Home perennial flowers James blunt biography. James blunt on working with Queen Elizabeth, his doctorate and the wedding of his friend Prince Harry. Turns out the music isn't that important.

James blunt biography. James blunt on working with Queen Elizabeth, his doctorate and the wedding of his friend Prince Harry. Turns out the music isn't that important.

Childhood of James Blunt

The future musician was born in England, it happened in a military hospital. Then he lived for some time in Germany and Cyprus. The boy's father was a military pilot, which influenced the choice of his profession. Even in his school years, he began to get involved in music. At first he took piano lessons, and then he began to pick up melodies on the guitar. My father did not support this hobby. Any music he considered useless noise.

From the age of seven, James studied at a boarding school. At the age of fourteen, the teenager began to write his own songs. Since that time, music has come to the fore. Study seemed to be something unimportant, but the exact sciences were always given to him. He lived in a school dormitory, and music was always coming from his room. Getting an education

James Blunt

At the age of sixteen, the young man already had a license to fly an aircraft. After school, he decided to study at the university, choosing the profession of an aerospace engineer. He was not interested in learning. Blunt remembers that most of the time he just slept in the back of the desk. They wanted to kick him out. At this time, the father insisted that James go to the army.

James Blunt in the Army

Blunt was trained at the Military Academy, for some time he was at the training base in Canada. In 1999, he was already the commander of a tank unit that represented NATO. During the bombing in Yugoslavia, his unit stood on the border of Yugoslavia and Macedonia.

Even while in the tank, James was with a guitar. Since this was contrary to the charter, the guitar had to be attached to the outside of the tank. Blunt wrote songs all the time, even while in the military. The composition “No Bravery” belongs to that period of his life, the singer wrote it at a moment of calm.

What James saw in Kosovo, felt the consequences of the civil war, made a strong impression on him. At that time, he wrote several fatalistic songs, later included in his first album.

Songs and albums by James Blunt

After serving for several years, Blunt left the army in 2002. The father, of course, was very unhappy. The young man decided to concentrate on music lessons. After collecting several demos of his best songs, he, a few months later, signed an agreement to record an album and management. James met Linda Perry, a producer and songwriter. Perry heard Blunt sing at one of the music conferences, since then she has never let the talented singer out of her sight. She herself offered to sign a contract with him. In addition, Linda owned the Custard Records recording studio, with which Blunt signed a contract.

James Blunt

In 2003, in California, he recorded his first album with Tom Rothrock. At one time, Tom was the producer of Elton John. Elton himself noted that many of Blunt's songs seem to him a continuation of his "Your Song". The work went on for over a year. Simultaneously with the recording of the album, which took place during the day, the singer performed in nightclubs in the evenings. In California, listeners liked his British accent. James' melodies were simple but pleasant, with careful arrangements. His pleasant tenor gave sensual tension and emotional nuances to all his compositions.

Sketches for some of the songs were brought to California with him, and Blunt wrote some of the songs already in America. He rented rooms from the landlady, who put the piano in the bathroom. Several compositions were “born” there. James noted that the change of scenery contributed to his creativity intensified. So, in the bathroom, sitting at the piano, the singer composed the touching ballad "Goodbye My Lover".

The debut album was called "Back to Bedlam". Its release took place in early October 2004 and immediately found itself at the top of the British charts, staying there for about five weeks. The disc could not be left without the attention of music lovers and deserved a lot of laudatory reviews. Rothrock believed that almost the entire album was a challenge to Elton John's first hits.

The second album was released in the fall of 2007, its name is "All The Lost Souls". And three years later, the singer and musician released his third music album, Some Kind of Trouble.

James Blunt at present

The fourth studio album was released by James in the fall of 2013. The producer was Tom Rothrock again, who also produced Blunt's first two albums. The fourth album was called "Moon Landing".

James Blunt

In April 2014, James gave a concert in Moscow as part of a world tour.

Personal life of James Blunt

It is known that for more than a thousand years, all the men of the Blunt family were associated with the army. Refined materials and music have always been something far away for them. The singer's father rose to the rank of colonel.

