Home Perennial flowers What not to do with cancer. Nutrition for bowel cancer: what is possible, what is not, menus and recipes. Curd dessert with fruit

What not to do with cancer. Nutrition for bowel cancer: what is possible, what is not, menus and recipes. Curd dessert with fruit

November 2020 will bring not only slush and cold, but also many surprises on the love front, both pleasant and not so. Those who love consistency in relationships will have to endure at the end of autumn.

All lonely representatives of the sign should prepare for emotional turmoil. A suddenly awakened desire to drastically change their lives can lead lions to success if bravely taking risks and not looking back. Old friends, former lovers and less promising, but more stable work can pull back, but you need to find the strength to leave all this in the past, then your personal life will improve. Lions will be able to find their true soul mate only by completely changing their lives and their surroundings.

Those who have a regular partner will begin to analyze the relationship in November and find many of their own mistakes in them. Many lions will have to start fighting their desire to control everything and take leading positions in all areas of relationships. In order to keep a partner, the representatives of the sign will have to show the maximum tenderness and understanding that they are capable of.

Married Lions should not expect any drastic changes. If a couple has been together for a long time and sincerely love each other, then the relationship, on the contrary, will only strengthen and please the spouses with stability and harmony.

Leo Woman Love Horoscope for November 2020

Lonely representatives of the sign in November will feel a special surge of energy and an irresistible desire to find a life partner for themselves. Leo women will not be interested in a serious and long-term relationship. It is better to look for a good lover among unfamiliar men, but not among friends or colleagues. Communication with them will be cut off quickly, and may leave some negativity that will interfere with further communication.

Women-lions, who have long dreamed of getting married, may finally receive their long-awaited proposal in November. It is better not to torment the chosen one with expectations, but immediately agree if the feelings are mutual. Advice from family and friends can be confusing and scare off marital happiness.

Married women have to fight their illusions all month. It will seem to women that their partner has stopped loving them, that there is no fire in a relationship, that they themselves are not ideal enough. In fact, all these experiences are based only on the general fatigue of the lions. Feelings can shatter long-standing relationships and create real problems when given free rein. Feelings should not be shared even with friends and family. To let off steam, you can do yoga or start jogging in the morning.

Leo Man November 2020 Love Horoscope

Free male lions in the last month of autumn will feel an urgent need for female affection. To receive love and care, they will not necessarily enter into a relationship, but light flirting with familiar ladies will not be enough. A leisurely holiday romance, passionate, but without commitment or continuation, will be able to satisfy the heartfelt needs of the lions.

On the contrary, busy representatives of the sign want stability and confidence in a partner. Anxiety in relation to a half may increase. In order not to spoil the relationship with your suspicion, it is worth spending more time with the chosen one, trying to share her hobbies. This will help not only relieve anxiety, but also strengthen the relationship.

Married men will feel coldness on the part of their spouse. Most likely, she received not enough attention and affection from her partner, and now thus demonstrates it to him. In order to smooth out the corners, the lion should return the relationship a few years ago: invite his beloved for a romantic date, take him to a resort, or please him with breakfast in bed. It is better not to take serious steps like changing living space or planning children during this period.

The patient was diagnosed with cancer. What to do in such a situation? Hands folded? Rely on the will of God? Or, perhaps, to connect alternative methods to the main treatment? Let's figure it out.

The body is able to defend itself

Cancer is perceived as an unlucky ticket in a huge genetic lottery. And doctors pin all their hopes on the appearance of a miracle cure. In such a situation, any approach that is not based on competent medicine risks being branded as giving false hope. However, we must not forget about the important role that a correct lifestyle, in particular nutrition, plays in the fight against any disease, including cancer.

David Servan-Schreiber, author of the bestselling book Antirak. A new way of life ”, suggests that the patient himself is able to contribute to getting rid of cancer. Even on the verge of death, a person is still able to save his life. David Servan-Schreiber can be trusted, because he proved by his own example the viability of his theory: day after day he fought with a brain tumor, underwent 4 operations, won 19 years from death and told others about his experience. “There are no alternative cures for cancer today,” he writes. - It is impossible even to think about how to treat it without resorting to modern medical advances. But it is unwise to neglect the body's natural ability to defend against tumors by preventing disease or helping the body during therapy. ”

Harmony of body and soul

By taking control of their illness, the most advanced patients learn to live more in harmony with their body and their past, seek peace of mind through yoga and meditation, choose foods that help fight cancer, and avoid those that promote cancer. Their stories show that they live 2-3 times longer than the average patient with the same type of cancer and the same stage of the disease, but absolutely nothing beyond the basic treatment recommended by the doctor.

