Home Natural farming How to leave leaf prints on paper. Monotypes of autumn leaves Autumn forest with imprints of leaves

How to leave leaf prints on paper. Monotypes of autumn leaves Autumn forest with imprints of leaves

Summary of GCD

"Autumn Colorful Leaves"

(Artistic creativity)
middle age group



State Budgetary Educational Institution

School No. 601 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Department of Preschool Education

Summary of GCD

Using health-saving technologies

"Autumn Colorful Leaves»
using the method of unconventional drawing

Technique “Impression. Leaf imprint »

Educational field: “Artistic – Aesthetic development”

(Artistic creativity)
middle age group



Kshalovskaya Elena Alekseevna
Highest qualification category

Saint Petersburg

2017-2018 academic year

Target: Introduce children to a new type of non-traditional drawing technique “imprint, imprint with leaves”; to evoke in children an emotionally positive attitude towards nature in the fall through the use of artistic expression, music, and paintings.

Tasks: To consolidate children's knowledge about non-traditional types of fine art (finger painting, palm typing, cotton swab), introduce them to a new type (print, imprint with a sheet of wood); develop technical skills in drawing, working with different materials and methods; develop creative thinking, speech activity, communication skills, attention, memory. Develop curiosity, imagination, fine motor skills of the hands. Foster a caring attitude towards the nature of your native land.

Preliminary work:

Observing autumn nature, looking at trees, learning poems about autumn, reading works of art. Examination of a reproduction of Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”, as well as sketches and illustrations depicting various trees in autumn, collecting leaves on a walk.

Integration of educational areas:

Artistic and aesthetic,cognitive development, physical development, speech development

Health-saving technologies:finger games, self-massage, breathing and movement play, dynamic pause

Materials, equipment:

Sheets of white paper, brushes, napkin, oilcloth, leaves, paints of autumn colors, a jar - a sippy cup, a container for used leaves.A tape recorder, a panel with painted trunks of different trees, gouache brushes, a glass of water, napkins.

Progress of the lesson:


Sounds of nature - Rustle of leaves.mp3 recording sounds

Educator: - Guys, please tell me what time of year it is now?

Children: - Autumn.

Educator: - What are her signs?

Children: - It got colder, the leaves turned yellow and began to fall off; It's raining, the birds are going to fly to warmer climes.

Educator: Do you like autumn? How? I like to walk on fallen leaves like on a golden carpet. Listen to this poem by writer M. Iversen:

The leaves are falling, falling

It's leaf fall in our garden.

Red, yellow leaves

They curl and fly in the wind.

Have you ever walked around the city in autumn? Isn't it true that it is very beautiful in autumn. It’s as if a good wizard painted everything around with bright colors. Today I invite you to become wizards yourself and paint a magical autumn picture.

Why magical? But because we will draw in an unusual way - printmaking. What it is? This is imprinting from some form, in this case from leaves, onto paper. How are we going to do this?

We take oilcloth. We place our sheet on it and cover it with paint using a brush. Then we carefully place the painted side on our sheet of paper, press it with a napkin, and then carefully remove everything. (During the story, the teacher shows everything)

But before we get to work, I suggest you take a little rest.

Outdoor game (Speech with movement) “Autumn”

Guys, are you listening??!!! What is this strange noise? (children's answers)

O. Driz's poem "What Happened"?

Oh, what happened, what happened!

The door opened quietly

We judged, we judged

Yes, and stopped thinking:

Who will cross the threshold for us?

Threw a yellow piece of paper -

Letter from autumn?

Look guys, our group also received a package from Autumn.

And the parcel contains beautiful leaves.

What color are they? (red, yellow, orange, gold)

How can you call it in one word? (multi-colored)

Why are they this color? (autumn has come)

What trees do the leaves come from? (birch, oak, rowan, maple....)

Where do trees grow? (garden, forest, park, square)

I will say the name of the tree from which the leaf fell and throw the ball, and you answer what the name of this leaf is, for example (A leaf from an oak tree -... oak! Etc...)

Outdoor game “One, two, three run”: distribute birch, maple, oak, rowan, willow leaves to the children... Attach the same leaves to the chairs and place them in different places in the group. At the command “One, two, three, oak leaf to oak run,” children run with oak leaves, etc. As soon as all the children have run, give the command “One, two, three - all the leaves come to me, run.”


