Home On the windowsill Ginseng or Eleutherococcus? What is more efficient? Adaptogen is a general tonic of natural or artificial origin. Reception of adaptagens, description of drugs Is it possible to drink ginseng and rhodiola at the same time

Ginseng or Eleutherococcus? What is more efficient? Adaptogen is a general tonic of natural or artificial origin. Reception of adaptagens, description of drugs Is it possible to drink ginseng and rhodiola at the same time

Adaptogen is a drug, mainly of plant origin, showing general tonic properties that affect the activity of the main organs and systems. They contribute to the general strengthening of the body under adverse conditions and in stressful situations, contribute to the speedy recovery after overwork and heavy physical exertion. Let's look at the main adaptogen plants, materials of animal origin, as well as medicines produced on their basis.

The most common plants from which adaptogen preparations are obtained

The most typical representative of this group of plants is lemongrass - an adaptogen, from which tinctures and liquid extracts are prepared, as well as ginseng and Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea. In addition to these plants, echinacea deserves special attention, which has long been used as a medicine of this group.

Most of the aforementioned plants grow in Europe, however, a plant such as or an extract from the antlers of a spotted deer or maral is also an excellent raw material in order to make an adaptogen. List of the most popular drugs:

  • "Apilak".
  • "Mummy".
  • "Ginseng tincture".
  • Eleutherococcus extract.
  • "Pantokrin".
  • "Rhodiola rosea tincture".

The mechanism of action of adaptogens

It is difficult to isolate any specific mechanism of action for an adaptogen due to the multicomponent nature of tinctures and extracts. However, their main mechanisms of action are:

  • activation of the processes of synthesis of ribonucleic acids and proteins, which contributes to the development of reparative processes (this contributes to the speedy healing of wounds and the restoration of body weight);
  • antioxidant action aimed at reducing the number of free radicals and reducing peroxidation processes (which contributes to increased resistance when exposed to toxic substances or ionizing radiation);
  • reduction of biochemical disorders when exposed to stress;
  • normalization of the function of the hypothalamic-adrenal and immune systems.

These mechanisms of action are of a general nature, since it is difficult to study and describe the effect of each of the components of adaptogens on the whole organism.

Pharmacodynamic characteristics of adaptogens

After taking adaptogens, they help to increase physical and mental performance, exercise tolerance, reduce fatigue and help reduce the feeling of fatigue, eliminate appetite disturbances and help restore the body. They contribute to an increase in the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors (high and low temperatures, exposure to various poisons and toxic or

Against the background of taking such drugs, an increase in specific and nonspecific immunity is observed, blood circulation, respiration and perception of information with the help of auditory and visual analyzers improves. Adaptogen preparations improve hematopoiesis, have a protective effect on the liver and heart.

Release forms of adaptogens

Due to the fact that such products are most often made from materials of plant origin, their main dosage form is tincture. Also, drugs of this drug group are often found in the form of liquid extracts. It is quite rare to find adaptogens in tablets.

General indications for use

Acceptance of adaptogens is indicated in case of physical overwork, to increase the overall resistance of the body, to treat asthenic syndrome, during the recovery period after infectious diseases. Due to the anti-inflammatory effect, they are widely used in dental practice for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. However, each individual drug has its own range of indications for use.

Side effects

When taking adaptogens, there may be an increase in blood pressure, neuropsychic agitation, an increase in the level of potassium in the blood. You should not prescribe such drugs in the evening and before bedtime.


This drug is a biogenic stimulant. The dry matter of native royal jelly is the main active ingredient of the preparation "Apilak". The price of this drug ranges from 200 to 350 rubles and depends on the pharmacy chain.

"Apilak" is widely used in pediatric practice for the treatment of eating disorders, neurotic disorders. The drug is also effective for restoring the normal mode of lactation during breastfeeding, as well as in the postpartum period for the formation of lactation. In dermatological practice, Apilak is also used to treat seborrhea. The price of the drug is affordable, which leads to its widespread use.


An adaptogen is not only a herbal medicine, it is an adaptogen of animal origin. In fact, these are bat excrement, which have absorbed the mineral substances of rocks. In appearance, the mummy is a viscous resinous mass of dark brown or black color, hardening with time.

It is a biogenic stimulant with a wide spectrum of action. Shilajit in tablets, solution or applications has a strong biostimulating effect with inhibition of mutational processes. The drug is indicated for injuries of the musculoskeletal system, ulcers of the intestinal tract, purulent and inflammatory diseases, inflammatory and allergic processes, periodontal disease and other diseases. "Mumiye" is recommended as a prophylactic to increase the overall resistance of the body during influenza epidemics.