This was proved by the famous American oncologist Dr. Dean Ornish. He divided his patients into two groups. The former limited themselves to fulfilling the doctor's prescriptions. The latter, in addition to this, followed a vegetarian diet with supplements (antioxidant vitamins E and C, micro doses of selenium and 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids per day), had certain physical activities, for example, at least 30 minutes of walking 6 times a week, performed stress relief exercises(yoga, visualization - getting rid of pain by visual representation, breathing exercises, gradual relaxation) and attended one-hour sessions in a psychological support group every day.

After 12 months, the doctor summed up the results. In patients of the first group, the cancer progressed, and in patients of the second group, who changed their lifestyle, the level of SPA (a specific protein-antigen secreted by the tumor) decreased by an average of 4%, and this indicated that their blood became 7 times more actively to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Scientists are now beginning to understand that there are certain unfavorable psychological factors affecting the mechanisms of cancer development. Among them, the most serious are two:

- psychological trauma, especially if it returns us to the pain that we experienced in childhood;

- the feeling of an unlived life.

How to get rid of heavy obsessive thoughts? David Servan-Schreiber advises: “In such cases, the development of inflammatory processes in cancer cells can be slowed down by meditation. Five minutes a day is enough to get started: they allow you to re-establish contact with yourself, and when it becomes a habit, meditation will set the tone for your whole day! "

New "food" medicine

You don't believe that proper nutrition can save you from cancer, even from genetically inherited? But how, then, can this fact be explained? Death from cancer before the age of 50 of one of the adoptive parents (who inherit habits, not genes) 5 times increases the risk of death from cancer in adopted children, that is, the lifestyle is directly related to the development of cancer. “This is not about becoming a healthy eating fanatics,” writes David Servan-Schreiber in his book. “I’m just asking you to realize that some foods (like green tea or turmeric) give us health, while others (refined sugar, improperly fed animals) contribute to disease. Today, as it was in my case, it is useless to undergo chemotherapy without natural methods to increase the body's ability to fight the inflammation that feeds cancer cells. Nothing interferes with drinking green tea during the course of radiation therapy. "

The opinion of the author of the book "Antirak" is shared by many scientists. In the USA, for example, among medical specialties there is already a cancerpreventеr - a doctor whose task is to prevent cancer, catch its first signs and advise the patient on how he should change his lifestyle and diet, which supplements to start taking. What products are included in anti-cancer list?

In the first place - fish and unrefined vegetable oil (not only olive, but also sunflower (that smells like seeds), as well as rapeseed, flaxseed, sesame. Elliot Berry, an outstanding Israeli nutritionist, wrote: “I believe in little, except God, of course, and the importance of the ratio of omega-6 / omega-3 acids. ”The correct ratio is in sea fish (and the smaller the fish, the more benefits it has) and in the first cold pressed oil.

And here is a comment by Dutch professor Fritz Muskith: "We are spending millions forcing people to use seat belts and not speeding so they can safely drive up to the restaurant and stuff more trans fats." Trans fats are margarine. It is clear that today rarely anyone cooks homemade food using this harmful product. But here's any snack in fast food, buying ready-made food in the store - and the person received a portion of trans fats (the so-called hydrogenated vegetable fats). There are especially many of them in fried foods, any pastries, cookies, pizza, chips ...

V the list of anti-cancer products lots of vegetables, legumes, fruits and berries. The most useful are various types of cabbage (broccoli stands out), garlic, soy, turmeric, raspberries, blueberries. Dark chocolate and green tea will help avoid cancer (and if such a diagnosis has already been made, then contribute to the success of treatment). “Of course, it is better to eat organic food,” writes David Servan-Schreiber. “At the same time, the awareness of the harmfulness of pesticides should not deprive us of vegetables and fruits: the benefits from them are much greater than the possible harm. That is, it is better to eat broccoli with pesticides than not to eat broccoli at all! You just need to thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits and peel them - that's all. "

Also on the list of healthy foods is turmeric, the most potent of natural anti-inflammatories. Indians who consume several grams of it a day (it is part of curry) are much less likely to suffer from cancer, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease than Europeans and Americans.

