Home Perennial flowers Perennial flowers are similar to chamomile. What is the name of the flowers that look like chamomile. Garden chamomile: the birthplace of the plant and options for use in garden decor

Perennial flowers are similar to chamomile. What is the name of the flowers that look like chamomile. Garden chamomile: the birthplace of the plant and options for use in garden decor

Came to Ded Khasan: the leaders of the criminal world leave for another world one by one

It rarely happens when a loud murder is not only not surprised, but even latently awaited. The shooting of Ded Khasan on Wednesday afternoon in the center of Moscow was an exception. They already tried to kill Aslan Usoyan, and although more than two years have passed since that day, it was rumored that the death sentence was not canceled, but only postponed. And so it happened. The sniper did not miss: the king of the underworld of Russia died on the threshold of his restaurant "Old Phaeton" on Povarskaya Street. "MK" found out who could have ordered Ded Khasan, and also figured out what would change in the criminal world in the coming months.

Kvantrishvili's prescription murder

The shooting in the "Old Phaeton" made many remember the murder of the famous crime boss Otari Kvantrishvili in April 1994. Again the sniper, again the roof of the house, the center of Moscow. Even the district is the same - Presnensky. The only difference is in the details.

So, Ded Khasan arrived at the "Old Phaeton" for lunch at about 13.00. This restaurant has an old bohemian criminal history. It opened eight years ago with great fanfare. Among the guests were noble people, for example, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Sergey Zverev often visited. Usoyan was considered a co-owner of a drinking establishment. He arranged meetings here more than once. Several times "Phaeton" has already become an arena of hostilities: when the number of crime bosses among the visitors of the tavern went off scale, riot police broke into the restaurant. But there was no shooting until that moment.

At 14.30 Ded Hasan went to the exit, accompanied by the guards. And at that moment three shots were fired. Hasan was wounded in the head. 30-year-old Maryat Bikchurina, who was two steps away from him, was in the leg and chest. The guards began to shoot back, but they fired indiscriminately - after all, the killer was at a decent distance from them. Then the guards accompanying Hasan wrapped the wounded chief in a carpet, dragged him into a car and rushed to the Botkin hospital. She is the closest to the site of the tragedy. In addition, in 2010, Botkinskaya's doctors had already saved Khasan's life.

At 15.00 Usoyan, bypassing the emergency department, was dragged to the intensive care unit of the hospital (it is located on the 1st floor). Medical luminaries immediately gathered here. But it was too late: the wounded man died on the way to the clinic. The doctors could only state the death.

At the time of publication of the material, doctors were fighting for Bikchurina's life. Her condition was aggravated by severe shock.

Inspection of the scene lasted for several hours. Quite quickly, the traces led the operatives to a house at the corner of Povarskaya Street and the Garden Ring. This old house is considered elite; in particular, the classic of Soviet literature Sergei Mikhalkov lived here. Actually, the killer was located almost above his apartment. He entered the attic, took his place in the "loophole" (a small window from which the entire inner food court is perfectly visible) and opened fire as soon as Khasan was in sight. Everything is the same as in the murder of Kvantrishvili, only then the criminal general did not leave the restaurant, but from the Krasnopresnenskie baths.

How did the killer get into the entrance? It's very simple: the house is being renovated, another floor is being built - and the front is almost a walk-through courtyard. A resident of the entrance where the killer was hiding, Tamara Mikhailovna, says:

Perhaps I let the killer into the house. Yes, don't be surprised. Workers call me all the time, they say: let me in, we need something on business. And this morning there was such a call. I don’t check who actually enters there.

By the way, again, due to renovations in the house, the entrance to the attic is open. So it is not more convenient to find the moment for an ambush.

Immediately 15 workers were brought from home to the Presnensky OMVD in the hope that one of them had seen the killer.

Grandfather Khasan at a meeting at the Old Phaeton restaurant.


Grandfather Khasan (Aslan Rashidovich Usoyan) was born in Tbilisi on February 27, 1937. The largest Russian crime boss (after the murder of Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) on July 28, 2009).


He was first sentenced at the age of 19 to 1.5 years for resisting police officers, but was soon released. On January 15, 1959, a court in Tbilisi sentenced Aslan Usoyan to 5 years in prison for robbery, later he was released on parole, but on December 28, 1966, he was again sentenced to 3 years in prison for speculation. While in prison, Usoyan was crowned thief in law by David Shaumyansky and Mehrach Fartov, and on June 24, 1968, he was released on parole. On May 30, 1995 in Moscow, Usoyan was detained by officers of the RUBOP of St. Petersburg and the Organized Crime Control Department of the Ministry of Water. During the search, the operatives seized about two kilograms of gold and 380 thousand US dollars. On April 27, 2010, Ded Khasan was detained in Kiev while trying to enter the territory of Ukraine using forged documents.


