Home On the windowsill Boiled chicken is delicious. Chicken meat in salads or main courses: how to cook chicken so that the meat turns out tender and tasty. How and how long to cook chicken fillet after boiling until done

Boiled chicken is delicious. Chicken meat in salads or main courses: how to cook chicken so that the meat turns out tender and tasty. How and how long to cook chicken fillet after boiling until done

Before you cook chicken, it needs to be prepared in a certain way. Frozen chicken must first be completely defrosted. Then the chicken carcass should be dried with a kitchen towel and scorched over the flame of a gas burner to remove the feathers and fluff remaining after plucking. After this, the chicken carcass should be thoroughly rinsed inside and out under cold running water.


To give the chicken carcass a beautiful appearance and ensure even cooking, it is shaped. The easiest way is to mold the carcass “into a pocket”. To do this, slits are made in the skin at the bottom of the abdomen and the joints of the legs are set into them, and the wings with cut off tips are tucked towards the back. Your chicken is now completely ready to cook.


Now we will tell you how to cook delicious chicken for later serving as a second course. Take a pan and fill it about 2/3 full with water. Put it on fire. To keep the chicken meat tender and juicy, the chicken is placed in boiling water! Then the skin proteins quickly coagulate, and all the juice remains inside the carcass. Once you lower the chicken into the pan, the boiling will naturally stop. Wait until it boils again, carefully remove the foam and fat from the surface with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. After 15 minutes, salt the broth and add a small onion and carrot to it. As a rule, no more spices and roots are added to the broth, as they drown out the natural chicken aroma. Next, cook the chicken until done, which can be easily determined by piercing the thick part of the leg with a fork. If the fork goes in easily, the chicken is ready. The cooking time for an average young broiler chicken purchased in a store averages 45-60 minutes. It is worth mentioning separately about village chickens purchased at the market.

How to cook old chicken?

The age of standard store chickens raised at a poultry farm is strictly controlled by the manufacturer, but chicken from the market may well turn out to be old. It is possible to determine the age of a chicken by the color of its skin and the condition of its bones. In old chickens, the skin is somewhat rough, yellowish in color, the internal fat is golden in color, the keel bone (the central bone of the breast) is very hard and does not bend at all when pressed with your fingers. If you get just such a chicken, don’t be upset - the broth from it will be the most delicious, aromatic and transparent. There are little secrets to how to cook an old chicken. The prepared chicken is placed in a pan, filled with cold water and placed on high heat. Bring to a boil, remove the foam that appears on the surface several times, reduce heat and cook for 30-40 minutes. Then salt, add carrots, onions, parsley and celery and cook until tender at a low boil (approximately 2-3 hours).

How to cook chicken quickly?

Don't know how to cook chicken quickly? Try cutting it into pieces before cooking. This will slightly reduce the cooking time.

All nutritionists in the world unanimously stop debating when it comes to the nutritional qualities of chicken. Indeed, among all types of meat this is rightfully considered the most useful. Chicken should be in the diet of everyone who cares about their health: it is a wonderful source of protein with a minimum of fat. Even those on a strict diet could use a piece of flavorful meat or a bowl of broth.

No one will argue that boiled meat is much healthier than fried, baked or even stewed. But sometimes experienced housewives sometimes doubt: how long to cook chicken? Is it sitting on the stove too long? Or maybe too little? It couldn’t be easier to decide on the second one - pick the meat with a fork: if in the depths, near the bone, it remains pink, if you find blood, let the chicken cook further. But readiness is more difficult to determine. It is a misconception that chicken only becomes edible when the meat falls off the bones. In fact, this phenomenon means something else: you have overcooked the poor bird, which will negatively affect both its nutritional and taste qualities. However, such chicken is quite suitable for jellied meat - but not in a salad or as a main course.

In fact, only old, so-called broth chickens require long-term heat treatment. Their meat is tough and stringy, and it should be cooked for at least two hours, or even three. In general, the duration of preparation of the dish directly depends on the age of the bird: it is enough to keep the carcass of a young chicken in boiling water for 20 minutes, for an adult, but not old, domestic chicken - three times longer. Broiler parts (legs, thighs, drumsticks) become edible in half an hour, and white meat (breast), wings and giblets - in 20-25 minutes, liver - in 10-15.

How and how much to cook chicken for salad? It is better to throw the fillet into boiling water rather than cold water: the meat will then retain its juiciness, but the main thing is that all the beneficial substances will remain inside, without having time to go into the broth. In this case, it should be kept on fire for no more than 15 minutes.