The general rule is this. A cancer patient needs to eat some of these foods with every meal - no exceptions.

Cancer is like diabetes

Cancer requires attention every day. What does the patient need? He needs to stick to an anti-cancer diet and try to keep the feeling that he still has his life in his own hands.

Below is a table that will help the patient to correctly compose his diet. Try to avoid consuming the products in the first column, preferring the products in the second column. Notice how many healthy Japanese dishes are on the list. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun still hold the lead in the number of centenarians. The incidence of cancer among the Japanese is the lowest. And cancer patients successfully cope with an evil disease. Doctors believe that one of the secrets of the Japanese is the correct diet.

Foods to reduce consumption Foods to include in meals
High glycemic index foods (sugar, white flour)

Fruits, flours and starches with a low glycemic index (multi-grain bread, basmati rice, uncooked durum pasta, bran)

Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (sunflower, soybean, corn) Olive, linseed and rapeseed oil
Technologically processed dairy products

Natural dairy products obtained from cows fed on herbs and feeds with a balanced content of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, soy milk, soy yoghurts

Fried food, chips

Vegetables, olives, legumes and tofu

Red meat, poultry skin

Natural meat (from grass-fed cows) - maximum 200 g per week; grass-fed poultry and eggs obtained from it, sea fish (mackerel, sardines, salmon)

Fruit and vegetable skins (since pesticides remain in them)

Cleaned fruit and vegetables

Tap water in areas of intensive agriculture due to the presence of nitrates and pesticides.

Filtered tap water (carbon filter or reverse osmosis filter), mineral or spring water in plastic bottles (if the bottles are not heated in the sun and the water does not smell like plastic, otherwise PVC may be present in it), green tea

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The diagnosis of "cancer" forces many people to look at their lives in a new way, to reassess their lifestyle, diet, habits. From the very beginning of treatment, you need to make changes in your life that will help the body cope with a serious illness and feel as comfortable as possible.

Below we will consider the main indications and contraindications for cancer patients, but you should always keep in mind the following points.

Firstly, the body of each person is individual and there is always a possibility that there is a variant of individual intolerance to a particular product or therapeutic agent, even if it is the most harmless at first glance.

Secondly, oncological diseases themselves can radically differ from each other both in their course, and in the degree of development, and in their susceptibility to certain external factors and influences.

It follows from this that there are no absolutely universal recipes and indications (as well as contraindications), therefore every cancer patient should discuss everything “can” and everything “not” with his attending oncologist.

Healthy eating. What should be avoided for cancer?

People who are faced with cancer immediately face a lot of questions related to nutrition: what kind of drinks are useful for treating cancer, which ones should be discarded, and which ones are strictly prohibited? in case of oncological disease, the following tasks should be solved:

Provide the body with energy,
- maintain a normal weight and prevent body wasting,
- support the normal functioning of the immune system, protect against inflammatory and infectious processes,
- to provide effective detoxification (removal of tumor decay products), to support the effective functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestines,
- to help improve well-being.

Here is a list of helpful products to help you cope with these challenges:

Fruits and vegetables (fresh, dried, frozen),
- whole grain products (cereals, bread, wholemeal pasta),
- legumes (beans, peas, beans),
- lean meats,
- fish with white meat, small quantities of seafood (shrimp, squid, etc.),
- nuts, seeds,
- low-fat dairy products,
- unrefined vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, linseed, etc.),
- honey, bee pollen.

Here is a list of foods that are contraindicated in cancer:

Products with a high carbohydrate content (refined sugar, bakery products made from premium flour, confectionery, white rice, vermicelli, etc.),
- animal fats, artificial fats, margarines, etc.,
- hot processed vegetable oils,
- fatty meats, all types of sausages, fatty meat broths,
- mushrooms and mushroom broths,
- dairy products with a high level of fat content,
- egg whites,
- fried foods,
- smoked products,
- canned foods,
- fermented foods,
- semi-finished products containing various flavor enhancers, stabilizers, preservatives, etc.,
- coffee, strong tea, carbonated drinks,
- chocolate,
- chips and fast foods,
- yeast and yeast products.