James, like any Englishman, is not indifferent to football. He is a Chelsea fan. One of the singer's houses is located next to the home stadium of his favorite team. Blunt is a great athlete. During his military service, he led the skiing team.

It is known that the composition "No Bravery" was written by James when he spent the night in a sleeping bag near his tank during his years in the army.

James Blunt

"My life is brilliant, my love is pure" - the lines of his famous "You're Beautiful" were hummed and continue to sing around the world. Love and all that is still the main theme of Blunt's work. But in real life, this refined Briton is much more difficult. First, he is a former military man. Behind the gentle "vanilla" songs hides the Honor Guard, who was trained at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, was a second lieutenant in the Palace Cavalry regiment, rose to the rank of captain. In the late 90s, during the bombing of Yugoslavia, James Hillier Blount (real name of the singer. - MS) commanded a tank unit in NATO troops on the Macedonian-Yugoslav border. Joking aside, the long story of how a vanguard force led by Captain Blount entered the Kosovo capital and stopped World War III from breaking out has been widely circulated in the British media. In 2002, James retired from the service. The place of the soldier was taken by the vocalist and composer under the pseudonym James Blunt. Today, a five-time Grammy nominee, winner of two BRIT Awards and a string of MTV awards, he is on his fifth world tour. His new show The Afterlove will take place on May 14 at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg and on May 16 at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow.

Marie Claire: James, are you aware that your song "You're Beautiful" can still be heard in Russia as a ringtone?

James Blunt: Are you saying some people haven't changed their ringtone since the early 2000s? (Laughs.)

It's funny, but it's a fact. Tell me how the song came about?

Once on the London Underground, I walked past my ex-girlfriend, she was with another guy. We made eye contact. They didn’t say anything, didn’t approach each other, but in one moment they lived a whole life. That's how the song came about. Probably, everyone at least once caught a stranger’s gaze on himself, answered it and thought: if the moment and place were different, what would happen to the two of us? Perhaps that is why the song became so popular.

Curious how you write? On napkins in a restaurant? Do you sing to the voice recorder of your phone or at sunset by the sea?

There is nothing magical about this process. It's like looking in a mirror - you need to tell a story about what you see, feel, what you are afraid of, and do it as sincerely as possible. The only thing is that it is difficult for me to work in a noisy place, because it is difficult to hear myself.

I have learned to see two sides to every story. No matter how much and convincingly you are told that only one position is correct

James Blunt

Your album The Afterlove is called a new start, a new beginning. And there is?

I wrote four albums and each of them was important to me, but on the fifth I decided to do something very special, I wanted to show who I really am. As a result, I worked for two years, wrote more than 100 songs, I was helped by incredible songwriters and musicians - Ed Sheeran and OneRepublic. In my personal life at that time, amazing things happened to me: some were amazing, others were terrible and even tragic. In a word, there was a lot of inspiration, but we will not go into these details. I called the album The Afterlove because many of the songs on it reflect exactly that mood of mine.

Afterlove (in Russian, something like “afterlove”) is a non-existent word, you made it up. What does it mean?

Afterlove is a feeling that arises after parting with a beloved woman, the loss of a close friend. What an addict or alcoholic experiences when their addiction passes. What a celebrity feels when her world fame is over. In all these stories, a person remains a handful of ashes in the hands of fate. It was this state that I tried to reflect in music.

Sounds awkward...

Not fun. Each song on the album has its own theme, but in the end they all refer to the record's title.

You once said that you would rather be forgotten after death. Why?

Yes, I really don't care much about staying in history. I don't have such an inflated ego. There are 7.5 billion people on our planet, it's impossible to remember every one of them, and besides, I'm just a singer. A lot of people are doing much more significant things. Doctors, teachers, workers of AIDS rehabilitation centers. Here's who to remember.

James Blunt

So the music isn't that important?

I did not say that. I love music, it's magic, just think: you can pick up just four chords on a guitar or piano, and they will convey emotions better than any words and long conversations. And music really brings people together. I sing songs in different countries, interact with people of different gender, race, sexual orientation, and we stick together.