We've rested, and now let's sit down, take the brush in our right hand and carefully get to work. (Children work to the music of Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Autumn”).

The teacher shows the children images of trees. Offers to compare how trees are similar and how they differ from each other (in terms of the shape and thickness of the trunk, the placement and thickness of the branches, the shape of the crown, color and other characteristics) Guys, look in the parcel there is also a letter, Autumn sent leaves in the parcel for a reason . She suggests drawing with the leaves in your hands. Today we will make impressions, leaf prints. Listen carefully to what Autumn writes in her letter “How to paint with leaves correctly: take gouache paint and paint over the leaf from the side of the veins, carefully turn the leaf over, holding it by the handle, and press it firmly to the panel, you will get an imprint”

Well, let's get started?! But first, let's stretch our fingers...

Finger gymnastics“We will collect leaves”

One, two, three, four, five we will collect leaves (clench and unclench their fists)

Birch leaves (bend the thumb)

Rowan leaves (bend the index finger)

Poplar leaves (bend the middle finger)

Aspen leaves (bend the ring finger)

Oak leaves (bend the little finger)

We will collect

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom. (clench and unclench fists)

Guys, let's break into groups, look at your leaf, remember what tree it is from, what the trunk of this tree looks like and go to the panel where, in your opinion, your leaf should hang (for those who find it difficult, ask leading questions)

Children make prints of autumn leaves on a panel depicting an autumn landscape, collective co-creation.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons” - “Autumn” sounds quietly.

Dynamic pause:

Trees have grown in the field. It's good to grow in freedom! (Stretching - arms to the sides)

Everyone is trying, reaching for the sky, reaching for the sun. (Stretching - arms up)

A cheerful wind blew and the branches began to sway (Children wave their hands)

Even thick trunks bent to the ground (Forward bends)

Right and left, back and forth—that’s how the wind bends the trees (Tilts right and left, back and forth)

He turns them, he turns them. When will there be a rest? (Rotation of the body)


What did you draw?

How did you draw?

What leaves?

What color were the leaves painted?

Today you will see another competition entry sent by Alenka, where she and her mother show how to leave imprints of leaves on paper. This one is great for little ones as they find it difficult to control the brush. But children love to leave impressions because of the simplicity and ease of execution.

Ways to leave leaf imprints

Leaf prints can be made on paper or fabric, in summer or autumn, using gouache, watercolors or felt-tip pens. There are several ways to make prints attract the attention of little ones, while at the same time being simple and understandable for their age. Let's talk about some of them:

1.First, wet the leaves with water, then lay them on paper, press down so that they stick and do not budge. And then paint the entire space around them with paints. Even a two-year-old child can do this kind of work.

2. You need to take markers, color the inside where the veins are located, put clean paper on top, press it down with a bottle filled with water, and roll it like a roller. Once everything is put away, you can admire the beautiful, bright prints.

3. Paint a piece of wet white fabric, place leaves on top, pressing them into the material with veins, and leave to dry in the sun. Summer prints can be made on a towel, tablecloth or children's T-shirt. What child would refuse to wear clothes decorated with his own hands!

Alenka loves to walk with her mother, noticing the beauty around her. This time they decided to capture a flowering tree. Here's how they wrote about it themselves.

We tried to depict a flowering tree by imprinting leaves. Flowers were cut from

cardboard My daughter applied paint and left prints. I was very surprised

that the leaves leave traces so beautifully. The background of the painting was made a day earlier so that it had time to dry.

Drawing with leaf prints

We are all accustomed to the fact that leaves are used to create medicines, when creating flower arrangements, in herbariums, but not as an artistic tool when creating paintings. When our children were growing up, I don’t remember teaching them how to draw with painted leaves, but our grandchildren really enjoy drawing with leaf prints.

The boys painted the inside of the plants in different colors themselves on a separate sheet of paper, and then transferred them, pressing them with their hands, onto clean paper. They managed to get all their hands dirty, even their faces, but they got a lot of positive emotions.

When we collected plants on the street, the children picked them, leaving no long petioles. Therefore, it was difficult to remove them, slowly lifting them by the narrow part. Timur did the work together with his mother, and Emir worked completely independently. Even though not everything was printed clearly, it turned out to be truly summery, and most importantly, the children did the same work together, sitting next to each other at the table.