Compliance with the norms of a balanced balanced diet will be the best help to the body during and after treatment. If the sessions disturb your appetite or taste, or cause nausea, consult your doctor - he will help you fight the side effects of therapy. Switching from regular to small meals every 2-3 hours can also help to cope with problems to some extent.

Correct hydration of the body contributes to the reduction of side effects from chemotherapy. It is recommended for cancer patients to drink 6-8 glasses of liquid daily. In this case, it is necessary to alternate meals and water (taking a pause between them). Especially useful are green tea, tea made from raspberry leaves, currants, etc., decoctions of fruits and dried fruits, freshly squeezed juices (when choosing one or another juice, one must take into account the peculiarities of its effect on the body). Fresh strong tea and coffee are contraindicated for cancer patients.

Cancer patients are also strictly prohibited from any biological additives, unless they are recommended by the oncologist. You can also not take any homeopathic remedies and immunostimulants without a doctor's prescription.

Cancer and alcohol

Alcoholic drinks for cancer are categorically contraindicated in any quantities.

Drinking alcohol during the course of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is especially dangerous. Alcoholic beverages have tremendous destructive power and can negate all therapeutic measures.

Research confirms that the use of alcohol for any form of cancer triples the risk of death.

Alcohol consumption is especially dangerous for the following groups of patients:

Cancer and exercise

Most people with cancer are worried about fatigue. Because of this, their lifestyle becomes less and less active. Experts say that moderate physical activity helps to successfully fight fatigue, strengthening the patient not only physically, but also emotionally. During the fight against cancer, in no case should you give up physical activity. Physical exercises:

Strengthens the cardiovascular system,
- help maintain a healthy weight,
- strengthen muscles,
- reduce fatigue and fill with energy,
- reduce the level of depression, instill optimism,
- improve the perception of the world and self-perception, give a feeling of satisfaction and joy.

If you have never played sports, start gradually, for example with short walks, gradually increasing the duration and pace. Strive to provide your body with at least 30 minutes of moderate (or intense) physical activity 5 or more times a week. Ideally, exercise should take 45-60 minutes daily.

However, training that is too intense should be avoided. Listen to your body. If your body needs rest, be sure to provide it: you should not be too zealous, overstrained!

Cancer and massage

Many experts talk about the negative impact of massage on cancer. They argue that this procedure can provoke an exacerbation of the disease due to the fact that it has a strong effect on blood circulation.

Other experts say that massage is not to be feared if done by a qualified massage therapist using special massage techniques. In this case, massage not only does not harm the patient, but can significantly improve the quality of his life.

In any case, if you are planning to undergo a massage course, consult your oncologist in advance.

Cancer and the sun

Cancer patients should not be overly afraid of the sun (unless it is). For example, it would be an unnecessary precaution to walk only on the shady side of the street or to use an umbrella throughout the summer season.

However, people diagnosed with cancer are not recommended to stay in direct sunlight for a long time without protection (clothing and headgear), and even more so to sunbathe. This exacerbates the pathological processes occurring in the body, and can provoke a more aggressive course of the disease.

Cancer and thermal treatments

Any thermal treatment is not recommended for cancer patients, be it a Russian bath, a sauna, a hot bath or some spa treatments. Experts also advise against soaring legs, inhalation and rubbing. The fact is that during thermal procedures there is an expansion of blood vessels and an increase in blood flow, which contributes to the spread throughout the body.

Popular cancer clinics and centers

Assuta Medical Center in Israel considers the treatment of cancer as one of its primary tasks. The oncology department of the center has in its arsenal the latest diagnostic and treatment equipment, which allows for high-quality diagnostics and therapy of almost all types of cancer.

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

How does nutrition affect the risk of developing cancer?

Three types of oncological tumors are closely related to human nutrition: malignant neoplasm of the colon or small intestine, rectal tumor and cancer breasts.

According to statistics, in areas where the soil contains high concentrations of nitrosamine, cancer is much more common.