This is your fifth world tour. Could you imagine such success in 1999 when you fought in Kosovo?

At the time, my dream was to be a musician and someday tour North London. But to the world tour and now the fifth - yes, this is something incredible!

What lesson did you learn in the army and are you following it now?

I have learned to see two sides to every story. No matter how much and convincingly you are told that only one position is correct. It's good to hear people who think differently. Both versions may be correct.

The jokes on your twitter are almost more popular than the songs. I laughed at how bitingly you answered the guy who supposedly “broke up with the girl because she listened to your songs, which means she was deaf.” “Judging by your photo, she is also blind,” you answered him. By the way, he almost immediately deleted his post! Do haters really make you laugh that much?

They certainly don't bother. The people posting these nasty posts are just sitting on the couch at home with little effort in life. In this case, it's just ridiculous to take all this seriously.

I had the honor of being one of Her Majesty the Queen's ceremonial bodyguards in London.

James Blunt and his wife Sophia Wellesley at Royal Ascot at Ascot Racecourse on June 24, 2017 in Ascot, England

You seem to have an easy personality. Tell me: you are friends, for example, with Ed Sheeran, with Elton John. Have you ever fought with them?

You have definitely noticed that I am not at all one of those who like to argue. Understanding, acceptance and, of course, humor are important for a long friendship. I've been fortunate to have some amazing friends in the music business and Ed is certainly one of them. He took me on a US tour for 3.5 months where I could experiment with my songs and choose the best ones before going on my own tour. And Elton John was with me at the start of my musical career. Thanks to him, I played my first concert for 50 people, and the second for 50 thousand. Just think about it! I, in turn, supported John when he went on tour in South America and the UK.

Do you think it is possible to love one person all your life?

Yes, like your child.

Only children?

Look, I write songs about failed romances. I think it says that I'm not very good at being an expert on happy ending love. Here is the same song "You're Beautiful" - it is, in fact, about a guy who is chasing someone else's girl. This probably means that I'm more of a stalker than a romantic.

Sophia Wellesley and James Blunt arrive at the Woodside End of Summer Party in support of the Elton John AIDS Foundation sponsored by Chopard and Gray Goose, Windsor, 4 September 2014

What clothes do you feel most comfortable in?

I have 22 pairs of identical Armani jeans. So if you see me in the same jeans as a few days ago, know that they are actually different and clean. I also have about 25 T-shirts, which are also not too different from each other. I like blue, it suits blue eyes. I also wear Converse sneakers. If we meet somewhere, most likely, I will look like this.

Is there anything in life that you consider your biggest achievement?

It's hard to say so clearly. Last year I played Glastonbury, which is such a British Woodstock, and it was very cool. I can also name a time when I had the honor of being one of Her Majesty the Queen's ceremonial bodyguards in London.

What else do you do besides music?

I like downhill skiing, and I also have a motorcycle - I like to ride it around London or outside the city, sometimes I participate in motocross. By the way, I recently bought a pub in Britain - to be honest, I have no idea how to manage it. For me, this is also an exciting experience. But my world tour right now is the most exciting thing that happens to me. With a difference of a week, South America, Australia, Asia, India and, finally, Russia are waiting for me. I have already been to Moscow. I remember my feeling - you literally explode with emotions, a very beautiful city. I think that in St. Petersburg I will experience the same thing. I promise to play "You're Beautiful" and "Goodbye My Lover" and "1973". It will be a great evening.

@JamesBlunt: Your god can't hear you. He's just listening to the third track.

@SamanthaMika: Is there anyone else here who HATEs James Blunt's voice?
@JamesBlunt: I never liked the sound of my voice either. Until he made me rich.

James Hillier was the first of three children of Air Force Colonel Charles Blount and his wife, Jane Ann, née Amos. According to the chronicles, their family originates from the ancient Danish kings, and the ancestors of the Blounts arrived in England as early as the 10th century.

