Home Perennial flowers How to draw a bird from the fairy tale old man one year old. Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group Topic: Journey through the fairy tale “The Old Man of the Year. Viewing the contents of the document “Presentation for the lesson of native literature “The Old Man of the Year””

How to draw a bird from the fairy tale old man one year old. Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group Topic: Journey through the fairy tale “The Old Man of the Year. Viewing the contents of the document “Presentation for the lesson of native literature “The Old Man of the Year””

I was asked to make another one similar. In order not to repeat ourselves, let's call him differently, let there be a lesson on how to draw an old man. But, as you know, I always choose famous, interesting personalities for my lessons. And so, therefore, the choice fell on a man who is widely known in narrow circles and deserves, first of all, to be depicted in all history textbooks. I hope you recognize him from the photo, but if not, then read below, I’ll tell you everything in detail: George Carlin is an American comedian of Irish descent, who has been driving into the minds of mere mortals good humor, observation and a lot of hatred for stupid bullshit for half of the last century . Those who have heard his monologues will understand why the title – Old Man – is suitable for him. And besides that, he also:

  • One of the coolest old guys the world has ever known;
  • on the stage;
  • American Zadornov;
  • Evil and good dude in black;

Of course, I won’t quote his jokes. That's not what we're here for. But I advise everyone to watch or re-watch his monologues. In the meantime, your ears are busy, your hands can get creative:

How to draw an Old Man with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch a mannequin.
Step two. Let's draw the old man's beard, paint over the pupils, and add a hand.
Step three. Let's depict clothes and hair.
Step four. We remove the auxiliary lines. Add shading for realism. George's face is serious, so it's worth paying a lot of attention to the wrinkles to convey emotions:
And also try to portray other real men.

Vladimir Dahl's fairy tales are a song of beautiful Russian speech, which "flows and gurgles like a stream." This is our property, on which we need to raise our children. And in the book "Old Year Old" fairy tales alternate with riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters and games - everything you need for interesting family leisure.

The best classic illustrations for Dahl's fairy tales are rightfully considered to be the works of the famous artist Vladimir Konashevich. He created an individual, recognizable style for decorating fairy tales, in which “the brightness of images, ornate patterns and vignettes are combined with the artist’s ironic view, the ability to captivate a child with playful, lively compositions and the poetry of fantasy.” “The artist must be responsible for each of his lines. No matter how easily and freely the drawing is made, everything in it should be in its place and just in moderation: neither subtract nor add!— Konashevich himself wrote. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1959 the book “The Old One Year Old” received a diploma from the All-Union competition as the best publication in artistic design. Many of us remember her from childhood.

And modern publications would bring us back to this childhood, if not...

The usually praised quality of books from the Melik Pashayev publishing house was an unpleasant surprise here - the illustrations in the reissue are pale (faded), unclear, and the outlines are blurry. One would think that today Konashevich would not be published any other way, but no - the publishing house published it. In my favorite series “Artists for Children”, which I have written about several times. The truth here is different - the illustrations are too dark and the contrast looks artificial.

Of course, Dahl with Konashevich’s drawings should be in every family, and in the end I don’t regret the purchase, since the content of the book is excellent - everyone’s favorite fairy tales about the Snow Maiden, the war of mushrooms with berries, the bast-foot fox, the crane and the heron, the picky girl, and wonderful Russian riddles, proverbs, descriptions of ancient children's games. But since Amphora, after the book “Old Year Old Man” with half the content of the re-edition from Melik Pashayev, came out with a second one - “The Crane and the Heron”, which together completely repeat the collection, then you can buy two instead of one. The paper here and there is thick white offset. Covers are hard.

In general, we choose from two evils according to our taste, since Dahl’s fairy tales should be in a child’s library.

Melik Pashayev:

Margarita Tekucheva
Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group Topic: Journey through the fairy tale “The Old Man of the Year”

Summary of the integrated lesson

V preparatory group

Subject: Journey through a fairy tale« Old man - one year old»

Teacher of MBDOU No. 5

Tekucheva M. I.