According to media reports, as of 2009, he was the leader of the Caucasian organized crime groups, controlled most of the Russian organized crime groups, regulating conflicts and disagreements between them. The "clan of Ded Hasan" includes thieves in law Lasha Rustavsky, Yura Pichuga, Volodya Tyurik.


■ Very fond of beautiful things. According to media reports, on this basis, he had a conflict with a well-known Moscow designer and restaurateur, who was doing European-style renovation in Ded's Moscow apartment. The designer decorated the apartment mainly in dark colors, Hassan did not like it, and instead of the fee he demanded to pay a fine - 60 thousand dollars.

■ Provided significant financial assistance to Abkhaz militias during the war with Georgia in the 1990s.

■ In 1998, he was involved in negotiations on the release of the Russian President's envoy to Chechnya, Valentin Vlasov, who had been captured by Chechen militants; for this he was even planted with ecstasy (the atypical nature of the drug gave rise to jokes in the thieves' milieu: "Grandfather is going to a disco ..."), interrogation and negotiations were conducted by the then chief GUBOP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Vanichkin.


Since 1996, according to the media, he was in conflict with a thief in law, a representative of the Armenian organized criminal group Rudolf Oganov (Rudik Bakinsky), who decided to redistribute spheres of influence and take control of business in the Krasnodar Territory. The war of the crime clans ended with the murder of Oganov - in February 1999, more than 40 bullets were fired at him in a roadside cafe near the Moscow Ring Road. In 2006, Usoyan had a conflict with another criminal clan, led by Tariel Oniani (Taro). The subject of the dispute was the enterprises of the thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy), who was arrested in the UAE and extradited to Spain. On May 2, 2008, according to the media, Ded Khasan held a gathering of authoritative representatives of the criminal world, and here Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik) stood on the side of Usoyan in a dispute over the division of spheres of influence.


Grandpa Hasan survived two assassination attempts. In 1998, at the height of the war with Rudik Bakinsky, they shot at him in Sochi, the killer missed. The second attempt was made on the evening of September 16, 2010 in Moscow on Tverskaya Street near house 12, building 7. Ded Khasan was wounded in the stomach, his guard was wounded in the chest and right forearm. Later, the bodyguard died, and Khasan was taken to the intensive care unit of the Botkin hospital. In addition, on July 28, 1999, an accident occurred in the Gelendzhik region, as a result of which Usoyan received a fracture of the bones of his right forearm, a hematoma of the right fronto-brow region and was taken to intensive care.

Life at gunpoint

Shortly after the assassination attempt in 2010, an MK reporter met with a person from Khasan's inner circle. And then he said that after the assassination attempt, Grandfather settled in Lyubertsy, in a private mansion. Hasan practically did not leave this house, in which he, however, is only a guest. The mansion belongs to three brothers - "lawyers" - Tariel, David and Guram Pipia. All three were crowned in time immemorial, but the eldest, Tariel, had already retired. It was he who whiled away the days here with Hasan. “How do they live? Like everyone else - shashlik-mashlik. They don't suit the gathering, ”my tattooed interlocutor said. This is not surprising: the detectives followed Usoyan relentlessly. But in 2012, the "outdoor" was removed and the operatives seemed to have forgotten about Khasan, referring, among other things, to his venerable age. Say, he would now just quietly live out his ... And what is remarkable, Aslan Usoyan, despite all the talk about retirement, on the contrary, sharply intensified his activities. People in his circle explain: "The times have come difficult, it was impossible to relax and let everything go to chance." In fact, Hassan began to appoint members of the clan and, most often, his close relatives to all important posts. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region, his nephews became the "overseers" ... For the entire 2012, Khasan held several large gatherings, crowned a dozen people. He acted as if he felt that this was his last war.

War to the bitter end

The Azerbaijani authority Rovshan Dzhaniev, known as Rovshan Lenkoransky, is now called one of the likely customers of the assassination attempt on Ded Khasan. The fact is that Ded Hasan himself called his name after the assassination attempt on him on September 6, 2010, despite the fact that many sinned then on his sworn enemy Tariel Oniani (Taro).

Rovshan Lenkoransky.