Useful tips

1. It is more convenient to draw with a fresh sheet with clear protruding veins, rather than a dry one that can crumble before your eyes

2.You only need to paint the inside of it

3. It is imperative to press down so that it does not move, tear, or leave an imprint without missing a mark.

4.Use special paint on the fabric, after drying, iron it

5. Apply paint carefully along the edge to ensure a clear design, use little water

6.Carefully remove the sheet from the paper by the stem, otherwise it may smudge.

Write if you liked the creative works of young children. Have you noticed how accurately Alenka and her mother recreated the picture of a flowering tree, how they tried to convey all the beauty of nature? Leave comments, express your opinion, share your impressions.

Tell us about your personal experience, how and where do you make leaf prints with children, what emotions does the creative process evoke in them? Click on the buttons of social networks, share information with friends and acquaintances.


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Using leaf stamps, you can draw not only the leaves themselves, but also trees, and much more.

I talked in more detail about drawing autumn leaves using imprints of real leaves in the article. But with the help of such prints you can make not just colorful leaves, but entire paintings.

In order for the print to turn into an autumn tree, it is better to apply paint to the sheet with strokes, and not of one color, but of several colors and shades.

Prints of not only tree leaves, but also plants look beautiful.

We make the required number of prints depending on the invented plot.

We complete the necessary details and background with paints. And we get a picture, for example, “Falling Leaves”.

A squirrel sits on one of the trees. By the way, you can also draw it using a print.

To do this, draw the outline of a squirrel of the required size on paper. We apply it to the bottom of the leaf (not dried) and cut it out, leaving the petiole of the leaf. It is convenient to hold this “stamp” with it :) Leaves sometimes tear along the cuts, so it is difficult for preschoolers to cut out such miniature figures from them; this will require the help of adults.

And making prints with them won’t be too difficult. Apply paint with a brush from the side where the leaf veins are not convex. We press the figure well onto the paper and then remove it. Using a brush of paint of the same color, paint over the unprinted areas.

The bunnies in this picture (click to enlarge it) were made in the same way.

This is how you can draw a series of “Seasons” drawings. Autumn is shown in the pictures above. Winter: white imprint trees on a blue background. Spring and summer: green trees, flowers on them in spring, fruits in summer.

One drawback of such stamps is their fragility. But you can come up with different figures yourself.

I also suggest looking at others, for example, an article on how to make “Compote” and “Jam” crafts using them.

Happy creativity!
Especially for blog readers "MORE creative ideas for children"(https://site/), with sincere respect, Yulia Sherstyuk

All the best! If the article was useful to you, please help the development of the site by sharing a link to it on social networks.

Posting site materials (images and text) on other resources without the written permission of the author is prohibited and punishable by law.

Galina Mutina

Direct educational activities. Educational area: artistic creativity.

Drawing using the imprint technique, leaf imprint.

Integration areas: reading fiction, cognition, physical education, music, work.

Form of conduct: experimental studio Subject: « Autumn tree»

Program content:

Arouse interest in creating a collective composition « Autumn tree» .

Continue to introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques« imprint, leaf imprint»

Create conditions for artistic experimentation: show the possibility of obtaining orange by mixing yellow with red.

Develop a sense of composition and aesthetic taste.

To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature in the surrounding world and in art

Materials, equipment:

Presentation « Autumn trees»

Panel with autumn tree without leaves for teamwork

Gouache, napkins, water, brushes

Basket with natural leaves(birch, aspen, poplar)

Poems, music P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"

Preliminary work:

Tours of the kindergarten site

Consideration autumn illustrations

Reading poems about autumn

Conversations with children about autumn and autumn phenomena

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment Showing the presentation « Autumn trees» . Autumn I spread paint at the edges,

By foliage quietly with a brush carried out:

The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples glowed,

In purple in autumn only green oak.

Comforts autumn:

Don't regret summer!

Look - the grove is dressed in gold! Z. Fedorovskaya

Educator: Guys, you watched the presentation, and you also saw the landscapes on the street. Tell me what your favorite colors are autumn? (children answer).

In autumn the trees are dressed in bright colors., colorful outfits.

Looking at the panel

Educator: which trees are elegant in autumn, beautiful, look how richly decorated ours is tree....oh, what is it, what happened, why is our sad tree, is upset, how can you and I help him? (On the panel tree without leaves. Lead the children to the idea that they need to decorate it leaves and decorate the tree together)

Educator: Right decision guys! But Today we will draw with leaves, we will do impressions, leaf prints. But there is no orange paint on the table, only red and yellow...how to get orange? Dynamic pause "We walked through the forest..."