James was born on February 22, 1974. This happened in a military hospital in the city of Tidworth (Hampshire), but James spent all his childhood moving from city to city, from country to country. His mother began to teach him to play the violin at the age of five, although his father did not approve of this useless, as it seemed to him, occupation. But soon James was sent to study at a boarding school in Berkshire, and football and rugby came to the fore in a number of his hobbies. However, the boy continued to study music, learned to play the piano and even performed in a school musical.

At the age of 14, he learned to play the electric guitar, and began to compose songs, which he now recalls with a great deal of irony. At the end of the prestigious Harrow High School, James had the highest marks in physics, chemistry and economics. In addition, at the age of 16, he learned to fly an airplane and famously drove a motorcycle. Despite the high status of the family, its funds were small, and James's education was paid for by a loan taken from the military department.

At the University of Bristol, he studied aerospace engineering as well as sociology. As Blunt himself admits, fun parties and bars interested him much more than lectures, and he often fell asleep right on the floor of the classroom. Nevertheless, James passed his bachelor's exams with excellent marks, and the topic of his dissertation in sociology was devoted to pop idols and was highly appreciated by the commission.

After graduating from Blount University, according to the terms of the loan, he was required to serve in the army for at least 6 years. He studied at the Royal Military Academy, then served in the Life Guards Reconnaissance Regiment, and received additional training in Canada. In 1999, James Blunt joined the Royal Blues and Royals squadron, which served on the border with Macedonia, counteracting Serbian military formations. On June 12, 1999, the detachment he commanded was at the head of the strike force of NATO forces, and moved towards the airfield in Pristina. However, the combined battalion of the Russian Airborne Forces captured the airport earlier, and Blunt became a direct participant in the conflict between NATO commander Wesley and British General Mike Jackson. Blunt was in no hurry to carry out Wesley's order to storm the airport and waited for it to be canceled by his immediate superiors.

All this time he was engaged in music, writing, in particular, the song "Without Courage". The guitar did not fit in the tank, and James tied it outside, from time to time performing songs for colleagues and local residents to its accompaniment. In 2000, after returning from Kosovo, he was sent to London, to the Royal Guard, where he stood on guard of honor during the funeral of the Queen Mother. In addition, James was engaged in mountain skiing and even became the champion of the Royal Armored Corps.

In 2002, Blunt decided to say goodbye to his military career and pursue music. His songs were already quite famous, moreover, Todd Ingerland, Elton John's manager, contacted him with a request for a meeting. Soon, James signed a contract with aspiring producer Linda Perry, the owner of a recording studio, and adopted the pseudonym "Blunt".

In 2003, having agreed with Tom Rothrock, producer of Elton John, he went to California to record his first album. Some of the songs were written earlier, among them was the famous composition "You are beautiful", which James dedicated to his student love. The singer still hides the name of the girl, but says that she tragically died in a car accident. The aspiring singer composed new compositions already in California. As he himself says, he was inspired by the piano, which the not quite adequate hostess of the rented accommodation placed in the bathroom. It was there that the song "Goodbye My Lover" was composed, for which the famous video was later shot with Mischa Barton and Matt Dallas.

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The debut album was released in England in October 2004, and initially received little attention, in addition to the single "High" that preceded it, it received a low rating. To rectify the situation, Blunt had several concert appearances by other musicians, and his next single, "Wisemen", reached number 44 on the charts. However, the real triumph was the performance of "You" re beautiful ". Starting from 12th place on the charts, this song became the leader in six weeks, raised the rating of the entire album to first place and brought Blunt's team the Ivor Novello Award. "You are beautiful" became a European hit and entered the top three in the US in the summer of 2005, and in 2006 topped the US charts, which only Elton John had previously managed to do with Candle in the Wind.