Rovshan is a legendary person. Suffice it to recall how his path to the heights of crime began. He was born in the family of a policeman from the city of Lankaran (under the Soviet Union it was called Lankaran) in the south of Azerbaijan on January 27, 1975. When Rovshan turned 17, his father was brutally killed by members of the most famous criminal clan in Azerbaijan, against which the police conducted special operations several times. The killer of Rovshan's father, when he was caught, threatened right in court that he would deal with the entire Dzhaniev family. Then Rovshan, who was present at the meeting, took out a pistol right in the courtroom and shot the threatening man point-blank. For this, the court sentenced the policeman's son to only two years in prison, taking into account his state of mind. After serving his sentence, Rovshan continued to fight the thieves - in 2000, he shot thief in law Mammadov right in the center of Baku. But he did not manage to escape - he was caught and severely beaten, as a result of which he began to suffer from a mental illness. Instead of a colony, the court prescribed compulsory treatment for him, and a few months later he was completely released from criminal responsibility and went home for treatment. But the clan that dealt with his father did not leave his family alone, and all of Dzhaniev's relatives were forced to leave their hometown and go to Russia. But as soon as Rovshan received a Russian passport, the Azerbaijani prosecutor's office achieved a review of his case and put him on the international wanted list.

However, all this did not prevent Rovshan from gaining serious influence in the underworld - he was soon crowned a thief. A little later, the one who crowned him, and other Azerbaijani "authorities" who controlled both drug supplies and markets and vegetable bases in Moscow, mysteriously died. And those who survived were planted. And since 2006, Rovshan took the entire Azerbaijani business in Moscow under his wing.

In 2004, Rovshan was detained on suspicion of the murder of Elchin Yevlakhsky, the leader of the Azerbaijani organized crime group in St. Petersburg, who was shot in the summer of 2003 in the Apelsin bowling club in Moscow. But he got a written undertaking not to leave the place and disappeared. He was detained in 2006 at a thieves' meeting of Kutaisi authorities. Then Rovshan pretended to be an operative and again fled from law enforcement officers. And from another gathering, which, by the way, was attended by Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik), Rovshan also managed to escape unnoticed.

Dzhaniev's group controlled the Cherkizovsky market, but when it was closed, Rovshan lost a fat piece and began to claim the spheres of influence of Ded Khasan and his rival Taro. Hasan tried to drive Rovshan away from the trough, but he found support from the Georgian authorities, who also "stood in opposition" to Grandfather.

To eliminate Ded Khasan (it was an assassination attempt in 2010), a whole performance was allegedly staged. Rovshan Dzhaniev and two Georgian authorities - Dzhemo and Mamuka Mikeladze - seem to have decided to lure Ded Khasan to Moscow. To do this, at one of the gatherings, Rovshan beat up an old thief, and this is not by definition in the criminal world. Grandpa Khasan got angry and decided to punish Rovshan, but he fled to Ukraine. And the Mikeladze brothers, having agreed with one of the thieves from the former entourage of Ded Khasan, followed his movements. They say that on the day when they wanted to shoot Ded Khasan - and this happened later on Tverskaya Street - the thieves were already sharing the skin of the unkilled bear, deciding who would take his place. The Mikeladze brothers and the one who reported about Grandfather's movements were allegedly at that meeting. But then Hasan survived.

The fact that Rovshan left for Ukraine two days before the assassination attempt on Ded Hasan served as an alibi for him. But the law enforcement officers of the neighboring state, where Dzhaniev had settled by that time, were also not going to create a favorable stay regime for him. He was detained several times and wanted to extradite him to Azerbaijan. And literally on the eve of extradition, the State Committee for Nationalities and Religions stood up for Dzhaniev, which hastily granted him the status of a political refugee. Later, the Prosecutor General's Office protested Rovshan's refugee, and it was canceled. After being extradited to his homeland, he quickly resolved all issues with justice and returned to Kiev with a forged passport. And again he was detained.

In June 2012, it became known that Rovshan Lenkoransky was wounded during a thieves' showdown in the United Arab Emirates - he was stabbed three times. The conflict allegedly occurred during the discussion of control over the Warsaw Trade Center, which they want to build in Moscow on the site of the demolished market of the same name.

But what is behind all this "love-dislike", "friendship-enmity" and other fuss between the clans? Yes, just money. Usoyan turned out to be an advanced grandfather. He wanted to delve into new areas, was interested in the construction market, and not only in vegetable markets and Georgian-Azerbaijani restaurants, ”says a representative of the criminal world.