We bring in a basket with natural leaves. This is a gift Autumn. The teacher reads the poem and lays it out leaves on the floor.

Autumn came to visit us

The rain and the wind brought

The wind blows, blows,

From twigs tears off the foliage.

Leaves are spinning in the wind

And they lie at our feet

Well, let's go for a walk

AND Let's collect leaves...

A GAME "We walked through the forest, we found a leaf...»

Children stand in a circle, moving in a circle, pronounce words, find one leaf which is mentioned in the text.

We walked through the forest, we found the leaflet,

We walked through the forest, we are aspen found the leaf....

found a poplar leaf...

...from the birch found the leaf...

...we are currant found the leaf!

Birch leaves children hold in their hands and approach the panel « Autumn tree»

Show execution order impression(fingerprint) .

How to do it correctly exercise: paint over with gouache paint leaf side with veins, carefully turn it over leaf, holding it by the handle and pressing it against the panel, performing imprint.

Practical part.

Children perform prints from autumn leaves, each to his own sheet. When the paint dries, the children cut out and paste onto the panel with image of a tree trunk, collective co-creation.

The music of P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds quietly "Seasons" - « Autumn»

Lesson summary:

Do you think it's ours now? pretty tree? Why? Are you satisfied?

Well done guys.

Leaf prints on paper: drawing with children. A step-by-step description of an unconventional technique for drawing with leaf prints. Examples and ideas for children's creative work.

Leaf prints on paper: drawing with children

Leaf prints on paper - an unconventional drawing technique with preschool children, which allows you to get an interesting texture of the image using paints. This technique uses natural tree leaves.

There are several stages in drawing using this technique.

Stage 1. Autumn leaves of trees and shrubs are collected together with children on an autumn walk. Leaves of different shapes and sizes are selected.

Stage 2. A plot is invented from the collected elements - leaves. What can be depicted using collected leaves, using them as mosaic elements to create a pattern or plot? What are they like? What can be added to bring the picture to life?

The child lays out a “sketch” of leaves on paper - his future plot. He can finish drawing something with a simple pencil. Think immediately about what kind of background you will need so that it matches the plot and contrasts with the color of the autumn leaves.

Stage 3. We begin to create in the background - create a drawing using the “leaf prints on paper” technique. First we make the background - paint it with a wide flute brush.

Stage 4. When the background is dry, we make leaf prints on it according to our sketch.

For this:

- Step 1. We paint a leaf of wood on the reverse side (the side where the veins are clearly visible) with the desired color of thick gouache.

The paint should be thick.

IT IS VERY IMPORTANT: You should not put too much water on the brush, so we remind the child of the rule: after wetting the brush in a jar of water, you need to remove excess water by applying the brush to the edge of the jar several times. Excess drops of water will drain from it. And only after that you can apply thick gouache paint to a damp brush.

— Step 2. Place the prepared sheet of paper, paint side down, onto the background. This must be done very carefully and carefully. Place a paper napkin on top and press it down with your palm.

— Step 3. Carefully remove the leaf and napkin from the background. The image is ready. Then we repeat everything with the next leaves.

— Step 4. We supplement the resulting image with details.

Let's look at this technique using examples of drawing an autumn forest with children 4-6 years old using the “leaf prints on paper” technique.

Drawing using the “leaf prints on paper” technique: example 1

Topic: Drawing an autumn forest

To work you need to prepare:- gouache paints; — white album sheet A4; - a flat, wide brush (for example, No. 12), - fallen leaves from different trees.

How to draw an autumn forest with children using the technique of leaf prints on paper: step-by-step description

Step 1. Draw the sky on the background.

Let's start with decorating the background. Place the A4 size sheet horizontally. Dip the brush into white and blue paint and, moving from left to right, paint the sky and blur it a little with water. Going down the sheet, we try to take more white paint onto the brush than blue. The sky can be drawn on 1/4 sheet.

Step 2. Draw the earth on the background.

Invite the children to remember what colors autumn has? Let them think about how old trees differ from young ones? What trees will they depict in the drawing? Let's paint the ground with fallen leaves using brown-green paints by moving the brush from left to right.