In the Chinese districts of Lingxien and Fansien, pickles have traditionally been the main vegetable product. The cucumbers were buried in the ground, where molds and other fungi always live. Mold fungi in combination with the carcinogen nitrosamine had a pronounced carcinogenic effect. Locals were persuaded to take daily ascorbic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant that detoxifies nitrosamines. In addition, the antioxidant effect of ascorbic acid is enhanced when combined with the flavonoid rutin and vitamin PP. Every day, people consumed 0.3-0.9 grams of ascorbic acid. After a week of taking vitamin C, the concentration of nitrosamine in the urine fell to normal levels, however, when the intake of vitamin C was interrupted, it began to grow. Local animals also suffered from nitrogen compounds.

In areas with the highest percentage of people affected by cancer, food was extremely poor in biologically significant elements: there was not enough iron, bromine, iodine, manganese, aluminum, cobalt, but the main deficient substance was ascorbic acid.

According to a special state program in Lingyen and Fansien, special nutrition systems were developed for people, the soil was improved by using fertilizers rich in biologically significant elements, fresh vegetables and fruits were recommended for consumption, as well as the regular use of ascorbic acid. Since then, the number of people suffering from cancer in these areas has decreased by an order of magnitude.

How to eat to avoid getting cancer?

Therefore, in order to prevent cancer, it is necessary to supplement the daily diet with foods containing ascorbic acid (fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits), tocopherol (wheat germ), β-carotene (carrots, lettuce, paprika, orange, persimmon, currants, peaches), B -complex (brewing yeast, liver, kidneys, meat, fish, eggs, etc.) and other biologically significant elements. It is also necessary to enrich the diet with fiber (oatmeal, bran, buckwheat, maize, rye bread).

Foods containing the macronutrient potassium: garden cabbage, broccoli, cucumber, potatoes, onions, carotel, fresh herbs, horseradish, dandelion root, currants, orange, radish, tomato, apricot, grapes, plums, beans, soybeans, beans, wholemeal rye bread, oatmeal, pumpkin.

Foods containing the trace element iodine: ocean fish, kelp, lettuce, parsley, dill, green onion, rutabaga, melon, garlic, carrot, cabbage, broccoli, beets, tomato, beans, oatmeal, strawberries, raisins.

Foods that are high in fiber (vegetables, herbs, whole grains) and low in triglycerides should be preferred. If a woman consumes an excessive amount of triglycerides, the secretion of the hormone estrogen in the adrenal cortex is stimulated in her body; excess estrogen in turn increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer.

The liver eliminates excess estrogen in the body. However, for this she needs the essential fatty amino acid methionine (Bertolethia is rich in them), inositol (sunflower seeds, peanuts with peels, lean bread), vitamin B4 (red grapes). In addition, it is necessary to add a large amount of fiber to the diet. Fiber acts as a ballast to cleanse the intestines regularly and thus free the body of excess estrogen.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that contain methylxanthines - organic compounds found in coffee beans, tea leaves, cola, cocoa, and pharmacological preparations that include caffeine. Methylxanthines activate the secretion of fluids in the hollow organs and stimulate tissue scarring (collagen proliferation).

It is imperative to provide the body with enzymes, biologically significant elements, aminocarboxylic acids, vitamins that are part of environmentally friendly products.

To this end, the following foods should be included in the daily diet.: Whole grain dishes, oatmeal, brown rice, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, dates, walnuts, almonds, cucumbers, paprika, radish, cauliflower, wheat germ, kelp, soy, beans.

Foods that prevent the development of malignant tumors: vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, radish, rutabaga, pumpkin, tomato, paprika, garlic, green onion, parsley, dill, soybeans, ginger); fruits (American perseus, dates, pomelo, strawberry, tangerine, raspberry); nuts (apricot seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, bertoleta, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds); fish (herring, mackerel, sardinella, tuna), cereals (unpolished rice, buckwheat), olive oil, flax seed oil, liver, kelp, green tea.

Foods that inhibit tumor metastasis: fish oil, deep-sea fish (mackerel, herring, Atlantic cod), garden cabbage, broccoli, garlic, carrots, lettuce, paprika, parsley, dill, green onions.

Medicinal plants that prevent the development of malignant tumors

Heather, common barberry, knotweed, motherboard, woodlice, Siberian senega, buckthorn, common dandelion, pozdnika, plantain, chernobyl, golden root, licorice, common yarrow.