In addition to high efficiency, the uniqueness of the drug is due to the absence of side effects (except for cases of individual intolerance) and the possibility of use in pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

During the appointment and administration of the drug "Mumiye" must be taken into account since it interacts with almost all drugs. Poisoning and overdose are rare, accompanied by intestinal disorders.

The drug is available in the form of an ointment, application or solution, in addition, mummy is available in tablets. Apply "Mummy" twice a day: half an hour before meals in the morning and two hours before bedtime.


Eleutherococcus occupies a special place among the stimulants of the activity of the central nervous system and adaptogens. Indications for the appointment of this drug include situations where it is necessary to increase mental and physical performance, and it is also taken as a general tonic and tonic.

Eleutherococcus is produced in the form of an alcoholic extract. Take the remedy 20-30 drops 30 minutes before meals for 25-30 days. In addition, indications for the drug "Eleutherococcus" include asthenic syndrome, overwork, chronic fatigue syndrome. The drug is successfully used to treat diabetes mellitus, prevent cancer and improve vision.

Rhodiola rosea tincture

Another representative of plant adaptogens - The price of this drug ranges from 150 to 200 rubles. Alcohol tincture due to the content of a large number of active substances has a pronounced tonic and adaptogenic effect. Rhodiola rosea increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, temperature extremes, and stress factors. The drug increases physical performance, reduces mental stress, improves the condition of patients with vegetovascular dystonia. In addition, an antiarrhythmic effect was noted while taking Rhodiola tincture.

Apply the tincture orally, after dissolving the required amount of the drug in a small volume of water. For maximum therapeutic effect, you should drink the tincture 10-15 minutes before a meal, while taking the drug should be carried out in the morning. If you drink the medicine in the afternoon, by stimulating the activity of the nervous system, side effects may occur - insomnia, increased blood pressure, headaches.

The drug is contraindicated for use in patients with hypersensitivity to it, as well as in persons with high blood pressure. In order to treat asthenic syndrome in children, the drug should be prescribed only after the age of twelve.


Adaptogen is an indispensable tool for improving daily performance. "Pantocrine" is made by extracting biologically active substances from the antlers (antlers) of sika deer, red deer or red deer. The active substances of the drug have a pronounced stimulating effect on the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. "Pantocrine" in its composition contains a large number of trace elements in the proportions that are necessary for a person, and amino acids and phospholipids are actively involved in the restoration of cell membranes and the normalization of metabolism.

"Pantocrine" is widely used for the treatment of neurasthenia and neurosis, fatigue, asthenic conditions after suffering inflammatory or infectious diseases, arterial hypertension, metabolic disorders and digestive disorders. In addition, the drug is successfully used to restore impaired sexual function in men.

Apply "Pantokrin" inside 20-40 drops, previously dissolved in a small amount of water. The frequency of admission depends on the condition of the patient and averages 2-3 times a day. Like most other adaptogens, in order to prevent the occurrence of side effects, Pantocrine should be taken in the morning (maximum 4 hours before bedtime).

Ginseng tincture

The tincture belongs to the group of adaptogenic and the active ingredients of the tincture are essential oils and glycosides, pectins and saponins extracted from the root of the plant. The drug is effective for the treatment of asthenic conditions, overwork during increased mental and physical stress, in the recovery period after serious illnesses, and also as a tool for the complex treatment of psychogenic sexual dysfunction.

Like other adaptogens, ginseng tincture should be taken in the first half of the day, 30-40 drops, diluted with a small amount of water.


Adaptogen is a drug, the main effect of which is aimed at increasing the mental and physical performance of a person. If the feeling of fatigue and weakness has been a constant companion lately, it's time to start taking these medicines. OTC sale, widespread availability in the pharmacy network and the low cost of this group of stimulants make them indispensable in the treatment of asthenic syndrome. It is important to remember one thing - the reception must be long and necessarily systematic.

Adaptogens are herbal medicines.. They tone the body, increase efficiency and have an immunostimulating effect. They adapt the body to high physical, emotional, mental stress, increase resistance to cold, heat and stress.

Adaptogens are different:

  • chemical (vitamins)
  • biological (dietary supplements)
  • vegetable - the most popular with us.

If you look in the refrigerator or first aid kit, then in almost every family you can find jars-bottles with different tinctures: eleutherococcus, ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, pink radiola, licorice root. These are natural adaptogens.

There are also other adaptogens - for example, guarana and gotu kola. But they grow in South America, so preparations based on these herbs can rarely be found on the shelves of our pharmacies.

Adaptogens are best used autumn, winter and early spring. In summer, the body can recharge itself even without aids or medications.

