Home Perennial flowers How to open a crepe shop? How to open a crepe shop from scratch in a small town

How to open a crepe shop? How to open a crepe shop from scratch in a small town

A truly beloved national dish of Russian cuisine is aromatic pancakes. The taste of the pancakes is reminiscent of childhood, with its carelessness. Surely everyone has tried pancakes, many cook them according to a family recipe and use them with their favorite fillings. The variety of recipes and fillings is impressive. Sweet pancakes with strawberry jam, cottage cheese, honey, hearty with meat, original with caviar. Each person can choose the filling for pancakes to their liking and enjoy this amazing dish.

We draw up a business plan for a pancake

Is it profitable to open a crepe shop?

It is worth talking about the profitability of the project only after studying in detail the competition in the region, the demand for a service or product, and the complexity of implementing a business idea. As for the pancake house, such establishments are quite popular, low cost and high taste, attract customers. The fragrant smell of pancakes beckons and involuntarily makes you visit the establishment in order to enjoy delicious hot pancakes with your favorite filling.

Competition. In the field of catering, the competition is quite serious, since these establishments are in great demand and bring their owners a stable income. But nevertheless, it is still worth trying. Despite the competition, there are not so many decent establishments with good cuisine in the city, so there is always a chance to earn the trust of visitors.

How much does it cost to open a crepe shop?

Many people ask themselves the question of how much it costs and what it takes to open a pancake shop. It is impossible to name the exact cost of opening a pancake shop. It all depends on the region, the prices of equipment, the cost of renting premises and many other important factors that significantly affect the cost of opening a restaurant in the field of catering.

How to open a crepe shop from scratch?

Any of us understands perfectly well that opening an establishment requires a certain amount of money, which will be spent on renting premises, purchasing equipment, and an advertising campaign. In addition, you need to put a lot of physical effort in order to succeed in business.

If you do not have the money to start a business, then you should contact investors. Investors are people who invest their money in the promotion of profitable projects. If you are lucky enough to find such a person, then you can count on opening a crepe shop from scratch. To attract the attention of an investor, you need to draw up a competent business plan that can interest a person to invest a certain amount of money in your project.

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Pancake format and location

First of all, you need to decide on the format of the establishment. There are two options: opening a stationary crepe or a mobile one.

How to open a pancake on wheels?

A mobile tent is a cost-effective business option that is more suitable for beginners. In this case, you can move from place to place, thereby choosing the most suitable location for your tent. You need to open a pancake kiosk in a crowded part of the city with high traffic. It is also desirable that there are no competitors nearby.

Opening of a stationary pancake cafe. In this case, you will need to initially correctly choose the location for your future establishment, because your profit will depend on this. To open a pancake cafe, of course, you need to have a large amount of money. Rent of premises, purchase of equipment, service personnel - all this requires material resources.

Premises for rent. The rental price will depend on the area of ​​the city, in the center, of course, it will be much more expensive to open a cafe than in a residential area of ​​the city. Therefore, in this case, focus on your financial capabilities.

Business registration

In order to start an activity, it is necessary to register with the local government and the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company.

The next step is to obtain permission from the local administration to install or open a retail outlet. Also, you can not do without a check and conclusion from the sanitary and fire service.

If you are poorly versed in legal intricacies, then it is most profitable to entrust this issue to an experienced, qualified lawyer who will draw up the entire package of documents in a short time.

Pancake equipment

The purchase of equipment is the most expensive part, but it is not worth saving at this stage. The taste and general appearance of the dishes will depend on the quality of the equipment.

List of required equipment for a pancake house:

  1. Refrigerator for storing food;
  2. Several pancakes for baking pancakes;
  3. Mixer for dough;
  4. A counter for storing ready meals;
  5. Kitchen utensils (knife, shovels, kitchen board, etc.);
  6. Cafe furniture (tables, chairs);
  7. Dishes (plates, cups, cutlery).

Hired staff to work in a pancake cafe

If you plan to open a stationary pancake, then you need to hire the required number of employees to serve visitors. First of all, you will need a professional chef. You will also need cook assistants, waiters, bartender, cleaning lady.