Chicken soup is a wonderful dietary dish. It is recommended to give it to the sick to restore strength, and even healthy people enjoy the golden yellow broth. But the meat sometimes leaves much to be desired. Tell me, how long should I cook the chicken if even after three hours on the stove it is still tough?.. There is a well-known culinary trick: to make the meat softer and more tender, before cooking it should be rubbed with lemon or lightly marinated by sprinkling with vinegar. And then even a very old bird will “look younger.” But do not keep it in the marinade for a long time, as you would for shish kebab, otherwise the meat will acquire a noticeable sourish taste.

Image source: ambooba.ru

Many housewives use boiled chicken breast only for salads, because they consider it dry and tasteless, and it’s really in vain. And all because the breast is cooked incorrectly.
I'll tell you the secrets of cooking the juiciest and softest boiled chicken breast. It will be delicious not only to use in a salad, but also simply to cut and eat with a side dish and sauce. We are talking about the breasts of broiler chickens and do not apply to free-range country chickens.

chicken breast 250g,
1 onion bulb,
Bay leaf,

We leave the chicken at room temperature in advance; it should not be cold, much less frozen.

How to properly cook chicken breast

There is no need to separate the meat from the bone. There is no need to remove the skin either.
In a small saucepan, bring to a boil enough water to completely cover the breast without drowning it.
Add 1 whole peeled onion and bay leaf.
Place the chicken in boiling water and cook over low heat without a lid for 10 minutes.
Salt to taste. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave to cool to the desired temperature, at least another 20 minutes. The meat should be cooked in the broth.
Now you can remove the breast from the broth, remove the skin, remove the boiled fillet from the bone and cut it with a sharp knife. It’s great to cut into cubes for a salad or into thin slices for a side dish. A little pepper and herbs and you’re ready to eat. Serve the broth in a bowl, removing the onion and bay leaves.
And keep in mind that it is much juicier to cook from fresh chicken meat than from frozen chicken.

How and how much to cook chicken breast fillet

Chicken fillet cooks much faster. As a rule, in the form of fillets we have 2 boneless chicken breast halves. Defrosting before cooking is required. To make the fillet juicy, put it in salted boiling water, let it boil again and turn it off. Cover tightly with a lid and leave for 20 minutes. Voila, the juicy fillet is ready for slicing into salads or as an independent dish. You can serve it with any side dish, with any chicken sauce.

This is the most correct recipe for how to cook chicken breast fillet, and it was suggested by Julia Child.

How and how much to cook chicken breast from a village chicken
Homemade chicken has a completely different, rich aroma and taste. But, unfortunately, its meat is tougher and therefore requires long cooking.

Cooking in a saucepan:
Place the breast in boiling water, add the whole onion and carrot, and cook for at least 2.5 hours. Salt at the end of cooking. You cannot salt the chicken at the very beginning of cooking so that it does not become hard. Cover with a lid and let the breast cool in the broth. The broth can be used for an amazingly delicious soup or julienne.

Cooking in a pressure cooker:
Chicken breast will become even softer if you cook it in a pressure cooker under pressure. Place the breast in the water, set the timer for 40 minutes, and close the lid tightly. After turning off the steam, we do not release the steam under any circumstances, but wait until it gradually comes out and the lid can be opened, or better yet, until it cools down.

To speed up the process of cooking tough breasts, add a pinch of soda to the water. Meat in such water will cook one and a half times faster. Or another good way to make chicken softer is to rub the fillet with dry mustard overnight and rinse it off before cooking.

Recipes often recommend boiling the chicken until done. In this regard, it will not be superfluous to know when this readiness occurs. For statistics lovers, here is the answer to the question: how long to cook chicken?

cooking homemade chicken – 50-60 minutes;
poaching chickens - 15 minutes (loin);
cooking chicken - 20-30 minutes;
poaching chickens - 12 minutes;
broiler cooking – no more than 40 minutes;
Cooking old poultry - at least 3 hours.

The cooking time for chicken depends on the size of the carcass, whether the meat is young or old, defrosted or fresh, etc. You can determine the readiness of boiled poultry by piercing it with a fork. If the fork easily enters the carcass and clear juice comes out, then the meat is cooked and ready to eat.

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How long to cook chicken

Which chicken should I buy?