If he constantly gets sleepy, does not want to work, it is impossible to concentrate on the task and everything is annoying, then these are the first signs of a seasonal breakdown.
These symptoms are the first call for admission. adaptogens.

The main thing in this case is the correct dosage.
For example, 10 drops of Eleutherococcus in the morning - and complete lethargy all day, but 25 drops of the same drug can turn into an energizer.

Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions: it is advisable to drink all tinctures 2 times a day, 20-25 drops, in the morning and at lunch. The only exception to the rule is Rhodiola rosea tincture, which has other rules for taking it. On the first day, you need only 10 drops, then every day increase the dose by 2 drops - and so on up to 25.

For the effect to be effective, you need to complete a whole course within a month.
But with a break of 7 days: 2 weeks we are charged with energy from adaptogens, we have a rest for a week, and then we take the drug for another 14 days.

By the way, it is very useful to drink adaptogems before traveling abroad, to warmer climes.

Although adaptogens in most cases have no contraindications, there are people for whom they are undesirable. For example, allergies. You can not drink adaptogens and people prone to hypertensive crises, hypertensive patients - as tinctures increase blood pressure.

But for hypotensive patients, on the contrary: adaptogens are not only possible, but also necessary to drink. Small children should also not be given herbal remedies. They can make babies real energizers, overly nervous and aggressive.

Top 5 Adaptogens

Ginseng tincture

One of the most popular adaptogens in our country - ginseng tincture. It stimulates the central nervous system, especially memory and thinking, improves cellular metabolism and oxygen uptake by body cells, stimulates immunity, endocrine, sexual function, and hematopoiesis. Ginseng, reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood and normalizing lipid metabolism, is indicated for people with diabetes, especially since it also has the ability to reduce blood sugar.

Chinese lemongrass

Another well-known adaptogen is chinese lemongrass. The healing properties of lemongrass are impressive: it enhances the sharpness of night vision, hypotension increases blood pressure, stimulates the motor and secretory functions of the digestive tract.
It increases the tone of skeletal muscles, activates and stimulates metabolism, increases the body's resistance and resistance to hypoxia or oxygen starvation.


And here eleutherococcus stimulates the body during high physical exertion. A feature of Eleutherococcus is that it improves vision and color perception. It has a strong anti-toxic, anti-stress and radioprotective effect, increases the body's defenses against colds.

Radiola pink

radiola pink, or golden root, is considered an elixir of youth and health. Radiola-based medicine increases attention, endurance, relieves fatigue, improves memory.

Liquorice root

Another popular adaptogen is liquorice root. It has been used medicinally for over 5000 years. A bunch of licorice roots has even been found in Tutankhamun's tomb. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans recommended licorice to combat physical overload and stress.

DECLINE OF FORCE: alternative treatment

If a person is exhausted, experiences general weakness, it is recommended that he include in his diet fresh fruits of mountain ash, nuts, honey, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, rose hips and hawthorn, as well as fish oil, which contains a large amount of vitamin D.

An excellent source of vitamins C, A, group B, etc. are citrus fruits; you need to drink juice of lemon, orange, grapefruit daily.

In addition to the above, connoisseurs of traditional medicine for exhaustion recommend:

- drink a decoction of oats(one tablespoon of grain pour 2 cups of water, boil over low heat for at least 30 minutes, cool, strain) in small portions during the day;

- drink birch sap(or birch kvass) one glass 3-4 times a day for several weeks;

- drink infusion of viburnum fruit(Place one tablespoon of fruits in a heated thermos, pour one glass of boiling water, leave for several hours, shaking the contents of the thermos from time to time, cool, strain) 1/3 cup 3 times a day;

- drink a decoction of chicory roots(Place 2 tablespoons of dry crushed roots in a heated bowl, pour one glass of boiling water, insist under the lid, wrapped for 40-60 minutes, strain) one tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Attention! the information on the site is not a medical diagnosis, or a guide to action and is for informational purposes only.

Today we want to discuss not some abstract means or theory, but quite specific adaptogenic drugs that are actively used by athletes to restore physical fitness, strengthen the body and protect it from adverse external and internal factors / influences.

Let's say right away that the list, which will present adaptogenic agents that can be useful in bodybuilding and in general in sports, will be incomplete. The fact is that the range of these drugs is so wide that it is almost impossible to mention, and there it is almost impossible to describe in more detail all of them. However, we will certainly try to note and tell in detail about the most popular and at the same time effective means of an adaptogenic nature, so that you can understand what their pros and cons are.

Eleutherococcus liquid extract: properties, beneficial effects

Without unnecessary preludes and ranting, let's get straight to the point: from a scientific point of view, Eleutherococcus extract is a general tonic adjuvant that has a strengthening effect, stimulates the nervous system (CNS), increases physical and mental activity / performance. In sports, this drug is primarily useful in that it can enhance oxidative processes and significantly reduce muscle fatigue, thereby stimulating the fastest recovery of the body.