Subject: Journey through a fairy tale« Old man - one year old»

Program content:

1. Educational:

Use a friend's technique fairy tales to increase interest to perform counting operations.

Strengthen children's understanding of time: its periodicity, the sequence of all days of the week, months, seasons.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the components of the day.

Practice forward and backward counting.

Strengthen your knowledge of geometric shapes.

Strengthen the ability to establish correspondences between the number of objects and a number, name the next and previous number, and neighbors of the number.

Strengthen the ability to solve math problems.

2. Developmental:

Develop oral speech.

Enrich your vocabulary.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper (upper right corner, upper left corner, lower right corner, lower left corner, up, down, left, right).

3. Educational:

Bring up interest in the surrounding world, the desire to know him.

Vocabulary enrichment:

« Old man - one year old» , light - light, part of the day.


Demonstration material - layout "Purple Forest", presentation to occupation.

Handout: game visualizers, game "Miracle Crosses 3", Cuisenaire wands, devices.

Preliminary work:

Reading to children fairy tales« Old man - one year old»

Making birds

Games with game viewer, Cuisenaire sticks, game "Miracle Crosses 3".

Progress of the lesson

IN: Guys today in class let's remember the fairy tale B. Dahl « Old man - one year old» .

Do you want to go to a magical forest? Old man- the yearling invites us to a forest clearing to see how winter rules the forest.

But in order not to get lost, we must be able to navigate the forest well. Now we will practice on our game visor.

IN: In the upper left corner, draw a square, each side has 2 cells.

In the upper right corner, draw a circle in two cells.

In the lower right corner is a rectangle with sides 1 cell and 3.

In the lower left corner there is an oval 1 square in width and 3 in length.

I'm checking:

IN: Roma where did you draw the oval?

IN: Lera where did you draw the rectangle?

IN: Matvey, where did you draw the circle?

IN:Kirill where did you draw the square?

IN: Now we can go to journey. What is possible travel?

IN: We are with you in journey we go by car. We build a car according to the diagram. (a game "Miracle - crosses 3")

IN:The car is ready, but to go to journey you need to draw a road.

(Graphic dictation "Road to the Forest"). (Checking)

IN: We found ourselves in "Purple Forest" visiting « Old man - one year old» .

IN: Waved « Old man - one year old» and three white birds flew out of the sleeve. A cold frost blew in.

IN: What is the name of this time of year? (the child places white birds on a tree in "Purple Forest").

IN:What are the signs of winter?

IN:How do animals winter in the forest?

IN: Waved « Old man - one year old» 3 green birds flew out of the sleeve. What time of year comes after winter? (The child places the green birds on the tree in "Purple Forest".)

IN: Waved « Old man - one year old» for the third time the third trio of red birds flew. It became hot and sultry. What time of year are they talking about?

(The child places the red birds on the tree in "Purple Forest")

IN: Waved « Old man - one year old» the third trio of yellow birds flew for the fourth time. A cold wind blew and frequent rain began to fall. After summer, what time of year comes? (The child places the red birds on the tree in "Purple Forest")

IN: What do these birds mean?

IN: What are the seasons?

IN: How many seasons are there? (Four).

IN: Why do you think there are three birds in each season? (listen to the answers of several children, compare their answers)

IN: That's right, well done. Each season has three months.

IN: Old man– the yearling asks you to count how many birds are on the tree?

IN: How many months are there in a year? (12)

IN: What are the winter months?

IN: What are the spring months?

IN: What are the summer months?

IN: What are the autumn months?

IN: A year consists of months, and what does a month consist of? (from weeks)

IN: Tell me why birds have 4 wings? (4 weeks in a month)

IN: How many feathers does each wing have? (we count)

IN: What do you think the number 7 means? (days of the week)

IN: Take Cuisenaire sticks and lay out a number ladder for the days of the week - from 1 to 7, but so that the day of the week consists of several numbers.