The success of your business will directly depend on the well-coordinated work of employees. Therefore, take a very responsible approach to the selection of personnel. For the position of a cook, invite a person with work experience and good reviews. Waiters must be attentive, competent, responsible, always take into account the wishes of customers.

Attracting customers to the pancake shop

A well-developed advertising concept for attracting customers will allow you to get the desired result in a short time. It is logical that in order for people to find out about the newly opened institution, they need to be informed. How to do it? With the help of advertisements to be placed around the city. A very effective way is to distribute leaflets with the address of the opened establishment.

Promotions and discounts. Various promotional offers always attract people's attention. At the initial stage and in the future, carry out such activities. This will allow you to get additional clients, and, accordingly, more profits.

Foreign hamburgers and sandwiches have become very popular amid the accelerating pace of life. However, they have a bad effect on the stomach, so a person begins to look for not only hearty, but also healthy food. Traditional Russian pancakes are a great alternative to hamburgers. In this article, we will consider a pancake shop business plan with calculations and how to open an institution from scratch.

National cuisine symbol

Pancakes, as a symbol of national cuisine, do not need to be introduced even to foreigners, especially to our compatriots. Only the classic Russian cuisine has more than 150 types of this wonderful dish.

Popular types of pancakes are with cheese, chicken and mushrooms. Sweet fillings - cottage cheese, apples with cinnamon, honey, condensed milk, chocolate.

The cost of 1 pancake without sauce and filling, made from quality natural products, does not exceed 1-2 rubles. The cost of a pancake is from 10-12 rubles, plus an additional bonus from the sale of fillings, drinks and gravies.

Before opening a crepe shop, study cookbooks, ask professional chefs who love to cook delicious friends. Collect a collection of the best pancake and toppings recipes.

Let's consider how to open a pancake house yourself.

Pancake format and location

Successful, according to experts, both formats of pancakes - mobile and stationary. Location requirements are approximately the same for both formats: streets and other places with an intense crowd of people:

  • institutes, universities, other large educational institutions;
  • busy underground passages, metro station exits;
  • areas of transport stops;
  • railway stations, bus stations;
  • markets, shopping centers, roads leading to them;
  • large office centers;
  • recreation areas, tourist attractions, parks.

The advantage of a mobile pancake is mobility. In summer, you can settle closer to the park or recreation center, in winter - on the avenue, a busy square. Another plus of the mobile pancake is the relatively low starting investment. The downside is the limited area of ​​the mobile kiosk, which narrows the range of pancakes. It will not be possible to equip full-fledged places for clients, you have to be content with a tent with plastic furniture.

The higher level is the stationary pancake. It requires more financial investments and more time, but it allows you to expand and supplement the menu with various dishes of Russian cuisine - hot cabbage soup, soups, desserts and salads. It is good to make an interior in a national style in a stationary pancake shop, to create a cozy atmosphere that attracts additional visitors. The pancake room needs good ventilation, sanitary facilities, and water supply.

For 1 seat you need 2 m² of area, for the kitchen - 10-15 m², for sanitary and utility rooms - 10 m². Choose options from 60 m². Large sleeping areas are also suitable for a stationary pancake. In the business plan, describe in detail the format of the establishment, the requirements for the premises and equipment.

Business registration

The first step is to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. With a small business, it is more convenient to be an individual entrepreneur. The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur is less (about 800 rubles). You will keep simplified reporting, pay monthly fixed insurance premiums - 1,727.30 rubles, transfer 1,444.04 rubles to the pension fund.

Then get permission from the administration to open or install a retail outlet, but first coordinate this with the fire and sanitary-epidemiological services. To solve the problems of the initial stage, contact law firms that are professionally involved in collecting permits, while you yourself focus on recruiting and purchasing equipment.


For a small mobile station, two employees are sufficient in shifts. For a stationary pancake you need:

  • cooks - 1-2;
  • kitchen workers - 3-4;
  • waiters - 3-4;
  • administrators - 2.


If you are not buying a ready-made business, but opening a crepe shop from scratch, consider all offers in your region of suitable equipment. There are often profitable sales of used machines in excellent condition.