What are the indications for Eleutherococcus Liquid Extract? Diverse. In particular, it should be taken when the onset or symptoms of one of the following diseases/abnormalities occur:

  • mental fatigue;
  • Physical fatigue;
  • Nervos and disturbances of mental balance;
  • Hypotension;
  • asthenic conditions.

Does Eleutherococcus extract have contraindications for use? There are, however, few of them, and these are private cases: it is not recommended to use it for increased nervous excitability, for acute, severe infectious diseases, for hypertension and a feverish state. For the rest, this remedy is shown to all, without exception, men and women who want to stimulate the body and get rid of overwork.

Important: Eleutherococcus extract is considered a relatively safe adjuvant, however, in some cases, side effects may still occur during its administration. So, in case of an overdose, you may be disturbed by insomnia, sadness, anxiety or irritability (overdose is a dose of more than 70-90 drops).

Now let's move on to the most interesting part, namely, how to take it correctly Eleutherococcus liquid extract. In principle, there is nothing complicated in using this auxiliary and useful drug in sports: it is usually taken orally in 2 doses (one in the morning, the second in the evening) about half an hour to an hour before meals. The average single dosage used to strengthen and stimulate the body is 20-40 drops, and the duration of the course is 2-3 full weeks (this remedy is not recommended to be taken for more than three weeks).

If you want to achieve an emergency increase in efficiency, then, as he says instructions for use, eleutherococcus extract should be taken at a dose of about 2 ml 2-3 hours before bedtime and the next day immediately before work (one and a half to two hours) - at a dosage of about 4 ml.

In conclusion, we note what form of release the extract of Eleutherococcus has and what are the requirements for storage. So, the release form of this remedy is a liquid extract in 40% ethanol (1 to 1) from the roots and rhizomes of Eleutherococcus senticosus, containing coumarin derivatives. The conditions for storing Eleutherococcus extract are quite ordinary: to maintain effectiveness for the maximum period, the drug should be kept in a cool place protected from light. It is not recommended to store for more than 4 years (this is the maximum shelf life of Eleutherococcus).

Preparations based on radiola rosea

This plant, also known as the golden root, has long been actively used in the East (and partly in Europe) as a medicine. Moreover, not all radiola pink, and mainly its roots and rhizomes, since they contain saponins, sugars, tannins, essential oils, organic acids, tannins, proteins, flavonoids and other substances that are useful both in medical and sports practice.

The popularity enjoyed by radiola rosea and additives / preparations based on it is easily explained. This plant has a huge list of positive properties, and the use of its tinctures and extracts leads to strengthening the body and improving the functions / work of organs and organ systems. What exactly are the properties and effects of radiola rosea? The most varied. In particular, this plant can improve heart function and normalize blood pressure. It also promotes the secretion of bile and improves mental / physical abilities.

Important: it is known that the root of radiola rosea basically contains substances that help slow down bleeding and restore strength after physical and mental overwork - radiola is an excellent sedative and tonic. Tinctures / extracts of this plant are also used for poor appetite, metabolic disorders, as well as for the manifestation of inflammatory processes. In addition, they are used to treat all kinds of chronic and acute diseases, overheating, hypothermia and radiation damage - the golden root quickly heals injuries, wounds, burns, improves eyesight and increases hearing acuity.

Generally radiola rosea preparations are extremely common in sports and medicine, and there is nothing surprising in this. Their indications for use and the range of use are so extensive that it would be time to name the radiola golden plants and place it on the coat of arms of some eastern country (although this has already been partially done, we recall that the second name of this plant is the golden root). If you go into details, then pharmacological agents and other drugs, the main component of which is radiola rosea, can boast of tonic and stimulating, anti-cold and sedative, and other beneficial effects.

Note that the stimulating effect that radiola pink has on muscle performance is one of the most powerful and pronounced, of all adaptogens, only eleutherococcus can be compared with radiola in terms of the usefulness of this effect (according to reviews, muscle tone and strength increase especially significantly when long-term use of radiola / golden root).

Indications for the use of radiola rosea preparations:

  • With overwork as a stimulant;
  • During the rehabilitation period after infectious and somatic diseases;
  • With intense physical or exhausting mental work;
  • As a preventive measure before future physical / mental stress;
  • Healthy men and women prone to asthenia;
  • To maintain efficiency and the fastest recovery of the body.