IN: Old man- the yearling asks you to name the days of the week.

IN: What day of the week is it today? (Tuesday)

IN: What day of the week was yesterday?

IN: What day of the week will be tomorrow? (Wednesday)

IN: What kind of Friday will it be?

IN: What numbers does the 5th day of the week consist of?

IN: What day of the week will be between Friday and Sunday?

IN:What numbers does the 6th day of the week consist of?

IN: What is the last day of the week?

IN: Sunday what day of the week?

IN: What numbers does the 7th day of the week consist of?

IN: Well done, you completed the task.

Conclusion: Each feather is a day of the week. (Put the chopsticks back)

IN: Look at the feathers of birds, what is unusual about them?

D: One half of the feather is white, the other is black. The bird flaps once and it becomes light - light; if the bird flaps again - it becomes dark.

IN: (Looking at the feather). Why do you think feathers are colored this way, what does it mean?

IN: That's right, one part of the feather is night, the other is day. What do you and I do in the dark?

IN: During daylight hours?

Physical exercise.

On Monday

On Monday I swam (Pretend swimming)

And on Tuesday I painted. (Pretend to be drawing)

On Wednesday I took a long time to wash my face, (Pretend washing)

And on Thursday I played football, (Running in place.)

On Friday I jumped, ran, (We jump.)

I danced for a very long time. (We're spinning in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (Clap your hands.)

I rested the whole day. (Children squat down with their hands under their cheeks and fall asleep.)

IN: Old man- a year old wants to check whether you can solve problems.

IN: Open Krontik devices mathematics №2 page. 10 №6

IN: Listen to the problems and write down the solution in an e-book.

1 task:

Seven bullfinches were sitting on the branches.

Three bullfinches have still arrived.

Our snowman counted the bullfinches.

How many birds are there?

Answer quickly!

IN: Which mathematical+ or - sign in this problem?

IN: We write down the solution to the problem.

IN: Read the solution to the problem.

task 2:

Six cheerful bear cubs are rushing into the forest to pick raspberries.

But one of them was tired and fell behind his comrades!

Now find the answer, how many bears are there ahead?

IN: Do you think the problem is about addition or subtraction?

IN: Which mathematical+ or - sign in this problem?

IN: We write down the solution to the problem.

IN: Read the solution to the problem.

IN: Well done on this task too old man- one year old, you did it.

IN:Journey ours is coming to an end.

(We get up and go to the stump).

IN: Now quickly come to the stump.

Old man-year-old is glad to see you guys. Thanks to your good knowledge of mathematics, friendship were able to complete all his tasks.

In memory of this meeting Old man- a year old gives you magical snowflakes:

choose a white snowflake if all tasks old man- yearlings were easy for you, blue - if you encountered minor difficulties, yellow if it was difficult for you to complete tasks.

In the title fairy tale, the reader learns about how an old man, a year old, releases strange multi-colored birds from the wide sleeves of his fur coat. I waved my sleeve for the first time - the first three birds with blue feathers flew, and it immediately became windy and frosty. He waved it a second time - a trio of soft pink birds rose into the sky, and the first flowers appeared in the thawed patches. He waved it a third time - three birds in yellow plumage soared into the air, and it became hot and sultry. He waved it a fourth time - a trio of purple birds flew, and there was a whiff of rain and fog.

And then the reader must figure out the meaning of the fairy tale for himself: “What kind of birds flew out of the sleeve of the old one-year-old? What are the four wings of each bird? What are the seven feathers in each wing? What does it mean that every feather has one half white and the other half black?” And it turns out that behind these unusually poetic images of birds released by an old yearling, there is a complete picture of the world, when everything around was perceived as living, related, commensurate with man, and time flowed slowly, in a circle, in the eternal order.