Select the dimensions and quantity of equipment taking into account the area of ​​the room. List of required equipment:

  • Pancake makers. Buy reliable professional devices, do not skimp on them. One- and two-post models of pancakes made in Italy, Taiwan, China, Ukraine with a capacity of up to 40 pancakes per hour are on sale. Coating - cast iron or Teflon. Some models can heat the finished product. The cost of crepe makers is 10,000-12,000 rubles.
  • Professional dough mixer. Buy reliable German-made mixers with power from 3.5 kW, with switching modes. The cost is 3000-4200 rubles.
  • Refrigerator or refrigerated counter. Store raw foods strictly separate from cooked foods.
  • A counter for storing ready meals.
  • Vegetable cutter, blender, knives, shovels, cutting boards.
  • Coffee machine. Purchase a productive device to get more significant additional income.

In a stationary pancake, an electric meat grinder, a stove and other devices for making the filling will be added to the list of equipment.

The accelerating pace of our lives dictates not only lifestyle changes, but also dietary changes. So, snacks on the run, the so-called hamburgers and sandwiches, consisting almost half of chemical additives, have long been a part of our daily life. But every year there is a growing number of people who care about their health and increasingly think about what they eat. And the popularity of familiar and natural food is growing. Pancakes with various fillings may well become such a natural and familiar snack. It is quite convenient to eat them both on the run, neatly packed, and sitting in a cozy restaurant. Many who want to open their own small business often think about how to open a crepe shop from scratch.

Business plan

To draw up a pancake business plan, you need to decide which pancake you will have - stationary or mobile. We will consider a business plan for a small stationary pancake.

To understand how profitable the opening of a pancake can be, it is necessary, first of all, to understand the size of the upcoming expenses. So, the upcoming expenses:

  • furniture and equipment from 260 thousand rubles;
  • products for cooking from 40 thousand rubles per month;
  • rent from 80 thousand rubles per month;
  • staff salaries from 120 thousand rubles per month;
  • utilities from 25 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising from 15 thousand rubles per month;
  • paperwork from 20 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses from 15 thousand rubles per month.

In total, in the first six months, the costs will be 1,990 thousand rubles, plus taxes must be paid depending on the form of taxation.

According to experts and owners of such a business, the recoupment of such projects occurs in about a year and a half, but this condition is met with a competent choice of location and a successful business strategy.

Room selection

The good thing about the pancake business is that you can open both a small stationary cafe and a mobile outlet. The requirements for the premises, both stationary and mobile, are practically the same: the point should be located in places of good traffic of people and comply with fire and sanitary safety standards.

A good place can be:

  • bus and train stations;
  • district of universities;
  • office and shopping centers;
  • parks;
  • markets.

A mobile pancake has a huge advantage over a stationary point - it can be moved to the area of ​​folk festivities timed to some kind of holiday or, depending on the season and day of the week, it can be moved to places with the greatest congestion of people.

And the requirements for the initial capital at the mobile unit are more loyal. The only drawback will be the inability to present a wide range of ready-made meals.

Read also: How to open your own bar from scratch: a business plan

At the same time, a stationary pancake can provide a wide range of not only filled pancakes, but also various dishes of national cuisine. Of course, such a cafe will require large investments, but also decorated, for example, in the style of a village hut, will attract more visitors and the average check in it will be higher.

If you prefer a stationary format, then the area of ​​the room should correspond to the number of seats for visitors. Each visitor should have about 2 square meters. Additionally, you need about 15 square meters for the kitchen and at least 8-10 square meters for the utility room. Accordingly, the room for a stationary pancake will be from 70 square meters.

Naturally, the pancake room must have all the necessary communications - water, sewerage and electricity.


How to start opening a pancake shop? Of course, with the registration of all the necessary documents!

First, you need to draw up documents of title. To do this, you can register a limited liability company (LLC) or individual entrepreneurship (IP). If you plan to make a small cafe or a mobile outlet, then it is easier to issue an individual entrepreneur. When registering, you should select and indicate the code of the All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities (OKVED). For pancake code OKVED 56 - activities for the provision of food and drinks.

Then you need to decide on the taxation system and obtain permits from the local government. After that, having brought the rented premises in line with the requirements of sanitary-epidemiological and fire supervision, obtain permission from these organizations to open.