Whether you buy frozen or fresh chicken, you should give preference to well-fed carcasses with intact and evenly colored light skin. If the bird is fresh, the skin should be slightly moist. A wet skin may mean that the carcass has been frozen and thawed several times.
Also, you have probably asked yourself more than once the question “How long to cook chicken?” Below we will give the cooking time for different types of chicken, but if you buy an old carcass, then no matter how much you cook it, its meat will never turn out tender and juicy. And to prevent this from happening, you should press on the bird’s breast when choosing - it should be dense and elastic.

How to cook chicken?

If you are preparing chicken broth, then the carcass (without cutting it into portions) must be placed in cold water so that it gives up all its valuable substances to the broth. After boiling, you need to remove the foam and cover the pan with a tight-fitting lid. We’ll tell you how long to cook the chicken for the broth a little later.
If you just need boiled meat for making salads, purees, subsequent frying, etc., then the bird needs to be placed in boiling and salted water. In this case, the top layer of proteins will immediately coagulate, so all the beneficial substances and “meat juice” will remain inside the chicken and will not go into the water.

Since ancient times in Rus', chicken dishes have been considered healthy and tasty food. And this is no coincidence - after all, aromatic and tender meat has high nutritional value. Thus, the edible part of chicken (60% of the total weight) contains 0.9% carbohydrates, 4.5% fat and 13.5% protein. The meat is not deprived of minerals and vitamins. In addition, it contains practically no connective tissue proteins collagen and elastin, and fat is fusible, so chicken is easily absorbed by the body and is considered a dietary product. Boiled skinless chicken is recommended for consumption by those who are predisposed to cardiovascular diseases and included in the strictest diets. But only properly cooked chicken and never old! Therefore, we will tell you how to choose, how and how much to cook chicken so that it turns out tasty, juicy, tender, and most importantly, healthy.

1. If you accidentally oversalt the water in which you cook the meat, then place a bag of raw rice in the pan (in just 5 minutes, the cereal will absorb all the excess salt).
2. The tough meat of old poultry will become more tender and softer if you add a little vinegar to the water (1 teaspoon per 2 liters). For the same purposes, you can coat the chicken outside and inside with lemon juice.

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Individual pieces of chicken (legs, thighs, fillets, breasts, wings, drumsticks, legs) are placed in boiling water and boiled.
Country chicken soup is boiled in cold water from. Cook broiler or chicken.

It is easy to determine the readiness of chicken: if the meat easily comes away from the bones or the fillet is easily pierced with a fork, the chicken is cooked.

How to cook chicken

1. Chicken, if frozen, must be defrosted before cooking.
2. Remove feathers (if any) from the chicken using tweezers.
3. Pour water into the pan so that it covers the chicken with a margin of a couple of centimeters. If you are boiling the chicken whole, you will need a large saucepan.
4. Salt the water (for every liter of water, a teaspoon of salt).
5. Place the chicken or chicken pieces into the pan.
6. Wait for it to boil and, if foam forms after 3-5 minutes of cooking, remove it.
7. To taste, add onion, peeled carrots, garlic.
8. Boil the chicken in a saucepan for 30 minutes (if chicken pieces) to 2 hours (whole chicken for broth).

Exact time to cook chicken until done
Chicken and whole chicken - 1 hour, old and country chicken - 2-6 hours.
Legs, fillets, legs, breasts, wings - 20-25 minutes.
Chicken by-products: necks, hearts, stomachs, liver - 40 minutes.

How long to cook chicken for broth
Whole chicken - 1.5-2 hours, country chicken - at least 2 hours, rooster - about 3 hours.
Legs, fillets, legs, breasts, legs, wings will give you a rich broth in 1 hour.
Cook chicken giblets in dietary broth for 40 minutes.

After boiling, you can add peeled onions and carrots, pepper, salt, oregano, marjoram, rosemary, basil, Provençal herbs, and 1-2 bay leaves to the chicken.

When to salt chicken when cooking?
Salt the chicken at the beginning of cooking.

How long to fry chicken?
Fry the chicken for 20-30 minutes depending on the size of the chicken pieces and the heat. More details at timefry.ru!.

What are the calories in chicken fillet?

How to cook chicken for soup?
For soup, cook the chicken in a large amount of water: for 1 piece of chicken with bones you will need 6 times more water (for example, for a leg weighing 250 grams, 3 liters of water). Add salt at the beginning of cooking to create a rich broth.

Boiled chicken can be served as an independent dish, then you can decorate the boiled chicken with spices and herbs, and serve along with vegetables, sauces, and cream.