Contraindications to the use of radiola rosea preparations:

  • With high blood pressure;
  • At elevated body temperature;
  • With emotional arousal;
  • With an unstable mental picture.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in sports practice, a tincture or extract of radiola rosea (1 to 1) in 40% alcohol is most often used. They are usually taken 20-25 drops two to three times a day shortly before meals (both single use and long-term use are possible).

Preparations created on the basis of Leuzea safflower

So that further in the text you do not have any questions, we will immediately give a detailed description: Leuzea safflower- This is a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of 40 to 100 centimeters. Its rhizome is thickened, with an average diameter of 1 to 2 cm, and woody (brown or dark brown) with multiple thin and brittle processes (roots about 1 mm in diameter). In turn, the stems are thin, ribbed and slightly cobwebbed, slightly swollen towards the end - they usually end in a large, almost spherical basket.

We also note that the safflower-like leuzea is a Siberian plant that grows mainly in Altai, the Sayan Mountains and the Kuznetsk Alatau (it grows in the east to Lake Baikal, in the west - to the very mountains of East Kazakhstan). Speaking in scientific terms, then Leuzea can be found mainly in the subalpine territorial zone at an altitude of 1700 to 2000 thousand meters above sea level (rarely in alpine meadows, where in some places it forms continuous thickets). The most extensive zone of harvesting, where the cultivation of safflower-like leuzea, is the Seminsky Pass (this is the territory of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region).

Important: Leuzea safflower and its composition are relatively poorly understood, however, its rhizome and root are known to contain various alkaloids, insulin (anabolic hormone), carotene, approximately 5% tannins and essential oils, as well as ascorbic acid in a volume of about 0.1 percent. By the way, almost all drugs based on Leuzea (extracts, tinctures, etc.) are made from the roots and rhizomes.

Now, from the description, let's move on to practice and answer the question: why is safflower-like leuzea useful in bodybuilding and in general in sports, and how do athletes use it? In principle, its positive properties are so extensive that they come in handy not only within sports practice, but also in medicine, in cooking and even in veterinary medicine. Thus, preparations of Leuzea safflower-like have an exciting / stimulating effect on the central nervous system (central nervous system) and exhibit an effect opposite to that of sleeping pills - they tone up the body, increase blood pressure, increase contraction of the heart muscle, increase blood flow rate and expand peripheral vessels.

From the point of view of practice, safflower-like leuzea and preparations (tincture, extract) based on it are often used as stimulants for various functional abnormalities and disorders of the nervous system, for mental and physical fatigue, for decreased performance (especially relevant within sports), with a decrease in sexual activity or with chronic alcoholism - they can be effectively used in periods after a hangover and with the manifestation of depressive moods.

How should it go application of leuzea safflower? There is just nothing complicated about this. Usually this plant is used in the form of a tincture of 70% alcohol (at a ratio of 1 to 10), 1 tablespoon 2 to 3 times a day (before meals). In this case, both a single use and a long-term course can be carried out (there are cases when the duration of the course reached 9 weeks).

Important: although safflower-like leuzea is considered a relatively safe adjuvant, some side effects with its long-term and regular use can still make themselves felt. In particular, there is a possibility of a persistent increase in blood pressure, an increase in amplitude and a slowdown in the rhythm of heart contractions.

Otherwise, as the instructions for use say, Leuzea safflower preparations are harmless, unless, of course, you do not violate contraindications for use and do not use too large doses:

  • It is forbidden to apply to hypertensive patients;
  • Can not be used with advanced forms of cardiosclerosis;
  • It is not recommended to conduct a course for schizophrenia and in cases of its exacerbation.

Schisandra chinensis and its benefits

This is another extremely common adaptogenic agent in sports practice and medicine, notable for its abundant positive properties and qualities. In more detail, Chinese lemongrass is a perennial woody climbing vine from the lemongrass family, popularly known by such names as “Manchurian lemongrass”, “ts-wei-tzu”, which is translated from Chinese as a berry of five tastes, and "Chinese schizander".

If you have never seen chinese lemongrass and you have no idea how it looks, then the following description will be extremely useful for you: the creepers of the plant reach a height of 15 meters, wrapping around the trunks of trees and shrubs. The stalk of lemongrass is branching and wrinkled, with an average thickness of about 1.5-2 centimeters in diameter. The color of the stem largely depends on age. So, young plants have a yellowish shiny bark, while in old specimens it is dark, almost brown.

The leaves of the Chinese magnolia vine are elliptical in shape with a wedge-shaped base, slightly fleshy and alternate. The color of the leaves is pale green on the underside, and dark green on the top, while the tops of the leaves are pointed, one might say sharp. In turn, the fruits of Schisandra chinensis are round berries with two kidney-shaped seeds of brown, brown or yellow color. Their taste is unpleasant - slightly spicy, slightly bitter, slightly sour-salty, sometimes even burning. The smell of the vine, its leaves and fruits is pronounced lemon, this is especially noticeable when rubbing the foliage.