According to him, Usoyan was warned that if he did not retire, then age would not be spared. Therefore, all last year he walked only surrounded by a dozen guards. It is not surprising that the customers invited a sniper to play the role of the killer.

Another version of the murder of Ded Khasan is that he was avenged for the death of the Georgian General Dumbadze. Recall that the former general of the Georgian armed forces, Roman Dumbadze, who refused to obey Mikheil Saakashvili and was sentenced to life imprisonment for rebellion and treason, but later released and settled in Russia, was shot dead in May 2012 on Rublevskoe highway. Analysts did not rule out that Dumbadze could have been killed as a result of the redistribution of spheres of influence in the Adjarian diaspora due to the business interests of rival ethnic criminal groups controlled by Ded Khasan.

Faithful friends. The second from the left is the singer and actor Vakhtang Kikabidze, the third from the right is Ded Khasan, the far right is Kostya Mogila, killed in Moscow in 2003.

Who will take the place of Ded Hasan?

What will change with the departure of Hasan from the criminal scene? Most likely, his place will be taken by the Georgian thief in law Zakhary Kalashov (nicknamed Shakro Molodoy). This authority was recently blacklisted by the US State Department. The list was compiled after Barack Obama signed the "Strategy for Combating Transnational Organized Crime" in 2011. In addition to the Japanese Yakuza and the Italian Camorra, it listed an Eastern European criminal organization called the Brotherhood Circle. In the United States, it is considered the "Russian mafia", although it includes representatives of the former USSR. Shakro Molodoy is now in a Spanish prison, but this year he will be released. It's funny, but while in Moscow, Shakro's business continues his ... wife. According to rumors, she even participates in the "shooters". However, women today in the criminal world are increasingly trying to achieve serious positions - if not compete with their husbands, then at least become faithful helpers.

If Shakro takes the place of Hasan, the enemy clan will have an advantage at first. After all, after a long isolation, Shakro may become a little confused, but he is unlikely to lose his grip. It is possible that Shakro will work in tandem with Hasan's ascetic, his nephew Dmitry Chanturia (Miron).

There is no fundamental difference, which of them will be the most important, ”the expert says to MK. - The question is what, in principle, Georgian and Azerbaijani thieves from two opposing clans can claim. And here is a little trick. It's all about who will side with this or that clan. And I mean the support not of tattooed mafiamen, but of the authorities. All these groups exist with their knowledge and consent. It is worth nothing to betray some Georgian authorities to Georgia, which was bombarded with such requests. But they are not given away. Because they are needed. And who will control the migrant workers? Who will handle the markets? There is no one besides them. And the authorities, between us, do not care who is allowed to control - Rovshan or Shakro. But it's like a game. And she really amuses some people.

Who will win, who will lose from the murder of Ded Khasan - will show in the near future. But obviously the winners, oddly enough, will be the police. The murder of the old criminal in the "Old Phaeton" once again testifies to the urgent need to revive the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the fight against organized crime. After all, the criminal mafia has not disappeared anywhere. She just lurked for a while.

Members of the thieves' clan of the patriarch of the underworld Aslan Usoyan (Ded Khasan) who was killed in Moscow have compiled a "firing list" of his enemies who may be involved in his death. According to operational data, it mentions about two dozen names and thieves' nicknames - mostly representatives of the Azerbaijani organized crime group and a number of young Georgian thieves. According to operational data, several groups of professional killers are following them, who have already eliminated several suicide bombers, including the first in this list, the leader of the Azerbaijanis, Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lenkoransky).

As a source in the special services told Izvestia, the first “execution list” appeared at the end of last year, even before the death of Ded Khasan, and in fact it was drawn up by him. This was a response to the unprecedented insolent action of his enemies - thieves in law Merab Dzhangvelazde (Merab Sukhumsky), Dzhemal Mikeladze (Dzhemo) and the leader of the Azerbaijani wing of the thieves' world Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lenkoransky). They gathered a thieves' meeting in Dubai, at which 16 young authorities were crowned at once.

Grandfather Khasan responded by saying that he “sentenced” all the “godchildren” of his enemies, but gave a reprieve to carry it out, setting a condition - they must repent and move away from the clan of Merab, Rovshan and Dzhemo. Some of them, frightened, did just that.

Soon, in the center of Moscow, on Povarskaya Street, a sniper killed Ded Khasan himself. As a result, the “list of 16” was transformed. It included the enemies of the criminal patriarch, who, according to his supporters, were involved in his murder. The first places in the "death list" were taken by Rovshan Lenkoransky, his closest henchman Rufat Nasibov (Rufo Ganjansky) and Dzhemo, as well as a number of their associates in the Azerbaijani organized criminal group.