Chicken and cooking gadgets

In a slow cooker
In a slow cooker, fill the whole chicken with cold water, salt, add spices, salt, and cook for 1 hour on the “Stew” mode. Cook individual pieces of chicken in a slow cooker for 30 minutes on the same setting.

In a steamer
In a steamer, cook individual pieces of chicken for 45 minutes. Do not cook whole chicken in a steamer due to its large size.

In a pressure cooker
A whole chicken for broth will cook in 20 minutes with the valve closed. Chicken pieces will cook in a pressure cooker in 5 minutes under pressure.

In the microwave
Cook the chicken pieces in the microwave for 20-25 minutes at maximum power (800-1000 W). Halfway through cooking, turn the chicken over.

Which chicken should I choose for cooking?
For salads and main courses, tender, meaty parts of chicken and chicken fillet are suitable.
For soups and broths, you need to choose rich parts with fat and skin; as an addition to them, chicken bones are also perfect for broths. If the broth should be dietary, then use only bones and a little meat.

How to cook chicken for different dishes
Fully cooked chicken is added to the shawarma, since it is then hardly subjected to heat treatment.
In Caesar salad, the chicken can be fried in oil, but if you want to get a dietary salad, then boiled chicken fillet will do - you need to cook it for 30 minutes.
Cook the chicken for broth for 1-2 hours.

What are the calories in chicken?
Calorie content of boiled chicken fillet is 110 kcal.
The calorie content of chicken with skin is 160 kcal.

How to cook chicken for soup?
For soup, cook the chicken in a large amount of water: for 1 piece of chicken with bones you will need 4 times more water (for example, for a leg weighing 250 grams, 1 liter of water). Add salt at the beginning of cooking to create a rich broth.

How to prepare chicken for cooking?
Clean the chicken from any remaining feathers (if any), wash and dry with a towel.

How to serve boiled chicken?
Boiled chicken can be served as an independent dish, then you can decorate the boiled chicken with spices and herbs, and serve along with vegetables, sauce and cream.

What spices should I add when cooking chicken?
After boiling, you can add peeled onions and carrots, pepper, salt, oregano, marjoram, rosemary, basil, and Provençal herbs to the chicken. At the end of cooking, you can add 1-2 bay leaves.

How to cook tough (old) chicken
As a rule, the meat of country chicken (especially old) is very tough and it is quite difficult to cook it soft. To soften it, you need to marinate it before cooking: rub it with kefir or lemon juice, and leave it in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. Then cook the tough chicken in the usual way for 2-3 hours. Another option would be to cook homemade chicken in a pressure cooker - whole or in parts for 1 hour.

Chicken appetizer

Chicken breast - 2 pieces (about 500 grams)
Fresh cucumber - 4 pieces
Basil leaves for decoration
Pesto sauce - 2 tablespoons
Mayonnaise - 6 tablespoons
Freshly ground pepper - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1 teaspoon

How to make a chicken appetizer with cucumbers
1. Boil the chicken: place in cold water and keep on fire for 30 minutes. Remove skin and bones, cut chicken into small pieces.
2. Add 6 tablespoons of mayonnaise, combine with two tablespoons of Pesto sauce, add a pinch of freshly ground pepper, salt, and mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed.
3. Wash and cut 4 fresh cucumbers into elongated oval slices 0.5 centimeters thick, place them on a flat-bottomed plate and place a teaspoon of the resulting boiled chicken mixture on each of them.
4. Rinse fresh basil under running water and place on top of each serving of appetizer.

How to cook chicken soup

Products and price of chicken soup
500 grams of chicken meat (chicken legs, thighs are suitable) for 100 rubles,
1-2 medium carrots for 20 rubles,
1-2 onions for 5 rubles,
3-5 pieces of potatoes for 10 rubles. (about 300 grams),
100-120 grams of vermicelli for 10 rubles,
spices and herbs to taste (20 rub.),
water - 3 liters.
Price: 180 rub. for 6 large servings of chicken soup or 30 rubles. per serving. Cooking time for chicken soup is 1 hour 10 minutes.
Average price in Moscow as of June 2018..

Making chicken soup
Boil the chicken in plenty of water. Remove from the pan and finely chop the boiled chicken and return to the broth. Add fried onions and carrots to the pan. Add finely chopped potatoes and spices, cook for another 15 minutes. Add vermicelli and cook for another 5 minutes.

