there be a big city. I went to interviews and learned how to write a resume. I had a completely new communication experience. There was some stubbornness - I will find it, you just need to move forward. There was support from my daughter. That was enough for me. I crossed paths with an old colleague, got into conversation, she approved of me in everything, and some time later she called with an offer to meet one person... This was the starting point of a new period in life. So I got another job, my place of residence changed, success came that I couldn’t even dream of before, my status changed. I treasure it. Four years ago, when people unsuccessfully passed interviews with a competition of 20 people per place, I was hired “without looking”, without competition. I know how to be grateful.

      Alexander, happiness psychologist

      02/24/2016 at 17:47

      In 1998, after my job was laid off, I couldn’t find a job for a whole year and fell into a deep depression. I found a job thanks to the support of friends. Got out of depression and lifted my spirit through participation in a psychotherapeutic group.

      How was/is it for you?

      What rights do employees dismissed as a result of staff reduction have, and what are the benefits of this type of dismissal?

      What is staff reduction?

      Staff reduction is a reduction in the number of employees on the initiative of the enterprise management. Typically, an employer reduces its workforce when it is unable to pay them wages. This often happens during a financial crisis, but even in calm times you can get laid off.

      Good to know!

      The employer is obliged to warn employees about the upcoming layoff at least two months before dismissal, in writing and against signature.


      The employer does not have the right to reduce:

      women with children under 3 years of age
      single mothers raising a child under 14 years of age or a disabled child under 18 years of age

      If the layoff is illegal

      The dismissal procedure for layoffs is not simple, and employers often make mistakes: they fire those who are not allowed, fill out documents incorrectly, violate notice periods... In any of these cases, you can go to court and be reinstated at work. But, if you quit voluntarily under pressure from your boss, you won’t have to count on reinstatement.

      Downsizing is profitable!

      Dismissal due to reduction is considered one of the most beneficial - for the employee, but not for the employer. The law obliges him to compensate the laid-off employee for damages, or rather, to pay compensation. And in order not to pay compensation, employers, when reducing staff, often ask subordinates to write a statement of their own free will.
      If you understand that you are actually being prepared for layoffs, it is in your interests not to allow a staging of “your own desire”, but to ensure compliance with the entire dismissal procedure for staff reduction. In this case, the employer will be required to do the following.

      STEP 1

      Offer you another available position at your company. If your qualifications are higher than required, the employer is obliged to make such an offer, but if it is lower, alas.

      STEP 2

      If you refuse the offered position, the employer is obliged to compensate you for material damages from the loss of your job.

      Firstly, the law guarantees you at least one month of comfortable living at the expense of your previous employer. After dismissal, you must be paid severance pay in the amount of your average monthly earnings.

      Secondly, if you do not get a job within a month, you must be paid the average salary for the second month.

      Thirdly, in some cases, you will be able to receive a salary for the third month after dismissal. To do this, you must register with the labor exchange for employment within 14 days after dismissal. If within three months from the date of dismissal the exchange does not find another job for you that matches your qualifications, the administration of the exchange will oblige your former employer to pay you another salary. However, it is important to understand: you will be paid a third salary only if there really is no job suitable for you on the stock exchange. If you simply refuse vacancies that suit you, you will not only not receive a third salary, but you may also be kicked out of the labor exchange.

      BY THE WAY

      If you join the labor exchange on time after your layoff, you will have continuous work experience for three months after your dismissal.

      Calculation rules

      The day of dismissal is considered the last day of work. It is on this day that the employee should be given money and documents, in particular a work book. If the employer violates the terms, you have the right to sue him. Then, in addition to the settlement, you will receive monetary compensation for each day of delay. However, usually one hint of a complaint to the Labor Inspectorate is enough for the employer to pay the employee as expected.

      Downsizing “spoils” labor

      There is an opinion that employers do not like to hire people who have been laid off due to layoffs. They say that if you were fired due to reduction, it means that you were the least valuable employee.

      In fact, this is nothing more than a fairy tale invented by employers who do not want to pay severance pay to people laid off due to layoffs. After all, this is a considerable expense for the organization. As for the new employer, your work experience and desire to work will be much more important to him than the reason for dismissal.

      Working in a crisis

      To avoid being fired, try following some rules:

      Show hard work

      To demonstrate your hard work to management, you will have to work tirelessly. You will have to stay late at work if you are asked to finish something or do work that is not yours. If you want to keep your job, you will have to accept any job. There is hope that out of two employees you will be chosen.

      Don't be late

      If earlier you could afford to be late for work or stay late for lunch, now you shouldn’t do this. All this is a reason to find fault with you and fire you.

      Remind yourself of your importance

      Think about what exactly you did for the company: you signed an important contract, exceeded the plan more than once... And unobtrusively mention this at every opportunity in conversations with colleagues and management. There is no need to be modest, there is no need for it now. Management is not obligated to remember the achievements of all employees, and it would be a good idea to remind them how valuable you are to the company.

      Exercise self-control

      Having learned that layoffs are coming in the company, you should not pay too much attention to this fact, much less come to your superiors to press for pity, or whisper with colleagues on the sidelines. It is better to devote maximum time to work - your superiors will appreciate it.

      Be prepared to compromise

      Hot temper, inflexibility, conflict - these qualities will not play into your hands during a crisis at work. It is now no less difficult for the manager than for the subordinates. And no one wants to waste their nerves on an obstinate employee. Try to curb your temper and make it comfortable to work with you. Be calm and friendly at work. Show with all your appearance that you know your business and this is the main thing for you.

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