Home On the windowsill How to weave a strawberry from rubber bands. How to weave strawberries from rubber bands? What you will need

How to weave a strawberry from rubber bands. How to weave strawberries from rubber bands? What you will need

Strawberries are a very tasty and healthy seasonal berry. Its delicate taste has long and firmly won the respect of gourmets around the world.

Strawberries are used to decorate many desserts, especially dairy ones. They make jam from it, cook compotes, and even use it as a filling for pies, cakes and dumplings.

Strawberries have one not very pleasant feature - they don’t bear fruit for long, and then you have to wait another year to enjoy this delicate taste. In addition, it cannot be dried, like fruits. The only solution is canning or freezing.

Like the memory of the smell of strawberries, many artificial flavors add such a taste to the dish.

In addition, her image is used by many manufacturers of toys, magnets and other souvenir products.

The needlewomen who love to weave various crafts from rubber bands also did not remain indifferent.

Today we will tell you how you can weave strawberries from rubber bands in different ways.

How to weave strawberries from rubber bands on a machine?

Turn the open sides of the loom posts so that they face to the right and begin weaving.

Take a pair of green elastic bands and put them on the first columns of the first and middle row.

Put on the next pair of elastic bands of the same color.

As you can see, the last pair needs to be worn diagonally.

Using a couple more rings, you put them on the third and fourth protrusions of the central row on the machine.

Continue weaving, putting two more red irises made of elastic bands on the third protrusion of the top and fourth of the middle row.

Again use the green iris. Twist it into a figure eight and put it on the lowermost ledge on the left.

Repeat the same action with the outermost pin.

Wear the next pair perpendicular to the main figure.

On the outermost filled pin of the middle row, place a four-twisted layer of elastic bands, continuing to weave strawberries on the machine.

Remove the top layers from the bottom middle row onto the right edge of the top row, twisting this row in a figure eight.

Do the same with the left side, but only put the layers not on the left protrusion, but on the central one.

Do the same with the rest of the pins.

Continue to weave strawberries from elastic bands, moving the bottom rows to the top.

From the center you must move the layers of the second and third pins forward.

Continue to weave strawberries from elastic bands, transferring the bottom rows from the second pins, which are located on the right side of the machine.

This is what should happen in the end.

It remains to transfer one iris.

We finish weaving. To do this, take another circle and make a loop out of it. To do this, thread the hook through all the rows of the central protrusion and put the iris on the tip and pull it through all the rows.

Pass the loop through each other and tighten tightly.

Now you can carefully remove the craft from the base.

Tighten the loop tightly again.

That's all!

How to weave strawberries on a hook?

The next tutorial shows how to crochet this craft. By the way, instead of a hook, you can use one protrusion on a slingshot or even make it on your fingers.

To do this you will need a hook, seventeen red and seven green rubber bands.

To begin, take one red iris and wrap it four times around the hook.

Return the loose loop to the base.

Again, take two rings, tighten them and transfer everything on the hook to it. Again, throw the loose loop back.

Repeat the operation a third time.

You hook the very first knot at the bottom of the craft and put it on the hook.

Repeat all the operations again - first throw two red irises three times and then a couple of green ones.

Put on the bottom knot, and repeat everything for the third, and last time.

Leave a loop on the final green layer so that it is convenient to attach our resulting berry to it.

For more details, watch the video at the beginning of this method.

How to weave strawberries on forks?

If you don't have a machine, you can weave strawberries on forks using their tines. Above we have posted a detailed video tutorial.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in such weaving and even a child can handle it. Try to interest him in this type of needlework - perhaps a hidden talent will awaken in him. In any case, it won't get any worse.

Well, you can wear the resulting craft as a keychain or decorate your handbag or backpack with it. Let it remind you of that short period of summer when you could fully enjoy this tasty and juicy berry.

Recently, weaving various interesting things from multi-colored rubber bands has become very popular. In this article we will look at how to weave a strawberry from rubber bands in different ways.

Working with a mini-machine

To create such a delicious berry you will need a slingshot (mini machine), elastic bands and a hook.

For ease of use, the mini-machine should be positioned so that the recesses in the posts are turned towards themselves.

We begin to weave the berry with red elastic bands. First, throw the elastic band over the right post, wrapping it four times around the post.

Then we add the first two elastic bands to both columns, and move the triple elastic band from the right side to the center between the columns.

Add the second pair again to both columns. On the right, drop the bottom pair into the center of the weave, on the left, move the top pair to the right side.

Add the fourth pair in the usual way. Remove 2 pairs of elastic bands located in the middle from the right column. Move the 2 upper elastic bands from the right to the left side of the slingshot.

Add the fifth pair in the standard way. From the right column, move the lowest pair to the middle of the weave between the columns.

We move on to dark green elastic bands. We throw on the first pair using the usual method.