Important: the use of Chinese magnolia vine for medical, sports or any other purposes must be agreed with the doctor, while the indications for taking this plant are as follows:

  • With low blood pressure;
  • With mental or physical overwork;
  • With regular and intense physical activity;
  • With increased drowsiness;
  • With prolonged exposure to adverse environmental factors;
  • With sexual disorders;
  • With hearing loss;
  • With visual impairment;
  • With prolonged debilitating and infectious diseases.

Are you asking what properties Chinese magnolia vine exhibits? Diverse. However, the most useful and significant in sports are its psychostimulating and tonic qualities. In general, the use of Schisandra-based products makes it possible to achieve significant improvements in the state of the body - they enhance reflex activity and excitation processes, increase efficiency, and most importantly, reduce fatigue during intense physical and mental stress.

By the way, Schisandra chinensis preparations show a positive effect mainly due to the fact that they contain such useful substances and elements as carbohydrates, vitamin C, essential oils, organic acids and schisandrin (tonic substance). The range of application of these drugs is quite extensive:

  • They can be used to stimulate the CNS (central nervous system);
  • To stimulate breathing and increase blood pressure;
  • To increase the strength of heart contractions and increase overall performance;
  • Schisandra chinensis seeds are great for normalizing digestion, improving vision, hearing and other senses.

However, it should be understood that Chinese magnolia vine is by no means a harmless plant, side effects may also occur during its use: a prolonged increase in blood pressure, sleep disturbance, tachycardia, headaches, allergic reactions and other deviations in case of individual intolerance.

Now the most important thing is how to take Chinese magnolia vine and preparations based on it: usually in sports practice this plant is used in the form of a tincture (rarely decoctions, powders and tablets, even more rarely dry berries added to tea), which is taken orally in a volume of 20 to 30 drops 2-3 times a day. At the same time, as the instructions say, the course of using Schisandra chinensis lasts an average of two to four full weeks (note that this value can vary significantly depending on your goal).

Pantocrine and its adaptogenic action

This drug is little known among domestic athletes, it has more impressive popularity and distribution in medical practice, but this in no way makes it less useful or effective when used for sports purposes.

But we started from the wrong place, first it was necessary to explain what Pantocrine is. In principle, everything is very simple here: it is an auxiliary / medicinal restorative agent from spotted deer antlers, which has a general tonic effect in case of overwork, the occurrence of neurasthenic and asthenic conditions, hypertension and myocardial overstrain. This drug is used mainly for high and intense physical exertion to prevent and prevent ailments and accelerate the recovery of the body.

Note that Pantocrine can be found in various forms: there are such forms of release as tablets, an extract for oral administration and a solution intended for injection.

What is the use of Pantocrine, and what positive effects are manifested when it is taken? The most varied:

  • Stimulates the central nervous system (increases the activity and function of the central nervous system);
  • Improves and stimulates the cardiovascular system;
  • Increases the tone of skeletal muscles;
  • Improves motor activity and normalizes bowel function;
  • Contains microelements and phospholipids in the base, which increase efficiency;
  • Normalizes blood pressure with hypotension;
  • Stimulates the proper functioning of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract).

In turn, the indications for use in Pantokrin are as follows:

  • With asthenia;
  • As part of complex therapy for neurasthenia;
  • As part of complex therapy for arterial hypotension;
  • With mental or physical overwork.

But, as with the previously described substances and products of an adaptogenic nature, this drug is not an ideal adjuvant. What is this about? That drug Pantokrin can contribute not only to improving the tone and strengthening the body, but also to the occurrence of certain side effects and deviations. The most common of its “side effects” are allergic reactions, such as itchy skin, long-term or excessive increase in blood pressure and headaches.

Pantokrin also has contraindications for use, which in no case should be forgotten: severe atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, nephritis, diarrhea, arterial hypertension, hypersensitivity and some others.

In conclusion, we will clarify how to take and use the Pantokrin preparation on the course: it is most often used in the form of an extract of 25-40 drops 2 times a day half an hour before meals. However, you can effectively use both tablets (1-2 pieces half an hour before meals 2 times a day) and injections (1-2 ml subcutaneously 1 time per day). The maximum recommended duration of the course is 3 weeks (should not be used together with anticoagulants and salts of drugs and Ca2, leading to intestinal motility).

Adaptogens drugs in sports: conclusion and short afterword

As you can see, almost all the remedies mentioned in this material are of natural, or more precisely, vegetable origin. It is not surprising, because it is plants that show the most powerful adaptogenic properties, which consist in restoring the human body, in preparing it for the coming physical and psychological stress, in strengthening the immune system, etc.