Step 3. Draw a tree using the technique of leaf prints on paper.

Choose a piece of paper you like, preferably a large one. We paint it on the reverse side with paint of any color in accordance with the colors of autumn. This is an important nuance, since the veins on the back of tree leaves are more pronounced, which means they will give us a more beautiful print.

Reminder: In this painting technique, the paint must be thick enough. Do not wet the brush too much in water, otherwise the print will be smeared.

Also paint the tail of the leaf.

Then you need to take a leaf, place it carefully on the prepared background in the background so that there is no shift of the leaf on the paper. Cover the top of our sheet with a paper napkin. It will protect your work from smearing the paint that has come out from under the piece of paper. Next, you need to press the napkin with your palm or lightly stroke it with your fist.

Remove the napkin. Carefully remove the leaf by the tail.

So the first painted tree appeared in our autumn forest!

Step 4. We draw large old trees with leaf prints.

Similarly, we draw several more trees with prints of different large leaves and paints of different colors. These are old trees, they are larger in size. Try coloring the leaves in several colors. This is what happened to four-year-old Nastenka.

Step 5. We draw young trees and bushes with imprints of leaves.

Now let's select a few smaller leaves - these will be young trees and shrubs. Let's paint them with different autumn colors and make prints in the foreground. Thus we get a landscape - an autumn forest. This is the autumn forest seven-year-old Lisa painted with leaf prints.

Drawing using the “leaf prints on paper” technique: example 2

Topic: drawing an autumn tree

We decided to draw a tree together with a group of children. On a sheet of Whatman paper in A1 format, I outlined a tree trunk and branches. And Mark and Lesha painted the trunk with brown paint.

Nastya and two Polinas painted leaves and made prints on the tree. Once the boys had painted the trunk, they also joined in with the leaf prints.

This fabulous autumn tree during leaf fall was invented and drawn by children.

We could not throw away the leaves that were painted after the prints. We glued some under the tree using PVA glue. And the rest were dried - they will be useful for future creative works.

Drawing with leaf prints– a very interesting and exciting activity. Give free rein to children's imagination and they will “create” wonderful works!

Creative task:

While discussing fall activities, talk to the children and ask:

— What deciduous trees do you know?

—Have you been to the autumn forest? What happens to the leaves on the trees in the fall? Tell us, on which trees the leaves turn yellow, and on which ones they turn purple?

— Draw an autumn forest with leaf prints.

— Devote an hour to family creativity. Sit in a close family circle and draw on whatman paper a large tree with imprints of autumn leaves. Have fun and decorate your home or your dacha or kindergarten group with this children's creative work.

I am sure that your children will have unforgettable impressions for the rest of their lives. Good luck to you in your family creativity!

Drawing with leaf prints on paper in kindergarten

And here is how children from Saratov drew with imprints of leaves on paper. This photo was sent to our competition “Autumn Workshop” by Natalya Vasilyevna Ilyushina (Saratov, MDOU kindergarten No. 196 of compensatory type, teacher of the 1st category).

Such drawings—prints of autumn leaves—were made by Natalya Vasilievna’s children.

Leaf prints on paper: materials for activities with children

Before drawing with leaf prints, when discussing the subjects of future children's works, read one of the poems about autumn to the children, discuss what color palette autumn has, how autumn differs from other seasons. Place the leaves of different trees around the children and play the game “We walked through the forest” (the description of the game is given below) and discuss how the leaves of different trees differ from each other in shape, size, color, and how they can be recognized.

To help teachers and parents, a small selection of poems for discussing them with preschoolers before drawing autumn trees using the technique of leaf prints on paper: these are poems about the colors of autumn. Choose those poems that best suit your plan and the child’s plan. These poems also contain hints about what can be drawn in the autumn landscape.

Poems about autumn colors for drawing classes using the technique of leaf prints on paper

Autumn on the palette
mixed paints:
Yellow color is for linden,
for rowan - red.
Ocher of all shades
for alder and willow -
All trees will
to look nice.
The wind blew
dried the leaves
So that the rain is cold
the beauty was not washed away.
I didn’t decorate
just a pine tree and a Christmas tree,
Too many girlfriends
prickly needles. (O. Korneeva)

Who paints the leaves?
near oaks and birches.
maples and aspens -
So outfit them toss!
I spied it this morning
like on a maple branch
tiny autumn
in a green dress,
yellow scarf,
and red boots,
taking with me
different watercolors -
deftly paints leaves
in different colors.
So, here it is born
this beauty! (G. Ryaskina)

Autumn colors scattered
On trees and bushes.
And they burn brighter and brighter
Like summer bonfires.
Golden and crimson
Yellow festive outfit.
The last leaf falls,
Leaf fall is coming!