Add the second pair in the usual way. Move the last red rubber bands from the left column to the middle.

Throw the third pair over both posts. Throw all the elastic bands on both sides onto it.

Move one of the dark green elastic bands to the second column, and move the bottom one to the center of the weave. Remove the last loop and tighten carefully. It turned out to be a tail. The product is ready.

There is another method by which you can weave such a berry, but without a machine, using only a hook.

Weaving on a hook

An interesting 3D craft that will look great, for example, as a keychain, can be woven using a crochet hook.

You can weave it using a hook.

To work you will need two hooks and elastic bands.

1) Throw the first red elastic band, twist it 3 turns, onto the hook. Grab the next two red rubber bands onto the hook. Then slip the first loop off the hook, and put the second end on the hook. Thus, the first loop should be in the center of the first pair.

2) Next we weave the second, third and fourth pairs of red elastic bands so that the previous weave is in the center. Do the same with one pair of dark green elastic bands. The result should be a chain. A total of seven such chains will be needed.

3) Insert the hook into the first loop and weave a chain according to the pattern described above, consisting of four red links and one dark green link. The second chain is ready. However, in order to get a 3D craft, you need to weave an additional chain. Insert the hook into the second loop from the beginning from the bottom and weave two pairs of red elastic bands and one pair of dark green elastic bands.

4) The third long chain must be woven according to the first pattern of four red links and one dark green link. To do this, insert the hook into the bottom loop and weave the elastic bands.

5) Insert the hook into the very first loop, weave four pairs of red elastic bands and one pair of dark green elastic bands. Next, insert the hook into the second loop and weave an additional chain of two pairs of red elastic bands and one pair of dark green elastic bands. The fourth chain is ready.

Since there are already quite a lot of elastic bands on the hook, you can use an auxiliary hook.

6) Insert a auxiliary hook into the first bottom loop and weave four pairs of red and one pair of dark green elastic bands. Throw these elastic bands onto the main hook. The result is the fifth chain.

7) Create an auxiliary hook and again weave four pairs of red and one pair of dark green elastic bands. Throw these elastic bands over the main hook. Next, add an additional small one to this chain. To do this, insert the hook into the second loop and weave two pairs of red and one pair of dark green elastic bands. The sixth chain is ready. Throw it over the main hook.

8) Weave the seventh chain according to the first pattern from four pairs of red elastic bands and one pair of dark green elastic bands. Throw them onto the main hook.

9) Take two dark green elastic bands, throw them on the hook and carefully, holding the row, throw all the elastic bands off the hook onto it. Then place the other end of the pair on the hook.

10) Pull another dark green elastic band through two loops and tighten it.

11) To give the berry shape, you can take a napkin, fold it and fill the strawberry. Cotton wool or synthetic padding is also suitable as a filler. Then we will add more elastic bands. Place the hook under the bottom loop of any chain, add two red elastic bands and pull through. Then insert the hook into the loop of the next chain, throw on the next pair of red elastic bands and pull through. So weave the remaining five loops.

12) Throw one red elastic band over the hook and carefully throw all the elastic bands onto it, throw the other end over the hook and tighten well. This loop should be hidden under the elastic bands. Do the same with the loop at the bottom.

13) The strawberry tail needs to be woven from dark green elastic bands. To do this, place a hook under 2 pairs of elastic bands and do the same on the opposite side. Take one elastic band, twist it two turns on your finger, throw it on the hook and pull it through the elastic bands. Do the same with three more elastic bands. The last elastic band must be tightened with a knot.

Today, using rubber bands, we will make a charming Strawberry. Weaving does not take much time and includes only a few steps.

What you will need

You will need these materials:

Make sure you rotate the machine as shown in the photo.

Green rubber bands

  1. Take TWO green rubber bands and place them between the first peg on the middle row and the first peg on the right row.
  2. Take TWO other elastic bands and stretch them between the first peg in the middle row and the first one in the left row.

Red rubber bands

  1. Pull two red elastic bands from the first peg in the right row to the second, from the second to the third, from the third to the fourth in the middle row. Take two rubber bands each time.
  2. Now tighten the red elastic bands in the center row. From the first peg to the second peg, from the second to the third, from the third to the fourth. Take two rubber bands each time.
  3. Left lane left. There are only two groups of rubber bands, 2 pieces each. Pull the first group from the first peg to the second, and the second group from the second peg to the third in the middle row.


  1. Take a hook and wrap a green elastic band around it in a figure eight so that there are two loops on the hook (see photo). Place this double elastic band on the top right peg. After that, make another green elastic band like this and put it on the top left peg.
  2. Wrap the red elastic around the hook to make two loops and place this “cap” on the third peg on the middle row.
  3. Wrap the red elastic around the hook TWICE, i.e. There should be three loops on the hook and place the resulting “cap” on the fourth peg in the middle row.