Typically, folklore works of different genres are contained in different sections of the collection. This book is unusual in structure: fairy tales are followed by riddles and proverbs, fables and tongue twisters are followed by folk games, and then fairy tales again. It’s as if the seasons alternate, month after month passes, and day gives way to night - and again we watch the passage of time. There are even cross-cutting images. For example, the riddle “The bird flapped its wing and covered the whole world with one feather” clearly refers the reader to the title fairy tale about the old man-year-old.

Reading folklore texts develops a child’s sense of their native language. It is very useful to listen to how folk speech sounds and notice how it is organized. At first, everything about it seems unusual, but then it fascinates with its special structure and melodiousness:

Like on a bridge, on a bridge
A seven-year-old girl was walking,
Well done for the girl:
- Stop, seven-year-old girl,
I'll tell you three riddles
Please guess them:
What grows without roots?
And what blooms without scarlet flowers?
And what makes noise without a violent wind?
- A stone grows without roots.
Pine blossoms without scarlet blossom.
The water makes noise without the violent wind.

And what rare, unusually beautiful words there are, which, unfortunately, have already fallen out of use. For example, in the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden Girl,” childless, lonely old men, who unexpectedly had a daughter in the spring, “white as a snowball and round as a lump,” sang the following lullaby to her:

Sleep, our Snow Maiden,
Sweet patty,
Rolled from spring snow,
Warmed by the spring sun!
We'll give you something to drink,
We will feed you
Dress up in a colorful dress,
Teach wisdom!

It is curious that the wonderful word “kokurochka”, which means a sweet flatbread or bun, originally with an egg, is an expression of the most tender parental feelings.

The collection “The Old Man of the Year” was first published in 1959, designed by Vladimir Konashevich. The book turned out to be original, elegant and very elegant. Konashevich said that his “Russian style” has its own “origins” and therefore has a pronounced individuality: “Usually artists (like, for example, I. Bilibin) come from Russian early printed books, gospels and books of hours. Yu. Vasnetsov’s “Russian style” is folk, rustic, coming from paintings of arcs and the bottom of spinning wheels, but more from the artist’s own insides. And for me - from the painting of dishes and trays, from the embroidery of beaded wallets and shawls. Consequently, although completely Russian, he is not entirely rustic” (“About myself and my business”; website “Pictures and Conversations”).

And indeed, pages with riddles, proverbs, sayings and tongue twisters resemble embroidery or lace. The text here falls directly on intricate floral patterns, while the flowers are different every time, but the color scheme is the same: the most delicate pink, blue and yellow. The endpapers of the book appear to be decorated with decorative Easter eggs, and the inside cover looks like a painted wooden tray.

There were times when Konashevich was called a formalist and was reproached for not taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of drawings by preschoolers. The artist does not flirt with the reader. People and animals in Konashevich's illustrations are depicted realistically, without any conventions. The emotional closeness of the characters is noteworthy: they behave strictly, a little detached, with dignity, everyone is busy with their own business and seems to be immersed in themselves. And this is very suitable for visual accompaniment of folklore texts.

The book “The Old Man of the Year” is intended not only for reading and looking at, but also for playing with children. Among works of folklore of different genres, the collection contains descriptions of folk games. For example, in the game “Kuzovok”, children must take turns naming words that end in “ok”: “I will put a boot, sugar, twig, petal, etc. in the box.” Anyone who gets confused or hesitates must put a deposit in the box - some personal item. At the end of the game, the children assign a ransom to each pledge, i.e. come up with a task for the owner of the item. For example, “in four corners there is something to do: stand in one, dance in another, cry in the third, laugh in the fourth.” Many yard and home children's games are almost forgotten, so these texts, rare for a folklore collection, are of particular value.

You close this book with a trembling feeling that you have joined the real treasures of folk culture. Once again you admire the beautiful cover, where blue “winter”, pink “spring” and yellow “summer” birds hover over an old yearling. And on the back of the cover a purple “autumn” bird flies, bowing its head down and as if saying goodbye to the reader.

Ksenia Zernina

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