Pancake equipment

Of course, both a stationary and a mobile pancake shop requires equipment for preparing pancakes and other dishes. Here is a sample list of the required equipment:

  • pancakes;
  • dough mixer;
  • fridge;
  • a counter for storing and selling finished products;
  • kitchen utensils (bowls, shovels, etc.);
  • furniture;
  • dishes.

Let's take a closer look at each type of equipment. Pancake makers are professional and household, one- and two-station, cast iron and aluminum, with and without teflon coating. Mixers for kneading dough may differ in the presence of attachments, power. A refrigerator and a refrigerated counter are necessary in order to comply with the requirement for separate storage of different types of raw materials, as well as to separate finished products from raw materials for cooking.

It is highly undesirable to save on the quality of equipment, since low-quality equipment will constantly fail and interfere with the good work of the cafe.

If you are on a tight budget and you cannot afford new high quality equipment, you can buy used equipment in good condition. Often, such equipment is sold by large chains of restaurants and cafes, in connection with equipment upgrades. Pancake furniture should match the style of the establishment, if it is a stylized stationary cafe or high-quality plastic furniture for a movable outlet. Disposable tableware in the case of a mobile unit and reusable if the cafe is stationary.

Always remains one of the most effective areas for business. This is especially true for fast food establishments, or fast foods. The pancake house is just such an establishment. In our country, the demand for such products will always be at the level, since pancakes seem much more “familiar” than Western hamburgers or French fries. How to open a similar establishment and succeed? A detailed pancake business plan will help.


As the format of the establishment, we will choose the one that is more suitable for novice entrepreneurs who do not have significant capital - a pancake kiosk. A pancake stand business plan does not imply significant costs, therefore, such entrepreneurial activity is characterized by a low threshold for entering the market.

The pancake house can be presented in another form - a full-fledged cafe with tables, waiters, where, in addition to pancakes, other desserts are served. But this format is closer to experienced entrepreneurs familiar with the restaurant business.


Like any other type of business, a pancake kiosk business plan begins with the preparation of the necessary documentation. Such an enterprise allows registration of both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. IP allows you to choose a simpler form of tax reporting, and this, ultimately, will save on costs. The simplified tax system can be selected as the taxation system.

In addition to registering a business, opening a pancake shop will require permits from the fire safety service and sanitary control authorities. To save his own time and nerves, an entrepreneur can turn to specialists who, as soon as possible, will independently resolve all issues. If you approach this point without due responsibility, there is a risk of errors, which will then result in serious penalties from the inspection authorities.

Room selection

Renting premises is a necessary item, which should include a business plan for the cafe. A pancake house on wheels, unlike a cafe, does not require stationary premises, therefore, you do not have to spend monthly on rent. But the entrepreneur will have to independently manufacture or order a mobile structure.

It is better to place a mobile kiosk in a walkable place near universities, schools, bus stops, and a railway station. Before installing the premises, you should obtain permission from the administration, as well as from the department of architecture and the department of urban planning.


The internal equipment of the kiosk is controlled by the services of the SES and the State Fire Supervision Service. In addition, the business plan for a pancake on wheels should be designed for the purchase of high-quality equipment, since the appearance and taste of the dishes themselves may depend on this in the future.

For the internal equipment of the kiosk, you will need standard kitchen equipment:

  • fridge;
  • washing;
  • blender / combine and mixer;
  • pancakes;
  • dishes;
  • kettle and / or coffee machine;
  • kitchenware;
  • small consumables - price tags, packaging.

Display racks and a dispensing window are usually provided with the kiosk itself if it is custom made from a specialized firm. This also applies to the necessary ventilation equipment.

If an entrepreneur plans to organize a small dining area in front of the kiosk, then in addition he will need:

  • a pair of plastic tables with chairs and umbrellas;
  • refrigerator with drinks;
  • trash can.

Products and services

Before including food costs in a pancake business plan, a business owner should consider the menu of his establishment. The standard assortment of pancakes includes ordinary pancakes, but creative pancakes with all kinds of fillings are in great demand. The menu should include:

  • Nourishing pancakes with meat or fish fillings in combination with additional products - cheese, vegetables, herbs, sauces.
  • Sweet pancakes - with jam, cottage cheese, condensed milk, fruits.
  • Tea, coffee, soft drinks.