It is also important to say that many, if not all, of those noted in this article adaptogen preparations already today are actively used by both domestic and foreign athletes for weight loss, preparation for competitions or to restore mental / physical form. In other words, these are not experimental means, but supplements that have already been tested by time and practice and can have a truly powerful positive effect on the athlete and his body.

Of course, the fact that adaptogenic supplements are regularly used in sports does not mean at all that their course can be approached carelessly, spitting on caution. No. Their use should be taken as seriously as the use of any other drugs (although adaptogens, in fact, are not drugs). That is, before the course, it is preferable to consult an experienced specialist (preferably a sports doctor). Also, you must necessarily study the instructions for use of the selected/purchased adaptogenic drugs.

Otherwise, without worrying about anything, you run the risk of facing far from the most pleasant consequences of erroneous intake of adaptogens (really dangerous side effects, even if adaptogens are used incorrectly, you are unlikely to be disturbed, but deviations that cause discomfort will almost certainly give know about yourself). Never mind the precautions, be prepared for gastrointestinal disorders (gastrointestinal tract) and other “sores” that interfere with normal life.

Afterword: various drugs and agents that exhibit an adaptogenic effect are undoubtedly effective and useful in sports practice. However, in most cases, they are suitable only for maintaining physical fitness and tone, which means that for a truly significant strengthening and development of the body, you may need more serious pharmacological agents. In particular, steroid drugs are excellent for this role (you can order anabolic steroids and other drugs useful in sports easily, quickly and reliably by visiting our online store).

Source: AthleticPharma.com

Kurus A.N., chief physician of the Healthy Children medical center: “Very often, patients come to me with the question of what tones more - Dynamizan, or Gerimaks Energy?”. All these drugs are produced on the basis of ginseng (Dynamizan, Gerimaks) and (Elton P). Let's try to figure it out.

These plants belong to the category of adaptogens. They act approximately the same on the human body, but there are some differences that may turn out to be individual contraindications for you.

In the East, for the general strengthening of the body, ginseng root has been used for thousands of years. It is also helpful in combating fatigue. The common belief that ginseng is a strong and versatile stimulant suitable for everyone and always is not true. For many, ginseng can be justified if there are no individual contraindications.

The action of ginseng is described in terms of traditional Chinese medicine. However, without special training, they are not available to Europeans. For them, indications for the use of ginseng had to be adapted.

According to pharmacologists, taking drugs containing ginseng increases the sensitivity of the brain to other stimulants. Such as: caffeine, camphor, picrotoxin, phenamine.

Ginseng is used to treat conditions that are characterized by exhaustion of the body, weakness, lethargy, low blood pressure, and a feeling of cold. It should be remembered that small doses increase blood pressure, and high doses lower it. Ginseng is a potent remedy, so taking it as a preventive measure requires following a number of important recommendations.

Doctors do not recommend taking ginseng for children under 16 and healthy adults under 40. Moreover, it is recommended to take it only in the cold season, combined with physical labor in the fresh air. Ginseng is contraindicated in hypertension, as well as during the acute course of the disease (as well as other adaptogens). An overdose of preparations containing ginseng can cause headaches, heart rhythm and sleep disturbances, increased blood pressure and loss of strength. Given all these factors, we take into account the hypertension and lack of physical activity typical for the urban population, then the growing interest in alternative adaptogens with a milder effect becomes understandable.

The search for a substitute for ginseng led to the discovery of Eleutherococcus senticosus (in the same Araliaceae family), whose roots have similar properties to ginseng, but with a number of advantages over it. According to some indicators, preparations of Eleutherococcus senticosus even surpass ginseng preparations.

Eleutherococcus "works" slower than ginseng - the body recovers gradually and begins to resist fatigue, however, the effect of Eleutherococcus is longer.
Eleutherococcus is non-toxic, has a reliable adaptogenic effect, can be used at any time of the year (unlike ginseng), and also at any age. In addition, large natural reserves of eleutherococcus make it possible to produce preparations with its content in sufficient quantities. This cannot be said about ginseng - in our country, in total, no more than one ton of this plant is grown.

The use of Eleutherococcus will help reduce blood glucose by half and increase glycogen in the liver. It also has a more pronounced effect on carbohydrate metabolism when compared with ginseng.