I paint autumn in orange -
The leaf that flew away with the last greetings
Unripe berries of tart mountain ash,
Small baskets of fragrant flowers.
A path to the house with a bed of leaves,
And a smart red fox fur coat.
And yellow - grass and weeping willow,
And the prankish maple has a lush mane.
I paint autumn with blue paint:
A rain of pages in a slanted line,
And a flock of nimble flying clouds,
And a puddle with a brave seagull boat.
There is a lot of work for red:
Here the sun rose before the wind,
Viburnum fireworks sparkle on the branches,
And the berries of late raspberries are hiding.
And here is a fly agaric in a bright red beret
Standing on a hill, dreaming of summer.
I'll draw him white polka dots
And a fluffy skirt on a thin leg.
Now I'll paint emerald paint
And I’ll add green color to the trees.
And then, beyond the forest, up to the sky,
I paint expanses of winter bread.
I'll use a little black:
I will paint the clothes of crows and woodpeckers.
I paint trees and branches brown,
And white mushrooms are tight berets.
And again I draw the fire of falling leaves...
I need so many colors for autumn!

Autumn gives miracles,
And what kind!
The forests are depleted
Gold hats.
A crowd sits on a tree stump
Red honey mushrooms,
And the spider is such a trickster! –
The network is pulling somewhere.
Rain and withered grass
Mostly sleepy at night.
Incomprehensible words
They mumble until the morning.
(Author - M. Geller)

Who's in our park today?
Did you paint the leaves?
And spins them around and blows them off the branches?
It's autumn!

Poems and game “We walked through the forest”
Autumn has come to visit us
The rain and the wind brought
The wind blows, blows,
The leaves are torn from the branches.
Leaves are spinning in the wind
And they lie at our feet.
Well, let's go for a walk
And we’ll collect the leaves...
Next, the children stand in a circle and, moving in a circle, pronounce the words and, among all the proposed tree leaves, find the leaf mentioned in the text.
We walked through the forest, we found an oak leaf...
... found an ash leaf...
...they found a leaf from a birch tree...
...we found a maple leaf!

Autumn took the basket under her arm
I poured some cheerful colors into a bottle:
Yellow for the leaves, blue for the sky,
Paint the trunks a little brown,
A drop of green so that they don’t become stale
Sun-burnt tufts of grass.
I poured in a little orange paint,
To color the mushrooms along the path,
Red and white for fly agaric,
I saw a mushroom growing by the fence,
Various colors for russula -
Let the world be joyful, like in a fairy tale!
Brushes in a basket, easel and tripod,
Let them be surprised - this is how an artist is!
She went out into the street, waved her brush -
The blue sky was filled with clouds.
She waved again and stood around
Gray grass, and a river, and a meadow...
-What happened to my paint?
Apparently I don't know how to paint at all.
-You don’t need to mix the paints all at once.
You need to paint with different paints. (O. Goldman)

Leaf prints on paper: more options for tasks for children

This idea was sent to us at our “Autumn Workshop” by Anastasia Iosifovna Kalinkova from St. Petersburg.
“Autumn Park” was painted using the technique of leaf prints on paper by her son Jaromir (3 years old). Jaromir made prints not with gouache paints, but with finger paints. And then I finished drawing the trunks with felt-tip pens. This is the drawing he came up with.

Anastasia came up with different tasks for her son based on drawings made using leaf prints. She writes:

“The drawing is interactive. We used it as a decoration for a tabletop theater. You can complete the work as the fairy tale progresses. So, it started raining. A hedgehog crawled into the park (plasticine and seeds were used to make it) and began to prepare for winter - to make a nest for itself.

You can also use this drawing for reading lessons. Using a thematic poster, we compared which leaf from which tree became our painted tree. Then we signed the cards with the names of the trees using the “hand in hand” technique and the child matched the cards with the names to our trees.”

More about drawing with prints with preschool children You will find interesting information in the articles on “Native Path”:

More interesting ideas for autumn crafts and drawing with children You will find

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