The singer held 90 concerts, received five British Award nominations and an MTV award, and the total sales of "Back to Bedlam" currently reach 11 million. Good fees allowed James Blunt to purchase property in Ibiza. Correspondents claimed that he led a noisy and chaotic lifestyle, moreover, after leaving the army, he constantly used drugs. However, Blunt's second album, Lost Souls, was released in 2007 and went gold 4 days later. His title song "1973", dedicated to the Ibiza club of the same name, reached number one on the charts. After the re-release of Lost Souls and the creation of the documentary film "Return to Kosovo", Blunt released another album "Some Problems" in 2010, which became the fourth in the rating and sold a million copies, receiving a lot of critical reviews. But the next collection called "Landing on the moon", released in 2013, was again in the lead in the charts. Perhaps this was facilitated by changes in the singer's personal life.

In 2012, at a private party, James met Alexandria Sophia Wellesley, granddaughter of the 8th Duke of Wellington. In September 2014, after official registration in London, a wedding celebration took place in Mallorca, where only relatives and close friends were present. In June 2016, the couple had a son.

James Blunt began work on his fifth album, After Love, in the fall of 2016. So far, the single "Love Me Better" has been released, and the compilation itself has been released on CD and made available on music streaming services. However, despite his creative successes, the singer still lives by the memory of his military past. He is a trustee of the Help the Heroes charitable foundation, which provides assistance to wounded military personnel, and holds charity concerts for Doctors Without Borders.

The British singer, author of the hit You "re Beautiful, James Blunt yesterday performed a solo concert in St. Petersburg, and tomorrow, May 16, he will take the stage of the Moscow Crocus City Hall. About the past in the service of the Queen, his doctoral degree and about how why he won't be able to sing at the wedding of his friend, Prince Harry - in an interview with HELLO!.

James, you are called the most romantic modern singer, but you came to Russia with the new album The Afterlove, which contains more dance hits than romantic ballads. Decided to change the style?

This is not a decision, but a natural course of events. I just released four romantic records and realized that it was time to change: stop being just a guy who sings sad songs with a guitar. I myself have changed - settled down, became a father (in 2014, James married lawyer Sophia Wellesley, and in 2016 the couple had a son - Ed.). And so I spent two years recording a new album with my friends - Ed Sheeran and Ryan Tedder from One Republic. The result is a new sound that I hope my listeners will enjoy. And don't worry, you will also hear old hits at the concert.

James Blunt with wife Sophia Wellesley

Does it bother you that many still associate you with the song You "re Beautiful, which is already 14 years old?

On the one hand, it's funny, because the song is actually about a stalker guy who follows a girl and then commits suicide. It is rather strange to consider her romantic, agree? On the other hand, I know that many listened to her during the turning points in life: the beginning of relationships, weddings. Therefore, I am not offended. I don't mind playing this song again.

You are an avid Twitter user who wittily replies to detractors. Do you like to engage in dialogue with critics?

And how! I served in the army, and, probably, it was the long communication with the military that instilled in me a somewhat cynical view of the world and the ability to respond to any hints. I enjoy the jokes. But at the same time, I try not to focus on the negative. Up to 20 thousand people come to my concerts who have paid for tickets. These people obviously want to listen to my music. So why should I be upset about a few hundred who want to criticize me.

You served six years. Why did you decide to join the army, because in the UK it is not necessary?

Father forced. ( Smiling.) In fact, he just set an example: all the men in our family served in the army. In addition, the military salary paid for my expenses for study, and the training and a certain circle of friends shaped me in many ways. Many of my songs were written during the service. And I left there because from the age of 14 I wanted to study music and at some point I realized that if I didn’t try to fulfill my dream now, I would regret it for the rest of my life. And he quit.

Is it true that you guarded Elizabeth II herself?

Truth. It was included in the contract. I performed these duties for three years, wearing a special uniform, a plume, a hat - everything that you must have seen on the royal guard in London. And the queen... she just stood by.

In 2016, you received an honorary doctorate from the University of Bristol for your achievements in music. Can I call you Dr. Blunt now?

I will be pleased if you do this. ( Laughs.) Actually, I'm a little uncomfortable: a doctoral degree is usually awarded to people who conduct research in the field of science and art, make real discoveries. And here I am, a guy who became famous for a three-minute song about how beautiful one girl is.

You didn't study music at university, did you?