Studies have shown that eleutherococcus preparations reduce dark adaptation time (changes in the sensitivity of the human eye when going from bright light to total darkness), which is very useful during periods of seasonal depression. Also, these drugs increase visual acuity. If you take Eleutherococcus for a month, your hearing will improve.
Also, a few days after the start of daily intake of Eleutherococcus in people, both healthy and sick, appetite increases. Preparations of Eleutherococcus also have an anabolic effect (animals that received Eleutherococcus daily for two or more weeks gained weight).

In addition, Eleutherococcus roots have a gonadostimulatory effect and, like ginseng roots, can be successfully used in the treatment of impotence.

Eleutherococcus II is widely found in pharmacies and is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it is widely used in the prevention of colds, as well as to reduce the harmful effects of extreme stress. For example, if in the morning you feel lethargic and chills, then eleutherococcus will come in handy. With regular intake, it will even be preferable to coffee, because if you forget to take it, it will not affect the energy of the body.

Eleutherococcus II is contraindicated in case of insomnia and sensations of heat, because it increases the body temperature. Elderly people should start taking Eleutherococcus II with minimal doses, and then, listening to their well-being, increase them. With all the breadth of application, preparations of eleutherococcus and ginseng should not be given to children under five years of age: certain parts of the immune system may wake up, which should doze off until a certain time.
The preventive properties of Eleutherococcus II are very extensive. Regular intake of it increases the mental and physical performance of the body, reduces the incidence (which is especially important during seasonal epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory infections). Preparations of Eleutherococcus reduce the risk of developing hypertension and coronary heart disease. Eleutherococcus also increases the body's resistance to toxins, radiation, hypoxia, and extreme temperatures. It normalizes the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, and also improves the functioning of the sex glands.

In case of an overdose, Eleutherococcus preparations are non-toxic, but their effectiveness is significantly reduced.

Plants that increase immunity and restore vitality include: ginseng, rosea rhodiola, Chinese lemongrass, spiny eleutherococcus, Manchurian aralia and purple echinacea.


Root preparations ginseng trifoliate(Panax trifolius) contribute to the rapid recovery of forces during overwork and reliably protect the body from adverse environmental factors.

In the people it is called "the root of life." Due to the content of saponins, essential oils, alkaloids, vitamins C, B1, B2 and trace elements, ginseng has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, the central nervous system, improves vision and carbohydrate metabolism in diabetes mellitus. Please note: Ginseng can only be taken with a doctor's prescription.

Golden root

Rhodiola rosea(Rhodíola rósea) has a lemon-yellow color at the rhizome break, which is why it is called "golden root".

Rhodiola preparations containing anthraglycosides and flavonoids are used for increased fatigue and are recommended for children who have had infectious and somatic diseases, patients with functional diseases of the nervous system, as well as healthy people with reduced performance and asthenia.

Even a single dose of Rhodiola rosea preparations increases the body's resistance.

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Schisandra chinensis(Schisándra chinénsis) has long been known as a medicinal plant. All parts of the plant have a strong lemon smell, contain citric, malic, oleic and other acids, dyes, and the seeds contain vitamins C and E. Seeds are more often used for medicinal purposes, less often fruits.

Alcohol tincture from lemongrass seeds has a stimulating and tonic effect and is used for asthenic, psychological and depressive conditions, improves overall health, appetite, sleep, increases mental and physical performance, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

It treats cholecystitis and other diseases of the gallbladder, hypotension, cardioneurosis, wounds and trophic ulcers. Lemongrass is contraindicated in nervous agitation, insomnia, and cardiac disorders. Like all tonic preparations, it should not be taken at night. In case of an overdose, overexcitation and allergic manifestations can be observed.


Eleutherococcus senticosus(Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a valuable medicinal plant. In the people, the plant is also called wild pepper. Roots and rhizomes containing glycosides, alkaloids, fatty oils and flavonoids, as well as starch are used as raw materials.

Preparations of Eleutherococcus have a stimulating and strengthening effect, help to increase the vital volume of the lungs, body weight, vitality, and hemoglobin levels in the blood. In the postoperative period, taking Eleutherococcus helps to quickly restore the protein composition of the blood plasma and accelerates tissue healing, and also helps to lower blood sugar levels and faster recovery.


Aralia Manchurian ( Aralia mandshurica) is popularly called the "thorn tree", "devil's tree" for its unusual appearance and decorative effect.

A valuable medicinal raw material is the root containing triterpene saponins (arolasides A, B, C), alkaloid aralin, essential oil and resins. It is used as a tonic, identical to ginseng.


In ancient times, the Indians of America used echinacea purpurea(Echinácea purpúrea) as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antiseptic and tonic. Both roots and flowers, leaves and fruits of the plant containing essential oil and alkaloid echinacin were used.

Echinacea in most cases does not cause side effects and complications, but its preparations should be used with caution in hypertensive patients, as it increases blood pressure.

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