In addition, you can think of seasonal products - kvass and ice cream in summer, hot chocolate - in winter.


To open a pancake shop, you will need 2 employees working in shifts. Cooking pancakes on pancake machines can also be done by a person without experience as a cook, so the main condition is the presence of a sanitary book, the absence of skin diseases and other visible external defects. Neat and pleasant appearance is a must.

In addition, employees must be responsible and honest, because they will have to work with cash and independently maintain elementary daily income records.

The responsibilities of the staff include preparing pancakes, drinks, taking care of kitchen utensils and appliances, accepting cash. They also need to keep track of the quantity of dough products and fillings for timely restocking. If there is an area with tables in front of the kiosk, cleaning will be the responsibility of the staff. The pancake business plan includes staff salary costs.


Advertising costs are a must-have item to include in any business plan. A pancake shop is an example of an entrepreneurial activity that does not require low promotion costs when located in the right place. The main marketing cost is the design of the van in accordance with the chosen style. It is good if a corporate logo is created, which will be present both on the sign and on the clothing of the staff.

In the future, you can use free ones aimed at warming up the interest of regular and new customers. All kinds of promotions, sweepstakes and discounts work great, and customers are notified about this through social networks. Therefore, an entrepreneur should definitely take care of having his own pages on the popular Instagram and VKontakte.

Keep in mind that the food business is well supported by moves such as “meal of the day,” “combo,” and other modern marketing techniques.

Payback calculation

In order for a novice entrepreneur to evaluate his own strength and capital, we present a pancake business plan with calculations. So, opening a kiosk on wheels includes the following capital costs:

  • Business registration - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Manufacturing of a van - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment - 100 thousand rubles.

The entrepreneur will face monthly costs:

  • Salary for employees - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of products and consumables - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Payment for accounting services and utility bills - 10 thousand rubles.

To calculate the profitability, let's take the average cost of a pancake equal to 100 rubles. With the sale of at least 70 pieces per day, the proceeds from the main products will be at least 210 thousand rubles per month. This does not include the sale of drinks and additional products.

Based on this amount, taking into account expenses, the monthly net profit will be no more than 40 thousand rubles. Under such conditions, the business promises to pay off within a year. Taking into account external factors and other circumstances, the average payback is about one and a half years - if we take into account specific examples.

Experts note that the modern hobby for franchise business provides aspiring entrepreneurs who plan to start their own business with rather tough competition. The large number of fast food chains throughout the city can make it so difficult to enter the fast food business that some choose to become part of one of these networks.

If the future business owner is willing to put up with the shortcomings of the franchise and the need for monthly payment, he can join one of them. The advantages include the original and fresh ideas of most franchises. In addition, by paying a fee of several hundred thousand rubles (on average, about 500,000 rubles), the entrepreneur will receive a ready-made turnkey business.


The pancake business plan given in this article is just an example. The final calculations depend on the specific region, the local level of the catering market capacity, the cost of food and other conditions.

A pancake shop as a business is a rather difficult type of entrepreneurial activity due to the high level of competition. The pancake owner is required both creativity and flexibility. You should be able to be sensitive to changes in demand, the appearance of new competitors nearby and other conditions that may interfere with or contribute to the profitability of the pancake.

roll up

Russian national cuisine is simply overflowing with a wide variety of cooking recipes. They are to the liking of the Slavs themselves, all guests of the post-Soviet states.

One of the most favorite dishes of Russian cuisine is pancakes, there are a huge number of recipes for them. This can make a good business with a stable income, so many novice businessmen are interested in the question: how to open a pancake shop from scratch?

Pancakes are considered a versatile dish, served both for breakfast and dinner. It all depends on the fiction of the hostess of the house.

Often people, for a number of reasons, do not have the opportunity to eat at home, so they use the services of restaurants, cafeterias, and various snack bars. Pancake establishments are also always filled with visitors who want to taste a unique dish with a wide variety of fillings.