No, at first I studied engineering, and then, when I realized that there were more girls in sociology, I quickly transferred. (Laughs.) As a result, I wrote a diploma on the topic "How pop idols are created." And then he himself connected his life with the stage.

James Blunt is considered a romantic, but in real life he prefers wit to sentiment. So, the release of his disc The Afterlove, James announced with a tweet: “Do you think 2016 was a bad year?

Your biography has many references to the royal family, in the army you were friends with Prince Harry and protected the Queen, your wife is the granddaughter of the 8th Duke of Wellington... Don't you feel a little royal?

Absolutely not. I certainly rose to the rank of officer, and my career could advance further ... But I never liked giving orders. And even at my concert, you will see that, despite the fact that "James Blunt" is written on the tickets, more than a dozen people create my music. It is thanks to them that everything works out for me.

On May 16 you give a concert in Moscow. May I ask if your rider will have special requirements?

We are simple guys. Vodka, beer - this is what we will ask in Russia in the first place.

I can't help but ask: are you friends with Prince Harry, will you sing at his wedding?

Unfortunately, I will be on tour at that moment, so I simply will not have time to physically arrive in London for his wedding to Meghan.

And if you did get the chance, what song would you sing?

Perhaps the song Time Of Our Lives from the last album, many call it a wedding song. But this is just one of the options.

At the age of seven, James was sent to study at a boarding school with an in-depth study of science and mathematics. Passion… Read all

James Blunt (English James Blunt, February 22, 1974, real name James Hillier Blount English James Hillier Blount) is a British musician.

James was born in a military hospital in Hampshire. From an early age, his parents taught him to strict military discipline.

At the age of seven, James was sent to study at a boarding school with an in-depth study of science and mathematics. Passion for music began with the fact that James decided to learn how to play the piano. Then he was taken to the school musical. From that moment on, nothing but music ceased to exist in James' life. He adored Queen and Dire Straits.

At the age of 14, he picked up Nirvana melodies on the guitar, and soon began to write his own songs. Loud music was constantly heard from his room in the school dormitory, which annoyed the teachers, who tried in vain to cram at least some knowledge into the boy's head. True, at the age of 16, James received a license to fly an aircraft.

He did not graduate from the University of Bristol because, at the insistence of his father, he joined the army. He received a military education with the rank of second lieutenant, but quickly rose to the rank of captain. In 1999, a tank battalion under the command of James Blunt, as part of a 30,000-strong peacekeeping corps in Kosovo, was the first to enter Pristina.

James served as an intelligence officer. While patrolling the outskirts of Pristina, he did not part with his guitar even in the tank. For 25-year-old Blunt, his stay in Kosovo, where the effects of a brutal civil war were still being felt and where bloodshed had not stopped for the past ten years, made a huge impression.

In one of his few moments of calm, he wrote the song "No Bravery", the final track from the album "Back to Bedlam".

“I wrote it while I was lying in boots in a sleeping bag near my tank. We had to sleep in our boots,” recalls James Blunt. “The song is pretty fatalistic, as is the whole album.”

In 2002, armed with several demos of questionable quality, James left the army to devote his time to music. He collected his best songs on demos and within a few months was able to conclude an agreement for the management and recording of the album. James was lucky enough to meet Linda Perry (Linda Perry), songwriter and producer of many musicians, including Pink (Pink) and Christina Aguilera (Christina Aguilera).

Soon he signed a contract with her recording studio Custard Records.

Finally, in 2003, James Blunt traveled to California to record his first album. At night, he disappeared into nightclubs, and during the day he devoted all his time to working on a record with Tom Rotrock, Elton John's producer.

By the way, Sir Elton himself once remarked that Blunt's song "You're Beautiful" seems to him a kind of continuation of his own "Your Song". Much of Back to Bedlam, according to Tom Rothrock, is a kind of challenge to the first hits from Elton John's repertoire. He is also confident that James' work is a British response to the work of such musicians as Beck (Beck) and Eliot Smith (Elliot Smith).

James Blunt himself does not like to characterize his work. His favorite line is "I get away with everything in songs".

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