To destroy cancer and prevent the growth of metastases, the Chinese traditionally include apricot and almond seeds in the diet.

The main course for the prevention of the formation and progression of malignant tumors with the use of biologically active additives of the Tianshi corporation

1st stage- harmonization of disturbed metabolism.
1. Anti-lipid tea: drink 150 ml for toning. from 7 am to 6 pm. With normal blood pressure and with arterial hypertension, drink hot half an hour before a meal, with hypotension - 2 hours after a meal chilled.
2. Biocalcium: a teaspoon without a slide in a glass of water, drink in the morning half an hour before meals, slowly.
3. Capsules with cordyceps mycelium: 3 capsules half an hour before breakfast and 2 capsules half an hour before lunch, washed down with warm water or anti-lipid tea.
4. Chitosan: 5 capsules half an hour before bedtime with a glass of warm water. Because the substance chitosan can remove other dietary supplements from the intestines; before use, it is necessary to observe a temporary distance of 4 hours.
5. HI Fiber: dilute one sachet in 200 ml. purified water, drink at any time.
The duration of the first stage is 60 days.

2nd stage - cleansing the body of toxins, destroying viral infections, strengthening immunity, destroying mutagens and carcinogens.
1. Capsules with Changbai ant powder: 3 capsules half an hour before breakfast and 3 capsules half an hour before lunch, with a glass of purified water.
2. Holikan: one capsule half an hour before breakfast and half an hour before lunch, drink 100 ml. warm boiled water. In the presence of a benign or malignant tumor, the number of capsules can be increased to 5.
3. Nutritional Meal: Dissolve one sachet in warm water, drink any time of the day.
4. Evening primrose oil: 1-3 capsules 2 times a day during meals, drink 100-200 ml. purified water.
The duration of the second stage is 60 days.

The duration of the main course of cancer prevention is 120 days.
The recommended break between repetitions of the course is 2 months.

In addition to a healthy diet rich in vitamins, biologically significant elements and antioxidants, one should not forget about a healthy lifestyle, in particular about bad habits. Quitting smoking and alcoholic beverages will only benefit.

At the heart of each oncological disease is the process of loss of sensitive body cells to regulatory signals from its side, as a result of which uncontrolled cell growth and division begins.
And in this regard, there are some restrictions on taking medications for existing oncology. What medications should not be taken, if any?

Drugs that should not be taken for cancer

  • Doctors do not recommend the use of medicines that, to one degree or another, stimulate metabolic processes, as well as influencing the intensity of the blood circulation process in the diseased organ and proliferative processes;
  • The group of drugs not recommended for oncology includes, first of all, various contraceptives;
  • vitamins, anticoagulants;
  • Also, with great care, doctors advise taking drugs of the nootropic group, iron preparations... This also includes medicinal means that stimulate regenerative processes in tissues.

Any medications and other medications should only be prescribed by a doctor, who must take into account the existing symptoms. At the same time, it is very important for the patient to adhere to the recommended dosages and terms of treatment.

There are different opinions among doctors about taking iron-containing drugs. Some oncologists believe that taking iron supplements is necessary, since the tumor “eats up” hemoglobin, and it becomes much less than normal in the blood. However, oncologists should understand that taking iron-containing drugs in oncology is a dead-end path that leads to the irreversibility of oncological processes. Non-iron preparations. Any bioactive supplement, including preparations with iron in the form of iron salts, is easily assimilated and is not regulated by the body. And this leads to disruption of physiological processes in tissues and contributes to the emergence of incurable diseases of hemochromatosis and cancer, as well as the spread of cancer - the growth of metastases. Iron itself can be a cause of cancer.

What is the way out? And the way out is in blocking the nutrition of a cancerous tumor using the strictest diet and taking special herbs... The tumor regresses, therefore, hemoglobin also grows to its normal value.

Also for cancer patients immunostimulants are contraindicated(immunomodulators). Even people without oncology cannot take immunomodulators without prescription, only after an immunogram. This modern fashion to strengthen the immune system for any reason can turn into new problems.

From natural remedies cancer patients do not use aloe as it is considered a potent biostimulant.

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