We braid strawberries

  1. Start with the last middle peg. Remove from the last peg the group of elastic bands that comes from the previous peg and put it on the previous one.
  2. Return to the last middle peg. Remove another group of elastic bands from it, going (diagonally) from the third right peg and put it on the third right one.
  3. Repeat these steps in the right row from peg to peg until you reach the top right one.
  4. Move to the third middle peg. Remove from it both groups of elastic bands coming from the second pegs of the left and middle rows, and put each group on its own peg.
  5. Move to the left lane. Remove the elastic bands stretched between the second and first peg from the second peg, and put them on the first peg. After this, remove the green elastic bands from the first peg and put them on the first peg in the middle row.
  6. Do the same on the middle row.


In order for us to attach the Strawberry to a bracelet or anything, we need a loop, for this:

  1. On the first peg in the center, thread the hook through all the elastic bands as in the first photo.
  2. Attach a new green rubber band to the end of it.
  3. Partially thread the green elastic through all the ones hung on the central peg and tie it (you can use a loop or a regular knot).

Now we have everything ready to be removed from the machine.

Strawberries are ready

Starting with the last center peg, remove the rubber bands from each peg one at a time.

That's all! I hope you enjoyed your Strawberries and didn't have any difficulties.

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Miniature vegetables and fruits, made with your own hands, will be excellent attributes for children's games and a wonderful decoration for writing accessories, wardrobe items, interior or dining table. To create your own small collection of figurines from multi-colored silicone rubber bands, just study our articles with detailed descriptions of master classes. In today's article we will tell you how to weave your own strawberry from small rubber bands on a slingshot using a crochet hook.

The strawberry symbol has many interpretations. In ancient Rome, strawberries, due to the similar shape of the berry with a heart, personified the symbol of Venus, the goddess of love, and was even considered an aphrodisiac. In other sources, these sweet juicy berries symbolize pleasure and pleasure, which in essence is one of the characteristics of love. The ancient art of Feng Shui recommends hanging images and figures in the form of strawberries, raspberries or currants in the kitchen for a strong family and marriage, and images of these berries in the northern part of the bedroom preserve love and passion between spouses.

Among the ancient Slavs, strawberries were considered a symbol of prosperity and abundance. In addition, the roots of this plant were actively used during fortune telling, apparently due to their weak narcotic properties. It was believed that people who carried dried strawberry roots in fabric bags on their chests had enhanced magical abilities and increased witchcraft power.

Nowadays, strawberries are associated with a warm, fine summer day, some sweet laziness and relaxation.

How to weave a strawberry from rubber bands with a description for beginners

We will weave this juicy and bright berry without a machine; instead, we will use a slingshot and, as an auxiliary tool, a hook. To make one strawberry we need 13 red rubber bands and 5 green rubber bands.

The slingshot is taken in the non-working hand (in the left for right-handers, in the right for left-handers), turned in your direction with the grooves. The weaving of the figure begins with red elastic bands, that is, with the weaving of the berry itself, and ends with green elastic bands - strawberry leaves.

The first red elastic band with the fingers of the working hand, folded in three turns, is strung on the right tooth of the slingshot. The following red elastic bands will be strung in pairs on the posts of the tool. The first pair is put on the cloves in the usual way without twisting.

The hook catches and drops the first red elastic band, twisted three times, into the middle between the teeth.

Next, the second pair of red elastic bands is strung, onto which the first pair of elastic bands from the right clove is also dropped using a hook. The remaining pair of rubber bands on the left column is transferred to the opposite column.

After another new pair of rubber bands is strung, the bottom pair of rubber bands from the left tooth of the slingshot is dropped onto it in the middle.

Two more red rubber bands are put on, onto which the bottom pair of rubber bands is again dropped from the left tooth of the tool.

A pair of red rubber bands is thrown from the right clove to the left clove using a hook.

A pair of red rubber bands is strung with your fingers, onto which the underlying pair of rubber bands from the right clove is then dropped. Next, a pair of rubber bands are thrown from the right column to the left column.

The last pair of red elastic bands is strung, which is interlocked and dropped into the middle between the columns from the right column with a hook.

The preparation for the future strawberry is ready, it’s time to start weaving the green part.

A pair of green silicone rubber bands are strung onto the teeth of the slingshot, onto which pairs of red ones are dropped: two pairs from the right column, one pair from the left column.

A green pair of rubber bands is thrown from the left clove to the right clove.

A second pair of green rubber bands is strung onto the cloves, onto which all the remaining pairs of red ones are dropped.

Any of the elastic bands is transferred to the opposite column, from which the underlying loop is dropped to the center. The last loop is removed from the slingshot and tightened into a fixing loop; it will serve as the tail of the berry. This tail can be used to hook the strawberry onto something or simply hold it comfortably while playing.

That's all, the delicious and juicy strawberry is ready! Using the same principle, you can weave several bright girlfriends for her.

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