Entrepreneurs who once dared to invest their own money in a pancake shop have long been satisfied with this choice. Opening this institution is a pretty good option for people who have little capital to start their own business.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a pancake cafe

How to open a crepe shop?

Collecting documents

Any business begins with the preparation of the necessary documents, its registration, drawing up a business plan. To register a pancake shop, you can take the legal form of both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC.

If the issue with the premises of the cafe has already been resolved, then you can collect documents for obtaining a permit to carry out trading activities for the SES, fire inspection.

If you have money, but there is no desire and time to engage in paperwork, you can turn to a specialized agency for help, whose employees will collect the necessary package of documents in the shortest possible time.

Room selection

Where to begin?

  • The selection of premises for a pancake cafe is a rather serious event, which must be treated with utmost responsibility. The profitability of the business will depend on its location.
  • The most favorable places for organizing pancake establishments are city parks, railways, bus stations, streets with high traffic, etc.
  • You can open a mobile pancake. To do this, you need a car with a trailer equipped with all the required equipment.
  • Businessmen with a sufficiently large investment fund may well consider creating their own stationary cafe, which will have a hall with tables for eating, a fairly wide range of offered dishes.
  • The area of ​​the pancake room with the ability to simultaneously serve 15 clients should be at least 40 squares.
  • If the opportunity presents itself, it would be very original to build a small gazebo near the reservoir.


For the kitchen to work, you will need to purchase special equipment. Depending on the assortment of dishes that will subsequently be sold in a pancake establishment, you may need the following equipment:

  • Pancake makers are the main piece of equipment for a cafe of this type, on which it is not recommended to save money. The quality of the equipment will determine the product itself, respectively, the sales volume, the profitability of the cafeteria. It is best to buy inventory from foreign manufacturers.
  • You will need a professional mixer to make pancake dough. In this case, quality is also important! Preference for foreign manufacturers!
  • Coffee machines.
  • Blender.
  • Refrigerators.
  • To store ready meals, you need to purchase a special counter.
  • Kitchen furniture: tables, sinks, shelves must be made of stainless steel.
  • Kitchen utensils - cutting boards, knives, etc.
  • Furniture in the client room.

Most pancake cafeterias with a lot of people will automate the making of pancakes. For this, special machines are used, with the help of which about 350 pancakes can be produced in one hour.

Many people today are interested in the question: How to open a pancake shop from scratch and how much will it cost? If you do not take into account the costs of rent, purchase of premises, the cost of which differs significantly in different regions, cities, preparation of the necessary documentation, then to organize this type of business, you need to have about 1.5 million rubles. This amount will be enough to purchase all the necessary equipment and furniture for the pancake cafeteria. If you initially buy used equipment, then the costs will be significantly reduced.

Pancake assortment

Of course, at first, due to the lack of sufficient funds, you can use various free advertising platforms, which sometimes also work very effectively!

If the location of the establishment is chosen successfully, then the matter will depend on the quality of the pancakes prepared, as well as the dishes offered by the owner of the cafe in parallel. In this case, great attention should be paid to the preparation of the pancake dough and filling.

A wide variety of fillings can be added to traditional pancakes, of which today there are more than thirty types. Therefore, in your own cafeteria, you need to use them as much as possible, since each person has his own tastes and preferences in food. If the pancake shop has a sufficient area, then it is worth additionally offering customers cold snacks, etc.


Every woman can learn how to make pancakes, you just need to learn how to use a pancake maker.

To make pancakes, coffee in a small stall, a couple of workers will be enough. If you plan to offer additional dishes in parallel with pancakes, then it is recommended to hire a cook with a professional education. For the efficient operation of a pancake cafe 3-4 employees will be enough.

Capital investment

Average cafe staff, staff salaries:

  • Cook - 22 thousand rubles
  • Chef assistant - 17 thousand rubles
  • Waiter - 15 thousand rubles
  • Dishwasher - 10 thousand rubles
  • Cleaning lady - 10 thousand rubles

Monthly expenses for staff work - 72 thousand rubles.


  • Capital investments - about 3.5 million rubles.
  • Monthly revenue - about 1.5 million rubles.
  • Net profit - about 175 thousand rubles.
  • The payback period is about 2 years.

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