Home perennial flowers Suitcase mood rules for independent travel read online. The book "Suitcase mood. Rules for independent travel" (review). Why we decided to publish this book

Suitcase mood rules for independent travel read online. The book "Suitcase mood. Rules for independent travel" (review). Why we decided to publish this book

This is a book about how to make independent travel meaningful and interesting. She talks about all the stages of preparing a trip of any duration. How to find a travel idea and come up with an interesting itinerary, how to apply for a visa and buy tickets, how to choose a hotel or apartment that suits your interests, how to pack a suitcase that will not be superfluous and leave room for gifts and purchases, how to choose a restaurant abroad and things to do on a trip besides the beach and walking on guided tours.

Why we decided to publish this book

Because we really want the world to be open and interesting for our readers. We want to provide the reader with an algorithm, following which anyone can plan and spend their holidays interestingly and profitably, even if they used to travel everywhere only with travel agencies.

book chips

First, these are new ideas for your travels.

Secondly, it is available and summarized algorithms for solving all organizational issues.

Who is this book for?

For those who love to invent and implement travel.

For those who are afraid to start planning a trip.

For those who travel rarely and have not yet had time to acquire their own rules.

For those who travel a lot, but want to learn from useful experience and peep how others do it.

From the author

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Each of us has a desire to travel and explore the world. And through the knowledge of the world to discover oneself. On trips you get unlimited inspiration and come back full of ideas and creative ideas.

A real traveler decides where, when, how and with whom he wants to go. Daria Sirotina talks about the algorithm, following which you can plan any trip in order to get the most out of it and enjoy it. This book has everything to inspire you to travel on your own!

Highlight the main

Imagine that you are going to a country about which you know little and where you have never been. What is important to know first? It is important to understand what the country is known for - nature, cities, beaches, museums, cuisine - and which of these you want to see or try. Think about what you are interested in, try to think beyond the stereotyped idea of ​​​​the place where you are going. Do you have special interests? Maybe you love a certain cuisine or graffiti and informal culture, are you into a rare sport? It is very convenient to choose the penultimate row: the last row is usually not available
for registration and often left empty.

If you are flying together, then during online check-in, you can try to choose seats in the aisle and by the window, leaving a seat in the middle free. If the plane is not full, then there is a high probability that the seat will remain unoccupied. If the plane is full, then the person who was put in the middle seat will gladly change places, and you will sit next to your fellow traveler.

Illustration from the book

5. Study photos of other travelers. Photos in tourist communities, Instagram, where it is convenient to find photos by geotags, postcards in kiosks, books and albums about cities and countries, will help you.

6. Have your camera ready.

7. Pay attention to the details of the city and the life of the people in it.

Illustration from the book
8. Decide what you want to show: yourself or a landmark. The “I’m in the city” genre is interesting, when the photographer seems to be spying on you, and you are busy with your usual business: sitting in a cafe, standing by a picture in a museum, walking down the street.

9. Process photos. Do not be afraid to make photos contrasting, pale or even black and white, do not be afraid to crop, flip frames.

10. Share your pictures!

Independent travel makes us better, expands our horizons and connects the disparate parts into a picture called "The World". Travel is an art. And this book will give you brushes and paints. Create!

This is a book about how to make independent travel meaningful and interesting. She talks about all the stages of preparing a trip of any duration. How to find a travel idea and come up with an interesting itinerary, how to apply for a visa and buy tickets, how to choose a hotel or apartment that suits your interests, how to pack a suitcase that will not be superfluous and leave room for gifts and purchases, how to choose a restaurant abroad and things to do on a trip besides the beach and walking on guided tours.

Why we decided to publish this book

Because we really want the world to be open and interesting for our readers. We want to provide the reader with an algorithm, following which anyone can plan and spend their holidays interestingly and profitably, even if they used to travel everywhere only with travel agencies.

book chips

First, these are new ideas for your travels.

Secondly, it is available and summarized algorithms for solving all organizational issues.

How to travel the right way

How to prepare for your trip

New travel ideas

Who is this book for?

For those who love to invent and implement travel.

For those who are afraid to start planning a trip.

For those who travel rarely and have not yet had time to acquire their own rules.

For those who travel a lot, but want to learn from useful experience and peep how others do it.

Daria Sirotina says about himself: “I am a person who has two states: either I am going somewhere, or I am planning to go somewhere.” She makes 20-25 trips a year and maintains a popular blog that talks about the most beautiful and interesting places in the world and how to visit them.

10 I would go there, I don’t know where ...

10 ways to plan a vacation in any country without the help of an agency

11 How to decide where to go

20 The main thing in the trip - the plan

34 Travel fears

43 Tickets and priorities, how to choose and buy the best tickets and save money at the same time

43 All about plane tickets

50 Rail trips as part of a European journey

53 Travel by car

59 Hotel: place to stay or purpose of travel? how to choose a hotel and not be disappointed

59 Hotel selection

68 Hotels vs apartments

74 How to spend the night in a castle for the price of a hostel, or where to find an unusual hotel

76 How to book a hotel online

83 Visas: fast, easy and long-term - how to get a visa and save on intermediary services

83 Schengen visa

87 British visa

93 Nothing superfluous or nothing personal? - how to pack a suitcase so as not to look like a tourist on a trip

93 Principles of packing a suitcase

102 Dress code. What to wear on a plane, to the opera, to a restaurant

105 How to take care of things on a trip


comfortable for all participants

109 Trip with parents

113 Traveling with a child

118 Trips without company

121 Eat to travel or travel to eat? - how to choose a restaurant abroad and get the most out of every meal

122 Restaurant guides

124 How not to be hungry if you don't have the right guide at hand

126 Who decides what you have for dinner - you or the chef?

128 How to choose wine and not lose face

133 A thousand likes under a photo from a vacation - what and how to shoot on a trip so as not to tire others with your photos

133 Secrets of interesting photos

139 A magnet won't amaze you - what, how and where to buy yourself and your friends on a trip

139 Features of shopping in different countries

146 Tax-free registration and customs clearance

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