According to the intelligence services, mercenaries have already been sent to search for and punish the alleged customers and perpetrators of the murder of Ded Khasan.

Ded Khasan had several groups of professional killers, consisting of former athletes and law enforcement officers, - a source in the special services explained to Izvestia.

According to him, these are real professionals of the level of hired killers of the Kurgan and Orekhovskaya organized crime groups Alexander Solonik (Sasha Makedonsky) and Alexey Sherstobitov (Lesha Soldat). Ded Khasan's killers received a monthly “salary” of $ 20,000 - $ 25,000, as well as “bonuses” for each completed “order”.

It is possible that it was these mercenaries who recently killed the kingpin Rovshan. They simply did not have time to "get" Dzhemo, since he was actually saved from death by law enforcement agencies, who detained him with cocaine, grenades and forged documents. As for Rufo, there is still no exact information on him. Some sources say with 100% certainty that he was killed in Moscow on January 28, others deny this.

The detectives do not exclude that Kurds helped the people of Ded Hasan in organizing the assassination attempt on Rovshan Lenkoransky in Istanbul.

It is quite problematic to bring weapons to Turkey, so it is easier to get them directly on the spot, the detectives explain.

They remind that Ded Hasan is a Kurd by nationality, who maintained relations with his relatives, who have long been waging an armed struggle with the Turkish authorities for the creation of an independent Kurdistan. There were even rumors that at one time the state security bodies used these connections of Ded Hasan for their own purposes. Therefore, it is quite possible that the Kurdish militants either themselves participated in the elimination of Usoyan's killer, or provided assistance in organizing, or with weapons.

According to some reports, the nephew of Ded Khasan, Dmitry Chanturia (Mironchik), who took the place of the head of the thieves' clan, inherited part of his connections from his uncle, primarily among the security forces and abroad. Therefore, his position, despite his young age and lack of serious authority among thieves, is quite strong.

It is curious that the Russian special services have not yet received a clear answer from the Turkish side about the circumstances of the assassination attempt on Rovshan Dzhaniev in Istanbul, as well as confirmation of his death.

We're pretty sure he's killed. Although it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility that this is deliberate disinformation launched by Rovshan himself, a source in the special services explained to Izvestia, adding that reports have been regularly received from Baku, allegedly referring to Rovshan's relatives, that he is alive for several days. - health, rests in Dubai and is on the phone with loved ones.

Meanwhile, the Istanbul police department confirmed to Izvestia the information about the shooting in the Besiktas district on February 1, but said they had no information about the identity of the wounded man who later died in hospital.

A Izvestia source in the Russian special services stressed that Rovshan Lenkoransky himself is an extraordinary person, with a biography that is very unusual for a thief in law. He was born into the family of a policeman who died at the hands of criminals in the "dashing 1990s".

Rovshan himself apparently initially wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and, like one of his brothers, received a law degree. But in 1996, his father's killer was caught. Rovshan shot him right in the courtroom. True, he received the minimum term - only two years, since the court took into account that threats were made to the Dzhaniev family from the criminal, and Rovshan himself was in a state of passion.

However, this release became key, after which he was increasingly drawn into the criminal world. According to some reports, the conflict with Ded Khasan, which led to bloody showdowns, began several years ago, and its origins lay in the struggle for control over a large industrial enterprise in Dnepropetrovsk in Ukraine and control over the supply of flowers and greenery to the markets and wholesale depots in Moscow. ...

Snowy white petals and a "sunny" center are not always about chamomile. The humblest garden flower has many "relatives" and "close friends" with similar appearance. You can find such plants in different types.

The genus "chamomile" belongs to the botany aster family. There are 5 types of flower structure in this family. Plants with ligulate marginal and tubular inner flowers can be called chamomile-like.

  • Nivyanik. Previously, it belonged to chrysanthemums, but was later isolated separately. It has many forms: terry, needle, forms with very large or very small inflorescences. The daisy blooms in June, and withers only with the arrival of the first frost. In culture, it is unpretentious, grown as a perennial plant. The stem ends with only one corolla.
  • Gerbera (transvaal chamomile). Popular in both garden and indoor floriculture. Gerbera petals are colored by nature in any color except blue. The diameter of one inflorescence is from 4 to 30 cm. Photophilous, develops in direct sunlight.
  • Arctotis large-flowered (bear's ear). Inflorescences are large, up to 10 cm. Petals are silvery-white, the reverse side is bluish. It is rarely found in flower beds, although it has been cultivated for more than 200 years. At night and before the rain, the flowers close. There are yellow, orange, pink, purple arctotis species.
  • Anacyclus (saliva). Ground cover plant, forms dense clumps. Possesses medicinal properties. Blooms from July to August.