How to choose delicious chicken

If the chicken meat is pale or sticky, it is possible that the chicken was sick and was treated with antibiotics. If the chest is enlarged and the legs are disproportionately short, the bird was most likely fed hormonal substances.
A healthy chicken should have light pink or white meat, thin and tender skin, and small scales on its feet. The most delicious meat comes from young chicken. Tap the breast: if the bone is hard and hard, the chicken is most likely old; in young chickens, the bone is soft and springy.
It is better to buy chilled poultry - then it is the cleanest and healthiest meat. Frozen chicken meat contains much less nutrients.

How to properly cut a chicken

First way
1. Wash the chicken in cool water, place it back up on a cutting board, use a sharp large knife to make a cut along the ridge, the depth of the cut is to the bone.
2. At the junction of the ham and the ridge, cut the meat on both sides.
3. Turn the chicken carcass over, make a deep cut around the thigh so that the thigh bone becomes visible, twist the ham and cut between the bone and the carcass. Repeat the same with the second ham.
4. Make cuts on both sides of the breast part and separate the meat a little, cut the breast bones, remove the breast bone.
5. Cut off the wings and breast from the body, making a cut from the tail to the neck.
6. Cut off the wings from the breast so that a third of the breast remains on the wings.
7. Cut off the tips of the wings (they can be used for broth).
8. Cut the ham into two parts, making a cut where the thigh meets the drumstick.

Second way
1. Start cutting the chicken from the tail along the spine.
2. Place the carcass vertically, insert the knife into the cut you just made, pressing on it to make a cut straight down the spine.
3. Place the chicken breast side down and open along the cut.
4. Stand the chicken upright and cut the front bone.
5. Place half of the chicken leg side up, pull the leg back and cut off where it joins the breast. Repeat with the second half of the carcass.
6. On the legs, find a thin white strip at the junction of the drumstick and thigh, cut in this place, dividing the ham into two parts.

Sauce for boiled chicken

Walnuts - 2 tablespoons
Prunes - 2 handfuls
Mayonnaise or sour cream - 2 heaped tablespoons
Pomegranate sauce - 3 tablespoons
Sugar - half a teaspoon
Salt - a quarter teaspoon
Chicken broth - 7 tablespoons

Preparing sauce for boiled chicken
1. Cut or crush the nuts using a hammer through a towel.
2. Chop the prunes.
3. Mix mayonnaise/sour cream, pomegranate sauce, sugar and salt; mix well.
4. Add chopped nuts and prunes.
5. Pour in chicken broth, mix well.

How to cook chicken with potatoes

Serves 2
Chicken - 2 legs, 600-700 grams
Water - 2 liters
Potatoes - 6-8 medium tubers (about 600 grams)
Carrots - 1 piece
Onion - 1 piece
Dill, green onions - several sprigs
Salt and peppercorns - to taste

How to cook chicken with potatoes
1. Place the chicken in a saucepan, add water and put on fire.
2. While the water is boiling, peel the onion, peel the carrots and chop finely.
3. When the water boils, watch the foam: it must be collected and removed from the pan.
4. Place the onion in the broth, add salt and pepper, cook covered over low heat for 30 minutes.
5. While the chicken is cooking, peel the potatoes and chop them coarsely.
6. Add potatoes to the chicken, cook for another 15 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes. Remove the onion from the pan.
7. Serve, placing the chicken separately from the potatoes. Sprinkle the potatoes with chopped herbs. Serve the broth separately or prepare a gravy based on it. The dish can be served for lunch as soup.

How to cook chicken aspic

Chicken fillet - 2 pieces (or chicken thighs - 3 pieces)
Water - 1.3 liters
Instant gelatin - 30 grams
Onions - 1 head
Carrots - 1 piece
Garlic - 3 cloves
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Black peppercorns - 10 pieces
Bay leaf - 2 pieces

How to cook chicken aspic
1. Chicken pieces, if frozen, defrost; wash.
2. Pour water into the pan and put on fire.
3. Place chicken in boiling water and cook until done, 30 minutes.
4. As soon as the water boils, drain the water and replace it with fresh water (1.3 liters).
5. Add half a teaspoon of salt to the water.
6. Peel and wash the onions and carrots.
7. Place onions and carrots in the broth.
8. Peel and finely chop the garlic, add to the broth.
9. Add pepper and bay leaf.
10. Boil the chicken fillet for 20 minutes, remove from the broth and cool.
11. Strain the broth, then pour gelatin into it and stir.
12. Divide the chicken into small pieces.
13. Remove the onion, cut the carrots into thin rings.
14. Place the chicken and carrots in molds, stir, cool slightly and put in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
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