Attention! It is easy to mistake for a simple chamomile umbilical field, feverfew, three-ribbed - these are meadow flowers, most of them grow like weeds in the fields.

Exotic "relatives"

African chamomile or osteospermum is a rare flower in our country. Another well-known name is Cape daisy. Petals are not only white, but also blue, purple, lilac, red, yellow, orange. The dimensions of the basket are 3–8 cm. Interesting hybrids with unusual petal shapes, for example, resembling a spoon (spoon-like osteospermum), have been bred. Most similar to chamomile:

  • Barberiae;
  • Eklon;
  • osteospermum is noticeable.

The bushes bloom and branch profusely. The plant does not lose its attractiveness even in rainy weather. To make friends with African chamomile, it is enough to prepare a sunny area with well-drained, not very fertile soil. The plant is thermophilic, at -10 ° C it will die in the open field. For the winter, they are transplanted and kept in cool rooms (+ 5 ... + 10 ° C).

Osteospermum is noticeable

Gazania (gatsania) is another African "guest". A low-growing plant (30 cm) with red, orange, pink or yellow petals. The leaves are textured, dark green or with a grayish bloom. Grown as an annual and perennial. With proper agricultural technology and in favorable conditions, gating blooms all summer. The plant practically does not get sick, it can be affected by insects: ticks and aphids. For the winter, the bushes are dug up and kept in a well-lit, cool place. Rarely watered.

Homeland of Ursinia South Africa. Of the cultivated species, not all are suitable for the climate of the Middle zone, the dill ursinia is most adapted to it. The plant is not left for wintering, it is grown as an annual. Popular varieties:

  • Undine;
  • Aurora;
  • Bright-Orange.

For the abundant flowering of ursinia, 5 hours of sunshine is needed.


Yellow "daisies"

More than 300 varieties of garden chamomile have been bred. For example, an exceptional one: yellow-lemon "pom-poms" with green carved foliage on the stems. Many famous yellow daisies, from a botanical point of view, are not:

  • Doronicum (goat). In nature, widespread in Europe, North. America, Asia Minor. Depending on the species, its height ranges from 25–140 cm. In culture, it is unpretentious, grows rapidly and blooms profusely until late autumn. Frost-resistant perennial.
  • Anthemis (dyeing navel). Saturated yellow flowers 5 cm in diameter. Stunted (no higher than 30 cm), well-branched, pubescent gray-green leaves. Self-seeding annual.

  • Careopsis. There are about 30 plant species in cultivation. The color of the petals is yellow, yellow-orange. Bred rose variety Heavenly Gates. Well worth cutting, used for decoration of flower beds of any type, borders. Drought-resistant and frost-resistant plant.

Similar to chamomile with marginal petals of "sunny" color: Jerusalem artichoke, sunflower, calendula, rudbeckia.

White and colored "daisies"

Not all chrysanthemums can be confused with chamomile. Perhaps the most similar varieties are:

  • arctic white;
  • autumn (late);
  • Indian (golden yellow petals);
  • Bacardi (classic "chamomile" color combination).

Small multi-colored corollas are cineraria. At the base, the petals can be white, and the edges are colored. The height of the stems is from 25 to 70 cm. There are also monochromatic cineraria, for example, snow-white hybrid varieties with a red center.

Anemone Blanda and hybrid Coronal - resemble chamomile. Representatives of the bulbous family love partial shade and well-drained fertile soil. Anemone petals are delicate, sensitive to winds and bad weather. There are about 160 species of anemone in total.

There are some similarities with chamomile in the immortelle, especially in gelichrizum. Ground cover perennial about half a meter high with snow-white petals and a yellow center. In August, when the flowers dry up, the immortelle does not lose its decorative effect.

Multicolored daisies with a yellow center - why not daisies? Unpretentious annuals are bred themselves from seeds. Two-year-old daisy to preserve the variety, propagated by cuttings.

It is difficult to list all the plants that look like chamomile. Different in color, size and even growing conditions - these "basket" inflorescences are united by a common "chamomile" charm.

Terry daisies: video

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